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Green fluorescent protein (GFP) has been used as an indicator of transgene expression in living cells and organisms. For testing the utility of GFP in rainbow trout, we microinjected fertilized eggs with four types of supercoiled constructs containing two variants of GFP complementary DNA (S65T and EGFP), driven by two ubiquitous regulatory elements, human cytomegalovirus immediate early enhancer-promoter (CMV) and Xenopus laevis elongation factor 1α enhancer-promoter (EF1). Green fluorescence was first observed at 3 days postfertilization, when the embryo was in the mid-blastula stage. Fluorescence could be detected mosaically in various types of embryonic cells and tissues of swim-up fry. Both the percentage of fluorescent cells and the fluorescence intensity of GFP-expressing cells on blastoderms, measured with a microscopic photometry system, were highest in CMV-EGFP-microinjected embryos. We conclude that GFP is capable of producing detectable fluorescence in rainbow trout, and can be a powerful tool as a cell marker and reporter gene for cold-water fish, and that analysis of GFP expression in living cells is useful for characterizing the activity of cis-elements in vivo. Received December 21, 1998; accepted March 31, 1999.  相似文献   

将钝顶螺旋藻(Spirulina platensis)A9藻株在24℃培养,经2 mmol/L的EDTA预处理24 h;采用功率300 W的超声波处理70 s获得单细胞样品,以本实验室构建的携带gfp基因的质粒p215t转化A9藻株单细胞藻液,利用Amp作为选择标记,使单细胞在平板上再生长出单藻落,获得17株具有Amp抗性的转化藻株,转化率3.73‰。在390 nm紫光激发下,生长30天的转化藻丝体发出稳定绿色荧光;培养45天后具有绿色荧光的藻丝出现断裂、具有荧光藻丝长度缩短的现象。实验结果初步表明:报告基因gfp在螺旋藻中得到稳定有效的表达,可以采用单细胞再生形成单藻落技术进行螺旋藻的基因克隆。  相似文献   


The main diarrheic shellfish poisoning (DSP) toxin is okadaic acid (OA). Although OA is a protein phosphatase 1 and 2A inhibitor less is known about the involvement of the toxin in diarrhea. The initial statement was that OA, by altering the phosphorylation state of proteins, might modify glucose uptake and consequently ionic and water reabsorption across the small intestine. This report presents studies of glucose transport in isolated rabbit enterocytes by using a fluorescent derivative of D‐glucose. The dye allowed examining the relation between the toxic effect of OA and cellular mechanisms involved in glucose transport. The central findings are: (i) OA potentiates decrease on glucose uptake due to protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitors such as H89; and (ii) the increase of sugar uptake induced by the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor chelerythrine is enhanced by OA. Importance of this work is justified by the need to determine molecular targets of diarrheic toxins in intestinal cells.  相似文献   

Abstract: High-affinity binding sites (apparent K D= 1.5 nM) for [3H]desipramine have been demonstrated and characterized in membranes prepared from rat brain. The binding of [3H]desipramine was found to be saturable, reversible, heat-sensitive, sodium-dependent, and regionally distributed among various regions of the brain. High concentrations of [3H]desipramine binding sites were found in the septum, cerebral cortex, and hypothalamus, whereas lower concentrations were found in the medulla, cerebellum, and corpus striatum. A very good correlation ( r = 0.81, P < 0.001) was observed between the potencies of a series of drugs in inhibiting high-affinity [3H]desipramine binding and their capacity to block norepinephrine uptake into synaptosomes. In 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats there was a marked decrease in [3H]norepinephrine uptake and [3H]desipramine binding with no significant alterations in either [3H]serotonin uptake or [3H]imipramine binding. These results suggest that the high-affinity binding of [3HJdesipramine to rat brain membranes is pharmacologically and biochemically distinct from the high-affinity binding of [3H]imipramine, and that there is a close relationship between the high-affinity binding site for [3H]desipramine and the uptake site for norepinephrine.  相似文献   

