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Lenk P  Fritz U  Joger U  Wink M 《Molecular ecology》1999,8(11):1911-1922
The phylogeny and phylogeography of Emys orbicularis was inferred from mitochondrial nucleotide sequences of the cytochrome b gene analysed by DNA sequencing and RNA heteroduplex analysis. Within the family Emydidae the monotypic genus Emys is affiliated with the nearctic taxa Emydoidea blandingii and Clemmys marmorata. The analysis of 423 individuals of E. orbicularis, originating throughout its distribution range, revealed a remarkable intraspecific differentiation in 20 different haplotypes with distinct geographical ranges. Maximum parsimony analysis produced a star-like phylogeny with seven main lineages which may reflect separations in the late Pliocene. The haplotype distribution examined by partial Mantel tests and analysis of molecular variance revealed a substantial effect of glacial periods. This historical perspective suggests the existence of multiple glacial refugia and considerable Holocene range expansion which was modulated by climatic traits. Further support is gained for the occurrence of long-term parapatry in glacial refugia.  相似文献   

A set of eight highly polymorphic microsatellite markers was isolated and characterized from a genomic library enriched for dinucleotide repeats in the European pond turtle, Emys orbicularis. The markers were tested for polymorphism in a total of 33 turtles sampled in two natural ponds in the nature reserve of Kerkini, northern Greece. Number of alleles varied from 10 to 18, and expected heterozygosity ranged between 0.738 and 0.921. This novel set of loci will be particularly useful to assess fine-scale population structure and for parentage analysis in E. orbicularis.  相似文献   

Concentrations of four metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd) in the sediments of the Anzali Lagoon in the northern part of Iran were determined to evaluate the level of contamination and spatial distribution. The sediments were collected from 21 locations in the lagoon. At each lagoon site a core, 60 cm long, was taken. The ranges of the measured concentrations in the sediments are as follows: 17–140 mg kg?1 for Cu, 20–113 mg kg?1 for Zn, 1–37 mg kg?1 for Pb and 0.1–3.5 mg kg?1 for Cd in surficial (0-20 cm) and 16–87 mg kg?1 for Cu, 28.5–118 mg kg?1 for Zn, 3–20 mg kg?1 for Pb and 0.1–3.5 mg kg?1 for Cd in deep (40–60 cm) sediments. The results of the geoaccumulation index (Igeo) show that Cd causes moderate to heavy pollution in most of the study area. Environmental risk evaluation showed that the pollution in the Anzali Lagoon is moderate to considerable and the ranking of the contaminants followed the order: Cd > Cu > Pb > Zn. Some locations present severe pollution by metals depending on the sources, of which sewage outlets and phosphate fertilizers are the main sources of contaminants to the area.  相似文献   

Comparisons within and among populations offer important insights into variation in life-history traits and possible adaptive patterns to environmental conditions. We present the results of observed differences in body size, body shape and patterns of reproduction in four separate populations of the European pond turtle Emys orbicularis in central and southern Italy – coastal ( n =3) and mountainous ( n =1) sites and pond ( n =2) and canal ( n= 2) habitats – to determine whether phenotypic plasticity affects reproductive output. Although we did not find any significant latitudinal variation in body size, we observed significant differences in body shape between canal (rounded body shape) and pond (elongated body shape) systems and smaller size with rounded shape in the mountainous population. Reproductive output is similar among populations (median=5 eggs per clutch), whereas reproductive investment (relative clutch mass to maternal body mass) is higher in the mountain population (one clutch per year) than in coastal populations (two clutches per year), suggesting differential trade-offs between geographic locality, elevation and habitat type. Turtle shell shape and geographic location together affect reproductive output in E. orbicularis in Italy.  相似文献   

We estimated growth parameters of Emys orbicularis and Mauremys rivulata in Mediterranean Turkey with the skeletochronological method, using specimens drowned in fyke nets. In adult E. orbicularis, the median age was 8 years in males and 10 years in females. The median age of adult M. rivulata was 10 years for both sexes. Both species reach sexual maturity at an age of 5–7 years. No difference was found in age composition between the sexes.  相似文献   

Twenty-three morphological features of 140 specimens of Ophisops elegans were analysed in order to identify sexual dimorphism in west and northwestern populations of Iran. Sexual dimorphism is significant (P<0.05) in nearly all metric features except for trunk length (TL) and length of widest part of belly (LWB), and in only two meristic characters, the number of dorsal scales around mid-body (DSN) and the number of femoral pores (FPN). Males have a relatively longer snout-vent length (SVL) than females and males have generally relatively larger heads compared to females.  相似文献   

