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Hemoglobinβ chains were isolated from the catfishParasilurus asotus, the scadDecapterus maruadsi, the filefishThamnaconus modestus, and the scorpaenoidSebastiscus marmoratus by reverse-phase chromatography, and the N-terminal sequences were determined. To obtain the complete amino acid sequence, a 20-meric redundant consensus primer based on the N-terminal amino acid sequences of theβ chains was designed. Using this primer and oligo-dT adaptor, we amplified successfully the β-chain cDNAs of about 600 bp from the four fishes. The amplified products fromParasilurus andDecapterus were subcloned in theSmaI site of pUC18 and cDNA-derived amino acid sequences of 147 residues were determined, of which 69 and 76 residues, respectively, were identified by the chemical amino acid sequencing of internal peptides. Thus this PCR methodology using the consensus primer should be widely applicable for amplifying hemoglobinβ chains from teleosts.  相似文献   

Seven β chains were identified as the typical molecular types carried by the seven species of Sulawesi macaques based on isoelectric focusing and urea starch gel electrophoresis. These β chains include the β3 chains ofmaura, tonkeana, nigra, andbrunnescens, β1 chains ofhecki andochreata and β5 chain ofnigra. The results of chromatography on cation-exchange and reversed phase columns and the amino acid compositions of the tryptic peptides suggested substitutions at the 9th and 13th amino acids from the N-terminal. Sequence analyses of these seven β chains from the N-terminal to the 18th amino acid and those of purified tryptic peptides from βT3 to βT15 by Edman degradation revealed the following facts: (1) the amino acid sequences of the β3 chains carried by the four species coincided with each other and as did those of the β1 chains of the two named species; and (2) the 9th and 13th amino acids were Lys and Thr in β3, Asn and Asn in β1, and Asp and Thr in the β5 chain, respectively. These three β chains are related with each other by at least two-base changes. The evolution of the β chains of the Sulawesi macaques was inferred to be as follows. (1) The β3 chain might have been dominant β chain in the past among Sulawesi macaques, since peripheral species separately carried this chain; (2) the β1 and β5 chains might have derived from a “missing link” because of more than two-base substitutions between β3 and β1 and between β3 and β5; (3) eight other macaque species, including the lion-tailed macaque (M. silenus), bear Asn and Thr at these two positions, while the Barbary macaque (M. sylvanus) has Thr and Thr; and (4) thus, if the parsimonious rule is followed, the type with Asn-Thr is the most plausible “missing link,” since only the Asn-Thr type can combine these five β chains by minimum one-base change. Two genetic events are postulated in the evolutionary process of the Sulawesi β chains: the first Lys-Thr type (β3) was distributed over the whole island, and next Asn-Thr, the common type in other macaques, produced Asn-Asn (β1) and Asp-Thr (β5).  相似文献   

1. Calf lens alpha-crystallin was carboxymethylated with radioactive sodium iodoacetate to label the thiol group. 2. The protein was then digested with trypsin or alternatively fractionated in urea to obtain the acidic (A) chains, which were then digested with trypsin. Either procedure gave two radioactive peptides containing carboxymethylcysteine. 3. These two peptides were closely related: the longer form contained 28 amino acid residues, and the shorter lacked two residues at the N-terminal end of the longer form. 4. The amino acid sequence of the peptides have been determined. 5. No evidence for the presence of more than one cysteine residue/chain was found. 6. The question of the molecular weight of the chains is discussed.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequences of the Fd fragments of two human pathological immunoglobulins of the immunoglobulin G1 class are reported. Comparison of the two sequences shows that the heavy-chain variable regions are similar in length to those of the light chains. The existence of heavy chain variable region subgroups is also deduced, from a comparison of these two sequences with those of another gamma 1 chain, Eu, a mu chain, Ou, and the partial sequence of a fourth gamma 1 chain, Ste. Carbohydrate has been found to be linked to an aspartic acid residue in the variable region of one of the gamma 1 chains, Cor.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The globin chain components of Sprague-Dawley rat hemoglobin were obtained by reverse-phase HPLC which showed the presence of two α-chain and four β-chains.
  • 2.2. The accurate molecular weight of each globin chain was determined by means of electrospray mass spectrometry. Extensive mass spectrometric analysis on several enzymatic digests by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FAB-overlapping) meant to determine the complete sequence of the α-major and of the four β-globins.
  • 3.3. The primary structure of the α-major globin was found in agreement with literature data (Garrick et al., 1975 Biochem. J.149, 245–258; Chua et al., 1987).
  • 4.4. Sequence analysis of the four β -globin chains showed that amino acid differences are restricted to two protein portions: the region 22–25 and 123–125, the remaining portions of the molecule being unchanged in the four globins. Furthermore, all the amino acid replacements correspond to single point DNA mutations and (with the exception of the substitution Asp 22 → Asn in the β2-globin) involve uncharged substitutions.

