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The wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) stem rust (Puccinia graminis Pers.:Pers. f.sp. tritici Eriks. and Henn.) resistance gene SrWld1 conditions resistance to all North American stem rust races and is an important gene in hard red spring (HRS) wheat cultivars. A sexually recombined race having virulence to SrWld1 was isolated in the 1980s. Our objective was to determine the genetics of resistance to the race. The recombinant race was tested with the set of stem rust differentials and with a set of 36 HRS and 6 durum cultivars. Chromosomal location studies in cultivars Len, Coteau, and Stoa were completed using aneuploid analysis, molecular markers, and allelism tests. Stem rust differential tests coded the race as TPPKC, indicating it differed from TPMKC by having added virulence on Sr30 as well as SrWld1. Genes effective against TPPKC were Sr6, Sr9a, Sr9b, Sr13, Sr24, Sr31, and Sr38. Genetic studies of resistance to TPPKC indicated that Len, Coteau, and Stoa likely carried Sr9b, that Coteau and Stoa carried Sr6, and Stoa carried Sr24. Tests of HRS and durum cultivars indicated that five HRS and one durum cultivar were susceptible to TPPKC. Susceptible HRS cultivars were postulated to have SrWld1 as their major stem rust resistance gene. Divide, the susceptible durum cultivar, was postulated to lack Sr13. We concluded that although TPPKC does not constitute a threat similar to TTKSK and its variants, some cultivars would be lost from production if TPPKC became established in the field.  相似文献   

Kernel characteristics, particularly kernel weight, kernel size, and grain protein content, are important components of grain yield and quality in wheat. Development of high performing wheat cultivars, with high grain yield and quality, is a major focus in wheat breeding programs worldwide. Here, we report chromosome regions harboring genes that influence kernel weight, kernel diameter, kernel size distribution, grain protein content, and grain yield in hard red spring wheat breeding lines adapted to the Upper Midwest region of the United States. A genetic linkage map composed of 531 SSR and DArT marker loci spanned a distance of 2,505 cM, covering all 21 chromosomes of wheat. Stable QTL clusters influencing kernel weight, kernel diameter, and kernel size distribution were identified on chromosomes 2A, 5B, and 7A. Phenotypic variation explained by individual QTL at these clusters varied from 5 to 20% depending on the trait. A QTL region on chromosome 2B confers an undesirable pleiotropic effect or a repulsion linkage between grain yield (LOD = 6.7; R 2 = 18%) and grain protein content (LOD = 6.2; R 2 = 13.3%). However, several grain protein and grain yield QTL independent of each other were also identified. Because some of the QTL identified in this study were consistent across environments, DNA markers will provide an opportunity for increasing the frequency of desirable alleles through marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

Based on genealogical analysis, the genetic diversity of 78 spring durum wheat cultivars released in Russia in 1929-2004 have been examined. The temporal trends of change in diversity were studied using series of n x m matrices (where n is the number of the cultivars and m is the number of original ancestors) and calculating coefficients of parentage in sets of cultivars released in particular years. The pool of original ancestors of spring durum wheat cultivars includes 90 landraces and old varieties, more than a half (57%) of which originate from European countries, including Russia and Ukraine (45%). The original ancestors strongly differ in the frequency of presence in the cultivar pedigrees. Landraces Beloturka, Sivouska, Kubanka (T. durum Desf.), Transbaikalian emmer, Yaroslav emmer (T. dicoccum Schuebl.), Poltavka (T. aestivum L.), and the original ancestors of cultivars Kharkov 46, Narodnaya, and Melanopus 1932 enter in the pedigrees of more than half of cultivars created within the framework of various breeding programs. At that, their distribution by cultivars from different breeding centers strongly varies. Analysis of temporal dynamics of genetic diversity, based on genetic profiles and coefficients of parentage, has shown that the genetic diversity of Russian durum wheats increased during the period examined. Nevertheless, genetic erosion of the local material-a loss of approximately 20% of the pool of Russian original ancestors-has been found. The contribution of the original ancestors to the pedigrees of different cultivars, constructed in different breeding centers and recommended for cultivation in different regions, has been estimated. The variation of the released cultivars was highest in the Lower Volga region and lowest in the Ural region. In all, the lower threshold of genetic diversity in all regions does not reach the critical level, corresponding to the similarity of half-sibs. The set of modern cultivars included in the Russian Official List 2004 has a cluster structure.  相似文献   

