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本研究基于形态和分子数据对采自重庆地区5个地理株系的网状车轮虫(Trichodina reticulata)进行了比较研究及重描述。研究结果表明,网状车轮虫不同株系表现出不同的表型分化,含形态略有不同的齿体及有或无中央颗粒,因而具有明显的种内形态多样性。不同地理株系网状车轮虫的18S rDNA序列相似度在99.0%~100%之间,遗传距离为0.000~0.008,并在三大变异区(V4、V5与V7)均具一致的二级结构,表明不同株系的18Sr DNA相似度与遗传距离均属种内水平。综合18SrDNA和ITS-5.8S rDNA的变异位点和系统发育对种内分歧的研究分析显示,来自不同地理分布和宿主的网状车轮虫株系皆因相同的变异位点而聚为一枝,以此推断网状车轮虫的种内分化主要受其基因的影响,地理分布与宿主差异等环境影响在目前的种群分化阶段暂未突显。此外,本研究进一步验证了中央颗粒不能作为网状车轮虫的主要鉴别性特征的观点。  相似文献   

It is difficult to differentiate similar trichodinids solely based on morphological examination, thus other identification methods, such as molecular identification, are necessary for identification. One mobilid ciliate named Trichodina pseudoheterodentata sp. n. was isolated from the gills of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, in Chongqing, China. In the present study, its SSU rDNA was sequenced for the first time. Based on the results from both morphological identification and SSU rDNA sequencing, the new species was identified and compared with similar species. The morphological analysis revealed that T. pseudoheterodentata is a large Trichodina species (cell diameter 73.0–82.5 μm) and possesses robust denticles with broad blades and well‐developed blade connections. Characterization of its primary and secondary SSU rDNA structures indicated that T. pseudoheterodentata was distinctly different from congeneric species in H12, H15, E10_1, and V4 regions. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the genetic distances among the new species and similar species reached interspecific levels, furthermore, the phylogenetic study also validated the identification of T. pseudoheterodentata and its placement in the genus Trichodina.  相似文献   

To characterize Aspergillus section Nigri strains involved in the ochratoxin A (OTA) contamination of Tunisian wine and table grapes, a total of 33 strains were analysed. A molecular characterization of the isolates was performed by the amplification of internal transcribed spacer (ITS1‐5.8S rDNA‐ITS2) region combined with amplicon sequencing. Analysis of similarity between the obtained sequences and those deposited in the GenBank database was performed. Twelve strains were confirmed to belong to the Aspergillus carbonarius species. Strains belonging to the Aspergillus niger aggregate group were classified by in silico RFLP assay into two patterns N and T, corresponding to A. niger and Aspergillus tubingensis. Among the 21 OTA producing isolates analysed, 13 showed the T‐type pattern and 8 showed the N‐type pattern. The presented method showed to be a reliable alternative to the classic RFLP method. Our findings unambiguously revealed that multiple aspergilli species isolated from wine and table grape in Tunisia are able to produce OTA.  相似文献   

A new peritrichous ciliate, Zoothamnium palmphlatum nov. spec., was collected from an estuary in Yantai, China. It was investigated, using both live observation and silver staining. The new species can be identified by a palm‐shaped colony consisting of highly developed and alternately arranged secondary branches, a double‐layered peristomial lip, and an infundibular polykinety 3 composed of two parallel kinetosomal rows. Phylogenetic analyses of the small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequence show that Z. palmphlatum clusters with other members of the family Zoothamniidae. Furthermore, the comparison of primary and secondary SSU rDNA structures indicates that Z. palmphlatum is distinctly different from its morphologically similar species (93.2–97.0% in sequence similarity) in combination of H10 and H31 regions. Although Zpalmphlatum shares highest sequence similarity with Zoothamnium mucedo (98.9%), the new species has distinctly different structures in the H11, H12, H18, and H31 regions compared to Z. mucedo, which indicates that sequence similarity may not determine the similarity of the secondary structure.  相似文献   

