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1. Elevated allochthonous inputs of nutrients and sediments to aquatic ecosystems are associated with eutrophication and sedimentation. Reservoirs receive substantial subsidies of nutrients and sediments from catchments due to their large catchment : lake area ratios. We examined the effect of elevated subsidies of sediments and/or dissolved nutrients on the success (survival, growth, biomass and condition factor) of larval gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum), a widespread and dominant omnivorous fish in reservoir ecosystems. 2. We simulated allochthonous agricultural subsides by manipulating dissolved nutrients and sediment inputs in a 2 × 2 factorial design in experimental mesocosms. We predicted that larval fish success would be greater under elevated nutrients. However, we propose two alternative hypotheses with respect to the overall effect of allochthonous sediment inputs. If sediment inputs negatively affect larval gizzard feeding success, larval success would be highest when only nutrients are added and lowest when only sediments are added (+N > +N+S ≥ C > +S). If high turbidity enhances larval foraging activity (due to greater contrast between prey and background), we predict that larval success would be highest when both subsidy types (nutrients and sediment) are elevated, intermediate when either nutrients or sediments are added and the lowest when no subsidies are added (+N+S > +N ≥ +S > C). 3. Our results indicate that elevated nutrient and sediment conditions enhanced larval gizzard shad biomass, but the overall nutrient addition effect was greater than the sediment addition effect (+N ~ +N+S > +S > C). We observed differential effects of nutrient and sediment inputs on larval survival, growth and condition factors. 4. The enhancement of fish biomass in elevated nutrients (+N, +N+S) relative to control conditions was associated with improved gizzard shad survival and not greater growth. The enhancement of fish biomass in the elevated sediment treatment (+S) relative to the control conditions was caused by an increase in survival that more than compensated for a negative effect of sediment addition on growth. 5. Our findings support the recommendation that reservoir management practices must consider the links between land use practices and food web dynamics. Our results suggest that reduction of subsidies of nutrients and sediments to productive reservoirs would decrease survival of larval gizzard shad due to lower food availability.  相似文献   

Three concentrations of the herbicide simazine were added to in situ macrophyte-free enclosures with and without sediment contact. Changes in the concentrations of total ammonia, total reactive phosphorus, and silicon were monitored, and net sediment flux was calculated from the difference in nutrient concentration between bottomed and unbottomed enclosures. Rates of sediment release for all three nutrients were unaltered by 0.1 mg · l–1 simazine in relation to a control, whereas rates were increased proportionally at 1.0 and 5.0 mg · l–1. These results suggest that increases in dissolved nutrients commonly observed following herbicide treatment of shallow waters may not be attributable solely to macrophyte decay, byt may also involve a complex interaction of biotic and abiotic sediment nutrient exchange processes.Contribution Number 103 from the University of Manitoba Field Station, Delta Marsh, Canada  相似文献   

The geochemical response of sediments to increased nutrient input to an Alaskan, arctic lake was examined using direct measurements of sediment-water chemical fluxes. An unexpected increase in Fe flux occurred when sediments were exposed to high incident radiation and nutrient concentrations. Correlation between light and acid-soluble Fe concentrations suggests that photoreduction of Fe(III) oxides may occur, but nutrient addition enhanced the effect indicating that primary productivity was also important. The processes controlling the flux of Fe from sediments in this lake were complex and included the redox potential (dissolved oxygen concentration) of the water, quality of organic matter present in the sediment, light, and nutrients supplied from the sediments and/or water column. These four factors together with the possibility of direct uptake of Fe by phytoplankton and the possible release of algal reductants may contribute to Fe cycling in this lake.  相似文献   

