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The Escherichia coli O9a O-polysaccharide (O-PS) is a prototype for bacterial glycan synthesis and export by an ATP-binding cassette transporter-dependent pathway. The O9a O-PS possesses a tetrasaccharide repeat unit comprising two α-(1→2)- and two α-(1→3)-linked mannose residues and is extended on a polyisoprenoid lipid carrier by the action of a polymerase (WbdA) containing two glycosyltransferase active sites. The N-terminal domain of WbdA possesses α-(1→2)-mannosyltransferase activity, and we demonstrate in this study that the C-terminal domain is an α-(1→3)-mannosyltransferase. Previous studies established that the size of the O9a polysaccharide is determined by the chain-terminating dual kinase/methyltransferase (WbdD) that is tethered to the membrane and recruits WbdA into an active enzyme complex by protein-protein interactions. Here, we used bacterial two-hybrid analysis to identify a surface-exposed α-helix in the C-terminal mannosyltransferase domain of WbdA as the site of interaction with WbdD. However, the C-terminal domain was unable to interact with WbdD in the absence of its N-terminal partner. Through deletion analysis, we demonstrated that the α-(1→2)-mannosyltransferase activity of the N-terminal domain is regulated by the activity of the C-terminal α-(1→3)-mannosyltransferase. In mutants where the C-terminal catalytic site was deleted but the WbdD-interaction site remained, the N-terminal mannosyltransferase became an unrestricted polymerase, creating a novel polymer comprising only α-(1→2)-linked mannose residues. The WbdD protein therefore orchestrates critical localization and coordination of activities involved in chain extension and termination. Complex domain interactions are needed to position the polymerase components appropriately for assembly into a functional complex located at the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

Yersinia enterocolitica (Ye) is a Gram-negative bacterium; Ye serotype O:3 expresses lipopolysaccharide (LPS) with a hexasaccharide branch known as the outer core (OC). The OC is important for the resistance of the bacterium to cationic antimicrobial peptides and also functions as a receptor for bacteriophage φR1-37 and enterocoliticin. The biosynthesis of the OC hexasaccharide is directed by the OC gene cluster that contains nine genes (wzx, wbcKLMNOPQ, and gne). In this study, we inactivated the six OC genes predicted to encode glycosyltransferases (GTase) one by one by nonpolar mutations to assign functions to their gene products. The mutants expressed no OC or truncated OC oligosaccharides of different lengths. The truncated OC oligosaccharides revealed that the minimum structural requirements for the interactions of OC with bacteriophage φR1-37, enterocoliticin, and OC-specific monoclonal antibody 2B5 were different. Furthermore, using chemical and structural analyses of the mutant LPSs, we could assign specific functions to all six GTases and also revealed the exact order in which the transferases build the hexasaccharide. Comparative modeling of the catalytic sites of glucosyltransferases WbcK and WbcL followed by site-directed mutagenesis allowed us to identify Asp-182 and Glu-181, respectively, as catalytic base residues of these two GTases. In general, conclusive evidence for specific GTase functions have been rare due to difficulties in accessibility of the appropriate donors and acceptors; however, in this work we were able to utilize the structural analysis of LPS to get direct experimental evidence for five different GTase specificities.  相似文献   

