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Mutations in leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) are the most common genetic cause of Parkinson disease (PD). LRRK2 contains an “enzymatic core” composed of GTPase and kinase domains that is flanked by leucine-rich repeat (LRR) and WD40 protein-protein interaction domains. While kinase activity and GTP-binding have both been implicated in LRRK2 neurotoxicity, the potential role of other LRRK2 domains has not been as extensively explored.

Principal Findings

We demonstrate that LRRK2 normally exists in a dimeric complex, and that removing the WD40 domain prevents complex formation and autophosphorylation. Moreover, loss of the WD40 domain completely blocks the neurotoxicity of multiple LRRK2 PD mutations.


These findings suggest that LRRK2 dimerization and autophosphorylation may be required for the neurotoxicity of LRRK2 PD mutations and highlight a potential role for the WD40 domain in the mechanism of LRRK2-mediated cell death.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells lacking the MDM12 gene product display temperature-sensitive growth and possess abnormally large, round mitochondria that are defective for inheritance by daughter buds. Analysis of the wild-type MDM12 gene revealed its product to be a 31-kD polypeptide that is homologous to a protein of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. When expressed in S. cerevisiae, the S. pombe Mdm12p homolog conferred a dominant-negative phenotype of giant mitochondria and aberrant mitochondrial distribution, suggesting partial functional conservation of Mdm12p activity between budding and fission yeast. The S. cerevisiae Mdm12p was localized by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy and by subcellular fractionation and immunodetection to the mitochondrial outer membrane and displayed biochemical properties of an integral membrane protein. Mdm12p is the third mitochondrial outer membrane protein required for normal mitochondrial morphology and distribution to be identified in S. cerevisiae and the first such mitochondrial component that is conserved between two different species.  相似文献   

Myb-related cdc5p is required for G(2)/M progression in the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. We report here that all detectable cdc5p is stably associated with a multiprotein 40S complex. Immunoaffinity purification has allowed the identification of 10 cwf (complexed with cdc5p) proteins. Two (cwf6p and cwf10p) are members of the U5 snRNP; one (cwf9p) is a core snRNP protein. cwf8p is the apparent ortholog of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae splicing factor Prp19p. cwf1(+) is allelic to the prp5(+) gene defined by the S. pombe splicing mutant, prp5-1, and there is a strong negative genetic interaction between cdc5-120 and prp5-1. Five cwfs have not been recognized previously as important for either pre-mRNA splicing or cell cycle control. Further characterization of cwf1p, cwf2p, cwf3p, and cwf4p demonstrates that they are encoded by essential genes, cosediment with cdc5p at 40S, and coimmunoprecipitate with cdc5p. We further show that cdc5p associates with the U2, U5, and U6 snRNAs and that cells lacking cdc5(+) function are defective in pre-mRNA splicing. These data raise the possibility that the cdc5p complex is an intermediate in the assembly or disassembly of an active S. pombe spliceosome.  相似文献   

MDC1 is a key factor of DNA damage response in mammalian cells. It possesses two phospho-binding domains. In its C terminus, a tandem BRCA1 C-terminal domain binds phosphorylated histone H2AX, and in its N terminus, a forkhead-associated (FHA) domain mediates a phosphorylation-enhanced homodimerization. The FHA domain of the Drosophila homolog of MDC1, MU2, also forms a homodimer but utilizes a different dimer interface. The functional importance of the dimerization of MDC1 family proteins is uncertain. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, a protein sharing homology with MDC1 in the tandem BRCA1 C-terminal domain, Mdb1, regulates DNA damage response and mitotic spindle functions. Here, we report the crystal structure of the N-terminal 91 amino acids of Mdb1. Despite a lack of obvious sequence conservation to the FHA domain of MDC1, this region of Mdb1 adopts an FHA-like fold and is therefore termed Mdb1-FHA. Unlike canonical FHA domains, Mdb1-FHA lacks all the conserved phospho-binding residues. It forms a stable homodimer through an interface distinct from those of MDC1 and MU2. Mdb1-FHA is important for the localization of Mdb1 to DNA damage sites and the spindle midzone, contributes to the roles of Mdb1 in cellular responses to genotoxins and an antimicrotubule drug, and promotes in vitro binding of Mdb1 to a phospho-H2A peptide. The defects caused by the loss of Mdb1-FHA can be rescued by fusion with either of two heterologous dimerization domains, suggesting that the main function of Mdb1-FHA is mediating dimerization. Our data support that FHA-mediated dimerization is conserved for MDC1 family proteins.  相似文献   

