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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of commercially used entomopathogens on Africanized Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Four bioassays were performed: 1) pulverized entomopathogens on A. mellifera; 2) entomopathogens sprayed on a smooth surface; 3) entomopathogens sprayed on soy leaves; and 4) entomopathogens mixed with candy paste (sugar syrup). Five treatments were prepared: sterile distilled water (control), distilled water sterilized with Tween® 80 (0.01%), and the commercial entomopathogens Metarhizium anisopliae E9 (1.0 × 109 conidia mL?1), Beauveria bassiana PL63 (1.0 × 108 conidia mL?1) and Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki HD-1 (3.0 × 108 spores mL?1). Each treatment consisted of five repetitions, with 20 workers per repetition, which were stored in a plastic box and, later, in a biological oxygen demand (B.O.D.) incubator (27 ± 2 °C, RH of 60% ± 10%, 12-h photophase). The mortality of the workers was evaluated from 1 h to 240 h, and the data were analyzed using Bayesian inference. The workers killed by the ingestion of candy paste contaminated with the pathogens (products) were randomly separated and selected for the removal of the midgut. Each midgut was fixed in Bouin's solution and prepared for histology. B. bassiana was verified to reduce the survival of A. mellifera workers in all bioassays. Moreover, M. anisopliae reduced the survival of A. mellifera workers directly sprayed, on a smooth surface and mixed with candy. B. thuringiensis reduced A. mellifera survival on a smooth surface and mixed with candy paste. However, its effects were lower than that observed by B. bassiana. The treatments with the biological products did not induce morphometric alterations in the midgut of A. mellifera.  相似文献   

The present study analyzed, the influence of the treatment with juvenile hormone on the ultrastructure of Apis mellifera L. workers' venom glands. Newly emerged workers received topical application of 1 microl of juvenile hormone diluted in hexane, in the concentration of 2 microg/pl. Two controls were used; one control received no treatment (group C1) and other received topical application of 1 microl of hexane (group C2). The aspect of the glandular cells, in not treated newly emerged workers, showed that they are not yet secreting actively. Cellular modifications happened according to the worker age and to the glandular area considered. The most active phase of the gland happened from the emergence to the 14th day. At the 25th day the cells had already lost their secretory characteristic, being the distal area the first to suffer degeneration. The treatment with juvenile hormone and hexane altered the temporal sequence of the glandular cycle, forwarding the secretory cycle and degeneration of the venom gland.  相似文献   

Larval salivary glands of bees provide a good model for the study of hormone-induced programmed cell death in Hymenoptera because they have a well-defined secretory cycle with a peak of secretory activity phase, prior to cocoon spinning, and a degenerative phase, after the cocoon spinning. Our findings demonstrate that there is a relationship between apoptosis and autophagy during physiological cell death in these larval salivary glands, that adds evidence to the hypothesis of overlap in the regulation pathways of both types of programmed cell death. Features of authophagy include cytoplasm vacuolation, acid phosphatase activity, presence of autophagic vacuoles and multi-lamellar structures, as well as a delay in the collapse of many nuclei. Features of apoptosis include bleb formation in the cytoplasm and nuclei, with release of parts of the cytoplasm into the lumen, chromatin compaction, and DNA and nucleolar fragmentation. We propose a model for programmed cell death in larval salivary glands of Apis mellifera where autophagy and apoptosis function cooperatively for a more efficient degeneration of the gland secretory cells.