Recently, we mapped genomic regions associated with resistance to wheat diseases and insensitivity to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (Ptr) toxins using 81 historical and modern Canadian western spring wheat cultivars genotyped with genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphic (SNP) markers. Here, we investigate the frequency and effects of allelic variants of 50 markers associated with 16 candidate genes that regulate resistance to leaf rust (Puccinia triticina), yellow or stripe rust (P. striiformis f. sp. tritici), tan spot (P. tritici-repentis), and Ptr ToxA reaction in a subset of 70 of the 81 spring wheat cultivars. We evaluated the 70 cultivars in the field for all diseases except Ptr ToxA, which was evaluated in a greenhouse. Using Spearman rank correlation, stepwise discriminant analysis, and partial least squares regression, we identified between 4 and 11 markers as best predictors of each phenotypic trait. Overall, 23 of the 50 markers were associated with one or more of the phenotypic traits of which analysis of variance showed significant differences between allelic variants of 19 markers. In most analyses, markers for Lr34/Yr18 and Tsn1 loci were identified consistently as the best predictor of disease resistance and Ptr ToxA sensitivity, respectively. The same alleles from two Lr34/Yr18 diagnostic SNP markers (wMAS000003 and wMAS000004) not only decreased stripe rust scores up to 1.6 (on a 1 to 9 scale), but also increased grain yield up to 196 kg ha?1 without affecting maturity. Results from this study could aid spring wheat breeders in selecting the best parental combinations and/or marker-assisted selection to integrate disease resistance with early maturity and short stature.  相似文献   

Using genealogy analysis, we studied genetic diversity of 340 cultivars of spring bread wheat that were released on the territory of Russia in 1929-2003. Trends in the temporal change of genetic diversity were inferred from analysis of a set of n x m matrices, where n is the number of the released cultivars and m is the number of original ancestors. The pool of original ancestors of the spring bread wheat cultivars for the total period of study included 255 landraces, of which 88 were from the former USSR and modern Russia. The original ancestors showed great differences in their presence in the cultivar sets examined and, consequently, in their importance for the gene pool of Russian spring wheats. The distributions of contributions of dominant original ancestors to cultivar diversity were significantly different in different regions, indicating that the ancestors were specific for the cultivation conditions. During the last 75 years, the genetic diversity of the spring bread wheat cultivars has been increasing owing to the wide use of foreign material in Russian breeding programs. However, our analysis showed that about 60 landraces, including the Russian ones, were lost during the studied time period. The lost part makes up 35% of the gene pool of the Russian original ancestors. It is reasonable to assume that the lost landraces carried a gene complex f or adaptation to specific Russian environments. Specificity of the contributions of the original ancestors in the sets of cultivars produced in different breeding centers was established. A comparative analysis of genetic similarity of cultivars was carried out using coefficients of parentage. Significant differences in this parameter between breeding institutes and regions of cultivation were revealed.  相似文献   