The production of preferred lipopolysaccharide O antigen chain lengths is important for the survival of pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria in different environments, yet how Wzz proteins regulate these lengths is not well understood. The Wzz2 proteins from two different serotype O11 Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains are responsible for the expression of different very long chain lengths despite high sequence homology. Site-directed mutagenesis was performed to determine whether a specific amino acid was responsible for this difference in chain length; the residue present in position 321 within the second predicted coiled-coil region was able to determine which chain length was produced. A panel of site-directed mutants introducing different amino acids at this position implicated that the charge of the amino acid affected chain length, with positively charged residues associated with shorter chain lengths. Expression data also suggested this site was important for overall stability of the protein because mutants predicted to disrupt proper folding of the α helix led to lower protein levels. Cross-linking studies found that Wzz2 proteins producing shorter chain lengths had more stable higher-order oligomers. Mapping residue 321 onto the solved Escherichia coli Wzz FepE crystal structure predicted it to be located within α helix 8, which participates in intermonomeric interactions. These data further support the observation that Wzz oligomerization is necessary for chain length regulating activity but also provide evidence that differences in complex stability or changes in the conformation of the oligomer can lead to shifts in the length of the O antigen side chain.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli O9a O-polysaccharide (O-PS) represents a model system for glycan biosynthesis and export by the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter-dependent pathway. The polymannose O9a O-PS is synthesized using an undecaprenol-diphosphate-linked acceptor by mannosyltransferases located at the cytoplasmic membrane. An ABC-transporter subsequently exports the polymer to the periplasm where it is assembled onto lipopolysaccharide prior to translocation to the cell surface. The chain length of the O9a O-PS is regulated by the dual kinase/methyltransferase activity of the WbdD enzyme and modification of the polymer is crucial for binding and export by the ABC-transporter. Previous biochemical data provided evidence for phosphorylation/methylation at the non-reducing end of the O9a O-PS but the structure of the terminus has not been determined. Here, we describe the exploitation of a synthetic O9a O-PS repeating unit carrying a fluorescent tag as an acceptor for in vitro phosphorylation and methylation by a purified soluble form of WbdD. Phosphorylation of the acceptor was evident by both a mobility shift in thin layer chromatography and radiolabeling of the acceptor using [γ-(33)P]ATP. Methylation of the acceptor was dependent on phosphorylation and was demonstrated by radiolabeling using S-[methyl-(3)H]adenosyl-methionine as a substrate, in the presence of ATP. NMR spectroscopic and mass spectrometric methods were used to determine the precise structure of the terminal modification, leading to the conclusion that WbdD catalyzes the addition of a novel methyl phosphate group to the 3-position of the non-reducing terminal mannose of the O9a O-PS repeating unit.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli O9a and O8 polymannose O-polysaccharides (O-PSs) serve as model systems for the biosynthesis of bacterial polysaccharides by ATP-binding cassette transporter-dependent pathways. Both O-PSs contain a conserved primer-adaptor domain at the reducing terminus and a serotype-specific repeat unit domain. The repeat unit domain is polymerized by the serotype-specific WbdA mannosyltransferase. In serotype O9a, WbdA is a bifunctional α-(1→2)-, α-(1→3)-mannosyltransferase, and its counterpart in serotype O8 is trifunctional (α-(1→2), α-(1→3), and β-(1→2)). Little is known about the detailed structures or mechanisms of action of the WbdA polymerases, and here we establish that they are multidomain enzymes. WbdAO9a contains two separable and functionally active domains, whereas WbdAO8 possesses three. In WbdCO9a and WbdBO9a, substitution of the first Glu of the EX7E motif had detrimental effects on the enzyme activity, whereas substitution of the second had no significant effect on activity in vivo. Mutation of the Glu residues in the EX7E motif of the N-terminal WbdAO9a domain resulted in WbdA variants unable to synthesize O-PS. In contrast, mutation of the Glu residues in the motif of the C-terminal WbdAO9a domain generated an enzyme capable of synthesizing an altered O-PS repeat unit consisting of only α-(1→2) linkages. In vitro assays with synthetic acceptors unequivocally confirmed that the N-terminal domain of WbdAO9a possesses α-(1→2)-mannosyltransferase activity. Together, these studies form a framework for detailed structure-function studies on individual domains and a strategy applicable for dissection and analysis of other multidomain glycosyltransferases.  相似文献   

The core lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of Proteus mirabilis as well as those of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Serratia marcescens are characterized by the presence of a hexosamine-galacturonic acid disaccharide (αHexN-(1,4)-αGalA) attached by an α1,3 linkage to L-glycero-D-manno-heptopyranose II (L-glycero-α-D-manno-heptosepyranose II). In K. pneumoniae, S. marcescens, and some P. mirabilis strains, HexN is D-glucosamine, whereas in other P. mirabilis strains, it corresponds to D-galactosamine. Previously, we have shown that two enzymes are required for the incorporation of D-glucosamine into the core LPS of K. pneumoniae; the WabH enzyme catalyzes the incorporation of GlcNAc from UDP-GlcNAc to outer core LPS, and WabN catalyzes the deacetylation of the incorporated GlcNAc. Here we report the presence of two different HexNAc transferases depending on the nature of the HexN in P. mirabilis core LPS. In vivo and in vitro assays using LPS truncated at the level of galacturonic acid as acceptor show that these two enzymes differ in their specificity for the transfer of GlcNAc or GalNAc. By contrast, only one WabN homologue was found in the studied P. mirabilis strains. Similar assays suggest that the P. mirabilis WabN homologue is able to deacetylate both GlcNAc and GalNAc. We conclude that incorporation of d-galactosamine requires three enzymes: Gne epimerase for the generation of UDP-GalNAc from UDP-GlcNAc, N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (WabP), and LPS:HexNAc deacetylase.  相似文献   

