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Despite the fact that the 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza strain was less severe than had been feared, both seasonal epidemics of influenza-like-illness and future influenza pandemics have the potential to place a serious burden on health services. The closure of schools has been postulated as a means of reducing transmission between children and hence reducing the number of cases at the peak of an epidemic; this is supported by the marked reduction in cases during school holidays observed across the world during the 2009 pandemic. However, a national policy of long-duration school closures could have severe economic costs. Reactive short-duration closure of schools in regions where health services are close to capacity offers a potential compromise, but it is unclear over what spatial scale and time frame closures would need to be made to be effective. Here, using detailed geographical information for England, we assess how localized school closures could alleviate the burden on hospital intensive care units (ICUs) that are reaching capacity. We show that, for a range of epidemiologically plausible assumptions, considerable local coordination of school closures is needed to achieve a substantial reduction in the number of hospitals where capacity is exceeded at the peak of the epidemic. The heterogeneity in demand per hospital ICU bed means that even widespread school closures are unlikely to have an impact on whether demand will exceed capacity for many hospitals. These results support the UK decision not to use localized school closures as a control mechanism, but have far wider international public-health implications. The spatial heterogeneities in both population density and hospital capacity that give rise to our results exist in many developed countries, while our model assumptions are sufficiently general to cover a wide range of pathogens. This leads us to believe that when a pandemic has severe implications for ICU capacity, only widespread school closures (with their associated costs and organizational challenges) are sufficient to mitigate the burden on the worst-affected hospitals.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To examine whether there are too many hospital beds in London. DESIGN--Analysis of data from the Hospital In-Patient Enquiry, Mental Health Enquiry, health service indicators, and Emergency Bed Service. SETTING--England, London, and inner London. RESULTS--Hospital admission rates for acute plus geriatric services for London residents were very similar to the national values in all age groups. In the special case considered in the Tomlinson report--acute services in inner London--the admission rate was 22% above the value for England. However, the admission rate of inner deprived Londoners was 9% below that of comparable areas outside London. For psychiatry, admission rates in London roughly equalled those in comparable areas. When special health authorities were excluded, in 1990-1 there were 4% more acute plus geriatric beds available per resident in London than in England. Bed provision has been reduced more rapidly in London than nationally. Extrapolating the trend of bed closures forward indicates that beds (all and acute) per resident in London are now at about the national average. Data from the Emergency Bed Service indicate that the pressure on available hospital beds in London has been increasing since 1985. CONCLUSIONS--Data regarding bed provision and utilisation for all specialties by London residents do not provide a case for reducing the total hospital bed stock in London at a rate faster than elsewhere. Bed closures should take account of London''s relatively poorer social and primary health care circumstances, longer hospital waiting lists, poorer provision of residential homes, and evidence from the Emergency Bed Service of increasing pressure on beds. Higher average costs in London, some unavoidable, are forcing hospital beds to be closed at a faster rate in London than nationally.  相似文献   

Faced with a shortage of trained nursing staff and a high wastage rate among learners the management of a district general hospital decided to close some of its acute beds. A beds committee attempted to minimize the effects of these closures by introducing a bed bureau, “pooling,” and a simple system for forecasting waiting list admissions.The figures for recruitment and wastage of nurses improved, and a very high turnover per available bed was achieved. This increased efficiency in numerical terms was not mirrored by an improvement in the morale of the doctors and nurses working on the wards, who were subjected to new pressures and considered that at times the standard of patient care deteriorated.  相似文献   

Antibiotic resistance is an increasing threat in hospitals and both morbidity and mortality from infections are greater when caused by drug-resistant organisms. Whilst hospitals are universally blamed for this increase, there is an insufficient appreciation of external sources of resistance, such as when patients are admitted to hospitals from long-term care facilities in the community. The use of antibiotics in family practice and animal husbandry has also been linked to drug resistance being encountered in the hospital setting. Justifiable hospital antibiotic use, which can be life saving, may lead to 'collateral damage' with the emergence of resistance in non-target bacteria in the bowel, for example, with subsequent spread by cross-infection. At a management level, antibiotic resistance can have a significant impact on the ability of hospitals to maintain services since cohorting of patients and ward closures from outbreaks add to continuing bed shortages and waiting lists. Hospital laboratories must review their standard operating procedures since some resistance mechanisms may be missed by current methods of antibiotic susceptibility testing. With increasing public concern from press reports of 'multiresistant Staphylococcus aureus killer virus' and other drug-resistant organisms, there will inevitably be a push by national authorities for more surveillance data on antibiotic resistance; however, the cost-effectiveness of different surveillance strategies should be considered. Clinical governance and risk management are dominant themes in the National Health Service and hospital hygiene and antibiotic resistance are likely to feature prominently in audits related to these themes in the near future.  相似文献   

