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We analyzed a bird community in a secondary forest and the results show that the magpie was one of the key groups in the secondary forest. The key group is identified based on the nests used by other birds at a rate of 25%–40.17%. The size of the community is different and the number of these key groups is not certain. __________ Translated from Journal of Northeast Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2006, 38 (3): 644-651 [译自: 东北师大学报(自然科 学版)]  相似文献   

We analyzed a bird community in a secondary forest and the results show that the magpie was one of the key groups in the secondary forest. The key group is identified based on the nests used by other birds at a rate of 25%-40.17%. The size of the community is different and the number of these key groups is not certain.  相似文献   

杨效东 《生态学报》2003,23(5):883-891
通过模拟刀耕火种过程 ,对刀耕火种前后的次生林、旱稻地 (第 2年 )和火烧迹地 (火烧后直接撂荒地第 2年 )土壤节肢动物群落结构特征及季节变化进行了调查研究。结果显示 :3块样地土壤节肢动物群落的优势类群组成相同 ,均为蜱螨目、膜翅目和弹尾目 ,但不同生境样地中各优势类群所占群落总数的比例不同 ,并且 3样地常见和稀有类群的组成差异较大 ;土壤节肢动物类群数、个体数和 DG多样性指数表现为次生林高于其它 2块样地 ,而旱稻地和火烧迹地则无较大差异 ,但一些类群在旱稻地、火烧迹地的数量分布与次生林具有差异 ,且在土壤层的表现较为突出 ;3块样地土壤节肢动物群落具有较好相似性 ,其中旱稻地与火烧迹地达到极相似水平 (D、DS>0 .9)。3种不同类型生境土壤节肢动物群落在类群数、个体数和多样性指数的季节变化总体呈现出雨量少的干季或雨季初末期高于雨量最大的雨季中期 ,与当地降雨量和气温变化有密切关系 ,同时各样地土壤节肢动物群落因生境条件不同及人为活动干扰强弱而形成各自的季节消长特点。研究表明刀耕火种后的旱稻种植对土壤节肢动物群落的恢复和发展在一定限制条件 (面积、周围次生林和坡度 )下无破坏性影响 ,但植被改变、农事活动等对直接撂荒地和旱稻地土壤节肢动物群落的季节消长产生  相似文献   

If secondary succession can accumulate species rapidly, then tropical secondary forests may have an important role to play in the conservation of biodiversity. Data on the floristic composition of forest stands in the Central Catchment Nature Reserve, Singapore, have been analysed to investigate the diversity of approximately 100-year-old tropical secondary forest. Classification using TWINSPAN indicated that three floristic communities could be recognized from 59 0.2 ha plots enumerated for trees >30 cm gbh. These were two types of secondary forest, both dominated by Rhodamnia cinerea (Myrtaceae), and dryland primary forest. The secondary forest was developed on land abandoned after use for agriculture at the end of the 19th century. The 16 primary forest plots contained a total of 340 species, more than the 281 recorded from the 43 plots of the two secondary forest types combined. The mean species number per plot in the more diverse of the two secondary forests was only about 60% of the primary forest. Thus the secondary forest, despite a century or so for colonization by species and the presence of contiguous primary forest, was still significantly less diverse than primary forest areas. It is concluded that secondary forest cannot be assumed to accrete biodiversity rapidly in the tropics, and may not be of direct value in conservation. However, other indirect roles, such as providing resources for native animals, and buffering and protecting primary forest fragments may make the protection of secondary forest worthwhile.  相似文献   

Land‐use change threatens biodiversity and ecosystem function worldwide. These changes have impacts on weather patterns, carbon storage, biodiversity, and other ecosystem services from regional to local scales. Only 8 percent of tropical forests are formally recognized as conservation areas, however globally, there is a network of sites that are protected because they are sacred and as a result act as ‘shadow’ conservation for biodiversity. Unlike other types of protected sites (e.g., national parks), these sites are seats of religious ritual that anchor a community's cultural identity, while also conserving biological diversity and other ecosystem services. We studied the extent and status of sacred forests in northern Ethiopia, which are threatened because of their small size (~5 ha) and isolation, increasing their exposure to edge effects and human pressures. Using historical and modern imagery, we found that over the last 50 yr, sacred forests have increased in area, but decreased in crown closure. We also found that forest ecological status, via ground‐level investigation, had high mean human disturbance (e.g., trails, plantations, exotic planting; 37%); and that forests close to markets (e.g., cities) increased in area due to planting of Eucalyptus (exotic), indicating a potential threat to their persistence and value as shelters of the church.  相似文献   