LptC is a conserved bitopic inner membrane protein from Escherichia coli involved in the export of lipopolysaccharide from its site of synthesis in the cytoplasmic membrane to the outer membrane. LptC forms a complex with the ATP-binding cassette transporter, LptBFG, which is thought to facilitate the extraction of lipopolysaccharide from the inner membrane and release it into a translocation pathway that includes the putative periplasmic chaperone LptA. Cysteine modification experiments established that the catalytic domain of LptC is oriented toward the periplasm. The structure of the periplasmic domain is described at a resolution of 2.2-Å from x-ray crystallographic data. The periplasmic domain of LptC consists of a twisted boat structure with two β-sheets in apposition to each other. The β-sheets contain seven and eight antiparallel β-strands, respectively. This structure bears a high degree of resemblance to the crystal structure of LptA. Like LptA, LptC binds lipopolysaccharide in vitro. In vitro, LptA can displace lipopolysaccharide from LptC (but not vice versa), consistent with their locations and their proposed placement in a unidirectional export pathway.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS; endotoxin) is an essential component of the outer monolayer of nearly all Gram-negative bacteria. LPS is composed of a hydrophobic anchor, known as lipid A, an inner core oligosaccharide, and a repeating O-antigen polysaccharide. In nearly all species, the first sugar bridging the hydrophobic lipid A and the polysaccharide domain is 3-deoxy-d-manno-octulosonic acid (Kdo), and thus it is critically important for LPS biosynthesis. Modifications to lipid A have been shown to be important for resistance to antimicrobial peptides as well as modulating recognition by the mammalian innate immune system. Therefore, lipid A derivatives have been used for development of vaccine strains and vaccine adjuvants. One derivative that has yet to be studied is 8-amino-3,8-dideoxy-d-manno-octulosonic acid (Kdo8N), which is found exclusively in marine bacteria of the genus Shewanella. Using bioinformatics, a candidate gene cluster for Kdo8N biosynthesis was identified in Shewanella oneidensis. Expression of these genes recombinantly in Escherichia coli resulted in lipid A containing Kdo8N, and in vitro assays confirmed their proposed enzymatic function. Both the in vivo and in vitro data were consistent with direct conversion of Kdo to Kdo8N prior to its incorporation into the Kdo8N-lipid A domain of LPS by a metal-dependent oxidase followed by a glutamate-dependent aminotransferase. To our knowledge, this oxidase is the first enzyme shown to oxidize an alcohol using a metal and molecular oxygen, not NAD(P)+. Creation of an S. oneidensis in-frame deletion strain showed increased sensitivity to the cationic antimicrobial peptide polymyxin as well as bile salts, suggesting a role in outer membrane integrity.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli O9a and O8 O-antigen serotypes represent model systems for the ABC transporter-dependent synthesis of bacterial polysaccharides. The O9a and O8 antigens are linear mannose homopolymers containing conserved reducing termini (the primer-adaptor), a serotype-specific repeat unit domain, and a terminator. Synthesis of these glycans occurs on the polyisoprenoid lipid-linked primer, undecaprenol pyrophosphoryl-GlcpNAc, by two conserved mannosyltransferases, WbdC and WbdB, and a serotype-specific mannosyltransferase, WbdA. The glycan structure and pattern of conservation in the O9a and O8 mannosyltransferases are not consistent with the existing model of O9a biosynthesis. Here we establish a revised pathway using a combination of in vivo (mutant complementation) experiments and in vitro strategies with purified enzymes and synthetic acceptors. WbdC and WbdB synthesize the adaptor region, where they transfer one and two α-(1→3)-linked mannose residues, respectively. The WbdA enzymes are solely responsible for forming the repeat unit domains of these O-antigens. WbdAO9a has two predicted active sites and polymerizes a tetrasaccharide repeat unit containing two α-(1→3)- and two α-(1→2)-linked mannopyranose residues. In contrast, WbdAO8 polymerizes trisaccharide repeat units containing single α-(1→3)-, α-(1→2)-, and β-(1→2)-mannopyranoses. These studies illustrate assembly systems exploiting several mannosyltransferases with flexible active sites, arranged in single- and multiple-domain formats.  相似文献   

