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After several years of favorable experience with registered nurses giving intravenous injections of fluids under the criteria set out in a joint statement by the California Medical Association, the California Hospital Association and the California Nurses'' Association,* it was proposed that it would be appropriate for registered nurses to administer blood. Careful study of current experience in various places with registered nurses giving blood transfusions convinced a joint committee that it recommend the adoption of the following statement which was approved by the associations indicated.  相似文献   

D Walters  D Morgan  M Colbran-Smith 《CMAJ》1996,154(12):1898-1899
The CMA wants to work with national health care groups, such as the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA), to explore ways providers can work collaboratively to provide quality health care. A joint working group of the CMA and the CNA recently examined collaborative care, focusing on examples provided in HIV/AIDS care. The group developed principles to help people work collaboratively in a variety of settings.  相似文献   

J M Gilmour  P J Rosenberg 《CMAJ》1989,140(3):279-288
Medicolegal issues in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and emergency cardiac care were considered in the United States by the National Conference on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in 1985. This paper discusses these issues in the Canadian context. Although there is little legislation or case precedent in Canada to guide providers of CPR in decision-making, there appears to be little risk of liability or prosecution for competently rendered care. Providers should be cautious in withholding or withdrawing resuscitative measures from incompetent patients when brain death has not occurred and cardiovascular unresponsiveness has not been demonstrated. However, resuscitation may be withheld when a competent patient refuses it or if there is another medically and legally valid reason to do so.  相似文献   

L Curry  C Woodward 《CMAJ》1985,132(4):345-349
The results of a survey of Canadian primary care physicians for the Canadian Medical Association (CMA''s) Task Force on Education for the Provision of Primary Care Services are reported. Recent Canadian medical school graduates in primary care practice reported that the three major training routes (rotating and mixed internships and family medicine residencies) each prepared them differently for practice. The graduates of 2-year family medicine residencies were more satisfied with their preparation than were the graduates of the other major training routes. A 2- or 3-year family medicine residency was preferred by 50% of the respondents, although only 33% of them had actually taken one of these routes. There was considerable agreement in the respondents'' assessments of the types of postgraduate education needed for primary care practice. The results of this survey were consistent with the recommendations in the final report of the CMA''s task force.  相似文献   

A G Logan 《CMAJ》1984,131(9):1053-1057
Since the publication in 1977 of joint recommendations by the Canadian Cardiovascular Society, the Canadian Heart Foundation and the Ontario Council of Health on the detection and management of hypertension in Canada, several clinical trials on the efficacy of antihypertensive drug treatment in patients with mild hypertension have been undertaken. The Canadian Hypertension Society (CHS) felt that the results of these trials should be reviewed to determine whether existing recommendations on treatment should be changed. Three expert panels appointed by the CHS reviewed evidence on the clinical efficacy of antihypertensive therapy, the diagnosis of hypertension and the treatment of mild hypertension, and formulated recommendations on the care of mildly hypertensive patients in Canada. A consensus conference of biomedical scientists, practising physicians and government representatives reviewed and reached agreement on the panels'' recommendations. The final recommendations of the conference are presented in this report.  相似文献   

The following recommended guidelines, jointly prepared by the Canadian Thoracic Society, the Tuberculosis Directors of Canada, and the Department of National Health and Welfare in consultation with the provincial and territorial epidemiologists, AIDS coordinators and HIV caregivers, and approved by the Canadian Lung Association and the Canadian Thoracic Society are provided to assist health care workers who are caring for patients in the overlapping group.  相似文献   

F. C. Pace 《CMAJ》1967,96(4):221-225
The development and present status of the Emergency Health Services (EHS) national and educational programs are discussed. Instituted in 1951 for medical and dental practitioners at a military school at Camp Borden, professional civilian indoctrination was later assumed by EHS at Canadian Emergency Measures College (CEMC). The federally sponsored courses there are now specialized; provincial EHS authorities undertake general indoctrination. Courses for graduates in pharmacy and nursing are also offered at CEMC. Hospital Disaster Institutes have been held across the country since 1954; Public Health Disaster Institutes, since 1966. Schools of Hygiene include the subject in graduate programs. Some years ago, three medical faculties introduced undergraduate teaching in mass casualty care; now, encouraged by the Association of Canadian Medical Colleges, a larger number are doing so. Several faculties of Dentistry, all faculties of Pharmacy, and 132 of 177 nursing schools teach apposite aspects. Professional journals have published many articles on this subject; this, for example, is the fourth Emergency Health Services Symposium presented by The Canadian Medical Association Journal.  相似文献   

