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Wnt and Dickkopf (Dkk) regulate the stabilization of beta-catenin antagonistically in the Wnt signaling pathway; however, the molecular mechanism is not clear. In this study, we found that Wnt3a acts in parallel to induce the caveolin-dependent internalization of low-density-lipoprotein receptor-related protein 6 (LRP6), as well as the phosphorylation of LRP6 and the recruitment of Axin to LRP6 on the cell surface membrane. The phosphorylation and internalization of LRP6 occurred independently of one another, and both were necessary for the accumulation of beta-catenin. In contrast, Dkk1, which inhibits Wnt3a-dependent stabilization of beta-catenin, induced the internalization of LRP6 with clathrin. Knockdown of clathrin suppressed the Dkk1-dependent inhibition of the Wnt3a response. Furthermore, Dkk1 reduced the distribution of LRP6 in the lipid raft fraction where caveolin is associated. These results indicate that Wnt3a and Dkk1 shunt LRP6 to distinct internalization pathways in order to activate and inhibit the beta-catenin signaling, respectively.  相似文献   

A single point mutation (G to T) in the low-density lipoprotein receptor related protein 5 (LRP5) gene results in a glycine to valine amino acid change (G171V) and is responsible for an autosomal dominant high bone mass trait (HBM) in two independent kindreds. LRP5 acts as a co-receptor to Wnts with Frizzled family members and transduces Wnt-canonical signals which can be antagonized by LRP5 ligand, Dickkopf 1 (Dkk1). In the presence of Wnt1, LRP5 or the HBM variant (LRP5-G171V) induces beta-catenin nuclear translocation and activates T cell factor (TCF)-luciferase reporter activity. HBM variant suppresses Dkk1 function and this results in reduced inhibition of TCF activity as compared to that with LRP5. Structural analysis of LRP5 revealed that the HBM mutation lies in the 4th blade of the first beta-propeller domain. To elucidate the functional significance and consequence of the LRP5-G171V mutation in vitro, we took a structure-based approach to design 15 specific LRP5 point mutations. These included (a) substitutions at the G171 in blade 4, (b) mutations in blades 2-6 of beta-propeller 1, and (c) mutations in beta-propellers 2, 3 and 4. Here we show that substitutions of glycine at 171 to K, F, I and Q also resulted in HBM-like activity in the presence of Wnt1 and Dkk1. This indicates the importance of the G171 site rather than the effect of specific amino acid modification to LRP5 receptor function. Interestingly, G171 equivalent residue mutations in other blades of beta-propeller 1 (A65V, S127V, L200V, A214V and M282V) resulted in LRP5-G171V-like block of Dkk1 function. However G171V type mutations in other beta-propellers of LRP5 did not result in resistance to Dkk1 function. These results indicate the importance of LRP5 beta-propeller 1 for Dkk1 function and Wnt signaling. These data and additional comparative structural analysis of the LRP5 family member LDLR suggest a potential functional role of the first beta-propeller domain through intramolecular interaction with other domains of LRP5 wherein Dkk1 can bind. Such studies may also lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying the reduced function of Dkk1-like inhibitory ligands of LRP5 with HBM-like mutations and its relationship to increased bone density phenotypes.  相似文献   

Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related proteins 5 and 6 (LRP5 and LRP6) serve as Wnt co-receptors for the canonical β-catenin pathway. While LRP6 is essential for embryogenesis, both LRP5 and LRP6 play critical roles for skeletal remodeling, osteoporosis pathogenesis and cancer formation, making LRP5 and LRP6 key therapeutic targets for cancer and disease treatment. LRP5 and LRP6 each contain in the cytoplasmic domain five conserved PPPSPxS motifs that are pivotal for signaling and serve collectively as phosphorylation-dependent docking sites for the scaffolding protein Axin. However existing data suggest that LRP6 is more effective than LRP5 in transducing the Wnt signal. To understand the molecular basis that accounts for the different signaling activity of LRP5 and LRP6, we generated a series of chimeric receptors via swapping LRP5 and LRP6 cytoplasmic domains, LRP5C and LRP6C, and studied their Wnt signaling activity using biochemical and functional assays. We demonstrate that LRP6C exhibits strong signaling activity while LRP5C is much less active in cells. Recombinant LRP5C and LRP6C upon in vitro phosphorylation exhibit similar Axin-binding capability, suggesting that LRP5 and LRP6 differ in vivo at a step prior to Axin-binding, likely at receiving phosphorylation. We identified between the two most carboxyl PPPSPxS motifs an intervening "gap4" region that appears to account for much of the difference between LRP5C and LRP6C, and showed that alterations in this region are sufficient to enhance LRP5 PPPSPxS phosphorylation and signaling to levels comparable to LRP6 in cells. In addition we provide evidence that binding of phosphorylated LRP5 or LRP6 to Axin is likely direct and does not require the GSK3 kinase as a bridging intermediate as has been proposed. Our studies therefore uncover a new and important molecular tuning mechanism for differential regulation of LRP5 and LRP6 phosphorylation and signaling activity.  相似文献   

Head inducer Dickkopf-1 is a ligand for Wnt coreceptor LRP6.   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
BACKGROUND: Dickkopf-1 (Dkk-1) is a head inducer secreted from the vertebrate head organizer and induces anterior development by antagonizing Wnt signaling. Although several families of secreted antagonists have been shown to inhibit Wnt signal transduction by binding to Wnt, the molecular mechanism of Dkk-1 action is unknown. The Wnt family of secreted growth factors initiates signaling via the Frizzled (Fz) receptor and its candidate coreceptor, LDL receptor-related protein 6 (LRP6), presumably through Fz-LRP6 complex formation induced by Wnt. The significance of the Fz-LRP6 complex in signal transduction remains to be established. RESULTS: We report that Dkk-1 is a high-affinity ligand for LRP6 and inhibits Wnt signaling by preventing Fz-LRP6 complex formation induced by Wnt. Dkk-1 binds neither Wnt nor Fz, nor does it affect Wnt-Fz interaction. Dkk-1 function in head induction and Wnt signaling inhibition strictly correlates with its ability to bind LRP6 and to disrupt the Fz-LRP6 association. LRP6 function and Dkk-1 inhibition appear to be specific for the Wnt/Fz beta-catenin pathway. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate that Dkk-1 is an LRP6 ligand and inhibits Wnt signaling by blocking Wnt-induced Fz-LRP6 complex formation. Our findings thus reveal a novel mechanism for Wnt signal modulation. LRP6 is a Wnt coreceptor that appears to specify Wnt/Fz signaling to the beta-catenin pathway, and Dkk-1, distinct from Wnt binding antagonists, may be a specific inhibitor for Wnt/beta-catenin signaling. Our findings suggest that Wnt-Fz-LRP6 complex formation, but not Wnt-Fz interaction, triggers Wnt/beta-catenin signaling.  相似文献   

Canonical Wnt signals are transduced through a Frizzled receptor and either the LRP5 or LRP6 co-receptor; such signals play central roles during development and in disease. We have previously shown that Lrp5 is required for ductal stem cell activity and that loss of Lrp5 delays normal mammary development and Wnt1-induced tumorigenesis. Here we show that canonical Wnt signals through the Lrp6 co-receptor are also required for normal mouse mammary gland development. Loss of Lrp6 compromises Wnt/β-catenin signaling and interferes with mammary placode, fat pad, and branching development during embryogenesis. Heterozygosity for an inactivating mutation in Lrp6 is associated with a reduced number of terminal end buds and branches during postnatal development. While Lrp6 is expressed in both the basal and luminal mammary epithelium during embryogenesis, Lrp6 expression later becomes restricted to cells residing in the basal epithelial layer. Interestingly, these cells also express mammary stem cell markers. In humans, increased Lrp6 expression is associated with basal-like breast cancer. Taken together, our results suggest both overlapping and specific functions for Lrp5 and Lrp6 in the mammary gland.  相似文献   

