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Inflorescence and floral ontogeny of the perennial, herbaceous crop Crocus sativus L. were studied using epi-illumination light microscopy. After production of leaves with helical arrangement a determinate inflorescence forms which becomes completely transformed into a single terminal flower. In some cases, bifurcation of the inflorescence meristem yields two or three floral meristems. The order of floral organs initiation is outer tepals – stamens – inner tepals – carpels. Stamens and outer tepals are produced from the lateral bifurcation of three common stamen-tepal primordia. Within each whorl, organs start developing unidirectionally from the adaxial side, except for the stamens which begin to grow from the abaxial side. Specialized features during organ development include interprimordial growth between tepals forming a perianth tube, fusion at the base of stamen filaments, and formation of an inferior ovary with unfused styles.  相似文献   

It has been extensively documented that exposure of amphibians and teleost fish to exogenous steroid hormones like estrogen, androgen, xenoestrogen or steroid biosynthesis inhibitors can impair their gonadal development or induce sex reversal against genotypic sex. However, the molecular pathways underlying sexual development and the effects of sex steroids or other exogenous hormones in these aquatic vertebrates remain elusive. Recently, a germ plasm-associated piRNA (piwi-interacting RNA) pathway has been shown to be a determinant in the development of animal gonadal germline cells. In the current study, we examined whether this piRNA pathway is involved in the regulation of sex steroid hormones in gonadal development. We firstly established developmental expression patterns of three key piRNA pathway genes (mael, piwi and vasa), during Silurana (Xenopus) tropicalis embryogenesis and early larval development. All three genes exhibit high expression at early developmental stages and have significantly decreased expression thereafter, indicating a very active involvement of piRNA pathway at the beginning of embryogenesis. We further examined gene expression changes of those genes in frog larvae exposed to two sex steroid biosynthesis inhibitors, fadrozole and finasteride, both of which are known to result in male-biased or female-biased phenotypes, respectively. We found that fadrozole and finasteride exposures increased the expression of piRNA pathway genes such as mael and vasa at the larval stage when the expression of piRNA pathway genes is programmed to be very low. Therefore, our results indicate that the piRNA pathway is likely a common pathway by which different sex steroid hormones regulate gonadal sex differentiation.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been growing interest in analyzing the geographical variations between populations of different Phlebotomus spp. by comparing the sequences of various genes. However, little is known about the genetic structure of Phlebotomus ariasi. In this study, we were able to sequence a fragment of the mitochondrial Cyt b gene in 133 sandflies morphologically identified as P. ariasi and proceeding from a wide geographical range covering 35 locations in 11 different regions from five countries. The intra-specific diversity of P. ariasi is high, with 45 haplotypes differing from each other by one to 26 bases and they are distributed in two mitochondrial lineages, one limited geographically to Algeria and the other widely dispersed across Mediterranean countries. The Algerian lineage is characterized by having 13 fixed polymorphisms and is made up of one sole haplotype. The European/Moroccan P. ariasi lineage is characterized by being made up of a great diversity of haplotypes (44) which display some geographical structuring. This could be one of the multiple factors involved in the epidemiological heterogeneity of the foci of leishmaniasis. Phlebotomus chadlii is the sister group of European/Moroccan P. ariasi. The separation of the Algerian haplotype, H45, from the rest of the specimens, European/Moroccan P. ariasi and P. chadlii, is well supported by the bootstrap analysis.  相似文献   

Mago nashi (Mago) and Y14 proteins, highly conserved among eukaryotes, participate in mRNA localization and splicing, and as such play important roles in oogenesis, embryogenesis and germ-line sex determination during animal development. Here we identified mago (Acmago) and Y14 (AcY14) homologues derived from Antrodia cinnamomea. Acmago encodes 149 amino acids and AcY14 encodes 168 amino acids. Multiple amino acid sequence alignment as well as secondary and tertiary structure prediction showed that AcMago and AcY14 have similar protein structure to the reported crystal structures of other Mago and Y14 proteins. During fungal development both Acmago and AcY14 genes were abundantly expressed in natural basidiomes. This is the first report of the molecular characterization and expression analysis of the mago and Y14 genes from fungi.  相似文献   

