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Oleĭnik AG  Skurikhina LA 《Genetika》2007,43(8):1097-1106
We studied genetic differentiation of two charr species, Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma malma Walbaum and resident lacustrine charr Salvelinus sp., which sympatrically inhabit Nachikinskoe Lake (the Bol'shaya River basin) in southwestern Kamchatka Peninsula. Using restriction analysis (RFLP), three mitochondrial DNA fragments (ND1/ND2, ND5/ND6, and Cytb/D loop) amplified in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were compared. The divergence of the mtDNA sequences between Salvelinus sp. and S. malma malma was 2.8%; Salvelinus sp. and S. taranetzi, 0.36%; Salvelinus sp. and S. krogiusae, 0.21%; Salvelinus sp. and S. alpinus, 3.0%. These results point to reproductive isolation of charrs in Nachikinskoe Lake and support the earlier suggestion on a close relationship between Salvelinus sp., S. taranetzi, and S. krogiusae.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Evolutionary history, systematics and taxonomy of charrs of the genus Salvelinus and especially of the representatives of the S. alpinus–S. malma species complex remain...  相似文献   

We studied morphology, size and age structure, growth, feeding, and variation at microsatellite loci of three forms of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus complex (dwarf, small, large) from mountain Lake Kamkanda in River Olekma basin, northern Transbaikalia. The forms differ in meristic and morphometric characters, external appearance and size. The small form distinctly differs from the dwarf and large forms in higher number and length of gill rakers. The forms differ in growth rate; however, differences in growth between the dwarf and the small forms are not as large as between sympatric dwarf and small charr from other Transbaikalian lakes. The large form is heterogeneous in growth rate. The small form matures one year earlier than the dwarf form and has a shorter life span. The dwarf form is a benthophage, the small form is a planktophage, and the large form is a predator. The dwarf form spawns in September, while the small form spawns in November-December, and there is no overlap in their spawning time. The three forms have clear genetic differences, which support their reproductive isolation. It is assumed that the three forms of Arctic charr originated within Lake Kamkanda on the basis of trophic polymorphism and spawning time displacement and attained a high degree of morphological and genetic divergence.  相似文献   

The 22,704-bp circular mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of the chlamydomonad alga Chlorogonium elongatum was completely cloned and sequenced. The genome encodes seven proteins of the respiratory electron transport chain, subunit 1 of the cytochrome oxidase complex (cox1), apocytochrome b (cob), five subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase complex (nad1, nad2, nad4, nad5, and nad6), a set of three tRNAs (Q, W, M), and the large (LSU)- and small (SSU)-subunit ribosomal RNAs. Six group-I introns were found, two each in the cox1, cob, and nad5 genes. In each intron an open reading frame (ORF) related to maturases or endonucleases was identified. Both the LSU and the SSU rRNA genes are split into fragments intermingled with each other and with other genes. Although the average A + T content is 62.2%, GC-rich clusters were detected in intergenic regions, in variable domains of the rRNA genes, and in introns and intron-encoded ORFs. A comparison of the genome maps reveals that C. elongatum and Chlamydomonas eugametos mtDNAs are more closely related to one another than either is to Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mtDNA. Received: 3 November 1997 / Accepted: 12 January 1998  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Marine Biology - Hybrids between the whitespotted char Salvelinus leucomaenis and the northern Dolly Varden S. malma malma have been found to regularly occur and exist...  相似文献   

