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Individual recognition, i.e., the ability of an animal to recognize the identity of a conspecific, is a key element in the social life of many vertebrates. This phenomenon has rarely been investigated in invertebrates, particularly in pre-social arthropods, and is generally poorly understood for several reasons, including (1) the disparity between what the experiments actually demonstrated and what we implicitly mean by individual recognition, (2) the limited knowledge of the sensory channels used to recognize the social partner (particularly in the case of pre-social arthropods), and (3) the general disregard for the nature of representations that an animal constructs concerning the recognized conspecific. This article aims to review what is currently known about individual recognition mediated by pheromones in the shallow-water hermit crab Pagurus longicarpus. Methodological biases, on one hand, and promises of future success, on the other, are pinpointed while explaining the results obtained so far. Finally, an adaptive explanation is offered that attempts to solve the observed hiatus between the “virtuosism” shown by P. longicarpus in the laboratory and the apparent simplistic way of shell recruitment used in the field. Individual recognition, even if its expression is very rare in nature, might be a matter of life or death for the hermit crab that makes recourse to it.  相似文献   

When animals engage in fights they face a series of decisions, which are based on the value of the contested resource and either their relative or their absolute fighting ability. Certain correlates of fighting ability or 'resource holding potential' such as body size are fixed but physiological correlates are expected to vary during the encounter. We examine the role of energy reserves in determining fight outcomes and parameters during 'shell fighting' in hermit crabs. During these fights, the two contestants perform very different roles of attacker and defender. We show that the balance of the total energy pool, in the form of glucose and glycogen, determines the ability of defenders to resist eviction from their shells. Low glucose in evicted defenders is not caused by depletion of energy reserves, rather mobilization of glycogen appears to be the result of a strategic decision about whether to resist effectively, based on the perceived fighting ability of the attacker. Attackers, however, always initiate the fight so such a decision for this role appears unlikely. In addition to influencing decisions and ability during fights, physiological correlates of fighting ability can in turn be influenced by strategic decisions.  相似文献   

Shell rotating behavior of the hermit crabPagurus geminus was investigated. In preliminary observations, hermit crabs motivated to change shells rotated presented shells, filled with sand, in a way that dislodged the inside material. In order to determine if this behavior is stereotyped, or flexible and dependent on shell type, hermit crabs were tested with ordinary dextral shells ofLatirulus nagasakiensis and sinistral shells ofAntiplanes contraria. Sinistral shells are not normally encountered by hermit crabs. Their rotation of the dextral shell to the left was adequate for sand discharge. Sinistral shells were rotated in both directions. Analysis of recorded videotapes showed that variation in rotation direction could be attributed to variation in the position of the crab relative to the shell. When the crab faced the shell aperture from the inner lip, it rotated the sinistral shell to the right, and to opposite direction when it faced from the outer lip side. The crab always pushed the upper side of the horizontally laid shell, regardless of shell type or its own position.  相似文献   

Frequent shell exchanges among hermit crabs imply the enigmatic circumstance that large crabs frequently obtain large shells from smaller crabs. This seeming anomaly is explored as a key to the shell resource system. It is hypothesized to reflect how, where, and how often shells become available to the crabs. Shells become available infrequently, as snails die, and are available to the crabs for only a brief time before they become inaccessible. The standing crop of empty shells is almost always low and is irrelevant to rates of shell turnover in the crab population. Crabs are most likely to encounter shells of the wrong size, and the chance of encountering a shell of the desired size decreases as a crab grows. Snails and crabs are usually found on different portions of the shore; thus, crabs must make “foraging trips” for shells. Under this regime of shell supply, a crab will get a suitable shell the fastest when it accepts any fresh shell that is larger than its initial shell. It can then trade with other crabs to improve its shell fit. This behavior will make small crabs into a regular source of large shells for large crabs, and a shell exchange ritual will be strongly favored because both participants will benefit. Shells are an unusual resource because they are the object of both competitive and mutualistic interactions. This ambiguous quality is revealed in the intraspecific and interspecific responses of crabs to each other and to shells.  相似文献   

Vulnerability and reliable signaling in conflicts between hermit crabs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Laidre  Mark E. 《Behavioral ecology》2007,18(4):736-741
When interacting organisms have opposing genetic interests,the integrity of communication systems may be undermined. Forsignaling in such conflict circumstances to remain evolutionarilystable, cheaters must be handicapped. Agonistic threat signals,however, are not always constrained or costly to produce, andyet these signals occur in the severest of conflicts where strongincentives exist for dishonesty. A leading hypothesis for howreliability is stabilized under these conditions is that signalingentails a risk, making signalers vulnerable to injury. HereI experimentally alter vulnerability to show how risk can modifyorganisms' willingness to escalate disputes, affecting the useof threat signals. The vulnerability to injury of hermit crabs(Pagurus bernhardus) was manipulated by varying the exposureof their soft uncalcified abdomens. When faced with potentiallydamaging conspecific attacks, more vulnerable crabs were conflictaverse, showing reluctance to claim ownership over contestablefood, frequently retreating from threats, and refraining fromthreatening others. The risk an organism can bear in escalatedconflict can thus mediate its agonistic behavior and usage ofthreats. Postural nuances can consequently provide reliableinformation about aggressive intentions despite minimal productioncosts and opposing interests between communication parties.  相似文献   