Addendum to:

Programmed Cell Death in the Larval Salivary Glands of Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera, Apidae)

E.C.M. Silva-Zacarin, G.A. Tomaino, M.R. Brochetto-Braga, S.R. Taboga, R.L.M. Silva de Moraes

J Biosci 2007; 32:309-28  相似文献   

The pollination effectiveness of the commercially reared bumble bee Bombus impatiens Cresson, was compared in field studies to the honey bee, Apis mellifera L., for lowbush blueberry, Vaccinium angustifolium Ait. A preliminary study indicated that B. impatiens had potential as an alternative pollinator. In a 3-yr study, percentage fruit set, percentage harvested berries, berry weight, and seeds per berry were compared in blueberry fields stocked at 7.5 A. mellifera hives per hectare to 5, 7.5, or 10 B. impatiens colonies per hectare. Percentage of harvested berries (yield) was significantly higher in fields stocked with B. impatiens at 10 colonies per hectare. No other parameters measuring pollinator effectiveness were significantly different at 5, 7.5, or 10 colonies per hectare. Flower handling time was significantly faster for B. impatiens and it more frequently collected blueberry pollen. All parameters of pollinator effectiveness were similar for B. impatiens, A. mellifera, and native wild bees in a follow-up study. Overall, B. impatiens was a suitable alternative to A. mellifera.  相似文献   

The kinetic properties of honeybee arginine phosphokinase (APK), which catalyzes the reaction: Arginine phosphate + ADP + H+ ? arginine + ATP, have been studied.In the direction of ATP synthesis, the pH optimum was around pH 7.2 and the activation energy over the range 18–44 °C was about 10,500 cal/mole. The optimum ratio of Mg2+:ADP was about 4:1.In the direction of arginine phosphate (AP) synthesis, the enzyme had a pH optimum around pH 8.3. The energy of activation for the reaction over the range 22–39 °C was about 7500 cal/mole. The optimum ratio of Mg2+:ATP was about 1:1.The initial velocities of the reactions in the direction of ATP and AP synthesis were measured at varying concentrations of one substrate while the concentration of the other substrate was held constant at several levels. The double reciprocal plots of the data obtained yielded a series of intersecting lines, indicating that the enzyme has a sequential mechanism. Radioisotope exchange experiment showed that arginine phosphokinase did not catalyze ATP ? ADP exchange in the absence of arginine. Product inhibition studies showed that arginine was competitive with AP and noncompetitive with ADP; whereas ATP was competitive with ADP and noncompetitive with arginine. The results from initial velocity, radioisotope exchange, and product inhibition studies suggested that the enzyme has a rapid equilibrium, random mechanism.  相似文献   

Chalkbrood disease affects the larvae of honeybees Apis mellifera L. and is caused by the fungus Ascosphaera apis. Infected larvae die when they are stretched in the cap cell and suffer a gradual hardening that ends in a very hard structure (mummie). Several studies have demonstrated that colonies that express an efficient hygienic behaviour (uncapping of cell and subsequent removal of dead brood) exhibit a higher resistance to the disease. However, it remains unclear whether the advantage of hygienic colonies over less hygienic ones lies in the ability to remove mummies or in the early detection of infected larvae and its cannibalization before they harden. To elucidate this aspect, the hygienic behaviour of 24 colonies, which were subsequently provided with pollen cakes containig A. apis, was evaluated. The number of mummies and the number of partially cannibalized and whole larvae in uncapped cells were recorded. The most hygienic colonies controlled the disease better. These colonies also had a higher tendency to uncap cells that contained infected larvae and cannibalize them. The presence of A. apis in partially cannibalized and whole larvae in uncapped cells indicate that the advantage of hygienic colonies over less hygienic ones lies in the early detection of infected larvae death and their quick removal from the cell before they become mummies.  相似文献   

The midgut of Apis mellifera is remodeled during metamorphosis. The epithelium and, to a lesser extent, the muscular sheath degenerate between the end of the last larval instar and the onset of pupation (prepupa). The larval epithelium is shed to the midgut lumen and digested, while a new epithelium is reconstructed from larval regenerative cells. During pupation, some reorganization still occurs, mainly in brown-eyed pupae. In pharate adult, the midgut wall shows the characteristics of adult, although some cells have pycnotic nuclei. The localization of alkaline and acid phosphatases showed that these enzymes were not involved in the reabsorption of the midgut wall.  相似文献   

