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Production parameters for bacterioplankton were assessed during the spring–summer period in the western parts of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea, as well as in northwestern Pacific Ocean. The lowest values of bacterial production were observed in early June during the spring phytoplankton bloom (0.08 mg C day–1 m–3), while the maximum values (up to 55 mg C day–1 m–3) occurred in late July?early August, 1.5 to 2 months after the bloom. The concentration of dissolved organic matter, the substrate for bacterioplankton, was assessed using satellite data. The ratio between bacterial and primary production in the surface samples varied from 0.5% at the peak of phytoplankton bloom to 180% at the peak of bacterioplankton development.  相似文献   

The data on the composition and abundance of nekton species and their interannual variations within the upper epipelagic layer (0–50 m) in the Aleutian and Commander basins in the western Bering Sea that are considered in the article were collected during complex surveys that were conducted by the Pacific Research Fisheries Center in September and October of 2002–2013. The core species structures of the nekton communities in these two areas were similar: the chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta and the boreopacific gonate squid Boreoteuthis borealis were the most abundant species. Simpson’s dominance index varied synchronously in both areas, with higher values in the Aleutian Basin, until 2009. In the subsequent years, the values of the index for the studied areas became equal and varied asynchronously. An analysis of abundance showed that two types of species structure most often prevailed (with the dominance of either chum salmon or squid); in some years the species structure differed from that in other years. Species of the low-boreal and low-boreal-subtropical complexes were more abundant in the Commander Basin, reaching particularly high proportions in 2006, 2008, and 2012. Certain species showed similarity in the year-to-year dynamics of their abundance; however, these coincidences were frequently accidental. After the climate regime shift in 2006–2007, the total biomass of nekton in the Aleutian Basin decreased from 3241 to 1736 kg/km2 (46%); in the Komandorskiye Basin it decreased from 2459 to 1976 kg/km2 (20%).  相似文献   

Seabirds are thought to be reliable, real-time indicators of forage fish availability and the climatic and biotic factors affecting pelagic food webs in marine ecosystems. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that temporal trends and interannual variability in seabird indicators reflect simultaneously occurring bottom-up (climatic) and competitor (pink salmon) forcing of food webs. To test this hypothesis, we derived multivariate seabird indicators for the Bering Sea–Aleutian Island (BSAI) ecosystem and related them to physical and biological conditions known to affect pelagic food webs in the ecosystem. We examined covariance in the breeding biology of congeneric pelagic gulls (kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla and R. brevirostris) and auks (murres Uria aalge and U. lomvia), all of which are abundant and well-studied in the BSAI. At the large ecosystem scale, kittiwake and murre breeding success and phenology (hatch dates) covaried among congeners, so data could be combined using multivariate techniques, but patterns of response differed substantially between the genera. While data from all sites (n = 5) in the ecosystem could be combined, the south eastern Bering Sea shelf colonies (St. George, St. Paul, and Cape Peirce) provided the strongest loadings on indicators, and hence had the strongest influence on modes of variability. The kittiwake breeding success mode of variability, dominated by biennial variation, was significantly related to both climatic factors and potential competitor interactions. The murre indicator mode was interannual and only weakly related to the climatic factors measured. The kittiwake phenology indicator mode of variability showed multi-year periods (“stanzas”) of late or early breeding, while the murre phenology indicator showed a trend towards earlier timing. Ocean climate relationships with the kittiwake breeding success indicator suggest that early-season (winter–spring) environmental conditions and the abundance of pink salmon affect the pelagic food webs that support these seabirds in the BSAI ecosystem.  相似文献   

Benthic surveys carried out in 1989 (literature data), 1995, and 2001 (original data) revealed changes in the structure of soft bottom communities of Wrangel Bay (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan), where a deep-water port of Vostochnyi is situated. The functioning of the port has caused no significant environmental pollution by heavy metals, hydrocarbons, and other pollutants. Bottom dredging and the siltation induced by it have drastically lowered the benthos biomass, changed benthic communities, and altered their trophic structure. Sestonophages have disappeared nearly altogether being replaced by detrivores. The ecological state of the benthos is characterized as unstable.  相似文献   

