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Actin-based motility: stop and go with Ena/VASP proteins   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Proteins of the Ena/VASP (Enabled/vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein) family are involved in Abl and/or cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinase signaling pathways. These proteins are also crucial factors in regulating actin dynamics and associated processes such as cell-cell adhesion, platelet function and actin-based motility of both cytopathogenic Listeria and their eukaryotic host cells. Although biochemical mechanisms have emerged depicting Ena/VASP proteins as enhancers of actin filament formation, increasing evidence also suggests that these proteins have inhibitory functions in integrin regulation, cell motility and axon guidance.  相似文献   

Bacterial actin-based motility has provided cell biologists with tools that led to the recent discovery that, in many forms of actin-based motilities, a key player is a protein complex named the Arp2/3 complex. The Arp2/3 complex is evolutionally conserved and made up of seven polypeptides involved in both actin filament nucleation and organization. Interestingly, this complex is inactive by itself and recent work has highlighted the fact that its activation is achieved differently in the different types of actin-based motilities, including the well-known examples of Listeria and Shigella motilities. Proteins of the WASP family and small G-proteins are involved in most cases. It is interesting that bacteria bypass or mimic some of the events occurring in eukaryotic systems. The Shigella protein IcsA recruits N-WASP and activates it in a Cdc42-like fashion. This activation leads to Arp2/3 complex recruitment, activation of the complex and ultimately actin polymerization and movement. The Listeria ActA protein activates Arp2/3 directly and, thus, seems to mimic proteins of the WASP family. A breakthrough in the field is the recent reconstitution of the actin-based motilities of Listeria and N-WASP-coated E. coli (IcsA) using a restricted number of purified cellular proteins including F-actin, the Arp2/3 complex, actin depolymerizing factor (ADF or cofilin) and capping protein. The movement was more effective upon addition of profilin, alpha-actinin and VASP (for Listeria). Bacterial actin-based motility is now one of the best-documented examples of the exploitation of mammalian cell machineries by bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   

Negative regulation of fibroblast motility by Ena/VASP proteins   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Ena/VASP proteins have been implicated in cell motility through regulation of the actin cytoskeleton and are found at focal adhesions and the leading edge. Using overexpression, loss-of-function, and inhibitory approaches, we find that Ena/VASP proteins negatively regulate fibroblast motility. A dose-dependent decrease in movement is observed when Ena/VASP proteins are overexpressed in fibroblasts. Neutralization or deletion of all Ena/VASP proteins results in increased cell movement. Selective depletion of Ena/VASP proteins from focal adhesions, but not the leading edge, has no effect on motility. Constitutive membrane targeting of Ena/VASP proteins inhibits motility. These results are in marked contrast to current models for Ena/VASP function derived mainly from their role in the actin-driven movement of Listeria monocytogenes.  相似文献   

The Listeria model system has been essential for the identification and characterization of key regulators of the actin cytoskeleton such as the Arp2/3 complex and Ena/vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) proteins. Although the role of Ena/VASP proteins in Listeria motility has been extensively studied, little is known about the contributions of their domains and phosphorylation state to bacterial motility. To address these issues, we have generated a panel of Ena/VASP mutants and, upon expression in Ena/VASP-deficient cells, evaluated their contribution to Ena/VASP function in Listeria motility. The proline-rich region, the putative G-actin binding site, and the Ser/Thr phosphorylation of Ena/VASP proteins are all required for efficient Listeria motility. Surprisingly, the interaction of Ena/VASP proteins with F-actin and their potential ability to form multimers are both dispensable for their involvement in this process. Our data suggest that Ena/VASP proteins contribute to Listeria motility by regulating both the nucleation and elongation of actin filaments at the bacterial surface.  相似文献   

Cell motility requires lamellipodial protrusion, a process driven by actin polymerization. Ena/VASP proteins accumulate in protruding lamellipodia and promote the rapid actin-driven motility of the pathogen Listeria. In contrast, Ena/VASP negatively regulate cell translocation. To resolve this paradox, we analyzed the function of Ena/VASP during lamellipodial protrusion. Ena/VASP-deficient lamellipodia protruded slower but more persistently, consistent with their increased cell translocation rates. Actin networks in Ena/VASP-deficient lamellipodia contained shorter, more highly branched filaments compared to controls. Lamellipodia with excess Ena/VASP contained longer, less branched filaments. In vitro, Ena/VASP promoted actin filament elongation by interacting with barbed ends, shielding them from capping protein. We conclude that Ena/VASP regulates cell motility by controlling the geometry of actin filament networks within lamellipodia.  相似文献   

