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1 Introduction The mechanical behaviour of trabecular bone is dependent on both the properties of individual trabeculae as well as the three-dimensional architecture into which they are arranged. Hence, a comprehensive study of trabecular bone requires the consideration of microscopic as well as macroscopic length scales. Nanoindentation is a technique particularly suited to the mechanical characterisation of single trabecula[1?3] owing to the impracticalities of isolating individual tra- becu…  相似文献   

骨骼在平时发挥的是支撑和运动作用,在受到撞击后保护脏器的同时自身也会断裂、受损,这都是骨与力之间相互作用产生的结果。如果可以知道骨的力学属性,并带入有限元模型计算,就可以个体化地预测其生活中的各种动作是否会导致急慢性创伤、协助判断暴力事件(如交通事故、坠落等)对其骨骼造成的破坏、在术前对骨骼质量给予指导性的评估[1]等。但是人类的骨骼看似简单,却千变万化,想要确切了解其各项属性的内在联系很困难。骨骼并不是几种材料的简单堆积,如骨骼整体的强度要大于其所有部位累计的强度[2]就是一个证明。一开始,骨的测试方法遵循普通材料的测试方法,随着研究的深入,对于骨的各个部位、各个类型的属性又有了很多新的探索。寻求最佳的试件保存、制作方法是后期测试获得成功的前提,试件保存的温度、水合状态、取材方向、形状和大小都会引起误差,多因素干扰也使分析结果变得更加困难。也正是因为如此,不同学者测得的数据差异往往比较明显。本研究旨在提炼、归纳一些通用、成熟、合理的方法,为后来的研究者在实验技术方面提供参考,让研究结果更有比较意义。  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that microdamage accumulates in bone as a result of physiological loading and occurs naturally in human trabecular bone. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with pre-existing microdamage in human vertebral trabecular bone, namely age, architecture, hardness, mineral and organic matrix. Trabecular bone cores were collected from human L2 vertebrae (n = 53) from donors 54–95 years of age (22 men and 30 women, 1 unknown) and previous cited parameters were evaluated. Collagen cross-link content (PYD, DPD, PEN and % of collagen) was measured on surrounding trabecular bone. We found that determinants of microdamage were mostly the age of donors, architecture, mineral characteristics and mature enzymatic cross-links. Moreover, linear microcracks were mostly associated with the bone matrix characteristics whereas diffuse damage was associated with architecture. We conclude that linear and diffuse types of microdamage seemed to have different determinants, with age being critical for both types.  相似文献   



The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the trabecular bone microarchitecture and cortical bone morphology by using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and dental cone-beam computed tomography (dental CT).

Materials and Methods

Sixteen femurs and eight fifth lumbar vertebrae were collected from eight male Sprague Dawley rats. Four trabecular bone microarchitecture parameters related to the fifth lumbar vertebral body (percent bone volume [BV/TV], trabecular thickness [TbTh], trabecular separation [TbSp], and trabecular number [TbN]) were calculated using micro-CT. In addition, the volumetric cancellous bone grayscale value (vCanGrayscale) of the fifth lumbar vertebral body was measured using dental CT. Furthermore, four cortical bone morphology parameters of the femoral diaphysis (total cross-sectional area [TtAr], cortical area [CtAr], cortical bone area fraction [CtAr/TtAr], and cortical thickness [CtTh]) were calculated using both micro-CT and dental CT. Pearson analysis was conducted to calculate the correlation coefficients (r) of the micro-CT and dental CT measurements. Paired-sample t tests were used to compare the differences between the measurements of the four cortical bone morphology parameters obtained using micro-CT and dental CT.


High correlations between the vCanGrayscale measured using dental CT and the trabecular bone microarchitecture parameters (BV/TV [r = 0.84] and TbTh [r = 0.84]) measured using micro-CT were observed. The absolute value of the four cortical bone morphology parameters may be different between the dental CT and micro-CT approaches. However, high correlations (r ranged from 0.71 to 0.90) among these four cortical bone morphology parameters measured using the two approaches were obtained.


