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The proton pumping activity of the eukaryotic vacuolar ATPase (V-ATPase) is regulated by a unique mechanism that involves reversible enzyme dissociation. In yeast, under conditions of nutrient depletion, the soluble catalytic V1 sector disengages from the membrane integral Vo, and at the same time, both functional units are silenced. Notably, during enzyme dissociation, a single V1 subunit, C, is released into the cytosol. The affinities of the other V1 and Vo subunits for subunit C are therefore of particular interest. The C subunit crystal structure shows that the subunit is elongated and dumbbell-shaped with two globular domains (Chead and Cfoot) separated by a flexible helical neck region (Drory, O., Frolow, F., and Nelson, N. (2004) EMBO Rep. 5, 1148–1152). We have recently shown that subunit C is bound in the V1-Vo interface where the subunit is in contact with two of the three peripheral stators (subunit EG heterodimers): one via Chead and one via Cfoot (Zhang, Z., Zheng, Y., Mazon, H., Milgrom, E., Kitagawa, N., Kish-Trier, E., Heck, A. J., Kane, P. M., and Wilkens, S. (2008) J. Biol. Chem. 283, 35983–35995). In vitro, however, subunit C binds only one EG heterodimer (Féthière, J., Venzke, D., Madden, D. R., and Böttcher, B. (2005) Biochemistry 44, 15906–15914), implying that EG has different affinities for the two domains of the C subunit. To determine which subunit C domain binds EG with high affinity, we have generated Chead and Cfoot and characterized their interaction with subunit EG heterodimer. Our findings indicate that the high affinity site for EGC interaction is Chead. In addition, we provide evidence that the EGChead interaction greatly stabilizes EG heterodimer.  相似文献   

The yeast vacuolar proton-translocating ATPase (V-ATPase) is the bestcharacterized member of the V-ATPase family. Biochemical and genetic screensled to the identification of a large number of genes in yeast, designatedVMA, encoding proteins required to assemble a functional V-ATPase. Atotal of thirteen genes encode subunits of the final enzyme complex. Inaddition to subunit-encoding genes, we have identified three genes that codefor proteins that are not part of the final V-ATPase complex yet required forits assembly. We refer to these nonsubunit Vma proteins as assembly factors,since their function is dedicated to assembling the V-ATPase. The assemblyfactors, Vma12p, Vma21p, and Vma22p are localized to the endoplasmicreticulum (ER) and aid the assembly of newly synthesized V-ATPase subunitsthat are translocated into the ER membrane. At least two of these proteins,Vma12p and Vma22p, function together in an assembly complex and interactdirectly with nascent V-ATPase subunits.  相似文献   



Vacuolar (H+)-ATPase (V-ATPase; V1Vo-ATPase) is a large multisubunit enzyme complex found in the endomembrane system of all eukaryotic cells where its proton pumping action serves to acidify subcellular organelles. In the plasma membrane of certain specialized tissues, V-ATPase functions to pump protons from the cytoplasm into the extracellular space. The activity of the V-ATPase is regulated by a reversible dissociation mechanism that involves breaking and re-forming of protein-protein interactions in the V1-ATPase - Vo-proton channel interface. The mechanism responsible for regulated V-ATPase dissociation is poorly understood, largely due to a lack of detailed knowledge of the molecular interactions that are responsible for the structural and functional link between the soluble ATPase and membrane bound proton channel domains.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To gain insight into where some of the stator subunits of the V-ATPase associate with each other, we have developed peptide arrays from the primary sequences of V-ATPase subunits. By probing the peptide arrays with individually expressed V-ATPase subunits, we have identified several key interactions involving stator subunits E, G, C, H and the N-terminal domain of the membrane bound a subunit.


