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Infrared spectroscopy in the amide I region of purified membrane-bound Na,K-ATPase preparation shows that Na+- and K+-bound forms of the enzyme have almost the same secondary structure. No difference is detected in the beta-structure (pleated sheets) content. This is contrary to the statement of the recent paper (Gresalfi, T. J., and Wallace, B. A. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 2622-2628) where a similar preparation was examined by circular dichroism spectroscopy and it was claimed that net 7% of protein peptide groups undergo a beta-sheet to alpha-helix conformational change upon Na,K-ATPase conversion from the K+ to the Na+ form. The discrepancy of the results is most likely caused by the particulate nature of the enzyme preparations used that could lead to optical artifacts in CD but not in IR measurements. A thorough comparison of IR spectra of these enzyme forms has revealed a very minor spectral difference which could suggest conformational perturbations, if any, of a much lower scale and another type than that claimed by Gresalfi and Wallace. The K+ form tends to absorb slightly more in the region of the alpha-helix band. This could reflect some distortion or a transition to a random coil structure of a small fraction of alpha-helical segments (less than or equal to 2% protein peptide groups) upon the enzyme conversion from the K+ to the Na+ form.  相似文献   

The distributions of bird species have changed over the past 50 years in China. To evaluate whether the changes can be attributed to the changing climate, we analyzed the distributions of 20 subspecies of resident birds in relation to climate change. Long‐term records of bird distributions, gray relational analysis, fuzzy‐set classification techniques, and attribution methods were used. Among the 20 subspecies of resident birds, the northern limits of over half of the subspecies have shifted northward since the 1960s, and most changes have been related to the thermal index. Driven by climate change over the past 50 years, the suitable range and latitude or longitude of the distribution centers of certain birds have exhibited increased fluctuations. The northern boundaries of over half of the subspecies have shifted northward compared with those in the 1960s. The consistency between the observed and predicted changes in the range limits was quite high for some subspecies. The changes in the northern boundaries or the latitudes of the centers of distribution of nearly half of the subspecies can be attributed to climate change. The results suggest that climate change has affected the distributions of particular birds. The method used to attribute changes in bird distributions to climate change may also be effective for other animals.  相似文献   

Current global warming is particularly pronounced in the Arctic and arthropods are expected to respond rapidly to these changes. Long-term studies of individual arthropod species from the Arctic are, however, virtually absent. We examined butterfly specimens collected from yellow pitfall traps over 14 years (1996-2009) at Zackenberg in high-arctic, north-east Greenland. Specimens were previously sorted to the family level. We identified them to the species level and examined long-term species-specific phenological responses to recent summer wanning. Two species were rare in the samples (Polaris fritillary Boloria polaris and Arctic blue Plebejus glandon) and statistical analyses of phenological responses were therefore restricted to the two most abundant species (Arctic fritillary, B. chariclea and Northern clouded yellow Colias hecla). Our analyses demonstrated a trend towards earlier flight seasons in B. chariclea, but not in C. hecla. The timing of onset, peak and end of the flight season in B. chariclea were closely related to snowmelt, July temperature and their interaction, whereas onset, peak and end of the flight season in C. hecla were only related to timing of snowmelt. The duration of the butterfly flight season was significantly positively related to the temporal overlap with floral resources in both butterfly species. We further demonstrate that yellow pitfall traps are a useful alternative to transect walks for butterfly recording in tundra habitats. More phenological studies of Arctic arthropods should be carded out at the species level and ideally be analysed in context with interacting species to assess how ongoing climate change will affect Arctic biodiversity in the near future [Current Zoology 60 (2): 243-251, 2014].  相似文献   

Large herbivores can be directly affected by climate through effects on thermoregulation, but the strongest effects are expected to operate indirectly through plant quality and biomass. The extents to which different herbivores are affected by climate conditions in contrasting ways are poorly understood. We used an extensive dataset containing information on 38,587 lambs from the years 1992–2007. The lambs represented two breeds differing largely in digestive anatomy, diet composition and possibly other traits. The yearly average body mass values of the two breeds were strongly correlated, however, responses to climate variables nevertheless differed in strength. There were positive relationships between lamb autumn body mass and snow depth the previous winter, spring temperature and temperature and precipitation in August in both breeds. In the Norwegian white sheep (NWS) breed, there was a negative relationship between lamb autumn body mass and spring precipitation. The Spel breed exhibited similar (although weaker) relationships with climate variables. Our results show that the NWS breed might, on a short time scale, benefit most from climate warming. However, the Spel breed were less variable in body mass among years suggesting that this breed might be the better choice if the aim is to reduce uncertainty in meat production. We discuss the likely mechanisms behind the contrasting responses of the two different breeds relative to morphological, physiological and behavioural differences.  相似文献   