Allophylus edulis, commonly called ‘Chal chal’, is a member of the Sapindaceae occurring in the Uruguayan and Brazilian native flora. During the phytochemical analysis of two Chal chal specimens from two well-differentiated geographical zones (Assis, São Paulo, Brazil, and Santa Lucía, Canelones, Uruguay), considerable amounts of l-quebrachitol were isolated from both samples. The isolation was carried out from the ethanolic twig extracts obtained by maceration of both vegetal samples. White easily distinguishable crystals were mechanically separated, washed, and characterized by 1D and 2D NMR experiments and by MS data. Such techniques confirmed that the crystals isolated from sources collected in both countries resulted in the same compound, l-quebrachitol, a natural product not previously reported for this species and one that has been investigated as a sugar substitute for diabetics. Worthy of note, the content of l-quebrachitol in A. edulis may be the chemical basis to explain its ethnobotanical uses, since infusions of this plant are used to treat diabetes in the practice of local traditional medicine.  相似文献   

In the light of the poor culturability of Acidobacteria and Verrucomicrobia species, group-specific real-time (qPCR) systems were developed based on the 16S rRNA gene sequences from culturable representatives of both groups. The number of DNA targets from three different groups, i.e. Holophagae (Acidobacteria group 8) and Luteolibacter/Prosthecobacter and unclassified Verrucomicrobiaceae subdivision 1, was determined in DNA extracts from different leek (Allium porrum) rhizosphere soil compartments and from bulk soil with the aim to determine the distribution of the three bacterial groups in the plant-soil ecosystem. The specificity of the designed primers was evaluated in three steps. First, in silico tests were performed which demonstrated that all designed primers 100% matched with database sequences of their respective groups, whereas lower matches with other non-target bacterial groups were found. Second, PCR amplification with the different primer sets was performed on genomic DNA extracts from target and from non-target bacteria. This test demonstrated specificity of the designed primers for the target groups, as single amplicons of expected sizes were found only for the target bacteria. Third, the qPCR systems were tested for specific amplifications from soil DNA extracts and 48 amplicons from each primer system were sequenced. All sequences were > 97% similar to database sequences of the respective target groups. Estimated cell numbers based on Holophagae-, Luteolibacter/Prosthecobacter- and unclassified Verrucomicrobiaceae subdivision 1-specific qPCRs from leek rhizosphere compartments and bulk soils demonstrated higher preference for one or both rhizosphere compartments above bulk soil for all three bacterial groups.  相似文献   

Torrubiella is a genus of arthropod-pathogenic fungi that primarily attacks spiders and scale insects. Based on the morphology of the perithecia, asci, and ascospores, it is classified in Clavicipitaceae s. lat. (Hypocreales), and is considered a close relative of Cordyceps s. 1., which was recently reclassified into three families (Clavicipitaceae s. str., Cordycipitaceae, Ophiocordycipitaceae) and four genera (Cordyceps s. str, Elaphocordyceps, Metacordyceps, and Ophiocordyceps). Torrubiella is distinguished morphologically from Cordyceps s. lat. mainly by the production of superficial perithecia and the absence of a well-developed stipitate stroma. To test and refine evolutionary hypotheses regarding the placement of Torrubiella and its relationship to Cordyceps s. lat., a multi-gene phylogeny was constructed by conducting ML and Bayesian analyses. The monophyly of Torrubiella was rejected by these analyses with species of the genus present in Clavicipitaceae, Cordycipitaceae, and Ophiocordycipitaceae, and often intermixed among species of Cordyceps s. lat. The morphological characters traditionally used to define the genus are, therefore, not phylogenetically informative, with the stipitate stromata being gained and/or lost several times among clavicipitaceous fungi. Two new genera (Conoideocrella, Orbiocrella) are proposed to accommodate two separate lineages of torrubielloid fungi in the Clavicipitaceae s. str. In addition, one species is reclassified in Cordyceps s. str. and three are reclassified in Ophiocordyceps. The phylogenetic importance of anamorphic genera, host affiliation, and stipitate stromata is discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of two presumably dominant competitors, the blue mussel Mytilus edulis and the barnacle Balanus improvisus on recruitment, population dynamics and community structure on hard substrata were experimentally investigated in the subtidal Kiel Fjord, Western Baltic. The hypothesis that blue mussels and/or barnacles are local dominants and strongly influence succession and community structure was tested by monitoring succession in the presence and absence of simulated predation on either or both species. Manipulations included blue mussel removal, barnacle removal, combined blue mussel and barnacle removal, as well as a control treatment for natural (non-manipulated) succession. In the second part of the experiment, recovery from the treatments was monitored over 1 year.During the manipulative phase of the experiment, blue mussels had a negative effect on recruitment of species, whereas barnacles had no significant effect. Even so, a negative synergistic effect of blue mussels and barnacles was detected. Calculation of species richness and diversity H′ (Shannon Index) showed a negative synergistic effect of blue mussels and barnacles on community structure. Additionally, diversity H′ was negatively affected by the dominant competitor M. edulis. These effects were also detectable in the ANOSIM-Analysis. The non-manipulative phase of the experiment brought about a drastic loss of diversity and species richness. Blue mussels dominated all four communities. Barnacles were the only other species still being able to coexist with mussels. Effects of simulated predation disappeared fast.Thus, in the absence of predation on blue mussels, M. edulis within a few months dominates available space, and diversity of the benthic community is low. In contrast, when mussel dominance is controlled by specific predators, more species may persist and diversity remains high.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of septa and septum-associated septal pore caps are important taxonomic markers in the Agaricomycotina (Basidiomycota, Fungi). The septal pore caps covering the typical basidiomycetous dolipore septum are divided into three main phenotypically recognized morphotypes: vesicular-tubular (including the vesicular, sacculate, tubular, ampulliform, and globular morphotypes), imperforate, and perforate. Until recently, the septal pore cap-type reflected the higher-order relationships within the Agaricomycotina. However, the new classification of Fungi resulted in many changes including revision of existing and addition of new orders. Therefore, the septal pore cap ultrastructure of more than 325 species as reported in literature was related to this new classification. In addition, the septal pore cap ultrastructures of Rickenella fibula and Cantharellus formosus were examined by transmission electron microscopy. Both fungi have dolipore septa associated with perforate septal pore caps. These results combined with data from the literature show that the septal pore cap-type within orders of the Agaricomycotina is generally monomorphic, except for the Cantharellales and Hymenochaetales.It appears from the fungal phylogeny combined with the septal pore cap ultrastructure that the vesicular-tubular and the imperforate type both may have arisen from endoplasmic reticulum. Thereafter, the imperforate type eventually gave rise to the perforate septal pore cap-type.  相似文献   