Burkholderia cenocepacia is an opportunistic pathogen threatening patients with cystic fibrosis. Flagella are required for biofilm formation, as well as adhesion to and invasion of epithelial cells. Recognition of flagellin via the Toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5) contributes to exacerbate B. cenocepacia-induced lung epithelial inflammatory responses. In this study, we report that B. cenocepacia flagellin is glycosylated on at least 10 different sites with a single sugar, 4,6-dideoxy-4-(3-hydroxybutanoylamino)-d-glucose. We have identified key genes that are required for flagellin glycosylation, including a predicted glycosyltransferase gene that is linked to the flagellin biosynthesis cluster and a putative acetyltransferase gene located within the O-antigen lipopolysaccharide cluster. Another O-antigen cluster gene, rmlB, which is required for flagellin glycan and O-antigen biosynthesis, was essential for bacterial viability, uncovering a novel target against Burkholderia infections. Using glycosylated and nonglycosylated purified flagellin and a cell reporter system to assess TLR5-mediated responses, we also show that the presence of glycan in flagellin significantly impairs the inflammatory response of epithelial cells. We therefore suggest that flagellin glycosylation reduces recognition of flagellin by host TLR5, providing an evasive strategy to infecting bacteria.  相似文献   

Here, we describe two new heat shock proteins involved in the assembly of LPS in Escherichia coli, LapA and LapB (lipopolysaccharide assembly protein A and B). lapB mutants were identified based on an increased envelope stress response. Envelope stress-responsive pathways control key steps in LPS biogenesis and respond to defects in the LPS assembly. Accordingly, the LPS content in ΔlapB or Δ(lapA lapB) mutants was elevated, with an enrichment of LPS derivatives with truncations in the core region, some of which were pentaacylated and exhibited carbon chain polymorphism. Further, the levels of LpxC, the enzyme that catalyzes the first committed step of lipid A synthesis, were highly elevated in the Δ(lapA lapB) mutant. Δ(lapA lapB) mutant accumulated extragenic suppressors that mapped either to lpxC, waaC, and gmhA, or to the waaQ operon (LPS biosynthesis) and lpp (Braun''s lipoprotein). Increased synthesis of either FabZ (3-R-hydroxymyristoyl acyl carrier protein dehydratase), slrA (novel RpoE-regulated non-coding sRNA), lipoprotein YceK, toxin HicA, or MurA (UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 1-carboxyvinyltransferase) suppressed some of the Δ(lapA lapB) defects. LapB contains six tetratricopeptide repeats and, at the C-terminal end, a rubredoxin-like domain that was found to be essential for its activity. In pull-down experiments, LapA and LapB co-purified with LPS, Lpt proteins, FtsH (protease), DnaK, and DnaJ (chaperones). A specific interaction was also observed between WaaC and LapB. Our data suggest that LapB coordinates assembly of proteins involved in LPS synthesis at the plasma membrane and regulates turnover of LpxC, thereby ensuring balanced biosynthesis of LPS and phospholipids consistent with its essentiality.  相似文献   

Antigen presentation to cytotoxic T lymphocytes via major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC I) molecules depends on the heterodimeric transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP). For efficient antigen supply to MHC I molecules in the ER, TAP assembles a macromolecular peptide-loading complex (PLC) by recruiting tapasin. In evolution, TAP appeared together with effector cells of adaptive immunity at the transition from jawless to jawed vertebrates and diversified further within the jawed vertebrates. Here, we compared TAP function and interaction with tapasin of a range of species within two classes of jawed vertebrates. We found that avian and mammalian TAP1 and TAP2 form heterodimeric complexes across taxa. Moreover, the extra N-terminal domain TMD0 of mammalian TAP1 and TAP2 as well as avian TAP2 recruits tapasin. Strikingly, however, only TAP1 and TAP2 from the same taxon can form a functional heterodimeric translocation complex. These data demonstrate that the dimerization interface between TAP1 and TAP2 and the tapasin docking sites for PLC assembly are conserved in evolution, whereas elements of antigen translocation diverged later in evolution and are thus taxon specific.  相似文献   