Sclerosteosis is an autosomal recessive disease that is characterized by overgrowth of bone tissue and is linked to mutations in the gene encoding the secreted protein SOST. Sclerosteosis shares remarkable similarities with "high bone mass" diseases caused by "gain-of-function" mutations in the LRP5 gene, which encodes a coreceptor for Wnt signaling proteins. We show here that SOST antagonizes Wnt signaling in Xenopus embryos and mammalian cells by binding to the extracellular domain of the Wnt coreceptors LRP5 and LRP6 and disrupting Wnt-induced Frizzled-LRP complex formation. Our findings suggest that SOST is an antagonist for Wnt signaling and that the loss of SOST function likely leads to the hyperactivation of Wnt signaling that underlies bone overgrowth seen in sclerosteosis patients.  相似文献   

为了深入研究Wnt信号的传导机制 ,利用GAL4酵母双杂交系统 ,以Wnt受体LRP6的胞内区为诱饵蛋白 ,筛选小鼠 11 5d胚胎cDNA文库 ,发现了一个新的LRP6相互作用蛋白 :黑色素瘤相关抗原MAAT1p15 (melanoma associatedantigenrecognizedbycytotoxicTlymphocytesp15 ) .免疫共沉淀方法证明了LRP6胞内区和MAAT1p15在哺乳动物细胞中也存在相互作用 .荧光素酶报告系统分析实验显示 ,MAAT1p15能够明显增强Wnt1和LRP6响应的下游基因的转录活性 ,提示MAAT1p15可能是LRP6的一个辅助蛋白  相似文献   

DKK1 is a secreted protein that antagonizes Wnt signaling and plays essential roles in vertebrate embryogenesis including head induction, skeletal development, and limb patterning. DKK1 is also implicated in osteoporosis, arthritis, and cancer and represents a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of these diseases. DKK1 is a high affinity antagonistic ligand for LRP6, which is a Wnt coreceptor that acts together with the Frizzled serpentine receptor to initiate Wnt signal transduction. Two different models have been proposed to account for the mechanism by which DKK1 antagonizes LRP6 function. One model suggests that DKK1 binding to LRP6 disrupts Wnt-induced Frizzled-LRP6 complex formation, whereas the other model proposes that DKK1 interaction with LRP6 promotes LRP6 internalization and degradation, thereby reducing the cell surface LRP6 level. To clarify the molecular basis of DKK1 action, we examined how DKK1 affects the endogenous LRP6 in several mammalian cell lines including mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Here we show that DKK1 inhibits Wnt signaling but induces neither LRP6 down-regulation from the cell surface nor reduction of total LRP6 protein level and that DKK1 has no effect on the rate of continuous internalization of LRP6 and the half-life (about 4.7 h) of LRP6. We conclude that DKK1 inhibition of LRP6 is independent of LRP6 internalization and degradation.  相似文献   

Wnt ligands conduct their functions in canonical Wnt signaling by binding to two receptors, the single transmembrane low density lipoprotein receptor-related proteins 5 and 6 (LRP5/6) and seven transmembrane (7TM) Frizzled receptors. Subsequently, phosphorylation of serine/threonine residues within five repeating signature PPPSP motifs on LRP6 is responsible for LRP6 activation. GSK3β, a cytosolic kinase for phosphorylation of a downstream effector β-catenin, was proposed to participate in such LRP6 phosphorylation. Here, we report a new class of membrane-associated kinases for LRP6 phosphorylation. We found that G protein-coupled receptor kinases 5 and 6 (GRK5/6), traditionally known to phosphorylate and desensitize 7TM G protein-coupled receptors, directly phosphorylate the PPPSP motifs on single transmembrane LRP6 and regulate Wnt/LRP6 signaling. GRK5/6-induced LRP6 activation is inhibited by the LRP6 antagonist Dickkopf. Depletion of GRK5 markedly reduces Wnt3A-stimulated LRP6 phosphorylation in cells. In zebrafish, functional knock-down of GRK5 results in reduced Wnt signaling, analogous to LRP6 knock-down, as assessed by decreased abundance of β-catenin and lowered expression of the Wnt target genes cdx4, vent, and axin2. Expression of GRK5 rescues the diminished β-catenin and axin2 response caused by GRK5 depletion. Thus, our findings identify GRK5/6 as novel kinases for the single transmembrane receptor LRP6 during Wnt signaling.  相似文献   

