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Aim The role of dispersal versus vicariance for plant distribution patterns has long been disputed. We study the temporal and spatial diversification of Ranunculeae, an almost cosmopolitan tribe comprising 19 genera, to understand the processes that have resulted in the present inter‐continental disjunctions. Location All continents (except Antarctica). Methods Based on phylogenetic analyses of nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences for 18 genera and 89 species, we develop a temporal–spatial framework for the reconstruction of the biogeographical history of Ranunculeae. To estimate divergence dates, Bayesian uncorrelated rates analyses and four calibration points derived from geological, fossil and external molecular information were applied. Parsimony‐based methods for dispersal–vicariance analysis (diva and Mesquite ) and a maximum likelihood‐based method (Lagrange ) were used for reconstructing ancestral areas. Six areas corresponding to continents were delimited. Results The reconstruction of ancestral areas is congruent in the diva and maximum likelihood‐based analyses for most nodes, but Mesquite reveals equivocal results at deep nodes. Our study suggests a Northern Hemisphere origin for the Ranunculeae in the Eocene and a weakly supported vicariance event between North America and Eurasia. The Eurasian clade diversified between the early Oligocene and the late Miocene, with at least three independent migrations to the Southern Hemisphere. The North American clade diversified in the Miocene and dispersed later to Eurasia, South America and Africa. Main conclusions Ranunculeae diversified between the late Eocene and the late Miocene. During this time period, the main oceanic barriers already existed between continents and thus dispersal is the most likely explanation for the current distribution of the tribe. In the Southern Hemisphere, a vicariance model related to the break‐up of Gondwana is clearly rejected. Dispersals between continents could have occurred via migration over land bridges, such as the Bering Land Bridge, or via long‐distance dispersal.  相似文献   

1. The causes of distribution patterns of stygobionts (obligate subterranean-dwelling aquatic species) were examined with special emphasis on vicariance and dispersal.
2. Dispersal was investigated on the premise that if migration is important, then migration at small scales should predict patterns at larger scales. Data on the copepod fauna of epikarst in Slovenia were especially useful for the study of migration, because data on habitat occupancy could be collected at scales of individual drips located metres apart to the scale of individual caves to entire karst regions. Occupancy of drips in one cave was a remarkably good predictor of occupancy of caves in a region, although not of the overall range of a given species. These results were also supported by occupancy patterns of the general stygobiotic fauna of West Virginia caves, compared at different scales.
3. Vicariance was investigated by noting that proximity to marine embayments increases the likelihood of vicariant speciation. In the U.S.A., only the fauna of the Edwards Aquifer of Texas has a significant component of marine-derived species. Differences in shape of the relationship between species number and number of caves in a county indicated that the marine-derived component represented an addition to rather than a replacement of the other stygobiotic species.
4. Thus, we found evidence for the importance of both vicariance and dispersal. The techniques employed could be used to study these patterns more generally, as more data become available.  相似文献   

