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微孢子虫核糖体小亚单位RNA(ssurRNA)基因   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
微孢子虫是广泛分布于自然界的细胞内原虫类寄生虫,它们可寄生于整个生物界。微孢子虫是真核生物,但其核糖体及核糖体RNA(rRNA)为原核生物型。为探讨9种家蚕病原性微孢子虫的种地位及亲缘关系,对已广泛用于生物进化分类的核糖体小亚单位RNA(ssurRNA)基因进行了研究。由微孢子虫ssurRNA基因序列同源笥分析所构建的系统进货发育树及Southern杂交分析表明,这9种微孢子虫同为Nosema属,为同属不同种。  相似文献   

Human adenoviruses (HAds) encode for one or two highly abundant virus-associated RNAs, designated VA RNAI and VA RNAII, which fold into stable hairpin structures resembling miRNA precursors. Here we show that the terminal stem of the VA RNAs originating from Ad4, Ad5, Ad11 and Ad37, all undergo Dicer dependent processing into virus-specific miRNAs (so-called mivaRNAs). We further show that the mivaRNA duplex is subjected to a highly asymmetric RISC loading with the 3′-strand from all VA RNAs being the favored strand, except for the Ad37 VA RNAII, where the 5′-mivaRNAII strand was preferentially assembled into RISC. Although the mivaRNA seed sequences are not fully conserved between the HAds a bioinformatics prediction approach suggests that a large fraction of the VA RNAII-, but not the VA RNAI-derived mivaRNAs still are able to target the same cellular genes. Using small RNA deep sequencing we demonstrate that the Dicer processing event in the terminal stem of the VA RNAs is not unique and generates 3′-mivaRNAs with a slight variation of the position of the 5′ terminal nucleotide in the RISC loaded guide strand. Also, we show that all analyzed VA RNAs, except Ad37 VA RNAI and Ad5 VA RNAII, utilize an alternative upstream A start site in addition to the classical +1 G start site. Further, the 5′-mivaRNAs with an A start appears to be preferentially incorporated into RISC. Although the majority of mivaRNA research has been done using Ad5 as the model system our analysis demonstrates that the mivaRNAs expressed in Ad11- and Ad37-infected cells are the most abundant mivaRNAs associated with Ago2-containing RISC. Collectively, our results show an unexpected variability in Dicer processing of the VA RNAs and a serotype-specific loading of mivaRNAs into Ago2-based RISC.  相似文献   

Nocardia brasiliensis is an important etiologic agent of mycetoma. These bacteria live as a saprobe in soil or organic material and enter the tissue via minor trauma. Mycetoma is characterized by tumefaction and the production of fistula and abscesses, with no spontaneous cure. By using mass sequencing, we determined the complete genomic nucleotide sequence of the bacteria. According to our data, the genome is a circular chromosome 9,436,348-bp long with 68% G+C content that encodes 8,414 proteins. We observed orthologs for virulence factors, a higher number of genes involved in lipid biosynthesis and catabolism, and gene clusters for the synthesis of bioactive compounds, such as antibiotics, terpenes, and polyketides. An in silico analysis of the sequence supports the conclusion that the bacteria acquired diverse genes by horizontal transfer from other soil bacteria, even from eukaryotic organisms. The genome composition reflects the evolution of bacteria via the acquisition of a large amount of DNA, which allows it to survive in new ecological niches, including humans.  相似文献   