The subunit-peptide interactions identified from the peptide arrays complement low resolution structural models of the eukaryotic vacuolar ATPase obtained from transmission electron microscopy. The subunit-subunit interaction data are discussed in context of our current model of reversible enzyme dissociation.  相似文献   


Yeast aspartyl-tRNA synthetase, a dimer of molecular weight 125000, and two molecules of its cognate tRNA (Mr = 24160) cocrystallize in the cubic space group 1432 (a = 354 Å). The crystal structure was solved to low resolution using neutron and X-ray diffraction data. Neutron single crystal diffraction data were collected in five solvents differing by their D2O content in order to use the contrast variation method to distinguish between the protein and tRNA The synthetase was first located at 40 Å resolution using the 65% D2O neutron data (tRNA matched). tRNA molecules were found at 20 Å resolution using both neutron and X-ray data. The resulting model was refined against 10 Å resolution X-ray data, using density modification and least-squares refinement of the tRNA positions. The crystal structure, solved without a priori phase knowledge, was confirmed later by isomorphous replacement. The molecular model of the complex is in good agreement with results obtained in solution by probing the protected part of the tRNA by chemical reagents.  相似文献   

The filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa contains many smallvacuoles. These organelles contain high concentrations of polyphosphates andbasic amino acids, such as arginine and ornithine. Because of their size anddensity, the vacuoles can be separated from other organelles in the cell. TheATP-driven proton pump in the vacuolar membrane is a typical V-type ATPase.We examined the size and structure of this enzyme using radiationinactivation and electron microscopy. The vacuolar ATPase is a large andcomplex enzyme, which appears to contain at least thirteen different types ofsubunits. We have characterized the genes that encode eleven of thesesubunits. In this review, we discuss the possible function and structure ofthese subunits.  相似文献   

The membrane sector (Vo) of the proton pumping vacuolar ATPase (V-ATPase, V1Vo-ATPase) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was purified to homogeneity, and its structure was characterized by EM of single molecules and two-dimensional crystals. Projection images of negatively stained Vo two-dimensional crystals showed a ring-like structure with a large asymmetric mass at the periphery of the ring. A cryo-EM reconstruction of Vo from single-particle images showed subunits a and d in close contact on the cytoplasmic side of the proton channel. A comparison of three-dimensional reconstructions of free Vo and Vo as part of holo V1Vo revealed that the cytoplasmic N-terminal domain of subunit a (aNT) must undergo a large conformational change upon enzyme disassembly or (re)assembly from Vo, V1, and subunit C. Isothermal titration calorimetry using recombinant subunit d and aNT revealed that the two proteins bind each other with a Kd of ∼5 μm. Treatment of the purified Vo sector with 1-palmitoyl-2-hydroxy-sn-glycero-3-[phospho-rac-(1-glycerol)] resulted in selective release of subunit d, allowing purification of a VoΔd complex. Passive proton translocation assays revealed that both Vo and VoΔd are impermeable to protons. We speculate that the structural change in subunit a upon release of V1 from Vo during reversible enzyme dissociation plays a role in blocking passive proton translocation across free Vo and that the interaction between aNT and d seen in free Vo functions to stabilize the Vo sector for efficient reassembly of V1Vo.  相似文献   

The V-ATPases are a family of ATP-dependent proton pumps responsible foracidification of intracellular compartments in eukaryotic cells. This reviewfocuses on the the V-ATPases from clathrin-coated vesicles and yeastvacuoles. The V-ATPase of clathrin-coated vesicles is a precursor to thatfound in endosomes and synaptic vesicles, which function in receptorrecycling, intracellular membrane traffic, and neurotransmitter uptake. Theyeast vacuolar ATPase functions to acidify the central vacuole and to drivevarious coupled transport processes across the vacuolar membrane. TheV-ATPases are composed of two functional domains. The V1 domain isa 570-kDa peripheral complex composed of eight subunits of molecular weight70—14 kDa (subunits A—H) that is responsible for ATP hydrolysis.The V0 domain is a 260-kDa integral complex composed of fivesubunits of molecular weight 100—17 kDa (subunits a, d, c, c8 and c9)that is responsible for proton translocation. Using chemical modification andsite-directed mutagenesis, we have begun to identify residues that play arole in ATP hydrolysis and proton transport by the V-ATPases. A centralquestion in the V-ATPase field is the mechanism by which cells regulatevacuolar acidification. Several mechanisms are described that may play a rolein controlling vacuolar acidification in vivo. One mechanisminvolves disulfide bond formation between cysteine residues located at thecatalytic nucleotide binding site on the 70-kDa A subunit, leading toreversible inhibition of V-ATPase activity. Other mechanisms includereversible assembly and dissociation of V1 and V0domains, changes in coupling efficiency of proton transport and ATPhydrolysis, and regulation of the activity of intracellular chloride channelsrequired for vacuolar acidification.  相似文献   

Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) synthetase is an essential enzyme responsible for the synthesis of FAD by adenylation of riboflavin monophosphate (FMN). We have solved the 1.9 Å resolution structure of Fad1, the yeast FAD synthetase, in complex with the FAD product in the active site. The structure of Fad1 shows it to be a member of the PP-ATPase superfamily. Important conformational differences in the two motifs involved in binding the phosphate moieties of FAD compared to the Candida glabrata FMNT ortholog suggests that this loop is dynamic and undergoes substantial conformational changes during its catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic ribosome assembly involves a plethora of factors, which ensure that a correctly folded ribosome contains all ribosomal protein components. Among these assembly factors, Yar1 has recently emerged as a molecular chaperone for ribosomal protein rpS3 of the small ribosomal subunit (40S) in yeast. In complex with its chaperone, rpS3 is imported into the nucleus and protected from aggregation. How rpS3 and other ribosomal proteins are initially sequestered and subsequently integrated into pre-ribosomal particles is currently poorly understood. Here, we present the crystal structure of yeast rpS3 in complex with its chaperone Yar1 at 2.8 Å resolution. The crystal structure rationalizes how Yar1 can protect rpS3 from aggregation while facilitating nuclear import and suggests a mechanism for a stepwise exchange of molecular partners that ribosomal proteins interact with during ribosome assembly.  相似文献   

The precursor mRNA retention and splicing (RES) complex mediates nuclear retention and enhances splicing of precursor mRNAs. The RES complex from yeast comprises three proteins, Snu17p, Bud13p and Pml1p. Snu17p acts as a central platform that concomitantly binds the Bud13p and Pml1p subunits via short peptide epitopes. As a step to decipher the molecular architecture of the RES complex, we have determined crystal structures of full-length Pml1p and N-terminally truncated Pml1p. The first 50 residues of full-length Pml1p, encompassing the Snu17p-binding region, are disordered, showing that Pml1p binds to Snu17p via an intrinsically unstructured region. The remainder of Pml1p folds as a forkhead-associated (FHA) domain, which is expanded by a number of noncanonical elements compared with known FHA domains from other proteins. An atypical N-terminal appendix runs across one β-sheet and thereby stabilizes the domain as shown by deletion experiments. FHA domains are thought to constitute phosphopeptide-binding elements. Consistently, a sulfate ion was found at the putative phosphopeptide-binding loops of full-length Pml1p. The N-terminally truncated version of the protein lacked a similar phosphopeptide mimic but retained an almost identical structure. A long loop neighboring the putative phosphopeptide-binding site was disordered in both structures. Comparison with other FHA domain proteins suggests that this loop adopts a defined conformation upon ligand binding and thereby confers ligand specificity. Our results show that in the RES complex, an FHA domain of Pml1p is flexibly tethered via an unstructured N-terminal region to Snu17p.  相似文献   

V-ATPases are conserved ATP-driven proton pumps that acidify organelles. Yeast V-ATPase assembly and activity are glucose-dependent. Glucose depletion causes V-ATPase disassembly and its inactivation. Glucose readdition triggers reassembly and resumes proton transport and organelle acidification. We investigated the roles of the yeast phosphofructokinase-1 subunits Pfk1p and Pfk2p for V-ATPase function. The pfk1Δ and pfk2Δ mutants grew on glucose and assembled wild-type levels of V-ATPase pumps at the membrane. Both phosphofructokinase-1 subunits co-immunoprecipitated with V-ATPase in wild-type cells; upon deletion of one subunit, the other subunit retained binding to V-ATPase. The pfk2Δ cells exhibited a partial vma growth phenotype. In vitro ATP hydrolysis and proton transport were reduced by 35% in pfk2Δ membrane fractions; they were normal in pfk1Δ. In vivo, the pfk1Δ and pfk2Δ vacuoles were alkalinized and the cytosol acidified, suggestive of impaired V-ATPase proton transport. Overall the pH alterations were more dramatic in pfk2Δ than pfk1Δ at steady state and after readdition of glucose to glucose-deprived cells. Glucose-dependent reassembly was 50% reduced in pfk2Δ, and the vacuolar lumen was not acidified after reassembly. RAVE-assisted glucose-dependent reassembly and/or glucose signals were disturbed in pfk2Δ. Binding of disassembled V-ATPase (V1 domain) to its assembly factor RAVE (subunit Rav1p) was 5-fold enhanced, indicating that Pfk2p is necessary for V-ATPase regulation by glucose. Because Pfk1p and Pfk2p are necessary for V-ATPase proton transport at the vacuole in vivo, a role for glycolysis at regulating V-ATPase proton transport is discussed.  相似文献   