Lavandula angustifolia is a well known herbal medicine with a variety of useful properties, including its acaricidal effect. This experiment was carried out to study the bioacaricidal activity of L. angustifolia essential oil (EO) against engorged Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus (Acari; Ixodidae) females. For this purpose six serial concentrations (0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 and 8.0% w/v) of L. angustifolia EO were used. There was considerable mortality in concentrations more than 4.0% although there were no differences between 6.0 and 8.0% in all measured criteria. The mortality rate 24 h after inoculation was 73.26 and 100% in groups treated with 4.0 and 8.0% EO, respectively. Lavender EO also reduced tick egg weight in a concentration-dependent manner. The amount of eggs produced varied from 0.12 g (at 0.5% EO) to 0.00 g (at 8.0% EO) but did not differ statistically from the control. L. angustifolia EO caused 100% failure in egg laying at 6.0 and 8.0% whereas this value in the control group was zero. A positive correlation between L. angustifolia EO concentration and tick control, assessed by relative mortality rate and egg-laying weight, was observed by the EO LC/EC50, which, when calculated using the Probit test, was 2.76-fold higher than the control. Lavender is a promising acaricidal against R. (B.) annulatusin vitro.  相似文献   

Five anthocyanins, cyanidin 3-(2′′-(6′′′-caffeoyl-β-glucopyranosyl)-6′′-(E-p-coumaroyl)-β-glucopyranoside)-5-β-glucopyranoside, cyanidin 3-(2′′-(6′′′-E-sinapoyl-β-glucopyranosyl)-6′′-(E-p-coumaroyl)-β-glucopyranoside)-5-β-glucopyranoside, cyanidin 3-(2′′-(6′′′-feroyl-β-glucopyranosyl)-6′′-(E-p-coumaroyl)-β-glucopyranoside)-5-β-glucopyranoside, pelargonidin 3-(2′′-(6′′′-E-sinapoyl-β-glucopyranosyl)-6′′-(E-p-coumaroyl)-β-glucopyranoside)-5-β-glucopyranoside, and pelargonidin 3-(2′′-(6′′′-E-p-coumaroyl-β-glucopyranosyl)-6′′-(E-p-coumaroyl)-β-glucopyranoside)-5-β-glucopyranoside, together with five known anthocyanins have been identified in flowers of Cleome hassleriana Queen line. One monoacylated and four diacylated cyanidin 3-sophoroside-5-glucosides were identified as the main anthocyanins in flowers with mauve colouration, while a homologous glycosidic pattern based on pelargonidin was found in the five main anthocyanins from flowers with pink colouration. The anthocyanins identified in C. hassleriana share the same glycosidic pattern as anthocyanins isolated from the genera Raphanus, Brassica and Iberis in the sister family Brassicaceae.  相似文献   