We observed high correlations between the vCanGrayscale measured using dental CT and the trabecular bone microarchitecture parameters (BV/TV and TbTh) measured using micro-CT, in addition to high correlations between the cortical bone morphology measured using micro-CT and dental CT. Further experiments are necessary to validate the use of dental CT on human bone.  相似文献   



Osteogenic induction and bone formation are heavily affected by environmental factors, including estrogen, estrogen receptors, and coregulatory proteins, such as the recently reported proline-, glutamic acid-, and leucine-rich protein 1(Pelp1).


To investigate Pelp1 expression in rat bone mesenchymal stem cells (rBMSCs) during cell proliferation and osteogenic differentiation.


rBMSCs were cultured in routine and osteogenic differentiation media. Cell proliferation was assessed at days 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14, and 21. Pelp1 protein expression in the nucleus and cytoplasm were detected by immunocytochemical analysis. Real-time RT-PCR and western blot were used to detect mRNA and protein expressions of Pelp1, osteocalcin (OCN), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP).


Over 21 days, rBMSCs in routine culture exhibited a 1-2 day lag phase and exponential growth from day 3 to 9, plateauing at day 9, and correlated with temporal mRNA expression of Pelp1, which almost reached baseline levels at day 21. In osteogenic induction cultures, Pelp1 mRNA levels rose at day 9 and steadily increased until day 21, reaching 6.8-fold greater value compared with day 1. Interestingly, Pelp1 mRNA expression in osteogenic cultures exhibited a trend similar to that of OCN expression. Pelp1 knockdown by siRNA transfection inhibited undifferentiated rBMSC proliferation, and bone markers OCN and ALP expressions in rBMSCs cultured in routine and osteogenic differentiation media.


Pelp1 may be a key player in BMSCs proliferation and osteogenic differentiation, meriting further consideration as a target for development of therapies for pathological bone loss conditions, such as menopausal bone loss.  相似文献   

Bone is capable of adapting during life in response to stress. Therefore, variation in locomotor and manipulative behaviours across extant hominoids may be reflected in differences in trabecular bone structure. The hand is a promising region for trabecular analysis, as it is the direct contact between the individual and the environment and joint positions at peak loading vary amongst extant hominoids. Building upon traditional volume of interest-based analyses, we apply a whole-epiphysis analytical approach using high-resolution microtomographic scans of the hominoid third metacarpal to investigate whether trabecular structure reflects differences in hand posture and loading in knuckle-walking (Gorilla, Pan), suspensory (Pongo, Hylobates and Symphalangus) and manipulative (Homo) taxa. Additionally, a comparative phylogenetic method was used to analyse rates of evolutionary changes in trabecular parameters. Results demonstrate that trabecular bone volume distribution and regions of greatest stiffness (i.e., Young''s modulus) correspond with predicted loading of the hand in each behavioural category. In suspensory and manipulative taxa, regions of high bone volume and greatest stiffness are concentrated on the palmar or distopalmar regions of the metacarpal head, whereas knuckle-walking taxa show greater bone volume and stiffness throughout the head, and particularly in the dorsal region; patterns that correspond with the highest predicted joint reaction forces. Trabecular structure in knuckle-walking taxa is characterised by high bone volume fraction and a high degree of anisotropy in contrast to the suspensory brachiators. Humans, in which the hand is used primarily for manipulation, have a low bone volume fraction and a variable degree of anisotropy. Finally, when trabecular parameters are mapped onto a molecular-based phylogeny, we show that the rates of change in trabecular structure vary across the hominoid clade. Our results support a link between inferred behaviour and trabecular structure in extant hominoids that can be informative for reconstructing behaviour in fossil primates.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThis study used microcomputed tomography (micro-CT) to evaluate the effects of ovariectomy on the trabecular bone microarchitecture and cortical bone morphology in the femoral neck and mandible of female rats.ResultsRegarding the trabecular bone microarchitectural parameters, the BV/TV of the trabecular bone microarchitecture in the femoral necks of the control group (61.199±11.288%, median ± interquartile range) was significantly greater than that of the ovariectomized group (40.329±5.153%). Similarly, the BV/TV of the trabecular bone microarchitecture in the mandibles of the control group (51.704±6.253%) was significantly greater than that of the ovariectomized group (38.486±9.111%). Furthermore, the TbSp of the femoral necks in the ovariectomized group (0.185±0.066 mm) was significantly greater than that in the control group (0.130±0.026mm). Similarly, the TbSp of the mandibles in the ovariectomized group (0.322±0.047mm) was significantly greater than that in the control group (0.285±0.041mm). However, the TbTh and TbN trends for the mandibles and femoral necks were inconsistent between the control and ovariectomized groups. Regarding the cortical bone morphology parameters, the TtAr of the femoral necks in the ovariectomized group was significantly smaller than that in the control group. There was no significant difference in the TtAr, CtAr, or CtTh of the femoral necks between the control and ovariectomized groups, and no significant difference in the CtTh of the mandibles between the control and ovariectomized groups. Moreover, the BV/TV and TbSp of the mandibles were highly correlated with those of the femurs (rs = 0.874 and rs = 0.755 for BV/TV and TbSp, respectively). Nevertheless, the TbTh, TbN, and CtTh of the mandibles were not correlated with those of the femoral necks.ConclusionAfter the rats were ovariectomized, osteoporosis of the trabecular bone microarchitecture occurred in their femurs and mandibles; however, ovariectomy did not influence the cortical bone morphology. In addition, the parametric values of the trabecular bone microarchitecture in the femoral necks were highly correlated with those of the trabecular bone microarchitecture in the mandibles.  相似文献   