Wnt/β-catenin signaling is fundamental in embryogenesis and tissue homeostasis in metazoans. Upon Wnt stimulation, cognate coreceptors LRP5 and LRP6 ([LRP5/6] low-density lipoprotein receptor-related proteins 5 and 6) are activated via phosphorylation at key residues. Although several kinases have been implicated, the LRP5/6 activation mechanism remains unclear. Here, we report that transmembrane protein 198 (TMEM198), a previously uncharacterized seven-transmembrane protein, is able to specifically activate LRP6 in transducing Wnt signaling. TMEM198 associates with LRP6 and recruits casein kinase family proteins, via the cytoplasmic domain, to phosphorylate key residues important for LRP6 activation. In mammalian cells, TMEM198 is required for Wnt signaling and casein kinase 1-induced LRP6 phosphorylation. During Xenopus embryogenesis, maternal and zygotic tmem198 mRNAs are widely distributed in the ectoderm and mesoderm. TMEM198 is required for Wnt-mediated neural crest formation, antero-posterior patterning, and particularly engrailed-2 expression in Xenopus embryos. Thus, our results identified TMEM198 as a membrane scaffold protein that promotes LRP6 phosphorylation and Wnt signaling activation.  相似文献   

Li Y  Lu W  He X  Bu G 《FEBS letters》2006,580(22):5423-5428
LRP6 is a Wnt coreceptor at the cell surface. Here, we report that a specialized molecular chaperone Mesd modulates LRP6-mediated Wnt signaling and how different LRP6 mutants exhibit differential effects on Wnt signaling. We found that overexpression of increasing amounts of the full-length LRP6 enhances Wnt signaling in a dose dependent manner only in the presence of a co-expression of the molecular chaperone Mesd, which promotes LRP6 folding and maturation to the cell surface. We also demonstrated that LRP6 mutant lacking the intracellular domain impedes LRP6 cell surface expression and Wnt signaling in a dominant-negative fashion by sequestering Mesd from promoting LRP6 folding. Our results present novel mechanisms by which Mesd and LRP6 modulate Wnt signaling.  相似文献   

LDL receptor-related protein 6 (LRP6) is a Wnt coreceptor in the canonical signaling pathway, which plays essential roles in embryonic development. We demonstrate here that wild-type LRP6 forms an inactive dimer through interactions mediated by epidermal growth factor repeat regions within the extracellular domain. A truncated LRP6 comprising its transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains is expressed as a constitutively active monomer whose signaling ability is inhibited by forced dimerization. Conversely, Wnts are shown to activate canonical signaling through LRP6 by inducing an intracellular conformational switch which relieves allosteric inhibition imposed on the intracellular domains. Thus, Wnt canonical signaling through LRP6 establishes a novel mechanism for receptor activation which is opposite to the general paradigm of ligand-induced receptor oligomerization.  相似文献   