1. Conditions experienced during the early stages of development may have carry‐over effects on performance during later life. The egg laying period and embryonic development of temperate and boreal zone amphibians often coincides with peak acidity resulting from spring snow‐melt, but the effects of acid conditions during embryonic stage on subsequent performance are unknown. 2. We investigated the potential carry‐over effects of acidity during the embryonic stage on performance up to metamorphosis in the common frog (Rana temporaria) tadpoles. There were four combinations of acid (4.5) and neutral (7.5) pH treatments applied to the egg and larval stages in a factorial laboratory experiment. In addition, we studied the difference in embryonic and larval tolerance of acidity between two populations originating from circumneutral (pH 6.6) and acidic conditions (pH 4.8). 3. The effects of acid conditions during the embryonic stage were sublethal, as indicated by delayed development and reduced size. Under acid conditions, tadpoles that had been raised in neutral water as embryos at first grew more slowly than tadpoles raised under acid conditions as embryos. At metamorphosis, no effects of embryonic acidity were detectable indicating that tadpoles were able to compensate fully for the initial reduction in growth. 4. Acid conditions during the larval period had a strongly negative effect on survival, size and age at metamorphosis. The amount of food consumed was lower under acid conditions, suggesting that reduced food consumption was at least partly responsible for the negative effects. 5. Although the two populations differed in the length of larval period, there was no indication of a differential response to the treatments in any of the metamorphic traits studied. 6. These results suggest that, although moderate acid conditions during embryonic development affect growth and development negatively, this influence does not persist after conditions have returned to normal. However, even moderately acid conditions during the larval period may have a strong negative influence on survival and performance of the tadpoles.  相似文献   

Schroeder  F.  Klages  F.  Blöcker  G.  Vajen-Finnern  H.  Knauth  H. -D. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,235(1):545-552
Sediments of the river Elbe estuary have been studied to assess their impact on the total nitrogen budget of the estuary. A new laboratory incubation apparatus was used to provide a means of regulating important parameters such as temperature and oxygen concentrations. With this apparatus sediment cores from a typical shallow water area with high organic carbon content were incubated under varying oxygen concentrations in the overlying water. Measurements of ammonium, nitrite, nitrate and nitrous oxide in the water phase were carried out and the fluxes between sediment and water phase calculated. During aerobic conditions in the water phase overall nitrate fluxes between + 4 and –3.5 mmol Nm–2d–1 across the sediment/water interface were observed. Under anaerobic conditions the fluxes increased up to –10 mmol Nm–2 d–1. Nitrous oxide was formed within the sediment under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Fluxes into the water phase were highest when the oxygen concentrations in the water phase were low (between 0.1 and 0.6 mg l–1).  相似文献   

We used paleolimnological methods to investigate spatial and temporal patterns of bulk sediment and nutrient (C, N, P) accumulation in Lakes Hell n Blazes (A = 154 ha, zmax = 240 cm), Sawgrass (A = 195 ha, zmax = 157 cm) and Washington (A = 1766 ha, zmax = 322 cm), in the Upper St. Johns River Basin, Florida. The study was designed to evaluate long-term changes in sedimentation and nutrient storage in the basin, and was one component of a larger project addressing flood control, wetland restoration, and water quality improvement. These three study lakes are wide, shallow waterbodies in the upper reaches of the St. Johns River channel. Sediment mapping indicates soft, organic deposits are distributed uniformly throughout Lakes Hell n Blazes and Sawgrass. In contrast, much of Lake Washington is characterized by sandy bottom, and organic sediment is largely restricted to the north end of the lake. Lakes Hell n Blazes and Sawgrass are effective sediment traps because dense submersed macrophytes and their associated epiphytes reduce flow velocity, intercept suspended particles, and utilize dissolved nutrients. Abundant Hydrilla, combined with short fetch, prevents resuspension and downstream transport of sediments. Larger Lake Washington is probably wind-mixed and resuspended organic sediments are redeposited to downstream sites. 210Pb-dated sediment cores show that organic sediment accumulation began in all three lakes before 1900, but that bulk sediment and nutrient accumulation rates have generally increased since then. The increases are probably attributable, in part, to anthropogenic activities including 1) hydrologic modifications that reduced flow rates in the channel, 2) discharge of nutrient-rich waters from urban, agricultural and ranching areas, and, 3) introduction and periodic herbicide treatment of the exotic macrophytes Eichhornia and Hydrilla.  相似文献   

We identified factors influencing biomass and nutrient content in E. densa in an enriched pampean stream of Argentina. Physical (current velocity, temperature), chemical (pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, nutrient content in water and sediments), and biological variables (biomass and nutrient content of E. densa, biomass of periphyton and other macrophytes) were estimated at each sampling occasion, and mean monthly values estimated. Biomass and nutrient content in E. densa were correlated with these physical-chemical and biological variables. Biomass was positively correlated with ammonium in stream water (P<0.05) and sediment total nitrogen (P<0.01). Nitrogen showed a positive relationship with ammonium (P<0.01), and a negative one with nitrate and periphyton biomass (P<0.05). Phosphorus was positively correlated with soluble reactive phosphorus (P<0.01). The growth of other macrophyte species in the stream seemed to influence E. densa biomass, probably through competition for light. Current velocity was low and not significantly related with E. densa biomass, however, a flood at the beginning of the study washed the macrophyte stand downstream.  相似文献   