猪脂肪基质细胞成骨与成脂分化潜能的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探索猪脂肪基质细胞体外培养和向成骨与脂肪细胞分化的条件。方法:常规方法培养猪脂肪基质细胞,分别向成骨细胞与脂肪细胞进行诱导,应用免疫组化(碱性磷酸酶法、茜素红)及油红O染色对诱导分化的细胞进行鉴定。结果:在体外培养条件下,猪的脂肪基质细胞呈成纤维样,生长旺盛,在一定的条件下,可分别被诱导分化为成骨细胞与脂肪细胞,向成骨分化的细胞表达碱性磷酸酶,在培养皿中可形成钙化斑。而在向脂肪细胞诱导分化过程中,细胞中可见有小脂滴生成,用油红O染色呈橘红色。结论:脂肪基质细胞是一种混合细胞,除了能向脂肪细胞分化外,在一定的诱导条件下,也能向成骨细胞分化。  相似文献   

Bone tissue is a complex multi-scale material and its morphological and functional characteristics are influenced during one’s life by constant changes, physiological and pathological. A recent technique can classify the mechanical response of trabecular bone by simulating the application of loads with a Cell Method model derived from plane radiographic images of the proximal epiphyses in the patient’s hand fingers, thus complementing the individual assessment with a low cost exam. The mesoscale pathological modifications (i.e. due to osteoporosis) can be detected and quantified, despite the simplification due to the use of radiograms. In this work, this approach is validated using four idealized structures, modelling different trabecular organizations in the site of interest. Then, the results obtained in six female subjects, age between 35 and 77, are discussed to highlight the potential relevance of this application for the study, in quantitative terms, of the trabecular bone alteration due to age, pathological conditions and lack of exposure to physiological mechanical stimuli (micro-gravity conditions).  相似文献   