Function and regulation of Ena/VASP proteins   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Regulation of cytoskeletal dynamics is required to coordinate cell movement, adhesion and shape change. The Ena/VASP protein family is thought to play an important role in linking signaling pathways to remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton. This review will examine the mechanisms by which Ena/VASP function might control actin dynamics and how these proteins are linked to various signaling pathways.  相似文献   



Cytokinesis is the final step of cell division taking place at the end of mitosis during which the cytoplasmic content and replicated chromosomes of a cell are equally partitioned between the two daughter cells. This process is achieved by the formation and the ingression of an actomyosin contractile ring under the control of equatorial microtubules. The mechanisms of contractile ring formation are not fully understood but involve recruitment of preexisting actin filaments and de novo actin polymerisation.  相似文献   

Intracellular propulsion of Listeria monocytogenes is the best understood form of motility dependent on actin polymerization. We have used in vitro motility assays of Listeria in platelet and brain extracts to elucidate the function of the focal adhesion proteins of the Ena (Drosophila Enabled)/VASP (vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein) family in actin-based motility. Immunodepletion of VASP from platelet extracts and of Evl (Ena/VASP-like protein) from brain extracts of Mena knockout (-/-) mice combined with add-back of recombinant (bacterial or eukaryotic) VASP and Evl show that VASP, Mena, and Evl play interchangeable roles and are required to transform actin polymerization into active movement and propulsive force. The EVH1 (Ena/VASP homology 1) domain of VASP is in slow association-dissociation equilibrium high-affinity binding to the zyxin-homologous, proline-rich region of ActA. VASP also interacts with F-actin via its COOH-terminal EVH2 domain. Hence VASP/ Ena/Evl link the bacterium to the actin tail, which is required for movement. The affinity of VASP for F-actin is controlled by phosphorylation of serine 157 by cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Phospho-VASP binds with high affinity (0.5 x 10(8) M-1); dephospho-VASP binds 40-fold less tightly. We propose a molecular ratchet model for insertional polymerization of actin, within which frequent attachment-detachment of VASP to F-actin allows its sliding along the growing filament.  相似文献   

The comet motility assay, inspired by Listeria locomotion, has been used extensively as an in vitro model to study the structural and motile properties of the actin cytoskeleton. However, there are no quantitative measurements of the mechanical properties of these actin comets. In this work, we use nanoindentation based on atomic force microscopy to measure the elastic modulus of actin comets grown on  1-μm-diameter beads in an Arp2/3 (actin-related proteins 2 and 3)-complex-dependent fashion in the absence and in the presence of VASP (vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein). Recruitment of VASP to the bead surface had no effect on the initial velocity or morphology of the comets. Instead, we observed an improved contact of the comets with the beads and an increased elastic modulus of the comets. The VASP-mediated increase in elastic modulus was dependent on both concentration and ionic strength. In conclusion, we propose that VASP plays a mechanical role in Arp2/3-complex-dependent motility by amplifying the elastic modulus of the thus assembled actin network and, consequently, by strengthening its cohesion for persistent protrusion.  相似文献   

Polymerization and organization of actin filaments into complex superstructures is indispensable for structure and function of neuronal networks. We here report that knock down of the F-actin-binding protein Abp1, which is important for endocytosis and synaptic organization, results in changes in axon development virtually identical to Arp2/3 complex inhibition, i.e., a selective increase of axon length. Our in vitro and in vivo experiments demonstrate that Abp1 interacts directly with N-WASP, an activator of the Arp2/3 complex, and releases the autoinhibition of N-WASP in cooperation with Cdc42 and thereby promotes N-WASP-triggered Arp2/3 complex-mediated actin polymerization. In line with our mechanistical studies and the colocalization of Abp1, N-WASP and Arp2/3 at sites of actin polymerization in neurons, we reveal an essential role of Abp1 and its cooperativity with Cdc42 in N-WASP-induced rearrangements of the neuronal cytoskeleton. We furthermore show that introduction of N-WASP mutants lacking the ability to bind Abp1 or Cdc42, Arp2/3 complex inhibition, Abp1 knock down, N-WASP knock down and Arp3 knock down, all cause identical neuromorphological phenotypes. Our data thus strongly suggest that these proteins and their complex formation are important for cytoskeletal processes underlying neuronal network formation.  相似文献   

The Listeria monocytogenes ActA protein mediates actin-based motility by recruiting and stimulating the Arp2/3 complex. In vitro, the actin monomer-binding region of ActA is critical for stimulating Arp2/3-dependent actin nucleation; however, this region is dispensable for actin-based motility in cells. Here, we provide genetic and biochemical evidence that vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) recruitment by ActA can bypass defects in actin monomer-binding. Furthermore, purified VASP enhances the actin-nucleating activity of wild-type ActA and the Arp2/3 complex while also reducing the frequency of actin branch formation. These data suggest that ActA stimulates the Arp2/3 complex by both VASP-dependent and -independent mechanisms that generate distinct populations of actin filaments in the comet tails of L. monocytogenes. The ability of VASP to contribute to actin filament nucleation and to regulate actin filament architecture highlights the central role of VASP in actin-based motility.  相似文献   

