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We determined that the ATPase activity contained in preparations of neuronal microtubules is associated with a 50,000-dalton polypeptide by four different methods: (a) photoaffinity labeling of the pelletable ATPase fraction with [gamma-32P]-8-azido-ATP; (b) analysis of two- dimensional gels (native gel X SDS slab gel) of an ATPase fraction solubilized by treatment with dichloromethane; (c) ATPase purification by glycerol gradient sedimentation and gel filtration chromatography of a solvent-released ATPase fraction, (d) demonstration of the binding of affinity-purified antibody to the 50-kdalton polypeptide to ATPase activity in vitro. Beginning with preparations of microtubules we have purified the ATPase activity greater than 700-fold and estimate that the purified enzyme has a specific activity of 20 mumol Pi x mg-1 x min- 1 and comprises 80-90% of the total ATPase activity associated with neuronal microtubules. With affinity-purified antibody we also demonstrate cross-reactivity to the 50-kdalton subunits of mitochondrial F-1 ATPase and show that the antibody specifically labels mitochondria in PtK-2 cells. Biochemical comparisons of the enzymes reveal similar but not identical subunit composition and sensitivity to mitochondrial ATPase inhibitors. These studies indicate that the principal ATPase activity associated with microtubules is not contained in high molecular weight proteins such as dynein or MAPs and support the hypothesis that the 50-kdalton ATPase is a membrane protein and may be derived from mitochondria or membrane vesicles with F-1-like ATPase activity.  相似文献   

A persistent ATPase/GTPase activity has been found to be associated with highly recycled bovine brain microtubules. A GTP regeneration system was introduced to minimize the inhibitory effects of this hydrolase on microtubule polymerization. The characteristics of the ATPase indicate that it is not involved in GTP-induced mictrotubule polymerization, but is directly involved in ATP-induced polymerization. ATP-induced polymerization was also shown to require stoichiometric amounts of GDP, but higher levels of GDP inhibited both microtubule formation and the ATPase activity. An ammonium sulfate fractionation procedure was devised to separate microtubule protein into an ATPase-rich fraction and a pure tubulin fraction. The pure tubulin fraction polymerized in the presence of GTP, but not in the presence of ATP and GDP. In contrast, the ATPase-rich fraction polymerized with either ATP or GTP. It is still not known whether the microtubule associated ATPase plays a significant role in cellular microtubule function.  相似文献   

The ATPase in synaptic vesicles isolated from Torpedo californica electric organ can be nearly completely solubilized in octaethyleneglycoldodecyl ether containing buffer where it is stable only in a narrow pH range around neutrality. Solubilized ATPase adsorbs to Sepharose columns containing covalently linked Triticum vulgaris, Concanavalin A, Glycine max, Dolichos biflorus, Lens culinaris or Pisum sativum lectins in a manner responding to cognate sugar block or enzymatic deglycosylation in most cases. However, reproducible elution of adsorbed ATPase activity with cognate sugars could not be obtained. It is concluded that the cholinergic synaptic vesicle ATPase is a glycoprotein or it interacts with glycolipid.  相似文献   

Rabbit brush-border membrane vesicles possess ferricyanide reducing activity. This activity is preferentially dependent on NADH as reductant, and can be stimulated by the addition of FMN. The latency of activity observed following vesicle solubilisation suggests that the responsible component is transmembranous, and partially sequestered on the inner-face of the vesicles prior to full solubilisation. Subsequent increases in detergent concentration (>0.3% w/v lauryl maltoside) were found to be inhibitory. Ferricyanide reducing activity was effectively inhibited by the sulphydryl modifying reagents N-ethyl malemide and p-chloromercuribenzoate, but not by the flavin analogue diphenylene iodonium. The ferric-reducing activity co-purified with a b-type haem when applied to Sephacryl S-200 columns. The putative cytochrome was found to be immunologically distinct from neutrophil cytochrome b558  相似文献   