Enterobacterial common antigen (ECA) is expressed by Gram-negative bacteria belonging to Enterobacteriaceae, including emerging drug-resistant pathogens such as Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Proteus spp. Recent studies have indicated the importance of ECA for cell envelope integrity, flagellum expression, and resistance of enteric bacteria to acetic acid and bile salts. ECA, a heteropolysaccharide built from the trisaccharide repeating unit, →3)-α-d-Fucp4NAc-(1→4)-β-d-ManpNAcA-(1→4)-α-d-GlcpNAc-(1→, occurs as a cyclic form (ECACYC), a phosphatidylglycerol (PG)-linked form (ECAPG), and an endotoxin/lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-associated form (ECALPS). Since the discovery of ECA in 1962, the structures of ECAPG and ECACYC have been completely elucidated. However, no direct evidence has been presented to support a covalent linkage between ECA and LPS; only serological indications of co-association have been reported. This is paradoxical, given that ECA was first identified based on the capacity of immunogenic ECALPS to elicit antibodies cross-reactive with enterobacteria. Using a simple isolation protocol supported by serological tracking of ECA epitopes and NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry, we have succeeded in the first detection, isolation, and complete structural analysis of poly- and oligosaccharides of Shigella sonnei phase II ECALPS. ECALPS consists of the core oligosaccharide substituted with one to four repeating units of ECA at the position occupied by the O-antigen in the case of smooth S. sonnei phase I. These data represent the first structural evidence for the existence of ECALPS in the half-century since it was first discovered and provide insights that could prove helpful in further structural analyses and screening of ECALPS among Enterobacteriaceae species.  相似文献   

The O chain polysaccharide (O PS) of Bordetella bronchiseptica and Bordetella parapertussis lipopolysaccharide is a homopolymer of 2,3-diacetamido-2,3-dideoxygalacturonic acid (GalNAc3NAcA) in which some of the sugars are present as uronamides. The terminal residue contains several unusual modifications. To date, two types of modification have been characterized, and a survey of numerous strains demonstrated that each contained one of these two modification types. Host antibody responses against the O PS are directed against the terminal residue modifications, and there is little cross-reactivity between the two types. This suggests that Bordetella O PS modifications represent a means of antigenic variation. Here we report the characterization of the O PS of B. bronchiseptica strain MO149. It consists of a novel two-sugar repeating unit and a novel terminal residue modification, with the structure Me-4-α-l-GalNAc3NAcA-(4-β-d-GlcNAc3NAcA-4-α-l-GalNAc3NAcA-)5–6-, which we propose be defined as the B. bronchiseptica O3 PS. We show that the O3 PS is very poorly immunogenic and that the MO149 strain contains a novel wbm (O PS biosynthesis) locus. Thus, there is greater diversity among Bordetella O PSs than previously recognized, which is likely to be a result of selection pressure from host immunity. We also determine experimentally, for the first time, the absolute configuration of the diacetimido-uronic acid sugars in Bordetella O PS.  相似文献   

Engineering the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthetic pathway offers the potential to obtain modified derivatives with optimized adjuvant properties. Neisseria meningitidis strain H44/76 was modified by expression of the pagL gene encoding lipid A 3-O-deacylase from Bordetella bronchiseptica and by inactivation of the lgtB gene encoding the terminal oligosaccharide galactosyltransferase. Mass spectrometry analysis of purified mutant LPS was used for detailed compositional analysis of all present molecular species. This determined that the modified LPS was mainly pentaacylated, demonstrating high efficiency of conversion from the hexaacyl to the 3-O-deacylated form by heterologous lipid A 3-O-deacylase (PagL) expression. MS analyses also provided evidence for expression of only one major oligosaccharide glycoform, which lacked the terminal galactose residue as expected from inactivation of the lgtB gene. The immunomodulatory properties of PagL-deacylated LPS were compared with another pentaacyl form obtained from an lpxL1 mutant, which lacks the 2′ secondary acyl chain. Although both LPS mutants displayed impaired capacity to induce production of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6 in the monocytic cell line Mono Mac 6, induction of the Toll-interleukin-1 receptor domain-containing adaptor-inducing interferon-β-dependent chemokine interferon-γ-induced protein 10 was largely retained only for the lgtB/pagL+ mutant. Removal of remaining hexaacyl species exclusively present in lgtB/pagL+ LPS demonstrated that these minor species potentiate but do not determine the activity of this LPS. These results are the first to indicate a qualitatively different response of human innate cells to pentaacyl lpxL1 and pagL+ LPS and show the importance of detailed structure-function analysis when working with modified lipid A structures. The pagL+ LPS has significant potential as immune modulator in humans.  相似文献   