Frequencies of interspecific shell exchange due to shell fighting were determined for a number of species pairs of hermit crabs from several different locations. Frequencies were determined in the laboratory using a standardized experimental design. Results suggest that most individuals of most species are able to retain adequate or good quality shells in the presence of members of another species occupying poor quality shells. High frequencies of shell exchange always seem to be associated with very asymmetric relationships in which one member of the species pair is clearly dominant over the other. Dominant species usually attain larger sizes than subordinates, are found lower in the intertidal habitat, and are less abundant.  相似文献   

Modern hermit crabs form associations with many organisms which encrust, bore into, or cohabit the living chambers of gastropod shells occupied by the crabs. Among these hermit crab symbionts are bryozoan species which develop massive, commonly multilayered, colonies encrusting hermit crab shells. These colonies extend the living chamber of the crab through a characteristic process of helicospiral tubular growth originating from the shell aperture. The scant information available on the ecology of Recent bryozoan‐hermit crab symbioses is reviewed. Symbioses have been recorded from intertidal to upper slope environments, and from tropical to cold temperate zones. None of the hermit crab species are obligatory symbionts of bryozoans, and the majority of the modern bryozoan species involved are also not obligatory symbionts. Fossil examples always lack the hermit crabs, which have a poor fossilization potential; however, the distinctive tubular growth pattern and other features of the bryozoans enable recognition of ancient examples of the symbiosis. The earliest inferred associations between bryozoans and hermit crabs date from the Mid Jurassic, but associations remained uncommon until the Neogene. A remarkably wide taxonomic diversity of Recent and fossil bryozoans are known or inferred symbionts of hermit crabs. The broad evolutionary pattern of the association demonstrates multiple originations of the symbiosis by bryozoans belonging to at least 5 cyclostome and 12 cheilostome families. Only the Miocene‐Recent cheilostome family Hippoporidridae has an evolutionary history closely tied to symbiosis with hermit crabs. There is no evidence for coevolution.  相似文献   

Specific chemicals in the environment evoke significant changes in the behavior of many aquatic organisms. We studied in the laboratory whether satiated individuals of the hermit crab, Pagurus longicarpus Say 1817, adjust their investigatory behavior towards an empty, optimal gastropod shell according to differences of chemical context. We also explored to what extent shell investigation by a crab in the same hunger state was affected by occupying an inadequately sized shell. Our results confirmed in part previous findings that crabs can discriminate the odor of freshly dead snails from the odor of freshly dead conspecifics. In the presence of the former odor, crabs inhabiting shells of inadequate size were more responsive and active than those in better-fitting shells. To the contrary, regardless of the quality of the inhabited shell, P. longicarpus remained practically motionless when presented with the odor of freshly dead conspecifics, possibly because the risks of incurring in predators would outweigh the benefits of acquiring a new shell. Unexpectedly, we found that crabs in both types of shell quality exhibited nearly the same behavior in control water, while crabs in adequate shells were more responsive in the presence of food odor. Individuals appeared insensitive to the odor of live snails; indeed, only one hermit crab species has been seen removing living snails from their shells. An intriguing result was that water conditioned by the odors of live conspecifics exerted a strong effect on all the individuals by inducing an intense shell investigation. Our study underlines the central role exerted by chemical detection in hermit crabs' behavior and demonstrates the existence of a complex interplay among chemical context, the physiological state of the animal, and the ecological pressures of the habitat.  相似文献   

Gastropod shells: A potentially limiting resource for hermit crabs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The availability of gastropod shells to hermit crabs in the Newport River Estuary, Beaufort, N.C. has been assessed by determining the numbers of usuable shells occurring in characteristic subtidal habitats and by measuring shell size adequacy. The proportion of useable shells occupied by hermit crabs ranged from 58–99 % and many of the shells not used by hermit crabs were judged unavailable because they were occupied by sipunculids or only uncovered by the dredge. The shell adequacy index (shell size occupied/shell size preferred) was significantly below 1.0 for the largest species (Pagurus pollicaris Say) in the one location where sufficient numbers were collected and for the next largest species (P. longicarpus Say) in three of the four locations where it was collected. The shell size adequacy index for the smallest species (P. annulipes Stimpson) did not differ significantly from 1.0 in either of the two locations in which it was found. These observations suggest that the availability of gastropod shells plays a significant rôle in limiting the abundance of at least the larger hermit crabs.  相似文献   

