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The new species Caesia sabulosa Boatwr. and J.C.Manning from deep sands along the West Coast of South Africa and sandy flats in the Cederberg and Bokkeveld Escarpment is described. It is distinguished by its extensively branched rhizome resulting in a robust, clump-forming habit, and unique ‘palisade’ root system of closely packed, hard, vertical roots; mostly larger flowers; erect fruiting pedicels; and details of the seed testa sculpturing.  相似文献   

The new species Pelargonium elandsmontanum is a local endemic from Elandsberg Nature Reserve near Malmesbury in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. One of six species of sect. Hoarea with just the posterior two petals developed, it resembles P. ternifolium in its trifoliolate leaves and pink petals but is distinguished from that species by the short, stout petioles, rhombic, acute leaflets with the upper surface glabrous or with spreading hairs (vs cuneate, apically incised leaflets with both surfaces adpressed-hairy), and five (vs four) fertile stamens.  相似文献   

A highly localised new species from the Cederberg Mountains near Wuppertal in the Western Cape Province is described. Annesorhiza asparagoides B.-E. Van Wyk, collected for the first time in 2009, differs from all other species of Annesorhiza (and the closely related Chamarea) in the unusual leaf structure, with crowded, subsessile, acicular leaf segments, resulting in dense, bottlebrush-like pinnae. The new species has a cluster of 10 or more slender roots, small (< 150 mm long), sparsely hairy leaves and small (± 8 mm long), oblong, conspicuously ribbed, homomericarpic fruits.  相似文献   

Two new species of Asteraceae (tribe Anthemideae, subtribe Pentziinae) from the Cape Floristic Region of South Africa are described. Marasmodes schlechteri Magee & J.C.Manning, a local endemic from the lowlands between Piketberg and the Olifants River Mountains, is distinguished by its spreading leaves with axillary fascicles and relatively large, solitary capitula with obconical involucre borne on very short lateral shoots. Pentzia trifida Schltr. ex. Magee & J.C.Manning is a well-collected limestone fynbos endemic that is readily distinguished by the regularly trifid leaves, broadly cyathiform involucres with lanceolate to oblanceolate bracts, and the well developed pappus extending the entire length of the relatively short corolla tube.  相似文献   

The new species, Annesorhiza calcicola Magee and J.C. Manning, is described. It is known only from a few limestone outcrops around Jacobsbaai on the Saldanha Peninsula on the West Coast of South Africa. The species differs from all others in the genus in its small stature (inflorescence less than 0.3 m and leaves less than 150 mm long), the hysteranthous, pilose leaves which are completely absent at flowering (in the other species dead or dying at flowering and usually glabrous), the greyish-black, pilose inflorescence (yellowish-brown and glabrous in the other species) and the smaller homomericarpic fruit less than 5 mm long.  相似文献   

Fire may have been a crucial component in the evolution of the Cape flora of South Africa, a region characterized by outstanding levels of species richness and endemism. However, there is, to date, no critical assessment of the age of the modern fire regime in this biome. Here, we exploit the presence of two obligate post-fire flowering clades in the orchid genus Disa, in conjunction with a robust, well-sampled and dated molecular phylogeny, to estimate the age by which fire must have been present. Our results indicate that summer drought (winter rainfall), the fire regime and the fynbos vegetation are several million years older than currently suggested. Summer drought and the fynbos vegetation are estimated to date back to at least the Early Miocene (ca 19.5 Ma). The current fire regime may have been established during a period of global cooling that followed the mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum (ca 15 Ma), which led to the expansion of open habitats and increased aridification. The first appearance of Disa species in the grassland biome, as well as in the subalpine habitat, is in striking agreement with reliable geological and palaeontological evidence of the age of these ecosystems, thus corroborating the efficacy of our methods. These results change our understanding of the historical mechanisms underlying botanical evolution in southern Africa, and confirm the potential of using molecular phylogenies to date events for which other information is lacking or inconclusive.  相似文献   

Flower colours and the composition of pigments in the perianths of five cultivars of Disa orchids were analyzed. Carotenoids were major pigment components in the orange-red flowers of ‘Dawn Angel’. We identified two types of pigment composition in the red flowered cultivars: ‘San Francisco’ contained more carotenoids and less anthocyanins, while ‘Marlene’ contained more anthocyanins than carotenoids. The red-purple flowered cultivars, only contained slight amounts of carotenoids, and the red-purple colour was attributed to the relatively high density of a cyanidin-based anthocyanin. The importance of the characterization of pigments in the perianths of orchid has been discussed in both breeding for flower colour improvement and chemotaxonomy.  相似文献   

Three new species of Aizoaceae from the Western Cape are described. Octopoma tanquanum Klak and Vlokia montana Klak are dwarf shrubby or mat-forming succulents which belong to the Ruschieae in the Ruschioideae. Mesembryanthemum knolfonteinense Klak of the Mesembryanthemoideae is a geophyte. Octopoma tanquanum inhabits relatively low lying arid areas within the Tanqua Karoo and the Little Karoo and is thought to be closely allied to the two species of Octopoma found in the Little Karoo. Both V. montana and M. knolfonteinense grow at relatively high altitudes within the fynbos biome. In addition, Ruschia littlewoodii L.Bolus is transferred to Phiambolia, and two new combinations are made in Antimima for Ruschia hexamera L.Bolus and Ruschia radicans L.Bolus.  相似文献   