海南岛尖峰岭热带山地雨林林下鸟类群落研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
邹发生  陈桂珠 《生态学报》2004,24(3):510-516
从 2 0 0 0年 5月到 2 0 0 2年 3月 ,用网捕法对海南岛尖峰岭热带山地雨林 (包括原始林和次生林 )林下鸟群落进行研究。共张网 3 992 .7网· h,捕到林下鸟 3 12只 40种 ,隶属于 6个目 11个科。林下鸟群落虽然以小于 2 5g重的雀形目鸟类占优势 ,但许多个体较大的非雀形目鸟类也到林下活动 ,最大个体重达 3 70 g,大于 10 0 g重的个体占整个林下鸟生物量的比例较大。尖峰岭热带山地雨林中的林下鸟以食虫鸟为主 ,食虫鸟占整个林下鸟种数的 70 .0 %、鸟数量的 77.56% ;食果鸟虽然占第 2位 ,但其所占比例较小。林下鸟的种类组成和密度存在季节变化。留鸟是林下鸟最重要的成分 ,留鸟占鸟类种类的比例超过 85% ,留鸟的捕获数量占整个捕获鸟类数量的比例超过 90 % ;迁徙鸟的种类和数量均较少 ,对林下鸟群落的季节变化影响不大。原始林与演替 40 a后的次生林林下鸟平均网捕率相近但林下鸟群落种类组成不同 ,其种的相似性仅为 0 .3 5。  相似文献   

Aim We analysed presence/absence data for understorey bird species in rain forest fragments sampled from 1979 through 2001. Here we consider extinctions between 1992, when most fragments had been isolated for at least 8 years, and 2001. Our objectives were to determine whether high extinction rates documented soon after isolation continued through up to 20 years after isolation, and to examine fragment size and landscape effects on extinction. Location Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project, near Manaus, Brazil. Methods Through 1992, birds were surveyed with standardized mist net sampling in ten 1‐ to 100‐ha fragments. We repeated the mist net protocol in 2000–01. We also added remote taping of the dawn chorus and tape playback surveys for species captured in 1991–92 but not in 2000–01. Results Between 1992 and 2001, 37 species went extinct in at least one fragment. As expected, extinction rate decreased with increasing fragment size. Over 30% of species went extinct in 1‐ha fragments, compared to about 5% in 100‐ha fragments. Extinction followed a predictable pattern: most species lost from 100‐ha fragments between 1992 and 2001 had already gone extinct in smaller fragments before 1992. Despite extinctions, fragments gained species between 1992 and 2001, apparently due to species moving through the developing second growth matrix. Fragments surrounded by old second growth had lower extinction rates than predicted based on fragment size alone. Main conclusions Sequential extinctions occurred for at least 20 years. Some additional species previously lost from smaller fragments may continue to go extinct in 100‐ha fragments. At the same time, species assemblages in 1‐ and 10‐ha fragments mostly reflect second‐growth dynamics by 20 years after isolation. High species loss predicted from the first few years after isolation has not occurred, almost certainly because of recolonization.  相似文献   

Secondary forests constitute a substantial proportion of tropical forestlands. These forests occur on both public and private lands and different underlying environmental variables and management regimes may affect post‐abandonment successional processes and resultant forest structure and biodiversity. We examined whether differences in ownership led to differences in forest structure, tree diversity, and tree species composition across a gradient of soil fertility and forest age. We collected soil samples and surveyed all trees in 82 public and 66 private 0.1‐ha forest plots arrayed across forest age and soil gradients in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. We found that soil fertility appeared to drive the spatial structure of public vs. private ownership; public conservation lands appeared to be non‐randomly located on areas of lower soil fertility. On private lands, areas of crops/pasture appeared to be non‐randomly located on higher soil fertility areas while forests occupied areas of lower soil fertility. We found that forest structure and tree species diversity did not differ significantly between public and private ownership. However, public and private forests differed in tree species composition: 11 percent were more prevalent in public forest and 7 percent were more prevalent in private forest. Swietenia macrophylla, Cedrela odorata, and Astronium graveolens were more prevalent in public forests likely because public forests provide stronger protection for these highly prized timber species. Guazuma ulmifolia was the most abundant tree in private forests likely because this species is widely consumed and dispersed by cattle. Furthermore, some compositional differences appear to result from soil fertility differences due to non‐random placement of public and private land holdings with respect to soil fertility. Land ownership creates a distinctive species composition signature that is likely the result of differences in soil fertility and management between the ownership types. Both biophysical and social variables should be considered to advance understanding of tropical secondary forest structure and biodiversity.  相似文献   

