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Stem cells, regenerative medicine, and animal models of disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The field of stem cell biology and regenerative medicine is rapidly moving toward translation to clinical practice, and in doing so has become even more dependent on animal donors and hosts for generating cellular reagents and assaying their potential therapeutic efficacy in models of human disease. Advances in cell culture technologies have revealed a remarkable plasticity of stem cells from embryonic and adult tissues, and transplantation models are now needed to test the ability of these cells to protect at-risk cells and replace cells lost to injury or disease. With such a mandate, issues related to acceptable sources and controversial (e.g., chimeric) models have challenged the field to provide justification of their potential efficacy before the passage of new restrictions that may curb anticipated breakthroughs. Progress from the use of both in vitro and in vivo regenerative medicine models already offers hope both for the facilitation of stem cell phenotyping in recursive gene expression profile models and for the use of stem cells as powerful new therapeutic reagents for cancer, stroke, Parkinson's, and other challenging human diseases that result in movement disorders. This article describes research in support of the following three objectives: (1) To discover the best stem or progenitor cell in vitro protocols for isolating, expanding, and priming these cells to facilitate their massive propagation into just the right type of neuronal precursor cell for protection or replacement protocols for brain injury or disease, including those that affect movement such as Parkinson's disease and stroke; (2) To discover biogenic factors--compounds that affect stem/progenitor cells (e.g., from high-throughput screening and other bioassay approaches)--that will encourage reactive cell genesis, survival, selected differentiation, and restoration of connectivity in central nervous system movement and other disorders; and (3) To establish the best animal models of human disease and injury, using both small and large animals, for testing new regenerative medicine therapeutics.  相似文献   

Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is one of the most significant causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Stem cells represent an enormous chance to rebuild damaged heart tissue. Correct definition of the cardiac progenitors is necessary to understand heart development, and would pave the way for the use of cardiac progenitors in the treatment of heart disease. Identifying, purifying and differentiating native cardiac progenitor cells are indispensable if we are to overcome congenital and adult cardiac diseases. To understand their functions, physiology and action, cells are tested in animal models, and then in clinical trials. But because clinical trials yield variable results, questions about proper cardiac stem cells remain unanswered. Transplanted stem cells release soluble factors, acting in a paracrine fashion, which contributes to cardiac regeneration. Cytokines and growth factors have cytoprotective and neovascularizing functions, and may activate resident cardiac stem cells. Understanding all these mechanisms is crucial to overcoming heart diseases.  相似文献   

Stem cells and pancreatic differentiation in vitro   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Cell therapy using pancreatic islets would be a promising therapy to treat diabetes. But, because of the limited supply of human donor islets, other cellular sources have to be considered. Stem cells characterized by extensive proliferation and differentiation capacity may be a valuable source for the in vitro generation of islets. Insulin-producing cells derived from embryonic stem (ES) cells have been shown to reverse experimentally induced diabetes in animal models. However, the oncogenic properties of ES cells are critical in the context of clinical applications and efficient cell-lineage selection systems need to be established. Future studies have to demonstrate whether somatic stem cells residing in adult tissues, such as bone marrow, pancreatic ducts, intestine or liver may provide alternatives to generate functional pancreatic endocrine cells.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Stem cell research is now a very broad field encompassing cells derived from all stages of life from the embryonic stem cells of the early blastocyst through to the adult stem cells of many tissues of the body. Adult stem cells from a variety of tissues are proving to be pluripotent and can differentiate into cell types different from the tissues from which they derive. Pre-clinical animal models indicate that adult stem cells do not cause tumours, not even, teratomas when transplanted. These properties, combined with the possibility of autologous transplantation, indicate significant advantages over embryonic stem cells in many proposed clinical applications.  相似文献   

Background aimsAsthma control frequently falls short of the goals set in international guidelines. Treatment options for patients with poorly controlled asthma despite inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting β-agonists are limited, and new therapeutic options are needed. Stem cell therapy is promising for a variety of disorders but there has been no human clinical trial of stem cell therapy for asthma. We aimed to systematically review the literature regarding the potential benefits of stem cell therapy in animal models of asthma to determine whether a human trial is warranted.MethodsThe MEDLINE and Embase databases were searched for original studies of stem cell therapy in animal asthma models.ResultsNineteen studies were selected. They were found to be heterogeneous in their design. Mesenchymal stromal cells were used before sensitization with an allergen, before challenge with the allergen and after challenge, most frequently with ovalbumin, and mainly in BALB/c mice. Stem cell therapy resulted in a reduction of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid inflammation and eosinophilia as well as Th2 cytokines such as interleukin-4 and interleukin-5. Improvement in histopathology such as peribronchial and perivascular inflammation, epithelial thickness, goblet cell hyperplasia and smooth muscle layer thickening was universal. Several studies showed a reduction in airway hyper-responsiveness.ConclusionsStem cell therapy decreases eosinophilic and Th2 inflammation and is effective in several phases of the allergic response in animal asthma models. Further study is warranted, up to human clinical trials.  相似文献   

