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Few previous studies on the factors that affect Striped Hyaena (Hyaena hyaena Linnaeus, 1758) occurrence and densities were done on geographically unrelated populations using different methodologies. In Israel, hyaenas occur throughout the country's steep climatic and geographical gradients, presenting a unique opportunity to study densities and habitat use across adjacent ecosystems using a unified methodology and test previous conceptions regarding the species’ habitat selection. We collected hyaena abundance-absence data using 1440 camera traps placed at 80 sites (2012– 2016). Site location ranged from hyper-arid deserts to dense Mediterranean shrubland. We assessed the effect of climate, habitat structure, elevation, geomorphological attributes (proxy for den availability), and anthropogenic development (proximity to settlements and agriculture) on hyaena densities using N-mixture models. Hyaena densities were negatively affected by anthropogenic development, and were limited by den availability. Hyaena densities did not follow a climatic or geographic gradient. Densities were highest at hyper-arid deserts and Mediterranean coastal shrublands. Despite the former conception that hyaenas prefer semi-arid open habitats and avoid extreme deserts and dense vegetation, we show that hyaenas use and even thrive in these habitats when geomorphological conditions are suitable and resources are available.  相似文献   

The feeding behaviour of the Talek clan of spotted hyaenas in the Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya, was monitored continuously for 7 years. Talek hyaenas adapted to large temporal variations in prey abundance by being opportunistic predators. During the first half of the year, the hyaenas fed on resident ungulates, and their diet consisted mainly of topi and Thomson's gazelles. Upon arrival of the migratory herds of wildebeest and zebra from the Serengeti, Talek hyaenas switched to feeding on the wildebeest which provided them with a superabundance of food for about 3 months. After the migratory animals returned to the Serengeti, Talek hyaenas experienced a period of reduced prey abundance due to the temporary dispersion of resident ungulates. At this time hyaenas hunted the few remaining wildebeest, and also increased their use of the remaining resident animals. Although Talek hyaenas were generally opportunistic in their feeding behaviour, they did exhibit clear dietary preference for larger prey species, particularly wildebeest. Finally, carrion comprised only 5% of the biomass consumed by Talek hyaenas, the lowest proportion of carrion in the diet of any Crocuta population studied to date.  相似文献   

L. Hughes  F. A. Bazzaz 《Oecologia》1997,109(2):286-290
We measured the effect of elevated CO2 on populations of the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis and on the amount of leaf damage inflicted by the thrips to one of its host plants, the common milkweed, Asclepias syriaca. Plants grown at elevated CO2 had significantly greater aboveground biomass and C:N ratios, and significantly reduced percentage nitrogen. The number of thrips per plant was not affected by CO2 treatment, but the density of thrips (numbers per gram aboveground biomass), was significantly reduced at high CO2. Consumption by thrips, expressed as the amount of damaged leaf area per capita, was significantly greater at high CO2, and the amount of leaf area damaged by thrips was increased by 33%. However overall leaf area at elevated CO2 increased by 62%, more than compensating for the increase in thrips consumption. The net outcome was that plants at elevated CO2 had 3.6 times more undamaged leaf area available for photosynthesis than plants at ambient CO2, even though they had only 1.6 times the overall amount of leaf area. This study highlights the need for measuring the effects of herbivory at the whole-plant level and also the importance of taking herbivory into account when predicting plant responses to elevated CO2. Received: 9 January 1996 /Accepted: 30 July 1996  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Dispersal capabilities of organisms are critical in determining the landscape population structure of species as well as their likelihood of survival in fragmented landscapes. Using mark–recapture techniques on the monophagous weevil Rhyssomatus lineaticollis Say (Curculionidae), within- and between-patch dispersal capabilities, landscape level population structure, and the role of beetle density and host patch characteristics in setting distances, amounts, and timing of dispersal were studied.
2. The data indicate that R. lineaticollis is sedentary, with 50% of recaptured beetles moving < 1 m and the maximum distance moved < 1 km. Within- and between-patch movement of beetles was unrelated to host plant patch characteristics and beetle densities.
3. Despite limited dispersal, R. lineaticollis probably functions as a patchy population in east-central Iowa, U.S.A. because dispersals between patches are common and because all host patches surveyed contained this herbivore, indicating a lack of suitable vacant patches, a prerequisite for metapopulation structure.
4. Between-patch distances are well within the dispersal capabilities of R. lineaticollis , although this may be the result of an increase in the density of patches of its host, Asclepias syriaca , in the landscape over the last 150 years as a result of human disturbance and this species' weedy habit.
5. Metapopulation structure in monophagous prairie herbivores may be most likely in species whose non-weedy host plants form highly predictable resources in space and time, but which are now widely scattered in habitat fragments.  相似文献   

