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Infective L3s (iL3s) of parasitic nematodes share common behavioural, morphological and developmental characteristics with the developmentally arrested (dauer) larvae of the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. It is proposed that similar molecular mechanisms regulate entry into or exit from the dauer stage in C. elegans, and the transition from free-living to parasitic forms of parasitic nematodes. In C. elegans, one of the key factors regulating the dauer transition is the insulin-like receptor (designated Ce-DAF-2) encoded by the gene Ce-daf-2. However, nothing is known about DAF-2 homologues in most parasitic nematodes. Here, using a PCR-based approach, we identified and characterised a gene (Hc-daf-2) and its inferred product (Hc-DAF-2) in Haemonchus contortus (a socioeconomically important parasitic nematode of ruminants). The sequence of Hc-DAF-2 displays significant sequence homology to insulin receptors (IR) in both vertebrates and invertebrates, and contains conserved structural domains. A sequence encoding an important proteolytic motif (RKRR) identified in the predicted peptide sequence of Hc-DAF-2 is consistent with that of the human IR, suggesting that it is involved in the formation of the IR complex. The Hc-daf-2 gene was transcribed in all life stages of H. contortus, with a significant up-regulation in the iL3 compared with other stages. To compare patterns of expression between Hc-daf-2 and Ce-daf-2, reporter constructs fusing the Ce-daf-2 or Hc-daf-2 promoter to sequence encoding GFP were microinjected into the N2 strain of C. elegans, and transgenic lines were established and examined. Both genes showed similar patterns of expression in amphidial (head) neurons, which relate to sensation and signal transduction. Further study by heterologous genetic complementation in a daf-2-deficient strain of C. elegans (CB1370) showed partial rescue of function by Hc-daf-2. Taken together, these findings provide a first insight into the roles of Hc-daf-2/Hc-DAF-2 in the biology and development of H. contortus, particularly in the transition to parasitism.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that Haemonchus contortus and Trichostrongylus colubriformis would adapt to long-term exposure to sheep that were either genetically resistant or susceptible to H. contortus. Sheep genotypes were from lines with 10 years prior selection for low (resistant, R) or high (susceptible, S) faecal worm egg count (WEC) following H. contortus infection. Long-term exposure of H. contortus and T.colubriformis to R or S genotypes was achieved using serial passage for up to 30 nematode generations. Thus, we generated four nematode strains; one strain of each species solely exposed to R sheep and one strain of each species solely exposed to S sheep. Considerable host genotype differences in mean WEC during serial passage confirmed adequate nematode selection pressure for both H. contortus (R 4900 eggs per gram (epg), S 19,900 epg) and T. colubriformis (R 5300 epg, S 13,500 epg). Adaptation of nematode strain to host genotype was tested using seven cross-classified tests for H. contortus, and two cross-classified and one outbred genotype test for T. colubriformis. In the cross-classified design, where each strain infects groups of R, S or randomly bred control sheep, parasite adaptation would be indicated by a significant host genotype by nematode strain interaction for traits indicating parasite reproductive success; specifically WEC and, for H. contortus strains, packed cell volume. We found no significant evidence of parasite adaptation to host genotype (P > 0.05) for either the H. contortus or T. colubriformis strains. Therefore, we argue that nematodes will not adapt quickly to sheep bred for nematode resistance, where selection is based on low WEC, although selecting sheep using a subset of immune functions may increase adaptation risk. Our results support the hypothesis that nematode resistance is determined by many genes each with relatively small effect. In conclusion, selection of sheep for nematode resistance using WEC should be sustainable in the medium to long-term.  相似文献   

A somatic protein from adult Haemonchus contortus (Hc23), the most abundant component in a low molecular weight fraction with known immunizing effect against experimental haemonchosis, has been purified by immunochromatography. The immunoprophylactic value of Hc23 was tested in groups of 5–6 months old Assaf lambs using Al(OH)3 or Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide + inactivated Propionibacterium acnes as adjuvant and the results compared with uninfected control, uninfected and challenged or infected and challenged lambs. Immunization with Hc23 in either adjuvant elicited significant reductions in fecal egg counts after challenge with 15,000 L3s (70.67%–85.64%, respectively) and reduced (67.1% and 86%) abomasal worm counts (45 days post-challenge). Immunized lambs displayed higher peripheral eosinophil counts, were less anaemic and had weight gains than challenged controls. The results suggest that the Hc23 antigen can induce a partially protective response against haemonchosis in lambs.  相似文献   