A study made by a special committee appointed for the purpose by the Northern California Psychiatric Society found that a real need exists for local psychiatric services in general hospitals of the Northern California area. Such services can be provided readily-and in some communities are already available. A broad segment of the population looks to the general hospital to provide diagnosis and care and so enable the patient's prompt recovery from psychiatric disorders. The study further emphasizes the importance of such factors as a competent psychiatric chief, adequate staff and personnel and good planning in organizing inpatient and outpatient facilities and integrating treatment so that all the functions of the hospital are available to psychiatric patients. Granted these special considerations, the services can be provided more easily than many physicians, including some psychiatrists and administrators, suppose.  相似文献   

A study made by a special committee appointed for the purpose by the Northern California Psychiatric Society found that a real need exists for local psychiatric services in general hospitals of the Northern California area. Such services can be provided readily—and in some communities are already available. A broad segment of the population looks to the general hospital to provide diagnosis and care and so enable the patient''s prompt recovery from psychiatric disorders. The study further emphasizes the importance of such factors as a competent psychiatric chief, adequate staff and personnel and good planning in organizing inpatient and outpatient facilities and integrating treatment so that all the functions of the hospital are available to psychiatric patients. Granted these special considerations, the services can be provided more easily than many physicians, including some psychiatrists and administrators, suppose.  相似文献   

Many jurisdictions implemented intensive social distancing to suppress SARS-CoV-2 transmission. The challenge now is to mitigate the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic without overburdening economic and social activities. An agent-based model simulated the population of King County, Washington. SARS-CoV-2 transmission probabilities were estimated by fitting simulated to observed hospital admissions. Interventions considered included encouraging telecommuting, reducing contacts to high-risk persons, and reductions to contacts outside of the home, among others. Removing all existing interventions would result in nearly 42,000 COVID-19 hospitalizations between June 2020 and January 2021, with peak hospital occupancy exceeding available beds 6-fold. Combining interventions is predicted to reduce total hospitalizations by 48% (95% CI, 47–49%), with peak COVID-19 hospital occupancy of 70% of total beds. Targeted school closures can further reduce the peak occupancy. Combining low-impact interventions may mitigate the course of the COVID-19 epidemic, keeping hospital burden within the capacity of the healthcare system.  相似文献   

Coral reef fishes differ in their intrinsic vulnerability to fishing and rates of population recovery after cessation of fishing. We reviewed life history-based predictions about the vulnerability of different groups of coral reef fish and examined the empirical evidence for different rates of population recovery inside no-take marine reserves to (1) determine if the empirical data agree with predictions about vulnerability and (2) show plausible scenarios of recovery within fully protected reserves and periodically-harvested fishery closures. In general, larger-bodied carnivorous reef fishes are predicted to be more vulnerable to fishing while smaller-bodied species lower in the food web (e.g., some herbivores) are predicted to be less vulnerable. However, this prediction does not always hold true because of the considerable diversity of life history strategies in reef fishes. Long-term trends in reef fish population recovery inside no-take reserves are consistent with broad predictions about vulnerability, suggesting that moderately to highly vulnerable species will require a significantly longer time (decades) to attain local carrying capacity than less vulnerable species. We recommend: (1) expanding age-based demographic studies of economically and ecologically important reef fishes to improve estimates of vulnerability; (2) long term (20–40 years), if not permanent, protection of no-take reserves to allow full population recovery and maximum biomass export; (3) strict compliance to no-take reserves to avoid considerable delays in recovery; (4) carefully controlling the timing and intensity of harvesting periodic closures to ensure long-term fishery benefits; (5) the use of periodically-harvested closures together with, rather than instead of, permanent no-take reserves.  相似文献   

