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Hotspots of biodiversity (taxonomic richness, endemism, taxonomic affinities between communities) at small (), medium () and larger () scales of diversity were examined for marine sponge populations throughout tropical and subtropical Australia, with the faunas of Vanuatu, Palau and Thailand used as outgroups for comparison. Spatial and numerical (ordination) models and hierarchic classifications delineated 37 and 13 scale faunas from 1343 investigated localities using a pool of 2324 species. The Australian taxonomic literature was ignored completely to avoid the many still unresolved taxonomic problems and to allow equal treatment of collecting localities. Richness and endemism varied considerably between marine areas, for species and genera at all spatial scales, with gradients strongly corroborated by hierarchic taxonomic relationships between faunas. Richness and endemism were equally effective indicators of biodiversity hotspots, whereas species-level vs. genus-level data produced differing patterns, with the latter substantially underestimating biodiversity and marine area relationships, and consequently a poor 'surrogate for species data. Patterns of taxa shared between adjacent areas were more informative than richness and endemism data alone, as they more accurately reflect the processes in these areas. Latitudinal gradients in sponge diversity were not evident, whereas various environmental factors were prominent at scales and biogeographic factors were prominent at and scales of diversity. An example of a small () scale diversity fauna revealed substantial spatial heterogeneity (mean of 41 spp/locality, 33% apparently endemic, and a total fauna of 226 spp) containing few ubiquitous species (40% or 78 spp), with adjacent reefs having relatively low faunal similarity (mean 33%). Faunas at the medium () scale of diversity were less heterogeneous (mean 127 spp/region, 27% apparently endemic to a particular region, with a total fauna of 2324 spp), containing a significantly larger dataset (829 spp) found in >1 region to assess taxonomic affinities. At the larger () scale of diversity faunas were far more heterogeneous (mean 263 spp/region, 47% apparently endemic to a particular region) containing a smaller dataset (only 588 spp or 26% of the fauna with >1 species/region) to assess taxonomic affinities. Consequently, sponge faunas at the and scales of diversity are ineffective and inappropriate as biodiversity models, respectively, with scale diversity also less relevant as a practical tool for marine resource management and marine area conservation.  相似文献   

We analysed species richness of plants and true bugs (Insecta, Heteroptera) along a pollution gradient in Scots pine stands in Central Germany. As a consequence of particulate deposition, pH-values of soils increased in the vicinity of the emission source. Therefore, emission increased productivity. Species richness of plants increased with decreasing distance from emission source, and thus with increasing productivity. Similarly, species richness of herbivorous Heteroptera increased with decreasing distance from emission source, whereas, surprisingly, abundance decreased. The proportion of specialised herbivorous bug species is largest in the vicinity of the emission source. Thus, the diversity pattern of herbivores may be explained by the specialisation hypothesis and not the consumer rarity hypothesis. Species richness and abundance of carnivorous Heteroptera showed no significant trend along the gradient. Overall our data favour the bottom-up control of species diversity in the analysed system.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted in the 2001 growing season to examine the leafhopper diversity and abundance among trees of 17 red maple (Acer rubrum) clones. Yellow sticky traps were used to qualify and quantify the number of aerial leafhoppers from 1 May 2001 until 4 September 2001. A total of 45 species from eight different leafhopper subfamilies, for a total of 6055 individuals, were considered in this study. The mean number of leafhoppers collected, mean species richness, diversity and evenness were significantly lower on traps of trees for October Glory than for the other clones. Yet, none of the leafhopper species dominated the weekly samples. Species similarity among clones ranged from 56 to 90%. No two clones had complete similarity. Franksred and trees of a controlled cross between October Glory × Autumn Flame shared the highest degree of species similarity, while clones from PA, USA and RI, USA were the least similar. The development of new clones did not create new pest problems, but suppressed populations of damaging pests, and maintained the diversity of low abundance species.  相似文献   