Resistance to common root rot and black point, caused by Cochliobolus sativus, was evaluated in alien chromosome substitution and addition lines of the cultivars 'Cadet' and 'Rescue'. Substitution of chromosome 5B in 'Rescue' with 5Ag from Agropyron elongatum decreased root rot susceptibility to a level intermediate between that in the susceptible 'Rescue' and the resistant 'Cadet'. The substitution of 'Rescue' chromosome 5A or 5D with 5Ag, or the addition of 5Ag to 'Rescue' complement had no consistent effect on root rot susceptibility. The root rot resistance of 'Cadet' was unaffected by substitution of chromosomes 5A, 5B, or 5D with 5Ag, or the addition of 5Ag. This indicates that the susceptible allele of the gene Crr is the primary determinant in the reaction of wheat to common root rot. Black point resistance in the susceptible cultivar 'Rescue' was significantly increased by substitution of chromosome 5B with 5Ag, or the addition of 5Ag. No corresponding effect was demonstrated for black point incidence in the moderately resistant cultivar 'Cadet' with substitution of chromosome 5Ag for 5B, or the addition of 5Ag. Chromosome 5Ag apparently carries one or more genes conferring resistance to black point. The identity of these lines was confirmed by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis using group 5 chromosome arm specific probes. This extends the use of these molecular probes to the Agropyron genome.  相似文献   

Wheat end product quality is determined by a complex group of traits including dough viscoelastic characteristics and bread-making properties. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping and analysis were conducted for endosperm texture, dough-mixing strength, and bread-making properties in a population of 139 (MN99394 × MN98550) recombinant inbred lines that were evaluated at three environments in 2006. Based on the genetic map of 534 loci, six QTL were identified for endosperm texture, with the main QTL on chromosomes 1A (R(2) = 6.6%-17.3%), 5A (R(2) = 6.1%-17.1%), and 5D (R(2) = 15.8%-22%). Thirty-four QTL were identified for eight dough-mixing strength and bread-making properties. Major QTL clusters were associated with the low-molecular weight glutenin gene Glu-A3, the two high-molecular weight glutenin genes Glu-B1 and Glu-D1, and two regions on chromosome 6D. Alleles at these QTL clusters have previously been proven useful for wheat quality, except one of the QTL clusters on chromosome 6D. A QTL cluster on chromosome 6D is one of the novel chromosome regions influencing dough-mixing strength and bread-making properties. The QTL for endosperm texture on chromosomes 1A, 5A, and 5B also influenced flour ash content (12.4%-23.3%), flour protein content (10.5%-12.5%), and flour colour (7.7%-13.5%), respectively.  相似文献   

