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目的采用双参数流式细胞术研究全反式维甲酸(alltransretinoidacid,ATRA)诱导人类急性早幼粒白血病细胞HL-60细胞分化的细胞周期。方法HL-60细胞经分化诱导剂ATRA(终浓度为1μmol/L)诱导不同时间点后,利用CD11b/DNA双参数流式细胞术同时检测分化细胞表面抗原CD11b的表达及分化细胞DNA含量。结果HL-60细胞经ATRA诱导后,细胞表面分化抗原CD11b表达明显升高,细胞阻滞于G0/G1期,且CD11b阳性细胞主要位于G0/G1期。结论CD11b/DNA双参数流式细胞术能简便,快速,直观地检测细胞分化的细胞周期。 相似文献
Durvasula V. Subba Rao Frdric Partensky Gary Wohlgeschaffen William K. W. Li 《Journal of phycology》1991,27(1):21-26
The domoic acid-producing diatom Nitzschia pungens Grunow f. multiseries Hasle, which is responsible for amnesic shellfish poisonings in Prince Edward Island, Canada, underwent gametogenesis when senescent cells (i.e. in stationary growth phase for more than 290 days) were subcultured into fresh FE medium and light intensity was increased from 33 to 530 μE · m?2· s?1. The number of gametes produced varied with the salinity of the medium, with a maximum at 23.5‰. Cells in the exponential growth phase (0.8 div · d?1) did not produce gametes, nor did senescent cells when transferred without change in light intensity. Anisogamous gametes, probably haploid, were isolated by combining conventional microscopy with flow cytometry. Zygotes resulting from syngamy yielded cigar-shaped naviculoid cells, morphologically different from parent cells (heteromorphism). These cells, with a division rate of 1.9 div · d?1, could serve as a seed population and explain the origin and rapid progression of the toxic blooms of red-water proportions that have been a public health problem in Eastern Canada. Production of domoic acid by postexponential and moribund cells but not by gametes, zygotes, or immediately resulting cells, provides an insight into the dependence of toxicity on the developmental history of this diatom. 相似文献
Augustine T. Chan 《Journal of phycology》1978,14(4):396-402
Cell division rates and chlorophyll a and protein contents for ten diatom and dinoflagellate species were measured. Species were chosen to include a wide range of cell size in terms of both cell volume and cell protein: from 0.004 ng protein/cell for a small Chaetoceros sp. to 2.2 ng protein/cell for Prorocentrum micans Ehrenberg. Experiments were conducted in batch or semi-continuous cultures at 21 C under continuous illumination from 8–256 μEin .m-2'.s-1. Light saturation of cell division occurred at 32–80 μEin m-1 s-1 for all species, with no observable difference between the two phylogenetic groups. When the light-saturated cell division rates were plotted against cell size as protein/cell, the diatoms and dinoflagellates fell on two separate lines with the diatoms having higher rates. Chl a /protein ratios (μg/μg) decreased with increasing irradiance. The diatoms had higher chl a per unit protein. The relationship between cell division rate and the chl a/protein ratio is discussed. 相似文献
Although activity of the enzyme nitrate reductase (NR) can potentially be used to predict the rate of nitrate incorporation in field assemblages of marine phytoplankton, application of this index has met with little success because the relationship between the two rates is not well established under steady-state conditions. To provide a basis for using NR activity measurements, the relationships among NR activity, growth rate, cell composition, and nitrate incorporation rate were examined in cultures of Thalassiosira pseudonana (Hustedt)Hasle and Heimdal, growing a) under steady-state light limitation, b) during transitions between low and high irradiance (15 or 90 μmol quanta.m?2.s?1), and c) under steady-state nitrate limitation. Using a modified assay for NR involving additions of bovine serum albumin to stabilize enzyme activity, NR activity in light-limited cultures was positively and quantitatively related to calculated rates of nitrate incorporation, even in cultures that were apparently starved of selenium. During transitions in irradiance, growth rates acclimated to new conditions within 1 day; through the transition, the relationship between NR activity and nitrate incorporation rate remained quantitative. In nitrate-limited chemostat cultures, NR activity was positively correlated with growth rate and with nitrate incorporation rates, but the relationship was not quantitative. NR activity exceeded nitrate incorporation rates at lower growth rates (<25% of nutrient-replete growth rates), but chemostats operating at such low dilution rates may not represent ecologically relevant conditions for marine diatoms. The strong relationship between NR activity and nitrate incorporation provides support for the idea that NR is rate-limiting for nitrate incorporation or is closely coupled to the rate-limiting step. In an effort to determine a suitable variable for scaling NR activity, relationships between different cell components and growth rate were examined. These relationships differed depending on the limiting factor. For example, under light limitation, cell volume and cell carbon content increased significantly with increased growth rate, while under nitrate limitation cell volume and carbon content decreased as growth rates increased. Despite the differences found between cell composition and growth rate under light and nitrate limitation, the relationships between NR activity scaled to different compositional variables and growth rate did not differ between the limitations. In field situations where cell numbers are not easily determined, scaling NR activity to particulate nitrogen content may be the best alternative. These results establish a strong basis for pursuing NR activity measurements as indices of nitrate incorporation in the field. 相似文献