The genus Spaniodon is decribed in detail. Contrary to previous authors, we have only recognized two species, S. elongatus and S. latus . Spaniodon shows the synapomorphies of clupeocephalans, protacanthopterygians and salmoniforms. Its relationships among salmoniforms are still undecided, although it could be closely related to the Osmeroidei. The main character that supports this grouping is the dermal part of the mesethmoid formed by the partial fusion of a pair of lateral dermethmoids, whereas the rostral is absent. These conclusions are also supported by a global phylogenetic study of the teleosts.  相似文献   

The schizopterid bug Libanohypselosoma popovi n. gen., n. sp. belonging to the subfamily Hypselosomatinae is described from the Lower Cretaceous amber of Lebanon. This fossil is the earliest record of the Schizopteridae. The species is distinguished from its related taxa, a discussion is given.  相似文献   


West Palearctic bumblebees are common wildflowers and crop pollinators that are well studied in their central and northern distribution ranges, but fewer information is available on their southern distribution areas. Lebanon falls on the southern limit of their distribution and no published information is available on the local bumblebees. Our study aims to produce a data baseline of the local bumblebee species. In order to do so we grouped available old records of bumblebees in Lebanon with recent author collections and produced preliminary distribution maps. We listed four species: Bombus terrestris, B. argillaceus, B. niveatus vorticosus and B. melanurus. Preliminary distribution shows that Bombus terrestris and B. argillaceus are widespread and have a large foraging range, whereas B. niveatus vorticosus and B. melanurus have a restricted distribution to altitudes above 1800 m with a smaller foraging range. The male cephalic labial gland secretions analysis of local Bombus terrestris specimens provides preliminary evidence that the local subspecies could be Bombus terrestris calabricus. Therefore, we highlight the importance of regulating foreign Bombus terrestris subspecies importation for agriculture purposes, as well as monitoring B. niveatus vorticosus and B. melanurus that are rendered vulnerable by their isolated populations.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the horse fly fauna (Diptera: Tabanidae) of Lebanon is fragmentary, while the local fauna of most neighboring countries has been fairly well researched. Within the framework of the 20-year project "The ecology and zoogeography of the Lepidoptera of the Near East," we regularly collected biting flies in the whole region, including Lebanon. During this time we recorded 14 horse fly species for two subfamilies in Lebanon: four Pangoniinae and ten Chrysopsinae. Only a single species, Chrysops flavipes Meigen, 1804, was known previously in Lebanon, but the following four Pangoniinae: Pangonius haustellatus (Fabricius, 1781), Pangonius obscuratus Loew, 1859, Pangonius argentatus (Szilady, 1923), and Pangonius fulvipes (Loew, 1859) and nine Chrysopsinae: Silvius appendiculatus Macquart, 1846, Silvius ochraceus Loew, 1858, Nemorius irritans (Ricardo, 1901), Nemorius vitripennis (Meigen, 1820), Chrysops buxtoniAusten, 1922, Chrysops compactusAusten, 1924, Chrysops caecutiens (Linnaeus, 1758), Chrysops italicus Meigen, 1804, and Chrysops hamatus Loew, 1858 are new records for the Lebanese fauna. The Tabanidae fauna of Lebanon is completely Palearctic and most species are of a Mediterranean distribution type. Lebanon or nearby northern Israel appears to be in the Levant, the southern geographical distribution border for the Pangoniinae and Chrysopsinae.  相似文献   

Vilisics F  Bogyó D  Sattler T  Moretti M 《ZooKeys》2012,(176):199-214
Terrestrial isopods and millipedes, members of the invertebrate macro-decomposer guild, were collected through pitfall traps in three Swiss cities (Zurich, Lucerne, Lugano). A total of 7,198 individuals of 17 isopod species (7093 ind.), and 10 millipede species (105 ind.) were captured. Besides the Alpine endemic isopod (Trichoniscus alemannicus) and millipede (Cylindroiulus verhoeffi), urban assemblages were mainly composed of widespread, native European and even cosmopolitan species, which are frequent in anthropogenic areas. Overall species richness (isopods and millipedes combined) was similar in Zurich (17 species) and Lucerne (16), while only 13 species were sampled in Lugano. According to the Sørensen index of similarity, species composition of Zurich and Lucerne were more alike, while the one of Lugano was more distinct from the other two cities. This result can be explained by the spatial proximity of Zurich and Lucerne in the north of the Alps compared to Lugano, which is located more distantly and in the south of the Alps. Dominant isopods and millipedes in Zurich and Lucerne were found to be widespread synanthropic species in temperate Europe(Porcellio scaber, Trachelipus rathkii and Ophyiulus pilosus) while the dominant isopod in Lugano (Trachelipus razzautii) is a species with a north-eastern Mediterranean distribution. Our study reveals that the urban millipede and isopod fauna in Swiss cities mainly consists of widespread species, but species of narrower distribution (e.g. Trichoniscus alemannicus, Cylindroiulus verhoeffi) may also find suitable habitats in cities. Despite some signs of biotic homogenization, our study also found compositional differences of millipede and isopod assemblages between northern and southern cities that suggest geographical effects of the regional species pool.  相似文献   