Mäkelä  Kalervo  Tuominen  Liisa 《Hydrobiologia》2003,492(1-3):43-53
Chemical profiles of nutrients at the sediment–water interface were measured in the northern Baltic Sea. A whole core squeezer technique capable of mm-scale resolution was used to obtain the vertical profiles of NO3 , NO2 , o-P, NH4 + and Si in the soft bottom sediments. The profiles were compared with nutrient flux and denitrification measurements. In the Gulf of Finland, the profiles revealed a marked chemical zonation in NO3 and NO2 distribution indicating strong potential of nitrification just under the sediment surface followed by a layer of denitrification down to a depth of 30 mm. Below the depth of 20 mm NO3 was usually absent, whereas other nutrients were increasing steadily in concentration. A distinct minimum of NO3 was observed at the sediment–water interface, suggesting NO3 uptake by a microbial biofilm and/or active denitrification at the suboxic microniches usually present in organic-rich sediments. At the deep stations in the Baltic Proper, the NO3 concentration in pore water, as well as denitrification, were very low. The concentrations of NH4 +, o-P and Si were usually increasing steadily with depth.  相似文献   

The ecological impact of sewage discharges to a mangrove wetland in Futian National Nature Reserve, the People's Republic of China was assessed by comparing the plant community, plant growth and nutrient status of soils and vegetation of a site treated with settled municipal wastewater (Site A) with those of a control adjacent site (Site B) which did not receive sewage. During the one year study, the total and available N and P, and organic carbon concentrations of mangrove soils in Site A did not significantly differ from those of Site B. In both sites, the soil organic C, total N, NH4 }-N and total P content exhibited a descending trend from landward to seaward regions, with the lowest measurements obtained from the most foreshore location. Seasonal variation in N content of soil samples was more obvious than any difference between wastewater treated and the control sites. The soil N content was lower in spring and summer. This was attributed to the higher temperature in these seasons which facilitated degradation of organic matter and absorption of nitrogen by the plants for growth. No significant difference in plant community structure, plant growth (in terms of tree height and diameter) and biomass was found between Sites A and B. Leaf samples of the two dominant plant species, Kandelia candel and Aegiceras corniculatum collected from Site A had comparable content of organic carbon, N, P and K to those Site B. These preliminary results indicated that the discharge of a total volume of 2600 m3 municipal wastewater to an area of 1800 m2 mangrove plants over the period of a year did not produce any apparent impact on growth of the plants. The soils and plant leaves of Site A were not contaminated, in terms of nutrient content, by the discharged sewage.  相似文献   

不同覆盖方式对底泥内源营养盐释放的控制效果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过底泥内源营养盐释放控制室内模拟试验,考察了塑料包被、斜发沸石、方解石、石英砂和硝酸钙5种覆盖材料对底泥氮磷释放效率的影响,系统分析了各自优劣程度,为实际环境中不同污染背景水体选择适宜的控制技术提供科学依据.结果表明: 不同覆盖材料对底泥总磷释放的控制效果依次为:塑料包被>硝酸钙>斜发沸石>方解石>石英砂;不同覆盖材料对底泥总氮释放的控制效果依次为:斜发沸石>塑料包被>方解石>石英砂>硝酸钙;不同覆盖材料对底泥硝态氮释放的控制效果依次为:塑料包被>斜发沸石>方解石>石英砂>硝酸钙;不同覆盖材料对底泥铵态氮释放的控制效果依次为:硝酸钙>石英砂>斜发沸石>方解石>塑料包被;温度和底泥内源营养盐释放有对应关系,水样中总磷、总氮和硝态氮浓度会随着温度上升而增加,而铵态氮浓度呈下降趋势.  相似文献   

几种化学物质对蟾蜍蝌蚪生存及生长发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在室内条件下,采用单因子急性和慢性毒性实验法,分别研究了水环境中的pH、洗涤剂、除草剂、重金属离子(Pb2 、Cu2 、Hg )对黑眶蟾蜍蝌蚪的毒性效应.结果表明,这些水体污染物不但对蝌蚪的生存造成危害,还对蝌蚪的红细胞有致畸作用;而其慢性毒害表现为蝌蚪身体畸形,肤色变浅,生长发育迟缓等.据此,可以利用黑眶蟾蜍蝌蚪对水体污染进行监测.  相似文献   