Stem cells have the capacity both to self-renew and to give rise to differentiated progeny, and are vital to the organization of multicellular organisms. Stem cells raise a number of fundamental questions regarding lineage restriction and cellular differentiation, and they hold enormous promise for cell-based therapies. Here I propose a theoretical framework for stem cell biology based on the concepts of autopoiesis (self-production) and complementarity. I argue that stem cells are pivotal in the self-production of the organism and that we need complementary approaches to understand their probabilistic behavior. I discuss how this framework generates testable hypotheses regarding stem-cell functions.  相似文献   

In addition to being a source of hematopoietic and mesenchymal stromal cells, bone marrow is known to be the source of stem cell populations, which express pluripotent markers and are capable of differentiating into cells of three germinative layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm). Recently, a new population of so-called “very small embryonic like cells” (VSELs) has been identified in the bone marrow in addition to well-known pluripotential cells, such as MIAMI, MSC, and MAPS. The presence of stem cells with a wide spectrum of differentiation capacities in the bone marrow allows an alternative interpretation of the phenomenon of plasticity and the possibility of their switch from a canonical to a nontrivial path of differentiation. The phenotypic features of VSELs, their differentiation capacities, ontogenetic origin, and relationships with other types of stem cells are studied. The role of bone marrow stem cells and induced pluripotential stem cells in regeneration processes and their possible therapeutic application are discussed.  相似文献   

Immunosuppressive agents, such as cyclosporin A (CsA), by their vasoconstrictive properties, induce in vivo in patients and rodents a dramatic fall in renal hemodynamics. The aim of this study is to review the ability of some physiological and/or pharmacological agents which are supposed to be involved in the renal physiopathology of CsA to prevent the contraction induced by CsA in two in vitro glomerular models. Isolated glomeruli are obtained by a sieving method from male Sprague-Dawley rat superficial cortex. Mesangial cells from these isolated glomeruli are cultured in RPM1 1640 medium with 20% FCS in5% CO 2 atmosphere. The area of isolated glomeruli and cultured mesangial cells is assessed by an image analyzer with a video camera. Each glomeruli and cell is its own control and is photographed before incubation with any drug (T0) and then during incubation at 5, 10, 20, and 30 min. Incubations are performed during 30 min with 10–6 mol/L CsA either with a 10 min pretreatment with the vasoactive agent or without pretreatment. CsA alone induces a time- and dose-dependent decrease in glomerular structure area (-4.7% at 10 min,-10.3% at 20 min, and-12.0% at 30 min for isolated glomeruli); Cremophore excipient or control solute does not induce any significant decrease in surface area. CsA with 10–6 mol/L verapamil pretreatment induces only a slight decrease:-1.5% at 10 min,-3.0% at 20 min, and-4.8% at 30 min. Calcium blockers nifedipine and felodipine produce similar results. Likewise with 10–8 mol/L prostacyllin analog (iloprost), only a slight area decrease in mesangial cells is noted:-1.3% at 5 min,-1.8% at 10 min, and-3.3% at 20 min; with 10–6 mol/LTXA2 synthesis imhibitor (CGS 12970) the results are-2.0% at 10 min,-3.6% at 20 min, and-4.3% at 30 min. Finally, a similar protective effect can be noted with 10–5 mol/L theophylline:-0.4;-1.5 and-1.9% at 10, 20, and 30 min.In conclusion, CsA-induced contraction in two in vitro glomerular models can be partially or even totally prevented by pretreatment with various pharmacological agents.Abbreviations CsA cyclosporin A - TX thromboxane - PSA planar surface area  相似文献   