目的:绝经后骨质疏松是好发于中老年女性人群中的骨代谢疾病,去卵巢骨质疏松大鼠模型是国内外通用的模拟绝经后骨质疏松发生的经典动物模型,本研究通过观察去卵巢骨质疏松大鼠股骨骨微结构的动态变化,为骨质疏松大鼠模型的临床应用提供理论参考依据。方法:将90只3月龄雌性SD大鼠按体重分层后随机分为基础组(10只)、假手术组(40只)和去卵巢组(40只)。分别在手术前(基础组)和后的3、6、12、24周,腹主动脉取血处死基础组以及假手术组和去卵巢组大鼠,每组各8-10只。每组中随机取6只大鼠,对其左股骨行micro-CT扫描及三维结构重建。选择股骨远端距生长板远端1 mm处,2.0 mm×3.5 mm,厚0.9 mm的骨组织为感兴趣区域,对感兴趣区域进行骨形态计量学分析。结果:与0周组比较,从去卵巢3周开始一直持续到24周,去卵巢组大鼠股骨vBMD、BV/TV和Tb.N显著降低,Tb.Sp和SMI显著升高,而Tb.Th无显著变化;与0周组比较,从假手术后3周开始一直到24周,假手术组所有检测指标均无显著变化。与同周龄假手术组比较,从去卵巢3周开始一直持续到24周,去卵巢组大鼠股骨Tb.N、BV/TV和vBMD显著降低,Tb.Sp显著升高,而Tb.Th没有显著变化。从去卵巢6周开始一直到24周,去卵巢组大鼠SMI显著增加。结论:3月龄大鼠股骨远端的骨微结构在去卵巢3周时就出现显著变化。提示,采用3月龄大鼠进行抗骨质疏松药物筛选时,去卵巢3周后就可以进行药物处理。  相似文献   

目的:研究去势手术建立骨质疏松兔模型中松质骨微观结构和微观成分的时间序贯性变化。方法:40只新西兰白兔随机分为假手术组(sham组,n=20)和骨质疏松组(OP组,n=20)。OP组兔子给予去势手术处理,sham组给予假手术处理。分别于术后的0周、4周、6周、8周,利用DXA测量腰椎骨密度(每组每个时间点选择5只动物)。之后处死动物,采集腰椎标本。利用Micro-CT、FTIR、腰椎轴向压缩试验得到松质骨的微观结构、微观成分(骨矿盐晶体和胶原)和宏观力学参数。利用t检验比较同一时间点两组之间的相关参数。结果:OP组BMD逐渐下降,松质骨微观结构逐渐疏松,微观组成属性逐渐改变,宏观力学强度均逐渐下降。FTIR在4周时即检测到OP组腰椎骨矿盐和胶原基质比(P=0.046)、骨矿盐结晶度(P=0.018)、胶原交联比(P=0.006)发生显著性改变,早于BMD和微观结构的变化。OP组腰椎宏观生物力学强度在第8周时达到最低点(P=0.001)。结论:去势手术后,腰椎松质骨骨矿盐晶体和胶原属性最早发生变化,松质骨微观成分和微观结构的改变是导致椎体强度明显改变的原因。FTIR技术可以较早的检测到骨质疏松发生过程中骨组织微观成分的改变。  相似文献   



Control of stem cell behavior is a crucial aspect of developmental biology and regenerative medicine. While the functional role of electrophysiology in stem cell biology is poorly understood, it has become clear that endogenous ion flows represent a powerful set of signals by means of which cell proliferation, differentiation, and migration can be controlled in regeneration and embryonic morphogenesis.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We examined the membrane potential (Vmem) changes exhibited by human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) undergoing adipogenic (AD) and osteogenic (OS) differentiation, and uncovered a characteristic hyperpolarization of differentiated cells versus undifferentiated cells. Reversal of the progressive polarization via pharmacological modulation of transmembrane potential revealed that depolarization of hMSCs prevents differentiation. In contrast, treatment with hyperpolarizing reagents upregulated osteogenic markers.


Taken together, these data suggest that the endogenous hyperpolarization is a functional determinant of hMSC differentiation and is a tractable control point for modulating stem cell function.  相似文献   

Strontium (Sr) ralenate is a new agent used for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. As a bone-seeking element, 98% of Sr is deposited in the bone and teeth after oral ingestion. However, the effect of Sr treatment on bone microarchitecture and bone nanomechanical properties remains unclear. In this study, 18 osteoporotic goats were divided into four groups according to the treatment regimen: control, calcium alone (Ca), calcium and Sr at 24 mg/kg (Ca + 24Sr), and calcium and Sr at 40 mg/kg (Ca + 40Sr). The effects of Sr administration on bone microarchitecture and nanomechanical properties of trabecular bones were analyzed with micro-CT and nanoindentation test, respectively. Serum Sr levels increased six- and tenfold in the Ca + 24Sr and Ca + 40Sr groups, respectively. Similarly, Sr in the bone increased four- and sixfold in these two groups. Sr administration significantly increased trabecular bone volume fraction, trabecular thickness, and double-labeled new bone area. Sr administration, however, did not significantly change the nanomechanical properties of trabecular bone (elastic modulus and hardness). The data suggested that Sr administration increased trabecular bone volume and improved the microarchitecture while maintaining the intrinsic tissue properties in the osteoporotic goat model.  相似文献   

