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Fluorescent proteins (FPs) are widely used in biochemistry, biology and biophysics. For quantitative analysis of gene expression FPs are often used as marking molecules. Therefore, sufficient knowledge of maturation times and their affecting factors is of high interest. Here, we investigate the maturation process of the FPs GFP and mCherry expressed by the three closely related Escherichia coli strains of the Colicin E2 system, a model system for colicinogenic interaction. One strain, the C strain produces Colicin, a toxin to which the S strain is sensitive, and against which the R strain is resistant. Under the growth conditions used in this study, the S and R strain have similar growth rates, as opposed to the C strain whose growth rate is significantly reduced due to the toxin production. In combination with theoretical modelling we studied the maturation kinetics of the two FPs in these strains and could confirm an exponential and sigmoidal maturation kinetic for GFP and mCherry, respectively. Our subsequent quantitative experimental analysis revealed a high variance in maturation times independent of the strain studied. In addition, we determined strain dependent maturation times and maturation behaviour. Firstly, FPs expressed by the S and R strain mature on similar average time-scales as opposed to FPs expressed by the C strain. Secondly, dependencies of maturation time with growth conditions are most pronounced in the GFP expressing C strain: Doubling the growth rate of this C strain results in an increased maturation time by a factor of 1.4. As maturation times can vary even between closely related strains, our data emphasize the importance of profound knowledge of individual strains'' maturation times for accurate interpretation of gene expression data.  相似文献   

Activity rhythms in 24 h light-dark cycles, constant darkness, and constant light conditions were analyzed in four different Nasonia species for each sex separately. Besides similarities, clear differences are evident among and within Nasonia species as well as between sexes. In all species, activity in a light-dark cycle is concentrated in the photophase, typical for diurnal organisms. Contrary to most diurnal insect species so far studied, Nasonia follows Aschoff''s rule by displaying long (>24 h) internal rhythms in constant darkness but short (<24 h) in constant light. In constant light, N. vitripennis males display robust circadian activity rhythms, whereas females are usually arrhythmic. In contrast to other Nasonia species, N. longicornis males display anticipatory activity, i.e. activity shortly before light-on in a light-dark cycle. As expected, N. oneida shows activity patterns similar to those of N. giraulti but with important differences in key circadian parameters. Differences in circadian activity patterns and parameters between species may reflect synchronization of specific life-history traits to environmental conditions. Scheduling mating or dispersion to a specific time of the day could be a strategy to avoid interspecific hybridization in Nasonia species that live in sympatry.  相似文献   

Headspace solid‐phase microextraction (HS‐SPME) coupled to GC/MS analysis was used to identify the constituents of pine‐needle volatiles differentiating three closely‐related pine species within the Pinus mugo complex, i.e., P. uncinata Ramond ex DC., P. uliginosa G.E.Neumann ex Wimm ., and P. mugo Turra . Moreover, chemosystematic markers were proposed for the three analyzed pine species. The major constituents of the pine‐needle volatiles were α‐pinene (28.4%) and bornyl acetate (10.8%) for P. uncinata, δ‐car‐3‐ene (21.5%) and α‐pinene (16.1%) for P. uliginosa, and α‐pinene (20%) and δ‐car‐3‐ene (18.1%) for P. mugo. This study is the first report on the application of the composition of pine‐needle volatiles for the reliable identification of closely‐related pine species within the Pinus mugo complex.  相似文献   

云南松及其近缘种的遗传变异与亲缘关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

云南松及其近缘种的遗传变异与亲缘关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The authors investigated the genetic diversity of 29 natural populations representing Pinus yunnanensis Franch. and its two close relatives, P. densata Mast. and P. kesiya Royle ex Gordn. var. langbianensis (A Chey.) Gaussen. Horizontal starch gel electrophoresis was performed for macrogametophytes collected from populations in Yunnan, Sichuan and Guangxi. Allozyme data for 33 loci of 14 enzymes demonstrated high levels of genetic variation at both population and species levels in comparison with other conifers, with the mean values for populations being P=0.694, A=2.0 and He=0.145 for P. yunnanensis; P=0.714, A=2.0 and He=0.174 for P. densata; and P=0.758, A=2.1 and He=0.184 for P. kesiya var. langbianensis. Based on Wright's F-statistics, the fixation index of P. yunnanensis, P. densata and P. kesiya var.langbianensis were 0.101, 0.054 and 0.143, respectively, indicating that the populations were largely under random mating. Based on Nei's genetic distance, the genetic differentiation was not obvious among the three species (i.e. the genetic distance was less than 0.075). Because of the wider distribution of P. yunnanensis with greater variety of habitats, it was shown that the genetic differentiation among the P. yunnanensis populations was larger than that of the populations of the other two species. According to morphological, geographic and allozymic evidences, the authors suggested that the three species be better treated as varieties under a single species. In addition, the extensive gene flow among the three pine species resulted in great genetic diversity and evolutionary potential. Also, high level of genetic variation of P. yunnanensis provides important basis for its genetic improvement and breeding in future.  相似文献   