Antennal afferent pathway topography was studied in the queen honey bee, Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera : Apidae) by staining with cobalt chloride applied directly to the cut antennal axons. Antennal lobe organization in the queen was compared with those in worker and drone bees. The organization is similar in queen and worker bees. For the first time in a female insect the possible existence of a macroglomerulus is shown, which may be involved in the processing of species-specific information. A comparative quantitative neuromorphological study of the glomeruli was performed between young queens (8-day old) and 1-yr-old queens. The mean volume of the glomeruli is 46% greater in the older queens.  相似文献   

The projections of olfactory receptor cells of the poreplate sensilla were studied in the worker honey bee, Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera : Apidae) by filling single sensilla iontophoretically with cobalt chloride. Successful fillings of individual sensilla lead to staining of one to 22 sensory neurones. All stained receptor cell axons are uniglomerular. Seven fillings of poreplates from the 5th flagellar segment in different animals were compared to analyse the distribution patterns of the receptor cell axons in the antennal lobe. The sensory neurones of individual poreplates project to widely distributed glomeruli in the antennal lobe. The projection patterns of different poreplates are not the same, but may be overlapping.  相似文献   

An extensive survey of mitochondrial haplotypes in honeybee colonies from the Iberian Peninsula has corroborated previous hypotheses about the existence of a joint clinal variation of African (A) and west European (M) evolutionary lineages. It has been found that the Iberian Peninsula is the European region with the highest haplotype diversity (12 haplotypes detected of the M lineage and 10 of the A lineage). The frequency of A haplotypes decreases in a SW-NE trend, while that of M haplotypes increases. These results are discussed in relation to hypotheses about the African origin of Apis mellifera and an early colonization of west Europe during intermediate Pleistocene glaciation events, followed by a regional differentiation. The extant pattern of haplotype frequency and distribution seems to be influenced at a regional scale by adaptation to local climatic conditions and the mobile beekeeping that has become a large-scale practice during the last decades. Other previous anthropogenic influences (Greek, Roman and Arab colonizations) are thought to be of minor importance in present day populations.  相似文献   

Peptidoglycan recognition protein SA (PGRP‐SA) is a key pattern recognition receptor in the insect innate immune system. PGRP‐SA can bind to bacterial PGN and activate the Toll pathway, which triggers the expression and release of antimicrobial peptides to prevent bacterial infection. Here, we report the first structure of Apis mellifera PGRP‐SA from Hymenoptera at 1.86 Å resolution. The overall architecture of Am‐PGRP‐SA was similar to the Drosophila PGRP‐SA; however, the residues involved in PGN binding groove were not conserved, and the binding pocket was narrower. This structure gives insight into PGN binding characteristics in honeybees.  相似文献   

We compared flower visitation patterns of two coexisting honey bees, Apis mellifera Linnaeus and Apis cerana japonica Radoszkowski, on 20 plant species, including three exotics, under natural conditions in Nara, Japan, from April to August 2012. We also measured flower color based on bee color vision (15 flower species), nectar volume (nine species) and nectar concentration (eight species). Flowers colored white, pink, red, purple and cream were classified as bee‐blue‐green, and yellow was classified as bee‐green. Apis cerana visited 14 plant species and A. mellifera visited 11. Although the two Apis species are similar in morphology, they visited different plants: in particular, A. cerana visited native plant species more often than did A. mellifera. Both A. mellifera and A. cerana visited not only nectariferous flowers but also those with no nectar. We also found different visitation patterns between A. cerana and A. mellifera: Apis cerana more often visited flowers with smaller color angle (bee‐blue‐green), lower chroma and higher brightness, and flowers secreting nectars of higher concentration and smaller volume than did A. mellifera.  相似文献   

The present paper describes the ultrastructure and innervation of the honey stomach (crop) of Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera : Apidae). The crop is innervated by 10–20 μm-thick nerves with numerous axons, running longitudinally, and small nerves (1–3 μm, often containing only one distinct axon), running latitudinally. Crop muscles are striated, often branched and have only few multidirectionally arranged myofilaments; they seem to be of the slow-contracting type. Longitudinal and circular muscles produce projections that connect synaptically to small nerves. At these neuromuscular junctions, a high density of synaptic vesicles is found in the axons. A small number of apparently multipolar neurones, stained with Procion Yellow, are irregularly distributed over the crop. The possibility that these neurones work as stretch receptor organs is discussed.  相似文献   