Seabirds and large fishes are important top predators in marine ecosystems, but few studies have explored the potential for competition between these groups. This study investigates the relationship between an observed biennial change of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) biomass in the central Bering Sea (23 times greater in odd-numbered than in even-numbered years) and the body condition and diet of the short-tailed shearwater (Puffinus tenuirostris) that spends the post-breeding season there. Samples were collected with research gill nets over seven summers. Both species feed on krill, small fishes and squid. Although the mean pink salmon catch per unit effort (in mass) over the study region was not related significantly with shearwater's stomach content mass or prey composition, the pink salmon biomass showed a negative and significant relationship with the shearwater's body mass and liver mass (proxies of energy reserve). We interpret these results as evidence that fishes can negatively affect mean prey intake of seabirds if they feed on a shared prey in the pelagic ecosystem.  相似文献   

The long-term effect of socioeconomic status (SES) and healthcare resources availability (HCA) on breast cancer stage of presentation and mortality rates among patients in Michigan is unclear. Using data from the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) between 1992 and 2009, we calculated annual proportions of late-stage diagnosis and age-adjusted breast cancer mortality rates by race and zip code in Michigan. SES and HCA were defined at the zip-code level. Joinpoint regression was used to compare the Average Annual Percent Change (AAPC) in the median zip-code level percent late stage diagnosis and mortality rate for blacks and whites and for each level of SES and HCA. Between 1992 and 2009, the proportion of late stage diagnosis increased among white women [AAPC = 1.0 (0.4, 1.6)], but was statistically unchanged among black women [AAPC = −0.5 (−1.9, 0.8)]. The breast cancer mortality rate declined among whites [AAPC = −1.3% (−1.8,−0.8)], but remained statistically unchanged among blacks [AAPC = −0.3% (−0.3, 1.0)]. In all SES and HCA area types, disparities in percent late stage between blacks and whites appeared to narrow over time, while the differences in breast cancer mortality rates between blacks and whites appeared to increase over time.  相似文献   

In summer-autumn of 2003–2004, the ichthyoplankton of the Sea of Okhotsk comprised 35 species. In this period the most widely distributed and numerous were larvae of the lord Hemilepidotus gilberti, the Pacific stout sand lance Ammodytes hexapterus, and the Sakhalin dab Limanda sakhalinensis. The maximum catches of fish larvae were attributed to coastal waters off eastern Sakhalin and to the shelf of the northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk. In November of 2003, the ichthyoplankton of the Sea of Japan was represented by fish larvae belonging mainly to the boreal ichthyocomplex. The catches consisted predominantly of larvae of the arabesque greenling Pleurogrammus azonus, the ronquil Bathymaster derjugini, and the rockfish Sebastes owstoni. Fish larvae and fry in the northwestern part of the Sea of Japan were caught principally within 43°–45° N and 137°–139° E above the depth 1500–2000 m. The food spectrum of fish larvae in the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan comprised over 20 plankters of various size belonging to seven taxa. Irrespective of fish species, the food items common of all fish were copepods Pseudocalanus minutus and Oithona similis. The daily rations were calculated for mass species (Hemilepidotus gilberti, Ammodytes hexapterus, Hexagrammos stelleri, Pleurogrammus azonus, Bathymaster derjugini, and Sebastes owstoni). The larvae of all considered species in the Sea of Japan and in the Sea of Okhotsk fed predominantly in the light period of the day.  相似文献   

This article focuses on three emerging law of the sea issues for states cooperating in management of the Antarctic and its maritime area. The first of these is no newcomer: How to regulate the dramatic increase in illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in the Southern Ocean? The second question, according to the letter of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, awaits the countries claiming sovereignty over portions of territory in the Antarctic 10 years from the entry into force of the Convention for each of them. The question here is what to do with the requirement contained in that Convention relating to the submission of information on the outer limit of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles to the Commission on the Continental Shelf? Finally, there is a third tricky question: Who is competent to regulate, and accordingly to ban, mineral activities in the Southern Ocean seabed? Is it the International Seabed Authority as the global body, or the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Parties through their regional cooperation? This question may well never be put on the policy agenda for any global forum; but it may well be posed at any time and by any third party, whether in the UN General Assembly or, more likely, in the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority.  相似文献   

Following 4 and 8 h after self-incompatible pollination of Petunia hybrida plants, ethylene evolution and the contents of IAA, ABA, and cytokinins were measured in pistils and their parts (stigma, style, and ovary). The germination and initial growth of pollen tubes within the initial 4 h of the experiment were accompanied with an almost tenfold increase of the rate of ethylene production by the stigma and a twofold increase of the ABA content in the stigma and style. The inhibition of pollen tube growth in the style tissues during next 4 h coincided with a fivefold increase in the cytokinin content in the style, while high ABA content was maintained in the stigma and style. The authors conclude that phytohormones participate in the mechanism of gametophyte self-incompatibility.  相似文献   

