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为探明豆科植物中豆类胰岛素基因的结构特征与进化关系,在已获得大豆豆类胰岛素基因的基础上,以蚕豆种子胚根mRNA为材料,采用RT-PCR技术,克隆了蚕豆豆类胰岛素基因的cDNA序列,编码的前体多肽包括信号肽、成熟型豆类胰岛素及另一多肽的45个氨基酸残基。DNA序列分析表明,克隆片段与大豆和豌豆的同源性分别为62.5%和58.7%。在氨基酸水平上分别具有44.2%和43.6%的同源性,其中存在着高度保守的半胱氨酸位点,它们在维持豆类胰岛素的空间结构与生理功能方面,可能具有重要的作用。 Abstract:In order to elucidate the relationship between the structural features of leginsulin gene in legume plants and their phylogenetic significance,we have cloned the cDNA sequence of leginsulin gene from radicles of broad bean (Vicia faba) via RT-PCR techniques according to the leginsulin gene sequence we previously obtained from soybean (Glycine max).The cloned cDNA encoded for a precursor protein consisting of the signal peptide,mature leginsulin and an additional 45 amino acids of another polypeptide.A sequence search for homology comparison revealed the cloned leginsulin cDNA fragment shares 62.5% and 58.7% similarity to soybean and pea,respectively.The results also shown that leginsulin cDNA from broad bean presents 44.2% and 43.6% amino acid sequence homology with soybean and pea (Pisum sativum),respectively,and that there exists highly conserved cysteine sites among the leginsulin cDNAs,which may play a crucial role in maintaining the three-dimensional structure and the physiological functions of leginsulin.  相似文献   

The effect of different light wavelengths on the development of lesions induced by Alternaria tenuissima in broad bean leaves was investigated. Lesion development was completely suppressed in red‐light‐irradiated broad bean leaflets, irrespective of isolate or spore concentration. Pre‐treatment of leaflets with red light for 24 h before inoculation also suppressed lesion development. Alternaria tenuissima failed to produce infection hyphae in red‐light‐irradiated broad bean leaflets. These results indicate that disease suppression in broad bean leaflets is due to light‐induced resistance. Spore germination fluid (SGF) of A. tenuissima allowed non‐pathogenic Alternaria alternata to infect wounded and unwounded broad bean leaflets kept in the dark, results suggesting that SGF induced susceptibility. Red light suppressed susceptibility induced by A. tenuissima SGF; thus, lesion formation and development were suppressed when leaflets inoculated with the spores of A. alternata suspended in A. tenuissima SGF were kept under red light. From these results, we conclude that red light induced resistance in broad bean to leaf spot disease caused by A. tenuissima, and that SGF induced susceptibility of broad bean leaflets to a non‐pathogenic isolate of A. alternata.  相似文献   

A procedure for multiple shoot formation from cotyledonary node explants of faba bean (Vicia faba L.cv.S.Ghdar) cultured on MS medium containing benzyladenine (BA) and thidiazuron (TDZ) was developed. Explants on medium with TDZ in combination with BA produced a higher number of shoots than with either cytokinin alone. The highest number of shoots was obtained when explants from 7-day-old seedlings were cultured on MS medium supplemented with TDZ and BA (2 mgl–1 each) for 31 days before transfer to hormone-free MS medium for elongation. Shoots produced in vitro were rooted on half-strength agar-solidified MS basal medium or with 0.25 or 0.5 mgl–1 naphthalenacetic acid (NAA) prior to transfer to green house conditions. This procedure was found to be applicable to seven other cultivars of faba bean from widely diverse provenances. Thus, it can be advantageously applied to the production of transgenic faba bean plants.  相似文献   