The 1′,4′-trans-diol of abscisic acid was isolated from cultures of Botrytis cinerea. The 2H-labelled derivative was converted into abscisic acid by this fungus, but 2H-labelled ABA was not converted into the diol. This suggests that the diol is not a metabolite of ABA but a possible precursor.  相似文献   

A hemoglobin C chain has been detected in anemic Moufflon and in anemic Barbary sheep. Results of limited structural studies suggest that these C chains are closely related to the C chains which are produced in the domestic sheep and goat during experimental anemia and rather different from the C chain of certain nonanemic Barbary sheep. The structural variability among the chains of some nonanemic Caprini species is greater than that observed for the C chains of the same animals.This research was supported in part by United States Public Health Service Research grant HE-05168.  相似文献   

The genetic relationships among 11 taxa, belonging to the genus Contracaecum (C. osculatum A, C. osculatum B, C. osculatum (s.s.), C. osculatum D, C. osculatum E, C. osculatum baicalensis, C. mirounga, C. radiatum, C. ogmorhini (s.s.), C. margolisi) and Phocascoris (Phocoscris cystophorae), parasites as adults of seals, were inferred from sequence analysis 1519 bp) of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (mtDNA cox2) gene. Phylogenetic analyses obtained from Parsimony (MP) and Neighbour-Joining (NJ) K2P distance values generated similar topologies, each well supported at major nodes. All analyses delineated two main clades: the first encompassing the parasites of the phocid seals, i.e. the C. osculatum species complex, C. osculatum boicolensis, C. mirounga and C. radiatum, with the latter two species forming a separate subclade; the second including the parasites of otarids, i.e. C. ogmorhini (s.s.) and C. margolisi. An overall high congruence between mtDNA inferred tree topologies and those produced from nuclear data sets (20 allozyme loci) was observed. Comparison of the phylogenetic hypothesis here produced for Controcaecum spp. plus Phocascaris with those currently available for their definitive hosts (pinnipeds) suggests parallelism between hosts and parasite phylogenetic tree topologies.  相似文献   

We screened a cDNA library of a human placenta with cDNA for nonspecific cross-reacting antigen, a member of the carcinoembryonic antigen gene family. One of the positive clones, PS34, was found to encode a 426 amino acid protein belonging to pregnancy-specific β1-glycoprotein (PSβG). The mature PS34 protein consisted of domains, N, A1, A2, B2 and C. The domain-N of PS34 showed sequence similarities of 79.8–83.5% to those of the PSβG members so far reported, indicating PS34 is a new member of PSβG and also of the carcinoembryonic antigen gene family.  相似文献   

Two amino acid sequences from potentially helical fragments of low-sulphur proteins from α-keratin have been analysed computationally and periods 9.4 and 28 residues long noted in the axial disposition of charged residues. Ionic interactions between chains have also been calculated and these indicate a preference for the helical fragments to aggregate in parallel with zero shift between chains in a manner essentially identical to that found for α-tropomyosin.  相似文献   

Most commercial media for mammalian cell culture are designed to satisfy the amino acid requirements for cell growth, but not necessarily those for recombinant protein production. In this study, we analyze the amino acid consumption pattern in naïve and recombinant Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell cultures. The recombinant model we chose was a CHO-S cell line engineered to produce a monoclonal antibody. We report the cell concentration, product concentration, and amino acid concentration profiles in naïve and recombinant cell cultures growing in CD OptiCHO™ medium with or without amino acid supplementation with a commercial supplement (CHO CD EfficientFeed™ B). We quantify and discuss the amino acid demands due to cell growth and recombinant protein production during long term fed batch cultivation protocols. We confirmed that a group of five amino acids, constituting the highest mass fraction of the product, shows the highest depletion rates and could become limiting for product expression. In our experiments, alanine, a non-important mass constituent of the product, is in high demand during recombinant protein production. Evaluation of specific amino acid demands could be of great help in the design of feeding/supplementation strategies for recombinant mammalian cell cultures.  相似文献   

This paper describes three simple and short methods for the conversion of cholic acid into cholylaldehyde with protected hydroxyl groups. The first method involves lithium aluminum hydride reduction of the tetrahydropyranyl ether of methyl cholate and oxidation of the resulting primary alcohol with pyridinium chlorochromate. The second method employs diborane for the reduction of the -COOH group to the -CH2OH group, while the third method involves the reduction of 3α, 7α, 12α -triformyloxy-5β -cholan-24-oic acid (as the acid chloride) directly into 3α, 7α, 12α -triformyloxy-5β -cholan-24-al with TMA-ferride (tetramethylammonium hydridoirontetracarbonyl). The aldehyde obtained by any of the above methods underwent smooth Reformatsky reaction with ethyl α -bromopropionate to yield 3α, 7α, 12α, 24ξ -tetrahydroxy-5β -cholestan-26-oic acid.  相似文献   