We examined sexual size dimorphism of the rock-dwelling lizard Darevskia raddei (Boettger, 1892) with the help of 30 specimens that were provided from various sources. Eleven metric and seven meristic features were examined. Seven characters (gulars, length of basal tail, femoral pores, length of head, width of head, length of fore limb and length of hind limb) were identified as dimorphic between the two sexes. Some of these characters have important roles in copulation for males, especially the hind limb and the tail base. The number of femoral pores is important in the release of signal components because females release these components to attract males during the mating season. The length of the hind limb as locomotor performance plays an important role during mating, so that the male can grasp the female and adopt the correct position during copulation.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphisms in the dermal structures of two elasmobranch species have previously been reported and it has been linked to the use of the mouth by males during copulation. Until relatively recently, the fact, that male Scyliorhinus canicula use their mouths for grasping and biting females during copulation was unknown. This study reveals that not only do adult (M ≥ 525 mm, F ≥ 550 mm) S. canicula show a sexual dimorphism in the epidermis and dermis, but that hatchling S. canicula are born with a sexually dimorphic epidermal layer and this persists into the juvenile stage (M < 525 mm, F < 550 mm). A sexual dimorphism was found in all size classes with both hatchling and juvenile female S. canicula having significantly thicker epidermal layers than hatchling and juvenile male S. canicula. Adult female S. canicula were found to possess both a significantly thicker epidermal and dermal layer than adult male S. canicula. The presence of a sexual dimorphism in the epidermal and dermal layers of adult S. canicula could be directly related to reproductive behaviour in response to the male biting the female prior to copulation.  相似文献   

The European pond turtle Emys orbicularis, is an endangered species in Poland. The region of the Ilanka River, in the western part of the country (Lubuskie province), is the most densely inhabited area by the species. Several populous sites are dispersed over the whole area of the province. Over the past 10 years, 279 turtles were captured at 11 sites. In 218 individuals, those with a straight carapace length (SCL) between 2.10–12.10 cm, sex was not determined; the remaining 61 with SCL 13.33–19.85 cm were sexed. Females had bigger bodies and were heavier than males. The SCL of females was 17.10 ± 1.7 cm (average ± SD, n = 33), their body mass (BM) was 790.6 ± 228.7 g (n = 27), and in the case of males SCL was 15.44 ± 1.5 cm and BM was 554.2 ± 138.8 g (n = 28). SCL of the smallest egg laying female was 15.30 cm, and SCL of the smallest mating male was 13.33 cm. The colouration of the turtles which undergoes change with age can be varied.  相似文献   

Two nearly complete specimens of Champsosaurus (Diapsida, Choristodera) with distinctive morphologies, from the Tullock Formation (Early Paleocene) of northeastern Montana, USA, were described as different species. The limb bones of C. ambulator are more robust than those of C. laramiensis, indicating that C. ambulator was more adapted for walking than C. laramiensis. The phylogenetic significance of these limb bone morphologies, however, appears questionable because similar dimorphic variations occur in a closely related genus and champsosaurs from other geologic ages and locations. Female champsosaurs may have been better adapted to a terrestrial life than males due to nesting behavior on land, resulting in variable limb bone morphologies between sexes. The observed morphologic variations are, hence, hypothesized to reflect sexual dimorphism rather than sympatry of species. The C. ambulator-shaped humeri and femora, demonstrating a terrestrial adaptation, are suggested to belong to females and C. laramiensis-shaped limb bones to males. No significant variations of humeral and femoral morphologies occur in small champsosaur specimens, suggesting an aquatic niche for juveniles like adult males.  相似文献   

The anatomical organization of the reproductive system of the flounder, Bothus robinsi, is similar to other fish in the order Pleuronectiformes. Accentuated, external secondary sexual characters are observed in males such as increased body length, larger left pectoral fin, and greater interorbital distance. As a qualitative character, the rostral spine, which is part of the maxillary bone, is pronounced. The interorbital distance implies noticeable internal sexual differences, such as the broadening of the left frontal and lateral ethmoid bones, and a greater length of the oblique muscles of both eyes, the optic nerves, and the left olfactory nerve. Five male specimens examined had female external secondary sexual characters.  相似文献   

Marine species in the algal flora of the Anzali Swamp (Iran)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The composition of marine species in the algal flora of the Anzali Swamp, which is situated parallel to the Caspian Sea coast, is examined. Sampling was carried out at seven stations. A total of 74 species with 89 infraspecific taxa were identified: Cyanophyta, 20 species; Cryptophyta, 2 species; Bacillariophyta, 51 species (66 infraspecific taxa); and Chlorophyta, 1 species.  相似文献   