Commonly studied nematode parasites have not proven amenable to simple genetic analyses and this has significantly reduced the available research options. We introduce here a nematode parasite of mammals, Parastrongyloides trichosuri, which has features uniquely suited for genetic analysis. This parasite has the capacity to undergo multiple reproductive cycles as a free-living worm and thereby amplify the numbers of its infective L3s in faeces. Culture conditions are presented that permit facile laboratory maintenance of this worm for >90 free-living life cycles (to date) without the need for re-entry into a permissive host. Even after long maintenance as a free-living worm, culture conditions can be manipulated to favour development of infective L3 worms, which remain able to successfully infect their marsupial hosts. The switch to infective L3 development is triggered by a secreted factor contained in culture medium conditioned by multiple generations of free-living worm culture. It is simple to perform single pair crosses with P. trichosuri to carry out Mendelian genetics in the laboratory and this has been done multiple times with sibling pairs to generate highly inbred lines. Lines of worms can readily be cryopreserved and recovered. Over 7000 expressed sequence tags have been produced from cDNAs at different life cycle stages and used to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms and microsatellites as genetic markers. Free-living worms live only a few days on average while the patency of parasitic infections can last for several months. Since we show this is not the result of re-infection, we conclude that parasitic worms have a lifespan capacity at least 20-30 times longer than their free-living counterparts. We discuss how it should be possible to exploit these unique features of P. trichosuri as a model for future studies that explore the genetic basis of longevity and parasitism.  相似文献   

Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp-90) is a highly conserved essential protein in eukaryotes. Here we describe the molecular characterisation of hsp-90 from three nematodes, the free-living Caenorhabditis elegans (Ce) and the parasitic worms Brugia pahangi (Bp) and Haemonchus contortus (Hc). These molecules were functionally characterised by rescue of a Ce-daf-21 (hsp-90) null mutant. Our results show a gradient of rescue: the C. elegans endogenous gene provided full rescue of the daf-21 mutant, while Hc-hsp-90 provided partial rescue. In contrast, no rescue could be obtained using a variety of Bp-hsp-90 constructs, despite the fact that Bp-hsp-90 was transcribed and translated in the mutant worms. daf-21 RNA interference (RNAi) experiments were carried out to determine whether knock-down of the endogenous daf-21 mRNA in N2 worms could be complemented by expression of either parasite gene. However neither parasite gene could rescue the daf-21 (RNAi) phenotypes. These results indicate that factors other than the level of sequence identity are important for determining whether parasite genes can functionally complement in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Ablations of specific amphidial neuron pairs with a laser microbeam were conducted to understand better the neurological basis of the behaviours of larval parasitic nematodes. To date, the functions of the amphidial neurons of Caenorhabditis elegans and their counterparts in parasitic nematodes have been found to be remarkably conserved allowing the possibility to predict the relationships between neurons and their functions. Therefore, we anticipated that ablation of neuron pairs ASH and ASK would abrogate avoidance of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) by infective larvae (L3i) of Anclyostoma caninum. Instead, we have found that laser microbeam ablation of these neuron pairs did not eliminate SDS avoidance in A. caninum, but that neuron pairs ASH and ADL are the amphidial neurons responsible for SDS repulsion. When a droplet of the repellent is placed in the direct path of a normal A. caninum L3i, a strong backward avoidance response is triggered. However, when the ASH and ADL neurons are ablated, the nematodes demonstrate the opposite reaction, increasing their movement in a forward direction.  相似文献   