The taxonomic diversity of forty-two Rhizobium strains, isolated from nodules of faba bean grown in Egypt, was studied using 16S rRNA sequencing, multilocus sequence analyses (MLSA) of three chromosomal housekeeping loci and one nodulation gene (nodA). Based on the 16S rRNA gene sequences, most of the strains were related to Rhizobium leguminosarum, Rhizobium etli, and Rhizobium radiobacter (syn. Agrobacterium tumefaciens). A maximum likelihood (ML) tree built from the concatenated sequences of housekeeping proteins encoded by glnA, gyrB and recA, revealed the existence of three distinct genospecies (I, II and III) affiliated to the defined species within the genus Rhizobium/Agrobacterium. Seventeen strains in genospecies I could be classified as R. leguminosarum sv. viciae. Whereas, a single strain of genospecies II was linked to R. etli. Interestingly, twenty-four strains of genospecies III were identified as A. tumefaciens. Strains of R. etli and A. tumefaciens have been shown to harbor the nodA gene and formed effective symbioses with faba bean plants in Leonard jar assemblies. In the nodA tree, strains belonging to the putative genospecies were closely related to each other and were clustered tightly to R. leguminosarum sv. viciae, supporting the hypothesis that symbiotic and core genome of the species have different evolutionary histories and indicative of horizontal gene transfer among these rhizobia.  相似文献   

The possibility that the herbicide glyphosate (N-phosphonomethylglycine) may be taken up in plant cells via a phosphate transporter of the plasma membrane was investigated using protoplasts of broad bean leaves ( Vicia faba L.). Phosphonoformic acid, a powerful inhibitor of phosphate transport in animal cells, was first demonstrated to be a competitive inhibitor of phosphate uptake inbroad bean protoplasts. Glyphosate was able to inhibit phosphate uptake into the protoplasts, and to protect partially the phosphate transporter from inhibition by phosphonoformic acid. Concentration dependence studies showed that glyphosate uptake exhibited a saturable phase at low glyphosate concentrations (0. 5 to 3 μ M ), superimposed by a linear uptake at higher concentrations (up to 100 μ M ). Inhibition of glyphosate uptake by para -chloromercuribenzene sulphonic acid, sodium azide and carbonyl-cyanide- m -chlorophenylhydrazone was much stronger at 1 than at 100 μ M glyphosate. Kinetics indicated that the saturable component of glyphosate transport was competitively inhibited by either phosphate or phosphonoformic acid. It is concluded that glyphosate can be absorbed via a phosphate transporter of the plasma membrane  相似文献   

Differences in seed vigour of zero- and high-tannin faba beans were investigated using 25 seed lots of 12 cultivars following earlier reports of poor emergence in the zero-tannin types. Field emergence ranged from 54–96% indicating differences in seed vigour between cultivars all having high laboratory germination (>91%). Seed from zero-tannin accessions with poor emergence had a higher incidence of testa and cotyledon cracking, a smaller percentage of hard seeds, more rapid water uptake, a lower percentage of vital staining of cotyledons and a greater leaching of solutes than high-tannin types. Nevertheless, variation in these characteristics existed between cultivars and lines of both types. Seeds with more cracks in the seed coat and fewer hard seeds imbibed water more rapidly and consequently showed lower levels of vital staining and more cracks in the abaxial surface of the cotyledons. Slower imbibition in polyethylene glycol lessened the incidence of these deleterious characteristics and may provide a practical resolution to the problem of poor field emergence in zero-tannin lines of faba bean with low seed vigour.  相似文献   

繁殖群体量及隔离对蚕豆种质遗传完整性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究繁殖群体量和隔离方式对常异花授粉作物蚕豆种质繁殖更新的影响,以9份蚕豆地方种质为对象,以国家库保存的原种为对照群体,采用AFLP分子标记方法,对比了50株和20株群体量及开放无隔离群体和网棚隔离群体更新后代的遗传完整性差异。结果表明:与对照群体相比,50株和20株群体的多态性位点数、多态位点百分率、每位点有效等位基因数、香农指数、遗传多样性指数均出现不同程度下降,但下降幅度20株大于50株群体;遗传相似性和UPGMA聚类分析表明50株群体与对照群体的遗传相似性高于20株群体;网棚隔离可降低群体间串粉与花粉污染,但其遗传完整性却较开放无隔离群体低。  相似文献   