Aims Our aim was to uncover and describe patterns of historical biogeography of the main river basins in central Mexico, based on a secondary Brooks parsimony analysis (BPA) of goodeine fishes, and to understand the processes that determine them with respect to the molecular clock of the goodeines and the geological events that have taken place in the region since the Miocene. Location The region covered in this study includes central Mexico, mostly the so‐called Mesa Central of Mexico, an area argued to be a transitional zone comprising several major river drainages from their headwaters at high elevations along the Transmexican Volcanic Belt to the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean. Methods Based on a previous phylogenetic hypothesis regarding the Goodeidae, we built a data matrix using additive binary coding. First, we conducted a primary BPA to provide general explanations of the historical biogeography of Central Mexico. As ambiguity was found, a secondary BPA was conducted, and some areas were duplicated in order to explain the reticulated history of the area. Area cladograms were obtained by running a parsimony analysis. Instances of vicariance and non‐vicariance processes were described with reference to the cladogram obtained from secondary BPA. Results The study area was divided into 18 discrete regions. Primary BPA produced nine equally parsimonious cladograms with 129 steps, and a consistency index (CI) of 0.574. A strict consensus cladogram shows low resolution among some areas, but other area relationships are consistent. For secondary BPA, five of the 18 regions were duplicated (LEA, COT, AYU, CUT, PAN); one was triplicated (BAL); and one was quadruplicated (AME), suggesting that the pattern of distribution of species in these areas reflects multiple independent events. These areas correspond with the regions exhibiting the highest levels of diversification and the most complex geological history, and those for which river piracy events or basin connections have been proposed. The secondary BPA produced a single most parsimonious cladogram with 118 steps, and a CI of 0.858. This cladogram shows that none of the duplicated areas are nested together, reinforcing the idea of a reticulated history of the areas and not a single vicariant event. Main conclusions Although our results are preliminary and we cannot establish this as a general pattern, as the BPA is based on a single‐taxon cladogram, resolution obtained in the secondary BPA provides some insights regarding the historical biogeography of this group of fishes in river basins of central Mexico. Secondary BPA indicates that the historical biogeography of central Mexico, as shown by their goodeine freshwater fishes, is complex and is a result of a series of vicariant and non‐vicariant events such as post‐dispersal speciation and post‐speciation dispersal.  相似文献   

Historical biogeography seeks to explain contemporary distributions of taxa in the context of intrinsic biological and extrinsic geological and climatic factors. To decipher the relative importance of biological characteristics vs. environmental conditions, it is necessary to ask whether groups of taxa with similar distributions share the same history of diversification. Because all of the taxa will have shared the same climatic and geological history, evidence of shared history across multiple species provides an estimate of the role of extrinsic factors in shaping contemporary biogeographic patterns. Similarly, differences in the records of evolutionary history across species will probably be signatures of biological differences. In this study, we focus on inferring the evolutionary history for geographical populations and closely related species representing three genera of primary freshwater fishes that are widely distributed in lower Central America (LCA) and northwestern Colombia. Analysis of mitochondrial gene trees provides the opportunity for robust tests of shared history across taxa. Moreover, because mtDNA permits inference of the temporal scale of diversification we can test hypotheses regarding the chronological development of the Isthmian corridor linking North and South America. We have focused attention on two issues. First, we show that many of the distinct populations of LCA fishes diverged in a relatively brief period of time thus limiting the phylogenetic signal available for tests of shared history. Second, our results provide reduced evidence of shared history when all drainages are included in the analysis because of inferred dispersion events that obscure the evolutionary history among drainage basins. When we restrict the analysis to areas that harbour endemic mitochondrial lineages, there is evidence of shared history across taxa. We hypothesize that there were two to three distinct waves of invasion into LCA from putative source populations in northwestern Colombia. The first probably happened in the late Miocene, prior to the final emergence of the Isthmus in the mid-Pliocene; the second was probably coincident with the rise of the Isthmus in the mid-Pliocene, and the third event occurred more recently, perhaps in the Pleistocene. In each case the geographical scale of the dispersion of lineages was progressively more limited, a pattern we attribute to the continuing development of the landscape due to orogeny and the consequent increase in the insularization of drainage basins. Thus, the fisheye view of LCA suggests a complex biogeographic history of overlaid cycles of colonization, diversification, sorting and extinction of lineages.  相似文献   