Migration of plant-parasitic nematode infective larval stages through soil and invasion of roots requires perception and integration of sensory cues culminating in particular responses that lead to root penetration and parasite establishment. Components of the chemoreceptive neuronal circuitry involved in these responses are targets for control measures aimed at preventing infection. Here we report, to our knowledge, the first isolation of cyst nematode ace-2 genes encoding acetylcholinesterase (AChE). The ace-2 genes from Globodera pallida (Gp-ace-2) and Heterodera glycines (Hg-ace-2) show homology to ace-2 of Caenorhabditis elegans (Ce-ace-2). Gp-ace-2 is expressed most highly in the infective J2 stage with lowest expression in the early parasitic stages. Expression and functional analysis of the Globodera gene were carried out using the free-living nematode C. elegans in order to overcome the refractory nature of the obligate parasite G. pallida to many biological studies. Caenorhabditis elegans transformed with a GFP reporter construct under the control of the Gp-ace-2 promoter exhibited specific and restricted GFP expression in neuronal cells in the head ganglia. Gp-ACE-2 protein can functionally complement its C. elegans homologue. A chimeric construct containing the Ce-ace-2 promoter region and the Gp-ace-2 coding region and 3′ untranslated region was able to restore a normal phenotype to the uncoordinated C. elegans double mutant ace-1;ace-2. This study demonstrates conservation of AChE function and expression between free-living and plant-parasitic nematode species, and highlights the utility of C. elegans as a heterologous system to study neuronal aspects of plant-parasitic nematode biology.  相似文献   

王云  杨亚楠  简风雷  吴杰宇  沈洁  王顺昌 《生态学报》2011,31(13):3728-3735
本研究利用秀丽隐杆线虫半致死浓度分析和致死曲线分析来筛选对三丁基锡(Tributyltin,TBT)敏感的线虫品系,并讨论与TBT毒理学过程可能相关的基因。通过对秀丽隐杆线虫体长、每窝子代数和怀卵量的测定来探讨TBT的生态毒性效应,以期为TBT对秀丽隐杆线虫和人类的生态毒性评价和致毒机理研究提供科学依据。结果表明:TBT对各品系线虫48 h LC50从小到大依次为egl-1(n487)<ced-4(n1162)<cep-1(gk138)=cep-1(lg12501)<ced-9(n1950)<clk-2(mn159)<ced-3(n717)<N2<opIs34(hus-1::GFP) <opIs56(egl-1::GFP)<daf-16(mn86)<hus-1(op241)<daf-2(e1370)。本研究筛选出对TBT最敏感的线虫品系为egl-1(n487),而对TBT耐受力最强的是daf-2(e1370)。TBT对秀丽隐杆线虫体长、每窝子代数和怀卵量均呈现浓度依赖型的抑制作用。  相似文献   

We report differences in the length of a specific region of the circadian clock gene period (per) that correlate with different capacities for pupal diapause in the flesh fly, Sarcophaga bullata. The conspicuous difference is located in a region we refer to as the putative C-terminal photoperiodic (CP) region. The length of the CP region correlates inversely with the incidence of diapause. A deletion of 33 amino acids in this region correlates with a significant increase in the incidence of diapause, from 78.1% to 93.0%, and an insertion of 9 amino acids in the same area correlates with a drop in the diapause incidence to 4.0%. This correlation suggests a possible functional role for this region of per in photoperiodism.  相似文献   

High levels of protection can be attained against Haemonchus contortus challenge infection in sheep using native antigens isolated from the gut of the adult parasite. However, vaccination with recombinant forms of these antigens, or components thereof, has disappointingly failed to generate similar levels of protection, suggesting that appropriate nematode glycosylation may be a prerequisite for protection. The free-living nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans is closely related to H. contortus and has been shown to share similar glycan moieties. In order to investigate the potentially protective role of these glycan moieties, a complex set of glycoproteins was isolated from C. elegans using ConA-lectin chromatography and their efficacy as immunogens against H. contortus challenge infection evaluated in sheep. Despite the generation of a high titre systemic IgG antibody response to the C. elegans glycoproteins and the ability of these antibodies to bind to the microvillar surface of the gut of H. contortus, no protection against challenge infection was observed. Serum antibodies to the C. elegans glycoproteins cross-reacted with the H. contortus host-protective antigen, H-gal-GP, by ELISA, although the level of cross-reactivity was not of a magnitude considered protective. Qualitative differences were also determined between the glycan epitopes of the C. elegans ConA-binding proteins and those of H-gal-GP, suggesting the presence of H. contortus-specific patterns of glycosylation.  相似文献   

