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Cells from the sub-epidermal layer of Pilea cadierei preparedfor electron microscopy using standard fixation and embeddingprocedures appear extremely osmiophilic, with the organellesstanding out in negative relief. However, when tissues werefixed in glutaraldehyde supplemented with either procaine orcaffeine (substances known to complex with phenols) the osmiophilicmaterial was generally limited to the vacuole. After procaineor caffeine fixation the surrounding cytoplasm appeared as inadjacent, nonphenolic cells. Some small aggregates of phenolicmaterial appear in the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticular,indicating these organelles may be involved in either the synthesisor transport of phenolics in Pilea. Since one of the major functionsof phenolics is in light-screening, air blisters may serve toscreen out damaging radiation from the underlying tissue. Thepresence of typical shade-type plastids in Pilea air blistersis a further indication of this light-screening role. Pilea cadierei, aluminium plant, air blister, cytochemistry, ultrastructure, light screening, phenolics  相似文献   

Cystolith Development and Structure in Pilea cadierei (Urticaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cystolith formation, structure and composition have been investigatedin leaves and stem internodes of Pilea cadierei (Urticaceae)using a variety of techniques at the light and electron microscopelevels. The development of lithocysts from epidermal cells hasbeen followed. These cells are cytoplasmically similar to otherepidermal cells but possess a much more active Golgi apparatusand more numerous mitochondria. The cystolith is a spindle-shapedbody composed of concentric layers of longitudinally orientatedcellulose microfibrils associated with pectins and other cellwall polysaccharides. At maturity it is heavily impregnatedwith calcium carbonate. Some cystoliths also contain siliconand are covered in a sheath of siliceous material. Cystolithformation occurs at the tip of a peg that grows in from thelithocyst wall. Evidence from ultrastructure suggests that thelithocytst cytoplasm transports carbohydrates to the cystolithvia Golgi vesicles, and organizes the deposition of cystolithcellulose microfibrils via a system of microtubules lying beneaththe plasma membrane that envelopes the growing cystolith. Thepeg is composed of heavily staining amorphous material likethat of an apoplastically sealed cell wall. It is incapableof supporting the migration of lanthanum ions into the cystolith.We conclude that cystoliths are isolated volumes of apoplastthat act as repositories for inorganic salts, principally calciumcarbonate. We propose that calcium ions move into the lithocystprotoplast from surrounding cells and are then transported acrossthe plasma membrane boundary into the cystolith. This proposalconflicts with previous suggestions that calcium enters by diffusionthrough the peg. Cystolith, lithocyst, cell wall, calcium, silicon, cytochemistry, electron probe analysis, Pilea cadierei  相似文献   

In leaves of Pilea cadierei lithocysts, trichomes and hydathodesin the upper epidermis, and lithocysts, trichomes and anomocyticstomata in the lower epidermis are components of a regular distributionpattern in which spacing probably depends upon inhibitory interactionsbetween initial cells during leaf development. Anisocytic stomata,which also occur in the lower epidermis, show a clumped distributionpattern that results from their relatively late formation aftercell division in the epidermis is otherwise complete, and fromthe inhibitory influence of established lithocysts, trichomesand anomocytic stomata. Ordered spacing of anisocytic stomatawithin groups probably results from mutual inhibition betweeninitial cells at the time of inception. Lithocysts associatedwith primary and secondary veins are elongated along the veinaxis. Elsewhere in the leaf lithocyst, orientation is obliquerelative to the midrib and shows a correlation with vein orientationaround the time of lithocysts elongation. Lithocyst, cystolith, trichome, hydathode, stomata, Pilea cadierei  相似文献   

Optical replicas of leaf surfaces were made for characterizingthe lens properties of individual epidermal cells. Using a dentallatex, moulds were made of leaf surfaces and subsequently usedto produce agarose replicas. The replicas focused light in amanner similar to intact epidermal cells and it was possibleto measure both focal lengths and intensifications within leafreplicas of Thermopsis montana, Mahonia repens, and Smilacinastellata which had epidermal cells of different diameter. Focallengths ranged from 74—130 µm which indicated thatlight was concentrated within the underlying photosynthetictissues of these leaves. Focal intensifications were measuredsensiometrically and were 1.5 for T. montana and 2-6 for theother species. These values compare favourably with calculatedfocal lengths and measurements taken from isolated epidermallayers. The results indicate that the epidermis can concentratelight within the leaf to amounts well in excess of ambient light.Furthermore, the replicas faithfully reproduced fine anatomicaldetails from a wide variety of leaves and they provide a non-destructiveway to reproduce surface characteristics for anatomical andphysiological studies.  相似文献   