The recent emergence of wheat stem rust Ug99 and evolution of new races within the lineage threatens global wheat production because they overcome widely deployed stem rust resistance (Sr) genes that had been effective for many years. To identify loci conferring adult plant resistance to races of Ug99 in wheat, we employed an association mapping approach for 276 current spring wheat breeding lines from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT). Breeding lines were genotyped with Diversity Array Technology (DArT) and microsatellite markers. Phenotypic data was collected on these lines for stem rust race Ug99 resistance at the adult plant stage in the stem rust resistance screening nursery in Njoro, Kenya in seasons 2008, 2009 and 2010. Fifteen marker loci were found to be significantly associated with stem rust resistance. Several markers appeared to be linked to known Sr genes, while other significant markers were located in chromosome regions where no Sr genes have been previously reported. Most of these new loci colocalized with QTLs identified recently in different biparental populations. Using the same data and Q?+?K covariate matrices, we investigated the interactions among marker loci using linear regression models to calculate P values for pairwise marker interactions. Resistance marker loci including the Sr2 locus on 3BS and the wPt1859 locus on 7DL had significant interaction effects with other loci in the same chromosome arm and with markers on chromosome 6B. Other resistance marker loci had significant pairwise interactions with markers on different chromosomes. Based on these results, we propose that a complex network of gene-gene interactions is, in part, responsible for resistance to Ug99. Further investigation may provide insight for understanding mechanisms that contribute to this resistance gene network.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to determine whether resistance to Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), conferred by the Dn4 gene is affected by genetic background. This was done by comparing the yield responses to Russian wheat aphid-resistant wheat containing Dn4, derived through the backcross method, to those of the corresponding recurrent parents. Infested resistant cultivars had fewer Russian wheat aphids per tiller than infested susceptible cultivars at the Lamar and Fort Collins, CO sites but not at the Akron, CO site. At the Lamar site, resistant cultivars yielded more than the susceptible cultivars. 'Prairie Red' and 'Yumar' were more resistant than 'Prowers', especially at the higher infestation level. Resistance in these cultivars was categorized in a laboratory experiment to confirm this differential expression of resistance. Resistance in Prairie Red, 'Halt', 'Prowers 99', and Yumar was categorized at three plant growth stages. Antibiosis was expressed as reductions in maximum number of nymphs produced per 24 h and intrinsic rate of increase. The maximum number of nymphs produced per 24 h was reduced in Halt and 'Lamar'. Averaged over cultivars, the intrinsic rate of increase was less at jointing than at the seedling or tillering growth stages. Tolerance was expressed in the resistant cultivars as reduced chlorosis and leaf rolling. Growth reductions in infested Prowers 99 plants was less than the other cultivars. This study confirms that some cultivars containing Dn4 may express antibiosis and tolerance, whereas others may not show the same categories. Thus, expression is affected by genetic background.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The production of axillary shoots (tillering) in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) depends on intraspecific competition. The mechanisms that underlie this competition are complex, but light within the wheat canopy plays a key role. The main objectives of this paper are to analyse the effects of plant population density and shade on tillering dynamics of spring wheat, to assess the canopy conditions quantitatively at the time of tillering cessation, and to analyse the relationship between the tiller bud and the leaf on the same phytomer. METHODS: Spring wheat plants were grown at three plant population densities and under two light regimes (25 % and 100 % light). Tiller appearance, fraction of the light intercepted, and red : far-red ratio at soil level were recorded. On six sampling dates the growth status of axillary buds was analysed. KEY RESULTS: Tillering ceased earlier at high population densities and ceased earlier in the shade than in full sunlight. At cessation of tillering, both the fraction of light intercepted and the red : far-red ratio at soil level were similar in all treatments. Leaves on the same phytomer of buds that grew out showed more leaf mass per unit area than those on the same phytomer of buds that remained dormant. CONCLUSIONS: Tillering ceases at specific light conditions within the wheat canopy, independent of population density, and to a lesser extent independent of light intensity. It is suggested that cessation of tillering is induced when the fraction of PAR intercepted by the canopy exceeds a specific threshold (0.40-0.45) and red : far-red ratio drops below 0.35-0.40.  相似文献   

Genealogical analysis was used to study the dynamics of genetic diversity in Russian cultivars of winter common wheat from 1929 to 2005. The Shannon diversity index of the total set of released cultivars remained almost unchanged, although the number of original ancestors (landraces and genetic lines) increased almost tenfold in the period under study. This was explained in terms of the dependence of the modified Shannon diversity index on two parameters, the number of original ancestors and the mean coefficient of parentage. Significant direct effects were revealed: a positive effect of the former parameter and a negative of the latter. As a result, the increase in the number of original ancestors was compensated by the increase in relatedness of cultivars. Genetic erosion of realized diversity was observed, as a half of Russian landraces were lost. Although the mean coefficient of parentage did not reach its critical value (R = 0.25), cultivars of some regions (Central and Volga-Vyatka) proved to be closely related. A favorable gradual decrease in the mean coefficient of parentage was observed in the past 15 years. A set of modem winter wheat cultivars, which were introduced in the Russian State Catalog from 2002 to 2005, displayed a cluster structure. The overwhelming majority of cultivars formed two clusters originating from Bezostaya 1 (67% of cultivars) and Mironovskaya 808 (31%).  相似文献   