蚕豆种质资源清蛋白遗传多样性分析?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用SDS-PAGE对101份蚕豆种质资源进行了清蛋白遗传多样性分析,共检测出蛋白带2625条。除共有带外,迁移率不同的谱带类型36种,其中相对分子量为92kD、75kD、62kD、40kD、34kD、17kD、13kD的谱带在检测的种质材料中出现的频率最高,分别为92.08%、90.10%、99.01%、95.05%、95.05%、98.02%、95.05%。其余29种谱带类型具有较强的多态性,多态性谱带平均为16.09条,多态性比例为44.69%。每份种质材料的清蛋白谱带数介于21~31条之间,平均25.99条;供试种质间遗传相似系数0.6111~0.9722,平均0.7122。3个地理类群内多样性指数0.9879,类群间多样性指数0.0121,表明蚕豆清蛋白的变异主要来源于类群内。聚类分析将参试种质分为6类,与以往蚕豆种质分类研究结果类似,表明清蛋白能在一定程度上反映种质间的亲缘关系。研究结果对于蚕豆蛋白质品质育种具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Leaflets of Vicia faba L. (faba bean) were used to determine whether the mechanical forces resulting from the turgor potentials (Φp) of the larger epidermal cells neighbouring guard cells play a significant role in regulating stomatal aperture. When Φp, of epidermis and Φp of bulk leaflet tissue were compared at midday, Φp of epidermis were only 15–25% those of bulk leaflet tissue at all but the most negative leaflet water potentials (Φ). When plants were bagged to increase Φ by reducing vapour pressure differences between leaflets and air, Φp of bulk leaflet tissue increased to predawn values, but Φp, of epidermis increased to only = 20% of predawn values and stomata opened to their widest apertures. Stomatal apertures were positively correlated with Φp of bulk leaflet tissue but they were not correlated with Φp of epidermis. Reductions in epidermal Φp, began predawn, before stomata were open, and reached minimum values at midday, when stomata were open. We conclude that, in Vicia faba, (1) reduction of Φp of epidermal cells begins predawn, reducing the counterforce to stomatal opening that would exist if full epidermal turgor were maintained throughout the day, and (2) changes in Φp, of leaf epidermal cells do not play a significant role in regulating stomatal aperture.  相似文献   

用激光扫描共聚焦显微技术,初步研究广谱性蛋白激酶抑制剂星型孢菌素(STS)对蚕豆气孔运动的调控效应.结果表明:(1)光下STS对气孔开度无影响但暗中显著促进气孔开放,表明蛋白激酶参与光/暗对气孔运动的调控,光下蛋白激酶活性低而暗中高;(2)与H2O2清除剂抗坏血酸(ASA)和NO清除剂羧基-2-苯-4,4,5,5-四甲基咪唑-1-氧-3-氧化物(cPTIO)一样,STS既降低暗处理和光下外源H2O2、硝普钠(SNP)处理保卫细胞H2O2、NO水平,也促进气孔开放,表明暗中蛋白激酶通过抑制H2O2、NO清除机制提高保卫细胞内源H2O2、NO水平并促进气孔关闭.  相似文献   

