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We isolated and characterized eight anonymous microsatellite loci in the mangrove mud‐nesting ant, Polyrhachis sokolova. Three to 18 alleles were detected in 20 female workers collected from individual colonies at one location and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.45 to 0.85. These microsatellite loci will be useful in studies on mating strategy, colony and population structure in P. sokolova.  相似文献   

Abstract: The mid‐Cretaceous bivalve Goshoraia Tamura, 1977, endemic to Japan, is an early example of shallow‐marine siphonate bivalves of the family Veneridae Rafinesque, 1815. Three species, including one new, are here described: Goshoraia minor Tashiro and Kozai, 1989 (Aptian), G. crenulata (Matsumoto, 1938; Albian–lower Cenomanian) and G. maedai sp. nov. (middle to ?upper Cenomanian). The habitats of Goshoraia have been extensively compared with those of common Cretaceous, nonsiphonate burrowers, such as trigoniids, which range from tidal flat and shoreface to shelf environments. Depth of burial, which can be estimated from the extent of the pallial sinus, increases from the ancestral G. minor to its descendants G. crenulata and G. maedai sp. nov., documenting that the ability to burrow within this genus improved in time. These morphological and palaeoecological changes may be related to the Mesozoic marine revolution during the mid‐Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Understanding patterns of reproduction, dispersal and recruitment in deep‐sea communities is increasingly important with the need to manage resource extraction and conserve species diversity. Glass sponges are usually found in deep water (>1000 m) worldwide but form kilometre‐long reefs on the continental shelf of British Columbia and Alaska that are under threat from trawling and resource exploration. Due to their deep‐water habitat, larvae have not yet been found and the level of genetic connectivity between reefs and nonreef communities is unknown. The genetic structure of Aphrocallistes vastus, the primary reef‐building species in the Strait of Georgia (SoG) British Columbia, was studied using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Pairwise comparisons of multilocus genotypes were used to assess whether sexual reproduction is common. Structure was examined 1) between individuals in reefs, 2) between reefs and 3) between sites in and outside the SoG. Sixty‐seven SNPs were genotyped in 91 samples from areas in and around the SoG, including four sponge reefs and nearby nonreef sites. The results show that sponge reefs are formed through sexual reproduction. Within a reef and across the SoG basin, the genetic distance between individuals does not vary with geographic distance (r = ?0.005 to 0.014), but populations within the SoG basin are genetically distinct from populations in Barkley Sound, on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Population structure was seen across all sample sites (global FST = 0.248), especially between SoG and non‐SoG locations (average pairwise FST = 0.251). Our results suggest that genetic mixing occurs across sponge reefs via larvae that disperse widely.  相似文献   

Abstract: The infaunal irregular echinoid, Tithonia oxfordiana, is described and compared to congeneric species previously described from Upper Jurassic and lowermost Cretaceous strata. This new species characterizes a monospecific echinoid assemblage, which occurs only in some places where deep‐marine middle Oxfordian deposits are exposed in south‐east France. Specimens are closely packed and clearly concentrated at the top of small carbonate chemoherms; a close connection of the echinoids with the emission of reduced chemicals, which were oxidized by chemoautotrophic bacteria, is highly probable. Based on general test shape and plate architecture, T. oxfordiana probably was a deposit feeder on chemosynthetic organic matter produced by such bacteria. In view of the fact that T. oxfordiana is the sole species of the Jurassic genus Tithonia known from Oxfordian strata, it is postulated that chemoherms possibly acted as refugia for these peculiar echinoids, which have an episodic record between the Callovian and Valanginian.  相似文献   

An unusual sterolic mixture (82.3% of 24‐isopropylated sterols) and its major component, 24‐isopropylcholesterol, isolated from a marine sponge, Ciocalypta sp. (Halichondriidae), reduce cholesterol uptake, basolateral secretion and ACAT‐2 mRNA expression and increase the expression of ABCA1 mRNA in Caco‐2 cells. The decreases of cholesterol uptake and secretion induced by 24‐isopropylcholesterol alone were more than that of both the sterolic mixture and β‐sitosterol. These data add a new sterol, 24‐isopropylcholesterol, to sterols that may reduce intestinal cholesterol absorption. J. Cell. Biochem. 106: 659–665, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

rabau(1936)记述的马平动物群中所有的腕足类化石标本并不是产于真正的马平(灰岩)组,而是产自有关地区下石炭统最上部的罗城组和上石炭统下部的黄龙组下部,时代为Serpoukhovian-Bashkilian期,而不是Uralian期  相似文献   