Old‐growth tropical forests are being extensively deforested and fragmented worldwide. Yet forest recovery through succession has led to an expansion of secondary forests in human‐modified tropical landscapes (HMTLs). Secondary forests thus emerge as a potential repository for tropical biodiversity, and also as a source of essential ecosystem functions and services in HMTLs. Such critical roles are controversial, however, as they depend on successional, landscape and socio‐economic dynamics, which can vary widely within and across landscapes and regions. Understanding the main drivers of successional pathways of disturbed tropical forests is critically needed for improving management, conservation, and restoration strategies. Here, we combine emerging knowledge from tropical forest succession, forest fragmentation and landscape ecology research to identify the main driving forces shaping successional pathways at different spatial scales. We also explore causal connections between land‐use dynamics and the level of predictability of successional pathways, and examine potential implications of such connections to determine the importance of secondary forests for biodiversity conservation in HMTLs. We show that secondary succession (SS) in tropical landscapes is a multifactorial phenomenon affected by a myriad of forces operating at multiple spatio‐temporal scales. SS is relatively fast and more predictable in recently modified landscapes and where well‐preserved biodiversity‐rich native forests are still present in the landscape. Yet the increasing variation in landscape spatial configuration and matrix heterogeneity in landscapes with intermediate levels of disturbance increases the uncertainty of successional pathways. In landscapes that have suffered extensive and intensive human disturbances, however, succession can be slow or arrested, with impoverished assemblages and reduced potential to deliver ecosystem functions and services. We conclude that: (i) succession must be examined using more comprehensive explanatory models, providing information about the forces affecting not only the presence but also the persistence of species and ecological groups, particularly of those taxa expected to be extirpated from HMTLs; (ii) SS research should integrate new aspects from forest fragmentation and landscape ecology research to address accurately the potential of secondary forests to serve as biodiversity repositories; and (iii) secondary forest stands, as a dynamic component of HMTLs, must be incorporated as key elements of conservation planning; i.e. secondary forest stands must be actively managed (e.g. using assisted forest restoration) according to conservation goals at broad spatial scales.  相似文献   

Extreme disturbance events denote another aspect of global environmental changes archetypal of the Anthropocene. These events of climatic or anthropic origin are challenging our perceived understanding about how forests respond to disturbance. I present a general framework of tropical forest responses to extreme disturbance events with specific examples from tropical dry forests. The linkage between level of disturbance severity and dominant mechanism of vegetation recovery is reflected on a variety of initial trajectories of forest succession. Accordingly, more realistic and cost‐effective restoration goals in many tropical forests likely consist in maintaining a mosaic of different successional trajectories while promoting landscape connectivity, rather than encouraging full‐ecosystem recovery to pre‐disturbance conditions. Incorporating extreme disturbance events into the global restoration ecology agenda will be essential to design well‐informed ecosystem management strategies in the coming decades.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic land expansion, particularly urbanization, is pervasive, dramatically modifies the environment and is a major threat to wildlife with its associated environmental stressors. Urban remnant vegetation can help mitigate these impacts and could be vital for species unable to survive in harsh urban environments. Although resembling nonurban habitats, urban vegetation remnants are subject to additional environmental stresses. Here, we evaluate the occurrence and density of the endemic ghost butterfly (Morpho epistrophus nikolajewna) that was once common, in the highly fragmented Atlantic forest of NE Brazil. We tested whether this butterfly would be found at lower densities in urban forest fragments of contrasting sizes as opposed to rural ones, given the number of environmental stressors found in urban areas. We surveyed 14 forest fragments (range 2.8 to over 3,000 ha) of semideciduous Atlantic forest in rural and urban locations using transect based distance sampling. The ghost butterflies showed strong seasonality; flying only from April to June. They were only identified in an urban fragment (515 ha), with an estimate of 720 individuals and a density 1.4 ind/ha. All forest fragments had experienced some level of logging in the past, which might have had an effect in the butterfly population. Nevertheless, rural forest fragments were subject to increased particulate matter concentrations, associated to biomass burning that we suggest might have had a more influential role driving the collapse of rural populations. Our findings show the importance of urban forest remnants to sustain population of this endangered species.  相似文献   