The Cryphonectriaceae includes important tree pathogens, especially on the Myrtales. During a routine disease survey in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, a fungus resembling the Eucalyptus pathogen Holocryphia eucalypti was observed on native Metrosideros angustifolia (Myrtales). The aims of this study were to identify the fungus and to expand surveys for fungi in the Cryphonectriaceae on M. angustifolia. Fungi were identified based on DNA sequence comparisons and morphological features, and their pathogenicity was tested on M. angustifolia under field conditions. Based on morphology and multigene phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequence data from six gene regions, we describe a new genus including a single species and three new species of Holocryphia (Cryphonectriaceae) from M. angustifolia. These fungi are provided with the names Diversimorbus metrosiderotis gen. et sp. nov., Holocryphia capensis sp. nov., Holocryphia gleniana sp. nov., and Holocryphia mzansi sp. nov. We also revise H. eucalypti, the type of the genus, to include only isolates from Eucalyptus in South Africa. Research results indicated that H. mzansi may undergo host shifts between different tree genera in the Myrtaceae. Inoculation tests showed that isolates of all the newly described species can cause lesions on the branches of M. angustifolia, indicating that they are all pathogens of this tree.  相似文献   

A new species, Neottia wuyishanensis (Neottieae, Orchidaceae), is described and illustrated from Wuyishan, Fujian, eastern China, based on morphological characters and molecular data. Molecular phylogenetics indicate that N. wuyishanensis is nested within the clade formed by Neottia fugongensis and Neottia nujiangensis. Morphologically, N. wuyishanensis is similar to N. fugongensis and N. pseudonipponica, but differs from them by having indistinct auricles at the base, and in the shape and size of lobelets.  相似文献   

Combretum stylesii O.Maurin, Jordaan & A.E.van Wyk, a liana or slender tree with scrambling branches from the Tugela River Valley (KwaZulu-Natal), South Africa, is described. Molecular data supports its placement in subgenus Combretum section Ciliatipetala with its closest relative Combretum edwardsii. The new species differs from C. edwardsii in having, amongst others, a single mature leaf form, leaves softly textured, with whitish hairs, often with drooping habit, shorter leaf petioles (less than 5 mm), and less complex 8-celled leaf scales. A key to the species and infraspecific taxa of section Ciliatipetala in the Flora of southern Africa region is provided.  相似文献   

A new species Aspalathus abbottii C.H. Stirt. & Muasya, is described. The species is known only from Oribi Flats, KwaZulu-Natal, where it grows in grassland vegetation. The new species is characterised by its rigid spreading habit, densely and shortly villous branches, glabrous bracts and bracteoles, and 1(2) bright yellow flowers borne on short lateral shoots. It is most similar to other grassland species, A. frankenioides DC. and A. gerrardii H. Bol., all from the summer rainfall area of South Africa but differs in its rigid spreading habit, few bright yellow flowers per flowering branchlet, glabrous bracts and bracteoles, villous yellowish-green seasonal shoots, and its pale brown to tan over-seasonal branches with a blackish lattice of peeled bark.  相似文献   

The new species Polhillia ignota Boatwr. is described. This species is known only from two collections, one between Vredenburg and Saldanha and the other close to Porterville. The new species is most similar to P. obsoleta, which is known only from a few localities around Worcester, in its narrow, sericeous leaflets and flowers of equal size, but differs in its flattened mature leaves with larger leaflets (up to ± 12 mm long), longer pseudo-peduncles (up to ± 15  mm long), denser inflorescences (with up to four flowers), shorter pedicels (1–2 mm long) and non-auriculate wing- and keel petals.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):304-306

A new species of Crossidium (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta), C. karoo, is described for South Africa. It uniquely differs from congeners in tight encapsulation of the photosynthetic filaments by the clasping upper lamina.  相似文献   

Two new species of Gazania Gaert. (Asteraceae, tribe Arctotideae) from the Greater Cape Floristic Region of South Africa are described. Gazania lanata Magee & Boatwr., a local endemic of dolomite lenses near Robertson, is distinguished by the spatulate to sublyrate, simple or weakly pinnatilobed leaves, the bristle-like hairs along the inflorescence and the densely lanate vestiture of the young growth and involucre. Gazania splendidissima Mucina, Magee & Boatwr. from the arid Namaqualand coast between Port Nolloth and Hondeklipbaai, is distinguished by the suffrutescent habit, semi-succulent leaves with a densely mealy uppermost surface, and prominently maculate involucre. An updated key to the now 18 recognised Gazania species is provided to facilitate identification of these and existing taxa in the genus.  相似文献   

Jin Xiaohua 《Brittonia》2005,57(3):255-257
Bulbophyllum wuzhishanensis, a new species from Hainan, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is probably related toBulbophyllum ledungense, but differs from it by having a long inflorescence, a column without stelids, and a longer lip.  相似文献   

The Cape Floristic Region (CFR) is one of the most plant-species-rich regions in the world. It is also a warm temperate region and hypothetically should have high gall-insect species richness, making it interesting to investigate the relationship between the insects of the region and the rich flora. The relationship between gall-insect species richness (GSR) and plant richness was investigated for the Fynbos and for representatives of vegetation of the whole CFR. Samples (of up to 600 plants per transect for Fynbos) of woody shrubs were investigated for the presence of galls. The species richness of these insects was quantified, as well as plant species richness for each transect. GSR for Fynbos was compared to global figures for GSR. Fynbos harboured significantly more gall-insect species than other CFR vegetation types. GSR was positively correlated with CFR plant richness. GSR also closely tracked plant richness in Fynbos. GSR was not significantly influenced by other variables (elevation and aspect), suggesting that plant richness per se was an important factor in generating GSR. Fynbos GSR is comparable to other sclerophyllous regions of high GSR globally, corroborating that this vegetation type is conducive to gall-insect diversification. There is likely to be a high percentage of gall-insect endemism in the Fynbos, as might be expected from the high host fidelity of this insect group. Received: 22 September 1997 / Accepted: 16 February 1998  相似文献   

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