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Intermediate filament systems of an established glioma cell line have been characterized by double immunofluorescence microscopy and by immunoelectron microscopy using two antibodies, one of which recognizes glial fibrillary acid protein (GFA) but not vimentin, and the second which recognizes vimentin but not GFA. The results show that glioma cells express two immunologically distinct IF polypeptides which are found in the same 10-nm filaments. Juxtanuclear caps formed after exposure of the cells to colcemid consisted of intermediate filaments composed of both GFA and vimentin. In immunoelectron microscopy both untreated cells and cells treated with colcemid show discontinuous labelling when only a single antibody is used, but continuous labelling when both antibodies are used simultaneously.  相似文献   

Rabbit small-intestinal microvilli isolated by a Ca2+ precipitation method contain a 33 kD protein, which has not been observed in microvilli isolated in the presence of Ca2+-chelators. The intracellular localization of this protein in rabbit intestinal epithelial cells was studied by immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase microscopy, and was compared with that of aminopeptidase M, a well-known microvillus membrane-bound enzyme. The results obtained show that the 33 kD protein is located in the inside of the microvillus, but not in the terminal web of the epithelial cell. The protein may also be located on the basolateral surface of the cell.  相似文献   

Ts-131b, one of the temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants isolated from mouse FM3A cells, was found to be defective in DNA replication at a non-permissive temperature. After the cells were transferred to 39.5 °C, the cell number increased by only 10% and the rate of incorporation of precursors into cellular DNA decreased rapidly. Cell cycle analysis by a flow cytometric method with the cells incubated at 39.5 °C revealed that progression of the cells through the S phase was inhibited and most of the cells were arrested in the S phase. To study the defect in DNA replication of this ts-mutant at 39.5 °C, DNA-fiber autoradiography was performed to measure the rate of DNA-chain elongation. The results showed that the rate of DNA-chain elongation was decreased at 6 h after the temperature shift. However, since the decrease in the rate of DNA-chain elongation was not sufficient to account for the decrease in the rate of incorporation of the precursors, it was suggested that there was also a decrease in the rate of initiation of DNA replication at some of the replicon origins.  相似文献   

A method for culturing adult mammalian retinal neurons in serum-free N2 medium supplemented with nerve growth factor (NGF) is described. Identification of neurons in cultures of dispersed human retina was based upon morphology, immunocytochemical localization of bound tetanus toxin, and autoradiographic localization of 3H-neurotransmitter candidates (gamma-aminobutyric acid, glycine, dopamine) accumulated by high-affinity uptake mechanisms. Neurons would not attach to glass or plastic substrates, consequently the present studies were performed using neurons plated upon a feeder layer. Serum was required for the initial phase of attachment. The feeder layer was derived from retinal cells that had been plated on glass or plastic in the presence of serum and had later been passaged. Since these cells exhibited glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunoreactivity, they were tentatively identified as being glial in origin. Under these conditions, neuron- and glia-specific properties were retained up to 28 days. The presence of interstitial retinol-binding protein (IRBP) in medium of cultures of neuronal cells on feeder layers was demonstrated by an immunoblot technique using rabbit antibovine IRBP antibodies. No IRBP was detected in medium in which the feeder layers alone had been cultured. IRBP biosynthesis was demonstrated by incubation of the cultures with [35S]methionine. Immunoprecipitable [35S]IRBP was detected only in medium from cultures containing neurons; cells of the feeder layer did not synthesize and secrete this glycoprotein. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that IRBP, a 135K constituent of the interphotoreceptor matrix, is synthesized in vivo by a neuronal cell, specifically, the photoreceptors.  相似文献   

A series of hybrid clones have been isolated following the somatic cell fusion of two mammalian cell lines, each defective in junctional transfer of metabolites. One of these parental lines is a variant isolated by selection from the metabolic co-operation competent embryonal carcinoma line PC13TG8. The other parent is LMTK? in which inability to transfer was found to be a pre-existing property. Hybrids between these two cell lines are restored in their ability to co-operate, indicating the existence of at least two genetically distinct lesions affecting metabolic co-operation, each of which is recessive. This is the first demonstration that more than one locus is involved in junctional communication.  相似文献   