为研究拟南芥甲基结合蛋白基因AtMBP11在种子形成和萌发过程中的调控模式,克隆拟南芥AtMBP11启动子,将其替换植物表达载体pBI121的35S启动子序列,转入拟南芥基因组中.转基因拟南芥后代卡那霉素抗性发生分离,选取具有3∶1分离比的后代自交,产生纯合的具有单拷贝插入的后代.转基因后代GUS染色结果表明,新克隆的MBP启动子控制基因在种子、花药和花粉中高效表达.通过对AtMBP11核心启动子缺失分析表明,G-box元件是主要功能元件.  相似文献   

The fission yeast pob1 gene encodes a protein of 871 amino acids carrying an SH3 domain, a SAM domain, and a PH domain. Gene disruption and construction of a temperature-sensitive pob1 mutant indicated that pob1 is essential for cell growth. Loss of its function leads to quick cessation of cellular elongation. Pob1p is homologous to two functionally redundant Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins, Boi1p and Boi2p, which are necessary for cell growth and relevant to bud formation. Overexpression of pob1 inhibits cell growth, causing the host cells to become round and swollen. In growing cells, Pob1p locates at cell tips during interphase and translocates near the division plane at cytokinesis. Thus, this protein exhibits intracellular dynamics similar to F-actin patches. However, Pob1p constitutes a layer, rather than patches, at growing cell tips. It generates two split discs flanking the septum at cytokinesis. The pob1-defective cells no longer elongate but swell gradually at the middle, eventually assuming a lemon-like morphology. Analysis using the pob1-ts allele revealed that Pob1p is also essential for cell separation. We speculate that Pob1p is located on growing plasma membrane, possibly through the function of actin patches, and may recruit proteins required for the synthesis of cell wall.  相似文献   

We had previously identified the mutant allele of apm1+ that encodes a homolog of the mammalian μ 1A subunit of the clathrin-associated adaptor protein-1 (AP-1) complex and demonstrated that the AP-1 complex plays a role in Golgi/endosome trafficking, secretion, and vacuole fusion in fission yeast. Here, we isolated a mutant allele of its4+/sip1+, which encodes a conserved AP-1 accessory protein. The its4-1/sip1-i4 mutants and apm1 -deletion cells exhibited similar phenotypes, including sensitivity to the calcineurin inhibitor FK506, Cl and valproic acid as well as various defects in Golgi/endosomal trafficking and cytokinesis. Electron micrographs of sip1-i4 mutants revealed vacuole fragmentation and accumulation of abnormal Golgi-like structures and secretory vesicles. Overexpression of Apm1 suppressed defective membrane trafficking in sip1-i4 mutants. The Sip1-green fluorescent protein (GFP) co-localized with Apm1-mCherry at Golgi/endosomes, and Sip1 physically interacted with each subunit of the AP-1 complex. We found that Sip1 was a Golgi/endosomal protein and the sip1-i4 mutation affected AP-1 localization at Golgi/endosomes, thus indicating that Sip1 recruited the AP-1 complex to endosomal membranes by physically interacting with each subunit of this complex. Furthermore, Sip1 is required for the correct localization of Bgs1/Cps1, 1,3-β-D-glucan synthase to polarized growth sites. Consistently, the sip1-i4 mutants displayed a severe sensitivity to micafungin, a potent inhibitor of 1,3-β-D-glucan synthase. Taken together, our findings reveal a role for Sip1 in the regulation of Golgi/endosome trafficking in coordination with the AP-1 complex, and identified Bgs1, required for cell wall synthesis, as the new cargo of AP-1-dependent trafficking.  相似文献   