城乡居民食物氮足迹估算及其动态分析——以北京市为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
冼超凡  欧阳志云 《生态学报》2016,36(8):2413-2421
氮足迹作为一种评价氮排放影响的新兴测度方法,已被用来衡量人类活动造成的环境影响。食物消费是城市营养元素流动的重要环节,其产生的氮足迹反映了维持一个城市人口的基本食物需求所导致的活性氮排放以及对周边环境的影响。以北京市为例,基于N-Calculator模型的基础上,估算了1980—2012年居民食物氮足迹,分析其变化特点及其与经济社会因素之间的关系。结果表明:北京市居民人均食物氮足迹变化与食物消费量变化趋势相似,城镇居民氮足迹呈持续增长后渐趋平稳,在14.69—22.58 kg(N)/a之间波动,平均为17.78 kg(N)/a,接近发达国家水平;农村居民氮足迹呈小幅减少趋势,在10.81—15.28kg(N)/a之间波动,平均为12.72 kg(N)/a。其中,高氮含量食物在城乡居民人均食物氮足迹中所占比例都有所增加,以肉类为主的荤食比例分别由27%和10%上升至41%和31%;以奶类为主的副食比例由7%和1%上升至18%和13%。城镇居民食物氮足迹与人均可支配收入呈正相关,与恩格尔系数和平均家庭人口数呈负相关,而农村居民食物氮足迹与各因子的相关关系则与前者相反。此外,北京市食物氮足迹总体呈增长趋势,年均增加约8066 t(N)/a。城镇居民当前的饮食消费模式不利于减缓北京区域食物氮足迹高通量的剧增趋势,更多的农村及外来人口进入城镇将加速区域氮足迹增长。食物氮足迹的估算能为居民改变高氮消费模式提供参考,进而促进城市的低氮发展。  相似文献   

Abstract. Mosquitoes were collected on human bait over a 16-month period (September 1988 to December 1989) in an urban and a rural area of Kinshasa, Zaïre. P.falciparum malaria sporozoite rates were determined by ELISA. In the urban area Culex quinquefasciatus accounts for 96% of the 121 bites/ person/night (b/p/n). The only anopheline is Anopheles gambiae, sensu stricto, with an average of 5.1 b/p/n and a sporozoite rate of 1.86%. The entomological inoculation rate (EIR) averages 0.08 infective b/p/n. Malaria transmission is almost interrupted at the end of the dry season. In the rural area mosquito nuisance is small (20b/p/n), almost entirely due to six species of Anopheles including four vectors of malaria: An.gambiae (13.3 b/p/n), An.funestus (2.4b/p/n), An.nili (0.4b/p/n) and An.brunnipes (0.7b/p/n) with mean sporozoite rates of 7.85%, 6.60%, 6.63% and 0.53% respectively. An.paludis (0.4b/p/n) and An.hancocki (0.2b/p/n) were not found infective. Malaria transmission is intense and perennial: the overall EIR varies monthly between 0.60 and 3.29 infective b/p/n. The specific contributions of An.gambiae, An.funestus and An.nili average 1.07, 0.14 and 0.03 infective b/p/n respectively. Malaria transmission peaks during the rainy season in both study areas. The daily mean survival rates for An.gambiae were 0.91 and 0.78 in the rural and urban area, respectively. All An.gambiae examined belonged to the forest cytotype (Coluzzi et al., 1979). Through its effect on the sporozoite rate, the higher vector survival rate in the rural environment appears to be the major determinant of the greater malaria transmission rate in the rural area as compared to urban Kinshasa.  相似文献   