Brassica napus and B. campestris are grown in Western Canada in areas subject to unseasonable frosts. At the seedling stage, cultivars of Brassica are very sensitive to frosts of -2° to-5°C, which are either lethal or delay the development of the plant. Seedlings of B. napus and B. campestris, germinated and grown at 10°C (16-h photoperiod), were treated with a foliar spray of either 100 M racemic abscisic acid (ABA), 100 M of various ABA analogs, 0.1% acetone, or were untreated. Freeze tests indicated 2°C of frost tolerance could be gained in B. napus following an application of three ABA analogs. In B. campestris, three analogs also increased freezing tolerance approximately 1.5°C. The analogs 2,3 dihydro ABA and acetylenic divinyl methyl-ABA were effective in both species. Plant fresh weight and dry weight increased in treated plants relative to control or acetone-treated plants after 3 weeks at 10°C. The effect of frost and/or analog treatment on flowering was determined in both species. In B. campestris and B. napus, a mild frost advanced flowering by approximately 2 days compared with nonfrozen control plants. The promotive effect of frost on flowering decreased with increasing severity of the frost. Several of the analog treatments, particularly 2,3 dihydro ABA and acetylenic divinyl ABA, advanced flowering by 2–3 days in both species. The benefit of these ABA analog treatments on flowering was enhanced additionally by a mild frost. Plants treated with either ABA, 2,3 dihydro ABA, 2,3 acetylenic dihydro ABA, or acetylenic divinyl ABA flowered up to 5 days earlier than control plants.  相似文献   

Summary An exotic Zea mays L. population (Tuxpeno) was adapted to North Carolina conditions by first introducing genes for adaptability from two North Carolina varieties ([(Jarvis X Indian Chief)Tuxpeno]Tuxpeno) including four generations of intermating, and then selecting for adaptability using maturity as the primary measure. The study evaluated selection for adaptability and the diversity available between adapted Tuxpeno and the local varieties, Jarvis and Indian Chief. Analytical procedures were developed to quantify the diversity between populations and the complementation of local varieties by introduced germ plasms. The analyses utilized the specific effects available from the diallel mating design.Three replicate selections responded similarly under simple recurrent mass selection (1/10) for the earliest disease-free plants initially and additionally for plant types (primarily height) in the final generation. The 1/4 local germ plasm permitted rapid adaptation of Tuxpeno gene pool to local conditions. The adapted Tuxpeno populations yielded similarly to the local populations with an average heterosis for grain yield of 28% when crossed to the local populations used as source of genes for adaptability. The diversity found between adapted Tuxpeno lines and these local varieties based on genes affecting grain yield was 1.5 to 2.5 times that measured between the local varieties (Jarvis and Indian Chief). Diversity lost through intergradation with local material was a reasonable investment. Yield genes introduced from Tuxpeno complemented local gene pools through nonadditive, primarily dominance-associated, gene effects. Reassortment of major gene blocks apparently occurred leading to significant divergence among replicate selections involving both additive-associated and dominance-associated gene effects.Paper No. 6355 of the North Carolina Agri. Res. Ser., Raleigh, NC. Research supported in collaboration with the Rockefeller Foundation and CIMMYT, D.F. (Mexico)  相似文献   

To detect plant specialization to pollinator insects and to further examine the pollination syndrome hypotheses, flowering angiosperms and insect visitors were recorded in a northern maritime grassland community. Associations between plant species and insect groups were analyzed using binomial tests based on census data obtained from two sites over 3years. Preference to an insect group by a plant species was expressed as a significant deviation of the actual proportion (i.e. the proportion of the number of flower visits by the insect group to the plant species in the total number of visits to the plant species) of the expected proportion (i.e. the proportion of the number of visits by the insect group in the total visits during its flowering period). Preference to a plant species by an insect group was similarly expressed using the number of flowers of the plant species visited by the insect group. Most significant preferences varied temporally or spatially. Variability in the preferences is suggested to have resulted from temporal and spatial variations in the abundance and species composition of both flowers and insects. However, in species showing variable preferences, significant specialization in the pollinator insect group (i.e. relatively constant, mutual preferences) were demonstrated for seven and five plant species at the two study sites, respectively. Most specializations were found in associations with bumblebees. Bumblebee specialists were significantly well represented in the flower shape types gullet and flag and the flower color types violet, which supports the pollination syndrome theory.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic diversity among ten varieties of spring wheat used as parents in a diallel cross was assessed through multivariate analysis (D2-statistics) and then related to heterosis and SCA effects of their hybrids. The parents fell into three groups. Group I contained the varieties, Nobre, Girua and Carazinho; group II contained Sonalika, Lyallpur and Pitic 62 and group III contained Indus 66, Balaka, Sonora 64rs and MSl. The varieties of group I were good general combiners, while the varieties of group III were poor combiners. Significant heterotic and SCA effects for yield and yield components were observed in the hybrids of the parents belonging to different groups but not in the same group. Genetic divergence between the parents had a positive relationship with heterosis and SCA effects of the hybrids.  相似文献   