Mark D. Morgan 《Hydrobiologia》1987,144(3):233-241
The impact of residential and agricultural development on stream periphyton communities in the New Jersey Pine Barrens was examined by comparison with communities in undeveloped areas. Watershed disturbance resulted in stream water primarily characterized by greatly elevated pH levels and nitrate concentrations. A total of 53 periphyton species were encountered in bimonthly samples over a one year period in the three disturbed and three undisturbed study streams. Species richness was significantly greater in the disturbed streams based on three criteria: the average number of species per stream on each sampling occasion (disturbed = 6.3; undisturbed = 4.9), the average number of species per stream for the entire year (disturbed = 19.3; undisturbed = 16.0), and the total number of species found in streams within a type (disturbed = 40; undisturbed = 31). Species composition also changed significantly as the result of disturbance. There appeared to be replacement of species characteristic of undisturbed Pine Barrens streams with species peripheral to the region. The expected effects of both elevated pH and nitrate were consistent with these results.  相似文献   

Figueiredo da Silva  J.  Duck  R.W.  Hopkins  T.S.  Rodrigues  M. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,(1):379-385
The Ria de Aveiro estuary-coastal lagoon system of northern Portugal is estimated to currently receive mean annual influxes of total nitrogen (N) and total phosphorus (P) of c. 6118 t y–1 and 779 t y–1, respectively, from its influent rivers. In low summer flows the mean N and P fluxes decrease to c. 10% of the annual average. The sewage contribution to the inland-derived N load on an annual basis is c. 5% but, during the summer low flow conditions, the sewage component increases to c. 65% of the total river loading. The sewage contribution to the inland-derived P load on an annual basis is c. 11% but, during the dry season, it is 1.2 times larger than the river-derived flux. The construction of a regional sewer system linked to a submarine outfall, due for completion in 2005, is expected to lead to a reduction in nutrient fluxes from inland to the lagoon of c. 15% for N and c. 26% for P relative to the present values. While this system will reduce the nutrient loading in the upper reaches of the lagoon, an increase in nutrients derived from the ocean is anticipated, due to the proximity of the outfall to the inlet.  相似文献   

三种沉积物改良措施比较及其对苦草生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在沉水植物的生活史中,沉积物提供植物固着基质和所需的大量营养元素,对沉水植物的兴衰有长期且深远的影响.通过模拟试验,研究了北里湖沉积物经过3种处理(覆盖砂、锁磷剂、粘土)后对苦草(Vallisneria natans)生长的影响,初步获得该湖生态恢复中适宜沉水植物生长的沉积物的最佳改良措施.结果表明:3种沉积物处理对沉积物的化学性状改变相对不大,而对物理性状改变效果较明显;生长于砂、锁磷剂和粘土处理的沉积物上的苦草株高、生物量和根冠比表现出明显的差异性(P<0.001);生长在砂处理上的苦草的生物量和株高最高,根系指标(表面积、体积、根尖数及长度)也证明砂处理对苦草生长起到了促进作用;锁磷剂和粘土处理对苦草生长效果不明显,甚至抑制其生长.因此,北里湖沉积物的改良采用砂处理方法较为适宜.  相似文献   

利用同位素示踪法研究了不同引入途径的125I和65Zn在大蟾蜍体内的吸收与分布。无论采用注射还是灌喂的方法,蟾蜍对125I的残留动态差别不大,都可分为快清除期和平台期,0~2d为快清除期,3~7d为平台期,经过了快清除期之后,残留的125I约为起始量的8%,并维持到实验结束。注射了65Zn后,0~7d的吸收动态曲线有所起伏,但波动很小,其波动范围为102.4%~114.48%。表明大部分的65Zn仍留在体内,几乎没有排出体外。注射65Zn的转移并不明显。但灌喂65Zn的动态变化则大些,而且转移明显。其活度曲线出现阶段性下降,有两个下降期,第一个下降期为4h~3d,第二个下降期为5~7d。说明灌喂组对65Zn的转移比注射组的活跃,但在实验的第7d残留率仍在60%以上。  相似文献   

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