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We examined microsatellite variation in two diploid, outcrossing relatives of Arabidopsis thaliana, Arabis petraea and Arabis lyrata. The primer sequences were derived from A. thaliana. About 50% (14 loci) of the A. thaliana primers could successfully amplify microsatellites in the related species. Analysis of microsatellite structure in the related species showed that there had been large changes in the microsatellites: there were large differences in repeat numbers and many of the A. thaliana simple repeats were shorter in the related species. For the loci we compared, the related species had a much lower level of variability at the microsatellites than Japanese wild populations of A. thaliana. This is presumably related to the different microsatellite structures, because allozyme data showed that the outcrossing relatives were highly polymorphic compared to other outcrossing herbaceous species. Use of microsatellites in assessing variability or phylogenetic relationships between different species requires caution, because changes in microsatellite structure may alter evolutionary rates.   相似文献   

We analyzed the complete genome sequence of Arabidopsis thaliana and sequence data from 83 genes in the outcrossing A. lyrata, to better understand the role of gene expression on the strength of natural selection on synonymous and replacement sites in Arabidopsis. From data on tRNA gene abundance, we find a good concordance between codon preferences and the relative abundance of isoaccepting tRNAs in the complete A. thaliana genome, consistent with models of translational selection. Both EST-based and new quantitative measures of gene expression (MPSS) suggest that codon preferences derived from information on tRNA abundance are more strongly associated with gene expression than those obtained from multivariate analysis, which provides further support for the hypothesis that codon bias in Arabidopsis is under selection mediated by tRNA abundance. Consistent with previous results, analysis of protein evolution reveals a significant correlation between gene expression level and amino acid substitution rate. Analysis by MPSS estimates of gene expression suggests that this effect is primarily the result of a correlation between the number of tissues in which a gene is expressed and the rate of amino acid substitution, which indicates that the degree of tissue specialization may be an important determinant of the rate of protein evolution in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Due to the selection pressure imposed by highly variable environmental conditions, stress sensing and regulatory response mechanisms in plants are expected to evolve rapidly. One potential source of innovation in plant stress response mechanisms is gene duplication. In this study, we examined the evolution of stress-regulated gene expression among duplicated genes in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Key to this analysis was reconstructing the putative ancestral stress regulation pattern. By comparing the expression patterns of duplicated genes with the patterns of their ancestors, duplicated genes likely lost and gained stress responses at a rapid rate initially, but the rate is close to zero when the synonymous substitution rate (a proxy for time) is >~0.8. When considering duplicated gene pairs, we found that partitioning of putative ancestral stress responses occurred more frequently compared to cases of parallel retention and loss. Furthermore, the pattern of stress response partitioning was extremely asymmetric. An analysis of putative cis-acting DNA regulatory elements in the promoters of the duplicated stress-regulated genes indicated that the asymmetric partitioning of ancestral stress responses are likely due, at least in part, to differential loss of DNA regulatory elements; the duplicated genes losing most of their stress responses were those that had lost more of the putative cis-acting elements. Finally, duplicate genes that lost most or all of the ancestral responses are more likely to have gained responses to other stresses. Therefore, the retention of duplicates that inherit few or no functions seems to be coupled to neofunctionalization. Taken together, our findings provide new insight into the patterns of evolutionary changes in gene stress responses after duplication and lay the foundation for testing the adaptive significance of stress regulatory changes under highly variable biotic and abiotic environments.  相似文献   

We analyzed linkage and chromosomal positions of genes in A. lyrata ssp. petraea that are located near the centromere (CEN) regions of A. thaliana, using at least two genes from the short and long arms of each chromosome. In our map, genes from all 10 A. thaliana chromosome arms are also tightly linked in A. lyrata. Genes from the regions on the two sides of CEN5 have distant map localizations in A. lyrata (genes on the A. thaliana short-arm genes are on linkage group AL6, and long-arm genes are on AL7), but genes from the other four A. thaliana centromere regions remain closely linked in A. lyrata. The observation of complete linkage between short- and long-arm centromere genes, but not between genes in other genome regions that are separated by similar physical distances, suggests that crossing-over frequencies near the A. lyrata ssp. petraea centromere regions are low, as in A. thaliana. Thus, the centromere positions appear to be conserved between A. thaliana and A. lyrata, even though three centromeres have been lost in A. thaliana, and the core satellite sequences in the two species are very different. We can now definitively identify the three centromeres that were eliminated in the fusions that formed the A. thaliana chromosomes. However, we cannot tell whether genes were lost along with these centromeres, because such genes are absent from the A. thaliana genome, which is the sole source of markers for our mapping.  相似文献   