Ena/VASP: proteins at the tip of the nervous system   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The emergence of neurites from a symmetrical cell body is an essential feature of nervous system development. Neurites are the precursors of axons and dendrites and are tipped by growth cones, motile structures that guide elongating axons in the developing nervous system. Growth cones steer the axon along a defined path to its appropriate target in response to guidance cues. This navigation involves the dynamic extension and withdrawal of actin-filled finger-like protrusions called filopodia that continuously sample their environment. Ena/VASP proteins, a conserved family of actin-regulatory proteins, are crucial for filopodia formation and function downstream of several guidance cues. Here we review recent findings into Ena/VASP function in neurite initiation, axon outgrowth and guidance.  相似文献   

We previously showed that silencing profilin‐1 (Pfn1) expression increases breast cancer cell motility, but the underlying mechanisms have not been explored. Herein, we demonstrate that loss of Pfn1 expression leads to slower but more stable lamellipodial protrusion thereby enhancing the net protrusion rate and the overall motility of MDA‐MB‐231 breast cancer cells. Interestingly, MDA‐MB‐231 cells showed dramatic enrichment of VASP at their leading edge when Pfn1 expression was downregulated and this observation was also reproducible in other cell types including human mammary epithelial cells and vascular endothelial cells. We further demonstrate that Pfn1 downregulation results in a hyper‐motile phenotype of MDA‐MB‐231 cells in an Ena/VASP‐dependent mechanism. Pfn1‐depleted cells display a strong colocalization of VASP with lamellipodin (Lpd—a PI(3,4)P2‐binding protein that has been previously implicated in lamellipodial targeting of Ena/VASP) at the leading edge. Finally, inhibition of PI3‐kinase (important for generation of PI(3,4)P2) delocalizes VASP from the leading edge. This observation is consistent with a possible involvement of Lpd in enhanced membrane recruitment of VASP that results from loss of Pfn1 expression. Our findings for the first time highlight a possible mechanism of how reduced expression of a pro‐migratory molecule like Pfn1 could actually promote motility of breast cancer cells. J. Cell. Physiol. 219: 354–364, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

To determine whether the Arp2/3 complex activated by N-WASP (VCA) branches actin filaments at the side (side branching), or at the barbed (B-)end (end branching) of the mother filaments, we have directly observed the branching process of actin filaments and examined single-molecule unbinding under optical microscope. We found that side branching was predominant, though not exclusive. At the initial stage of polymerization, the branching at the B-end occurred and subsequently the side branching started to occur. In either type of branching, the mother and daughter filaments elongated at nearly the same rate (growing type). Independently of the stage of polymerization, branching due to the direct coupling of filaments with an acute angle to the mother filaments (a coupling type) occurred. Phalloidin suppressed the growing type of branching but not the coupling type, implying that actin monomers are required for the former but not the latter. We found, by single molecule measurements using optical tweezers, that the Arp2/3 complex attaches to the side of actin filaments and the N-WASP appears to detach from the actin-Arp2/3 complex at 6-7 pN.  相似文献   

The Listeria monocytogenes surface protein ActA mediates actin-based motility by interacting with a number of host cytoskeletal components, including Ena/VASP family proteins, which in turn interact with actin and the actin-binding protein profilin. We employed a bidirectional genetic approach to study Ena/VASP's contribution to L. monocytogenes movement and pathogenesis. We generated an ActA allelic series within the defined Ena/VASP-binding sites and introduced the resulting mutant L. monocytogenes into cell lines expressing different Ena/VASP derivatives. Our findings indicate that Ena/VASP proteins contribute to the persistence of both speed and directionality of L. monocytogenes movement. In the absence of the Ena/VASP proline-rich central domain, speed consistency decreased by sixfold. In addition, the Ena/VASP F-actin-binding region increased directionality of bacterial movement by fourfold. We further show that both regions of Ena/VASP enhanced L. monocytogenes cell-to-cell spread to a similar degree, although the Ena/VASP F-actin-binding region did so in an ActA-independent manner. Surprisingly, our ActA allelic series enabled us to uncouple L. monocytogenes speed from directionality although both were controlled by Ena/VASP proteins. Lastly, we showed the pathogenic relevance of these findings by the observation that L. monocytogenes lacking ActA Ena/VASP-binding sites were up to 400-fold less virulent during an adaptive immune response.  相似文献   