Sclerobiont communities have proven their environmental and taphonomic value in extant and past settings; studies are beginning to quantify and evaluate their changes across time. Through the Valanginian of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina, trigonioids of the genus Steinmanella present an almost continuous record. Materials were collected from shales and shell beds across second‐order systems tracts (LST, TST and HST). Their sclerobiont communities were characterized and compared across systems tracts and facies. In addition, a link between them and coeval oyster mass occurrences (OMOs) was investigated, since studies on other local sclerobiont communities have consistently shown pronounced oyster dominance. Eleven sclerobiont taxa were found on Steinmanella (bryozoans, bivalves, foraminifers and polychaetes), of which oysters are usually strongly dominant but for the TST, in which their dominance is diminished. The sclerobiont community has a simple structure and interspecific relationships and competition for space seem to have had little importance. Few differences in richness, taxonomy and other parameters were found between facies. Across systems tracts, features of the sclerobiont communities are differentiated mostly from swings in relative abundance of taxa. The lowered oyster dominance in the TST may reflect a source–sink dynamics between OMOs (sources) and Steinmanella as sinks in shallower, soft substrate settings. Likely the sea‐level rise temporally drowned the oyster carbonate factory, resulting in decreased larvae emigration to the sinks and lowered oyster dominance during the TST.  相似文献   

To gain a better understanding of salt stress responses in plants, we used a proteomic approach to investigate changes in rice (Oryza sativa) root plasma‐membrane‐associated proteins following treatment with 150 mmol/L NaCl. With or without a 48 h salt treatment, plasma membrane fractions from root tip cells of a salt‐sensitive rice cultivar, Wuyunjing 8, were purified by PEG aqueous two‐phase partitioning, and plasma‐membrane‐associated proteins were separated by IEF/SDS‐PAGE using an optimized rehydration buffer. Comparative analysis of three independent biological replicates revealed that the expressions of 18 proteins changed by more than 1.5‐fold in response to salt stress. Of these proteins, nine were up‐regulated and nine were down‐regulated. MS analysis indicated that most of these membrane‐associated proteins are involved in important physiological processes such as membrane stabilization, ion homeostasis, and signal transduction. In addition, a new leucine‐rich‐repeat type receptor‐like protein kinase, OsRPK1, was identified as a salt‐responding protein. Immuno‐blots indicated that OsRPK1 is also induced by cold, drought, and abscisic acid. Using immuno‐histochemical techniques, we determined that the expression of OsRPK1 was localized in the plasma membrane of cortex cells in roots. The results suggest that different rice cultivars might have different salt stress response mechanisms.  相似文献   

A study on plant features and motile fauna was carried out within a Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile bed in Cap Zebib (north‐eastern Tunisian coastline). Fauna was sampled in two stations located at 3 and 12 m depth. A total of 154 species represented by 5592 individuals were collected. Taxa with the highest number of species included Crustacea (22), Mollusca (47) and Polychaeta (46). Among Crustacea, Leptocheirus pilosus, Elasmopus rapax and Lysianassa longicornis were recorded for the first time in Tunisian P. oceanica meadows. The species richness was found to be generally higher at the shallow station. Multivariate analyses showed a pronounced temporal variation in collected populations’ structure. Moreover, the distribution of some groups, in particular molluscs and crustaceans, appeared to be mainly influenced by ‘depth’ factor showing a clear zonation pattern for some species. It was also showed with Spearman test that the faunal features of the two latter taxa (molluscs and crustaceans) are related with the shoot density and Leaf Area Index. However, no correlation was found between the plant parameters and polychaetes community characteristics. In addition, environmental factors, i.e. temperature and dissolved oxygen were found to be correlated with species richness and Shannon–Wiener diversity for each zoological group.  相似文献   