The vacuolar ATPases (V-type ATPases) are a family of ATP-dependent ion pumps and found in two principal locations, in endomembranes and in plasma membranes. This family of ATPases is responsible for acidification of intracellulare compartments and, in certain cases, ion transport across the plasma membrane of eucaryotic cells. V-ATPases are composed of two distinct domains: a catalytic V1 sector, in which ATP hydrolysis takes place, and the membrane-embedded sector, V0, which functions in ion conduction. In the past decade impressive progress has been made in elucidating the properties structure, function and moleculare biology. These knowledge sheds light also on the evolution of V-ATPases and their related families of A-(A1A0-ATPase) and F-type (F1F0-ATPases)ATPases.  相似文献   

The yeast vacuolar proton-translocating ATPase (V-ATPase) is an excellent model for V-ATPases in all eukaryotic cells. Activity of the yeast V-ATPase is reversibly down-regulated by disassembly of the peripheral (V1) sector, which contains the ATP-binding sites, from the membrane (V0) sector, which contains the proton pore. A similar regulatory mechanism has been found in Manduca sexta and is believed to operate in other eukaryotes. We are interested in the mechanism of reversible disassembly and its implications for V-ATPase structure. In this review, we focus on (1) characterization of the yeast V-ATPase stalk subunits, which form the interface between V1 and V0, (2) potential mechanisms of silencing ATP hydrolytic activity in disassembled V1 sectors, and (3) the structure and function of RAVE, a recently discovered complex that regulates V-ATPase assembly.  相似文献   

The yeast V-ATPase is highly similar to V-ATPases of higher organismsand has proved to be a biochemically and genetically accessible model formany aspects of V-ATPase function. Like other V-ATPases, the yeast enzymeconsists of a complex of peripheral membrane proteins, the V1sector, attached to a complex of integral membrane subunits, theV0 sector. Multiple pathways for biosynthetic assembly of theenzyme appear to be available to cells containing a full complement ofsubunits and enzyme activity may be further controlled during biosynthesis bya protease activity localized to the late Golgi apparatus. Surprisingly, theassembled V-ATPase is not a static structure. Instead, fully assembledV1V0 complexes appear to exist in a dynamic equilibriumwith inactive cytosolic V1 and membrane-bound V0complexes and this equilibrium can be rapidly shifted in response to changesin carbon source. The reversible disassembly of the yeast V-ATPase may be anovel regulatory mechanism, common to V-ATPases, that works in vivoin coordination with many other regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial ATP synthase couples the flow of protons with the phosphorylation of ADP. A class of mutations, the mitochondrial genome integrity (mgi) mutations, has been shown to uncouple this process in the yeast mitochondrial ATP synthase. Four mutant forms of the yeast F1 ATPase with mgi mutations were crystallized; the structures were solved and analyzed. The analysis identifies two mechanisms of structural uncoupling: one in which the empty catalytic site is altered and in doing so, apparently disrupts substrate (phosphate) binding, and a second where the steric hindrance predicted between γLeu83 and βDP residues, Leu-391 and Glu-395, located in Catch 2 region, is reduced allowing rotation of the γ-subunit with less impedance. Overall, the structures provide key insights into the critical interactions in the yeast ATP synthase involved in the coupling process.  相似文献   

We studied physiological roles of the yeast vacuole in the phosphatemetabolism using 31P-in vivo nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)spectroscopy. Under phosphate starvation wild-type yeast cellscontinued to grow for two to three generations, implying thatwild-type cells contain large phosphate pool to sustain thegrowth. During the first four hours under the phosphate starvedcondition, the cytosolic phosphate level was maintained almostconstant, while the vacuolar pool of phosphate decreased significantly.31P-NMR spectroscopy on the intact cells and perchloric acid(PCA) extracts showed that drastic decrease of polyphosphatetook place during this phase. In contrast,  相似文献   

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