Plant disjunctions have provided some of the most intriguing distribution patterns historically addressed by biogeographers. We evaluated the three hypotheses that have been postulated to explain these patterns [vicariance, stepping‐stone dispersal and long‐distance dispersal (LDD)] using Munroa, an American genus of grasses with six species and a disjunct distribution between the desert regions of North and South America. The ages of clades, cytology, ancestral characters and areas of distribution were investigated in order to establish relationships among species, to determine the time of divergence of the genus and its main lineages, and to understand further the biogeographical and evolutionary history of this genus. Bayesian inference recovered the North American M. pulchella as sister species to the rest. Molecular dating and ancestral area analyses suggest that Munroa originated in North America in the late Miocene–Pliocene (7.2 Mya; 8.2–6.5 Mya). Based on these results, we postulate that two dispersal events modelled the current distribution patterns of Munroa: the first from North to South America (7.2 Mya; 8.2–6.5 Mya) and the second (1.8 Mya; 2–0.8 Mya) from South to North America. Arid conditions of the late Miocene–Pliocene in the Neogene and Quaternary climatic oscillations in North America and South America were probably advantageous for the establishment of populations of Munroa. We did not find any relationship between ploidy and dispersal events, and our ancestral character analyses suggest that shifts associated with dispersal and seedling establishment, such as habit, reproductive system, disarticulation of rachilla, and shape and texture of the glume, have been important in these species reaching new areas. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179 , 110–125.  相似文献   

Aim Continental disjunctions in pantropical taxa have been explained by vicariance or long‐distance dispersal. The relative importance of these explanations in shaping current distributions may vary, depending on historical backgrounds or biological characteristics of particular taxa. We aimed to determine the geographical origin of the pantropical subfamily Chrysophylloideae (Sapotaceae) and the roles vicariance and dispersal have played in shaping its modern distribution. Location Tropical areas of Africa, Australasia and South America. Methods We utilized a recently published, comprehensive data set including 66 species and nine molecular markers. Bayesian phylogenetic trees were generated and dated using five fossils and the penalized likelihood approach. Distributional ranges of nodes were estimated using maximum likelihood and parsimony analyses. In both biogeographical and molecular dating analyses, phylogenetic and branch length uncertainty was taken into account by averaging the results over 2000 trees extracted from the Bayesian stationary sample. Results Our results indicate that the earliest diversification of Chrysophylloideae was in the Campanian of Africa c. 73–83 Ma. A narrow time interval for colonization from Africa to the Neotropics (one to three dispersals) and Australasia (a single migration) indicates a relatively rapid radiation of this subfamily in the latest Cretaceous to the earliest Palaeocene (c. 62–72 Ma). A single dispersal event from the Neotropics back to Africa during the Neogene was inferred. Long‐distance dispersal between Australia and New Caledonia occurred at least four times, and between Africa and Madagascar on multiple occasions. Main conclusions Long‐distance dispersal has been the dominant mechanism for range expansion in the subfamily Chrysophylloideae. Vicariance could explain South American–Australian disjunction via Antarctica, but not the exchanges between Africa and South America and between New Caledonia and Australia, or the presence of the subfamily in Madagascar. We find low support for the hypothesis that the North Atlantic land bridge facilitated range expansions at the Palaeocene/Eocene boundary.  相似文献   

Sharpshooters (Cicadellinae), a large subfamily of the Cicadellidae, exhibit a global distribution and a broad array of ecological preferences. To explore the phylogenetic relationships and roles of global historical, biotic and biogeographic processes in the diversification of sharpshooters, we analysed DNA sequence data from three mitochondrial and two nuclear genes for 243 taxa representing all Cicadellinae tribes, generic groups, regional faunas and data of geographic distributions of sharpshooter species compiled from online databases and available literature. The maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) analyses strongly support the monophyletic clade including Cicadellinae and Phereurininae. Divergence time estimates and biogeographic analyses suggest that sharpshooters originated in the Neotropical region or were more widespread in Gondwana during the Early Cretaceous and diversified through a combination of ancient vicariance and dispersal following the evolution of angiosperm-dominated habitats. The earliest divergence during the Cretaceous gave rise to Oriental and New World lineages, the latter of which subsequently dispersed into the Old World and gave rise to the diverse endemic fauna of Madagascar. The Oriental lineage shows high diversity and endemism in tropical Asia and the Pacific, with striking distributional discontinuities in Wallacea. These results suggest that a combination of environmental and evolutionary factors including continental-scale vicariance, long-distance dispersal and diversification of terrestrial microhabitats and host plants may explain the diversity of the modern sharpshooter fauna.  相似文献   