In Aedes mosquitoes, infections with arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) trigger or modulate the expression of various classes of viral and host-derived small RNAs, including small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), PIWI interacting RNAs (piRNAs), and microRNAs (miRNAs). Viral siRNAs are at the core of the antiviral RNA interference machinery, one of the key pathways that limit virus replication in invertebrates. Besides siRNAs, Aedes mosquitoes and cells derived from these insects produce arbovirus-derived piRNAs, the best studied examples being viruses from the Togaviridae or Bunyaviridae families. Host miRNAs modulate the expression of a large number of genes and their levels may change in response to viral infections. In addition, some viruses, mostly with a DNA genome, express their own miRNAs to regulate host and viral gene expression. Here, we perform a comprehensive analysis of both viral and host-derived small RNAs in Aedes aegypti Aag2 cells infected with dengue virus 2 (DENV), a member of the Flaviviridae family. Aag2 cells are competent in producing all three types of small RNAs and provide a powerful tool to explore the crosstalk between arboviral infection and the distinct RNA silencing pathways. Interestingly, besides the well-characterized DENV-derived siRNAs, a specific population of viral piRNAs was identified in infected Aag2 cells. Knockdown of Piwi5, Ago3 and, to a lesser extent, Piwi6 results in reduction of vpiRNA levels, providing the first genetic evidence that Aedes PIWI proteins produce DENV-derived small RNAs. In contrast, we do not find convincing evidence for the production of virus-derived miRNAs. Neither do we find that host miRNA expression is strongly changed upon DENV2 infection. Finally, our deep-sequencing analyses detect 30 novel Aedes miRNAs, complementing the repertoire of regulatory small RNAs in this important vector species.  相似文献   



Mesenchymal stem (MS) cells are excellent candidates for cell-based therapeutic strategies to regenerate injured tissue. Although human MS cells can be isolated from bone marrow and directed to differentiate by means of an osteogenic pathway, the regulation of cell-fate determination is not well understood. Recent reports identify critical roles for microRNAs (miRNAs), regulators of gene expression either by inhibiting the translation or by stimulating the degradation of target mRNAs.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this study, we employed a library of miRNA inhibitors to evaluate the role of miRNAs in early osteogenic differentiation of human MS cells. We discovered that miR-148b, -27a and -489 are essential for the regulation of osteogenesis: miR-27a and miR-489 down-regulate while miR-148b up-regulates differentiation. Modulation of these miRNAs induced osteogenesis in the absence of other external differentiation cues and restored osteogenic potential in high passage number human MS cells.


Overall, we have demonstrated the utility of the functional profiling strategy for unraveling complex miRNA pathways. Our findings indicate that miRNAs regulate early osteogenic differentiation in human MS cells: miR-148b, -27a, and -489 were found to play a critical role in osteogenesis.  相似文献   

Human parechoviruses (HPeVs) belonging to the family Picornaviridae are widely spread pathogens among young children. We report the complete genome sequence of a novel HPeV isolated from the stool sample of a hospitalized child with diarrhea in China. The genome consists of 7,305 nucleotides, excluding the 3′ poly(A) tail, and has an open reading frame that maps between nucleotide positions 675 and 7217 and encodes a 2,180-amino-acid polyprotein. The genome sequence of the virus was sufficiently distinct from the 8 known HPeV types. Phylogenetic analysis based on the complete genome indicated that the HPeV strain represents a new genotype.  相似文献   

Target-specific integration of transposable elements for multicopy genes, such as ribosomal RNA and small nuclear RNA (snRNA) genes, is of great interest because of the relatively harmless nature, stable inheritance and possible application for targeted gene delivery of target-specific transposable elements. To date, such strict target specificity has been observed only among non-LTR retrotransposons. We here report a new superfamily of sequence-specific DNA transposons, designated Dada. Dada encodes a DDE-type transposase that shows a distant similarity to transposases encoded by eukaryotic MuDR, hAT, P and Kolobok transposons, as well as the prokaryotic IS256 insertion element. Dada generates 6–7 bp target site duplications upon insertion. One family of Dada DNA transposons targets a specific site inside the U6 snRNA genes and are found in various fish species, water flea, oyster and polycheate worm. Other target sequences of the Dada transposons are U1 snRNA genes and different tRNA genes. The targets are well conserved in multicopy genes, indicating that copy number and sequence conservation are the primary constraints on the target choice of Dada transposons. Dada also opens a new frontier for target-specific gene delivery application.  相似文献   