Coccoid picoplankters are minute unicellular algae that, when viewed with a light microscope, appear as little balls. They comprise an important component of open-ocean phytoplankton, and, except for colour differences (i.e. red, green, brown), many eukaryotic picoplankters are morphologically similar. To evaluate the biological diversity of the little brown ball subpopulation of little balls, we randomly selected nine undescribed algal strains and compared the nucleotide sequences of their nuclear 18S ribosomal RNA genes. The results indicate that little brown balls have evolved independently in three distinct eukaryotic lineages (heterokont algae, haptophyte algae, and green algae), and at least four taxonomic classes, and that, even within the four classes, considerable genetic diversity exists. These findings suggest that a tiny coccoid morphology confers some adaptive advantage in the open ocean, that repeated convergent evolution has occurred, and that molecular data may be necessary for taxonomic distinction of closely related coccoid picoplankters.  相似文献   

Four bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars, Aobakomugi, Chinese Spring, Norin 61 and Shinchunaga, were pollinated with five barley lines/cultivars consisting of three cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) lines, Betzes, Kinai 5 and OHL089, and two wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum C. Koch) lines, OUH602 and OUH324. Crossability, expressed as the percentage of embryo formation, varied from 0 to 55.4% among the cross combinations. The two wild barley lines generally had a higher crossability than the previously reported best pollinator, Betzes, and some Japanese wheat cultivars were better as the female parent than Chinese Spring. Ninety four hybrid plants were obtained from 250 embryos cultured, and their somatic chromosome numbers ranged from 21 to 36. Eighteen plants were mosaic in chromosome number. Twenty one-chromosome plants appeared most frequently (45.7%) followed by 28-chromosome plants (14.9%). C-banding analysis revealed that elimination of barley chromosomes was mainly responsible for the occurrence of aneuploid plants. In hypoploids derived from Betzes-crosses, chromosome 5 was preferentially eliminated as previously reported, while in hypoploids derived from OUH602-crosses, chromosome 4 was preferentially eliminated. The wild barley line OUH602 may be a useful parent for producing a new wheat-barley addition set because of its high crossability with wheat and a different pattern of chromosome elimination.  相似文献   

To evaluate alpha diversities, various variables such as density, cover, volume, and weight have been used. However, density is often a distinct variable from the remaining three. To clarify differences in diversity measured by those two kinds of variables, the data collected in fourteen 2×5 m permanently-marked plots on Mount Usu, Japan, which erupted during 1977 and 1978 in growing seasons from 1983 to 1989 was analyzed, using Shannon's species diversity (H) that is represented as a result of combination of species richness and evenness (J). H and J were evaluated by density (density H and J) and cover (cover H and J). Cover H and J were significantly lower than density H and J, indicating that cover H has different characteristics from density H. Those differences are due to differences in evenness, because species richness is the same. The rank orders of species density are different from those of cover. The predominance of a few perennial herbs greatly decreases cover evenness, while seedling establishment success influences density evenness. Therefore, I propose that, during the early stages of succession on harsh environments such as volcanoes, density diversity represents seedling establishment success rate while cover diversity expresses vegetative reproduction success rate.  相似文献   