The miniature cyprinid fish, Sundadanio axelrodi , exhibits extreme sexual dimorphism in the skeleton of the Weberian apparatus, the fifth rib and pectoral girdle. Musculature associated with the fifth rib and Weberian apparatus also shows a high degree of sexual dimorphism. It is suggested that these modifications are responsible for the production of a croaking sound that seems to be restricted to males of the species, based on the lack of any corresponding anatomical specializations in females.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict can drive intersexual arms races, with female resistance and male persistence traits coevolving antagonistically. Such arms races are well documented in some diving beetles, although the extent of sexual conflict in this family remains unclear. The European dytiscid Agabus uliginosus has a strikingly dimorphic female; individuals from most regions are smooth and male‐like, whereas those from some populations have a strongly roughened dorsum, a trait that has attracted the name dispar. We demonstrate that rough and smooth females differ consistently in the development of dorsal surface microreticulation, and that these females are associated with males that differ in the development of their persistence traits. These findings extend the occurrence of pre‐insemination sexual conflict and associated intrasexual dimorphism in Dytiscidae, and suggest that such mating systems are relatively widespread in these beetles.  相似文献   

Parasitological examination of feces from 44 Emys orbicularis from Galicia (NW Spain) revealed the presence of 2 new eimerian species, Eimeria gallaeciaensis sp. n. and E. emydis sp. n., as well as E. mitraria (Laveran and Mesnil, 1902) Doflein, 1909. Oocysts of E. gallaeciaensis n. sp. were found in 20 of 44 (45.4%) turtles and are subspherical to lightly ovoid-ellipsoid, 19.3 x 16.0 (17-22 x 15-18) microm, shape index 1.2 (1.1-1.3), with a smooth, single-layered wall. Micropyle and polar granule are absent, but an oocyst residuum is present. Sporocysts are ellipsoid, 9.7 x 5.1 (9-10 x 5-6) microm, shape index 1.9 (1.7-2.0), each with a sporocyst residuum and a conical Stieda body usually bearing 1-4 short and thin projections. Oocysts of E. emydis n. sp. were found in the feces of 5 of 44 (11.4%) turtles and are ovoid, rarely pear-shaped, 22.6 x 17.0 (20-25 x 15.5-18) microm, shape index 1.3 (1.2-1.5), with a smooth, single-layered wall with a slight thinning at the pointed end. Micropyle and polar granule are absent, and an oocyst residuum is present. Sporocysts are ellipsoid, 11.4 x 6.0 (9-13 x 5-7) microm, shape index 1.9 (1.6-2.2), each with sporocyst residuum and a prominent Stieda body bearing 3-5 club-shaped projections. In addition to the new species described, this is the first report of E. mitraria parasitizing E. orbicularis.  相似文献   

Individuals of the genus Jaera do not mate at random. In the species from the Mediterranean group, J. italica and. J. nordmanni, large males and medium sized females are at an advantage and their sizes are positively assorted. These effects are attributable to sexual competition between males. In the Ponlo-caspian species J. istri, no advantage of large males exists, but sexual selection could be the cause for a long passive phase prior to copulation and for normalizing selection upon female size at pairing. In the Atlantic species, J. albifrons, no selection can be ascertained.
Differential mating success in males appears as one of the causes of the evolution of sexual dimorphism in body size, which makes males larger, of equal size, or smaller than females according to the species. The reason for this reversal in dimorphism seems to differ in the two sexes. Sexual selection provides an explanation for the evolution of male size, while the interspecific changes in female length are more likely due to ecological factors.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine allometric and sexual-selection explanations for interspecific differences in the amount of sexual dimorphism among 60 primate species. Based on evidence provided by statistical analyses, we reject Leutenegger and Cheverud’s [(1982). Int. J. Primatol.3:387-402] claim that body size alone is the major factor in the evolution of sexual dimorphism. The alternative proposed here is that sexual selection due to differences in the reproductive potential of males and females is the primary cause of sexual dimorphism. In addition, we propose that the overall size of a species determines whether the dimorphism will be expressed as size dimorphism,rather than in some other form.  相似文献   

Wild rodents (Bolomys lasiurus) of both sexes were caught in a cerrado grassland area during the dry (July-September) and rainy (January-March) seasons of Brazil. Fasted animals were perfused with Karnovsky fixative through the left ventricle, under ether anesthesia, and the submandibular gland was processed for embedding in historesin. Histological and histometric data show sexual dimorphism at both seasons. In the volume percentage of the granular convoluted tubules (GCT) and their secretory granules, the males exhibited higher values. The absolute volume occupied by these structures, however, was dimorphic only in the rainy season. The diameter of the GCT, the height of its epithelium, and its total length were also greater in males during the rainy season. The absolute volumes of the acini and of the ductal tree were identical in both sexes in the dry and rainy seasons but the acinar diameter increased in the males and females during the rainy season. The sexual dimorphism and the seasonal variations now described in the B. lasiurus submandibular glands could be explained by the augmented reproductive activity of the males in the rainy period.  相似文献   

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