Charlotte Gray 《CMAJ》1996,154(4):541-543
All parts of Canada''s health care system are facing fiscal pressures these days, but they are particularly great at Canada''s medical schools. However, Dr. David Hawkins of the Association of Canadian Medical Colleges is optimistic that all 16 of Canada''s medical schools will remain open, mainly because of the huge impact they have on health care in their local communities. “We don''t just turn out students — we raise the standard of health care in a whole community,” he says.  相似文献   

W.A. Tweed  Elinor Wilson 《CMAJ》1977,117(12):1399-1401,1403
One approach to reducing avoidable mortality from coronary artery disease is to provide resuscitation capability in the community. In Manitoba this is the function of the Heart-Alert program, sponsored by the Manitoba Heart Foundation. The program is based on public and professional education dealing with the recognition and immediate care of cardiac emergencies, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The three components to the program are (a) training in basic CPR for all health care and community rescue groups; (b) training in definitive CPR for physicians, critical care nurses and advanced emergency medical technicians; and (c) education of the public to recognize the signs of impending or actual cardiac emergencies and to take appropriate action to summon quickly an emergency rescue team.The initial emphasis of the program has been on developing an organizational structure and a training network for basic CPR. A corps of instructor-trainers and instructors has been certified to implement CPR training in the medical and community target groups. Developmental problems include problems of quality control, of providing for self-sustaining and continued expansion, and of evaluation of the overall results.It is suggested that widespread implementation of CPR training is facilitated by the incorporation of CPR into existing training activities, particularly those of the medical, nursing and other health care disciplines, those of community protection agencies such as police, fire and ambulance departments, and those of volunteer groups concerned with rescue work and first-aid. If the impetus, organizational structure and instructor training are provided by a strategic agency, wide dissemination of CPR training is then possible at relatively modest cost.  相似文献   

M Gordon 《CMAJ》1996,154(9):1395-1396
The country will mark Canada Health Day on May 12, so CMAJ asked Dr. Michael Gordon to reflect on Canada''s health care system and the changes it has seen and will see. The special day, cosponsored by the Canadian Public Health Association, is designed to highlight "the need for better communication between health professionals and the communities they serve." In this article, Gordon reflects on the dangers facing Canada''s medicare system and the need to protect it from the inroads threatened by privatization.  相似文献   

J R Williams 《CMAJ》1995,153(11):1641-1642
A joint policy statement on the resuscitation of patients is published in this issue of CMAJ. Dr. John Williams, the CMA''s director of ethics and legal affairs, discusses how it differs from the joint statement published last year.  相似文献   