Proplastids of both tapetal cells and microsporocytes were presentearly in anther development. Tapetal proplastids differentiated—probablyinto elaioplasts—at late microspore stage. The tapetalcytoplasm was completely resorbed by early tricellular pollenstage. Microspore proplastids differentiated into amyloplastsat early bicellular stage, and were present in both vegetativeand generative cells. In the generative cell, the amyloplastswere ephemeral and apparently degenerated within autophagicvacuoles. Plastids were absent from sperm cells. Vegetativecell amyloplasts increased in number apparently by fission suchthat one amyloplast produced one amyloplast and one proplastidper division. Mature pollen grains were estimated to containbetween 550 and 820 amyloplasts with only one starch granuleper plastid. Elaioplasts, amyloplasts, plastid division, plastid differentiation, starch granules, autophagy, Lolium perenne, Poaceae, rye-grass  相似文献   

Three types of mature epidermal neurons and several of theirdifferentiating stages aie presented in this ultrastructuralstudy. Each of the three types, neurosensory, neurosecretory,and ganglionic cells, is derived from interstitial cells, (i)Mature neurosensory cells contain elongated nuclei, a well-developedcilium in each cell, and membrane-bounded neurosecretory droplets(700–1300 A in diameter). There may be two or more neuritesin which are numerous microtubules, glycogen particles, ribosomesand many neurosecretory droplets, (ii) Mature neurosecretorycells closely resemble neurosensory cells, except that no ciliumis present. The perikarya contain small, dense nuclei, neurosecretorydroplets (850–1300 A in diameter), mitochondria, glycogenparticles, and microtubules. Active Golgi complexes are presentin both cell types. The nemites are similar to those describedfor neurosensory cells, (iii) Mature ganglionic cells are bipolaror multipolar. The small, dense nuclei are surrounded by a smallamount of cytoplasm. The neurites contain mostly microtubules;a few mitochondria, ribosomes, and glycogen particles are alsopresent, but there are no secretory droplets. To date, only neurosensory and neurosecretory cells have beenobserved in the gastiodermis. They are structurally indistinguishablefrom their epideimal counterparts. A significant finding is that three types of synapses—neuromuscular,neuronematocyte, and interneuronal—are identified in boththe epidermal and gastrodermal neurons.  相似文献   

Longitudinal elongation contributes most to leaf area expansionof grasses and its rate is known to be strongly affected byN. Our objective was to determine the effect of two N regimes(N0and N+) on the gradient of leaf tissue formation in meristemsof two contrasting tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.)genotypes. Proportions of epidermal, mesophyll and vasculartissue as well as intercellular air space were determined throughoutthe base of actively elongating leaves. The area of leaf transversesections nearly doubled between the ligule and the distal endof the growth zone (about 30 mm), and was mainly associatedwith lateral epidermal and mesophyll cell division in the proximal5.0–7.5 mm. Further increase in transverse area was dueto the formation of intercellular airspace and transverse expansionof epidermal cells. Depending on genotype and N treatment themesophyll, epidermis, vascular bundles and air space comprised45–54%, 20–28%, 6–9%, and 17–21%, respectively,of transverse leaf area in the distal part of the growth zone.After a slight increase close to the leaf base, the area ofvascular tissue remained constant throughout the growth zone.The proportion of air space to mesophyll space was higher atN0than at N+ because mesophyll area was enhanced by N+ to agreater degree than by N0. In the genotype with slow leaf elongation,the increase in cross-sectional leaf area was due to an increasein both leaf width and leaf thickness. In the genotype whichhad faster leaf elongation and wider leaves, only leaf thicknesswas enhanced by N+. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Festuca arundinacea(Schreb.), tall fescue, leaf anatomy, growth zone, nitrogen  相似文献   