Increasing recognition is being given to the concept of ‘ecosystem engineers’, which alter the physical nature of the environment and thereby influence other species by means that are neither competitive nor trophic. This paper examines a case study of such effects, in which negative correlations between the abundances of the sandprawn Callianassa kraussi and the eelgrass Zostera capensis imply mutual exclusion because Z. capensis stabilises sediment and inhibits burrowing by C. kraussi, whereas sandprawn bioturbation smothers eelgrass. To test this, we undertook manipulative experiments in which Z. capensis was transplanted into sandflats where C. kraussi was either left undisturbed or eliminated by defaunation. This demonstrated that (1) Z. capensis thrived and expanded in sandflats in the absence of bioturbation but deteriorated and disappeared if C. kraussi was present. (2) In the short term, introduction of Z. capensis reduced densities of C. kraussi, and in established beds of eelgrass, C. kraussi was rare. (3) The mudprawn Upogebia africana was largely restricted to treatments that contained Z. capensis, and its densities were greater in the absence of C. kraussi than in its presence. The presence of eelgrass and the exclusion of C. kraussi also diminished sediment penetrability, suspension of particles and surface burial rates compared to the situation in undisturbed Callianassa-dominated sandflats. These results confirm a mutually negative interaction between C. kraussi and Z. capensis and strengthen the belief that the underlying mechanisms are the antagonistic effects of bioturbation by C. kraussi versus sediment stabilisation by Z. capensis. U. africana seems to benefit directly from Z. capensis but possibly also benefits indirectly from the exclusion of C. kraussi by Z. capensis, since its filter-feeding mode of life requires sufficient sediment stability to maintain semi-permanent U-tubes.  相似文献   

The ingestion of resting cysts of Alexandrium spp. by Perinereis nuntia (Polychaeta) and Theola fragilis (Mollusca) was experimentally examined in the laboratory. P. nuntia and T. fragilis were cultured in bottom sediment containing a high density of Alexandrium cysts under dark conditions. Moreover, to evaluate the degree and consequence of being ingested, the density of cysts in the control sediment (no macrobenthic organisms) and the germination capability of the cysts in the faecal pellets of the two species of macrobenthos were examined.Cysts in the culture sediment were found to be ingested by both P. nuntia and T. fragilis. No difference in the density of cysts between the sediments cultured with and without P. nuntia was observed. However, the density of cysts in the sediments with T. fragilis decreased by 24% compared to the density in the control sediment. It is possible that most of the cysts ingested were digested by T. fragilis. The rate of Alexandrium cyst digestion by this species is estimated 594 cysts/individual/day. It is estimated that 91% of the cysts ingested by T. fragilis were partially or totally digested and only 9% were excreted in a viable state during the experiment. Thus, T. fragilis has a stronger affect on the abundance of Alexandrium cysts compared with P. nuntia.No significant difference was observed between the germination success of the cysts from faecal pellets of P. nuntia and T. fragilis compared to the cysts in the control sediment. If, however, the necessary light for the cysts to germinate is cut off by being enclosed within the faecal pellet, the germination rate of cysts from the faecal pellets may be suppressed.  相似文献   

采用常压水蒸气蒸馏法提取竹枝细柄草(Capillipedium assimile (Steud.)A.Camus)花序的挥发油,经GC-MS分析,从花序挥发油中鉴定出45种化合物,占总油量的93.24%.其中含量较高的为4-十一烷酮(18.520%)、(E)-己酸-2-己烯酯(8.042%)、4-壬醇(7.778%)、...  相似文献   

Juan Chen  Nian-He Xia 《Flora》2011,206(5):458-467
In order to find new non-molecular evidence to support the phylogenetic and taxonomic position, pollen grains of 20 populations of 16 species of Chinese Curcuma L. and Boesenbergia Kuntz (Zingiberaceae) were investigated under SEM and TEM. The pollen grains are spherical and ovoid, nonaperturate. The pollen wall is composed of a very thin exine and a thick intine. The exine is psilate or echinate. The intine consists of two layers, i.e., a thick, channeled layer (exintine) and an inner homogenous layer (endintine). The results reveal morphological congruence between the pollen grains of species of Curcuma, which according to DNA sequence data appears to be a polyphyletic genus. However the uniform pollen morphology in Curcuma provides no evidence to divide this genus into separate taxonomic entities. Our results on pollen morphology also do not provide any additional evidence to either unite or segregate Boesenbergia albomaculata and Curcumorpha longiflora in the same genus and demonstrate that more taxonomic data on the genus Boesenbergia and its relatives are needed before a final decision can be made.  相似文献   

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