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Southern Africa is an important focal point of botanical and cultural diversity but only a few plant species have hitherto become fully commercialised as medicinal products. In recent years there has been an upsurge in research and development activity, resulting in several new products and new crops. In this review, more than 90 of the best-known and most promising indigenous South African plants are listed and subjectively evaluated in the context of their potential for commercialisation as medicinal products for a variety of applications. The history of product development relating to the following species is briefly discussed and the plants and some of their products are illustrated: Agathosma betulina (buchu), Aloe ferox (bitter aloe), Artemisia afra (African wormwood), Aspalathus linearis (rooibos tea), Bulbine frutescens (burn jelly plant); Cyclopia genistoides (honeybush tea), Harpagophytum procumbens (devil's claw), Hoodia gordonii (hoodia, ghaap), Hypoxis hemerocallidea (“African potato”), Lippia javanica (fever tea), Mesembryanthemum tortuosum (= Sceletium tortuosum) (kanna, kougoed), Pelargonium sidoides (“Umckaloabo”), Siphonochilus aethiopicus (African ginger), Sutherlandia frutescens (= Lessertia frutescens) (cancer bush), Warburgia salutaris (pepperbark tree) and Xysmalobium undulatum (“Uzara”). The main factors that are apparently responsible for failure or success will be highlighted, especially the importance of marketing strategy, proof of concept and barriers to market entry.  相似文献   

A broad review is presented of recent developments in the commercialization of southern Africa indigenous flora for the cut flower trade, including potted flowers and foliages (“greens”). The botany, horticultural traits and potential for commercialization of several indigenous plants have been reported in several publications. The contribution of species indigenous and/or endemic to southern Africa in the development of cut flower crop plants is widely acknowledged. These include what is known in the trade as gladiolus, freesia, gerbera, ornithogalum, clivia, agapanthus, strelitzia, plumbago and protea. Despite the wealth of South African flower bulb species, relatively few have become commercially important in the international bulb industry. Trade figures on the international markets also reflect the importance of a few species of southern African origin. The development of new research tools are contributing to the commercialization of South African plants, although propagation, cultivation and post-harvest handling need to be improved. A list of commercially relevant southern African cut flowers (including those used for fresh flowers, dried flowers, foliage and potted flowers) is presented, together with a subjective evaluation of several genera and species with perceived potential for the development of new crops for the florist trade. It is concluded that research should be focused on potential markets rather than on preconceived product concepts. A special national effort is required to maximize the opportunities presented by the rich diversity of the flora and to develop an internationally competitive cut flower industry.  相似文献   

为了探索化橘红主要蛀干害虫曲牙土天牛幼虫的生长发育及其与寄主植物之间的关系,提供综合治理该虫的理论依据,作者于田间利用化橘红、白木香和短萼白花灰叶豆木段,分别饲养曲牙土天牛幼虫,分析该虫的生长发育趋势,同时对幼虫的体长、体重和前胸背板宽进行了比较研究。结果显示:曲牙土天牛在化橘红规范化种植基地1~2年发生1代,以个体大而重的幼虫当年化蛹的概率较高,而个体小而轻的幼虫死亡率偏高。该虫在3种寄主植物上都能完成生活史,以化橘红木段饲养的该虫幼虫虫体大小和体重增长率显著高于其它两种植物。  相似文献   

The role and source of gibberellins (GAs) involved in the development of parthenocarpic fruits of Pisum sativum L. has been investigated. Gibberellins applied to the leaf adjacent to an emasculated ovary induced parthenocarpic fruit development on intact plants. The application of gibberellic acid (GA3) had to be done within 1 d of anthesis to be fully effective and the response was concentration-dependent. Gibberellin A1 and GA3 worked equally well and GA20 was less efficient. [3H]Gibberellin A1 applied to the leaf accumulated in the ovary and the accumulation was related to the growth response. These experiments show that GA applied to the leaf in high enough concentration is translocated to the ovary. Emasculated ovaries on decapitated pea plants develop without application of growth hormones. When [3H] GA1 was applied to the leaf adjacent to the ovary a substantial amount of radioactivity accumulated in the growing shoot of intact plants. In decapitated plants, however, this radioactivity was mainly found in the ovary. There it caused growth proportional to the accumulation of CA1. Application of LAB 150978, an inhibitor of GA biosynthesis, to decapitated plants inhibited parthenocarpic fruit development and this inhibition was counteracted by the application of GA3 (either to the fruit, or the leaf adjacent to the ovary, or through the lower cut end of the stem). All evidence taken together supports the view that parthenocarpic pea fruit development on topped plants depends on the import of gibberellins or their precursors, probably from the vegetative aerial parts of the plant.Abbreviations FW flesh weight - GAn gibberellin An - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography  相似文献   