Rapidly evolving non-coding plastid regions (NCPs) are currently widely used in evolutionary biology especially in plant systematic studies where NCPs have become one of the most commonly used tools in clarifying species relationships. Currently, the generally small amount of sequence variation provided by NCPs compared to nuclear regions makes plastid phylogeny reconstruction challenging at the species-level, especially so in species rich clades such as Solanum with c. 1,200 species. Previous studies have established that the set of most highly variable NCPs vary between major plant families, and here we explore whether this variation extends beyond family level to genera and major clades within genera. Using full plastome data, we identify the most highly variable plastid markers in the Potato clade of Solanum. We then compare sequence variation between the Potato and the closely related Morelloid clade. Results show that whilst a narrow set of NCPs show consistently high variation, levels of sequence variation in most NCPs differ greatly between the two closely related clades. The high variation detected between closely related groups implies that repeated screening studies will be needed for individual projects despite the potential availability of results from closely related taxa, and indicates a narrower applicability of family-specific screening studies than previously thought.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding coupled high resolution melting (Bar-HRM) is an emerging method for species discrimination based on DNA dissociation kinetics. The aim of this work was to evaluate the suitability of different primer sets, derived from selected DNA regions, for Bar-HRM analysis of species in Croton (Euphorbiaceae), one of the largest genera of plants with over 1,200 species. Seven primer pairs were evaluated (matK, rbcL1, rbcL2, rbcL3, rpoC, trnL and ITS1) from four plastid regions, matK, rbcL, rpoC, and trnL, and the nuclear ribosomal marker ITS1. The primer pair derived from the ITS1 region was the single most effective region for the identification of the tested species, whereas the rbcL1 primer pair gave the lowest resolution. It was observed that the ITS1 barcode was the most useful DNA barcoding region overall for species discrimination out of all of the regions and primers assessed. Our Bar-HRM results here also provide further support for the hypothesis that both sequence and base composition affect DNA duplex stability.  相似文献   

Recently, other researchers have found that closely related primate species had a lower male-to-female mutation rate ratio (α) than distantly related species. To determine if this is a general phenomenon affecting other mammalian orders, eleven species or subspecies of the rodent genus Mus and two outgroup species were compared. Intron sequences from a gene in the nonrecombining region of the Y chromosome Jarid1d (Smcy) and its X chromosomal gametolog, Jarid1c (Smcx), were analyzed in a phylogenetic context. The male-to-female mutation rate ratio for all thirteen taxa is approximately 2.5, which is similar to previous estimates in more distantly related rodents. However, when branches with lengths of more than 2.5% were removed from the analysis, the male-to-female mutation rate ratio dropped to 0.9. Thus, in closely related rodents, as in closely related primates, the male-to-female mutation rate ratio is lower than expected. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Deborah Charlesworth] An erratum to this article is available at.  相似文献   



Many studies compare the population dynamics of single species within multiple habitat types, while much less is known about the differences in population dynamics in closely related species in the same habitat. Additionally, comparisons of the effect of habitat types and species are largely missing.

Methodology and Principal Findings

We estimated the importance of the habitat type and species for population dynamics of plants. Specifically, we compared the dynamics of two closely related species, the allotetraploid species Anthericum liliago and the diploid species Anthericum ramosum, occurring in the same habitat type. We also compared the dynamics of A. ramosum in two contrasting habitats. We examined three populations per species and habitat type. The results showed that single life history traits as well as the mean population dynamics of A. liliago and A. ramosum from the same habitat type were more similar than the population dynamics of A. ramosum from the two contrasting habitats.


Our findings suggest that when transferring knowledge regarding population dynamics between populations, we need to take habitat conditions into account, as these conditions appear to be more important than the species involved (ploidy level). However, the two species differ significantly in their overall population growth rates, indicating that the ploidy level has an effect on species performance. In contrast to what has been suggested by previous studies, we observed a higher population growth rate in the diploid species. This is in agreement with the wider range of habitats occupied by the diploid species.  相似文献   

