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Cryptic species of the digeneans, Cercaria batillariae (Heterophyidae) and an undescribed philophthalmid, were detected using polymerase chain reaction-based restriction fragment-length polymorphism methodology and sequence analyses. These digeneans were all collected from the same species of gastropod first intermediate host, Batillaria cumingi (=Batillaria attramentaria). The mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 gene (approximately 800bp) and nuclear internal transcribed spacer 1 gene (approximately 400bp) were used for species level discrimination. Restriction fragment-length polymorphism analyses of cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 gene showed that C. batillariae included 10 distinguishable fragment patterns, and the philophthalmid included five patterns. On the basis of subsequent sequence analyses, the restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns of C. batillariae were grouped into eight phylogenetically distinct lineages and those of the philophthalmid into three phylogenetically distinct lineages. There was no evidence of gene flow among the different lineages due to the lack of heterozygosity within the observed internal transcribed spacer 1 gene fragment patterns. This suggests that all of these lineages are different species. Most of these species were widespread, but some exhibited restricted geographic distributions. We discuss the implications of these findings for host specificity of these trematodes. These results demonstrate the utility of genetic analysis to distinguish species of morphologically similar trematodes. Hence, trematode species diversity may often be underestimated when species identifications are limited to morphological features.  相似文献   

Five new and five previously described species of Hurleytrematoides are reported from 19 of 34 chaetodontid species examined from the Great Barrier Reef; new species are H. faliexae n. sp., H. galzini n. sp., H. loi n. sp., H. morandi n. sp., and H. sasali n. sp. Previously described species are H. coronatum, H. fijiensis, H. prevoti, H. bartolii, and H. zebrasomae. The genus is rediagnosed in the light of morphological variation of the new species; the degree of spination and shape of the terminal genitalia distinguish individual species. Species of Hurleytrematoides infect almost every clade of the family Chaetodontidae found on the Great Barrier Reef, but obligate corallivores are not infected. All ten species were found at Heron Island on the southern Great Barrier Reef, but only six at Lizard Island on the northern Great Barrier Reef. For three of the four species not present at Lizard Island, the absence appears to be statistically significant. Although all species are apparently restricted to chaetodontids on the GBR, specificity within the family varies from oioxenous to euryxenous; a core/satellite host paradigm explains the distribution of several species.  相似文献   

Pair behavior and spacing in butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Synopsis Three species of butterflyfishes, Chaetodon multicinctus, C. quadrimaculatus and C. ornatissimus were observed over a seven month period on the Kona coast of the island of Hawaii. All three species were found to be exclusively paired. However, C. quadrimaculatus and C. ornatissimus pair mates spent less time together and had longer separations and fewer meetings than did C. multicinctus pairs. All three species occupied and defended intraspecifically exclusive territories. Territories were maintained through mutual avoidance with occasional agonistic interactions.  相似文献   

An isoenzyme analysis was performed on 109 individuals from 11 populations of Juniperus excelsa complex collected from Iran. A total of 61 allozymes from five enzyme systems were scored. The mean numbers of bands per presumed isoenzyme, ranged from 2.07 to 3.23. The value of Euclidean distance ranged from 1.920 to 4.411. The average value of Shannon diversity index (H′) estimated for each population ranged from 0.317 in the population sampled from ‘Fasa’ to 1.053 in the population of ‘Golestan’, and the average H′ value for each enzyme system ranged from 0.031 (SOD-3) to 1.670 (PPO-1). To reveal the relationships among these populations, a cluster analysis based on Euclidean distances was performed. The results of the analysis suggest recognizing three taxa in the complex in Iran: Juniperus polycarpos subsp. polycarpos, Juniperus polycarpos subsp. turcomanica, and one cryptic species not recorded from Iran until now. Moreover, the analysis presented, does not confirm the occurrence of J. excelsa in Iran.  相似文献   

It has been previously established that the Leopard Whipray, Himantura leoparda, consists of two genetically isolated, cryptic species, provisionally designated as ‘Cluster 1’ and ‘Cluster 4’ (Arlyza et al., Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 65 (2013) [1]). Here, we show that the two cryptic species differ by the spotting patterns on the dorsal surface of adults: Cluster-4 individuals tend to have larger-ocellated spots, which also more often have a continuous contour than Cluster-1 individuals. We show that H. leoparda's holotype has the typical larger-ocellated spot pattern, designating Cluster 4 as the actual H. leoparda. The other species (Cluster 1) is described as Himantura tutul sp. nov. on the basis of the nucleotide sequence of a 655-base pair fragment of its cytochrome-oxidase I gene (GenBank accession No. JX263335). Nucleotide synapomorphies at this locus clearly distinguish H. tutul sp. nov. from all three other valid species in the H. uarnak species complex, namely H. leoparda, H. uarnak, and H. undulata. H. tutul sp. nov. has a wide distribution in the Indo-West Pacific, from the shores of eastern Africa to the Indo-Malay archipelago. H. leoparda under its new definition has a similarly wide Indo-West Pacific distribution.  相似文献   