张曼琳  潘妮  赵娟娟  李明娟  江南 《生态学报》2021,41(22):8746-8757
气传致敏花粉会引发过敏症,且可通过每年在花粉季的反复接触逐渐加重,危害人体健康,严重时甚至危害生命。花粉致敏植物在城市中被广泛引种栽培,导致城市花粉症患者数量激增。以深圳市为案例,基于建成区600个样地的实地调查数据,分析花粉致敏植物的种类构成与时空分布,通过构建花粉浓度及花粉致敏危害潜力计算公式,评估花粉致敏危害潜力及其分布特点。结果显示:①调查记录到深圳市建成区花粉致敏植物46科92属186种,其中外来种占43.37%,其中美洲、亚洲和大洋洲来源占国外外来种的81.00%。花粉致敏植物种数以公园绿地最多,达126种。植物花粉致敏等级以Ⅰ级为主,达154种。②花粉致敏植物的盛花期为春夏季,占全年累计开花种数的65.02%。最高峰出现在8月,开花种数达92种。 ③花粉浓度潜力最高值也出现在8月,占全年总值的12.13%。豆科和禾本科植物贡献比例较大,分别占乔木和草本总值的40.86%和64.13%。龙岗区花粉浓度潜力占比较高,占各季花粉量的26.06%-29.42%。④冬春两季各样地花粉致敏危害等级均不高,但夏秋季有些样地达到二级重度危害。罗湖区调查样地全年花粉致敏危害等级均较低,光明区在春夏秋季致敏危害等级皆较高。高危害等级样地主要出现在附属绿地及公园绿地。⑤花粉致敏植物防控措施情景模拟结果,去除主要花粉致敏植物种类比降低所有花粉致敏植物的花粉浓度潜力更有效。本研究为城市花粉致敏植物的管理、规划、养护和研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The control of plant growth, differentiation, and development is considered in relation to the involvement of monomeric GTP-binding proteins (mG-proteins) in the extra-and intracellular signal transduction. The principal attention is paid to Rop mG-proteins, unique small GTPases of eukaryotic cells functioning during various developmental stages of plants, from pollen tube and root hair growth to plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses.  相似文献   

马晨 《生物工程学报》2021,37(11):3853-3862
肠道菌群与人体共同协作,菌群在帮助宿主对食物中的营养成分进行深入消化与利用的同时,也一同分享宿主为其提供的生存空间与营养物质,这是微生物与宿主之间形成的一种互利共生的特殊共存方式。这样的精妙结合,不仅使得微生物在人体中形成了固有的菌群结构,得到赖以生存的生物基位,也通过自身的功能代谢以及群体信号,为宿主在免疫、营养等方面提供所必需的调节与支撑。围绕药食同源天然植物的健康作用研究,目前大多着眼于对其功能组分的分离提取与活性评价。如植物多糖、多酚与黄酮等活性功能成分。然而在传统中医药中,植物多以全食态进行复配应用。目前在菌群水平研究中发现,对于影响人体健康水平的菌群模式并非固定且依赖于某一单菌种变化,微生物之间的生态竞争与代谢调控均以群体的方式与宿主持续进行共进化。药食同源天然植物,对菌群的调节作用主要还是依靠其全食态,这也从菌群这个微观生态环境的角度为传统中医学理论中对于中药食材即天然植物全食状态下的药效提供了重要佐证。因此,对于药食同源天然植物的开发与利用,应当结合菌群整体的调控进行分析,并对其全食状态与活性功能组分有充分的认识与评价。  相似文献   