MethodsA cross-sectional study interviewing 60 dyads (a person with early dementia and preserved capacity and their family carer) each completing a modified LSPQ. We assessed how closely carers’ choices resembled the PWD’s preferences for treatment in three proposed health states: the here and now; severe stroke with coma; terminal cancer. Agreement between the PWD and their family carer responses was assessed using Kappa and Prevalence-Adjusted Bias-Adjusted Kappa (PABAK) statistics. We examined whether carer burden and distress, and relationship quality, influenced agreement.ResultsIn interviews PWD were able to indicate their treatment preferences across all three scenarios. In the here-and-now most wanted antibiotics (98%), fewer cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) (50%) and tube feeding (47%). In severe stroke and coma antibiotics remained the more preferred treatment (88%), followed by CPR (57%) and tube feeding (30%). In advanced cancer PWD expressed lower preferences for all treatments (antibiotics 68%; CPR 50%; tube feeding 37%). Carers’ choices were similar to the PWDs’ preferences in the here-and-now (71% (k = 0.03; PABAK = 0.4) with less agreement for future hypothetical health states. In severe stroke and coma carers tended wrongly to suggest that the PWD preferred more intervention (antibiotic, 67%; k = -0.022; PABAK = -0.60; CPR, 73%; k = 0.20; PABAK = -0.20, tube feeding, 66%; k = 0.25; PABAK = -0.12). In advanced cancer the agreement between PWD and carers was low (antibiotics; k = -0.03; PABAK = -0.52; CPR, k = -0.07; PABAK = -0.45; tube feeding; k = 0.20; PABAK = -0.22). However, both PWD and carers showed marked uncertainty about their preferences for end of life treatment choices. Relationship quality, carer distress and burden had no influence on agreement.ConclusionsThis study is the first to have used the LSPQ with PWD in the UK to consider treatment options in hypothetical illness scenarios. Key finding are that family carers had a low to moderate agreement with PWD on preferences for end of life treatment. This underscores how planning for care at the end of life is beset with uncertainty, even when the carer and PWD perceive the care-giving/receiving relationship is good. Families affected by dementia may benefit from early and ongoing practical and emotional support to prepare for potential changes and aid decision making in the context of the realities of care towards the end of life.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2018,24(11):995-1011
The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) has created a dysglycemia-based chronic disease (DBCD) multimorbidity care model consisting of four distinct stages along the insulin resistance-prediabetes-type 2 diabetes (T2D) spectrum that are actionable in a preventive care paradigm to reduce the potential impact of T2D, cardiometabolic risk, and cardiovascular events. The controversy of whether there is value, cost-effectiveness, or clinical benefit of diagnosing and/or managing the prediabetes state is resolved by regarding the problem, not in isolation, but as an intermediate stage in the continuum of a progressive chronic disease with opportunities for multiple concurrent prevention strategies. In this context, stage 1 represents “insulin resistance,” stage 2 “prediabetes,” stage 3 “type 2 diabetes,” and stage 4 “vascular complications.” This model encourages earliest intervention focusing on structured lifestyle change. Further scientific research may eventually reclassify stage 2 DBCD prediabetes from a predisease to a true disease state. This position statement is consistent with a portfolio of AACE endocrine disease care models, including adiposity-based chronic disease, that prioritize patient-centered care, evidence-based medicine, complexity, multimorbid chronic disease, the current health care environment, and a societal mandate for a higher value attributed to good health. Ultimately, transformative changes in diagnostic coding and reimbursement structures for prediabetes and T2D can provide improvements in population-based endocrine health care.Abbreviations: A1C = hemoglobin A1c; AACE = American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists; ABCD = adiposity-based chronic disease; CVD = cardiovascular disease; DBCD = dysglycemia-based chronic disease; FPG = fasting plasma glucose; GLP-1 = glucagon-like peptide-1; MetS = metabolic syndrome; T2D = type 2 diabetes  相似文献   

Hilary A. Southall 《CMAJ》1985,133(10):1029-1039
A sample survey of Canadian Medical Association (CMA) members, conducted in early summer 1985 and designed to provide information to help guide the association''s activities and policies, shows that most Canadian physicians support involvement in political activities both by CMA and by indivudual physicians. A majority wishes to maintain the concept of extra/balance billing, to pursue the position that the health care system is underfunded and favours medicare premiums and hospital user fees as the preferred methods for increasing revenue.Most respondents believe that the number of doctors in Canada is about right but would prefer any reduction to be achieved by cutting medical school admissions or reducing postgraduate training positions open to graduates of foreign medical schools.Most of those members who know of CMA policies on a number of health care issues agree with them and also find them useful, but a significant proportion are not aware of their content.There is support for compulsory payment of dues by all licensed physicians to both their provincial medical association and CMA. A majority would like more information on pharmaceutical products and additional membership surveys.  相似文献   

C A Woodward  W Rosser 《CMAJ》1989,141(4):291-299
As part of the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Review on Liability and Compensation Issues in Health Care, in 1988 we surveyed Canadian general practitioners and family physicians to determine the effect of liability concerns on their practices in the previous 5 years. Questionnaires were sent to a random, stratified national sample of 1295 physicians, with a response rate of 64.6%. However, a high proportion of the returned questionnaires were ineligible because the physicians were not in general or family practice, were not involved in direct patient care, or had died or moved; thus, the corrected response rate was 50.8%. The newsletter of the Canadian Medical Protective Association was the source of information on liability most frequently cited (by 88.1% of the physicians) and most influential (to 62.4%). Only 15.5% of the physicians cited personal involvement with medicolegal issues as a source of information; the rate was higher for Ontario physicians and those in urban areas generally. A total of 74.6% of the respondents had altered their style of practice in the previous 5 years, and 56.3% reported changes in the scope of their practice. Concern about litigation was the most important reason for changing style of practice and reducing or eliminating administration of anesthesia, whereas lifestyle and other issues along with liability concerns most influenced decisions to reduce obstetric care and emergency department work. Our findings suggest that physicians'' perceptions of liability issues have had a profound influence on primary care practice in Canada in the past several years.  相似文献   