The genus Tripterygion is the unique genus of the family Tripterygiidae in the Mediterranean Sea and in the northeastern Atlantic coast. Three species and four subspecies had been described: Tripterygion tripteronotus and Tripterygion melanurus (T. m. melanurus and T. m. minor) are endemic of the Mediterranean, and T. delaisi (T. d. delaisi and T. d. xanthosoma) is found in both areas. We used five different genes (12S, 16S, tRNA-val, COI, and 18S) to elucidate their taxonomy status and their phylogenetic relationships. We employed different phylogenetic reconstructions that yielded different tree topologies. This discrepancy may be caused by the speciation process making difficult the reconstruction of a highly supported tree. All pair comparisons between these three species showed the same genetic divergence indicating that the speciation process could have been resolved by a rapid radiation event after the Messinian Salinity Crisis (5.2Mya) leading to a trichotomy. Our molecular data revealed two clearly supported clades within T. tripteronotus, whose divergence largely exceeded that found between other fish species, consequently these two groups should be considered two cryptic species diverging 2.75-3.32Mya along the Pliocene glaciations. On the contrary, none of the genes studied supported the existence of two subspecies of T. melanurus. Finally, the two subspecies of T. delaisi were validated and probably originated during the Quaternary climatic fluctuations (1.10-1.23Mya), however their distribution ranges should be redefined.  相似文献   

Drosophila antonietae and Drosophila gouveai are allopatric, cactophilic, cryptic and endemic of South America species, which aedeagus morphology is considered the main diagnostic character. In this work, single close populations from the edge distributions of each species, located in an “introgressive corridor”, were analyzed regarding temporal isozenzymatic genetic variability. Isocitrate dehydrogenase (Idh) appeared as a diagnostic locus between D. antonieate and D. gouveai because each population was fixed for different alleles. Moreover, several polymorphic loci showed accentuated divergence in the allele frequency, as evidenced by Nei’s I (0.3188) and D (1.1432), and also by Reynolds’ genetic distance and identity (1.3207 and 0.7331, respectively). Our results showed that, in spite of the very similar external morphology, related evolutionary histories, close distributions, and events of introgression in the studied area, these cryptic species have high allozymatic differentiation, and this is discussed here.  相似文献   

A new type of exterilium larvae referable to Leptobrotula (Ophidiiformes: Ophidiidae) is described on the basis of two specimens (20.7+mm and ca. 35.4mmSL) collected from the tropical Indo-Pacific. They are characterized, in particular, by several elongated anterior dorsal fin rays supported by the large dorsal pterygiophores and the exterilium gut bearing filamentous appendages along the ventral border. It is suggested from larval evidence that Leptobrotula forms a distinct lineage with Brotulotaenia and Lamprogrammus, which may be placed in an expanded Brotulonaeniinae.  相似文献   

Range-wide morphometric variability (cranial measurements) and genetic variability (nucleotide sequences of the cytochrome b gene) were investigated in the longface emperor, Lethrinus olivaceus (Lethrinidae), an emblematic large predatory fish of Indo-West Pacific coral reefs. Two cranial morphotypes were observed, one present from the Indian Ocean to the Coral Triangle and the other one, from the Coral Triangle to the western Central Pacific. The two morphotypes are concordant with reciprocally monophyletic mitochondrial lineages separated by 9.5% net nucleotide distance. These results suggest an old evolutionary history for L. olivaceus, which consists of two distinct species (Lethrinus sp. A in the Indian Ocean and Coral Triangle, Lethrinus sp. B in the western Pacific Ocean), whose distribution ranges meet or overlap in the eastern part of the Coral Triangle, in Taiwan and in West Papua. Lethrinus sp. A comprises two distinct mitochondrial lineages separated by 1.7% net nucleotide distance, one exclusive to the populations from the Indian Ocean, the other exclusive to Coral Triangle populations. The latter observation might be explained by vicariance, whereby the two lineages have been isolated from one another on either side of the Sunda Shelf because of low sea level in the Pleistocene. To clarify the nomenclature of this species complex, we recommend sequencing a fragment of the cytochrome b gene of the holotypes of L. olivaceus and of its first junior synonyms L. rostratus and L. waigiensis.  相似文献   