The gram-negative myxobacterium Sorangium cellulosum So ce56 bears the largest bacterial genome published so far, coding for nearly 10,000 genes. Careful analysis of this genome data revealed that part of the genes coding for the very well conserved biosynthesis of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are missing in this microbe. Biochemical analysis gave no evidence for the presence of LPS in the membranes of So ce56. By analyzing the lipid composition of its outer membrane sphingolipids were identified as the major lipid class, together with ornithine-containing lipids (OL) and ether lipids. A detailed analysis of these lipids resulted in the identification of more than 50 structural variants within these three classes, which possessed several interesting properties regarding to LPS replacement, mediators in myxobacterial differentiation, as well as potential bioactive properties. The sphingolipids with the basic structure C9-methyl-C(20)-sphingosine possessed as an unusual trait C9-methylation, which is common to fungi but highly uncommon to bacteria. Such sphingolipids have not been found in bacteria before, and they may have a function in myxobacterial development. The OL, also identified in myxobacteria for the first time, contained acyloxyacyl groups, which are also characteristic for LPS and might replace those in certain functions. Finally, the ether lipids may serve as biomarkers in myxobacterial development.  相似文献   

Photosystem I (PSI) is a large pigment-protein complex and one of the two photosystems that drive electron transfer in oxygenic photosynthesis. We identified a nuclear gene required specifically for the accumulation of PSI in a forward genetic analysis of chloroplast biogenesis in maize. This gene, designated psa2, belongs to the “GreenCut” gene set, a group of genes found in green algae and plants but not in non-photosynthetic organisms. Disruption of the psa2 ortholog in Arabidopsis likewise resulted in the specific loss of PSI proteins. PSA2 harbors a conserved domain found in DnaJ chaperones where it has been shown to form a zinc finger and to have protein-disulfide isomerase activity. Accordingly, PSA2 exhibited protein-disulfide reductase activity in vitro. PSA2 localized to the thylakoid lumen and was found in a ∼250-kDa complex harboring the peripheral PSI protein PsaG but lacking several core PSI subunits. PSA2 mRNA is coexpressed with mRNAs encoding various proteins involved in the biogenesis of the photosynthetic apparatus with peak expression preceding that of genes encoding structural components. PSA2 protein abundance was not decreased in the absence of PSI but was reduced in the absence of the PSI assembly factor Ycf3. These findings suggest that a complex harboring PSA2 and PsaG mediates thiol transactions in the thylakoid lumen that are important for the assembly of PSI.  相似文献   

Heteropolymeric B-band lipopolysaccharide in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 is synthesized via the so-called Wzy-dependent pathway, requiring a functional Wzy for polymerization of O-antigen repeat units in the periplasm. Wzy is an integral inner membrane protein for which the detailed topology has been mapped in a recent investigation (Islam, S. T., Taylor, V. L., Qi, M., and Lam, J. S. (2010) mBio 1, e00189-10), revealing two principal periplasmic loops (PL), PL3 and PL5, each containing an RX(10)G motif. Despite considerable sequence conservation between the two loops, the isoelectric point for each peptide displayed marked differences, with PL3 exhibiting a net-positive charge and PL5 showing a net-negative charge. Data from site-directed mutagenesis of amino acids in each PL have led to the identification of several key Arg residues within the two RX(10)G motifs that are important for Wzy function, of which Arg(176), Arg(290), and Arg(291) could not be functionally substituted with Lys. These observations support the proposed role of each PL in a catch-and-release mechanism for Wzy-mediated O-antigen polymerization.  相似文献   

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