Stomata and Structure of Tetraploid Apple Leaves cultured in Vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Leaves of anther-derived tetraploid apple (Malus pumila Mill.)shoots were examined by low-temperature scanning electron microscopy(LT-SEM). Leaves were serrate and wide with an undulating adaxialsurface due to convex epidermal cells, apparently without crystallineepicuticular wax. Stomata were absent from the adaxial surface,except for the marginal teeth which exhibited 40-60 stomataper leaf; they probably originated from residual mitotic activity.One third of abaxial stomata was occluded by the residual cuticleof the mother guard cell across the stomatal pore which rupturedwhen the stomata became functional. The stomatal index was 7·2(± 1·6) with 60-75 stomata mm-2, i.e. abaxialstomata of tetraploid leaves expanded in vitro were less frequentthan those in triploid leaves either cultured in vitro (475-575stomata mm-2) or grown on the tree (320-390 stomata mm-2) wherethe stomatal index was 21 (± 4). Freeze-fracture transsectionsshowed that the tetraploid in vitro leaves were composed ofa layer of adaxial epidermal cells, followed by a single layerof palisade cells and four to five layers of spongy mesophyllcells and the abaxial layer of epidermal cells, in contrastto juvenile seedling-grown apple leaves in which the two layersof palisade cells comprised the majority (52-60%) of the leafvolume. The same morphological features, such as wide and lesspointed leaves, reduced stomatal density and stomatal index,and increased stomatal size that were previously reported fortree-grown tetraploid leaves were also expressed in vitro. Thus,causes of the stomatal deformation in tissue-cultured Rosaceaeare interpreted to be in part genetic and not purely environmental.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Malus pumila Mill., apple, biotechnology, breeding, cryo-preservation, CO2, juvenile, low temperature-scanning electron microscopy (LT-SEM), micropropagation, ploidy, stomata, tissue-culture, transpiration  相似文献   

Paracytic and anisocytic types of mature stomata are found inthe leaf of Aganosma dichotoma. Stomata with one guard cell,stomata with degenerated guard cells, and contiguous stomataare common. Stomata with arrested pore development are alsofound in certain cases. A single guard cell without any porehas not been designated as a stoma with one guard cell in thepresent investigation. Ontogeny of contiguous stomata have beentraced. Subsidiary cells are, morphologically, just like theircontiguous guard cells. Subsidiary cells may retain their shapeand contents even when their contiguous stoma becomes mature,or may change their shape and lose their contents. They mayor may not divide. Subsidiary cells form a whorl of more thantwo subsidiary cells around a stoma by their divisions. Degenerationof guard cell(s)— their contents and nuclei—havebeen traced. In certain cases guard cells divide forming morethan two guard cells associated to a single pore. Cytoplasmicconnections are found between two guard cells of nearby stomata,and between a guard cell and an epidermal cell. Near the wound,the epidermal cells over the veins become meristermatic givingrise to new epidermal cells but no meristemoid.  相似文献   

Accurate prediction of the timing of leaf area development isessential to analyse and predict the responses of crops to theenvironment. In this paper, we analyse the two processes determiningthe chronology of leaf development—initiation of leafprimordia by the shoot meristem and production of expanded leavesout of the shoot tip—in several pea (Pisum sativumL.)cultivars in response to air temperature and plant growth rate.Contrasting levels of air temperature and plant growth rateduring leaf development were induced by a wide range of sowingdates and plant densities in glasshouse or field experiments.Full leaf expansion was found to occur one phyllochron afterfull leaf unfolding, whatever the leaf nodal position. Primordiuminitiation and expanded leaf production rates presented similarquantitative responses to air temperature (linear response andcommonx-intercept), whatever the plant growth rate, cultivaror period of cycle. As a consequence, they were co-ordinatedand the numbers of initiated primordia or expanded leaves wereeasily deduced from simple visual observation of leaf unfolding.The change, over time, of the numbers of initiated leaf primordiaand fully expanded leaves correlated with cumulated degree-days,with stable relationships in a wide range of environmental conditions.Two phases, with different production rates, had to be considered.These results allowed us to predict accurately the beginningand the end of individual leaf development from daily mean airtemperatures. The relationships obtained here provide an effectiveway of analysing and predicting leaf development responses tothe environment. Pisum sativumL.; pea; number of leaf primordia; number of leaves; temperature; modelling  相似文献   