梁伟诺  胡亮 《生物多样性》2022,30(8):21471-72
考古遗址中出土的鱼类遗存是探讨现生种类在历史时期的地理分布的重要资料。本文系统整理了中国新石器时代至明代考古遗址中出土的淡水及河口鱼类考古遗存记录, 对比了鉴定至物种的遗存记录分布与现状分布, 探讨了个别物种古今分布变迁的可能成因。结果显示: (1)目前中国淡水及河口鱼类考古遗存共鉴定记录了72个类群, 分属于8目12科, 其中以鲤形目的类群数量最多(43); 鉴定至物种的共42种, 其中以鲤(Cyprinus carpio)和青鱼(Mylopharyngodon piceus)的出土遗址(群)数量最多(各46个)。(2)有淡水及河口鱼类遗存出土记录的遗址中, 属新石器时代的遗址(群)数量最多(68), 从这些遗址(群)中出土鉴定的类群数(60)也在各时期中居于首位。(3)淡水及河口鱼类遗存鉴定记录的类群最多的流域是长江流域(55个), 其次为淮河流域(24个)和黑龙江流域(22个); 而南海流域、西南流域和台湾岛流域各仅有1个类群。(4)有8个物种在其现存自然分布范围以外的流域至少有1处遗存鉴定记录: 团头鲂(Megalobrama amblycephala)、须鲫(Carassioides acuminatus)、龙州鲤(Cyprinus longzhouensis)、鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)、草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idella)、青鱼、黄鳝(Monopterus albus)和日本花鲈(Lateolabrax japonicas); 除草鱼和青鱼之外, 其余6种在其各自现存分布区以北的流域至少有1处遗存记录。研究结果表明, 中国新石器时代以来的淡水及河口鱼类考古遗存记录所展现的区系地理格局整体上与现今格局一致。个别物种在历史时期的分布较现今分布区范围更广, 这可能是因为遗存出土地区的古气候普遍较现今温暖, 亦或是因其后气候变化或水系变迁使部分鱼类的分布区变狭窄。  相似文献   

Finlay BJ  Monaghan EB  Maberly SC 《Protist》2002,153(3):261-273
We have analysed the geographical records of a representative selection of extant diatom species from a freshwater pond. The more often a species is recorded in the ecological literature, the greater is its apparent global distribution. One explanation is that the frequently recorded species are globally abundant, whereas species that are infrequently recorded are globally rare. We suggest a model in which random dispersal is the dominant force driving large-scale distribution of species, with the rate and scale of dispersal largely determined by global population size. Thus species that are locally rare or abundant are likewise rare or abundant worldwide. It is predicted that many of the rarer diatom species will, with additional sampling effort, be shown to have wide geographical distribution, but this requires intensive studies focused on revealing species that are normally cryptic. The argument in favour of endemic diatom species is untenable, because it is not possible to disprove their existence elsewhere in the biosphere.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the historical biogeography of the pantropical flowering plant family Hernandiaceae (Laurales), which today comprises 62 species in five genera. Location Hernandiaceae occur in Africa (9 species), Madagascar (4), the Neotropics (25), Australia (3), southern China, Indochina, Malesia, and on numerous Pacific Islands (32). These numbers include two widespread species, Hernandia nymphaeifolia, which ranges from East Africa to the Ogasawara Islands and New Caledonia, and Gyrocarpus americanus, thought to have a pantropical range. Methods We sampled 37 species from all genera, the widespread ones with multiple accessions, for a chloroplast DNA matrix of 2210 aligned nucleotides, and used maximum likelihood to infer species relationships. Divergence time estimation relied on an uncorrelated‐rates relaxed molecular clock calibrated with outgroup fossils of Lauraceae and Monimiaceae. Results The deepest split in the family is between a predominantly African–Madagascan–Malesian lineage comprising Hazomalania, Hernandia and Illigera, and an African–Neotropical lineage comprising Gyrocarpus and Sparattanthelium; this split may be 122 (110–134) Myr old. The stem lineages of the five genera date back at least to the Palaeocene, but six splits associated with transoceanic range disjunctions date only to the Oligocene and Miocene, implying long‐distance dispersal. It is inferred that Hernandia beninensis reached the West African islands of São Tomé and Bioko from the West Indies or the Guianas; Hernandia dispersed across the Pacific; and Illigera madagascariensis reached Madagascar from across the Indian Ocean. Main conclusions The disjunct ranges and divergence times of sister clades in the Hernandiaceae are partly congruent with the break‐up of West Gondwana, but mostly with later transoceanic dispersal. An exceptional ability to establish following prolonged oceanic dispersal may be largely responsible for the evolutionary persistence of this small clade.  相似文献   