We evaluated whether dexamethasone augments the osteogenic capability of bone marrow-derived stromal cells (BMSCs) and muscle tissue-derived stromal cells (MuSCs), both of which are thought to contribute to ectopic bone formation induced by bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2), and determined the underlying mechanisms. Rat BMSCs and MuSCs were cultured in growth media with or without 10-7 M dexamethasone and then differentiated under osteogenic conditions with dexamethasone and BMP-2. The effects of dexamethasone on cell proliferation and osteogenic differentiation, and also on ectopic bone formation induced by BMP-2, were analyzed. Dexamethasone affected not only the proliferation rate but also the subpopulation composition of BMSCs and MuSCs, and subsequently augmented their osteogenic capacity during osteogenic differentiation. During osteogenic induction by BMP-2, dexamethasone also markedly affected cell proliferation in both BMSCs and MuSCs. In an in vivo ectopic bone formation model, bone formation in muscle-implanted scaffolds containing dexamethasone and BMP-2 was more than two fold higher than that in scaffolds containing BMP-2 alone. Our results suggest that dexamethasone potently enhances the osteogenic capability of BMP-2 and may thus decrease the quantity of BMP-2 required for clinical application, thereby reducing the complications caused by excessive doses of BMP-2.Highlights: 1. Dexamethasone induced selective proliferation of bone marrow- and muscle-derived cells with higher differentiation potential. 2. Dexamethasone enhanced the osteogenic capability of bone marrow- and muscle-derived cells by altering the subpopulation composition. 3. Dexamethasone augmented ectopic bone formation induced by bone morphogenetic protein-2.  相似文献   



Y2 receptor signalling is known to be important in neuropeptide Y (NPY)-mediated effects on energy homeostasis and bone physiology. Y2 receptors are located post-synaptically as well as acting as auto receptors on NPY-expressing neurons, and the different roles of these two populations of Y2 receptors in the regulation of energy homeostasis and body composition are unclear.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We thus generated two conditional knockout mouse models, Y2lox/lox and NPYCre/+;Y2lox/lox, in which Y2 receptors can be selectively ablated either in the hypothalamus or specifically in hypothalamic NPY-producing neurons of adult mice. Specific deletion of hypothalamic Y2 receptors increases food intake and body weight compared to controls. Importantly, specific ablation of hypothalamic Y2 receptors on NPY-containing neurons results in a significantly greater adiposity in female but not male mice, accompanied by increased hepatic triglyceride levels, decreased expression of liver cartinine palmitoyltransferase (CPT1) and increased expression of muscle phosphorylated acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC). While food intake, body weight, femur length, bone mineral content, density and cortical bone volume and thickness are not significantly altered, trabecular bone volume and number were significantly increased by hypothalamic Y2 deletion on NPY-expressing neurons. Interestingly, in situ hybridisation reveals increased NPY and decreased proopiomelanocortin (POMC) mRNA expression in the arcuate nucleus of mice with hypothalamus-specific deletion of Y2 receptors in NPY neurons, consistent with a negative feedback mechanism between NPY expression and Y2 receptors on NPY-ergic neurons.


Taken together these data demonstrate the anti-obesogenic role of Y2 receptors in the brain, notably on NPY-ergic neurons, possibly via inhibition of NPY neurons and concomitant stimulation of POMC-expressing neurons in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus, reducing lipogenic pathways in liver and/or skeletal muscle in females. These data also reveal as an anti-osteogenic effect of Y2 receptors on hypothalamic NPY-expressing neurons on trabecular but not on cortical bone.  相似文献   