Summary Parenchymal (epithelial or mesenchymal) stem cells are rapidly drawing both scientific and clinical attention in solid organs like the liver, skin, intestine and abdominal mesothelium, just as has been the case in the hematopoietic system. For the stem cells of these organs various definitions, markers for identification, methods of isolation and in vitro cultivation, and lineage mechanisms have been proposed and some of them are now proven to be valid and useful. In this article attempts will be made to explore whether there are stem cells in the lower respiratory system (from the trachea to the lung periphery) and what they look like. Because of its anatomical and functional complexity the stem cell concept for the respiratory system has been developing rather slowly. Nevertheless, the data available seem to indicate that in analogy to the above mentioned organs there is only one type of epithelial stem cells throughout all sections of the lower respiratory system during fetal through adult stages. They are multipotent for cell differentiation and able to yield lineage progenitors for ciliated, goblet, basal, Clara, neuroendocrine, alveolar type 1 and alveolar type 2 cells.  相似文献   

One of the greatest challenges in the treatment of inner-ear disorders is to find a cure for the hearing loss that is caused by the loss of cochlear hair cells or spiral ganglion neurons. The recent discovery of stem cells in the adult inner ear that are capable of differentiating into hair cells, as well as the finding that embryonic stem cells can be converted into hair cells, raise hope for the future development of stem-cell-based treatment regimens. Here, we propose different approaches for using stem cells to regenerate the damaged inner ear and we describe the potential obstacles that translational approaches must overcome for the development of stem-cell-based cell-replacement therapies for the damaged inner ear.  相似文献   

More than 10 years after their first isolation, human embryonic stem cells are finally 'coming of age' in research and biotechnology applications as protocols for their differentiation and undifferentiated expansion in culture become robust and scalable, and validated commercial reagents become available. Production of human cardiomyocytes is now feasible on a daily basis for many laboratories with tissue culture expertise. An additional recent surge of interest resulting from the first production of human iPSCs (induced pluripotent stem cells) from somatic cells of patients now makes these technologies of even greater importance since it is likely that (genetic) cardiac disease phenotypes can be captured in the cardiac derivatives of these cells. Although cell therapy based on replacing cardiomyocytes lost or dysfunctional owing to cardiac disease are probably as far away as ever, biotechnology and pharmaceutical applications in safety pharmacology and drug discovery will probably impact this clinical area in the very near future. In the present paper, we review the cutting edge of this exciting area of translational research.  相似文献   

The purpose of this short review is to present the potential of using isolated glomeruli and cultured mesangial cells as two differentin vitro models to assess the glomerular effect of molecules with nephrotoxic properties. The advantage of using isolated renal glomeruli is that they conserve the architecture of this anatomical region of the kidney; moreover, they are free of any vascular, nervous or humoral influences derived from other regions of the kidney. Mesangial cells are perivascular pericytes located within the central portion of the glomerular tuft between capillary loops. Mesangial cells have a variety of functions including synthesis and assembly of the mesangial matrix, endocytosis and processing of plasma macromolecules, and control of glomerular hemodynamics, mainly the ultrafiltration coefficient K f, via mesangial cell contraction or release of vasoactive hormones. Most authors agree that mesangial cells play a major role in glomerular contraction, filtration surface area, and K f regulation. One of the major effects of toxicants on glomerular structures is contraction. We can assess quantitatively the degree of toxicant-induced mesangial cell contraction or glomerular contraction by measuring the changes in planar cell surface area or apparent glomerular cross-sectional area after exposition to the toxicant. Thesein vitro models can also reveal glomerular effects of xenobiotics that are difficult or impossible to observe in vivo. In addition, these studies permit a fundamental examination of the mechanism of action of xenobiotics on glomerular cells, including the possibility that at least a part of their effects are mediated by local mediators released by glomerular cells. We review the effects and the mechanisms of action of several toxicants such as gentamicin, cyclosporin, cisplatin, and cadmium on isolated glomeruli or cultured mesangial cells. As suchin vitro results confirmin vivo renal hemodynamic changes caused by toxicants, we conclude that these models are fruitful tools for the study of renal toxicity. Thesein vitro systems might also serve as a predictive tool in the evaluation of drugs inducing changes in glomerular filtration rate and as a way to propose protective agents against these dramatic hemodynamic effects. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The kidney forms a frequent target for xenobiotic toxicity. The complex biochemical mechanisms underlying nephrotoxicity are best studied in vitro provided that reliable and relevant in vitro models are available. Since most nephrotoxicants affect primarily the cells of the proximal tubules (PTC), much effort has been directed towards the development of in vitro models of PTC. This review focuses on the preparation of PTC and the use of these cells. Discussed are important criteria such as the viability (survival time) of the cells and the parameters to assess toxicity. Recent studies have shown that isolated PTC in suspension are especially suitable for studies on the biochemical mechanisms of 'acute' nephrotoxicity, whereas PTC in primary culture may be used to investigate mechanisms of nephrotoxic damage at very low concentrations, upon prolonged exposure. PTC cultured on porous filter membranes provide new possibilities to study toxicity in relation to cell and transport polarity. Primary cell cultures of human PTC have been set up. Although a further characterization of these systems is needed, recent data indicate their usefulness.  相似文献   