Abstract. Gas exchange rates of 4-week-old faba bean plants were measured after exposure to ozonc (120 μg m3) in an open top chamber for 8 h per day over a period of 2 weeks. The exchange rates were compared with those of control plants. Plants exposed between mid-May and the end of July 1987 showed a minor negative effect on stomatal conductance, while there was no effect on photosynthesis and respiration. Plants exposed between the end of August and early October showed a negative effect on both stomatal conductance and photosynthesis. In addition, the dark respiration rate was slightly increased. It is concluded that ozone can have a direct effect on the stomata as well as on the photosynthetic system and that the stomata are more sensitive than the photosynthetic system.  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out to quantify biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) using the 15N isotope natural abundance method in maize (Zea mays L.)/faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)/faba bean intercropping systems. Faba bean was yielding more in the maize/faba bean intercropping, but not in the wheat/faba bean intercropping. Biomass, grain yield and N acquisition of faba bean were significantly increased when intercropped with maize, and decreased significantly with wheat, irrespective of N-fertilizer application, indicating that the legume could gain or lose productivity in an intercropping situation. There was yield advantage of maize/faba bean intercropping, but no in wheat/faba bean intercropping. The grain yield of the faba bean intercropped with maize was greater than that of faba bean monoculture due to increases of the stems per plant and the pods per stem of faba bean. N fertilization inhibited N fixation of faba bean in maize/faba bean and wheat/faba bean intercropping and faba bean monoculture. The responses of different cropping systems to N-fertilizer application, however, were not identical, with competitive intercropping (wheat/faba bean) being more sensitive than facilitative intercropping (maize/faba bean). Intercropping increased the percentage of N derived from air (%Ndfa) of the wheat/faba bean system, but not that of the maize/faba bean system when no N fertilizer was applied. When receiving 120 kg N/ha, however, intercropping did not significantly increase %Ndfa either in the wheat/faba bean system or in the maize/faba bean system in comparison with faba bean in monoculture. The amount of shoot N derived from air (Ndfa), however, increased significantly when intercropped with maize, irrespective of N-fertilizer application. Ndfa decreased when intercropped with wheat, albeit not significantly at 120 kg N/ha. Ndfa was correlated more closely with dry matter yield, grain yield and competitive ratio, than with %Ndfa. This indicates that that total dry matter yield (sink strength), not %Ndfa, was more critical for the legume to increase Ndfa. The results suggested that N fixation could be improved by yield maximization in an intercropping system.  相似文献   

Assessing the diversity and genetic structure of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) germplasm is essential to improve the quality and yield of this economically important crop. In this study, simple sequence repeats (SSRs) were utilized to evaluate the diversity and structure of 35 faba bean genotypes originating from three different geographical regions (Northern Africa, Eastern Africa, and Near East). All 15 SSR loci generated a total of 100 alleles. The allele number per locus varied from 4 to 11, with a mean of 6.67. The expected heterozygosity (He) of SSR loci ranged between 0.51 and 0.81, with a mean of 0.63. The PIC value also varied from 0.44 to 0.78, with an average of 0.58. The expected heterozygosity of 22 faba bean genotypes was higher than the observed one. Interestingly, AMOVA analysis showed that much of variability resided within accessions (79.2%). A highly significant difference among regions was also evidenced, and represented 5.3% of the total variation. Moreover, cluster analysis divided the 35 faba bean genotypes into two main clusters. The first main cluster comprised all faba bean genotypes originating from the Near East region, whereas the second main cluster comprised all the genotypes originating from the Northern and Eastern Africa regions, indicating that the Northern and Eastern African faba bean genotypes were more closely related to each other than to the Near East genotypes. Structure analysis also revealed that the 35 faba bean genotypes might be assigned to two populations, in complete accordance with cluster analysis data. In conclusion, this study showed high levels of diversity in the analysed genotypes of faba bean, and could be utilized in future breeding programmes to develop new cultivars of high yield.  相似文献   

Seeds of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) contain a hydroperoxide-dependent fatty acid epoxygenase. Hydrogen peroxide served as an effective oxygen donor in the epoxygenase reaction. Fifteen unsaturated fatty acids were incubated with V. faba epoxygenase in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and the epoxy fatty acids produced were identified. Examination of the substrate specificity of the epoxygenase using a series of monounsaturated fatty acids demonstrated that (Z)-fatty acids were rapidly epoxidized into the corresponding cis-epoxy acids, whereas (E)-fatty acids were converted into their trans-epoxides at a very slow rate. In the series of (Z)-monoenoic acids, the double bond position as well as the chain length influenced the rate of epoxidation. The best substrates were found to be palmitoleic, oleic, and myristoleic acids. Steric analysis showed that most of the epoxy acids produced from monounsaturated fatty acids as well as from linoleic and α-linolenic acids had mainly the (R),(S) configuration. Exceptions were C18 acids having the epoxide group located at C-12/13, in which cases the (S),(R) enantiomers dominated. 13(S)-Hydroxy-9(Z),11(E)-octadecadienoic acid incubated with epoxygenase afforded the epoxy alcohol 9(S),10(R)-epoxy-13(S)-hydroxy-11(E)-octadecenoic acid as the major product. Smaller amounts of the diastereomeric epoxy alcohol 9(R),10(S)-epoxy-13(S)-hydroxy-11(E)-octadecenoic acid as well as the α,β-epoxy alcohol 11(R),12(R)-epoxy-13(S)-hydroxy-9(Z)-octadecenoic acid were also obtained. The soluble fraction of homogenate of V. faba seeds contained an epoxide hydrolase activity that catalyzed the conversion of cis-9,10-epoxyoctadecanoic acid into threo-9,10-dihydroxyoctadecanoic acid.  相似文献   