Fast transport of axonal vesicles and organelles is a microtubule-associated movement (Griffin, J. W., K. E. Fahnestock, L. Price, and P. N. Hoffman, 1983, J. Neuroscience, 3:557-566; Schnapp, B. J., R. D. Vale, M. P. Sheetz, and T. S. Reese, 1984, Cell, 40:455-462; Allen, R. D., D. G. Weiss, J. H. Hayden, D. T. Brown, H. Fujiwake, and M. Simpson, 1985, J. Cell Biol., 100:1736-1752). Proteins that mediate the interactions of axoplasmic vesicles and microtubules were studied using stable complexes of microtubules and vesicles (MtVC). These complexes formed spontaneously in vitro when taxol-stabilized microtubules were mixed with sonically disrupted axoplasm from the giant axon of the squid Loligo pealei. The isolated MtVCs contain a distinct subset of axoplasmic proteins, and are composed primarily of microtubules and attached membranous vesicles. The MtVC also contains nonmitochondrial ATPase activity. The binding of one high molecular mass polypeptide to the complex is significantly enhanced by ATP or adenyl imidodiphosphate. All of the axoplasmic proteins and ATPase activity that bind to microtubules are found in macromolecular complexes and appear to be vesicle-associated. These data allow the identification of several vesicle-associated proteins of the squid giant axon and suggest that one or more of these polypeptides mediates vesicle binding to microtubules.  相似文献   

Xenorhabdus nematophilus secretes a large number of proteins into the culture supernatant as soluble proteins and also as large molecular complexes associated with the outer membrane. Transmission electron micrographs of X. nematophilus cells showed that there was blebbing of the outer membrane from the surface of the bacterium. The naturally secreted outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) were purified from the culture supernatant of X. nematophilus and analyzed. Electron microscopy revealed a vesicular organization of the large molecular complexes, whose diameters varied from 20 to 100 nm. A sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis profile of the vesicles showed that in addition to outer membrane proteins, several other polypeptides were also present. The membrane vesicles contained lipopolysaccharide, which appeared to be of the smooth type. Live cells of X. nematophilus and the OMV proteins derived from them exhibited oral insecticidal activity against neonatal larvae of Helicoverpa armigera. The proteins present in the OMVs are apparently responsible for the biological activity of the OMVs. The soluble proteins left after removal of the OMVs and the outer membrane proteins also showed low levels of oral toxicity to H. armigera neonatal larvae. The OMV protein preparations were cytotoxic to Sf-21 cells in an in vitro assay. The OMV proteins showed chitinase activity. This is the first report showing toxicity of outer membrane blebs secreted by the insect pathogen X. nematophilus into the extracellular medium.  相似文献   

Sealed vesicles were isolated from a plant pathogenic fungus Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycinea using a modification of a method previously developed for plant plasma membrane vesicle isolation. Vanadate-sensitive, proton pumping microsomal membrane vesicles were resolved on a linear sucrose density gradient and found to comigrate with a vanadate-sensitive ATPase. Both the proton pumping and ATPase activity of these vesicles had a pH optimum of 6.5 and demonstrated similar properties with respect to substrate specificity and inhibitor sensitivity. These properties were in agreement with previously published data on the Phytophthora plasma membrane ATPase. In contrast with previous reports there was no K+ stimulation of the plasma membrane ATPase and the Km for Mg:ATP (1:1 concentration ratio) was higher (2.5 mM). A comparison of anion (potassium salts) effects upon delta pH and delta psi formation in sealed Phytophthora plasma membrane vesicles revealed a correspondence between the relative ability of anions to stimulate proton transport and to reduce delta psi. The relative order for this effect was KCl greater than KBr much greater than KMes, KNO3, KClO3, K2SO4. This study presents a method for the isolation of sealed vesicles from Phytophthora hyphae. It also provides basic information on the plasma membrane H+-ATPase and its associated proton pumping activity.  相似文献   

Vinblastine-isolated microtubule protein from chick embryonic muscles has an enzymatic activity which catalyzes the formation of phosphatidic acid from diglycerides and ATP. The pH optimum (6.4), sedimentation on sucrose gradients (Mr = 85 000), and sensitivity to ions of this diglyceride kinase activity are different to those of a similar enzymatic activity present in 150 000 X g supernatants of chick embryonic muscle homogenates, suggesting that it is a different species which is associated specifically with the microtubules. The reaction requires a divalent ion (e.g. 0.4 mM Mg2+ gives half-maximal stimulation), and GTP can replace ATP rather effectively, especially at nucleotide concentrations lower than 50 muM. The sedimentation of the diglyceride kinase on sucrose gradients coincides with that of the microtubules-associated protein kinase (Mr = 75 000); the heat-stability and sensivitity to proteolysis of both activities are also very similar. Stimulation of one reaction by the addition of the corresponding exogenous substrate does not impair the phosphorylation of the other, and no radioactivity is lost from phosphatidic acid or the protein moiety upon incubation of pre-labelled microtubules with a large excess of unlabelled ATP or GTP. In addition to diglyceride and protein kinase activities (0.2 and 0.3 nmol 32P-transferred X min-1 X mg-1 microtubular protein, respectively), microtubules also contain an associated ATPase (2.8 nmol X min-1 X mg-1), which requires either Mg2+ or Ca2+, can hydrolyze GTP quite effectively, and sediments with a molecular weight of 95000. The results obtained are discussed in connection with the possible relationships existing among these enzymatic activities, as well as their probable role in microtubular functions.  相似文献   

