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We review the distribution, morphology and taxonomic status of Eryx elegans, E. jaculus, E. miliaris, E. tataricus and E. johnii in Iran and examine four metric and 10 meristic characters of 94 specimens from different parts of the country. There are significant morphological differences between Eryx tataricus, E. jaculus and E. elegans, mainly in snout vent length, tail length, and number of ventrals, subcaudals and dorsal scales. Eryx jayakari and E. johnii can easily be distinguished based on their morphological traits and limited distribution in Iran. The occurrence of E. miliaris in Iran was not confirmed. The Iranian populations of Eryx jaculus are assigned to the subspecies E. j. turcicus. E. jaculus specimens from southwestern Iran had higher ventral scales than other populations, so evaluating their taxonomic status needs genetic studies in the future. A distribution map and a revised key to the genus Eryx in Iran are presented.  相似文献   

The Small Five-toed Jerboa, Allactaga elater, is a small rodent adapted to desert and semi-arid habitats with a widespread distribution around the Caucasus. Previous studies have suggested the occurrence of subspecific variation within the species but, except for a recent phylogeny of the genus Allactaga, most of the work done on the taxonomy of the group relies on morphological data only. To contribute to the current understanding of patterns of genetic diversity of A. elater we analysed one mitochondrial locus, cytochrome b, from 13 Iranian specimens. Comparing to a recent phylogeny, our results suggest the existence of two additional mitochondrial lineages, one that clusters within previously described lineages and a new and highly divergent one. The two novel mitochondrial lineages occur in the north and form two highly divergent monophyletic groups (Dxy = 14%), which likely separated during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Wood (J. Mamm. 18, 106–118; 1937) united the superfamilies Tapiroidea sensu stricto and Rhinocerotoidea in the suborder Ceratomorpha and aligned the Ceratomorpha with the suborder Hippomorpha within the order Perissodactyla. Although the monophyly of the Ceratomorpha appears now well-supported in paleontological and morphological analyses, the molecular relationship among the three extant superfamilies Tapiroidea, Rhinocerotoidea, and Equoidea has not yet been examined due to the limited amount of molecular information on tapirs. In the present study, we examined the phylogenetic position of Tapiroidea, represented by the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1140 bp) of a lowland tapir ( Tapirus terrestris ), and a Indian tapir ( Tapirus indicus ), relative to modern horses, zebras, donkeys, and rhinoceroses. The phylogenetic analyses using standard parsimony, neighbour-joining and maximum likelihood algorithms revealed monophyly of the Perissodactyla and three clearly distinct lineages: the modern horses, tapirs, and rhinoceroses. However, the sister-taxon relationship of the tapirs to either the rhinoceroses or the horses was not resolved conclusively in the bootstrap analysis. Spectral analysis, in which phylogenetic information is displayed independently of any selected tree, revealed that the DNA sequences available do not contain enough phylogenetic signal for any of the alternative hypotheses on the basal diversification of perissodactyls. The short branch lengths among the three perissodactyl lineages suggest that they diverged within a relatively short period, a finding consistent with molecular divergence datings and the fossil evidence that indicates a major radiation of the early perissodactyls approximately 54–50 million years ago.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic characteristics of the Caspian Pond Turtle, Mauremys caspica, in Golestan and Mazandaran provinces in the northern part of Iran show that the chromosome number is 2n?=?52 and the arm number NF?=?78. The karyotype consisted of 9 metacentric (M), 1 submetacentric (SM), 3 subtelocentric (ST) and 13 telocentric (T) chromosome pairs. The Centromeric Index ranges from 11.79 to 45.68, the arm ratio between 1.18 and 7.47, the relative length between 1.60 and 11.46, and the length variation between 1.05 and 7.48. Average total length of the chromosomes is 65.27 µm. The largest chromosome in this species is a pair of the metacentric chromosome. Location of NOR was determined on chromosome pair no. 10.  相似文献   

Although the Omani Owl Strix butleri (A. O. Hume, 1878) was previously reported from southern Iran, this note details the first confirmed records of this species from Mashhad (Khorasan) and Jam (Bushehr) in 2015, after recent revision of the taxonomy of this species in the Middle East.  相似文献   

Nine species and four genera of Philodromidae are identified and recorded from various parts of Iran including Pulchellodromus medius (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) (genus and species new to Iran) and Thanatus setiger (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) (new to Iran). The male of Rhysodromus hierosolymitanus (Levy, 1977), which was previously known only from females, is described and diagnosed here.  相似文献   

A new species of the dipteran family Sciomyzidae is described from Iran: Limnia kassebeeri sp. n., which is similar to L. unguicornis (Scopoli, 1763) and L. paludicola Elberg, 1965, but differs from them by the reticulate pattern on the anal cell, the presence of one small seta on the anepisternum, in addition to fine hairs and the features of the genitalia.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:FCD0AD91-E21D-44CA-9D11-90DE5A92F52D  相似文献   

Copidosoma isfahan Japoshvili sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Encyrtidae), a parasitoid of Altenia mersinella (Staudinger, 1879) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) on pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) is described and illustrated from Iran.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:F1BCFE50-AD05-40BB-A2AC-2AF86956FE5F  相似文献   