We test a strategy for analyzing species richness in a landscape. This strategy is based on the joint analysis of (local), (turnover) and (landscape) diversities. We assessed the spatial and temporal relations among , and diversity of bats (Phyllostomidae and Mormoopidae) in a tropical landscape. In a spatial dimension, diversity depends on the diversity of the most species-rich community. The value of spatial diversity between habitats was very low. A high diversity was found in a cornfield, which may be attributed to the reduced extent of the field (compared with a more extensive field) that allows the arrival of individuals from nearby rich communities. In a temporal dimension, within habitat cumulative richness over sampling period may be considerably different from the average richness. These differences are attributed to temporal turnover during short time intervals. Therefore, cumulative richness may be viewed as the temporal equivalent of within-habitat diversity, which results of both average and temporal turnover. We discuss, which value must be taken as an estimate of habitat species richness, the average or the cumulative , and the implications that this decision can have in the evaluation of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Synopsis Small numbers of mitochondria-rich (chloride) cells were found in the yolksac epithelium of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) embryos just before hatching and in eleuthero-embryos up to 14 days after hatching. This suggests that the yolksac epithelium may play a limited ionoregulatory role in this species.Mitochondria-rich cells were also present in small numbers in the branchial epithelium of embryos just before hatching and in increasing numbers in eleutheroembryos during the first two weeks after hatching. The cells in the branchial epithelium showed marked variations in appearance, particularly in the fine structure of the tubular (smooth) endoplasmic reticulum. Few of the mitochondria-rich cells examined here had the pitted apex which is characteristic of homologous cells in other species.There appeared to be no differences in the numbers or appearance of mitochondria-rich cells in embryos and eleutheroembryos reared in different ambient salinities (distilled water, 110/00 and 130/00 sea water), possibly indicating that the genesis of the ionoregulatory function of the gills has not occurred at that interval of development.  相似文献   

Summary The anthers of three F1 hybrids of hexaploid triticale and common wheat (Rosner X Kedong 58, Beagle X Kedong 58 and Beagle X Jinghua No. 1) were cultured on four media in vitro. More than 900 green plants were obtained. The chromosome numbers ranged from 17 to 27 for haploid derivatives and from 38 to 52 for diploid regenerates. The chromosome constitutions of the pollen plants reflect those of the gametes found in the donor plants (genome formula: AABBDR). The value of such pollen plants for genetical analysis of rye wheat addition and substitution lines, as well as for breeding purposes, is discussed.  相似文献   

Urban reserves provide a major opportunity for conservation of indigenous biodiversity in the heavily urbanised landscape of Waitakere City (Auckland), New Zealand. However, there is little documented information on what indigenous fauna survives in these reserves. Beetle (Coleoptera) communities associated with two small, isolated urban reserves and two sites in a larger forest area within the Waitakere Ranges were sampled using pitfall traps and analysed. A total of 887 beetles, from 23 families and 89 recognisable taxonomic units were caught. The urban reserves had a marked reduction in species richness and abundance of beetles compared with the sites within the larger forest areas. Various environmental factors influencing the distribution of beetles across the sites were investigated. The most important factors were size of fragment, local forest cover and soil moisture. Common species (>5 specimens in the total dataset) found in the Waitakere Ranges and small urban reserves, were either endemic or indigenous to New Zealand. Therefore, even though these reserves may be isolated from a larger, more continuous forest tract, they have considerable potential as reservoirs of beetle diversity in highly modified landscapes and the contribution of urban reserves to the local sustainability of beetle assemblages emphasises the importance of maintaining green areas in and around cities.  相似文献   