Treatment of sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles with aqueous n-alcohols caused inhibition of calcium uptake and enhancement of ATPase activity. With increasing alcohol concentration, the ATPase activity reached a maximum (in the case of n-butanol, at about 350 mM) and then decreased. The effect of n-butanol was extensively studied. The purified ATPase enzyme and leaky vesicles treated with Triton X-100 or phospholipase A showed high ATPase activity in the absence of n-butanol. With increasing n-butanol concentration, their atpase activities began to decrease above about 250 mM n-butanol, without any enhancement. In the presence of ATP, the turnover rate of calcium after calcium accumulation had reached a steady level was the same as that at the initial uptake. n-Butanol did not affect these rates. Kinetic analyses of these experiments were carried out. The mechanisms of calcium transport and of increase of ATPase activity in the presence of alcohol were interpreted as follows. After calcium accumulation had reached a steady level, fast influx and efflux continued; the influx was coupled with phosphorylated enzyme (E-P) formation and most of the efflux was coupled with rephosphorylation of ATP from ADP and E-P. The observed ATPase activity is the difference between these two reactions. If alcohol molecules make the vesicles leaky, calcium ions will flow out without ATP synthesis and the apparent ATPase activity will increase. The effect of alcohols on sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles was separated into two actions. The enhancement of ATPase activity was attributed to a leakage of calcium ions from the vesicles, while the decrease of ATPase activity at higher concentrations of alcohols was attributed to denaturation of the ATPase enzyme itself. The two effects were interpreted in terms of equilibrium binding of alcohol molecules to two different sites of the vesicles; leakage and denaturation sites. Similar analysis was carried out for various n-alcohols from methanol to n-heptanol. The apparent free energies of binding of the methylene groups of n-alcohols were evaluated to be -863 cal/mol for the leakage site, and -732 cal/mol for the denaturation site.  相似文献   

Intact vacuoles were isolated from leaves of the CAM plant, Kalanchoë daigremontiana Hamet et Perr. Both ATPase and acid phosphatase activities were found in the vacuoles. Purified tonoplast vesicles showed only ATPase activity with a pH optimum of 8.0. This activity was Mg2+-dependent and KCI or NaCI caused a further stimulation. N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, diethylstilbestrol and quercetin inhibited the ATPase almost completely at concentrations well below 1 m M. NaVo3, 1-ethyl-3(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide, oligomycin and NaN3 had little or no effect. Carbonyl cyanide m -chlorophenylhydrazone stimulated the ATPase about 40% at 5 × 10−4 M. The Km for ATP was found to be 0.55 m M. These results indicate that the ATPase found in the tonoplast membrane of Kalanchoë daigremontiana is qualitatively similar to that of other plant species.  相似文献   

VP4 is an unglycosylated protein of the outer layer of the capsid of rotavirus. It forms spikes that project from the outer layer of mature virions, which is mainly constituted by glycoprotein VP7. VP4 has been implicated in several important functions, such as cell attachment, penetration, hemagglutination, neutralization, virulence, and host range. Previous studies indicated that VP4 is located in the space between the periphery of the viroplasm and the outside of the endoplasmic reticulum in rotavirus-infected cells. Confocal microscopy of infected MA104 monolayers, immunostained with specific monoclonal antibodies, revealed that a significant fraction of VP4 was present at the plasma membrane early after infection. Another fraction of VP4 is cytoplasmic and colocalizes with beta-tubulin. Flow cytometry analysis confirmed that at the early stage of viral infection, VP4 was present on the plasma membrane and that its N-terminal region, the VP8* subunit, was accessible to antibodies. Biotin labeling of the infected cell surface monolayer with a cell-impermeable reagent allowed the identification of the noncleaved form of VP4 that was associated with the glycoprotein VP7. The localization of VP4 was not modified in cells transfected with a plasmid allowing the expression of a fusion protein consisting of VP4 and the green fluorescent protein. The present data suggest that VP4 reaches the plasma membrane through the microtubule network and that other viral proteins are dispensable for its targeting and transport.  相似文献   