Ward, D. A. and Drake, B. G. 1988. Osmotic stress temporarilyreverses the inhibitions of photosynthesis and stomatal conductanceby abscisic acid—evidence that abscisic acid induces alocalized closure of stomata in intact, detached leaves.—J.exp. Bot 39: 147–155. The influence of osmotic stress on whole leaf gas exchange wasmonitored in detached leaves of Glycine max supplied with anexogenous concentration (10–5 mol dm–3) of ±abscisicacid (ABA) sufficient to inhibit net photosynthesis and stomatalconductance by 60% and 70%, respectively, under a saturatingirradiance and normal air. Raising the osmotic (sorbitol) concentrationof the ABA solutions feeding leaves elicited rapid and synchronousreversals of the ABA-dependent inhibitions of net photosynthesisand conductance. These reversals reached a peak simultaneously,after which photosynthesis and conductance declined. The magnitudeof the transient stimulations at peak height was dependent uponthe sorbitol concentration of the ABA feeding solution, althoughthe time-course of the transients (half time, 4–6 min)was similar for the different osmotic concentrations applied.Irrespective of transient size the relative changes of photosynthesisand conductance were comparable; consequently the calculatedpartial pressure of CO2 in the substomatal space (Ci) remainedrelatively constant during the transient phase. In contrastto the ABA-treated leaves, elevating the osmotic concentrationof the distilled water supply feeding control leaves stimulatedconductance to a much greater relative extent than photosynthesis.The co-stimulations of photosynthesis and conductance inducedin ABA-treated leaves by osmotic shock were not due to a restrictionin the transpirational uptake of ABA and occurred irrespectiveof the source osmoticum applied. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the ABA-dependentinhibition of photosynthesis at constant Ci is an artifact causedby the spatially heterogeneous closure of stomata in responseto ABA. Alternative explanations for the responses are, however,considered. Key words: Abscisic acid, photosynthesis, osmotic stress, Glycine max, stomatal conductance  相似文献   

During morphogenesis, intercellular attachments constrain cellmobility so that embryonic tissues may (i) deform as solid sheetsof tightly bound cells, (ii) disperse to migrate as separatecells or (iii) flow as multicellular liquids (in which cellsremain aggregated yet can still slide past one another). Bymodelling deep germ layers as multicellular liquids in amphibiangastrulation, Davis and I have predicted, and then confirmedexperimentally, (i) the area-invariance of deep-germ-layer surfacetensions in vitro, (ii) spontaneous cell slippage in deformeddeep—germ—layer cell aggregates and (iii) correlationsof tissue surface tensions with tissue positioning in deep-germ-layercell-sorting and aggregate—fusion experiments. Liquid—tissueflow involves intercalations of interior cells into expandingtissue interfaces (or withdrawal of surface cells from shrinkingtissue interfaces). Tissue surface tensions are macroscopicreflections of the microscopic, tissue—specific adhesivedifferentials which direct these cell translocations. Such adhesivedifferentials may act independently of, or together with, activecell—shape changes, chemotaxis, contact guidance and/orhaptotaxis in controlling embryonic tissue rearrangements. Deepcell intercalations in vivo occur throughout amphibian gastrulation:during ectodermal epiboly; during marginal—zone extensionand convergence (and therefore blastopore closure); during mesodermalinvolution; and probably during the anterior spreading and axialextension (and therefore dorsal convergence) of involuted mesoderm.Tissue—surface—tension measurements may help determine(i) which of these cell—intercalation processes are activeand which are passive, (ii) the specific contributions of variousmicroscopic cell properties to the regulation of liquid—likegerm—layer assembly and (iii) similarities and differencesbetween in vitro and in vivo control mechanisms governing amphibiangastrulation.  相似文献   

Willmer, C. M., Wilson, A. B. and Jones, H. G. 1988. Changingresponses of stomata to abscisic acid and CO2 as leaves andplants age.—J. exp. Bot. 39: 401–410. Stomatal conductances were measured in ageing leaves of Commelinacommunis L. as plants developed; stomatal responses to CO2 andabscisic acid (ABA) in epidermal strips of C. communis takenfrom ageing leaves of developing plants and in epidermal stripsfrom the same-aged leaves (the first fully-expanded leaf) ofdeveloping plants were also monitored. Stomatal behaviour wascorrelated with parallel measurements of photosynthesis andleaf ABA concentrations. Stomatal conductance in intact leavesdecreased from a maximum of 0-9 cm s– 1 at full leaf expansionto zero about 30 d later when leaves were very senescent. Conductancesdeclined more slowly with age in unshaded leaves. Photosynthesisof leaf slices also declined with age from a maximum at fullleaf expansion until about 30 d later when no O2 exchange wasdetectable. Exogenously applied ABA (0.1 mol m– 3) didnot affect respiration or photosynthesis. In epidermal stripstaken from ageing leaves the widest stomatal apertures occurredabout 10 d after full leaf expansion (just before floweringbegan) and then decreased with age; this decrease was less dramaticin unshaded leaves. The inhibitory effects of ABA on stomatalopening in epidermal strips decreased as leaves aged and wasgreater in the presence of CO2 than in its absence. When leaveswere almost fully-senescent stomata were still able to open.At this stage, guard cells remained healthy-looking with greenchloroplasts while mesophyll cells were senescing and theirchloroplasts were yellow. Similar data were obtained for stomatain epidermal strips taken from the same-aged leaves of ageingplants. The inhibitory effects of ABA on stomatal opening alsodecreased with plant age. In ageing leaves both free and conjugated ABA concentrationsremained low before increasing dramatically about 30 d afterfull leaf expansion when senescence was well advanced. Concentrationsof free and conjugated ABA remained similar to each other atall times. It is concluded that the restriction of stomatal movements inintact leaves as the leaves and plants age is due mainly toa fall in photosynthetic capacity of the leaves which affectsintracellular CO2 levels rather than to an inherent inabilityof the stomata to function normally. Since stomatal aperturein epidermal strips declines with plant and leaf age and stomatabecome less responsive to ABA (while endogenous leaf ABA levelsremain fairly constant until leaf senescence) it is suggestedthat some signal, other than ABA, is transmitted from the leafor other parts of the plant to the stomata and influences theirbehaviour. Key words: Abscisic acid, CO2, Commelina, leaf age, senescence, stomatal sensitivity  相似文献   