To survive damage to the genome, cells must respond by activating both DNA repair and checkpoint responses. Using genetic screens in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, we recently isolated new genes required for DNA damage checkpoint control. We show here that one of these strains defines a new allele of the previously described rad18 gene, rad18-74. rad18 is an essential gene, even in the absence of extrinsic DNA damage. It encodes a conserved protein related to the structural maintenance of chromosomes proteins. Point mutations in rad18 lead to defective DNA repair pathways responding to both UV-induced lesions and, as we show here, double-stranded breaks. Furthermore, rad18p is required to maintain cell cycle arrest in the presence of DNA damage, and failure of this leads to highly aberrant mitoses. A gene encoding a BRCT-containing protein, brc1, was isolated as an allele-specific high-copy suppressor of rad18-74. brc1 is required for mitotic fidelity and for cellular viability in strains with rad18 mutations but is not essential for DNA damage responses. Mutations in rad18 and brc1 are synthetically lethal with a topoisomerase II mutant (top2-191), indicating that these proteins play a role in chromatin organization. These studies show a role for chromatin organization in the maintenance or activation of responses to DNA damage.  相似文献   

Centrioles are intriguing cylindrical organelles composed of triplet microtubules. Proteomic data suggest that a large number of proteins besides tubulin are necessary for the formation and maintenance of a centriole''s complex structure. Expansion of the preexisting centriole proteome from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii revealed additional human disease genes, emphasizing the significance of centrioles in normal human tissue homeostasis. We found that two classes of ciliary disease genes were highly represented among the basal body proteome: cystic kidney disease (especially nephronophthisis) syndromes, including Meckel/Joubert-like and oral-facial-digital syndrome, caused by mutations in CEP290, MKS1, OFD1, and AHI1/Jouberin proteins and cone-rod dystrophy syndrome genes, including UNC-119/HRG4, NPHP4, and RPGR1. We further characterized proteome of the centriole (POC) 1, a highly abundant WD40 domain-containing centriole protein. We found that POC1 is recruited to nascent procentrioles and localizes in a highly asymmetrical pattern in mature centrioles corresponding to sites of basal-body fiber attachment. Knockdown of POC1 in human cells caused a reduction in centriole duplication, whereas overexpression caused the appearance of elongated centriole-like structures. Together, these data suggest that POC1 is involved in early steps of centriole duplication as well as in the later steps of centriole length control.  相似文献   

Protection of telomeres protein 1 (Pot1) binds to single-stranded telomere overhangs and protects chromosome ends. RecQ helicases regulate homologous recombination at multiple stages, including resection, strand displacement, and resolution. Fission yeast pot1 and RecQ helicase rqh1 double mutants are synthetically lethal, but the mechanism is not fully understood. Here, we show that the synthetic lethality of pot1Δ rqh1Δ double mutants is due to inappropriate homologous recombination, as it is suppressed by the deletion of rad51+. The expression of Rad51 in the pot1Δ rqh1Δ rad51Δ triple mutant, which has circular chromosomes, is lethal. Reduction of the expression of Rqh1 in a pot1 disruptant with circular chromosomes caused chromosome missegregation, and this defect was partially suppressed by the deletion of rad51+. Taken together, our results suggest that Rqh1 is required for the maintenance of circular chromosomes when homologous recombination is active. Crossovers between circular monomeric chromosomes generate dimers that cannot segregate properly in Escherichia coli. We propose that Rqh1 inhibits crossovers between circular monomeric chromosomes to suppress the generation of circular dimers.  相似文献   