Aim The abundance distribution of organisms at regional scales is commonly interpreted as the result of spatial variation in habitat suitability. However, the possibility that geography itself may affect patterns of distribution has received less attention. For example, the abundance of wintering bird populations might be influenced by the cost of reaching areas located far away from the main migratory pathways. We studied the abundance distribution of three common migratory passerines (meadow pipits, Anthus pratensis; common chaffinches, Fringilla coelebs; and European robins, Erithacus rubecula) wintering in farmlands located in the 600‐km long Cantabrian coastal sector of northern Spain, roughly perpendicular to the west Pyrenean migratory pathway that drives European migrant birds into the Iberian Peninsula. Location The study area occupies a belt located between the Atlantic coast and the Cantabrian Mountains in northern Spain. Methods We counted wintering and breeding birds and measured the structure of vegetation and environmental variables (altitude, rainfall, temperature) in 68 farmlands distributed at different distances from the west Pyrenean migratory flyway. We also studied the distribution of birds ringed in central and northern Europe and recovered in the study area between October and February. Analyses were based on single univariate statistics (chi‐square tests), ordination by principal components analysis and multiple regression. Results Controlling for the effects of climate, vegetation structure and local abundance of breeding conspecifics, the winter abundance of all three species decreased with the distance from their main migratory route in the western Pyrenees. Such patterns fitted well to the observed distribution of ringing recoveries. Main conclusions Our results support a link between the movements of birds along the Pyrenean migratory pathway and their winter abundance in northern Spain. According to this view, the sectors located near the migratory pathway seem to be more easily occupied by migrants, supporting the idea that proximity to passage areas may explain the fine‐grain regional patterning of species abundance in wintering grounds.  相似文献   

Potential consequences of climate change on crop production can be studied using mechanistic crop simulation models. While a broad variety of maize simulation models exist, it is not known whether different models diverge on grain yield responses to changes in climatic factors, or whether they agree in their general trends related to phenology, growth, and yield. With the goal of analyzing the sensitivity of simulated yields to changes in temperature and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations [CO2], we present the largest maize crop model intercomparison to date, including 23 different models. These models were evaluated for four locations representing a wide range of maize production conditions in the world: Lusignan (France), Ames (USA), Rio Verde (Brazil) and Morogoro (Tanzania). While individual models differed considerably in absolute yield simulation at the four sites, an ensemble of a minimum number of models was able to simulate absolute yields accurately at the four sites even with low data for calibration, thus suggesting that using an ensemble of models has merit. Temperature increase had strong negative influence on modeled yield response of roughly ?0.5 Mg ha?1 per °C. Doubling [CO2] from 360 to 720 μmol mol?1 increased grain yield by 7.5% on average across models and the sites. That would therefore make temperature the main factor altering maize yields at the end of this century. Furthermore, there was a large uncertainty in the yield response to [CO2] among models. Model responses to temperature and [CO2] did not differ whether models were simulated with low calibration information or, simulated with high level of calibration information.  相似文献   