张曼琳  潘妮  赵娟娟  李明娟  江南 《生态学报》2021,41(22):8746-8757
气传致敏花粉会引发过敏症,且可通过每年在花粉季的反复接触逐渐加重,危害人体健康,严重时甚至危害生命。花粉致敏植物在城市中被广泛引种栽培,导致城市花粉症患者数量激增。以深圳市为案例,基于建成区600个样地的实地调查数据,分析花粉致敏植物的种类构成与时空分布,通过构建花粉浓度及花粉致敏危害潜力计算公式,评估花粉致敏危害潜力及其分布特点。结果显示:①调查记录到深圳市建成区花粉致敏植物46科92属186种,其中外来种占43.37%,其中美洲、亚洲和大洋洲来源占国外外来种的81.00%。花粉致敏植物种数以公园绿地最多,达126种。植物花粉致敏等级以Ⅰ级为主,达154种。②花粉致敏植物的盛花期为春夏季,占全年累计开花种数的65.02%。最高峰出现在8月,开花种数达92种。 ③花粉浓度潜力最高值也出现在8月,占全年总值的12.13%。豆科和禾本科植物贡献比例较大,分别占乔木和草本总值的40.86%和64.13%。龙岗区花粉浓度潜力占比较高,占各季花粉量的26.06%-29.42%。④冬春两季各样地花粉致敏危害等级均不高,但夏秋季有些样地达到二级重度危害。罗湖区调查样地全年花粉致敏危害等级均较低,光明区在春夏秋季致敏危害等级皆较高。高危害等级样地主要出现在附属绿地及公园绿地。⑤花粉致敏植物防控措施情景模拟结果,去除主要花粉致敏植物种类比降低所有花粉致敏植物的花粉浓度潜力更有效。本研究为城市花粉致敏植物的管理、规划、养护和研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Summary Weekly samplings of airborne spores have been carried out with an S.A.S. apparatus in an urban and a rural site in Franche-Comté (France) during two years. The amount of air spora is higher in the rural environment than in the urban atmosphere. Many allergenic genera have been identified. Quantitative seasonal variations of many genera have been observed. The most frequent genera are:Cladosporium, Geotrichum, Epicoccum, Alternaria, Aspergillus, Aureobasidium andPenicillium appear only sporadically.  相似文献   

In this paper,we propose a new system for understanding the biodiversity in different conservation areas.It includes three aspects:the capacity,the connectivity and the quality.The capacity refers to the numbers of biodiversity,including absolute and relative richness of the vegetation types Nv and Dv = (Nv-1)/lnA,species numbers S and richness of species dGI = (S- 1)/lnA,and germ plasm resources within a nature reserve,and also the potential biological living space offered by the natural resource.It comprises the total biological resources in a nature reserve.The connectivity refers to the flux of biodiversity,including similarity and connected status of the vegetation types SILi = 2z/(x + y) and species numbers SIc = 2z/(x + y) among different nature reserves.The quality refers to the stability of biodiversity,including relative species richness index RSLi = d/dmax,relative vegetation richness index RVLi =Dv/Dmaxv,fastness to invasion species fLi = 1-Si/St,weighted values,representativeness and vulnerability of special vegetations,special species,CITES species and rare species as the protected targets.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new system for understanding the biodiversity in different conservation areas. It includes three aspects: the capacity, the connectivity and the quality. The capacity refers to the numbers of biodiversity, including absolute and relative richness of the vegetation types N v and D v =(N v −1)/lnA, species numbers S and richness of species d Gl =(S − 1)/lnA, and germ plasm resources within a nature reserve, and also the potential biological living space offered by the natural resource. It comprises the total biological resources in a nature reserve. The connectivity refers to the flux of biodiversity, including similarity and connected status of the vegetation types SI Li =2z/(x + y) and species numbers SI C =2z/(x + y) among different nature reserves. The quality refers to the stability of biodiversity, including relative species richness index RS Li =d/d max, relative vegetation richness index RV Li =D v /D maxv , fastness to invasion species ƒ Li =1−S i /S t , weighted values, representativeness and vulnerability of special vegetations, special species, CITES species and rare species as the protected targets.  相似文献   

Sixteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were investigated in urban soils of Ahvaz metropolis to assess the contamination, distribution, potential sources, and related health risks for local residents. For this purpose, a total of 39 topsoil samples from different parts of the city were collected and analyzed for PAHs using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. PAHs analysis revealed that 4 -rings PAHs are the dominant compounds. Distribution maps revealed that outlet roads of the city and an area in city center, particularly an industrial area at Southwest of the city, West Saheli street, Pasdaran Blvd, Ahvaz-Ramhormoz Police Station, Khorramshahr bus terminal, and Daneshgah Square, are the contamination hotspots. PAHs diagnostic ratios and principal component analysis (PCA) showed both petrogenic and pyrogenic sources for these compounds, although, the results indicated the dominance of pyrogenic (combustion) origin, particularly traffic emission, incomplete combustion of fossil fuels and gasoline emissions. Furthermore, calculation of toxic equivalents and cancer risk showed a high carcinogenic risk especially through dermal contact and ingestion pathways; however, compared with adults, children faced more cancer risk in their daily life through their unconscious ingestion and dermal contact pathway.  相似文献   

