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Dynein heavy chains are motor proteins that comprise a large gene family found across eukaryotes. We have investigated this gene family in four ciliate species: Ichthyophthirius, Oxytricha, Paramecium, and Tetrahymena. Ciliates appear to encode more dynein heavy chain genes than most eukaryotes. Phylogenetic comparisons demonstrated that the last common ancestor of the ciliates that were examined expressed at least 14 types of dynein heavy chains with most of the expansion coming from the single‐headed inner arm dyneins. Each of the dyneins most likely performed different functions within the cell.  相似文献   

Kofoidia loriculata is a parabasalid symbiont inhabiting the hindgut of the lower termite Paraneotermes simplicicornis. It was initially described as a lophomonad due to its apical tuft of multiple flagella that disintegrate during cell division, but its phylogenetic relationships have not been investigated using molecular evidence. From single cell isolations, we sequenced the small subunit rRNA gene and determined that K. loriculata falls within the Cristamonadea, but is unrelated to other lophomonads. This analysis further demonstrates the polyphyly of the lophomonads and the necessity to re‐assess the morphological and cellular evolution of the Cristamonadea.  相似文献   

There are over 100 species in the Order Clevelandellida distributed in many hosts. The majority is assigned to one of the five families, the Nyctotheridae. Our knowledge of clevelandellid genetic diversity is limited to species of Nyctotherus and Nyctotheroides. To increase our understanding of clevelandellid genetic diversity, species were isolated from intestines of the Australian wood‐feeding roach Panesthia cribrata Saussure, 1864 from August to October, 2008. Four morphospecies, similar to those reported in Java and Japan by Kidder [Parasitologica, 29 :163–205], were identified: Clevelandella constricta, Clevelandella nipponensis, Clevelandella parapanesthiae, and Clevelandella panesthiae. Small subunit rRNA gene sequences assigned all species to a “family” clade that was sister to the clade of species assigned to the Family Nyctotheridae in the Order Clevelandellida. Genetics and morphology were consistent for the first three Clevelandella species, but isolates assigned to C. panesthiae were assignable to three different genotypes, suggesting that this may be a cryptic species complex.  相似文献   

We investigated the live morphology, infraciliature, and small subunit rRNA gene sequences of an unusual population of Stentor polymorphus without symbiotic algae that was isolated from the southeastern region of Brazil. The morphological and molecular data confirmed the identity of this strain as S. polymorphus. The Brazilian S. polymorphus organism is 850–2,000 μm in length in vivo and has colorless cortical granules, a moniliform macronucleus with 6–12 nodules, somatic ciliature composed of 50–60 kineties, a single contractile vacuole located to the left of the cytostome, and a conspicuous oral pouch, and it does not build a lorica. Based on the phylogenetic analyses, the Brazilian S. polymorphus was located within a cluster consisting of four other S. polymorphus sequences, with high support values using both the Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood algorithms. Our study presents the first report of a S. polymorphus population without its symbionts under natural conditions. On the basis of our findings, we propose that the presence or absence of symbiotic algae should not be used as a taxonomic character for the identification of Stentor species.  相似文献   

In hypotrichous ciliates, macronuclear chromosomes are gene‐sized, and micronuclear genes contain short, noncoding internal eliminated segments (IESs) as well as macronuclear‐destined segments (MDSs). In the present study, we characterized the complete macronuclear gene and two to three types of micronuclear actin genes of two urostylid species, i.e. Pseudokeronopsis rubra and Uroleptopsis citrina. Our results show that (1) the gain/loss of IES happens frequently in the subclass Hypotrichia (formerly Stichotrichia), and high fragmentation of germline genes does not imply for gene scrambling; and (2) the micronuclear actin gene is scrambled in the order Sporadotrichida but nonscrambled in the orders Urostylida and Stichotrichida, indicating the independent evolution of MIC‐actin gene patterns in different orders of hypotrichs; (3) locations of MDS–IES junctions of micronuclear actin gene in coding regions are conserved among closely related species.  相似文献   

Metabarcoding has the potential to become a rapid, sensitive, and effective approach for identifying species in complex environmental samples. Accurate molecular identification of species depends on the ability to generate operational taxonomic units (OTUs) that correspond to biological species. Due to the sometimes enormous estimates of biodiversity using this method, there is a great need to test the efficacy of data analysis methods used to derive OTUs. Here, we evaluate the performance of various methods for clustering length variable 18S amplicons from complex samples into OTUs using a mock community and a natural community of zooplankton species. We compare analytic procedures consisting of a combination of (1) stringent and relaxed data filtering, (2) singleton sequences included and removed, (3) three commonly used clustering algorithms (mothur, UCLUST, and UPARSE), and (4) three methods of treating alignment gaps when calculating sequence divergence. Depending on the combination of methods used, the number of OTUs varied by nearly two orders of magnitude for the mock community (60–5068 OTUs) and three orders of magnitude for the natural community (22–22191 OTUs). The use of relaxed filtering and the inclusion of singletons greatly inflated OTU numbers without increasing the ability to recover species. Our results also suggest that the method used to treat gaps when calculating sequence divergence can have a great impact on the number of OTUs. Our findings are particularly relevant to studies that cover taxonomically diverse species and employ markers such as rRNA genes in which length variation is extensive.  相似文献   