Substantial ecological changes occurred in the 1970s in the Northern Baltic during a temporary period of low salinity (S). This period was preceded by an episodic increase in the rainfall over the Baltic Sea watershed area. Several climate models, both global and regional, project an increase in the runoff of the Northern latitudes due to proceeding climate change. The aim of this study is to model, firstly, the effects on Baltic Sea salinity of increased runoff due to projected global change and, secondly, the effects of salinity change on the distribution of marine species. The results suggest a critical shift in the S range 5–7, which is a threshold for both freshwater and marine species distributions and diversity. We discuss several topics emphasizing future monitoring, modelling, and fisheries research. Environmental monitoring and modelling are investigated because the developing alternative ecosystems do not necessarily show the same relations to environment quality factors as the retiring ones. An important corollary is that the observed and modelled S changes considered together with species’ ranges indicate what may appear under a future climate. Consequences could include a shift in distribution areas of marine benthic foundation species and some 40–50 other species, affiliated to these. This change would extend over hundreds of kilometres, in the Baltic Sea and the adjacent North Sea areas. Potential cascading effects, in coastal ecology, fish ecology and fisheries would be extensive, and point out the necessity to develop further the “ecosystem approach in the environmental monitoring”.  相似文献   

This article examines the provisions in the 2010 Russian–Norwegian Treaty on Maritime Delimitation and Cooperation in the Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean dealing with the management of transboundary hydrocarbon resources. How compatible is the unitization mechanism in the Treaty with Russian and Norwegian legislation? Will there be tension between Russian and Norwegian interpretations? How does Russian and Norwegian legislation support or challenge the concept of a “unit operator” in a cross-border unitization? What are the possible concerns and pitfalls related to mechanisms for consultations and procedures for dispute resolution?  相似文献   

There has been little evidence of a decline in the global burden of cholera in recent years as the number of cholera cases reported to WHO continues to rise. Cholera remains a global threat to public health and a key indicator of lack of socioeconomic development. Overall socioeconomic development is the ultimate solution for control of cholera as evidenced in developed countries. However, most research has focused on cross-county comparisons so that the role of individual- or small area-level socioeconomic status (SES) in cholera dynamics has not been carefully studied. Reported cases of cholera in Matlab, Bangladesh have fluctuated greatly over time and epidemic outbreaks of cholera continue, most recently with the introduction of a new serotype into the region. The wealth of longitudinal data on the population of Matlab provides a unique opportunity to explore the impact of socioeconomic status and other demographic characteristics on the long-term temporal dynamics of cholera in the region. In this population-based study we examine which factors impact the initial number of cholera cases in a bari at the beginning of the 0139 epidemic and the factors impacting the number of cases over time. Cholera data were derived from the ICDDR,B health records and linked to socioeconomic and geographic data collected as part of the Matlab Health and Demographic Surveillance System. Longitudinal zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) multilevel regression models are used to examine the impact of environmental and socio-demographic factors on cholera counts across baris. Results indicate that baris with a high socioeconomic status had lower initial rates of cholera at the beginning of the 0139 epidemic (γ01 = −0.147, p = 0.041) and a higher probability of reporting no cholera cases (α01 = 0.156, p = 0.061). Populations in baris characterized by low SES are more likely to experience higher cholera morbidity at the beginning of an epidemic than populations in high SES baris.  相似文献   

Most sharks, rays and chimaeras (chondrichthyans) taken in commercial fisheries are discarded (i.e. returned to the ocean either dead or alive). Quantifying the post-capture survival (PCS) of discarded species is therefore essential for the improved management and conservation of this group. For all chondrichthyans taken in the main shark fishery of Australia, we quantified the immediate PCS of individuals reaching the deck of commercial shark gillnet fishing vessels and applied a risk-based method to semi-quantitatively determine delayed and total PCS. Estimates of immediate, delayed and total PCS were consistent, being very high for the most commonly discarded species (Port Jackson shark, Australian swellshark, and spikey dogfish) and low for the most important commercial species (gummy and school sharks). Increasing gillnet soak time or water temperature significantly decreased PCS. Chondrichthyans with bottom-dwelling habits had the highest PCS whereas those with pelagic habits had the lowest PCS. The risk-based approach can be easily implemented as a standard practice of on-board observing programs, providing a convenient first-step assessment of the PCS of all species taken in commercial fisheries.  相似文献   