Telescopus nigriceps, was discovered in the Kermanshah region in Iran, which is the first record of this species in Iran. A comparison is made with the sympatric and parapatric Telescopus tessellatus and T. fallax iberus.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Chrysotoxum (Diptera: Syrphidae), Chrysotoxum bozdagensis Nedeljkovi?, Vuji? &; Hayat sp. n., collected from Bozda? Mt., ?zmir Province, Turkey is described and illustrated. Chrysotoxum bozdagensis sp. n. can be distinguished from the similar Ch. octomaculatum Curtis, 1837 by the presence of a black pile on the mesonotum and the colour of the legs. It is also similar to Ch. elegans Loew, 1841, from which it can be distinguished by the colour of the pile on the vertical triangle and scutellum, as well from the structure of the male genitalia. Additionally, Ch. bozdagensis sp. n. can be clearly distinguished from the latter two species by DNA sequence data. This new species increases the total number of Chrysotoxum species in Turkey to 18.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:7465AAEA-21E6-4F0F-984C-CD48BE75436F  相似文献   

The relationships of eight extant species of sea eagles (genus Haliaeetus ) and some potentially related Accipitrid genera were investigated. A phylogenetic hypothesis is developed based on morphological characters and allozyme data, which is then contrasted with a reconstruction based on 1071 nucleotides of mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome b and part of one tRNA gene). Phylogenies derived from the three data sets are largely congruent, although several aspects are supported by only one kind of evidence (but not contradicted by the others). Only with regard to the position of south-east Asian H. leucogaster and its closely related sister species H. sanfordi was there conflict between allozyme and mtDNA data. The position of H. pelagicus relative to H. leucoryphus or H. albicilla/leucocephalus could not be resolved with the mtDNA sequence data, suggesting that some speciation events occurred in relatively quick succession during the early Pliocene or late Miocene periods. Available evidence suggests that extant sea eagles originated at tropical latitudes, the northernmost species appearing most derived.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial COI sequences were used to re-evaluate the taxonomic status of Montivipera from Iran including all of the known Iranian species. Considering the genetic distances among species, the topology of the phylogenetic trees and principles of species definition, the number of species within the genus Montivipera in Iran should be reduced from four to one species, Montivipera raddei, exhibiting several pretty color patterns. It looks as if superficial differences in morphology and particularly color pattern induced herpetologists in describing species such as Montivipera albicornuta, Montivipera latifii and Montivipera kuhrangica.  相似文献   

Choleoeimeria ghaffari n. sp. is described from the gallbladder of Eryx jayakari Boulenger in Saudi Arabia. Oöcysts are tetrasporocystic, cylindroidal, 23 × 14 μm, with a smooth bi-layered wall and length/width ratio of 1.5, without micropyle, oöcyst residuum and polar granule. Sporocysts are subspheroidal to ellipsoidal, 8 × 6 μm, with length/width ratio of 1.4, without Stieda, sub-Stieda and para-Stieda bodies but with sporocyst residuum. Sporozoites are banana-shaped measuring 10 × 1.5 μm. The endogenous development was found to occur in the gallbladder epithelium and the extrahepatic bile ducts. Mature meronts are spheroidal, c.10 μm wide, and suspected to produce 12–16 merozoites. Microgamonts are irregular in shape, 13 × 10 μm, whereas macrogamonts are mostly subspheroidal, c.12 μm wide, with a prominent centrally-located nucleus. Based on oöcyst morphology and the site of endogenous development (epithelium of the gallbladder and bile ducts) the new eimeriid coccidian was placed in the genus Choleoeimeria Paperna & Landsberg, 1989.  相似文献   

Haba persica Strumia & Fallahzadeh sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae: Elampini), from mountains in southwestern Iran, is described and illustrated.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9D537878-6215-4874-8970-7F7DE8F57422  相似文献   

Zodariid spiders of two genera in Israel are revised. The genus Lachesana is represented by two species. Only one male of these was ever depicted while the females of both and their hitherto unknown retreats were never described. Pax gen. nov. has been erected to accommodate five species, some of which have formerly been placed in Slorena, Selamia or Habronestes . Diagnostic characters of the West Mediterranean Selamia and the Australian Habronestes are newly illustrated. No drawings of Pax libani and P. islamita were ever published; the male of the latter is described here for the first time. Pax palmonii sp. nov. and P. engediensis sp. nov. are described and affinities of all taxa are discussed. Illustrations, records of distribution and keys to the species are provided.  相似文献   

We compared the morphological characters of populations of the Caucasian Pit Viper, Gloydius halys caucasicus, from different regions of the Alborz mountain range. For this purpose, we studied 7 metric and 21 meristic characters in 12 specimens from the western Alborz, 44 specimens from the eastern Alborz and nine specimens from the central Alborz Mountains. The results of the statistical analyses by npMANOVA, ANOVA and Kruskal Wallis tests showed significant differences between all three populations, while the western Alborz and the eastern Alborz populations are more distinct from each other. The important characters showing differences between them are: Subcaudals, dorsal scales in anterior part, dorsal scales in posterior part, supralabial scales, scales between gulars, gulars, ventrals, ratio of snout length over snout width, and ratio of snout length over head length.  相似文献   

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