Aim A previous study of the allodapine bee genus Braunsapis suggested an African origin, with dispersal events into Madagascar and Asia, and from Asia into Australia. We re‐examine the phylogeny of this genus, using an expanded set of taxa from Madagascar and Malawi and additional sequence data, in order to determine the number of dispersals and the timeframe over which they occurred. Location Africa, Madagascar, Malawi, Asia and Australia. Methods One nuclear (EF‐1α F2) and two mitochondrial (CO1 and Cyt b) gene regions were sequenced for 36 allodapine bee species (including members of the genera Braunsapis, Nasutapis, Allodape, Allodapula, and Macrogalea) and one ceratinine species (Ceratina japonica). We used Bayesian analyses to examine phylogenetic structure and a penalized likelihood approach to estimate approximate ages for key divergences in our phylogeny. Results Our analyses indicate a tropical African origin for Braunsapis in the early Miocene followed by very early dispersal into Asia and then a subsequent dispersal, following Asian diversification, into Australia during the late Miocene. There have also been two dispersals of Braunsapis from Africa to Madagascar and this result, when combined with phylogenetic and biogeographical data for other allodapines, suggests that these bees have the ability to cross moderately large ocean expanses. These dispersals may have been aided by the West Wind Drift, but rafting across the Mozambique Channel is also possible, and could be aided by the existence of developmental stages that require minimal or no feeding and by tolerance to sea water and spume. Accumulating evidence suggests that many biogeographical patterns in the southern hemisphere may be better explained by dispersal than by Gondwanan vicariance hypotheses. Our results add to this growing body of data and raise the possibility that some puzzling trans‐Indian Ocean distributions may also be explained by historical dispersal events across oceanic barriers that now seem insuperable.  相似文献   

Aim Geological and fossil records are critical for historical biogeography studies. A plant fossil assemblage from a small, well‐dated, transient late Palaeocene island was re‐investigated with regard to regional geology and vicariance versus dispersal hypotheses. Location Deep Sea Drilling Program Leg 22, Site 214 on the Ninetyeast Ridge (NER) in the mid‐Indian Ocean region. Methods Leaf cuticular material was recovered from residues from a previous palynofloral study of Site 214 sediments during the 1970s and identified. The palynoflora was reassessed. Results The only leaf cuticular material recovered with stomata can be placed in crown‐group Lauraceae. It is confirmed that the palynoflora reflects the presence of a low‐diversity island flora in the late Palaeocene, comprising ferns and mostly herbaceous angiosperms with readily dispersible propagules, and perhaps austral podocarps. Other pollen taxa of almost certain local origin were arecoid palms and taxa related to Chloranthaceae. The strong overall similarity of the palynoflora to Australo‐Antarctic and New Zealand assemblages is also confirmed. Main conclusions Foliar fossils of Lauraceae demonstrate the occurrence of one of the world’s largest, most widely distributed woody plant families on a late Palaeocene island. The presence of plants on this island could be explained by vicariance via a vegetated Upper Cretaceous Kerguelen Plateau, in part because crown‐group Lauraceae may be at least this old. However, there are records of other taxa in the Kerguelen region that are anomalous with vicariance, plus evidence for a catastrophic biotic extinction event centred in the area in the latest Cretaceous. Plants were therefore most likely to have reached the island by means of dispersal. This suggests either the presence of presently unknown vegetated land nearby in the Kerguelen region in the late Palaeocene, or long‐distance dispersal, probably from the Australian region. The dispersal of viable seeds could have been facilitated by birds or perhaps by ocean‐surface drift with or without the assistance of ocean‐going animals. The fossils allow that even small, short‐lived islands could have acted as ‘stepping stones’ for biotic interchange between Australia and Africa, and perhaps other regions.  相似文献   