Pigeon hemoglobin has eight reactive sulphydryl groups per (tetramer) molecule, as determined by Boyer titration with p-chloromercuribenzoate. However, only four of these are titra-table with 5,5′-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate) under the same experimental conditions. The time course of the reaction of pigeon hemoglobin with 5,5′-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate) is biphasic. In thepH range 6–9, the fast phase is between one and two orders of magnitude faster than the slow phase. For the fast phase,k app, the apparent second-order rate constant, increases monotonously withpH. Quantitative analysis reveals that the reactionof the sulphydryl group responsible for this phase is coupled to the ionization of two groups with pK a values of 6.15±0.1 and 8.5±0.1. These pK a values are assigned to HisHC3(146)β and to the CysF9(93)β sulphydryl group, respectively. For the slow phase thek app vs.pH profiles are bowl-shaped. Analysis reveals that the reaction of the sulphydryl group to which this phase may be attributed is coupled to the ionization of two groups with mean pK a values of 6.53±0.1 and 8.25±0.1. Examination of the structure of hemoglobin allows us to assign these values to HisG19(117)β and CysB5(23)β, respectively. The CysB5(23)β sulphydryl is in the region of the molecule where amino acid substitutions have been found to give rise to significant changes in the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin [Huanget al. (1990),Biochemistry 29, 7020–7023.  相似文献   

A synopsis of the species of Ceratomyxa Thélohan, 1892 (Myxozoa: Myxosporea: Ceratomyxidae), including a total of 147 species, is presented. For each species the relevant morphological and morphometric data are indicated, as well as the site of infection within the host and the original hosts and locality. A diagrammatic illustration of the spores is also provided.  相似文献   

The present report describes clinical, hematological and biochemical studies of a 27-year old Egyptian woman in whom a fast moving Hb variant was found.The abnormal Hb constituted 48% of the total erythrocyte Hb of the propositus and her father. Structural studies demonstrated that in the abnormal Hb lysine β 65 is replaced by a glutamine. The new Hb mutant is designated hemoglobin J Cairo β 65 (E9) Lys → Gln. This substitution results in only a moderate decrease in cooperativity. No evidence of Hb instability was found. A slight anemic state has been observed in the propositus since she reached adolescence.  相似文献   

30 Palaearctic species of Hadrodactylus are considered. 2 species-group with 6 subgroups are distinguished. 5 new species from the Eastern Palaearctic Region are described: Hadrodactylus arkit sp. n. (Kyrgyzstan), H. caucasicus sp. n. (Caucasus), H. nitidus sp. n., H. sibiricus sp. n., and H. taigensis sp. n. (Eastern Siberia and Far East of Russia). A new combination and a new synonymy Xenoschesis incarnator Aubert, 1985 (recte Hadrodactylus, comb. n.) = Hadrodactylus fugax almator Aubert, 1996, syn. n. are established. An annotated list of species is given with data on the distribution in Russia and adjacent territories. A key to 30 Palaearctic species is given.  相似文献   

An electrophoretic variant of red cell carbonic anhydrase I, designated CA I Hiroshima-1, has been observed in 12 apparently unrelated individuals during a survey of 13,019 individuals from the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. Analyses of tryptic and chymotryptic peptide patterns of this CA I variant purified from 8 of the 12 individuals revealed the same altered peptides in each case. Examination of the amino acid sequence of an altered tryptic peptide purified from one of the variants showed that the aspartic acid residue at position 86 was replaced by a glycine residue. Thermostability studies demonstrated that all samples of CA I Hiroshima-1 were less stable than normal CA I. The specific esterase (p-nitrophenyl acetate) activities of the normal and variant CA I isozymes were essentially the same. The difference spectra of the normal and variant enzymes were essentially the same. The isoelectric focusing patterns of CA I Hiroshima-1 showed a different pattern of minor bands to those produced by normal CA I. The relative amounts of the normal and variant enzymes purified from single heterozygous individuals were similar.This work was supported by U.S. Public Health Service grant GM-24681 and U.S. Department of Energy contract 2828 (to Dr. J. V. Neel).  相似文献   

This synopsis of the species of the genus Henneguya (Myxozoa, Myxosporea, Myxobolidae) includes a total of 146 species. Morphometric and morphological (when available) features are indicated for each species. Data related to the hosts are also provided.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1986,199(2):139-144
The amino acid sequence of proteinase K (EC from Tritirachium album Limber has been determined by analysis of fragments generated by cleavage with CNBr or BNPS-skatole. The enzyme consists of a single peptide chain containing 277 amino acid residues, corresponding to Mr 28 930. Comparison of the sequence with those of the serine proteinases reveals a high degree of homology (about 35%) to the subtilisin-related enzyme. But in contrast to the subtilisins, proteinase K contains 2 disulfide bonds and a free cysteine residue. This finding may indicate that proteinase K is a member of a new subfamily of the subtilisins.  相似文献   

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