Protist diversity is currently a much debated issue in eukaryotic microbiology. Recent evidence suggests that morphological and genetic diversity might be decoupled in some groups of protists, including ciliates, and that these organisms might be much more diverse than their morphology implies. We sought to assess the genetic and morphological diversity of Carchesium polypinum, a widely distributed peritrich ciliate. The mitochondrial marker cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and the nuclear small subunit ribosomal RNA were used to examine genetic diversity. For the morphological assessment, live microscopy and Protargol staining were used. The mitochondrial marker revealed six robust, deeply diverging, and strongly supported clades, while the nuclear gene was congruent for three of these clades. There were no major differences among individuals from the different clades in any of the morphological features examined. Thus, the underlying genetic diversity in C. polypinum is greater than what its morphology suggests, indicating that morphology and genetics are not congruent in this organism. Furthermore, because the clades identified by the mitochondrial marker are so genetically diverse and are confirmed by a conserved nuclear marker in at least three cases, we propose that C. polypinum be designated as a "cryptic species complex." Our results provide another example where species diversity can be underestimated in microbial eukaryotes when using only morphological criteria to estimate species richness.  相似文献   

A new species Dolichopteryx minuscula is described on the basis of three specimens [49.4–59.6 mm in standard length (SL)] collected from the Indo-West Pacific. The new species is characterized by pouchlike eyes with a small lens (lens diameter 2.2% SL), an adipose fin, the anal fin base originating posterior to the dorsal fin base, and 16–17 (= 5–6 + 1 + 10–11) gill rakers. Total fecundity was relatively low, only 658 ova being obtained from one specimen, despite the ovary being mature. Ovarian eggs were clearly subdivided into “undeveloped” (0.1–0.7 mm diameter classes, n = 561) and “developed” (1.0–1.3 mm classes, n = 97) groups, based on their frequency distribution. Such relatively low fecundity and frequency distributions of ovarian eggs suggest that Dolichopteryx species spawn iteratively during spawning season.  相似文献   

Numerous fungal morphospecies include cryptic species that routinely are detected by sequencing a few unlinked DNA loci. However, whether the patterns observed by multi-locus sequencing are compatible with genome wide data, such as amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs), is not well known for fungi. In this study we compared the ability of three DNA loci and AFLP data to discern between cryptic fungal lineages in the three morphospecies Coniophora olivacea, Coniophora arida, and Coniophora puteana. The sequences and the AFLP data were highly congruent in delimiting the morphotaxa into multiple cryptic species. However, while the DNA sequences indicated introgression or hybridization between some of the cryptic lineages the AFLP data did not. We conclude that as few as three polymorphic DNA loci was sufficient to recognize cryptic lineages within the studied Coniophora taxa. However, based on analyses of a few (three) sequenced loci the hybridization could not easily be distinguished from incomplete lineage sorting. Hence, great caution should be taken when concluding about hybridization based on data from just a few loci.  相似文献   

A modulation of the phagocytic activity of hemocytes from the common periwinkle Littorina littorea by secretory-excretory products (SEP) released by trematode rediae during axenic in vitro cultivation was studied. The SEP released by the parasites Himasthla elongata (Echinostomatidae) and Cryptocotyle lingua (Heterophyidae) were found to inhibit the phagocytosis of zymozan particles by periwinkle hemocytes. The specificity of SEP effects was assessed: SEP of Himasthla militaris and Cryptocotyle concavum, two trematodes belonging to the same genera but infecting another closely related prosobranch snail Hydrobia ulvae, were also shown to be able to suppress L. littorea hemocytes phagocytic activity. However, no decrease in phagocytosis rate was observed when SEP of H. elongata and C. lingua were applied to monolayers of hemocytes from the bivalve mollusc Mytilus edulis. SEP from H. elongata was fractionated; only those fractions containing proteins of molecular weight more than 50 kDa were shown to possess inhibitory activity. Different H. elongata SEP concentrations were tested in for their ability to suppress phagocytosis by L. littorea hemocytes. Even very low SEP concentrations were shown to retain their ability to decrease phagocytosis rate, the inhibitory effect being dose-dependent. Hemocytes derived from snails naturally infected with H. elongata were also found to have lower phagocytic ability as compared to healthy individuals.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, numerous molecular phylogenetic studies uncovered cryptic diversity within the Copepoda, yet very few investigations focused on symbiotic copepods. Here we report mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase I diversity in the cosmopolitan elasmobranch symbiont Nesippus orientalis off the KwaZulu-Natal coast of South Africa. Analysis of partial COI sequences of copepods sampled from a diversity of shark hosts, revealed the presence of two divergent clades. Diversity within the clades does not appear to be structured based on host species, host individual, geographic locality or time of sampling. However, divergence between the two clades seems to be related to host species. Phylogenetic analyses of representatives from the two clades, along with Nesippus spp., Caligus spp. and Lepeophtheirus spp. outgroups, further supports the distinction between the two clades. Future molecular phylogenetic investigations of widespread copepod symbionts most likely will reveal far greater levels of biodiversity than currently recognized.  相似文献   