Heat Shock Responses of Closely Related Species of Tropical and Desert Fish   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Over the past twelve years, we have studied heat shock proteinsin two tropical species, a half dozen desert species and a numberof hemiclones of viviparous fishes in the genus Poeciliopsis.Heat shock protein (Hsp) isoform patterns were determined usinghigh resolution two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels. Two familiesof Hsps were studied in detail, the nucleocytoplasmic 70 kilodaltonHsp70 family and the 30 kilodalton Hsp30 family related to -crystallin.The temperature dependence of Hsp accumulation was investigatedusing both intact fish and cultured cells. When the thresholdtemperatures were mapped onto thermal preference profiles, itwas apparent that the Hsp70 threshold (33°C) was closelylinked to the most frequently selected temperatures and theHsp30 threshold (37°C) was closely linked to high temperaturesthat fish rarely selected, indicating that fish deploy thesetwo molecular chaperones differently. One tropical species P.gracilis is a genetic reservoir for most of the Hsp70 isoformsof the desert species. Acquired resistance to 41°C was stronglycorrelated with Hsp70 abundance for gracilis that containedHsp70 isoform 3 whereas fish lacking this isoform showed similarlevels of acquired thermotolerance which did not correlate withHsp70 abundance, suggesting multiple, compensating mechanismsof acquired resistance. Isoform 3 was degraded in cultured cellsfrom a desert species during several hours of recovery at normaltemperature following heat shock whereas two other Hsp70 isoformswere stable. The implications of this property of isoform 3are discussed.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that gene regulation serves an important role in determining the phenotype. To shed light on the evolutionary forces operating on gene regulation, previous studies mainly focused on the expression differences between species and their inter-specific hybrids. Here, we use RNA-Seq to study the intra-specific distribution of cis- and trans-regulatory variation in Drosophila pseudoobscura. Consistent with previous results, we find almost twice as many genes (26%) with significant trans-effects than genes with significant cis-effects (18%). While this result supports the previous suggestion of a larger mutational target of trans-effects, we also show that trans-effects may be subjected to purifying selection. Our results underline the importance of intra-specific analyses for the understanding of the evolution of gene expression.  相似文献   

Dan H. Schulze  C. S. Lee 《Genetics》1986,113(2):287-303
DNA hybridization was used to establish DNA sequence relationships among seven Drosophila species. Single-copy DNA was isolated from four species within the Drosophila mulleri complex, D. mojavensis, D. arizonensis, D. ritae and D. starmeri. These single-copy DNAs were used as tracers to be hybridized with each other and one additional member of the mulleri complex, D. aldrichi, a member of a closely related complex, D. hydei, and a distantly related species, D. melanogaster. Two methods have been used to determine the relatedness between these species: (1) the extent of duplex formed as measured by binding to hydroxyapatite and (2) the thermal stability of the duplexed DNA. Moderately repetitive DNA was purified from these species and used similarly to determine the divergence of this family of sequences. The rate of nucleotide substitution was estimated to be 0.2 +/-, 0.1% base pair change per million years for both single-copy and middle-repetitive DNAs. The size of the D. arizonensis genome, a representative of the mulleri complex, was calculated to be 2.2 X 10(8) base pairs from its kinetic complexity similar to that of D. hydei. The relative amounts (18%) and average reiteration frequency (100 copies) of the middle-repetitive DNA are similar for all Drosophila species studied. Finally, the data are presented in a phylogenetic tree.  相似文献   

Mapping small reads to genome reference is an essential and more common approach to identify microRNAs (miRNAs) in an organism. Using closely related species genomes as proxy references can facilitate miRNA expression studies in non-model species that their genomes are not available. However, the level of error this introduces is mostly unknown, as this is the result of evolutionary distance between the proxy reference and the species of interest. To evaluate the accuracy of miRNA discovery pipelines in non-model organisms, small RNA library data from a mosquito, Aedes aegypti, were mapped to three well annotated insect genomes as proxy references using miRanalyzer with two strict and loose mapping criteria. In addition, another web-based miRNA discovery pipeline (DSAP) was used as a control for program performance. Using miRanalyzer, more than 80% reduction was observed in the number of mapped reads using strict criterion when proxy genome references were used; however, only 20% reduction was recorded for mapped reads to other species known mature miRNA datasets. Except a few changes in ranking, mapping criteria did not make any significant differences in the profile of the most abundant miRNAs in A. aegypti when its original or a proxy genome was used as reference. However, more variation was observed in miRNA ranking profile when DSAP was used as analysing tool. Overall, the results also suggested that using a proxy reference did not change the most abundant miRNAs’ differential expression profiles when infected or non-infected libraries were compared. However, usage of a proxy reference could provide about 67% of the original outcome from more extremely up- or down-regulated miRNA profiles. Although using closely related species genome incurred some losses in the number of miRNAs, the most abundant miRNAs along with their differential expression profile would be acceptable based on the sensitivity level of each project.  相似文献   

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