Two novel brackish water urostyloid ciliates, Anteholosticha paramanca sp. n. and Antiokeronopsis flava gen. n., sp. n., isolated from the Shenzhen Mangrove Nature Protection Area on the coast of the South China Sea, were investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation techniques. Anteholosticha paramanca sp. n. is characterized by its spherical yellowish cortical granules arranged in lines, shortened midventral complex and three transverse cirri. Morphogenesis is similar to that in Anteholosticha manca. The new genus Antiokeronopsis is diagnosed by having a continuous adoral zone of membranelles, frontal cirri arranged in a bicorona, midventral complex composed of midventral pairs only, one marginal cirral row on each side, the presence of frontoterminal and transverse cirri, and the lack of buccal and caudal cirri. The type species A. flava sp. n. is characterized by its elongated body shape, brown to yellowish body color and two types of cortical granules. Small subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequence data justify the classification of both species. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that A. paramanca clusters with Bakuella subtropica within a clade that includes two other Anteholosticha species, while Antiokeronopsis groups within the core urostylids and is most closely related to the well‐known genera Pseudokeronopsis and Uroleptopsis.  相似文献   

We documented the morphology, infraciliature, silverline system, and molecular data of two euplotid species isolated from China, including two populations of the poorly known Euplotes platystoma Dragesco & Dragesco‐Kernéis, 1986 and the previously well described Aspidisca lynceus (Müller, 1773 ) Ehrenberg, 1830. Based on the information available, an improved diagnosis of Euplotes platystoma is given, including: a narrow adoral zone with 44–68 membranelles, 10 frontoventral, 5 transverse, 2 left marginal and 2 caudal cirri, 11–13 dorsal kineties with 17–25 dikinetids in the mid‐dorsal row, and dorsal silverline system of the double‐eurystomus type. The Chinese population of Aspidisca lynceus closely resembles previously described populations. Phylogenetic analyses inferred from SSU rDNA sequences show that E. platystoma is closely related with E. neapolitanus, and the internal position of A. lynceus within this genus is still not robust. A reconsideration of the “well‐known” Euplotes harpa and a comparison of all SSU rDNA sequences of E. harpa in GenBank are provided. We speculate that the sequences available from GenBank under the name of E. harpa are very likely from misidentified materials, that is, the identity of the species currently associated with the SSU rDNA of this “well‐known” form in molecular databases requires further confirmation.  相似文献   

In the present study, three new strains of the rare volvocalean green alga Lobomonas were isolated from field‐collected samples, one from Sardinia (Italy) and two from Argentina, and comparatively studied. The Sardinian and one of the Argentinian strains were identified as Lobomonas francei, the type species of the genus, whereas the second Argentinian strain corresponded to L. panduriformis. Two additional nominal species of Lobomonas from culture collections (L. rostrata and L. sphaerica) were included in the analysis and shown to be morphologically and molecularly identical to the L. francei strains. The presence, number, and shapes of cell wall lobes, the diagnostic criterion of Lobomonas, were shown to be highly variable depending on the chemical composition of the culture medium used. The analyses by SEM gave evidence that the cell wall lobes in Lobomonas originate at the junctions of adjacent cell wall plates by extrusion of gelatinous material. The four L. francei strains had identical nrRNA gene sequences and differed by only one or two substitutions in the ITS1 + ITS2 sequences. In the phylogenetic analyses, L. francei and L. panduriformis were sister taxa; however, another nominal Lobomonas species (L. monstruosa) did not belong to this genus. Lobomonas, together with taxa designated as Vitreochlamys, Tetraspora, and Paulschulzia, formed a monophyletic group that in the combined analyses was sister to the “Chlamydomonas/Volvox‐clade.” Based on these results, Lobomonas was revised, the diagnosis of the type species emended, a lectotype and an epitype designated, and several taxa synonymized with the type species.  相似文献   

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