Summary The ratio of deuterium to hydrogen (expressed as D) in hydrogen released as water during the combustion of dried plant material was examined. The D value (metabolic hydrogen) determined on plant materials grown under controlled conditions is correlated with pathways of photosynthetic carbon metabolism. C3 plants show mean D values of-132 for shoots and -117 for roots; C4 plants show mean D values of -91 for shoots and-77 for roots and CAM plants a D value of-75 for roots and shoots. The difference between the D value of shoot material from C3 and C4 plants was confirmed in species growing under a range of glasshouse conditions. This difference in D value between C3 and C4 species does not appear to be due to differences in the D value (tissue water) in the plants as a result of physical fractionation of hydrogen isotopes during transpiration. In C3 and C4 plants the hydrogen isotope discrimination is in the same direction as the carbon isotope discrimination and factors contributing to the difference in D values are discussed. In CAM plants grown in the laboratory or collected from the field D values range from-75 to +50 and are correlated with 13C values. When deprived of water, the D value (metabolic hydrogen) in both soluble and insoluble material in leaves of Kalanchoe daigremontiana Hamet et Perr., becomes less negative. These changes may reflect the deuterium enrichment of tissue water during transpiration, or in field conditions, may reflect the different D value of available water in areas of increasing aridity. Whatever the origin of the variable D value in CAM plants, this parameter may be a useful index of the water relations of these plants under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Summary The 13C values of submerged aquatic plants from contrasting but relatively defined habitats, and the 13C values of emergent, floating and submerged leaves of dimorphic aquatic plants, were measured. In many instances the 13C values of dissolved inorganic carbon in the water were also measured. Plant 13C values in the vicinity of-40 to-50 were found in rapidly flowing spring waters with carbonate 13C values of-16 to-21, consistent with the notion that species such as Fontinalis antipyretica almost exclusively assimilate free CO2 via RuP2 carboxylase. Plant 13C values in the vicinity of-10 to-15 in sluggish water with carbonate 13C values of about-5 were observed, consistent with the notion that boundary layer diffusion and/or HCO3 - uptake may determine the 13C value of submerged aquatic plants in these circumstances. Comparisons of 13C values of the same or related species growing in waters of similar carbonate 13C value but different flow rates confirmed this view; more negative 13C values were frequently associated with plants in fast moving water. In Britain, but not in Finland, the 13C values of submerged leaves of dimorphic plants were almost invariably more negative than in aerial leaves. The 13C value of carbonate from chalk streams and in acid springs indicate substantial inputs of respiratory CO2, as opposed to atmospheric carbon. The contributions of these variations in 13C of the carbon source, and of isotope fractionation in diffusion, to the 13C value of submerged parts of dimorphic plants is discussed.  相似文献   

Many fish species contain morphologically, ecologically and geneticallydistinct populations that are sympatric during at least some portion oftheir life cycle. Such reproductively isolated populations act asdistinct biological species, but are identified by a common Latinbinomial. These species pairs are particularly common in freshwaterfish families such as Salmonidae, Gasterosteidae and Osmeridae and aretypically associated with postglacial lakes in north temperateenvironments. The nature of the divergences between sympatric species,factors contributing to reproductive isolation, and modes of evolutionare reviewed with particular emphasis on benthic and limnetic pairs ofthreespine sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus, and anadromous(sockeye salmon) and nonanadromous (kokanee) pairs of Oncorhynchusnerka. Phylogenetic analyses typically indicate that divergencesbetween members of replicate pairs have occurred independently and,hence, particular phenotypes are not monophyletic. Consequently,taxonomic resolution of such species complexes is a vexing problem foradherents to our traditional Linnaean classification system. Sympatricspecies pairs represent a significant component of the biodiversity oftemperate freshwater ecosystems which may be underestimated because oursystem of formal taxonomy tends to obscure diversity encompassed byspecies pairs. Conservation of such systems should be recognized as apriority without formal taxonomic designation of members of speciespairs because taxonomic resolution will likely continue to proveextremely difficult when employing traditional hierarchies andprocedures.  相似文献   

Rhizosphere mycoflora of four euphorbiaceous plants at seedling, flowering and senescent stages have been described. The fungal species were more common in the different rhizospheres in seedling stage when a number of casual forms were recorded. Later on a tendency towards specificity in fungal species was observed. The number of species isolated were generally highest in seedling stage and the least in senescent. The fungi per g of soil were always maximum at the time of maturity.  相似文献   