Species diversity, population structure, abundance and dispersion patterns of all woody plants 10cm gbh were inventoried in two 1-ha plots of tropical dry evergreen (sacred grove or temple) forests at Kuzhanthaikuppam (KK) and Thirumanikkuzhi (TM) on the Coromandel coast of south India. Site KK is a stunted forest (average tree height ca 6 m) and TM a tall forest (average tree height ca 10 m). A total of 54 species (in 47 genera and 31 families) were recorded. Species richness and stand density were 42 and 38 species and 1367 and 974 individuals ha–1 respectively for the sites KK and TM. About 50% of the total species were common to both the sites. Site TM is twofold more voluminous (basal area 29.48 m2 ha–1) than KK (basal area 15.44 m2 ha–1). Nearly one third of the individuals are multi-stemmed in the low-statured site KK whereas one fourth of the tree density is multi-stemmed in TM. Species abundance pattern varied between the two sites. The abundance of three species in KK and two species in TM is pronounced. Memecylon umbellatum, the most abundant species contributing to one third of total stand density in KK, is least represented in TM. Species richness, density and diversity indices decreased with increasing girth threshold. Most species exhibited clumped dispersion of individuals both at 0.25 and 1-ha scales. Population structure for girth frequency is an expanding one for both the sites, except for basal area distribution in KK. Variations in plant diversity and abundance are related to site attributes and human impacts. In the light of habitat uniqueness, species richness and sacred grove status, the need for conservation is emphasized.  相似文献   

Current rural development policy encourages farmers to adopt multifunctional use of farmland. Non-agricultural resources such as wildlife provide a focus for recreational activities such as shooting and bird watching. This paper assesses the potential contribution of wild pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) management for shooting to the conservation of farmland passerines. Bird numbers were monitored over a 7-year period on farmland in Leicestershire (England), in relation to the introduction of a game management system. Passerines were used as the indicator group as they are an official quality of life indicator, and include species that are the subject of government biodiversity action plans. Following introduction of the game management package, there was little change in species diversity at the farm scale, but species experiencing population declines nationally showed significant increases in numbers. The management of wild pheasants for shooting may therefore have considerable potential for the conservation of nationally declining farmland birds and for recreational activities such as bird watching.  相似文献   

通过模拟刀耕火种过程,对热带次生林土壤节肢运动群薄结构及多样性在刀耕火种过程中变化进行了初步研究,结果表明,火烧1周后,土壤节肢运行类群数和个体数从次生林地的14类,564头降为7类,164头,并且在群落组成上发生了较大变化,膜翅目的烧后1天成为突出优势类群,蜱蟥目在烧后1周成为唯一的优势类群,而在多样性方面,土壤节肢运动群落类群数(丰度),个体数(多度)和DG多样性指数在刀耕火种过程中均降低,土壤节肢运动的垂直分布因刀耕火种干扰发生了很大变化,尚存土壤节肢运动随干扰强度的加剧,出现逐步由土壤表层向深层迁移的现象,一些土壤节肢运动在土层间做垂直迁移活动,说明土壤层在一定程度上减轻了刀耕火种对它们的破坏作用,维持了某些类群数量及群落多样性。  相似文献   

Species diversity, density, population structure and dispersion patterns of all trees and lianas (30cm gbh) were inventoried in a tropical semi-evergreen forest in the Shervarayan hills of Eastern Ghats, south India. Such data are necessary for ecosystem conservation of the under-studied Eastern Ghats, as extensive forests here have already been converted to coffee and orange plantations and the landscape changed due to aluminium ore mining and quarrying. Four 1-ha plots were established in Sanyasimalai (SM) reserve forest of the Shervarayan hills, one plot (SM1) located close to mining and quarrying area, two other contiguous plots (SM2 and SM3) located in selective felling area and the fourth (SM4) in a relatively undisturbed forest. These are 1 to 4km apart in the same semi-evergreen forest tract. In the four study plots a total of 3260 stems (mean density 815ha–1) covering 80 species in 71 genera and 44 plant families were recorded. Species richness was greatest in the undisturbed plot SM4 (50), while lowest (33) in the selectively felled site SM2. The forest stand (SM4) was also denser (986 stemsha–1) and more voluminous (basal area 44.3m2ha–1 as compared with the site mean of 35m2ha–1) than the other plots. Four trees, Chionanthus paniculata, Syzygium cumini, Canthium dicoccum and Ligustrum perrottetii dominated the stand, collectively contributing to >50% of the total density. Species richness and stand density decreased with increasing tree girths. The forest stand contained a growing population, but there was considerable variation in basal area distribution between the plots. Trends in species population structure varied, particularly for selective-felled species. Most species exhibited clumped dispersion of individuals both at 0.25ha and 1-ha scales. Variation in plant diversity and abundance are related to site attributes and human impacts.  相似文献   

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