Trends in mental health service funding over the past 40 years show that the programme of hospital closures has not resulted in a significant release of resources to fund community based services. Far from being excessive, the current provision of residential services (both NHS and non-NHS) for mentally ill people is now below levels recommended as sufficient by the government, the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and the National Schizophrenia Fellowship. What clinical research evidence there is suggests that more rather than fewer residential places are required. This situation is likely to be compounded by the recent transfer of responsibility for funding private and voluntary residential care from the Department of Social Security to local authority social services departments.  相似文献   

High-speed sound-synchronized photography showed details of stridulatory movements and their relation to the sounds produced. Closing movements were more prolonged than opening movements and generally produced more intense sounds. Wing closures varied in rate from 10 to 250/sec. Four species had unpredicted complexities in their stridulatory movements: one silently snapped its wings shut after each acoustically effective stroke; two alternated long and short wing closures; and one made repeated groups of 4 to 9 progressively changing closures.  相似文献   

Models of infectious diseases are characterized by a phase transition between extinction and persistence. A challenge in contemporary epidemiology is to understand how the geometry of a host’s interaction network influences disease dynamics close to the critical point of such a transition. Here we address this challenge with the help of moment closures. Traditional moment closures, however, do not provide satisfactory predictions close to such critical points. We therefore introduce a new method for incorporating longer-range correlations into existing closures. Our method is technically simple, remains computationally tractable and significantly improves the approximation’s performance. Our extended closures thus provide an innovative tool for quantifying the influence of interaction networks on spatially or socially structured disease dynamics. In particular, we examine the effects of a network’s clustering coefficient, as well as of new geometrical measures, such as a network’s square clustering coefficients. We compare the relative performance of different closures from the literature, with or without our long-range extension. In this way, we demonstrate that the normalized version of the Bethe approximation-extended to incorporate long-range correlations according to our method-is an especially good candidate for studying influences of network structure. Our numerical results highlight the importance of the clustering coefficient and the square clustering coefficient for predicting disease dynamics at low and intermediate values of transmission rate, and demonstrate the significance of path redundancy for disease persistence.  相似文献   

Ecological baselines are disappearing and it is uncertain how marine reserves, here called fisheries closures, simulate pristine communities. We tested the influence of fisheries closure age, size and compliance on recovery of community biomass and life-history metrics towards a baseline. We used census data from 324 coral reefs, including 41 protected areas ranging between 1 and 45 years of age and 0.28 and 1430 km2, and 36 sites in a remote baseline, the Chagos Archipelago. Fish community-level life histories changed towards larger and later maturing fauna with increasing closure age, size and compliance. In high compliance closures, community biomass levelled at approximately 20 years and 10 km2 but was still only at approximately 30% of the baseline and community growth rates were projected to slowly decline for more than 100 years. In low compliance and young closures, biomass levelled at half the value and time as high compliance closures and life-history metrics were not predicted to reach the baseline. Biomass does not adequately reflect the long-time scales for full recovery of life-history characteristics, with implications for coral reef management.  相似文献   

Marine Protected Areas are usually static, permanently closed areas. There are, however, both social and ecological reasons to adopt dynamic closures, where reserves move through time. Using a general theoretical framework, we investigate whether dynamic closures can improve the mean biomass of herbivorous fishes on reef systems, thereby enhancing resilience to undesirable phase-shifts. At current levels of reservation (10–30%), moving protection between all reefs in a system is unlikely to improve herbivore biomass, but can lead to a more even distribution of biomass. However, if protected areas are rotated among an appropriate subset of the entire reef system (e.g. rotating 10 protected areas between only 20 reefs in a 100 reef system), dynamic closures always lead to increased mean herbivore biomass. The management strategy that will achieve the highest mean herbivore biomass depends on both the trajectories and rates of population recovery and decline. Given the current large-scale threats to coral reefs, the ability of dynamic marine protected areas to achieve conservation goals deserves more attention.  相似文献   