A number of small islands (the Paracel Islands, Pratas Island, the Spratly Islands, and Scarborough Reef) may have a considerable influence on the extent of maritime zones in the South China Sea. The maritime zones of these islands can limit the extent of the high seas and the Area in the South China Sea and the extent of the maritime zones of the mainland coasts. To assess the impact of the islands, it is necessary to establish whether they can generate the full suite of maritime zones. Under international law, some islands do not have an entitlement to an exclusive economic zone and continental shelf. Where islands can generate these maritime zones, a second issue arises, namely, how to delimit these zones with those of the mainland coasts bordering the South China Sea.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - Some features of the biology of European catfish Silurus glanis in the Lower Kama Reservoir (Nizhnekamsk Reservoir) are elucidated for the first time based on the materials...  相似文献   

The distribution and seasonal dynamics of fish abundance in the estuary of the Razdol’naya River (Peter the Great Bay) depending on several abiotic factors are considered. It is established that fish biomass increases with an increase in salinity and decrease in water temperature (both in space and time). Freshwater stenohaline species dominate in the upper part of the estuary, semianadromous and freshwater euryhaline species dominate in the middle part, and semianadromous and marine species dominate in the lower part. The seasonal succession of ichthyocenosis includes two periods: warm (May–October) and cold (November–April). The warm period is characterized by a low biomass (4–10 g/m2) and maximum species richness (22–29 species) against the background of a decrease of the penetration into the estuary of high-saline waters and an increase in the water discharge, turbidity, and temperature. Freshwater species dominate in catches, and subtropical migrants appear. In the cold period, species richness is minimal (2–12 species), and biomass is, on the contrary, very high (on average, 71–374 g/m2); water temperature and discharge are minimal. In catches, the proportion of semianadromous and marine species is maximum.  相似文献   

The possible contribution of pinon (Pinus edulis) seed to the diet of an Anasazi population is investigated using present data on seed productivity and archaeological data on resource use. Annual estimates of total productivity for a 135.7 sq km study area in Montezuma County, Colorado, vary by a factor of 141 in a sample spanning 5 yr. Trees greater than about 25 cm (basal diameter) are usually monoecious and produce significantly more cones per tree but fewer good seeds per cone than smaller, usually dioecious specimens. Archaeological data suggest that piñon seed was a relatively unimportant food item after the initial period of Anasazi colonization of the Dolores River valley about a.D. 600. Use of piñon seed as food was inversely related to degree of agricultural intensification and use of piñon for fuel.  相似文献   

Nutrient and carbon budgets of the western part of the Dutch Wadden Sea are based on the concept formulated by Postma (1954): import of organic compounds from the North Sea, mineralization in the estuary ans subsequently an export of dissolved inorganic nutrients to the North Sea. In this paper the phosphorus budget of the westernmost part of the Wadden Sea (Marsdiep basin) during the period 1950–1985 is considered to evaluate this concept and to investigate whether eutrophication processes have changed these P-budgets during the last decades. Most attention is paid to the importance of the exchange of P-components between the tidal basin and the open sea. The budgets are based on a general mass balance equation in which the main entries are the loadings via the freshwater sources, the net sediment-water exchange, the exchange with the North Sea, the input from the adjacent Vlie basin, and a transformation term representing the interchange between dissolved and particulate phosphorus. Averaged over the entire period 55% of the phosphate input (SRP) to the basin is delivered by the fresh water sources, and 45% by the Vlie basin. For non-SRP components these numbers are 50% and 40% respectively, while only 10% comes from the North Sea. The import from the North Sea, as calculated by our model thus seems less important than previously documented. There is a clear effect of the eutrophication during the last decades. In the first 20 years of the period investigated there was a moderate increase in the TP input to the basin, partly caused by an increasing input of non-SRP (TP minus soluble reactive phosphorus) from the North Sea. In 1970/71 almost 30% of the non-SRP loading originated from the North Sea. From approximately 1975 onwards this import of non-SRP turns into an export, while the TP-loading from the other sources inclined, until a maximum was reached in 1981. Recently a decrease in the TP-inputs has been observed. It is concluded that the recent output of phosphorus from the Marsdiep basin may have a considerable impact on the adjacent area of the North Sea.Publication no. 2 of the project Applied Scientific Research Neth Inst. for Sea Res. (BEWON).  相似文献   

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries - The exploitation of fishery resources acts as a driving force on cetaceans both directly, by determining their fishing mortality or injury as by-catch...  相似文献   

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