Changes in nuclear DNA content and cell size of adaxial andabaxial epidermal pavement cells were investigated using brightlight-induced leaf expansion of Phaseolus vulgaris plants. Inprimary leaves of bean plants grown under high (sunlight) ormoderate (ML; photon flux density, 163 µmol m–2s–1) light, most adaxial epidermal pavement cells hada nucleus with the 4C amount of DNA, whereas most abaxial pavementcells had a 2C nucleus. In contrast, plants grown under lowintensity white light (LL; 15 µmol m–2 s–1)for 13 d, when cell proliferation of epidermal pavement cellshad already finished, had a 2C nuclear DNA content in most adaxialpavement cells. When these LL-grown plants were transferredto ML, the increase in irradiance raised the frequency of 4Cnuclei in adaxial but not in abaxial pavement cells within 4d. On the other hand, the size of abaxial pavement cells increasedby 53% within 4 d of transfer to ML and remained unchanged thereafter,whereas adaxial pavement cells continuously enlarged for 12d. This suggests that the increase in adaxial cell size after4 d is supported by the nuclear DNA doubling. The differentresponses between adaxial and abaxial epidermal cells were notinduced by the different light intensity at both surfaces. Itwas shown that adaxial epidermal cells have a different propertythan abaxial ones. Key words: Cell enlargement, endopolyploidization, epidermal pavement cells, incident light intensity, leaf expansion, nuclear DNA content, Phaseolus vulgaris  相似文献   

Epidermal Cell Division and the Coordination of Leaf and Tiller Development   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
Initiation and development of grass leaves and tillers are oftendescribed individually with little attention to possible interrelationshipsamong organs. In order to better understand these interrelationships,this research examined epidermal cell division during developmentaltransitions at the apical meristem of tall fescue (Festuca arundinaceaSchreb.). Ten seedlings were harvested each day for a 9-d period,and lengths of main shoot leaves and primary tillers were measured.In addition, numbers and lengths of epidermal cells were determinedfor 0·5 mm segments along the basal 3 mm of each leafand tiller. Primordia development and onset of rapid leaf elongationwere characterized by an increase in the number of cells perepidermal file with mean cell length remaining near 20 µmper cell. After the leaf had lengthened to 1-1·5 mm,cells near the leaf tip ceased dividing and increased in length,at which time leaf elongation rate increased rapidly. Liguleformation, marking the boundary between blade and sheath cells,occurred prior to leaf tip emergence above the whorl of oldersheaths, while the earliest differentiation between blade andsheath cells probably began when leaves were < 1 mm long.Major transitions in leaf and tiller development appeared tobe synchronized among at least three adjacent nodes. At theoldest node, cessation of cell division in the leaf sheath wasaccompanied by initiation of cell division and elongation inthe associated tiller bud. At the next younger node the ligulewas being initiated, while at the youngest node cell divisioncommenced in the leaf primordium, as elongation of a new leafblade began. This synchronization of events suggests a key rolefor the cell division process in regulating leaf and tillerdevelopment.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Festuca arundinacea Schreb., tall fescue, cell division, leaf initiation, tillering, ligule development  相似文献   