寄主作物对B型烟粉虱生长发育和种群增殖的影响   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
在恒温28℃、湿度80%的条件下研究了5种寄主植物对B型烟粉虱(Bemisia tubaci)生长、发育和繁殖的影响。结果表明:取食棉花、烟草、花生、大豆和玉米的烟粉虱。其形态、发育历期、存活率、成虫繁殖力和寿命等生命参数均有明显差异。棉花、大豆和玉米不利于烟粉虱卵和若虫的生长发育。表现为虫体较小、卵期和生命周期延长、存活率降低。烟粉虱在棉花、大豆、花生、烟草和玉米上的生命周期分别为32.03d、32.11d、25.69d、24.43d和20.68d。其存活率分别为49.86%、54.41%、86.86%、69.93%和29.38%。与烟草和玉米相比。棉花、大豆和花生明显有利于烟粉虱的种群繁殖.在棉花、大豆、花生、烟草和玉米上生长发育的成虫寿命和单雌产卵量分别是27.8d和235.O粒、23.2d和191.1粒、22.Od和131.1粒、6.25d和28.O粒、2.42d和5.1粒。在花生、大豆、棉花、烟草和玉米上的内禀增长率(rm)分别为O.1590、O.1364、O.1236、O.0841和-O.0285.其种群趋势指数(I)分别为113.85、117.38、103.98、19.58和O.4274。  相似文献   

为了探究鄂西北地区珍稀濒危植物及其多样性空间分布与该区域地理环境的关系,于2007-2017年先后对鄂西北8个自然保护区的植物资源进行了调查,对其种类组成、地理成分、生活型及物种多样性的空间分布特征进行研究。结果显示:(1)鄂西北珍稀濒危植物共有262种,隶属于62科149属;(2)该区域珍稀濒危植物地理成分与生活型谱具有地域过渡性和多样性;(3)鄂西北地区珍稀濒危植物的物种丰富度峰值出现在海拔900~1700 m区段,物种丰富度与海拔区段间具有显著的二次方程关系:y=-0.5107x2-12.43x+7.3111(R2=0.7867,P=0.04);(4)不同空间尺度下,物种Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(HD)、均匀度指数(ED)、Margalef多样性指数(KD)随空间尺度的变化均呈幂函数关系,其相关系数分别为R2=0.7303(HD)、R2=0.8858(ED)、R2=0.9805(KD)。研究表明HD、ED、KD值的变化幅度可能与该区域地理环境的变化有关。目前砍伐毁林和过度采挖是该地区珍稀濒危植物最大的威胁因素,建议从珍稀濒危植物物种多样性分布与地理环境特性相结合的角度加强管理,为区域珍稀濒危植物的科学恢复提供支撑。  相似文献   

不同食料植物对美国白蛾生长发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年6月至7月,在室内研究了美国白蛾Hyphantria cunea(Drury)第1代幼虫对洋白蜡、欧美107号杨、法桐和白榆的取食量及不同的食料种类对美国白蛾生长发育和繁殖的影响。结果表明,美国白蛾对受试的各树种的取食量以洋白蜡为最多,完成一代平均每头可以取食2.21 g,其次为欧美107号杨1.95 g,再次为法桐和白榆,分别为1.85 g/头和1.68 g/头。3龄后幼虫对不同的寄主呈现出一定的偏好性,特别是5龄和6龄幼虫对不同的寄主的取食量表现出显著差异。不同的食料植物对美国白蛾幼虫和蛹的发育历期、存活率、蛹重、成虫寿命、产卵量等有显著影响。取食法桐对其生长发育和繁殖表现出明显的不利性,主要表现为幼虫期延长、蛹重减轻、单雌产卵量降低。  相似文献   

Calanus finmarchicus, one of the dominant copepods species of the North Atlantic, often encounters low food concentration or quality during the reproductive period; however, our knowledge on the effect of these conditions on reproduction processes is scarce. The present study combines experiments with histological observations to describe the response of C. finmarchicus to limited food focussing on (1) oocyte maturation processes, (2) gonad morphology, (3) egg production rates as a function of spawning frequency and clutch size, and (4) the fuelling of egg production by measuring carbon and nitrogen content of the females. In the laboratory, C. finmarchicus females were exposed to 0, 10, 50, 150 or >300 μg C l−1 for several days. To account for food quality and season, reproductive activity was compared in April and July 1999 between females feeding on diatoms or dinoflagellates. The effect of feeding history was studied in February with females fed and starving prior to the experiment. Feeding conditions had severe effects on oocyte maturation process. Hence, egg production varied significantly with food concentration and quality, season and feeding history due to variation in both clutch size and spawning frequency. Clutch size differed by a factor of 2-4 between food limited and well fed females, and is thus an important parameter for modelling egg production. Changes in clutch size were related to changes of the number of maturing oocytes in the females gonads indicating that the latter can be used to precise the prediction of egg production from preserved samples. The proportion of females carrying at least some mature oocytes was relatively high at low food availability. Apparently, these females used internal body reserves as the carbon and nitrogen content decreased significantly under these conditions. These results indicate that C. finmarchicus embarks on the strategy to enable reproduction in all or many females of a population at low rates when feeding conditions are unfavourable.  相似文献   