Many alpine and subalpine plant species exhibit phenological advancements in association with earlier snowmelt. While the phenology of some plant species does not advance beyond a threshold snowmelt date, the prevalence of such threshold phenological responses within plant communities is largely unknown. We therefore examined the shape of flowering phenology responses (linear versus nonlinear) to climate using two long-term datasets from plant communities in snow-dominated environments: Gothic, CO, USA (1974–2011) and Zackenberg, Greenland (1996–2011). For a total of 64 species, we determined whether a linear or nonlinear regression model best explained interannual variation in flowering phenology in response to increasing temperatures and advancing snowmelt dates. The most common nonlinear trend was for species to flower earlier as snowmelt advanced, with either no change or a slower rate of change when snowmelt was early (average 20% of cases). By contrast, some species advanced their flowering at a faster rate over the warmest temperatures relative to cooler temperatures (average 5% of cases). Thus, some species seem to be approaching their limits of phenological change in response to snowmelt but not temperature. Such phenological thresholds could either be a result of minimum springtime photoperiod cues for flowering or a slower rate of adaptive change in flowering time relative to changing climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Brain size relative to body size is smaller in migratory than in nonmigratory birds. Two mutually nonexclusive hypotheses had been proposed to explain this association. On the one hand, the “energetic trade‐off hypothesis” claims that migratory species were selected to have smaller brains because of the interplay between neural tissue volume and migratory flight. On the other hand, the “behavioral flexibility hypothesis” argues that resident species are selected to have higher cognitive capacities, and therefore larger brains, to enable survival in harsh winters, or to deal with environmental seasonality. Here, I test the validity and setting of these two hypotheses using 1466 globally distributed bird species. First, I show that the negative association between migration distance and relative brain size is very robust across species and phylogeny. Second, I provide strong support for the energetic trade‐off hypothesis, by showing the validity of the trade‐off among long‐distance migratory species alone. Third, using resident and short‐distance migratory species, I demonstrate that environmental harshness is associated with enlarged relative brain size, therefore arguably better cognition. My study provides the strongest comparative support to date for both the energetic trade‐off and the behavioral flexibility hypotheses, and highlights that both mechanisms contribute to brain size evolution, but on different ends of the migratory spectrum.  相似文献   

This paper compares the flexibility in the nexus between phenotype and genotype in plants and animals. These taxa although considered to be fundamentally different are found to be surprisingly similar in the mechanisms used to achieve plasticity. Although non-cognitive behaviour occurs in plants, its range is limited, while morphological and developmental plasticity also occur to a considerable extent in animals. Yet both plants and animals are subject to unique constraints and thus need to find unique solutions to functional problems. A true comparison between the plant and animal phenotype would be a comparison between plants and sessile photosynthesizing colonial invertebrates. Such comparisons are lacking. However, they would provide important insights into the adaptive significance of plasticity in these groups. It is also suggested that a comparison of inflexible traits in these groups would provide an understanding of the constraints, as well as the costs and benefits, of a plastic versus non-plastic phenotype in plants and animals.  相似文献   

Invasions are associated with loss of diversity and changes in species composition. This study aims to provide evidence if this loss happens at random or if the loss is related to functional traits of native species. Traits of species in communities dominated by 13 plants alien to Central Europe were compared to those found in the adjacent uninvaded vegetation. There is a weak but significant non-random pattern in the distribution of traits between the invaded and adjacent uninvaded vegetation. For example, species possessing a taproot, annuals but also juveniles of trees tend to be proportionally more abundant in the invaded vegetation, suggesting they are impacted less than species with high clonal index, perennial polycarpic species and species without a taproot, which are proportionally more represented in the uninvaded vegetation. Fast laterally spreading species, trees’ juveniles and woody species in general are proportionally more frequent in the invaded vegetation, while biennials, slow laterally spreading species but also shrubs are proportionally more frequent in the uninvaded vegetation. Juveniles of trees may compete successfully with the aliens due to being adapted to thrive in low light conditions. Annuals may thrive in the invaded communities by possessing a life strategy different from most of the selected aliens. Possessing a taproot appears to be another trait important for the successful coexistence with the dominant invasive aliens, possibly pointing to the importance of underground competition. Clonal perennial polycarpic herbs are species functionally most similar to most of the selected aliens, and these species were found to be most underrepresented in the invaded vegetation.  相似文献   

Shine R  Thomas J 《Oecologia》2005,144(3):492-498
Adaptations of snakes to overpower and ingest relatively large prey have attracted considerable research, whereas lizards generally are regarded as unable to subdue or ingest such large prey items. Our data challenge this assumption. On morphological grounds, most lizards lack the highly kinetic skulls that facilitate prey ingestion in macrostomate snakes, but (1) are capable of reducing large items into ingestible-sized pieces, and (2) have much larger heads relative to body length than do snakes. Thus, maximum ingestible prey size might be as high in some lizards as in snakes. Also, the willingness of lizards to tackle very large prey items may have been underestimated. Captive hatchling scincid lizards (Bassiana duperreyi) offered crickets of a range of relative prey masses (RPMs) attacked (and sometimes consumed parts of) crickets as large as or larger than their own body mass. RPM affected foraging responses: larger crickets were less likely to be attacked (especially on the abdomen), more likely to be avoided, and less likely to provide significant nutritional benefit to the predator. Nonetheless, lizards successfully attacked and consumed most crickets ≤35% of the predator’s own body mass, representing RPM as high as for most prey taken by snakes. Thus, although lizards lack the impressive cranial kinesis or prey-subduction adaptations of snakes, at least some lizards are capable of overpowering and ingesting prey items as large as those consumed by snakes of similar body sizes.  相似文献   