We obtained nuclear ITS-1 and mitochondrial cox1 sequences from 225 Crassicutis cichlasomae adults collected in 12 species of cichlids from 32 localities to prospect for the presence of cryptic species. This trematode is commonly found in species of cichlids over a wide geographic range in Middle-America. Population-level phylogenetic analyses of ITS-1 and cox1, assessments of genetic and haplotype diversity, and morphological observations revealed that C. cichlasomae represents a complex of seven cryptic species for which no morphological diagnostic characters have been discovered thus far. Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood analyses of concatenated datasets (906 bp) recovered eight lineages of C. cichlasomae, all with high posterior probabilities and bootstrap branch support. Values of genetic divergence between clades ranged from 1.0% to 5.2% for ITS-1, and from 7.2% to 30.0% for cox1. Morphological study of more than 300 individuals did not reveal structural diagnostic traits for the species defined using molecular evidence. These observations indicate that some traditional morphological characters (e.g., testes position) have substantial intra-specific variation, and should be used with caution when classifying C. cichlasomae and their sister taxa. Additionally, phylogenetic analyses did not reveal a strict correlation between these cryptic species and their host species or geographic distribution, however it appears that genetic distinctiveness of these cryptic species was influenced by the diversification and biogeographical history of Middle-American cichlids.  相似文献   

A Triosteum-feeding species of Sympistis is described from eastern North America: Sympistis forbesi sp. n. Identity of the new species is most reliably determined from larval morphology and host plant association—both adult scaling and genitalic characters overlap with those of Sympisitis chionanthi, a Chionanthus and Fraxinus feeder.  相似文献   

Cape buffalo are reservoir hosts of African trypanosomes. They rapidly suppress population growth of the highly antigenically variable extracellular haemoprotozoa and subsequently maintain a cryptic infection. Here we use in vitro cultures of trypanosomes cloned from Cape buffalo blood during cryptic infection, as well as related and unrelated trypanosomes, to identify anti-trypanosome components present in cryptic-phase infection serum. Trypanosome clone-specific complement-dependent trypanolytic IgM and IgG arose after appearance of target trypanosomes during cryptic infection. Serum collected late in the cryptic phase of infection contained complement-independent growth-inhibitory IgG which varied in activity among target trypanosomes. Removal of protein A/G-binding IgG from the serum restored its capacity to support trypanosome growth in vitro. Recovered growth-inhibitory IgG reacted with the variable surface glycoprotein (VSG) of parasites most affected by it, and reacted with trypanosome common antigens, notably the endosome-restricted tomato lectin-binding glycoproteins (TL-antigens). The inclusion of purified TL-antigens in culture medium did not affect the trypanosome growth-inhibitory activity of immune Cape buffalo serum. In addition, hyperimmune rabbit IgG against TL-antigens showed little or no binding to intact trypanosomes and did not affect trypanosome growth in vitro although it did react strongly with TL-antigens and trypanosome endosomes. We conclude that antibodies, particularly clone-specific (putatively VSG-specific) antibodies are responsible for the anti-trypanosome activity of cryptic phase infection serum consistent with a dominant role in parasite control in Cape buffalo.  相似文献   

A possible explanation for one of the most general trends in animal evolution - rapid divergent evolution of animal genitalia - is that male genitalia are used as courtship devices that influence cryptic female choice. But experimental demonstrations of stimulatory effects of male genitalia on female reproductive processes have generally been lacking. Previous studies of female reproductive physiology in the tsetse fly Glossina morsitans suggested that stimulation during copulation triggers ovulation and resistance to remating. In this study we altered the form of two male genital structures that squeeze the female's abdomen rhythmically in G. morsitans centralis and induced, as predicted, cryptic female choice against the male: sperm storage decreased, while female remating increased. Further experiments in which we altered the female sensory abilities at the site contacted by these male structures during copulation, and severely altered or eliminated the stimuli the male received from this portion of his genitalia, suggested that the effects of genital alteration on sperm storage were due to changes in tactile stimuli received by the female, rather than altered male behavior. These data support the hypothesis that sexual selection by cryptic female choice has been responsible for the rapid divergent evolution of male genitalia in Glossina; limitations of this support are discussed. It appears that a complex combination of stimuli trigger female ovulation, sperm storage, and remating, and different stimuli affect different processes in G. morsitans, and that the same processes are controlled differently in G. pallidipes. This puzzling diversity in female triggering mechanisms may be due to the action of sexual selection.  相似文献   

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