Complete mitochondrial (mt) DNA sequences of two lancelets, Epigonichthys maldivensis and E. lucayanus, were compared with those of two Branchiostoma lancelets and several deuterostomes previously surveyed. The mt-gene order of E. lucayanus was quite different from that of E. maldivensis, the latter being identical to the two Branchiostoma species. A remarkable genomic change in E. lucayanus mtDNA was an inversion, indicating the possibility of recombination of the mt-genome. Gene rearrangements, probably attributable to tandem genome duplications and subsequent random deletions, were observed in two parts. Short major unassignable sequences of the examined lancelets were regarded as a part of putative regulative elements, judging from some sequence similarity to the conserved sequence block (CSB) in mammalian mtDNA. The considerable mt-genome reorganization in E. lucayanus seemed to have affected the nucleotide substitution pattern, suggested by base composition analyses. The present analysis also suggested that AGR codons in lancelet mtDNA were likely to correspond to serine residue, rather than glycine. Furthermore, the AGG codon, so far reputed to be unassignable in lancelet mtDNA, was found twice in E. maldivensis, indicating the availability of all four AGN codons in some lancelets. This finding lends support to an alternative hypothesis regarding the evolutionary history of AGR-codon assignment in extant chordates, rather than that previously proposed. A molecular phylogenetic tree of the Epigonichthys and Branchiostoma species based on DNA sequences of the 13 mt-protein genes doubted the monophyly of the former genus, unlike the prevailing classification based on their different gonadal arrangements.Reviewing Editor: Dr. Axel Meyer  相似文献   

We report the finding of the second population of Arctic charr in Lake Baikal basin, in a nameless lake in the Barguzin mountain range in the outlet of the Svetlaya River. The lake is situated at an altitude of 1766 m above sea level; this is the highest lake inhabited by this species in the territory of Russia. Two abundant charr forms, dwarf and small, were recorded in the lake; data on their ecology, morphology, age composition, growth, and microsatellite variation are presented. Both forms feed mainly on zooplankton, though neither has pronounced morphological traits characteristic of specialized plankton-feeders. Dwarf and small charrs are rather close in meristic characters and in the length of gill rakers, but differ substantially in allele frequencies and allele diversity at the microsatellite loci, which is indicative of a high degree of reproductive isolation between them. The discovered population is the only one among Transbaikalian charr populations, that, due to its remoteness, has not been affected by man. For that reason, it can be considered as an etalon of an undisturbed natural charr population. The lake and its surroundings should receive official protected status.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - In order to extend the geography of genetic studies at the broad circumpolar range of Arctic charr we analyzed sequence variation of mtDNA control region (537–547...  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Marine Biology - A seasonal spring-run (vernal) ecotype of the Steelhead Trout Parasalmo (Oncorhynchus) mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) has been found in western Kamchatka for the first...  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - The development of embryos and larvae of the hybrid (smallmouth charr females × bigmouth charr males) between unique endemic deepwater forms of northern Dolly Varden...  相似文献   

The results of virological examination of adult sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka in Lake Nachikinskoe from 2003 to 2008 demonstrated high values of prevalence of the infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) in the fish population (up to 100%). In the studied water reservoir there are optimal conditions for the development and revealing of the epizootic of infectious hematopoietic necrosis (IHN). In Lake Nachikinskoe, two natural epizootics of IHN in juvenile sockeye salmon were recorded in 2003 and 2006. The tendencies for change of prevalence of IHNV by years were analyzed, and their relation to the numbers of adult sockeye salmon at the spawning grounds of Lake Nachikinskoe was determined. The correlation of IHNV prevalence with the numbers of adult sockeye salmon in the studied water reservoir is direct but insignificant (r s = 0.695, p < 0.05). It was shown that the epizootic of 2003 could affect the fact that fish return in 2007 and 2008 was minimum for the considered time interval while the numbers of their parents were, on the other hand, very high.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among some bear species are still open questions. We present here mitochondrial DNA sequences of D-loop region, cytochrome b, 12S rRNA, tRNAPro, and tRNAThr genes from all bear species and the giant panda. A series of evolutionary trees with concordant topology has been derived based on the combined data set of all of the mitochondrial DNA sequences, which may have resolved the evolutionary relationships of all bear species: the ancestor of the spectacled bear diverged first, followed by the sloth bear; the brown bear and polar bear are sister taxa relative to the Asiatic black bear; the closest relative of the American black bear is the sun bear. Primers for forensic identification of the giant panda and bears are proposed. Analysis of these data, in combination with data from primates and antelopes, suggests that relative substitutional rates between different mitochondrial DNA regions may vary greatly among different taxa of the vertebrates.  相似文献   