Tank experiments with the terebratuloid Megerlina pisum indicate that food is obtained by filtration of sea-water drawn into the shell at the sides and exhaled anteriorly. Under laboratory conditions feeding periods of up to 12 hours were interspersed with resting periods of about equal duration. During the feeding periods the valves were maintained at full gape except for brief interruptions by complete or partial closures. Complete closures lasted several minutes whereas partial closures occurred about half as frequently and lasted only 1 or 2 seconds. Most of these closures did not involve the expulsion of faecal pellets. During the resting periods the valves remained closed for several hours at a time and this condition occasionally continued for 10 hours or more. Apparently a very low respiratory rate operates during these resting periods.  相似文献   

医院的发展模式随着内外环境的变化而从粗放型向集约型过渡,科研水平的提高将对医院全面建设起到良好的支撑引领作用。立足研究型军队总医院建设需求,从科研管理体系、平台构建、品牌打造、技术创新和人才储备建设等方面进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Seven different supports were compared in solid-phase S(N)Ar and S(N)2 macrocyclization reactions. Product purities were assayed for a relatively facile ring-closure process to give products 1 and 3. Some less-facile ring-closure reactions give the undesired dimeric macrocyclization by-products 2; some of these more-demanding ring closures were also examined. Finally, experiments were performed to gauge the rate of cyclizations on different resins, and some qualitative data were obtained for this.  相似文献   

Oxygen mass transfer in shake flasks is an important aspect limiting the culture of aerobic microorganisms. In this work, mass transfer of oxygen through a closure and headspace of shake flasks is investigated. New equations for prediction of kGa in shake flasks with closures are introduced. Using Pseudomonas putida, microbial growth on glucose (fast metabolism) and phenol (slow metabolism) in shake flasks with closures were studied, considering both substrate and oxygen restrictions. A combined model for oxygen mass transfer and microbial growth is shown to accurately predict experimental oxygen concentrations and oxygen yield factors during growth experiments more accurately than previous models.  相似文献   

Skin closure with dye-enhanced laser welding and fibrinogen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The topical application of wavelength-specific dye and fibrinogen has been used to enhance laser closure of vascular anastomoses. We compared the closure of skin incisions by two different dye-enhanced, fibrinogen-based laser welding systems [argon laser (power density 4.78 W/cm2) with fluorescein isothiocyanate dye (n = 32) and diode laser (power density 9.55 W/cm2) with indocyanine green dye (n = 32)] with closure by interrupted 5-0 nylon suture (n = 64) and examined tensile strength, hydroxyproline production, histology, and cosmesis. Two 3-cm full-thickness incisions were made on the shaved backs of 64 rats. One incision was closed with suture, whereas the other, after treatment with the appropriate dye, was welded with either argon- or diode-lasered fibrinogen. At postoperative days 5, 10, 15, and 28, the closure sites were harvested and sectioned for analysis. Initially, wounds closed with argon-lasered fibrinogen showed less inflammatory response, greater collagen production (34.61 +/- 0.74 mg/gm), and greater mean peak stress at rupture (64.85 lbs/in2) than those closed with suture (16.42 +/- 3.20 mg/gm, 26.68 lbs/in2) (p less than 0.05). By 15 days, both argon and diode laser closures are superior in strength and collagen production to suture closure (p less than 0.05). At 28 days, diode laser closures (1315.60 lbs/in2) are stronger than suture closures (998.09 lbs/in2), whereas both are stronger than argon laser closures (813.16 lbs/in2) (p less than 0.05). Cosmetically, argon-welded wounds consistently appeared finer and lacked cross-hatched suture scars.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Coffee filters are suitable for use as inexpensive and convenient shake-flask closures for propaqating bacteria under aerobic conditions. Gaseous exchange rates are excellent. Sterility is maintained when two layers of filter are used.  相似文献   

The preparation of sterile parenteral products requires careful control of all ingredients, materials, and processes to ensure the final product has the identity and strength, and meets the quality and purity characteristics that it purports to possess. Contamination affecting these critical properties of parenteral products can occur in many ways and from many sources. The use of closures supplied by manufacturers in a ready-to-use state can be an effective method for reducing the risk of contamination and improving the quality of the drug product. This article will address contamination attributable to elastomeric container closure components and the regulatory requirements associated with container closure systems. Possible contaminants, including microorganisms, endotoxins, and chemicals, along with the methods by which these contaminants can enter the product will be reviewed. Such methods include inappropriate material selection, improper closure preparation processes, compromised container closure integrity, degradation of closures, and leaching of compounds from the closures.  相似文献   

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