The behavior of the cell surface concanavalin A (conA) receptors and of peanut agglutinin (PNA) receptors on the MAT-B1 ascites subline of the 13762 rat mammary adenocarcinoma was examined using fluorescein-labeled conA and PNA. ASGP-1, the major glucosamine-containing glycoprotein of these ascites cells, is the only PNA-binding protein observed by dodecyl sulfate electrophoresis. ASGP-2, the second most prominent component after glucosamine labeling, is the most abundant conA-binding protein. These two glycoproteins were previously shown to be associated as a complex in detergent extracts of the cells [20]. ConA-binding proteins, upon incubation with fluorescein-labeled conA (FITC-conA), redistribute on the cell surface into small and large aggregates similar, but not identical, to those seen in ‘patching’ and ‘capping’ experiments with lymphocytes. PNA-binding proteins failed to redistribute during incubation with fluorescein-labeled PNA (FITC-PNA) and appeared in a diffusely stained pattern around the circumference of the cells. However, when cells were treated with unlabeled conA followed by FITC-PNA, or with FITC-PNA followed by unlabeled conA, there was marked redistribution of the FITC-PNA. These results indicate that ASGP-1 redistributes in response to the movement of conAbinding proteins and supports our hypothesis that ASGP-1 and ASGP-2 are associated on the plasma membrane at the cell surface as well as in detergent extracts.  相似文献   

To investigate the distribution of the tau and HMW microtubule-associated proteins (MAPS) and their relationship to microtubules in vivo, we have examined a wide variety of avian and mammalian cell types by immunofluorescence with antisera to these two proteins. Anti-HMW serum stains cytoplasmic microtubules in all mammalian cell types so far examined. However, anti-tau serum did not stain cytoplasmic microtubules in rat glial cells or in pig kidney cells. In mammalian neurons, fibroblasts and neuroblastoma cells, the staining of microtubules with both sera was similar. Anti-HMW serum did not stain primary cilia or cilia on isolated tracheal epithelial cells, whereas anti-tau serum did stain these ciliary microtubules. We believe these results indicate that some types of microtubules may be associated with only the tau or the HMW protein, whereas others may be associated with both tau and HMW protein. With respect to avian cells, anti-HMW serum did not stain microtubules in any of the three cell types examined, whereas the anti-tau serum stained them in two cell types. Furthermore, double diffusion tests indicated that anti-pig tau serum will precipitate both pig brain tau and tau protein isolated from chick brain, whereas anti-HMW serum will precipitate only pig brain and not chick brain HMW protein. We believe tau protein is antigenically similar in both avian and mammalian cells, whereas the HMW protein from these two sources is antigenically distinct.  相似文献   

Rabbit antiserum against rat plasma fibronectin induced histamine release in isolated rat peritoneal mast cells. Immunofluorescence revealed fibronectin on the mast cells in rat mesentery and on the surface of the isolated mast cells. Mast cells adhered to collagen-coated dishes. This cellular adherence was inhibited by the addition of anti-fibronectin. Fibronectin on the surface of mast cells may play a role of attachment of the cells to collagenous connective tissues.  相似文献   

Several compounds have been described which elute fibronectin from a gelatin-Sepharose affinity support. In the present study, it has been found that the potent chaotrophic agent, lithium di-iodosalicylic acid, is 20-fold more effective in eluting fibronectin from collagen than any other presently described fibronectin elution agent. Lithium di-iodosalicylic acid and certain other fibronectin elution agents have been characterized in regard to several parameters involved in the elution of fibronectin from collagen and plastic substrata. By assaying for retention of the cell adhesive activity of fibronectin, it has been demonstrated that 8 M urea + 0.1 M citric acid, pH 4.7, is the most effective condition for preservation of biological activity following elution of fibronectin from the gelatin-Sepharose affinity support.  相似文献   