ATP-induced quenching of fluorescence of acridine orange (a pH probe) or Oxonol V (a potential difference probe) is evoked in turtle bladder membrane vesicles in suspending media of appropriate ionic composition and is insensitive to oligomycin, valinomycin, and ouabain. These effects are ascribed to a membrane-bound, ouabain-resistant ATPase which mediates an active electrogenic proton transport.  相似文献   

The Mg2+-dependent, K+-stimulated ATPase of microsomes from pig gastric mucosa has been studied in relation to observed active H+ transport into vesicular space. Uptake of fluorescent dyes (acridine orange and 9-aminoacridine) was used to monitor the generated pH gradient. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy showed that the vesicular gastric microsomes have an asymmetric distribution of intramembraneous particles (P-face was particulate; E-face was relatively smooth. Valinomycin stimulated both dye uptake and K+-ATPase (valinomycin-stimulated K+-ATPase); stimulation by valinomycin was due to increased K+ entry to some intravesicular activating site, which in turn depends upon the accompanying anion. Using the valinomycin-stimulated K+-ATPase and H+ accumulation as an index, the sequence for anion permeation was NO-3 greater than Br- greater than Cl- greater than I- greater than acetate approximately isethionate. When permeability to both K+ and H+ was increased (e.g using valinomycin plus a protonophore or nigericin), stimulation of K+-ATPase was much less dependent on the anion and the observed dissipation of the vesicular pH gradient was consistent with an 'uncoupling' of ATP hydrolysis from H+ accumulation. Thiocyanate interacts with valinomycin inhibiting the typical action of the K+ ionophore. But stimulation of ATPase activity was seen by adding 10 mM SCN- to membranes preincubated with valinomycin. From the relative activation of the valinomycin-stimulated K+-ATPase, it appears that SCN- is a very permeant anion which can be placed before NO-3 in the sequence of permeation. Valinomycin-stimulated ATPase and H+ uptake showed similar dependent correlations, including: dependence on [ATP] and [K+], pH optima, temperature activation, and selective inhibition by SH- or NH2-group reagents. These results are consistent with a pump-leak model for the gastric microsomal K+-ATPase which was simulated using Nernst-Planck conditions for passive pathways and simple kinetics for the pump. The pump is a K+/H+ exchange pump requiring K+ at an internal site. Rate of K+ entry would depend on permeability to K+ as well as the counterion, either (1) the anion to accompany K+ or (2) the H+ efflux path as an exchange ion. The former leads to net accumulation of H+ and anion, while the latter results in non-productive stimulation of ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

In the present study, the question of whether the two myosin active sites are identical with respect to ATP binding and hydrolysis was reinvestigated. The stoichiometry of ATP binding to myosin, heavy meromyosin, and subfragment-1 was determined by measuring the fluorescence enhancement caused by the binding of MgATP. The amount of irreversible ATP binding and the magnitude of the initial ATP hydrolysis (initial Pi burst) was determined by measuring [gamma-32P]ATP hydrolysis with and without a cold ATP chase in a three-syringe quenched flow apparatus. The results show that, under a wide variety of experimental conditions: 1) the stoichiometry of ATP binding ranges from 0.8 to 1 mol of ATP/myosin active site for myosin, heavy meromyosin, and subfragment-1, 2) 80 to 100% of this ATP binding is irreversible, 3) 70 to 90% of the irreversibly bound ATP is hydrolyzed in the initial Pi burst, 4) the first order rate constant for the rate-limiting step in ATP hydrolysis by heavy meromyosin is equal to the steady state heavy meromyosin ATPase rate only if the latter is calculated on the basis of two active sites per heavy meromyosin molecule. It is concluded that the two active sites of myosin are identical with respect to ATP binding and hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) is activated by many kinds of stimuli and plays an important role in integrating signal transduction cascades. MAPK is present abundantly in brain, where we have studied its association with microtubules. Immunofluorescence of primary hippocampal neurons revealed that MAPK staining co-localized with microtubules and biochemical analyses showed that MAPK co-purified with microtubules. Approximately 4% of MAPK in cytosolic extracts was associated with microtubules, where it was associated with both tubulin and microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) fractions. Further fractionation of MAPs suggested that a portion of MAPK is associated with MAP2. An association with MAP2 was also demonstrated by co-immunoprecipitation and in vitro binding experiments. A similar association was shown for the juvenile MAP2 isoform, MAP2C. The pool of MAPK associated with microtubules had a higher activity relative to the nonassociated pool in both brain and proliferating PC12 cells. Although MAPK was activated by nerve growth factor in PC12 cells, the activity of microtubule-associated MAPK did not further increase. These results raise the possibility that microtubule-associated MAPK operates through constitutive phosphorylation activity to regulate microtubule function in neurons.  相似文献   