Genealogical analysis was used to study the dynamics of genetic diversity in Russian cultivars of winter common wheat from 1929 to 2005. The Shannon diversity index of the total set of released cultivars remained almost unchanged, although the number of original ancestors (landraces and genetic lines) increased almost tenfold in the period under study. This was explained in terms of the dependence of the modified Shannon diversity index on two parameters, the number of original ancestors and the mean coefficient of parentage. Significant direct effects were revealed: a positive effect of the former parameter and a negative of the latter. As a result, the increase in the number of original ancestors was compensated by the increase in relatedness of cultivars. Genetic erosion of released diversity was observed, as a half of Russian landraces were lost. Although the mean coefficient of parentage did not reach its critical value $(\bar R = 0.25)$ , cultivars of some regions (Central and Volga-Vyatka) proved to be closely related. A favorable gradual decrease in the mean coefficient of parentage was observed in the past 15 years. A set of modern winter wheat cultivars, which were introduced in the Russian Official List from 2002 to 2005, displayed a cluster structure. The overwhelming majority of cultivars formed two clusters originating from Bezostaya 1 (67% of cultivars) and Mironovskaya 808 (31%).  相似文献   

小麦种质抗纹枯病性的鉴定和遗传分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对2300余份创新种质和引进种质抗纹枯病性进行了自然病地初步鉴定,在此基础上选择一批抗性好的种质进行了人工病圃鉴定,共评选出高抗纹枯病的创新种质14份,引进种质21份。这些种质都兼抗1-3种其它病害,且综合性状较好,其中创新种质最好,为抗纹枯病育种提供了良好的种质材料。还选用7个抗纹枯病性不同的亲本组配成半双列杂交组合。采用Hayman法进行了基因效应分析,结果表明,抗纹枯病性的遗传不符合加性-显性模型。  相似文献   

Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is one of the most destructive diseases of wheat worldwide. Resistance is the best approach to control the disease. High-temperature adult-plant (HTAP) stripe rust resistance has proven to be race non-specific and durable. However, genes conferring high-levels of HTAP resistance are limited in number and new genes are urgently needed for breeding programs to develop cultivars with durable high-level resistance to stripe rust. Spring wheat germplasm PI 183527 showed a high-level of HTAP resistance against stripe rust in our germplasm evaluations over several years. To elucidate the genetic basis of resistance, we crossed PI 183527 and susceptible wheat line Avocet S. Adult plants of parents, F(1), F(2) and F(2:3) progeny were tested with selected races under the controlled greenhouse conditions and in fields under natural infection. PI 183527 has a single dominant gene conferring HTAP resistance. Resistance gene analog polymorphism (RGAP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers in combination with bulked segregant analysis (BSA) were used to identify markers linked to the resistance gene. A linkage map consisting of 4 RGAP and 7 SSR markers was constructed for the resistance gene using data from 175 F(2) plants and their derived F(2:3) lines. Amplification of nulli-tetrasomic, ditelosomic and deletion lines of Chinese Spring with three RGAP markers mapped the gene to the distal region (0.86-1.0) of chromosome 7BL. The molecular map spanned a genetic distance of 27.3?cM, and the resistance gene was narrowed to a 2.3-cM interval flanked by markers Xbarc182 and Xwgp5258. The polymorphism rates of the flanking markers in 74 wheat lines were 74 and 30?%, respectively; and the two markers in combination could distinguish the alleles at the resistance locus in 82?% of tested genotypes. To determine the genetic relationship between this resistance gene and Yr39, a gene also on 7BL conferring HTAP resistance in Alpowa, a cross was made between PI 183527 and Alpowa. F(2) segregation indicated that the genes were 36.5?±?6.75?cM apart. The gene in PI 183527 was therefore designed as Yr52. This new gene and flanking markers should be useful in developing wheat cultivars with high-level and possible durable resistance to stripe rust.  相似文献   

We estimated the genetic distances among 10 spring wheat genotypes based on pedigree data, morphological traits and AFLP markers, used individually and combined with morphological traits, to find the best predictors of general- and specific-combining abilities among parental genotypes. Ten wheat parents were crossed in a diallel form, disregarding reciprocal hybrids, totaling 45 combinations. The F(1) hybrids, F(2) populations and parents were evaluated in the field in 2007. The experimental plots consisted of 20 plants for F(1) hybrids and 40 plants for parental and F(2) populations. All methods (pedigree data, AFLP markers and morphological traits, used individually and combined) were found to be useful for the assessment of genetic diversity. The significant coefficient correlations ranged from low (0.45) to moderate (0.67) between the distance measures and hybrid performance. There was significant agreement between the distance measures based on AFLP markers vs morphological traits + AFLP markers (r = 0.47) and between pedigree data vs morphological traits + AFLP markers (r = 0.43). The pedigree distance was positively associated with traits 100-kernel weight and grain yield per plant in F(1) (correlations of 0.67 and 0.62, respectively) and F(2) (correlations of 0.62 and 0.59, respectively) generations. These correlation values indicate that the genetic distance, based on pedigree data, could replace diallel crosses for the selection of parents with higher combining ability and with moderate reliability.  相似文献   