Edward G. Durbin 《Journal of phycology》1977,13(2):150-155
The effect of cell size on growth rates and some cellular contents of Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii Cleve has been measured at 0 and 10 C. At 0 C the growth rate did not vary with cell size. The 2 smallest clones at this temperature had reduced growth rates because of the induction of sexuality in that size range. The clones grown at 10 C showed a significant negative relationship between growth rate and valve diameter with the cell surface area/volume ratio positively related to growth rate. At both temperatures the smaller cells had proportionately more carbon and nitrogen/unit cell volume. The amount of chlorophyll a and silica/unit cell surface area increased with increasing cell surface area at both 0 and 10 C. Both the C/N and C/chl a ratios showed no significant change with cell size at either temperature but there was a significant increase in the C/chl a ratio at 0 C. The C/Si ratio decreased with increasing cell size at both 0 and 10 C. 相似文献
The division rates of 26 clonal cultures representing 13 species of planktonic marine algae (6 diatoms, 2 flagellated chrysophytes, 2 coccolithophores, 1 cryptomonad flagellate, I dinoflagellate, 1 green alga) were determined every 2 h for 48 h during exponential growth on a 14:10 LD cycle in nutrient-replete batch culture. Cyclic oscillations in the division rate were detectable in 22 of these clones. Of 14 diatom clones examined, four displayed nearly constant division rates throughout the LD cycle and ten showed strong periodicity favoring division during the light periods. In contrast, all other algae (12 clones) exhibited division rate maxima during periods of darkness, and clearly detectable decreases in cell number for time intervals of 4–8 h during periods of illumination. Intraspecific differences in division periodicity were found among eight clones of the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana (Hustedt) Hasle & Heimdal and six clones of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi (Lohm.) Hay & Mohler. 相似文献
The effect of concanavalin A (a lectin) and tunicamycin (an inhibitor of protein glycosylation) on sexual attachment of gamete pairs of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella Whedon & Kofoid was studied. Concanavalin A inhibited sexual attachment at a concentration of 0.005%, and this inhibition was released by the addition of glucose or mannose at 10 mM. Mating type plus cells of A. catenella treated with tunicamycin for 12 h were not capable of sexual attachment. These results are the first to suggest the existence of a cell–cell recognition system in sexual attachment in A. catenella. 相似文献
Judith D. L. van Bleijswijk Rob S. Kempers Marcel J. Veldhuis Peter Westbroek 《Journal of phycology》1994,30(2):230-241
Two morphotypes of Emiliania huxleyi (Lohmann 1902) Hay et al. 1967, types A and B, known to be unequally distributed in the oceans, were grown in dilution cultures at a range of photon flux densities (PFDs) (1.5–155 μmol photons·m?2·s?1) and two temperatures (10° and 15° C). Calcite carbon and organic carbon content of the cells as well as instantaneous growth rate, cell size, chlorophyll fluorescence, and light-scatter properties clearly depended on growth conditions and differed considerably for the two morphotypes. The ratio between calcite carbon and organic carbon production showed an optimum of 0.65 in E. huxleyi type A cells at PFD = 17.5. The ratio increased slightly with a temperature increase from 10° to 15°C but remained < 1.0 at both temperatures in light-limited cells. In contrast, calcite carbon production exceeded organic carbon production (ratio: 1.4–2.2) in phosphate-deprived cultures. Emiliania huxleyi type B generally showed a higher calcite carbon/organic carbon ratio than E. huxleyi type A, but the relation with PFD was similar. The content of calcite carbon and organic carbon as well as the instantaneous growth rate, cell size, chlorophyll fluorescence, and light-scatter properties showed large diel variations that were closely related to the division cycle. Our results show the importance of mapping the structure of any sampled cell population with respect to the phase in the cell division cycle, as this largely determines the outcome of not only “per cell” measurements but also short time (less than 24 h) flux measurements. For instance, dark production of calcite by E. huxleyi was negatively affected by cell division. Slowly growing (phosphate-stressed) cultures produced calcite in the light and in the dark. In contrast, rapidly growing cultures at 10°C produced calcite only in the light, whereas in the dark there was a significant loss of calcite due to dissolution. 相似文献