Gene targeting in Arabidopsis thaliana.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary Gene targeting of a chromosomally integrated transgene in Arabidopsis thaliana is reported. A chimeric gene consisting of the promoter of the 35S RNA of CaMV, the polyadenylation signal of the octopine synthase gene and the coding region of the bacterial hygromycin phosphotransferase gene (hpt), which was rendered non-functional by deletion of 19 bp, was introduced into the genome of A. thaliana using Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer. A total of 3.46 x 108 protoplasts isolated from 17 independent transgenic Arabidopsis lines harbouring the defective chimeric hpt gene were transformed via direct gene transfer using various DNA forms containing only the intact coding region of the hpt gene. Out of 150 hygromycin-resistant colonies appearing in the course of these experiments, four were the result of targeted recombination of the incoming DNA with the defective chromosomal locus as revealed by PCR and Southern blot analysis. Comparison with the number of transformants obtained when an hpt gene controlled by a promoter and terminator from the nopaline synthase gene was employed results in a maximal ratio of homologous to non-homologous transformation in A. thaliana of 1 x 10–4.  相似文献   

左泽远  刘琬琳  许杰 《植物学报》2020,55(2):147-162
在植物基因组中, 除了同源基因成簇现象外, 近年来还发现一些具有共表达特性的异源基因也能够以基因簇形式存在, 但这些异源基因簇的进化和生物学功能尚不清楚。花药发育和花粉形成是植物进化出的特有的生殖生物学过程, 同时产生了一些在花药绒毡层中特异表达和特定功能的基因簇基因。该研究通过筛选和分析花药绒毡层中基因簇基因的分子特性、表达调控、基因年龄和基因重复进化等信息, 探讨花药基因簇基因与植物开花功能进化之间的关系。结果表明, 在拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)中共筛选到84个(13个基因簇)花药绒毡层特异高表达的基因簇基因, 它们主要产生于串联重复事件, 76%的基因出现在开花植物分化后的阶段, 主要参与生殖发育、花粉鞘组成和脂代谢等生物学过程。研究初步解析了拟南芥花药绒毡层中基因簇基因的基本特征、生物学功能和基因进化机制, 为深入揭示植物基因簇基因的遗传学功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

In contrast to the situation described for mammals and Drosophila, chromosome territory (CT) arrangement and somatic homologous pairing in interphase nuclei of Arabidopsis thaliana (n = 5) are predominantly random except for a more frequent association of the chromosomes bearing a homologous nucleolus organizer region. To find out whether this chromosome arrangement is also characteristic for other species of the genus Arabidopsis, we investigated Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. lyrata (n = 8), one of the closest relatives of A. thaliana. First, we determined the size of each chromosome and chromosome arm, the sequence type of centromeric repeats and their distribution between individual centromeres and the position of the 5S/45S rDNA arrays in A. lyrata. Then we demonstrated that CT arrangement, homologous pairing and sister chromatid alignment of distinct euchromatic and/or heterochromatic regions within A. lyrata interphase nuclei are similar to that in A. thaliana nuclei. Thus, the arrangement of interphase chromosomes appears to be conserved between both taxa that diverged about 5 million years ago. Since the chromosomes of A. lyrata resemble those of the presumed ancestral karyotype, a similar arrangement of interphase chromosomes is also to be expected for other closely related diploid species of the Brassicaceae family.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis lyrata, a close relative of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, is 1 of a few plant species for which the genome is to be entirely sequenced, which promises to yield important insights into genome evolution. Only 2 sparse linkage maps have been published, and these were based solely on markers derived from the A. thaliana genome. Because the genome of A. lyrata is practically twice as large as that of A. thaliana, the extent of map coverage of the A. lyrata genome remains uncertain. In this study, a 2-way pseudo-testcross strategy was used to construct genetic linkage maps of A. lyrata subsp. petraea and A. lyrata subsp. lyrata, using simple sequence repeat (SSR) and cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) markers from the A. thaliana genome, and anonymous amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers that could potentially uncover regions unique to the A. lyrata genome. The SSR and CAPS markers largely confirmed the relationships between linkage groups in A. lyrata and A. thaliana. AFLP markers slightly increased the coverage of the A. lyrata maps, but mostly increased marker density on the linkage groups. We noted a much lower level of polymorphism and a greater segregation distortion in A. lyrata subsp. lyrata markers. The implications of these findings for the sequencing of the A. lyrata genome are discussed.  相似文献   