Anxiety testing in zebrafish is often studied in combination with the application of pharmacological substances. In these studies, fish are routinely netted and transported between home aquaria and dosing tanks. In order to enhance the ease of compound administration, a novel method for transferring fish between tanks for drug administration was developed. Inserts that are designed for spawning were used to transfer groups of fish into the drug solution, allowing accurate dosing of all fish in the group. This increases the precision and efficiency of dosing, which becomes very important in long schedules of repeated drug administration. We implemented this procedure for use in a study examining the behavior of zebrafish in the light/dark test after administering ethanol with differing 21 day schedules. In fish exposed to daily-moderate amounts of alcohol there was a significant difference in location preference after 2 days of withdrawal when compared to the control group. However, a significant difference in location preference in a group exposed to weekly-binge administration was not observed. This protocol can be generalized for use with all types of compounds that are water-soluble and may be used in any situation when the behavior of fish during or after long schedules of drug administration is being examined. The light/dark test is also a valuable method of assessing withdrawal-induced changes in anxiety.  相似文献   

Predicting protein-coding genes still remains a significant challenge. Although a variety of computational programs that use commonly machine learning methods have emerged, the accuracy of predictions remains a low level when implementing in large genomic sequences. Moreover, computational gene finding in newly se- quenced genomes is especially a difficult task due to the absence of a training set of abundant validated genes. Here we present a new gene-finding program, SCGPred, to improve the accuracy of prediction by combining multiple sources of evidence. SCGPred can perform both supervised method in previously well-studied genomes and unsupervised one in novel genomes. By testing with datasets composed of large DNA sequences from human and a novel genome of Ustilago maydi, SCGPred gains a significant improvement in comparison to the popular ab initio gene predictors. We also demonstrate that SCGPred can significantly improve prediction in novel genomes by combining several foreign gene finders with similarity alignments, which is superior to other unsupervised methods. Therefore, SCGPred can serve as an alternative gene-finding tool for newly sequenced eukaryotic genomes. The program is freely available at http://bio.scu.edu.cn/SCGPred/.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. S‐adenosylmethionine is one of the most important metabolites in living cells and is synthesized in a single reaction catalyzed by methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT). At the sequence and structural level, this enzyme is one of the most conserved proteins known. Here we show that some representatives of three distantly related eukaryotic lineages—dinoflagellates, haptophytes, and euglenids—possess a highly divergent type of MAT, which we call MATX. Even though MATX contains all the sites known to be involved in catalysis and the association of monomers, it also has four insertions throughout the protein that are not observed in other MAT homologs. The phylogenetic distribution and affinities of MATX suggest that it originated in a single eukaryotic lineage and was spread via multiple events of eukaryote‐to‐eukaryote lateral gene transfer. We suggest a tentative model in which the origin of MATX is connected with the progression of secondary endosymbiosis.  相似文献   

肌基因治疗作为一种研究和治疗心脏疾病的有效方法而逐渐被学者重视.本研究探讨一种经心房外膜涂抹使携带有绿色荧光蛋白(EGFP)基因的腺病毒高效靶向转染心房肌细胞方法的可行性.经犬胸骨正中开胸术,将含有一定浓度携带EGFP基因的腺病毒、胰蛋白酶和poloxamer F407的混合溶液涂抹至右心房外膜.术后经荧光显微镜观察荧光强度和实时PCR检测EGFP mRNA表达水平.EGFP荧光强度和mRNA表达水平在第1~6周呈现先增高后减低的趋势,其高峰在第3周出现;第3周右心房前壁各层心肌细胞均有EGFP表达;右心耳EGFP mRNA表达水平高于右心房前壁,右心房前壁和后壁表达水平无明显差异;房间隔的表达水平低于右心房,但明显高于左心房;心室和其它脏器如肺脏、肝脏、脾脏、骨骼肌、胃壁及小肠壁等的表达水平远低于右心房;通过HE染色及Masson's染色,第3周心肌无明显炎症反应和纤维化改变. 因此,经心房外膜涂抹的方法使基因靶向转染心肌细胞具有较好的高效性、靶向性和安全性.  相似文献   

The effect of elevated temperature on electron flow to plastoquinone pool and to PSI from sources alternative to PSII was studied in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) leaves. Alternative electron flow was characterized by measuring variable fluorescence of chlorophyll and absorption changes at 830 nm that reflect redox changes of P700, the primary electron donor of PSI. The treatment of leaves with elevated temperature resulted in a transient increase in variable fluorescence after cessation of actinic light. This increase was absent in leaves treated with methyl viologen (MV). The kinetics of P700+ reduction in barley and maize leaves treated with DCMU and MV exhibited two exponential components. The rate of both components markedly increased with temperature of the heat pretreatment of leaves when the reduction of P700+ was measured after short (1 s) illumination of leaves. The acceleration of both kinetic components of P700+ reduction by high-temperature treatment was much less pronounced when P700+ reduction rate was measured after illumination of leaves for 1 min. Since the treatment of leaves with DCMU and MV inhibited both the electron flow to PSI from PSII and ferredoxin-dependent cycling of electrons around PSI, the accelerated reduction of P700+ indicated that high temperature treatment activated electron flow to PSII from reductants localized in the chloroplast stroma. We conclude that the lesser extent of activation of this process by elevated temperature after prolonged illumination of heat-inhibited leaves is caused by depletion of the pool stromal reductants in light due to photoinduced electron transfer from these reductants to oxygen.  相似文献   