Human brown adipose cells in culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Brown adipose tissue (BAT), obtained from the axillary and perirenal regions of newborns 24-48 h after death, was digested with collagenase and the free cells were cultured. Only the cultures of cells from tissue obtained later than 24 h post mortem were successful. These cells grew slowly to reach confluence. Their typical mitochondria gradually disappeared, being replaced by untypical mitochondria. After confluence, the cells accumulated large amounts of lipid in non-coalescent multivacuolar depots. This model can be useful for the study of the metabolic and morphological features of human brown fat cells.  相似文献   

In a recent communication it was shown that intravenously injected radioactively labelled hyaluronic acid was preferentially taken up by the liver and degraded. We now report that uptake occurs in the liver endothelial cells and that these cells degrade the polysaccharide in vitro into low-molecular weight (LMW) products.  相似文献   

The 80 000-D subunit of a calcium-activated protease from skeletal muscle was purified to homogeneity using preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and was used to elicit antibody production in rabbits. Antiserum was purified using affinity chromatography to yield a monospecific antibody fraction (anti-80K) directed against the 80 000-D subunit. Localization studies showed that the 80 000-D subunit is present in or near the sarcolemma of cultured myoblasts and sectioned muscle tissue, in discrete areas of the cytoplasm of myoblasts, and in the Z disks of the myofibril. The location of the calcium-activated protease in the cell suggests that the enzyme may be involved in myofibril degradation and in membrane alterations in developing and mature muscle cells.  相似文献   

Our previous studies indicated that certain non-histone proteins (NHP) extractable with 0.2 M NaCl from mitotic HeLa cells induce germinal vesicle breakdown and chromosome condensation in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Since the maturation-promoting activity of the mitotic proteins is stabilized by phosphatase inhibitors, we decided to examine whether phosphorylation of NHP plays a role in the condensation of chromosomes during mitosis. HeLa cells, synchronized in S phase, were labeled with 32P at the end of S phase, and the cells subsequently collected while they were in G2, mitosis, or G1. Cytoplasmic, nuclear, or chromosomal proteins were extracted and separated by gel electrophoresis. The labeled protein bands were detected by radioautography. The results indicated an 8–10-fold increase in the phosphorylation of NHP from mid-G2 to mitosis, followed by a similar-size decrease as the cells divided and entered G1. The NHP phosphorylation rate increased progressively during G2 traverse and reached a peak in mitosis. Radioautography of the separated NHP revealed eight prominent, extensively phosphorylated protein bands with molecular masses ranging from 27.5 to 100 kD. These NHP were rapidly dephosphorylated during M-G1 transition. Phosphorylation—dephosphorylation of NHP appeared to be a dynamic process, with the equilibrium shifting to phosphorylation during G2-M and dephosphorylation during M-G1 transitions. These results suggest that besides histone H1 phosphorylation, phosphorylation of this subset of NHP may also play a part in mitosis.  相似文献   

The induction of virus synthesis and sister chromatid exchange (SCE) formation was investigated in several mammalian cell lines. Ultraviolet light co-induced the production of virus and SCEs in Simian virus 40 (SV40) transformed hamster cells. Post-irradiation treatment with caffeine enhanced virus induction, though it caused a smaller, less consistent elevation of SCE formation. Co-induction of oncovirus synthesis and SCEs was also observed in three murine cell lines exposed to increasing concentrations of 5-bromodeoxyuridine. These and previous data demonstrate a correlation between the induction of virus synthesis and SCE formation in rodent cells exposed to several agents, although inter-agent variation in the correlation may reflect differences between the two processes.  相似文献   