Wolbachia is a widespread bacterial endosymbiont among arthropod species. It influences the reproduction of the host species and also mitochondrial DNA diversity. Until now there were only a few studies that detected Wolbachia infections in hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae), and this is the first broader study with the aim of examining the incidence of Wolbachia in the hoverfly genus Merodon. The obtained results indicate an infection rate of 96% and the presence of both Wolbachia supergroup A and B, which are characteristic for most of the infected arthropod species. Additionally, the presence of multiple Wolbachia strains in the Merodon aureus group species was detected and the mitochondrial DNA COI‐based relationships of the group are discussed in the light of infection. Finally, we discuss plant‐mediated horizontal transmission of Wolbachia strains among the studied hoverfly species.  相似文献   

Twenty‐six strains morphologically identified as Cylindrospermum as well as the closely related taxon Cronbergia siamensis were examined microscopically as well as phylogenetically using sequence data for the 16S rRNA gene and the 16S‐23S internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA revealed three distinct clades. The clade we designate as Cylindrospermum sensu stricto contained all five of the foundational species, C. maius, C. stagnale, C. licheniforme, C. muscicola, and C. catenatum. In addition to these taxa, three species new to science in this clade were described: C. badium, C. moravicum, and C. pellucidum. Our evidence indicated that Cronbergia is a later synonym of Cylindrospermum. The phylogenetic position of Cylindrospermum within the Nostocaceae was not clearly resolved in our analyses. Cylindrospermum is unusual among cyanobacterial genera in that the morphological diversity appears to be more evident than sequence divergence. Taxa were clearly separable using morphology, but had very high percent similarity among ribosomal sequences. Given the high diversity we noted in this study, we conclude that there is likely much more diversity remaining to be described in this genus.  相似文献   

Reticulitermes flavipes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) is a highly eusocial insect that thrives on recalcitrant lignocellulosic diets through nutritional symbioses with gut‐dwelling prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In the R. flavipes hindgut, there are up to 12 eukaryotic protozoan symbionts; the number of prokaryotic symbionts has been estimated in the hundreds. Despite its biological relevance, this diverse community, to date, has been investigated only by culture‐ and cloning‐dependent methods. Moreover, it is unclear how termite gut microbiomes respond to diet changes and what roles they play in lignocellulose digestion. This study utilized high‐throughput 454 pyrosequencing of 16S V5‐V6 amplicons to sample the hindgut lumen prokaryotic microbiota of R. flavipes and to examine compositional changes in response to lignin‐rich and lignin‐poor cellulose diets after a 7‐day feeding period. Of the ~475 000 high‐quality reads that were obtained, 99.9% were annotated as bacteria and 0.11% as archaea. Major bacterial phyla included Spirochaetes (24.9%), Elusimicrobia (19.8%), Firmicutes (17.8%), Bacteroidetes (14.1%), Proteobacteria (11.4%), Fibrobacteres (5.8%), Verrucomicrobia (2.0%), Actinobacteria (1.4%) and Tenericutes (1.3%). The R. flavipes hindgut lumen prokaryotic microbiota was found to contain over 4761 species‐level phylotypes. However, diet‐dependent shifts were not statistically significant or uniform across colonies, suggesting significant environmental and/or host genetic impacts on colony‐level microbiome composition. These results provide insights into termite gut microbiome diversity and suggest that (i) the prokaryotic gut microbiota is much more complex than previously estimated, and (ii) environment, founding reproductive pair effects and/or host genetics influence microbiome composition.  相似文献   