The biogeographic history of three cirrhitoid species pairs with east–west allopatric distributions across southern Australia was examined by determining levels of mitochondrial DNA sequence divergence and applying molecular clock calibrations. Similar levels of genetic divergence were observed for Aplodactylus Valenciennes and Goniistius Gill species pairs, but these were more than twice that observed for a Nemadactylus Richardson pair. Molecular clock calibrations suggested divergences occurred during the late Miocene and mid Pliocene, respectively. Given evidence of high dispersal capabilities, the habitat and climatic barriers of the Australian south coast appear too small to have facilitated speciation of the cirrhitoids examined. A mechanism is proposed by which ancestral cirrhitoids were vicariantly isolated into east and west coast populations during periods of climate change. Although Aplodactylus and Goniistius divergences occurred during the same period, separate vicariant events across the Australian north and south coasts are invoked.  相似文献   

Methods in historical biogeography have revolutionized our ability to infer the evolution of ancestral geographical ranges from phylogenies of extant taxa, the rates of dispersals, and biotic connectivity among areas. However, extant taxa are likely to provide limited and potentially biased information about past biogeographic processes, due to extinction, asymmetrical dispersals and variable connectivity among areas. Fossil data hold considerable information about past distribution of lineages, but suffer from largely incomplete sampling. Here we present a new dispersal–extinction–sampling (DES) model, which estimates biogeographic parameters using fossil occurrences instead of phylogenetic trees. The model estimates dispersal and extinction rates while explicitly accounting for the incompleteness of the fossil record. Rates can vary between areas and through time, thus providing the opportunity to assess complex scenarios of biogeographic evolution. We implement the DES model in a Bayesian framework and demonstrate through simulations that it can accurately infer all the relevant parameters. We demonstrate the use of our model by analysing the Cenozoic fossil record of land plants and inferring dispersal and extinction rates across Eurasia and North America. Our results show that biogeographic range evolution is not a time-homogeneous process, as assumed in most phylogenetic analyses, but varies through time and between areas. In our empirical assessment, this is shown by the striking predominance of plant dispersals from Eurasia into North America during the Eocene climatic cooling, followed by a shift in the opposite direction, and finally, a balance in biotic interchange since the middle Miocene. We conclude by discussing the potential of fossil-based analyses to test biogeographic hypotheses and improve phylogenetic methods in historical biogeography.  相似文献   

The relationship between dispersal and differentiation of the European freshwater mussel Unio pictorum (Linnaeus, 1758) was studied with molecular genetic methods. Forty‐two populations from France, Italy and central Europe were analysed. Genetic relationships were assessed from the geographical distribution of allele frequencies at 17 enzyme loci. Neighbouring groups of populations show small to moderate mean genetic distances (0.020 < Dmean < 0.263). With a few exceptions the genetic affinities of the populations are the closest within the same drainage basin. In central Europe and Northern Italy genetic differences between drainage systems are relatively large. Populations from north‐eastern Italy are genetically similar to Danubian populations. Mussels from the islands of Corsica and Sardinia are more closely related to populations from the Italian peninsula than to French populations from the Rhône drainage system. Genetic relationships within U. pictorum from central Europe reflect palaeogeographical relationships between river systems during the Pliocene and Pleistocene. Literature data on two North American unionid species and one European fish species show the same relationship between genetic diversity and the history of drainage systems, although the correlations are less strong. In France and Italy this correspondence is much less evident. Population dynamic processes and human activities leading to populational bottlenecks might have obscured it.  相似文献   

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