Food has an influence on many life history traits related to dormancy in insects. In our previous study with the rice bug Leptocorisa chinensis (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Alydidae), diapausing females transferred to conditions physically favorable for promoting the gonad development required food intake to resume gonad development, whereas males did not. These differences in response to food between males and females lead to two questions: (1) Was diapause in the starved females completed? (2) Were the starved males that resumed gonad development at the same physiological status as fed males? We tested these questions with two physiological indicators: gonad status and respiratory rate. Results indicate that starved females are able to complete diapause, but show depressed respiration relative to well-fed insects in diapause. Similar to females, starved males that resumed postdiapause gonad development also had depressed respiratory rate, and hence physiological status is presumed to be different between starved and fed individuals. In this study, it was also found that the photoperiodic signal is storable, whereas the food signal acts directly. The adaptive significance of regulation of gonad development and respiratory metabolism in relation to phenology of suitable host plant and reproductive strategy is discussed in both sexes.  相似文献   

Larvae of Leptinotarsa decemlineata developed faster and consumed less food under short-day (Sd, 12:12 h light:darkness) than under long-day (Ld, 18:6 h L:D) conditions. The average index of food conversion efficiency was 5.4 in the Ld (25 degrees C), and 7.2 and 11.9 (at 20 and 25 degrees C, respectively) in the Sd insects. Pupae were smaller under the Ld conditions due to a greater loss of biomass during the prepupal period that was nearly twice longer than in the Sd insects. Virgin Ld females laid eggs for 6 months and survived 13 months. The lack of oviposition, reduced food intake, and behavioural changes characterised diapause in the Sd adults. Application of 100 microg JH III to newly ecdysed adults was used to probe diapause intensity. At 25 degrees C, the treatment elicited oviposition most effectively in females that were just transferred from the Ld to the Sd conditions. A distinctly lower response occurred in insects that had been kept under Sd conditions since hatching; their transfer to Ld conditions at the time of treatment had little effect on JH sensitivity. JH application to Sd females reared at 20 degrees C caused enlargement of the germaria but no eggs were formed.  相似文献   

中国珍稀濒危保护植物在江苏省的自然分布及其特点   总被引:31,自引:3,他引:31  
讨论了17种中国珍稀濒危植物在江苏省的自然分布及其特点,它们分别为小叶银缕梅(Parrotia subaequalis)、宝华玉兰(Magnolia zenii)、天目木兰(Magnolia ameona)、秤钎锤树(Sinojackiaxylacarpa)、明党参(Changium smyrnioides)、珊瑚苯(Glehnia littoralis)、独花兰(Changnienia amo  相似文献   