ESTOOLS was the first EU-funded project entirely devoted to the study of human embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). The final meeting of the consortium took place in Lisbon from 26 to 28 May 2010 and gathered 298 researchers from 27 countries. A dense programme of scientific sessions and outreach activities and an ethics workshop gave an all-round overview of the challenges, perspectives and ethical issues of this exciting field. The ESTOOLS consortium was launched in 2006 as a 4-year EU-funded 6th Framework (FP6) project, with a total funding of 12 million euro. The project has been the largest European consortium devoted to the study of human ESCs, teaming up 21 research groups in 10 countries. After the discovery of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) by Shinya Yamanaka and James Thomson in 2007, the consortium opened a new workpackage dedicated to this groundbreaking field, and became the first to devote EU funding to study human iPSCs. The Lisbon meeting marked the end of the consortiums funding cycle, but it was more than a wrap-up of its overall work and achievements, providing a showcase of cutting-edge research in human pluripotent stem cells, with the participation of international leaders in the field.  相似文献   

The path to induced pluripotency Discovery of a pan-species pluripotency network Animal iPSCs and disease modelling Issues with large animal iPSCs Conclusions The derivation of human embryonic stem cells and subsequently human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) has energized regenerative medicine research and enabled seemingly limitless applications. Although small animal models, such as mouse models, have played an important role in the progression of the field, typically, they are poor representations of the human disease phenotype. As an alternative, large animal models should be explored as a potentially better approach for clinical translation of cellular therapies. However, only fragmented information regarding the derivation, characterization and clinical usefulness of pluripotent large animal cells is currently available. Here, we briefly review the latest advances regarding the derivation and use of large animal iPSCs.  相似文献   

Emerging evidence suggests that stem cells play a crucial role not only in the generation and maintenance of different tissues, but also in the development and progression of malignancies. For the many solid cancers, it has now been shown that they harbor a distinct subpopulation of cancer cells that bear stem cell features and therefore, these cells are termed cancer stem cells (CSC) or tumor-propagating cells. CSC are exclusively tumorigenic and essential drivers for tumor progression and metastasis. Moreover, it has been shown that pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma does not only contain one homogeneous population of CSC rather than diverse subpopulations that may have evolved during tumor progression. One of these populations is called migrating CSC and can be characterized by CXCR4 co-expression. Only these cells are capable of evading the primary tumor and traveling to distant sites such as the liver as the preferred site of metastatic spread. Clinically even more important, however, is the observation that CSC are highly resistant to chemo- and radiotherapy resulting in their relative enrichment during treatment and rapid relapse of disease. Many laboratories are now working on the further in-depth characterization of these cells, which may eventually allow for the identification of their Achilles heal and lead to novel treatment modalities for fighting this deadly disease.  相似文献   

Aggregation of α-synuclein (α-syn) is believed to play a critical role in the pathogenesis of disorders such as dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson's disease. The function of α-syn remains unclear, although several lines of evidence suggest that α-syn is involved in synaptic vesicle trafficking probably via lipid binding. Moreover, interactions with cholesterol and lipids have been shown to be involved in α-syn aggregation. In this context, the main objective of this study was to determine if statins – cholesterol synthesis inhibitors – might interfere with α-syn accumulation in cellular models. For this purpose, we studied the effects of lovastatin, simvastatin, and pravastatin on the accumulation of α-syn in a stably transfected neuronal cell line and in primary human neurons. Statins reduced the levels of α-syn accumulation in the detergent insoluble fraction of the transfected cells. This was accompanied by a redistribution of α-syn in caveolar fractions, a reduction in oxidized α-syn, and enhanced neurite outgrowth. In contrast, supplementation of the media with cholesterol increased α-syn aggregation in detergent insoluble fractions of transfected cells and was accompanied by reduced neurite outgrowth. Taken together, these results suggest that regulation of cholesterol levels with cholesterol inhibitors might be a novel approach for the treatment of Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

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