To investigate the contributions of phosphatidylethanolamine to the growth and morphogenesis of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, we have characterized three predicted genes in this organism, designated psd1, psd2, and psd3, encoding phosphatidylserine decarboxylases, which catalyze the conversion of phosphatidylserine to phosphatidylethanolamine in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms. S. pombe mutants carrying deletions in any one or two psd genes are viable in complex rich medium and synthetic defined minimal medium. However, mutants carrying deletions in all three psd genes (psd1-3Δ mutants) grow slowly in rich medium and are inviable in minimal medium, indicating that the psd1 to psd3 gene products share overlapping essential cellular functions. Supplementation of growth media with ethanolamine, which can be converted to phosphatidylethanolamine by the Kennedy pathway, restores growth to psd1-3Δ cells in minimal medium, indicating that phosphatidylethanolamine is essential for S. pombe cell growth. psd1-3Δ cells produce lower levels of phosphatidylethanolamine than wild-type cells, even in medium supplemented with ethanolamine, indicating that the Kennedy pathway can only partially compensate for the loss of phosphatidylserine decarboxylase activity in S. pombe. psd1-3Δ cells appear morphologically indistinguishable from wild-type S. pombe cells in medium supplemented with ethanolamine, but when cultured in nonsupplemented medium, they produce high frequencies of abnormally shaped cells as well as cells exhibiting severe septation defects, including multiple, mispositioned, deformed, and misoriented septa. Our results demonstrate that phosphatidylethanolamine is essential for cell growth and for normal cytokinesis and cellular morphogenesis in S. pombe, and they illustrate the usefulness of this model eukaryote for investigating potentially conserved biological and molecular functions of phosphatidylethanolamine.Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) is a major phospholipid component of cell membranes in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms (34, 35). There are three distinct pathways for PE synthesis in eukaryotic cells: (i) decarboxylation of phosphatidylserine (PS) via reactions catalyzed by PS decarboxylase (PSD) enzymes; (ii) the CDP-ethanolamine branch of the Kennedy pathway, which converts ethanolamine to PE (34); and (iii) acylation of lysophosphatidylethanolamine (21, 29), a reaction that in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is catalyzed by the enzyme Ale1 (22). Genetic studies have demonstrated that PE is essential for cell viability in S. cerevisiae, although the minimal threshold of PE required for cell growth in this organism can apparently be provided by any of the routes of PE synthesis listed above (22). In contrast, the results of mouse knockout experiments indicate that both PSD- and Kennedy pathway-catalyzed pathways for PE synthesis are essential for embryonic development (9, 28, 35).While PE is present in most, if not all, eukaryotic cell membranes, it is particularly enriched in the membranes of mitochondria (32, 35, 37). Indeed, S. cerevisiae mutants carrying a null mutation in the PSD1 gene, which encodes a mitochondrially localized PSD, exhibit phenotypes indicative of mitochondrial dysfunction, as do cells derived from mouse embryos carrying a disruption of the Psid gene, which encodes a protein highly homologous in structure to S. cerevisiae Psd1 (28, 32). A second PSD enzyme in S. cerevisiae, encoded by the PSD2 gene, is localized to Golgi and vacuolar membranes (33, 37). Consistent with a role in vacuolar function, PE has been implicated in the process of autophagy by genetic studies utilizing S. cerevisiae vacuolar targeting mutants and by studies showing that Atg8, a ubiquitin-like protein required for yeast autophagy, is conjugated to PE, as are several related mammalian proteins (19, 20, 27).Interestingly, studies utilizing a streptavidin-conjugated form of the PE-binding peptide cinnamycin demonstrated that PE is enriched at cell division sites in S. cerevisiae, the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and mammalian cells (6, 11). Moreover, streptavidin-conjugated cinnamycin was shown to inhibit the disassembly of the contractile ring and the completion of cytokinesis in cultures of Chinese hamster ovary cells, and a PE-deficient cell line from the same species was found to arrest growth in cytokinesis with an intact contractile ring (7). PE has also been shown to be enriched at the growing ends of interphase S. pombe cells and at the emerging bud cortex in dividing cells of S. cerevisiae, findings that implicate PE in processes controlling polarized cell growth (11).Although S. pombe mutants defective in enzymes that directly catalyze PE synthesis have not been described previously, we recently showed that mutants carrying a null mutation in the PS synthase gene pps1 are ethanolamine auxotrophs that exhibit severe morphology- and cytokinesis-defective phenotypes under ethanolamine-limited growth conditions (17). These findings implicated PE in the regulation of cellular morphogenesis and cytokinesis in S. pombe. To investigate the biological functions of PE in S. pombe, in particular its contributions to the control of cell morphology and cytokinesis, we have in the present study generated and characterized mutants carrying null mutations in three open reading frames predicted to encode PSD enzymes in this organism. In this paper, we describe the phenotypes of S. pombe PSD-null mutants, which demonstrate central roles for PE in the regulation of cell morphology and cytokinesis in this model eukaryote.  相似文献   