Heterodrilus is a group of marine Naididae, common worldwide in subtropical and tropical areas, and unique among the oligochaetes by their tridentate chaetae. The phylogenetic relationships within the group are assessed from the nuclear 18S rDNA gene, and the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and 16S rDNA genes. Sequence data were obtained from 16 Heterodrilus species and 13 out‐group taxa; 48 sequences are new for this study. The data were analysed by Bayesian inference. Monophyly of the genus is corroborated by the resulting tree, with Heterodrilus ersei (a taxon representing a small group of species with aberrant male genitalia) proposed to be outside all other sampled species. Although earlier regarded as a member of the subfamily Rhyacodrilinae, both molecular and morphological data seem to support that Heterodrilus is closely related to Phallodrilinae. However, the results are not conclusive as to whether the genus is the sister group of, or a group nested inside, or separate from this latter subfamily. The studied sample of species suggests at least two major clades in Heterodrilus with different geographical distributions, in one of the clades, most species are from the Indo‐West Pacific Ocean, while in the other, the majority are from the Western Atlantic Ocean. Morphological characters traditionally used in Heterodrilus taxonomy are optimized on the phylogenetic tree, revealing a high degree of homoplasy.  相似文献   

In Middle European suburban environments green algae often cover open surfaces of artificial hard substrates. Microscopy reveals the Apatococcus/Desmococcus morphotype predominant over smaller coccoid forms. Adverse conditions such as limited water availability connected with high PAR and UV irradiance may narrow the algal diversity to a few specialists in these subaerial habitats. We used rRNA gene cloning/sequencing from both DNA extracts of the biofilms without culturing as well as cultures, for the unambiguous determination of the algal composition and to assess the algal diversity more comprehensively. The culture independent approach revealed mainly just two genera (Apatococcus, Trebouxia) for all study sites and five molecular operational taxonomic units (OTUs) for a particular study site, which based on microscopic observation was the one with the highest morphological diversity. The culture approach, however, revealed seven additional OTUs from five genera (Chloroidium, Coccomyxa, Coenochloris, Pabia, Klebsormidium) and an unidentified trebouxiophyte lineage for that same site; only two OTUs were shared by both approaches. Two OTUs or species were recovered for which references have been isolated only from Antarctica so far. However, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence differences among them supported they are representing distinct populations of the same species. Within Apatococcus five clearly distinct groups of ITS sequences, each putatively representing a distinct species, were recovered with three or four such ITS types co‐occurring at the same study site. Except for the streptophyte Klebsormidium only members of Trebouxiophyceae were detected suggesting these algae may be particularly well‐adapted to subaerial habitats.  相似文献   

Two new ciliate species, Clevelandella lynni sp. n. and Nyctotherus galerus sp. n., were discovered in the hindgut of wood‐feeding panesthiine cockroaches. Their morphology was studied using standard methods, and their phylogenetic positions within the order Clevelandellida were determined using the 18S rRNA gene sequences. Clevelandella lynni is characterized by a prominent peristomial projection, a notched left body margin, a tear‐shaped to broadly ovoidal macronucleus, a karyophore attached to the right body margin, and by an adoral zone composed of on average 48 membranelles and extending about 51% of body length. The diagnostic features of N. galerus include a short posterior body projection, a spherical to broadly ellipsoidal macronucleus, a karyophore attached to the right and left body margins, refractile bodies densely packed anterior to the macronucleus, and an adoral zone composed of on average 57 membranelles and extending about 70% body length. The order Clevelandellida was consistently depicted as monophyletic in 18S rRNA gene phylogenies. Nyctotherus galerus was placed in the paraphyletic family Nyctotheridae, as sister taxon to all other Nyctotherus and Clevelandella species isolated from cockroaches. Clevelandella lynni fell in the monophyletic family Clevelandellidae, as sister taxon to C. panesthiae KC139718 but with very poor statistical support.  相似文献   

The aims of this work were to study cyanobacterial isolates resembling the genus Hydrocoryne using a combination of morphology and phylogeny of 16S rRNA and nifH sequences and to investigate genes involved in cyanotoxin and protease inhibitor production. Four new cyanobacterial strains, isolated from biofilm samples collected from King George Island, Antarctica, were studied. In terms of morphology, these new strains share traits similar to true Anabaena morphotypes (benthic ones), whereas phylogenetic analysis of their 16S rRNA gene sequences grouped them with the sequence of the type species Hydrocoryne spongiosa (H. Schwabe ex Bornet and Flahault 1886–1888), but not with sequences of the type species from the genus Anabaena. This cluster is the sister group of Anabaena morphotypes isolated only from the Gulf of Finland. In addition, this cluster is related to two other clusters formed by sequences of Anabaena isolated from different sites. Partial nifH genes were sequenced from two strains and the phylogenetic tree revealed that the Antarctic nifH sequences clustered with sequences from Anabaena. Furthermore, two strains were tested, using PCR with specific primers, for the presence of genes involved in cyanotoxins (microcystin and saxitoxin) and protease inhibitor (aeruginosin, and cyanopeptolin). Only cyanopeptolin was amplified using PCR. These four Hydrocoryne strains are the first to be isolated and sequenced from Antarctica, which improves our knowledge on this poorly defined cyanobacterial genus.  相似文献   

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