Fu  FengFu  Akagi  Tasuku  Yabuki  Sadayo  Iwaki  Masaya 《Plant and Soil》2001,235(1):53-64
Rare earth elements (REEs) in five species of soil-grown plants (Taxodium japonicum, Populus sieboldii, Sasa nipponica, Thea sinensis and Vicia villosa) and in the soil on which each plant grew were determined with an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) in order to observe the variation in the distribution of REEs and to elucidate their source in soil-grown plants. The plant samples were divided into root (secondary root and main root), trunk (stem) and leaf; the soils into water soluble (soilsoluble fraction), HCl and HNO3 soluble (soilnon-silicate fraction) and HF soluble (soilsilicate fraction). The REE abundances of samples were compared using REE patterns where the abundances were normalized to those of a chondrite and plotted on a logarithmic scale against the atomic number. All the plants showed similar REE patterns independent of species and location, and a W-shape variation (W-type tetrad effect) and abundance depletion of cerium (negative Ce anomaly) were found in each REE patterns of plants, more conspicuous tetrad effect being observed in HREE (heavier rare earth elements) region than in LREE (lighter rare earth elements) region. The overall variation of REE patterns of each secondary root was not similar to that of soilsoluble fraction, but similar to that of soilsilicate fraction except for the tetrad effect and Ce anomaly. The REE patterns can be interpreted by the idea that plants of different species take in REEs and Si from different parts in the soil. The results of this study seem to imply that Sasa nipponica and Vicia villosa take in free REEs and Si rather directly from silicate in the soil, and that a majority of REEs and Si in Taxodium japonicum and Thea sinensis are originated from the soluble fraction in the soil.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: It has recently found that lowland rice grown hydroponically is exceptionally efficient in absorbing NO3-, raising the possibility that rice and other wetland plants growing in flooded soil may absorb significant amounts of NO3- formed by nitrification of NH4+ in the rhizosphere. This is important because (a) this NO3- is otherwise lost through denitrification in the soil bulk; and (b) plant growth and yield are generally improved when plants absorb their nitrogen as a mixture of NO3- and NH4+ compared with growth on either N source on its own. A mathematical model is developed here with which to assess the extent of NO3- absorption from the rhizosphere by wetland plants growing in flooded soil, considering the important plant and soil processes operating. METHODS: The model considers rates of O2 transport away from an individual root and simultaneous O2 consumption in microbial and non-microbial processes; transport of NH4+ towards the root and its consumption in nitrification and uptake at the root surface; and transport of NO3- formed from NH4+ towards the root and its consumption in denitrification and uptake by the root. The sensitivity of the model's predictions to its input parameters is tested over the range of conditions in which wetland plants grow. KEY RESULTS: The model calculations show that substantial quantities of NO3- can be produced in the rhizosphere of wetland plants through nitrification and taken up by the roots under field conditions. The rates of NO3- uptake can be comparable with those of NH4+. The model also shows that rates of denitrification and subsequent loss of N from the soil remain small even where NO3- production and uptake are considerable. CONCLUSIONS: Nitrate uptake by wetland plants may be far more important than thought hitherto. This has implications for managing wetland soils and water, as discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

基于覆盖了全中国各地理区的204个地区植物区系研究资料和这些地区的841个气象站资料,我们对中国种子植物属的地理成分分布格局及其与气候、经纬度分布的关系进行了研究,并结合这些分布格局探讨了中国植被分带和植物区系分区。结果如下:(1)除世界分布、栽培和入侵成分外,大部分中国种子植物属的地理成分的分布与地理相关密切;(2)热带分布属(泛热带分布、热带亚洲至热带美洲间断分布、旧世界热带分布、热带亚洲至热带大洋洲分布、热带亚洲至热带非洲分布及热带亚洲分布合计)占各地方植物区系的0.84%到94.38%,其最低值出现在中国西北部的新疆和青海地区,最高值出现在中国云南南部和海南;(3)热带分布属在〈北纬30°的地区占优势,除热带亚洲至热带美洲间断分布外,其它热带成分随纬度增加迅速减少;(4)温带分布属(北温带分布、东亚和北美间断分布、旧世界温带分布、温带亚洲分布、地中海区、西亚到中亚分布、中亚分布和东亚分布合计)占各地方植物区系的5.1%至98.83%,其最高值出现在中国西北部的新疆地区,最低值出现在中国云南南部和海南;(5)除东亚和北美间断分布、东亚分布和中国特有分布外,其它温带成分随纬度增加迅速增加;(6)在温带成分中,东亚和北美间断分布及东亚分布属主要出现在中国亚热带到暖温带地区,北温带分布、旧世界温带分布和温带亚洲分布属在中国北部占优势,而地中海区、西亚到中亚分布和中亚分布属则在中国西北部占优势;(7)除世界分布、东亚和北美间断分布、东亚分布和中国特有分布外,所有其他成分都显示了与气候因素(主要是气温和降雨量)密切相关,其中,北温带分布属与年均温和年降雨量最为密切相关。中国种子植物属的地理成分的分布格局与现行的中国植被分带和植物区系分区密切匹配。支持现行的中国植被分带和植物区系分区方案。  相似文献   

沙坡头自然保护区植物群落的消长变化及可持续发展研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
对宁夏中卫沙坡头国家级自然保护区的植物、植被状况进行了调查,分析了自1988年第一次考察以来,由于气候变化、人类开发活动加剧、病虫害发生、地下水位下降诸因素的影响,保护区植被、植物群落消长变化趋势为盖度下降、植株枯死、人工固沙林衰败、自然植被面积减少而栽培植被面积的扩大。提出了再造新型防风崮沙林等6条可持续发展和保护的对策。  相似文献   

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