The fission yeast Rad3p checkpoint protein is a member of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related family of protein kinases, which includes human ATMp. Mutation of the ATM gene is responsible for the disease ataxia-telangiectasia. The kinase domain of Rad3p has previously been shown to be essential for function. Here, we show that although this domain is necessary, it is not sufficient, because the isolated kinase domain does not have kinase activity in vitro and cannot complement a rad3 deletion strain. Using dominant negative alleles of rad3, we have identified two sites N-terminal to the conserved kinase domain that are essential for Rad3p function. One of these sites is the putative leucine zipper, which is conserved in other phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related family members. The other is a novel motif, which may also mediate Rad3p protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Myo2 truncations fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP) defined a C-terminal domain essential for the localization of Myo2 to the cytokinetic actin ring (CAR). The localization domain contained two predicted phosphorylation sites. Mutation of serine 1518 to alanine (S(1518)A) abolished Myo2 localization, whereas Myo2 with a glutamic acid at this position (S(1518)E) localized to the CAR. GFP-Myo2 formed rings in the septation initiation kinase (SIN) mutant cdc7-24 at 25 degrees C but not at 36 degrees C. GFP-Myo2S(1518)E rings persisted at 36 degrees C in cdc7-24 but not in another SIN kinase mutant, sid2-250. To further examine the relationship between Myo2 and the SIN pathway, the chromosomal copy of myo2(+) was fused to GFP (strain myo2-gc). Myo2 ring formation was abolished in the double mutants myo2-gc cdc7.24 and myo2-gc sid2-250 at the restrictive temperature. In contrast, activation of the SIN pathway in the double mutant myo2-gc cdc16-116 resulted in the formation of Myo2 rings which subsequently collapsed at 36 degrees C. We conclude that the SIN pathway that controls septation in fission yeast also regulates Myo2 ring formation and contraction. Cdc7 and Sid2 are involved in ring formation, in the case of Cdc7 by phosphorylation of a single serine residue in the Myo2 tail. Other kinases and/or phosphatases may control ring contraction.  相似文献   

As in many other eukaryotic cells, cell division in fission yeast depends on the assembly of an actin ring that circumscribes the middle of the cell. Schizosaccharomyces pombe cdc12 is an essential gene necessary for actin ring assembly and septum formation. Here we show that cdc12p is a member of a family of proteins including Drosophila diaphanous, Saccharomyces cerevisiae BNI1, and S. pombe fus1, which are involved in cytokinesis or other actin-mediated processes. Using indirect immunofluorescence, we show that cdc12p is located in the cell division ring and not in other actin structures. When overexpressed, cdc12p is located at a medial spot in interphase that anticipates the future ring site. cdc12p localization is altered in actin ring mutants. cdc8 (tropomyosin homologue), cdc3 (profilin homologue), and cdc15 mutants exhibit no specific cdc12p staining during mitosis. cdc4 mutant cells exhibit a medial cortical cdc12p spot in place of a ring. mid1 mutant cells generally exhibit a cdc12p spot with a single cdc12p strand extending in a random direction. Based on these patterns, we present a model in which ring assembly originates from a single point on the cortex and in which a molecular pathway for the functions of cytokinesis proteins is suggested. Finally, we found that cdc12 and cdc3 mutants show a syntheticlethal genetic interaction, and a proline-rich domain of cdc12p binds directly to profilin cdc3p in vitro, suggesting that one function of cdc12p in ring assembly is to bind profilin.  相似文献   

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