Abstract: A rich coral‐associated decapod assemblage is recorded from the ‘Depiru Beds’ of the upper part of the Upper Coralline Limestone (Messinian, Upper Miocene), from the island of Malta. Nineteen species within 17 genera have been discovered, where 14 genera are new for Malta. Four new species are described, namely Micippa annamariae sp. nov., Pilumnus scaber sp. nov., Panopeus muelleri sp. nov. and Herbstia melitense sp. nov. Herbstia melitense sp. nov. constitutes the first record of the genus from the fossil record in the Mediterranean region. This discovery more than doubles the number of known fossil decapod species from Malta. The fossil bivalve Jouannetia (J.) semicaudata Des Moulins, 1830 and the extant decapod Maja goltziana D’Oliveira, 1888, are also recorded for the first time from Malta. Other Neogene coral‐associated decapod assemblages are investigated and correlated with the new assemblage from Malta. The migration of taxa between the Mediterranean region and the Paratethys, particularly during the Lower Badenian (Langhian), is evidenced by the strong affinity of the Maltese decapod assemblage with that of the Middle Miocene Badenian assemblages from Hungary, Poland and Ukraine. Upper Miocene, Messinian assemblages from Spain, Algeria and Morocco are also similar to that from Malta.  相似文献   

Recent advances have highlighted the ubiquity of whole‐genome duplication (polyploidy) in angiosperms, although subsequent genome size change and diploidization (returning to a diploid‐like condition) are poorly understood. An excellent system to assess these processes is provided by Nicotiana section Repandae, which arose via allopolyploidy (approximately 5 million years ago) involving relatives of Nicotiana sylvestris and Nicotiana obtusifolia. Subsequent speciation in Repandae has resulted in allotetraploids with divergent genome sizes, including Nicotiana repanda and Nicotiana nudicaulis studied here, which have an estimated 23.6% genome expansion and 19.2% genome contraction from the early polyploid, respectively. Graph‐based clustering of next‐generation sequence data enabled assessment of the global genome composition of these allotetraploids and their diploid progenitors. Unexpectedly, in both allotetraploids, over 85% of sequence clusters (repetitive DNA families) had a lower abundance than predicted from their diploid relatives; a trend seen particularly in low‐copy repeats. The loss of high‐copy sequences predominantly accounts for the genome downsizing in N. nudicaulis. In contrast, N. repanda shows expansion of clusters already inherited in high copy number (mostly chromovirus‐like Ty3/Gypsy retroelements and some low‐complexity sequences), leading to much of the genome upsizing predicted. We suggest that the differential dynamics of low‐ and high‐copy sequences reveal two genomic processes that occur subsequent to allopolyploidy. The loss of low‐copy sequences, common to both allopolyploids, may reflect genome diploidization, a process that also involves loss of duplicate copies of genes and upstream regulators. In contrast, genome size divergence between allopolyploids is manifested through differential accumulation and/or deletion of high‐copy‐number sequences.  相似文献   



The dynamic headspace sampling technique using thermal desorption, gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry (TD‐GC/MS) is a powerful method for analysing plant emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and experiments performed in sterile and controlled conditions can be useful for VOC metabolism investigations.


The main purpose of this study was to set up a laboratory high‐throughput glass chamber for whole plant volatiles analysis. Brassica napus L. plantlets were tested with the developed system to better understand the relationship between low emission of induced terpene and cadmium (Cd)‐related abiotic stress.


VOCs emitted by 28‐day‐old Brassica napus L. plantlets cultivated in vitro were trapped with our device using adsorbent cartridges that were desorbed with a thermal desorption unit before cryofocusing with a cooled injection system and programmable temperature vaporising inlet into an HP‐5 ms GC column. Terpene detection and quantitation from chromatogram profiles were acquired using selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode during full scan analysis and mass spectra were obtained with a quadrupole‐type mass spectrometer.


The new trapping method produced reliable qualitative profiles of oilseed rape VOCs. Typical emissions of monoterpenes (myrcene, limonene) and sesquiterpenes (β‐elemene, (E,E)‐α‐farnesene) were found for the different concentrations tested. One‐way analysis of variance for quantitative results of (E,E)‐α‐farnesene emission rates showed a Cd concentration effect.