Chars from the genus Salvelinus, inhabiting lakes and lake-river systems, belong to morphologically and ecologically different forms whose taxonomic status is under dispute. In the present work, we have examined genetic variation and divergence in various chars from the Kronotsky lake basin: the lacustrine chars (white, nose, and long-head) and Dolly Varden char Salvelinus malma. The study was conducted using analysis of allozyme and microsatellite loci, myogens, RAPD, and restriction analysis of two mtDNA segments. The estimates of heterozygoisty at allozyme and microsatellite loci were similar to the corresponding parameters in populations of northern Dolly Varden and Arctic char. Heterozygote deficit was recorded in both samples of individual forms, and in the combined sample of all chars from Kronotsky Lake. For both markers, appreciable genetic differentiation among the samples of different char forms was found, which was comparable to that among the spatially isolated populations of northern Dolly Varden. This result indicates reproductive isolation among the char forms examined. However, this isolation is not complete, because no fixed differences between the forms by any of the genetic systems analyzed was found. The genetic differentiation among different forms of lacustrine chars, which corresponds to the interpopulation rather than interspecies level, is thought to be explained by their comparatively recent divergence.  相似文献   

Two previously unknown profundal dwelling charr morphs of the genus Salvelinus from Lake Kronotskoe are described in this article. According to their lifestyle peculiarities, these morphs were named the “bigmouth charr” and “smallmouth charr.” The former group is near-bottom benthivorous, while the latter one inhabits the water column and occupies the omnivorous niche. Bigmouth and smallmouth charrs are distinguished from the rest of the sympatric charr morphs by their smaller size, shorter snout, larger eyes, as well as by several craniological traits and lower parasite abundance. Spawning of both morphs takes place directly in the profundal zone and lasts from late October to February. Additional studies are required to determine the systematic status of the new morphs.  相似文献   

Frolov SV 《Genetika》2005,41(12):1688-1696
Resident (lacustrine) chars, inhabiting many lakes of Kamchatka, Chukotka, and continental coast of the Sea of Okhotsk, are of particular interest for understanding the mechanisms of speciation and evolution of Salvelinus chars. Since one of these, the char from Dal'nee Lake (Paratunka River basin, southeastern Kamchatka), is substantially different from lacustrine-riverine and anadromous chars from the Paratunka River basin in several morphological traits, hemoglobin spectrum, ecology, and reproduction, it is considered an isolated species Salvelinus krogiusae. The karyotype of the resident char from Dal'nee Lake was shown to be variable in most individuals, containing 76 to 80 chromosomes in different cells, with NF = 98. This suggests that the variability of the chromosome number in this char form is explained by Robertsonian translocations. In females and males, cells with respectively 2n = 78 and 2n = 77 prevailed. Heteromorphic sex chromosomes were not found in the karyotype of this char species. Nucleolar-organizing regions (NORs) were mostly detected in the telomeric regions of short arms of large submetacentric chromosomes. These features of the Krogius char karyotype demonstrate that this species is isolated from other Kamchatka chars, being similar to Taranetz char S. taranetzi from Chukotka Peninsula, which is in good agreement with morphological data.  相似文献   