When rates of uptake of other drugs differ between treatment arms in long-term trials, the true benefit or harm of the treatment may be underestimated. Methods to allow for such contamination have often been limited by failing to preserve the randomization comparisons. In the Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes (FIELD) study, patients were randomized to fenofibrate or placebo, but during the trial many started additional drugs, particularly statins, more so in the placebo group. The effects of fenofibrate estimated by intention-to-treat were likely to have been attenuated. We aimed to quantify this effect and to develop a method for use in other long-term trials.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We applied efficacies of statins and other cardiovascular drugs from meta-analyses of randomized trials to adjust the effect of fenofibrate in a penalized Cox model. We assumed that future cardiovascular disease events were reduced by an average of 24% by statins, and 20% by a first other major cardiovascular drug. We applied these estimates to each patient who took these drugs for the period they were on them. We also adjusted the analysis by the rate of discontinuing fenofibrate. Among 4,900 placebo patients, average statin use was 16% over five years. Among 4,895 assigned fenofibrate, statin use was 8% and nonuse of fenofibrate was 10%. In placebo patients, use of cardiovascular drugs was 1% to 3% higher. Before adjustment, fenofibrate was associated with an 11% reduction in coronary events (coronary heart disease death or myocardial infarction) (P = 0.16) and an 11% reduction in cardiovascular disease events (P = 0.04). After adjustment, the effects of fenofibrate on coronary events and cardiovascular disease events were 16% (P = 0.06) and 15% (P = 0.008), respectively.


This novel application of a penalized Cox model for adjustment of a trial estimate of treatment efficacy incorporates evidence-based estimates for other therapies, preserves comparisons between the randomized groups, and is applicable to other long-term trials. In the FIELD study example, the effects of fenofibrate on the risks of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease events were underestimated by up to one-third in the original analysis.

Trial Registration

Controlled-Trials.com ISRCTN64783481  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) is a popular qualitative reporter protein used to study different aspects of plant biology. However, to be used as a reliable quantitative reporter in expression studies using fluorescence based assays, methods to eliminate interfering endogenous molecules must be considered. Therefore, a standard curve based solid phase fluorescent immunoassay that eliminates the effects of interfering endogenous molecules was developed to quantify the GFP levels in soluble green extracts prepared from plants. Microtiter plates coated with anti-GFP were used to capture GFP from soluble plant extracts, interfering endogenous molecules was eliminated by washing without disturbing the anti-GFP binding of GFP, and then the fluorescence intensity of bound GFP was measured using a spectrofluorometer. We report in this study the use of this method to quantify the expression levels of soluble modified GFP in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana.  相似文献   

Human and animal alveolar echinococcosis (AE) are important helminth infections endemic in wide areas of the Northern hemisphere. Monitoring Echinococcus multilocularis viability and spread using real-time fluorescent imaging in vivo provides a fast method to evaluate the load of parasite. Here, we generated a kind of fluorescent protoscolices in vivo imaging model and utilized this model to assess the activity against E. multilocularis protoscolices of metformin (Met). Results indicated that JC-1 tagged E. multilocularis can be reliably and confidently used to monitor protoscolices in vitro and in vivo. The availability of this transient in vivo fluorescent imaging of E. multilocularis protoscolices constitutes an important step toward the long term bio-imaging research of the AE-infected mouse models. In addition, this will be of great interest for further research on infection strategies and development of drugs and vaccines against E. multilocularis and other cestodes.  相似文献   