Do X and Y spermatozoa differ in proteins?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Hendriksen PJ 《Theriogenology》1999,52(8):1295-1307
This article reviews the current knowledge about X- and Y-chromosomal gene expression during spermatogenesis and possible differences between X- and Y-chromosome-bearing spermatozoa (X and Y sperm) in relation to whether an immunological method of separation of X and Y spermatozoa might some day be feasible. Recent studies demonstrated that X- and Y-chromosome-bearing spermatids do express X- and Y-chromosomal genes that might theoretically result in protein differences between X and Y sperm. Most, if not all, of these gene products, however, are expected to be shared among X and Y spermatids via intercellular bridges. Studies on aberrant mouse strains indicate that complete sharing might not occur for all gene products. This keeps open the possibility that X and Y sperm may differ in proteins, but until now, this has not been confirmed by comparative studies between flow-cytometrically sorted X and Y sperm for H-Y antigen or other membrane proteins.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Plasma concentrations of urea, uric acid and total lipid were compared in pre- and late-fast breeding and moulting macaroni penguins (Eudyptes chrysolophus) to test the hypothesis that birds exhaust their lipid reserves and initiate marked protein utilisation towards the end of natural fasts.
  • 2.2. Male and female macaroni penguins fasted for a minimum of 29–32 days and 20 days during the breeding and moult fasts, and the difference in body weight over the sample period (reflecting body weight loss) was 31–34% and 41–47%, respectively.
  • 3.3. There was no significant increase in plasma urea or uric acid at the end of either fast, nor any decrease in plasma lipid concentrations compared to pre-fast birds.
  • 4.4. These results suggest that macaroni penguins continue to rely mainly on lipid reserves during the later stages of natural fasts. This is consistent with post-fast body composition data for other small penguin species.

Depending on the habitats they live in, temperate ungulates have adapted to different degrees to seasonally changing forage and weather conditions, and to specific escape strategies from predators. Alpine chamois, a mountain ungulate, and red deer, originally adapted to open plains, would therefore be expected to differ in their physiological responses to potential stressors. Based on 742 chamois and 1557 red deer fecal samples collected year‐round every 2 weeks for 4 years at the same locations within a strictly protected area in the Swiss Alps, we analyzed glucocorticoid metabolite (FGM) concentrations for both species. Results from linear mixed effects models revealed no physiological stress response to changing visitor numbers, but instead to drought conditions for both species during summer. In winter, FGM concentrations increased with increasing snow height in both species, but this response was modulated by temperature in red deer. Chamois showed a stronger stress response to increasing snow height during November and December than between January and March, while FGM concentrations increased with decreasing temperature throughout winter. An increase in FGM concentrations with decreasing forage digestibility during winter was found only for red deer. The results are thus partly in contradiction to expectations based on feeding type and adaptations to different habitats between the two species. The lack of a response to forage digestibility in chamois may reflect either better adaptation to difficult feeding conditions in subalpine forests, or, by contrast, strong constraints imposed by forage quality. The similar responses of both species to weather conditions in winter suggest that climatic factors at the elevations examined here are sufficiently harsh to be limiting to temperate ungulates regardless of their specific adaptations to this environment.  相似文献   

Global warming is predicted to cause substantial habitat rearrangements, with the most severe effects expected to occur in high‐latitude biomes. However, one major uncertainty is whether species will be able to shift their ranges to keep pace with climate‐driven environmental changes. Many recent studies on mammals have shown that past range contractions have been associated with local extinctions rather than survival by habitat tracking. Here, we have used an interdisciplinary approach that combines ancient DNA techniques, coalescent simulations and species distribution modelling, to investigate how two common cold‐adapted bird species, willow and rock ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus and Lagopus muta), respond to long‐term climate warming. Contrary to previous findings in mammals, we demonstrate a genetic continuity in Europe over the last 20 millennia. Results from back‐casted species distribution models suggest that this continuity may have been facilitated by uninterrupted habitat availability and potentially also the greater dispersal ability of birds. However, our predictions show that in the near future, some isolated regions will have little suitable habitat left, implying a future decrease in local populations at a scale unprecedented since the last glacial maximum.  相似文献   