During adipocyte differentiation, the cells experience dramatic alterations in morphology, motility and cell-ECM contact. Focal adhesion kinase (pp125FAK), a widely expressed non-receptor tyrosine kinase in integrin signaling, has been reported to participate in these events in various cells. Utilizing 3T3-L1 cells and primary rat preadipocytes, we explored the role of FAK in adipocyte differentiation. Gradual cleavage of FAK was demonstrated during adipcoyte differentiation, both in vitro and in vivo. This cleavage of FAK was mediated by calpain. Inhibition of calpain activity resulted in the rescue of FAK degradation, accompanied with the disturbance of final maturation of adipocyte. Our study revealed that FAK participated in adipocyte differentiation, and its cleavage by calpain was required to fulfill the final maturation of adipocytes.  相似文献   

Dkk1 and Wnt3 interact to control head morphogenesis in the mouse   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Loss of Dkk1 results in ectopic WNT/beta-catenin signalling activity in the anterior germ layer tissues and impairs cell movement in the endoderm of the mouse gastrula. The juxtaposition of the expression domains of Dkk1 and Wnt3 is suggestive of an antagonist-agonist interaction. The downregulation of Dkk1 when Wnt3 activity is reduced reveals a feedback mechanism for regulating WNT signalling. Compound Dkk1;Wnt3 heterozygous mutant embryos display head truncation and trunk malformation, which are not found in either Dkk1(+/-) or Wnt3(+/-) embryos. Reducing the dose of Wnt3 gene in Dkk1(-/-) embryos partially rescues the truncated head phenotype. These findings highlight that head development is sensitive to the level of WNT3 signalling and that DKK1 is the key antagonist that modulates WNT3 activity during anterior morphogenesis.  相似文献   

LDL-receptor-related protein 6 (LRP6), alongside Frizzled receptors, transduces Wnt signaling across the plasma membrane. The LRP6 ectodomain comprises four tandem β-propeller-EGF-like domain (PE) pairs that harbor binding sites for Wnt morphogens and their antagonists including Dickkopf 1 (Dkk1). To understand how these multiple interactions are integrated, we combined crystallographic analysis of the third and fourth PE pairs with electron microscopy (EM) to determine the complete ectodomain structure. An extensive inter-pair interface, conserved for the first-to-second and third-to-fourth PE interactions, contributes to a compact platform-like architecture, which is disrupted by mutations implicated in developmental diseases. EM reconstruction of the LRP6 platform bound to chaperone Mesd exemplifies a binding mode spanning PE pairs. Cellular and binding assays identify overlapping Wnt3a- and Dkk1-binding surfaces on the third PE pair, consistent with steric competition, but also suggest a model in which the platform structure supports an interplay of ligands through multiple interaction sites.  相似文献   

Kremen2 modulates Dickkopf2 activity during Wnt/LRP6 signaling   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Mao B  Niehrs C 《Gene》2003,302(1-2):179-183
Dickkopf1 (Dkk1) is a secreted antagonist of the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway that acts by direct binding to and inhibiting the Wnt co-receptor LRP6. The related Dkk2, however, can function either as LRP6 agonist or antagonist, depending on the cellular context, suggesting that its activity is modulated by unknown co-factors. We have recently identified the transmembrane proteins Kremen1 and -2 as additional Dkk receptors, which bind to both Dkk1 and Dkk2 with high affinity. Here we show that Kremen2 (Krm2) regulates Dkk2 activity during Wnt signaling. In human 293 fibroblasts transfected dkk2 activates LRP6 signaling. However, co-transfection of krm2 blocks the ability of Dkk2 to activate LRP6 and enhances inhibition of Wnt/Frizzled signaling. Krm2 also co-operates with Dkk4 to inhibit Wnt signaling, but not with Dkk3, which has no effect on Wnt signaling. Likewise, in Xenopus embryos, Dkk2 and Krm2 co-operate in Wnt inhibition leading to anteriorized embryos. Finally, we show that interaction with Krm2 is mediated by the second cysteine-rich domain of Dkks. These results suggest that Krm2 can function as a switch that turns Dkk2 from an activator into an inhibitor of Wnt/lRP6 signaling.  相似文献   

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