黄土高原退耕还林(草)政策的实施有效改善了区域生态环境,然而其对社会经济的影响存在明显的地域差异。以甘肃省定西市安定区近郊凤翔镇和远郊鲁家沟镇为例,采用重复测定方差分析、主响应曲线分析和相关分析等解析2镇1998—2015年农村经济结构及收入变化对退耕还林(草)政策实施的响应特征,确定退耕还林(草)政策实施驱动的土地利用变化与农村收入之间的关系。研究发现:(1)退耕还林(草)政策实施解释了2镇70.4%的农业收入结构差异,因政策的实施推动了小麦等夏粮作物向玉米、马铃薯等秋粮作物的转变,进而影响了农业收入结构的变化;(2)退耕还林(草)政策对农村经济结构的影响弱于对农业收入结构的影响,它解释了2镇54.1%的农村经济结构差异,近郊凤翔镇农村经济收入明显高于远郊鲁家沟镇。退耕还林(草)政策对以农业为主导产业的远郊鲁家沟镇农村经济结构影响相对较小,近郊凤翔镇工业、服务业和商业餐饮业等非农产业占农村经济总收入的比重随着农业收入比重的降低而有所提高;(3)退耕还林(草)政策的实施带动了该区种植业结构的转变,这在一定程度上缩小了凤翔镇和鲁家沟镇农村集体收入之间的差距;(4)退耕还林(草)政策实施过程中,梯田面积、玉米和马铃薯等秋粮作物种植面积的增加提高了农村居民纯收入。研究认为退耕还林(草)在实施过程中需考虑地域差异,依据区域经济发展状况进行相应调整,在推动种植业发展的同时还应兼顾林业、牧业和一些非农产业发展,最终实现生态环境恢复与农村经济的协调发展。  相似文献   

The concentrations (ng/m3) of more than 30 trace elements have been determined in the total air particulate matter and in the sizesegregated fractions collected in urban, industrialized, and rural residential areas in northern Italy by means of a multistage inertial impactor with the PM10 inlet. All measurements have been carried out by instrumental neutron activation analysis, except for Pb and Cd, which have been determined by electrothermal atomic absorption spectroscopy. Analytical quality assurance procedures have been developed with special regard to blanks, reagents, and sampling. Total concentrations and the granulometric distribution found in the different locations are reported and compared.  相似文献   

The Rose-ringed Parakeet (Psittacula krameri) was recorded in Turkey for the first time in 1975 and has since then established breeding populations in at least six cities as a consequence of intentional and accidental introductions. Parakeet sightings have been recorded in and around urban areas and records are available from 26 provinces. It is most abundant in ?stanbul, followed by ?zmir, Ankara, Yalova, Antalya, and ?anl?urfa. The distribution and population size has increased continuously especially since the mid-2000s. The population is estimated to be now over 1,355 individuals in the country, which is still moderate compared to some other West European countries.  相似文献   

杨亮洁  秦丽双  杨永春  潘竟虎 《生态学报》2023,43(17):7035-7046
高质量发展与生态环境交互作用的研究是实现可持续发展和建设美丽中国的关键议题。选取成渝地区36个市县为研究单元,以2005年、2010年、2015年和2018年为主要研究时间节点。基于可持续发展和美丽中国理念构建成渝城市群高质量发展评价指标体系,借鉴压力-状态-响应模型构建生态环境质量评价指标体系,应用熵权法测度城市高质量发展水平和生态环境质量水平;运用耦合协调度模型测度二者的耦合协调关系;利用地理探测器和社会网络分析法分析各因子交互作用类型及强度。结果表明:(1)成渝城市群城市高质量发展与生态环境耦合度高,交互影响作用显著;耦合协调水平较低,以低水平耦合协调为主,呈现明显的双核心空间结构。(2)城镇化与生态环境两系统间的因子交互作用强于各系统内部因子交互作用,系统间的因子交互作用呈现显著的非线性增强,系统内因子以双因子增强为主,系统间存在较强交互协同效应,各子系统交互作用存在明显的"涌现现象"和"蝴蝶效应"。(3)生态环境系统在与城镇系统的交互作用中发挥主导作用,生态环境水平、生态环境压力为关键交互因子;资源禀赋、生态保护、资源消耗、环境水平、创新力量、文化传承等为主要子因子。研究深刻解析成渝城市群城镇化与生态环境的交互协同模式,以期为成渝城市群的高质量发展提供科学参考。  相似文献   

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