Methanobrevibacter sp. AbM4 was originally isolated from the abomasal contents of a sheep and was chosen as a representative of the Methanobrevibacter wolinii clade for genome sequencing. The AbM4 genome is smaller than that of the rumen methanogen M. ruminantium M1 (2.0 Mb versus 2.93 Mb), encodes fewer open reading frames (ORFs) (1,671 versus 2,217) and has a lower G+C percentage (29% versus 33%). Overall, the composition of the AbM4 genome is very similar to that of M1 suggesting that the methanogenesis pathway and central metabolism of these strains are highly similar, and both organisms are likely to be amenable to inhibition by small molecule inhibitors and vaccine-based methane mitigation technologies targeting these conserved features. The main differences compared to M1 are that AbM4 has a complete coenzyme M biosynthesis pathway and does not contain a prophage or non-ribosomal peptide synthase genes. However, AbM4 has a large CRISPR region and several type I and type II restriction-modification system components. Unusually, DNA-directed RNA polymerase B′ and B′′ subunits of AbM4 are joined, a feature only previously observed in some thermophilic archaea. AbM4 has a much reduced complement of genes encoding adhesin-like proteins which suggests it occupies a ruminal niche different from that of M1.  相似文献   

The Gobioninae are a group of morphologically and ecologically diverse Eurasian freshwater cyprinid fishes. The intergeneric relationships of this group are unresolved and the possible monophyly of this subfamily remains to be established. We used complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences from most genera within the gobionine group, in addition to a selection of cyprinid outgroups, to investigate the possible monophyly of this group and resolve the interrelationships within the group. Our results support the monophyly of the Gobioninae and identify four monophyletic groups within the subfamily; the Hemibarbus group, the Sarcocheilichthys group, the Gobio group, and the Pseudogobio group. The morphologically aberrant genera Gobiobotia, Xenophysogobio and Gobiocypris are included in the Gobioninae, with the latter a sister group of Gnathopogon.  相似文献   

Spawning in habitats affected by Pleistocene glacial advances over most of its natural range, northern Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma malma typifies Arctic fauna distributed in northeastern Asia and northwestern North America. We reconstructed a genealogy of mtDNA haplotypes from 27 Alaskan and Asian populations to study the influence of historical events on the phylogeography and contemporary population genetic structure. Analysis of molecular variance partitioned most of the mtDNA variability to the intrapopulation component (72.5%) with much reduced differences between populations (21.1%) and regions (6.4%). Similar patterns of variation apparent from hierarchical diversity and nested clade phylogeographical analysis (NCPA) of mtDNA haplotypes identify weak spatial differentiation and low levels of divergence. These findings suggest (1) that demographic history has been influenced by historical range expansions and recent isolation by distance, (2) that present populations from Asia and North America were colonized from one main Beringian Refugium, and (3) that this taxon’s ancestral population probably experienced a bottleneck in the Beringian Refugium during the late Pleistocene (Wisconsin) glacial period. The genealogical and NCPA analyses, and mismatch distribution of S. m. malma mtDNA haplotypes do not confirm the assumptions about presence of the two refugia on the territories of the Beringian Land, in which allopatric S. m. malma ancestral populations evolved, and independent origin of the Sea of Okhotsk populations.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences of portions of the mitochondrial 12S and 16S ribosomal RNA genes were used to extend a recent study of anuran phylogeny (Hayet al., Mol. Biol. Evol.12: 928–937, 1995) and to further evaluate phylogenetic relationships within the Neobatrachia. An analysis of almost 900 nucleotides from each of 8 new representatives of the Dendrobatidae, Hylidae, Leptodactylidae, and Myobatrachidae, plus 14 available members of the Neobatrachia provides support for 2 major lineages (Bufonoidea and Ranoidea) within this anuran suborder. The neotropical Bufonoidea and their derivatives are monophyletic. There is an interesting association of the 2 Australian myobatrachids with the South African Heleophrynidae, and the Sooglossidae is one of the basal bufonoid lineages. Within the New World bufonoid frogs, a monophyletic Dendrobatidae is strongly supported. An Australian hylid (Pelodryadinae) shows close affinity with the South American hylid Phyllomedusinae. A group composed of Hylinae (HylaandSmilisca), Centrolenidae, Bufonidae, and the hylid Hemiphractinae, with the latter two clustered, was supported significantly. The addition of new taxa has more clearly defined some relationships within the suborder Neobatrachia and has indicated that the families Hylidae, Leptodactylidae, and Myobatrachidae may not be monophyletic.  相似文献   

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