Potassium stimulation of the plasmalemma (Zea mays L. var Mona) was studied by using a constant ionic strength to prevent indirect stimulation by the electrostatic effect of K+ salts. The transmembrane electrochemical H+ gradient was eliminated by using gramicidin. In these conditions, K+ stimulation was attributable to a direct effect of the cation on plasmalemma proteins. We used both native vesicles isolated on a sucrose cushion, and solubilized and purified ATPase from phase-partitioned plasmalemma, according to the method of T. Nagao, W. Sasakawa, and T. Sugiyama ([1987] Plant Cell Physiol 28: 1181-1186). The purified enzyme had a high specific activity (15 micromoles per minute per milligram protein), but was only about 20% stimulated by K+. In both preparations, potassium (in the range around 1 millimolar) specifically decreased two-fold the vanadate inhibition constant, and increased the maximum rate of ATP hydrolysis. In plasmalemma vesicles, the Eadie-Scatchard graph of the K+-dependent ATPase activity as a function of K+ concentration was linear only at constant ionic strength. The purified ATPase preparation appeared as two closely spaced bands in the 100 kilodalton region with isoelectric point about 6.5. Nevertheless, this biochemical heterogeneity seems unlikely to be related to K+ stimulation, since K+ modified neither the pH optimum of the activity (pH 6.5) nor the monophasic kinetics of the vanadate inhibition, in both native plasmalemma and purified enzyme preparation.  相似文献   

Biosynthetic cargo is transported away from the Golgi in vesicles via microtubules. In the cell periphery the vesicles are believed to engage actin and then dock to fusion sites at the plasma membrane. Using dual-color total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, we observed that microtubules extended within 100 nm of the plasma membrane and post-Golgi vesicles remained on microtubules up to the plasma membrane, even as fusion to the plasma membrane initiated. Disruption of microtubules eliminated the tubular shapes of the vesicles and altered the fusion events: vesicles required multiple fusions to deliver all of their membrane cargo to the plasma membrane. In contrast, the effects of disrupting actin on fusion behavior were subtle. We conclude that microtubules, rather than actin filaments, are the cytoskeletal elements on which post-Golgi vesicles are transported until they fuse to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Ca++-uptake and Mg++-Ca++-dependent ATPase activity of skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles were reciprocally affected by increasing the oxalate concentration from 0 to 4 mM. At 0-0.1 mM oxalate approximately 17% of the calcium was removed by the vesicles from the medium while the ATPase activity was maximal (approximately 0.66 mumoles Pi mg-1 protein min-1). Between 0.1 to 0.2 mM oxalate the ATPase activity was reduced to one-fifth but the uptake rose sharply and 100% of the 45Ca++ was removed from the medium. The uptake was maintained at this level at oxalate concentrations greater than 0.4 mM but the ATPase activity remained inhibited. The kinetics of Ca++-uptake and ATPase activity were also differentially affected by oxalate. In the presence of oxalate, ruthenium red had only a very slight inhibitory effect on the calcium uptake. Addition of 0.1 mM EGTA removed 80% of the Ca++ from preloaded vesicles within 10 min. The formation of insoluble Ca-oxalate salt on the surface of the vesicle is suggested by these results. Calculations based on the Ksp of the calcium oxalate salt are presented to show its formation and the possible speciation of a Ca-oxalate complex which may affect the Ca++-uptake and ATPase activity.  相似文献   

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