Malformed antennae of Apis mellifera light ocelli drones were drawn, dissected and mounted permanently on slides containing Canada balsam, in order to count the olfactory discs present in each segment, in comparison with the number of those structures in normal antennae of their brothers. Some drones presented morphological abnormalities in a single segment of the right or left antenna, but others had two or more malformed segments in a same antenna. Drones with malformations in both antennae were also observed. The 4th and 5th flagellum segments were the most frequently affected. In a low number of cases the frequency of olfactory discs in malformed segments did not differ from that one recorded for normal segments. However, in most cases studied, the antennal malformations brought about a significant reduction in the number of olfactory discs from malformed segments.  相似文献   

We report nuclear acid phosphatase activity in the somatic (intra-ovariolar and stromatic) and germ cells of differentiating honey bee worker ovaries, as well as in the midgut cells of metamorphosing bees. There was heterogeneity in the intensity and distribution of electron dense deposits of lead phosphate, indicative of acid phosphatase activity in the nuclei of these tissues, during different phases of post-embryonic bee development. This heterogeneity was interpreted as a variation of the nuclear functional state, related to the cell functions in these tissues.  相似文献   

Each mandibular gland of the queen bee, Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae) consists of an axial cavity lined with a thin cuticular intima, secreted by a flat epithelium, and numerous glandular units (type 3), each unit with one duct cell and a large polyploid glandular cell. Mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum are preponderant organelles. During the ontogeny of the queen bee, the ultrastructure of the glandular cells evolves as her level of pheromonal activity. Variations mainly concern the mitochondrial system. Hence, at the beginning of the imaginal life, the homogeneous population of small mitochondria increases. Towards the 3rd–5th day of the queen's imaginal life, the pheromonal activity increases and the mitochondrial differentiation results in the appearance of giant forms. During the highest activity phase (6 to 18-month-old queens), giant mitochondria, associated with endoplasmic reticulum, invade cytoplasmic areas. In queens aged from 18 to 24 months, the reduction of pheromonal and secretory activities is associated with the reduction of mitochondrial population as well as with the accumulation of lipid droplets and various lytic structures.  相似文献   

Abstract Regurgitated pellets were collected from underneath roosts of rainbow bee-eaters in suburban Darwin, Australia, and examined for the presence of wings of honeybees. The proportion of pellets containing wings was compared prior to and after placement or removal of honeybee hives in the vicinity of four roosts. On each occasion, the addition or removal of hives was reflected in proportions of pellets containing wings. The results suggest that examination of pellets beneath bee-eater roosts would be a useful technique for monitoring the occurrence of feral honeybees. Potential uses for this technique in eradication of unwanted bees are discussed.  相似文献   

Genetic and environmental influences on the worker honey bee retinue response to queen mandibular gland pheromone (QMP) were investigated. Worker progeny were reared from queens originating from four sources: Australia, New Zealand, and two locations in British Columbia, Canada (Simon Fraser University and Vancouver Island). Progeny from New Zealand queens responded significantly higher (P < 0.05) than progeny from Australia in a QMP retinue bioassay. Retinue response was not related to queen production of pheromone or colony environment, and the strain-dependent differences in retinue bioassay responses were maintained over a wide range of dosages. Selected high- and low-responding colonies were bioassayed over the course of 1 year. High-responding colonies contacted QMP lures more frequently than low-responding colonies (P < 0.05) throughout the year except in late summer. We conclude that there is a strong genetic component to QMP response by worker honey bees, as well as a seasonal effect on response.  相似文献   

Entomological Review - We studied the effect of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (EMR) of a Wi-Fi router on sensory olfactory excitability, food motivation, and the ability to form a...  相似文献   

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