In plants held under long days in the vegetative stage, youngexpanding leaves of poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd.‘Brilliant Diamond’) are the main source of axillarybud inhibition, while the apical bud, which includes the meristem,primordial leaves and small unfolded leaves, is a secondaryinhibition source. Removal of these expanding leaves resultedin rapid release and growth of axillary buds. Decapitation ofthe apical bud resulted in delayed axillary bud release. Inreproductive plants kept in short days, the pigmented bractsare the primary source of axillary bud inhibition and the cyathiaare the secondary source. Applications of NAA —substitutedfor both young leaves and bract inhibition — maintainedapical dominance. The concentration of endogenous auxin washighest in the apical bud. However, when calculated on wholeorgan basis the auxin level was greater in young developingvegetative leaves and in reproductive bracts than in the apicalbud. Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd, apical bud, apical dominance, auxin, correlative inhibition, cyathia, poinsettia, IAA, NAA  相似文献   

Plants of two cultivars of Callistephus chinensis (Queen ofthe Market and Johannistag) were grown in 8 h of daylight perday with one of the following treatments given during the 16h dark period: (a) darkness—‘uninterrupted night’,(b) I h of light in the middle of the dark period—a ‘nightbreak’, (c) I min of light in every hour of the dark period—‘cycliclighting’, (d) light throughout—‘continuouslight’. The plants receiving uninterrupted dark periods remained compactand rosetted in habit with small leaves, while leaf expansion,stem extension, and flower initiation were promoted in all threeillumination treatments (b, c, d). Although these three treatmentsproduced similar increases in leaf area, continuous light wasthe most effective for the promotion of both stem growth andflower initiation while cyclic lighting was generally more effectivethan a I-h night break. Continuous light also caused more dry matter to be divertedto stems at any given vegetative dry weight and it was shownthat the stem weight ratio of both varieties was correlatedwith stem length.  相似文献   

Ward, D. A. and Drake, B. G. 1987. Photoinhibition under atmosphericO2, the activation state of RuBP carboxylase and the contentof photosynthetic intermediates in soybean and wheat.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 1937–1948. Associations between photosynthesis, the activation state ofRuBP carboxylase and the contents of photosynthetic intermediateswere compared in soybean and wheat leaves before and after exposureto photoinhibitory treatments in the presence of atmosphericO2. Exposing attached leaves to a supra-saturating irradiance(3 800 µmol quanta m– 2 s–1) for 2 h in CO2-freeair decreased carboxylation efficiency and the light-saturatedphotosynthetic rate in air by approximately 50%. Exposure tothe photoinhibitory treatment for periods in excess of 2 h didnot cause a further decrease of photosynthesis in soybean. Althoughphotosynthesis was reduced, the initial and total (fully-activated)activities of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase)in leaf extracts were unaltered in each species by the photoinhibitorytreatment. This was true for leaves sampled under both air andat a rate-limiting intercellular CO2 partial pressure (Ci) of75 µPa Pa–1. The contents of ribulose l,5-bisphosphate(RuBP) and 3-phosphoglyceric acid (3-PGA) were reduced by thephotoinhibitory treatment in soybean leaves sampled in air andat a rate-limiting Ci, although the RuBP/3-PGA ratio was unaffected.The relative reduction of RuBP content in soybean leaves atrate-limiting C1 was similar to the corresponding reductionof carboxylation efficiency. For wheat,the relative reductionof RuBP content at rate-limiting Ci (–19%) caused by thephotoinhibitory treatment was considerably less than the correspondingdecrease of carboxylation efficiency (–49%).The RuBP/3-PGAratio of wheat was also increased significantly by the photoinhibitorytreatment The significance of these observations to the regulationof CO2-limited photosynthesis in leaves experiencing photoinhibitionunder atmospheric oxygen is discussed. Consideration is alsogiven to the previous contention that contemporary measurementsof initial activity in crude extracts may provide a spuriousindication of the amount of the enzyme-CO2-Mg2 + form of RuBPcarboxylase present in the leaf. Key words: Carboxylation efficiency, RuBP carboxylase, photoinhibition, RuBP, 3-PGA  相似文献   

The effect of proline supplied to detached young leaves of Viciafaba L. var. major on the level of epidermal ABA was investigated.After 1 h treatment with 5 min proline, fluorescent isothiocyanate(FITC) labeling of sonicated epidermal peelings indicated asignificant increase in the level of endogenous ABA. In a simultaneousexperiment on the same material, the effect of 10–7 MABA on epidermal FITC. fluorescence labeling was also studied.A marked increase in epidermal FITC fluorescence was observed.These results suggest an involvement of proline in the enhancementof ABA bound to the plasma membrane of epidermal cells. (Received April 11, 1986; Accepted September 1, 1986)  相似文献   

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