The content and composition of lipids and fatty acids of taproots and lateral roots of Vicia faba were investigated with plants grown under saline (80 mM NaCl) and non-saline conditions. Lipids of both types of faba bean roots are constituted of ~80% phospholipids, of ~15% glycolipids and of some 5% of wax-esters. Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylcholine are the main constituents of both root types. Di-phosphatyidylglycerol and phosphatidylinositol are present in medium concentrations, whereas phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylserine are present only in trace amounts. The content of sulpholipids was much lower in salt-treated roots as compared with that of the controls. The content of cardiolipins and PE was higher in lateral roots than in the taproots. Roots of salt-treated plants had some 18% lower ether-soluble lipid content in the lateral roots, and approximately 28% lower than the taproots. Less than 25% of the fatty acids of the extracted phospholipids were saturated, with palmitic acid as the main constituent (13 – 18%). Linoleic acid comprised 65 – 70% of the unsaturated acids. Differences in the composition of some fatty acids were found between taproots and lateral roots of salt-treated plants. The observed differences in composition between root types suggests that the reported physiological differences between such roots could be based, at least in part, on structural or compositional differences in their lipids.  相似文献   

Key physiological characteristics of turgor-dependent efflux of photosynthates were examined using excised coats and cotyledons of developing Phaseolus vulgaris (cv. Redland Poineer) and Vicia faba (cv. Coles Prolific) seed during the linear phase of seed fill. Exposure to solutions of high osmotic potential inhibited net uptake of [14C]sucrose by cotyledons at developmental stages less than 60% of their final dry weight. The effect could not be fully reversed by transferring cotyledons to solutions set at lower osmotic potentials. The inhibition became apparent at osmotic potentials that were higher than those that caused stimulation of efflux from seed coats. Net [14C]sucrose uptake by cotyledons at more advanced stages of development was unaffected by external osmotic potential. Specified tissue layers were removed from seed coats by pretreatment with pectinase. Efflux studies with the pectinase-modified coats of Phaseolus and Vicia seed demonstrated that the cellular site of turgordependent efflux was the ground parenchyma and thin-wall parenchyma transfer cells, respectively. Coats subjected to long-term (hours) incubations, under hypo-osmotic conditions, exhibited the capacity for turgor regulation. This was mediated by turgor-dependent efflux of solutes. The solutes exchanged were of nutritional significance to the developing embryo. The relationship between efflux and coat turgor was characterised by a turgor-independent phase at low turgors. Once turgor exceeded a minimal value (set point), efflux increased in proportion to the magnitude of the turgor deviation (error signal) from the set point. For coats of sink-limited seed of Vicia and Phaseolus, efflux exhibited apparent saturation at turgors above 0.25 and 0.5 MPa respectively. The putative turgor set point and slope of the turgor-dependent component of efflux varied with seed development, the prevailing source/sink ratio and genetic differences in seed growth rate. The nature of these kinetic variations was compatible with the competitive ability of the seed. A turgor homeostat model is proposed that incorporates the observed functional attributes of turgor-dependent efflux. Operationally, the model provides a mechanistic basis for the integration of assimilate demand by the cotyledons with assimilate import into and unloading from the seed coat.  相似文献   

水孔蛋白的抑制剂HgCl2可明显抑制壳梭孢菌素(FC)和微丝骨架的解聚剂细胞松弛素D(CD)对蚕豆保卫细胞原生质体膨胀的诱导作用,而对微丝骨架的稳定剂鬼笔环肽(phalloidin)的抑制作用影响不明显。这表明水孔蛋白可能介导了FC和微丝骨架对气孔运动的调节。  相似文献   

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