Examination of the type and frequency of damage to the head of spermatozoa using electron microscopy can be used to evaluate the quality of differently treated sperm. This report describes a systematic approach based on 29 morphological categories of sperm heads assessed from discrete regions in raw, chilled and frozen-thawed spermatozoa. Injury occurred principally at the plasma membrane and could be present or absent in all regions. In the anterior segment, when the plasma membrane is present, it can be intact, dilated, very dilated, disrupted, or contain vesicles characteristic of acrosomal reaction-like capacitation changes. When the plasma membrane is absent, the acrosome may be intact, exhibit a complete loss of contents, or retain some contents of the apical ridge and present a very dilated outer acrosomal membrane. The plasma membrane in the equatorial segment and the boundary between regions can be intact, dilated, very dilated or disrupted. The post-acrosomal plasma membrane is classified as intact, dilated or very dilated, whereas the dense lamina is intact, dilated or fragmented. The morphology of the heads most frequently observed in chilled spermatozoa consists of anterior and equatorial segments with a dilated, or dilated and disrupted plasma membrane; a boundary between regions with an intact and dilated plasma membrane; and a post-acrosomal region with an intact plasma membrane and dense lamina, both dilated. In frozen-thawed spermatozoa, the morphology of the heads is more frequently characterised by no plasma membrane and an acrosome showing complete or some loss of contents in the apical ridge and very dilated outer acrosomal membrane, presenting mostly dilated and fragmented dense lamina in the post-acrosomal region. These findings are consistent with the conclusion that the freezing process produces an increase in the degree of damage to the cells when they are subjected to increasing degrees of cold shock. There are still difficulties in developing a good diluent and process for preserving the plasma membrane in ram spermatozoa. This systematisation, using different categories, allows characterisation of multiple transmission electron microscopy images. Thus, the different changes observed due to cryopreservation may be correlated.  相似文献   

The effects of learned helplessness on the 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) uptake site were studied in rats using [3H]paroxetine binding. This ligand was chosen because it was demonstrated to label directly the 5-HT uptake site whereas the [3H]imipramine binding site has been demonstrated to be heterogeneous in nature. Moreover, [3H]imipramine appears to bind to a presynaptic recognition site different from the uptake site. Exposure to uncontrollable shock training and testing resulted in an overall increase in [3H]paroxetine binding in all the groups studied [nonhelpless (NLH), learned helpless (LH), spontaneously helpless (SPLH)] as compared to naive controls (NC). However, the increase in [3H]paroxetine binding was significantly higher in the LH and SPLH groups. The maximum number of [3H]paroxetine binding sites in the rat hippocampus was increased significantly in learned helpless rats (LH and SPLH) at day 4 and day 30 after the shock escape test as compared to NC and NLH rats. By contrast, in the rat hypothalamus the maximum number of [3H]paroxetine binding sites was reduced significantly in the LH rats as compared to naive controls and NLH rats during the same time course. There was no change in [3H]paroxetine binding sites in any other brain regions examined in LH, NLH, and NC rats. The results suggest that a hippocampal hypothalamic connection might play a role in the serotonergic mediation of learned helpless behavior.  相似文献   

Makiuchi T  Annoura T  Hashimoto T  Murata E  Aoki T  Nara T 《Protist》2008,159(3):459-470
A unique feature of the genome architecture in the parasitic trypanosomatid protists is large-scale synteny. We addressed the evolutionary trait of synteny in the eukaryotic group, Euglenozoa, which consists of euglenoids (earliest branching), diplonemids, and kinetoplastids (trypanosomatids and bodonids). Synteny of the pyrimidine biosynthetic (pyr) gene cluster, which constitutes part of a large syntenic cluster in trypanosomatids and includes four separate genes (pyr1-pyr4) and one fused gene (pyr6/pyr5 fusion), was conserved in the bodonid, Parabodo caudatus. In the diplonemid, Diplonema papillatum, we identified pyr4 and pyr6 genes. Phylogenetic analyses of pyr4 and pyr6 showed the separate origin of each in kinetoplastids and euglenoids/diplonemids and suggested that kinetoplastids have acquired these genes via lateral gene transfer (LGT). Because replacement of genes by non-orthologs within the syntenic cluster is highly unlikely, we concluded that, after separation of the line leading to diplonemids, the syntenic pyr gene cluster was established in the common ancestor of kinetoplastids, preceded by their acquisition via LGT. Notably, we found that diplonemid pyr6 is a stand-alone gene, inconsistent with both euglenoid pyr5/pyr6 and kinetoplastid pyr6/pyr5 fusions. Our findings provide insights into the evolutionary gaps within Euglenozoa and the evolutionary trait of rearrangement of gene fusion in this lineage.  相似文献   

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