Ena/VASP proteins influence the organization of actin filament networks within lamellipodia and filopodia of migrating cells and in actin comet tails. The molecular mechanisms by which Ena/VASP proteins control actin dynamics are unknown. We investigated how Ena/VASP proteins regulate actin polymerization at actin filament barbed ends in vitro in the presence and absence of barbed end capping proteins. Recombinant His-tagged VASP increased the rate of actin polymerization in the presence of the barbed end cappers, heterodimeric capping protein (CP), CapG, and gelsolin-actin complex. Profilin enhanced the ability of VASP to protect barbed ends from capping by CP, and this required interactions of profilin with G-actin and VASP. The VASP EVH2 domain was sufficient to protect barbed ends from capping, and the F-actin and G-actin binding motifs within EVH2 were required. Phosphorylation by protein kinase A at sites within the VASP EVH2 domain regulated anti-capping and F-actin bundling by VASP. We propose that Ena/VASP proteins associate at or near actin filament barbed ends, promote actin assembly, and restrict the access of barbed end capping proteins.  相似文献   

The metameric organization of the vertebrate body plan is established during somitogenesis as somite pairs sequentially form along the anteroposterior axis. Coordinated regulation of cell shape, motility and adhesion are crucial for directing the morphological segmentation of somites. We show that members of the Ena/VASP family of actin regulatory proteins are required for somitogenesis in Xenopus. Xenopus Ena (Xena) localizes to the cell periphery in the presomitic mesoderm (PSM), and is enriched at intersomitic junctions and at myotendinous junctions in somites and the myotome, where it co-localizes with beta1-integrin, vinculin and FAK. Inhibition of Ena/VASP function with dominant-negative mutants results in abnormal somite formation that correlates with later defects in intermyotomal junctions. Neutralization of Ena/VASP activity disrupts cell rearrangements during somite rotation and leads to defects in the fibronectin (FN) matrix surrounding somites. Furthermore, inhibition of Ena/VASP function impairs FN matrix assembly, spreading of somitic cells on FN and autophosphorylation of FAK, suggesting a role for Ena/VASP proteins in the modulation of integrin-mediated processes. We also show that inhibition of FAK results in defects in somite formation, blocks FN matrix deposition and alters Xena localization. Together, these results provide evidence that Ena/VASP proteins and FAK are required for somite formation in Xenopus and support the idea that Ena/VASP and FAK function in a common pathway to regulate integrin-dependent migration and adhesion during somitogenesis.  相似文献   

To propel itself in infected cells, the pathogen Shigella flexneri subverts the Cdc42-controlled machinery responsible for actin assembly during filopodia formation. Using a combination of bacterial motility assays in platelet extracts with Escherichia coli expressing the Shigella IcsA protein and in vitro analysis of reconstituted systems from purified proteins, we show here that the bacterial protein IcsA binds N-WASP and activates it in a Cdc42-like fashion. Dramatic stimulation of actin assembly is linked to the formation of a ternary IcsA-N-WASP-Arp2/3 complex, which nucleates actin polymerization. The Arp2/3 complex is essential in initiation of actin assembly and Shigella movement, as previously observed for Listeria monocytogenes. Activation of N-WASP by IcsA unmasks two domains acting together in insertional actin polymerization. The isolated COOH-terminal domain of N-WASP containing a verprolin-homology region, a cofilin-homology sequence, and an acidic terminal segment (VCA) interacts with G-actin in a unique profilin-like functional fashion. Hence, when N-WASP is activated, its COOH-terminal domain feeds barbed end growth of filaments and lowers the critical concentration at the bacterial surface. On the other hand, the NH(2)-terminal domain of N-WASP interacts with F-actin, mediating the attachment of the actin tail to the bacterium surface. VASP is not involved in Shigella movement, and the function of profilin does not require its binding to proline-rich regions.  相似文献   

Although small GTP-binding proteins of the Rho family have been implicated in signaling to the actin cytoskeleton, the exact nature of the linkage has remained obscure. We describe a novel mechanism that links one Rho family member, Cdc42, to actin polymerization. N-WASP, a ubiquitously expressed Cdc42-interacting protein, is required for Cdc42-stimulated actin polymerization in Xenopus egg extracts. The C terminus of N-WASP binds to the Arp2/3 complex and dramatically stimulates its ability to nucleate actin polymerization. Although full-length N-WASP is less effective, its activity can be greatly enhanced by Cdc42 and phosphatidylinositol (4,5) bisphosphate. Therefore, N-WASP and the Arp2/3 complex comprise a core mechanism that directly connects signal transduction pathways to the stimulation of actin polymerization.  相似文献   

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