甘、青两省春小麦遗传多样性演变   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
对甘、青两省自20世纪40年代以来生产上曾大面积应用的200多个春小麦地方品种和育成品种资料进行了分析,结果表明,19个形态性状,5个农艺性状和2个品质性状都存在着广泛的遗传多样性,虽然育成品种农艺性状和品质性状的遗传多样性总体上大于地方品种,但是从20世纪60年代开展春小麦杂交育种工作之后,育成品种形态性状,农艺性状和品质性状遗传多样性呈下降趋势,评价育种对小麦遗传多样性的影响,不能足将地方品种和育成品种的遗传多样性作一简单比较就得出结论,而是应该在遗传多样性演变的动态过程中去研究。  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - Research activities aiming to investigate the genetic diversity are very crucial because they provide information for the breeding and germplasm conservation activities....  相似文献   

Variation in ear emergence time is critical for the adaptation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to specific environments. The aim of this study was to identify genes controlling ear emergence time in elite European winter wheat germplasm. Four doubled haploid populations derived from the crosses: Avalon × Cadenza, Savannah × Rialto, Spark × Rialto, and Charger × Badger were selected which represent diversity in European winter wheat breeding programmes. Ear emergence time was recorded as the time from 1st May to heading in replicated field trials in the UK, France and Germany. Genetic maps based on simple sequence repeat (SSR) and Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) markers were constructed for each population. One hundred and twenty-seven significant QTL were identified in the four populations. These effects were condensed into 19 meta-QTL projected onto a consensus SSR map of wheat. These effects are located on chromosomes 1B (2 meta-QTL), 1D, 2A (2 meta-QTL), 3A, 3B (2 meta-QTL), 4B, 4D, 5A (2 meta-QTL), 5B, 6A, 6B 7A (2 meta-QTL), 7B and 7D. The identification of environmentally robust earliness per se effects will facilitate the fine tuning of ear emergence in predictive wheat breeding programmes. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

It has been argued that the level of genetic diversity in the modern durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) elite germplasm may have declined due to the high selection pressure applied in breeding programs. In this study, 58 accessions covering a wide spectrum of genetic diversity of the cultivated durum wheat gene pool were characterized with 70 microsatellite loci (or simple sequence repeats, SSRs). On average, SSRs detected 5.6 different allelic variants per locus, with a mean diversity index (DI) equal to 0.56, thus revealing a diversity content comparable to those previously observed with SSRs in other small-grain cereal gene pools. The mean genetic similarity value was equal to 0.44. A highly diagnostic SSR set has been identified. A high variation in allele size was detected among SSR loci, suggesting a different suitability of these loci for estimating genetic diversity. The B genome was characterized by an overall polymorphism significantly higher than that of the A genome. Genetic diversity is organised in well-distinct sub-groups identified by the corresponding foundation-genotypes. A large portion (92.7%) of the molecular variation detected within the group of 45 modern cvs was accounted for by SSR alleles tracing back to ten foundation-genotypes; among those, the most recent CIMMYT-derived founders were genetically distant from the old Mediterranean ones. On the other hand, rare alleles were abundant, suggesting that a large number of genetic introgressions contributed to the foundation of the well-diversified germplasm herein considered. The profiles of recently released varieties indicate that the level of genetic diversity present in the modern durum wheat germplasm has actually increased over time.Communicated by F. Salamini  相似文献   

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