Animal Care Committees (ACCs) at Canadian universities and research centers operate under the aegis of the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) and its guidelines for the humane care and treatment of animals in teaching, research, and testing. All Canadian universities have at least one active committee. The committees are expected to assume an educative role beyond the provision of information concerning housing, maintenance, and appropriate conditions for the treatment of animals in research. This includes critical examination of the serious ethical issues involved in animal research within the context of the principles and practices endorsed by the CCAC. One-day animal care courses provided by ACCs at three Canadian universities are described. Comparisons are made between the content and structure of curricula and the ways these relate to the teaching and research mandate in each institution, focusing particularly on the teaching of ethics in each course. The implications for heightening awareness of ethical issues in animal research and improving the effectiveness of these courses are discussed.  相似文献   

Animal Care Committees (ACCs) at Canadian universities and research centers operate under the aegis of the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) and its guidelines for the humane care and treatment of animals in teaching, research, and testing. All Canadian universities have at least one active committee. The committees are expected to assume an educative role beyond the provision of information concerning housing, maintenance, and appropriate conditions for the treatment of animals in research. This includes critical examination of the serious ethical issues involved in animal research within the context of the principles and practices endorsed by the CCAC. One-day animal care courses provided by ACCs at three Canadian universities are described. Comparisons are made between the content and structure of curricula and the ways these relate to the teaching and research mandate in each institution, focusing particularly on the teaching of ethics in each course. The implications for heightening awareness of ethical issues in animal research and improving the effectiveness of these courses are discussed.  相似文献   

Contact shielding has been in widespread use for the last 60–70 years aiming to protect against genetic effects, cancer, and other detriment. Since 2012, studies have begun to appear in the literature that question the continued use of such shielding, especially when radiographic technology has changed so much over the intervening period This literature has culminated in several professional bodies such as the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) and the British Institute of Radiology (BIR) issuing guidance and statements recommending against the continued routine use of patient contact shielding. Many professional societies have also endorsed these statements. National statements on the matter continue to be produced. It is notable however that the major European bodies involved in diagnostic radiology and radiation safety have not to date issued a statement on patient shielding. This commentary looks at reasons for that and argues that it is now time for a European consensus statement on patient shielding.It is the authors belief that there are advantages to building on the work done by the AAPM and BIR, using the opportunity to amplify the statements, propagate the intent of the original statements, refine the message to deal with questions that have arisen since their publication.Α working group, Gonad and Patient Shielding (GAPS) has been formed by members from a) the European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (EFOMP), b) the Eurosafe Imaging initiative of the European Society of Radiology (ESR), c) the European Federation of Radiographers Societies (EFRS), d) EURADOS and e) the BIR to produce a joint statement on the proper application of patient shielding in diagnostic and interventional radiology.  相似文献   

Arginine carboxypeptidase (CPR) is a novel carboxypeptidase which was first described by Campbell and Okada. CPR is generated from a stable precursor of CPR (proCPR) during coagulation or under other circumstances and is promptly inactivated at 37 C. Therefore, it is not easy to determine CPR in blood samples. Since proCPR can be separated from the other basic carboxypeptidase (carboxypeptidase N; CPN) by passing plasma through DEAE gel, we have established a method to determine the amount of proCPR after converting it to active CPR by trypsin treatment. We first separated the proCPR from CPN using a filter cup tube (FC tube) packed with DEAE Sephadex, and measured activity after conversion of the enzyme to its active form using trypsin. With this method, no significant decrease in proCPR was noted in the plasma of patients including those with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), although CPR activity in fresh sera has been reported to be decreased. This discrepancy suggests that proCPR is not depleted in most patient sera, but that the level of activity of the enzyme which converts proCPR into active CPR may be compromised in RA patients.  相似文献   

B K Hennen 《CMAJ》1993,148(9):1559-1563
Fifty years ago family practice in Canada had no academic presence. Stimulated by a number of general practitioners and with the support of the Canadian Medical Association, the College of General Practitioners of Canada (CGPC) was founded in 1954. In 1962, conferences on education for general practice attended by the Association of Canadian Medical Colleges and the CGPC led to pilot postgraduate residencies in family practice supported by Department of National Health and Welfare. The first certification examination was held in 1969 and, by 1974, all Canadian medical schools had a family medicine residency program. Today departments of family medicine contribute substantially to undergraduate education in all 16 schools. In Canada, the medical profession, governments and the medical schools have demonstrated the importance they place on appropriate education for family physicians.  相似文献   

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