This inexpensive glass chamber has potential for wide application in laboratory sterile approach and replicated research. Moreover, the non‐invasive dynamic sampling technique could also be used to analyse volatiles under both abiotic and biotic stresses.  相似文献   

Ecosystems with highly pulsed water supply must be better understood as climate change may increase frequency and severity of intense storms, droughts and floods. Here we collected data over 3 years (2016–2018) in the episodic wetland outflow channel (Aluize), Banhine National Park, in which the system state changed from dry to wet to dry. Field sampling included vegetation records, small‐scale vegetation zoning, the seed bank and water and soil quality. The same main plant species were found in both dry and wet conditions across the riverbed of the outflow channel. We found only very few diaspores of plants in the soil after prolonged drought. In the subsequent flooded state, we examined very dense vegetation on the water surface, which was dominated by the gramineous species Paspalidium obtusifolium. This species formed a compact floating mat that was rooted to the riverbed. The Cyperaceae Bolboschoenus glaucus showed high clonal growth in the form of root tubers, which likely serve as important food reservoir during drought. Soil and water analyses do not indicate a limitation by nutrients. We outline how resident people may change the plant community structure with an increasing practice of setting fire to the meadows in the dried‐up riverbed to facilitate plant regrowth as food for their livestock.  相似文献   

In the mammalian cortex, the initial formation of synaptic connections is followed by a prolonged period during which synaptic circuits are functional, but retain an elevated capacity for activity‐dependent remodeling and functional plasticity. During this period, synaptic terminals appear fully mature, morphologically and physiologically. We show here, however, that synaptic terminals during this period are distinguished by their simultaneous accumulation of multiple growth‐associated proteins at levels characteristic of axonal growth cones, and proteins involved in synaptic transmitter release at levels characteristic of adult synapses. We show further that newly formed synapses undergo a switch in the dynamic S‐palmitoylation of proteins early in the critical period, which includes a large and specific decrease in the palmitoylation of GAP‐43 and other major substrates characteristic of growth cones. Previous studies have shown that a similar reduction in ongoing palmitoylation of growth cone proteins is sufficient to stop advancing axons in vitro, suggesting that a developmental switch in protein S‐palmitoylation serves to disengage the molecular machinery for axon extension in the absence of local triggers for remodeling during the critical period. Only much later does a decline in the availability of major growth cone components mark the molecular maturation of cortical synapses at the close of the critical period. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 39: 423–437, 1999  相似文献   

Microalgae in the division Haptophyta play key roles in the marine ecosystem and in global biogeochemical processes. Despite their ecological importance, knowledge on seasonal dynamics, community composition and abundance at the species level is limited due to their small cell size and few morphological features visible under the light microscope. Here, we present unique data on haptophyte seasonal diversity and dynamics from two annual cycles, with the taxonomic resolution and sampling depth obtained with high‐throughput sequencing. From outer Oslofjorden, S Norway, nano‐ and picoplanktonic samples were collected monthly for 2 years, and the haptophytes targeted by amplification of RNA/cDNA with Haptophyta‐specific 18S rDNA V4 primers. We obtained 156 operational taxonomic units (OTUs), from c. 400.000 454 pyrosequencing reads, after rigorous bioinformatic filtering and clustering at 99.5%. Most OTUs represented uncultured and/or not yet 18S rDNA‐sequenced species. Haptophyte OTU richness and community composition exhibited high temporal variation and significant yearly periodicity. Richness was highest in September–October (autumn) and lowest in April–May (spring). Some taxa were detected all year, such as Chrysochromulina simplex, Emiliania huxleyi and Phaeocystis cordata, whereas most calcifying coccolithophores only appeared from summer to early winter. We also revealed the seasonal dynamics of OTUs representing putative novel classes (clades HAP‐3–5) or orders (clades D, E, F). Season, light and temperature accounted for 29% of the variation in OTU composition. Residual variation may be related to biotic factors, such as competition and viral infection. This study provides new, in‐depth knowledge on seasonal diversity and dynamics of haptophytes in North Atlantic coastal waters.  相似文献   

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