Résumé En l'absence de son propre couvain,Solenopsis fugax a élevé des larves deLeptothorax nylanderi, à la température de 22°C. Les ouvrières deSolenopsis détruisirent une partie de ces larves mais nourrirent celles qu'elles épargnèrent; ces dernières grossirent lentement pendant cinq à six mois, sans atteindre le stade prénymphe. Lorsque les ouvrières deS. fugax et les larves deL. nylanderi furent soumises ensemble à un hivernage préalable, elles donnèrent les mêmes résultats que sans hivernage. La présence d'une jeune reine deSolenopsis fut défavorable aux larves deLeptothorax.Inversement,L. nylanderi fut capable d'élever, à la température de 22°C, des larves deS. fugax et de les amener jusqu'au stade adulte. En présence de leurs propres larves, les ouvrières deL. nylanderi détruisirent tapidement toutes les larves deS. fugax introduites dans leur nid. D'autre part, un jeune couvain deLeptothorax remplaçait plus ou moins rapidement les larves deLeptothorax enlevées au préalable; sa présence était alors défavorable au développement des larves deSolenopsis. Un hivernage en début d'expérience fut plutôt favorable auxS. fugax, de même que la présence d'une reine féconde deLeptothorax. LesSolenopsis ainsi obtenus n'ont pas vécu plus de sept semaines. Ils étaient tous de caste ouvrière et de taille très petite.
Summary When its own eggs and larvae missed,Solenopsis fugax bred larvae ofLeptothorax nylanderi, at a temperature of 22°C. TheSolenopsis workers killed some of this larvae and fed the others; these slowly grew bigger during five or six months but never reached the pre-pupa stage. The result was the same if the workers ofS. fugax and the larvae ofL. nylanderi overwintered together or not at all. A youngSolenopsis queen being there was noxious to the larvae ofLeptothorax.On the contrary,L. nylanderi has been able to breed larvae ofS. fugax up to the imago stage, at a temperature of 22°C. When its own larvae were in the nest, together with larvae ofS. fugax, the workers ofL. nylanderi killed the larvae ofS. fugax. On the other hand, new eggs and young larvae ofLeptothorax had to replace, more or less quickly, the larvae which had been taken away, and that was noxious to the growth ofSolenopsis larvae. An overwintering at the beginning of the experiment was rather favourable toS. fugax as was the presence of a fecundLeptothorax queen. TheSolenopsis thus obtained lived no longer than seven weeks. They all were workers and very small.

S. Fugax L. Nylanderi 22° . Leptothorax , , , , . . S. Fugax Leptothorax.,L. Nylanderi 22° S. Fugax . L. Nylanderi ( )Leptothorax ; S. Fugax Solenopsis, Leptothorax. S. Fugax . .

Résumé Nous avons fait élever des larves d'Anergates atratulus par des ouvrières deMyrmica laevinodis à 22°C. Pour y parvenir, il n'est pas utile de faire hivernerensemble les larves d'Anergates et les ouvrières deMyrmica. La présence de larves autochtones n'empêche pas lesMyrmica d'élever des larves d'Anergates. Dans toutes les expériences lesMyrmica ont été soumises au fridavant de recevoir des larves d'Anergates. Aucune reine deMyrmica n'a été utilisée dans ces expériences.Sur les 64 larves d'Anergates que nous avons utilisées, 38 se sont transformées en imagos. C'est au début de l'adoption et au moment des métamorphoses que périrent la plupart des 26Anergates perdus. Les femelles vécurent en général 2 ou 3 jours et cherchèrent très tôt à quitter le nid natal. Les mâles vécurent 2 à 3 semaines.
Summary Larvae ofAnergates atratulus were experimentally reared by workers ofMyrmica laevinodis, at 22°C. An overwintering of both larvae ofAnergates and workers ofMyrmica is not necessary for the success of that experiment. The presence of larvae ofMyrmica does not keep theMyrmica from rearing larvae ofAnergates. The workers ofMyrmica have been cooled, in all the experiments, before receiving larvae ofAnergates. No queen ofMyrmica have been used in that experiments.38 of the 64 larvae ofAnergates used became imagos. Most of the 26 lostAnergates died at the beginning of the adoption and during the metamorphosis. The females lived generally 2 or 3 days and tried, very early, to leave their native nest. The males lived 2 or 3 weeks.

Anergates atratulus Myrmica laevinodis, 22 . bmecme Anergates Myrmica. Myrmica Anergates. Myrmica Anergates. Myrmica . 64 Anergates , 38 . 26 Anergates 2 3 . 2 3 .

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