Growth rates of the hermit crabs Pagurus longicarpus Say and P. pollicaris Say maintained in preferred shells and in shells smaller than the preferred size have been compared. Changes in wet weight, shield length, and duration of the molt cycle were determined. Crabs in preferred shells grew significantly faster than those in small shells. P. pollicaris molted at approximately the same rate in both cases but grew more each molt in preferred shells. Von Bertalanffy growth curves were fitted to changes in shield length among crabs in preferred shells. These curves indicate that P. longicarpus may mature four months after settling from the plankton and reach its asymptotic size within the next eight months while P. pollicaris also matures four months after leaving the plankton but does not reach its asymptotic size for approximately three years. The rapid growth of P. longicarpus may enable it to preempt shells which are required for the successful brooding of a large clutch before these shells are required by more aggressive competitors, such as P. pollicaris and Clibanarius vittatus.  相似文献   

The power of shell rapping influences rates of eviction in hermit crabs   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Hermit crabs fight for ownership of shells, and shell exchangemay occur after a period of shell rapping, involving the initiatingor attacking crab bringing its shell rapidly and repeatedlyinto contact with the shell of the noninitiator or defender,in a series of bouts. The temporal pattern of rapping containsinformation about the motivation and/or relative resource holdingpotential (RHP) of the initiator and acts as a repeated signalof stamina. Here we investigated the role of the force withwhich the rapping is performed and how this is related to thetemporal pattern of rapping by rubberizing the external surfaceof shells. Initiators that are prevented from rapping withtheir usual level of force persist with the activity for longer over the whole encounter but use fewer raps per bout and areless likely to effect an exchange than those supplied withcontrol shells. The fact that the force of rapping affectsthe likelihood of a crab being victorious suggests that eitherthe force of rapping contains information about motivation orRHP or that force directly affects noninitiators, reducingtheir ability to maintain an adequate grip on their shells.The data suggest that shell rapping is an agonistic signalrather than one that provides information useful to the noninitiator,as has been suggested by the negotiation model of shell exchange.  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the effect of interference and exploitation competition in shell partitioning between two hermit crab species (Pagurus criniticornis and Clibanarius antillensis). Field samples revealed that shells of the gastropod Cerithium atratum were the main resource used by both hermit crab species and that Pagurus used eroded or damaged shells in higher frequency than Clibanarius. The exploitative ability of each species was compared between species in the laboratory using dead gastropod (Cerithium) baits to simulate predation events and signalize newly available shells to hermit crabs. Pagurus reached the baits more rapidly than Clibanarius, but this higher exploitative ability did not explain shell utilization patterns in nature. Another experiment evaluated the dominance hierarchy between these two hermit crab species and revealed that Clibanarius was able to outcompete Pagurus for higher quality shells in agonistic encounters. This higher interference competitive ability of Clibanarius in relation to Pagurus may explain field observations. Nevertheless, Pagurus may be responsible to enhance shell availability to other hermit crab species that have lower ability to find and use newly available shells. Differently, the poorer condition of shells used by Pagurus, the higher ability of this species to attend gastropod predation events and its higher consumption rate by shell-breaking crabs (Menippe nodifrons) may increase its predation risks, thus revealing the disadvantages of such an exploitative competitive strategy for hermit crabs.  相似文献   

Patterns of seasonal change in the abundances of the planktonic larvae of four sympatric hermit crabs were examined at five fixed stations over 18 months in Christmas Bay, Texas. Clibanarius vittatus (Bosc) was present in the plankton from April through October, Pagurus longicarpus Say from September through May and P. pollicaris Say from December through February. Pagurus annulipes (Stimpson) zoeae were the most frequently encountered zoeae and were found throughout the year, but were most abundant in late spring and summer. Zoea I of P. annulipes and P. pollicaris were found to be reliably distinguishable on the basis of their carapace lengths. Clibanarius zoea I were very abundant (3149) and 42 megalopa but no zoea II–V were found. Inadequate sampling and the short durations of these missing stages do not seem sufficient to explain their absence.  相似文献   

Resource assessment in hermit crabs: the worth of their own shell   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Animals gather information about the quality of a resource throughits assessment and behave accordingly as a result of adaptivemotivational changes. In the hermit crab Pagurus longicarpus,we investigated whether an individual was affected in its motivationto acquire a new shell by the quality of the domicile shell(own resource value [ORV]), of the offered shell (external resourcevalue [ERV]), or of both and asked whether its motivation wasaltered by the information gathered during shell investigation.We analyzed the behavior of hermit crabs inhabiting shells ofdiffering qualities and compared their willingness to acquirean offered shell—optimal, smaller than optimal, or largerthan optimal—by measuring the latency to approach it,the number of shell investigation, and its total duration. Crabsin smaller shells (SSs) approached more quick and often theoffered shell, whereas crabs in larger shells investigated theoffered shell more thoroughly. The readiness of crabs to approachthe offered shell and the extent of its investigation were independentof the ERV but were exclusively affected by the ORV, whereasthe number and duration of shell investigation did not changewith time as investigation proceeded, except for crabs in SSs.These results suggest that P. longicarpus' motivation to acquirea new shell is exclusively influenced by the value of the shellit inhabits rather than by the quality of the shell it is offeredand that this species does not gather—or does not use—informationabout ERV during investigation.  相似文献   

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