Recent analyses have shown that nonsynonymous variation in human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) contains nonneutral variants, suggesting the presence of mildly deleterious mutations. Many of the disease-causing mutations in mtDNA occur in the genes encoding the tRNAs. Nucleotide sequence variation in these genes has not been studied in human populations, nor have the structural consequences of nucleotide substitutions in tRNA molecules been examined. We therefore determined the nucleotide sequences of the 22 tRNA genes in the mtDNA of 477 Finns and, also, obtained 435 European sequences from the MitoKor database. No differences in population polymorphism indices were found between the two data sets. We assessed selective constraints against various tRNA domains by comparing allele frequencies between these domains and the synonymous and nonsynonymous sites, respectively. All tRNA domains except the variable loop were more conserved than synonymous sites, and T stem and D stem were more conserved than the respective loops. We also analyzed the energetic consequences of the 96 polymorphisms recovered in the two data sets or in the Mitomap database. The minimum free energy (ΔG) was calculated using the free energy rules as implemented in mfold version 3.1. The ΔG’s were normally distributed among the 22 wild-type tRNA genes, whereas the 96 polymorphic tRNAs departed significantly from a normal distribution. The largest differences in ΔG between the wild-type and the polymorphic tRNAs in the Finnish population tended to be in the polymorphisms that were present at low frequencies. Allele frequency distributions and minimum free energy calculations both suggested that some polymorphisms in tRNA genes are nonneutral.Reviewing Editor: Dr. Rüdiger Cerff  相似文献   

Wheat is one of the main food sources worldwide; large amount studies have been conducted to improve wheat production. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) with about 20–30 nucleotide are a class of regulatory small RNAs (sRNAs), which could regulate gene expression through sequence-specific base pairing with target mRNAs, playing important roles in plant growth. An ideal plant architecture (IPA) is crucial to enhance yield in bread wheat. In this study, the high-yield wheat strain Yunong 3114 was EMS-mutagenesis from the wild-type strain Yunong 201, exhibiting a preferable plant structure compared with the wild-type strain. We constructed small RNA and degradome libraries from Yunong 201 and Yunong 3114, and performed small RNA sequencing of these libraries in order identify miRNAs and their targets related to IPA in wheat. Totally, we identified 488 known and 837 novel miRNAs from Yunong 3114 and 391 known and 533 novel miRNAs from Yunong 201. The number of miRNAs in the mutant increased. A total of 37 known and 432 putative novel miRNAs were specifically expressed in the mutant strain; furthermore, 23 known and 159 putative novel miRNAs were specifically expressed in the wild-type strain. A total of 150 known and 100 novel miRNAs were differentially expressed between mutant and wild-type strains. Among these differentially expressed novel miRNAs, 4 and 8 predict novel miRNAs were evidenced by degradome sequencing and showed up-regulated and down-regulated expressions in the mutant strain Yunong 3114, respectively. Targeted gene annotation and previous results indicated that this set of miRNAs is related to plant structure. Our results further suggested that miRNAs may be necessary to obtain an optimal wheat structure.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic DNA-dependent RNA polymerase II (or B) is composed of 10 to 14 polypeptides ranging from 220 to 10 kDa. To gain further insight into the molecular structure and function of these subunits, we have undertaken the molecular cloning of nucleotide sequences corresponding to the human enzyme. The cDNAs of five subunits (hRPB220, hRPB140, hRPB33, hRPB25, and hRPB14.5) have been isolated. Using in situ hybridization, we show that the genes of these subunits have distinct chromosomal locations (17p13, 4q12, 16q13-q21, 19p13.3, and 19q12, respectively). Thus, if assembly of active polymerase molecules requires coordinated expression from these independent genes, mechanisms that ensure tight coregulation of the corresponding promoters must exist.  相似文献   

piRNA(Piwi-interacting RNA)是最近从哺乳动物睾丸组织中发现的一类能与PIWI蛋白质相互作用,且长度分布在26~31nt的新型小分子单链RNA,主要综述piRNA的相关研究进展.  相似文献   

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