Mining the abyssal seafloor for manganese nodules will destroy the hard substrate and it will severely disturb the seabed and the benthic soft substrate community. Recolonization will occur from unmined areas. Reestablishment of a community similar to that originally present is, however, not possible, since the nodules will be removed and epigrowth on hard substrates is thereby precluded. Small scale experiments using azoic sediment in trays exposed to ambient deep-sea conditions, may not be appropriate models for large scale recolonization processes. Results of such experiments and general knowledge of deep-sea ecology suggest that decades may be required for reestablishment of a balanced community. With respect to evaluation of some ecological consequences of mining an ongoing large scale experiment, termed DISCOL (DIS-turbance and re-COL-onization) is shortly described as a new approach in deep-sea risk assessment.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨外泌体miR-338对骨质疏松大鼠骨代谢水平、骨小梁微结构和骨生物力的影响。方法:采用健康成年SPF级SD雄性大鼠进行骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSCs)分离。采用双侧卵巢摘除手术方法构建了骨质疏松大鼠模型。采用qRT-PCR法检测miR-338的表达水平;检测大鼠的骨密度,骨小梁微结构和骨生物力学指标。结果:与空白对照组相比,OP模型组、OP+ ExoBMSCs、抑制组和过表达组miR-338的表达水平明显更高(P<0.05);抑制组的miR-338的表达水平低于OP模型组、OP+ExoBMSCs和过表达组(P<0.05);与空白对照组相比,OP模型组、OP+ ExoBMSCs、抑制组和过表达组OC、PINP、BALP的表达水平明显更低(P<0.05);抑制组的OC、PINP、BALP的表达水平明显高于OP模型组、OP+ ExoBMSCs和过表达组(P<0.05);与空白对照组相比,OP模型组、OP+ ExoBMSCs、抑制组和过表达组BV/TV、Th.N、Tb.Th、Conn.D水平更低,而Tb.Sp、SMI明显更高(P<0.05);抑制组组的BV/TV、Th.N、Tb.Th、Conn.D水平明显高于OP模型组、OP+ ExoBMSCs和过表达组,而Tb.Sp、SMI更低(P<0.05);与空白对照组相比,OP模型组、OP+ ExoBMSCs、抑制组和过表达组BMD、最大荷载、最大应力、最大位移、刚度水平更低(P<0.05);抑制组的BMD、最大荷载、最大应力、最大位移、刚度水平高于OP模型组、OP+ExoBMSCs和过表达组(P<0.05)。结论:BMSCs源性的miR-338可影响骨质疏松大鼠骨代谢、骨小梁微结构和骨生物力学状态。  相似文献   

目的:探讨在人骨髓间充质干细胞(h BMSCs)成骨分化过程中,不同浓度尿酸(UA)对骨形态形成蛋白-2(BMP-2)表达的影响。方法:以全骨髓贴壁培养法分离h BMSCs,将生长状态良好的第3代h BMSCs分为5组,分别为空白对照组(加入完全培养基)和成骨诱导组(加入成骨诱导液及含0 mmol/L、0.2 mmol/L、0.4 mmol/L、0.8 mmol/L尿酸的完全培养基)。连续干预诱导14d后,用倒置显微镜观察细胞形态的变化,通过观察茜素红染色情况及检测碱性磷酸酶(ALP)活性进行成骨情况的检测。RT-PCR技术检测各组细胞BMP-2 mR NA的表达情况。结果:第3代h BMSCs大多为形态单一的长梭形,呈旋涡状生长;干预诱导后的细胞逐渐变成不规则的立方形,局部形成团块状结节,以含尿酸浓度为0.8 mmol/L的成骨诱导培养基最为显著。连续干预14d后,空白对照组茜素红染色为阴性,而各成骨诱导组细胞茜素红染色结果为阳性,提示干预诱导后的细胞为成骨细胞。碱性磷酸酶活性随尿酸浓度的增加和干预时间的延长而增强(P<0.05)。RT-PCR检测结果显示,空白对照组无BMP-2 mR NA的表达。成骨诱导组随培养基中尿酸浓度的增加,BMP-2 mR NA表达逐渐增强,呈浓度依赖性(P<0.05)。结论:尿酸上调h BMSCs向成骨细胞分化过程中BMP-2 mR NA的表达。  相似文献   

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