Gently trypsinized Swiss 3T3 cells inoculated into medium MCDB 402 attach readily to polylysine-coated surfaces and remain viable for several days in the absence of exogenously added protein. Short-term multiplication under defined conditions can be obtained by supplementing the MCDB 402 with fibroblast growth factor (FGF), insulin (INS), and dexamethasone (DEX). Addition of bovine plasma fibronectin further improves attachment and viability. This system does not require initial plating in serum or the addition of poorly defined extracts for cellular attachment or for multiplication. In the complete system minus FGF, cells plated at a low density attach to the culture surface and become quiescent. The addition of FGF or PDGF 48–72 h after plating stimulates a high level of DNA synthesis during the following 24 h. EGF also stimulates DNA synthesis in these cells, but to a lesser extent. Insulin and dexamethasone are not needed for the initial DNA synthesis response to FGF, but are needed for continuing multiplication over a period of several days. This system provides a means for studying the effects of specific mitogens on Swiss 3T3 cells in the absence of undefined supplements, and without complications due to density-dependent inhibition.  相似文献   

l-Glutamine is required by mouse teratoma cells and other mouse ascites tumor cells in the synthesis of complex carbohydrates involved in intercellular adhesion. Since l-glutamine is synthesized by the enzyme glutamine synthetase (GS) (EC, these studies were undertaken to determine if a relationship exists between cellular adhesiveness and GS specific activity. Two types of experiment were performed to examine this relationship. Actinomycin D enhanced both teratoma cell GS specific activity and cellular adhesiveness over controls in batch cultures at confluency. Also, the relationship between cell adhesiveness and GS specific activity during the cell cycle was studied using cell populations synchronized with thymidine plus Colcemid. In these synchronized cultures, cellular adhesiveness displayed an oscillatory pattern with peaks of GS specific activity occurring just prior to peaks of adhesiveness. The levels of GS specific activity and intercellular adhesiveness were enhanced by the addition of hydrocortisone, a steroid known to induce GS specific activity in mouse teratoma cells. These results demonstrate a correlation between GS specific activity and cellular adhesiveness. Based upon previous work which implicates l-glutamine in intercellular adhesion, it is not unreasonable to speculate that GS specific activity and cellular adhesiveness may be causally related.  相似文献   

Various isolated cells of an inbred mouse strain (BALB/c) differed widely in their sensitivity to gamma irradiation: fibroblasts are five times more resistant than peripheral lymphocytes. Among lymphocytes, T cells are more resistant than B cells. Cell lines derived from the primary cells conserved their radiosensitivity. Cytofluorometric measurements show that the differential reaction of a cell to gamma irradiation can be detected already 2–3 h after the irradiation event. Radiation-sensitive cells are delayed for a longer time in S phase and G2 phase of the cell cycle than radiation-resistant cells. No difference in the capacity of the cells to perform single-strand break repair, double-strand break repair or unscheduled DNA synthesis could yet be detected.  相似文献   

The occurrence of plectin in various human tissues and cell lines was investigated using immunofluorescence microscopy and antibody gel overlay/immunoblotting techniques. Plectin was identified in all tissues and cell lines tested, namely placenta, kidney, cornea, foreskin and eyelid skin, skin fibroblasts, monocytes, keratinocytes and HeLa cells. In frozen sections of cornea and skin, plectin was found to be enriched at epithelial basal cell surface membranes. Consequently, antibodies to plectin could serve as a tool in the classification of mechanobullous diseases.  相似文献   

Studies with rodent cells have indicated that the abilities of various tumour promoters to inhibit metabolic cooperation correlate with their potencies as mitogens. Here we have examined the effects of the most potent phorbol ester tumour promoter 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA), on metabolic cooperation and growth of human epidermal cells transformed by SV40 (SVK14 cells). In this system, TPA inhibits Junctional communication and at the same concentration also inhibits growth in a reversible fashion. These effects appear to be mediated by binding of phorbol ester to a single class of high affinity binding site with a Kd similar to that reported for rodent cells (Kd = 20.9 nM at 4 °C). Further studies on the effects of phorbol esters on other human epithelial cell lines reveal that the inhibitory effects of TPA on growth and metabolic cooperation may be completely dissociated. Alternative mechanisms by which TPA may exert its growth-inhibitory effects are discussed.  相似文献   

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