Haemonchus contortus of small ruminants is a parasitic nematode of major socio-economic importance world-wide. While there is considerable knowledge of the morphological changes which take place during the life cycle of H. contortus, very little is understood about the molecular and biochemical processes which govern developmental changes in the parasite. Recent technological advances and the imminent genomic sequence for H. contortus provide unique opportunities to investigate the molecular basis of such processes in parasitic nematodes. This article reviews molecular and biochemical aspects of development in H. contortus, reports on some recent progress on signal transduction molecules in this parasite and emphasises the opportunities that new technologies and the free-living nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, offer for investigating developmental aspects in H. contortus and related strongylid nematodes, also in relation to developing novel approaches for control.  相似文献   

Haemonchus contortus is a sheep parasitic nematode that causes severe economic losses. Previous studies have indicated a high degree of genetic heterogeneity, which is hardly affected by selection for drug resistance. As a tool for the analysis of the population dynamics of H. contortus and its response to drug resistance, we designed a strategy to study the inbreeding of a benzimidazole-sensitive and a benzimidazole-resistant strain. After 15 generations, a theoretical inbreeding coefficient of 0.87 was achieved. The different stages of inbreeding were analysed using restriction fragment polymorphism, microsatellite variability and amplified fragment length polymorphism. Model-based clustering of the amplified fragment length polymorphism genotypes showed that the allele frequencies of the benzimidazole-resistant strain were stable during the last eight generations. In the sensitive strain a gradual shift of allele frequencies was observed, which led to a temporary increase of the genetic diversity around the eight generations.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans represents an excellent model in which to dissect the biosynthesis and assembly of the nematode cuticle. A sequenced genome, straightforward transgenesis, available mutants and practical genome-wide RNAi approaches provide an invaluable toolkit in the characterization of cuticle components. We have performed a targeted RNAi screen in an attempt to identify components of the cuticle collagen biosynthetic pathway. Collagen biosynthesis and cuticle assembly are multi-step processes that involve numerous key enzymes involved in post-translational modification, trimer folding, procollagen processing and subsequent cross-linking stages. For many of these steps, the modifications and the enzymes are unique to nematodes and may represent attractive targets for the control of parasitic nematodes. A novel serine protease inhibitor was uncovered during our targeted screen, which is involved in collagen maturation, proper cuticle assembly and the moulting process. We have confirmed a link between this inhibitor and the previously uncharacterised bli-5 locus in C. elegans. The mutant phenotype, spatial expression pattern and the over-expression phenotype of the BLI-5 protease inhibitor and their relevance to collagen biosynthesis are discussed.  相似文献   

A vaccine containing integral membrane glycoproteins from the intestine of Haemonchus contortus was evaluated in three groups of eight 5 months old grazing calves, naturally infected by Haemonchus similis, Haemonchus placei and other gastrointestinal nematodes. Vaccinated calves received 5 or 50 μg of the antigen and 1 mg of saponin adjuvant, while the controls received adjuvant alone, initially three times, 3 weeks apart and then four more times at 6 weeks intervals. Three weeks after the last immunisation all of the calves were euthanised for worm counts. Immunisation stimulated high titre antibodies against the vaccine antigens, reduced the egg output of Haemonchus spp. by 85% and the numbers of H. placei and H. similis by 63% and 32%, respectively, compared with control calves. It was concluded that vaccination with intestinal membrane glycoproteins from H. contortus could substantially reduce the transmission of H. placei and H. similis, thus providing protective benefit downstream. This appears to be the first known successful demonstration of a vaccine protective for cattle naturally exposed to infection with any gastrointestinal nematode parasite.  相似文献   

脂肪的过度沉积会引发多种疾病,如心脏病、高血压、高甘油三酯血症、Ⅱ型糖尿病等。小白鼠(Mus musculus)和猪(Sus domesticus)是常用的研究脂肪沉积的模式动物,近年来随着研究的深入,发现脂肪代谢调控网络错综复杂,调控因子相互作用。秀丽隐杆线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans)具有结构简单、身体透明、便于观察、繁殖周期短、易于人工培养等特征,因此使得秀丽隐杆线虫进行脂肪调控的研究成为了可能。本文通过总结国内外线虫脂肪沉积方面的研究,综述秀丽隐杆线虫研究脂肪沉积的进展。  相似文献   

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