Herbicide Safener-Inducible Gene Expression in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The potential use of a new chemical-inducibie gene expressionsystem in Arabidopsis thaliana has been examined. The systemis based on the maize In2-2 promoter which is activated by benzenesulfonamideherbicide safe-ners. Plants transformed with the ß-glucuronidase(gus) reporter gene under the control of the In2-2 promoterwere grown in the presence of different safeners and the inducedGUS activity pattern was studied histochemically. In the absenceof safeners, the In2-2 promoter was not active. Applicationof different safeners induced distinct gus expression patterns,including expression in the root, hy-dathodes, and the shootapical meristem. Plants maintained continuously on inducingconcentrations of the safeners were retarded in growth. Thegrowth inhibition effects of the Sa5 safener could be overcomein a sul-fonylurea-resistant background. In2-2 promoter activitycould also be induced by the sulfonylurea herbicide chlor-sulfuron.In the sulfonylurea-resistant background, which derives fromherbicide-resistant acetolactate synthase activity, inductionof the In2-2 promoter by chlorsulfuron was lower. Furthermore,branched-chain amino acids, known to inhibit acetolactate synthaseactivity, also induced In2-2 promoter activity. Our data suggesta strong correlation between In2-2 expression and inhibitionof the acetolactate synthase activity. (Received November 12, 1996; Accepted February 21, 1997)  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation has been for decades the preferred tool to generate transgenic plants. During this process, a T-DNA carrying transgenes is transferred from the bacterium to plant cells, where it randomly integrates into the genome via polymerase theta (Polθ)-mediated end joining (TMEJ). Targeting of the T-DNA to a specific genomic locus via homologous recombination (HR) is also possible, but such gene targeting (GT) events occur at low frequency and are almost invariably accompanied by random integration events. An additional complexity is that the product of recombination between T-DNA and target locus may not only map to the target locus (true GT), but also to random positions in the genome (ectopic GT). In this study, we have investigated how TMEJ functionality affects the biology of GT in plants, by using Arabidopsis thaliana mutated for the TEBICHI gene, which encodes for Polθ. Whereas in TMEJ-proficient plants we predominantly found GT events accompanied by random T-DNA integrations, GT events obtained in the teb mutant background lacked additional T-DNA copies, corroborating the essential role of Polθ in T-DNA integration. Polθ deficiency also prevented ectopic GT events, suggesting that the sequence of events leading up to this outcome requires TMEJ. Our findings provide insights that can be used for the development of strategies to obtain high-quality GT events in crop plants.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short RNA fragments that play important roles in controlled gene silencing, thus regulating many biological processes in plants. Recent studies have indicated that plants modulate miRNAs to sustain their survival in response to a variety of environmental stimuli, such as biotic stresses, cold, drought, nutritional starvation, and toxic heavy metals. Cesium and radio-cesium contaminations have arisen as serious problems that both impede plant growth and enter the food chain through contaminated plants. Many studies have been performed to define plant responses against cesium intoxication. However, the complete profile of miRNAs in plants during cesium intoxication has not been established. Here we show the differential expression of the miRNAs that are mostly down-regulated during cesium intoxication. Furthermore, we found that cesium toxicity disrupts both the processing of pri-miRNAs and AGONOUTE 1 (AGO1)-mediated gene silencing. AGO 1 seems to be especially destabilized by cesium toxicity, possibly through a proteolytic regulatory pathway. Our study presents a comprehensive profile of cesium-responsive miRNAs, which is distinct from that of potassium, and suggests two possible mechanisms underlying the cesium toxicity on miRNA metabolism.  相似文献   

Gene prediction methods for eukaryotic genomes still are not fully satisfying. One way to improve gene prediction accuracy, proven to be relevant for prokaryotes, is to consider more than one model of genes. Thus, we used our classification of Arabidopsis thaliana genes in two classes (CU(1) and CU(2)), previously delineated according to statistical features, in the GeneMark gene identification program. For each gene class, as well as for the two classes combined, a Markov model was developed (respectively, GM-CU(1), GM-CU(2) and GM-all) and then used on a test set of 168 genes to compare their respective efficiency. We concluded from this analysis that GM-CU(1) is more sensitive than GM-CU(2) which seems to be more specific to a gene type. Besides, GM-all does not give better results than GM-CU(1) and combining results from GM-CU(1) and GM-CU(2) greatly improve prediction efficiency in comparison with predictions made with GM-all only. Thus, this work confirms the necessity to consider more than one gene model for gene prediction in eukaryotic genomes, and to look for gene classes in order to build these models.  相似文献   

We have constructed a genetic map of Arabidopsis lyrata, a self-incompatible relative of the plant model species A. thaliana. A. lyrata is a diploid (n = 8) species that diverged from A. thaliana (n = 5) approximately 5 MYA. Mapping was conducted in a full-sib progeny of two unrelated F(1) hybrids between two European populations of A. lyrata ssp. petraea. We used the least-squares method of the Joinmap program for map construction. The gross chromosomal differences between the two species were most parsimoniously explained with three fusions, two reciprocal translocations, and one inversion. The total map length was 515 cM, and the distances were 12% larger than those between corresponding markers in the linkage map of A. thaliana. The 72 markers, consisting of microsatellites and gene-based markers, were spaced on average every 8 cM. Transmission ratio distortion was extensive, and most distortions were specific to each reciprocal cross, suggesting cytoplasmic interactions. We estimate locations and most probable genotype frequencies of transmission ratio distorting loci (TRDL) with a Bayesian method and discuss the possible reasons for the observed distortions.  相似文献   

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