We focused on land units as landscape characteristics and selected seven typical land units on a land catena comprising two areas of southern Mongolia. Hierarchical analysis was used to test the hypothesis that a land unit’s edaphic factors could explain the differences in vegetation responses to grazing. We established the survey sites at increasing distances from a livestock camp or water point within each land unit, then analysed patterns of change in floristic and functional compositions, vegetation volume and soil properties within each land unit to reveal differences in vegetation responses to grazing. We also examined the variations in floristic and functional compositions across land units to identify the edaphic factors that may underlie these differences. Changes in vegetation and soil properties at increasing distances from a camp or water point within each land unit were into three different patterns. Ordination techniques consistently indicated that land unit groups categorised using edaphic factors corresponded to those categorised using response patterns. Our study revealed that edaphic factors were responsible for the observed landscape-scale differences in vegetation responses to grazing in the study areas. In addition, the mechanisms underlying vegetation responses to grazing may have been primarily determined by edaphic factors.  相似文献   

In this study we assessed the water transport strategies and the abundance of alien and native tree species at a regional scale in Córdoba Mountains, Central Argentina. The aims of this study were: (i) to analyse whether alien and native tree species show divergent water transport strategies; and (ii) to explore whether species abundances of alien and natives are associated with specific trait attributes. Eight alien species and 12 native species were recorded in 50 complete vascular plant vegetation relevés. Water transport strategies were assessed through the following functional traits: minimum leaf water potential, potential water content of wood, effective leaf area, leaf area per sapwood area and wood density. Also, resource use strategies were assessed throughout the measurement of specific leaf area. We found that alien species had a higher efficiency in water transport (i.e. higher minimum leaf water potential and lower wood density values) and faster resource acquisition and use (higher specific leaf area values) than native species. We did not find evidence suggesting that the relative abundance of species was associated to water transport strategies and faster resource acquisition and use. Alien species seem to differ from natives in specific functional attributes that are absent in the resident community and might allow aliens to use more resources and at a higher rate than native species. Finally, our results show the potential of a trait‐based predictive framework for alien species, and the possible effects on ecosystem functions.  相似文献   

Vegetation phenology—the seasonal timing and duration of vegetative phases—is controlled by spatiotemporally variable contributions of climatic and environmental factors plus additional potential influence from human management. We used land surface phenology derived from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer and climate data to examine variability in vegetation productivity and phenological dates from 1989 to 2014 in the U.S. Northwestern Plains, a region with notable spatial heterogeneity in climate, vegetation, and land use. We first analyzed interannual trends in six phenological measures as a baseline. We then demonstrated how including annual‐resolution predictors can provide more nuanced insights into measures of phenology between plant communities and across the ecoregion. Across the study area, higher annual precipitation increased both peak and season‐long productivity. In contrast, higher mean annual temperatures tended to increase peak productivity but for the majority of the study area decreased season‐long productivity. Annual precipitation and temperature had strong explanatory power for productivity‐related phenology measures but predicted date‐based measures poorly. We found that relationships between climate and phenology varied across the region and among plant communities and that factors such as recovery from disturbance and anthropogenic management also contributed in certain regions. In sum, phenological measures did not respond ubiquitously nor covary in their responses. Nonclimatic dynamics can decouple phenology from climate; therefore, analyses including only interannual trends should not assume climate alone drives patterns. For example, models of areas exhibiting greening or browning should account for climate, anthropogenic influence, and natural disturbances. Investigating multiple aspects of phenology to describe growing‐season dynamics provides a richer understanding of spatiotemporal patterns that can be used for predicting ecosystem responses to future climates and land‐use change. Such understanding allows for clearer interpretation of results for conservation, wildlife, and land management.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Changes in the sex allocation (i.e. in pollen versus seed production) of hermaphroditic plants often occur in response to the environment. In some homosporous ferns, gametophytes choose their gender in response to chemical cues sent by neighbours, such that spores develop as male gametophytes if they perceive a female or hermaphrodite nearby. Here it is considered whether a similar process might occur in the androdioecious angiosperm species Mercurialis annua, in which males co-occur with hermaphrodites; previous work on a Spanish population of M. annua found that individuals were more likely to develop as males at high density.


Using a novel approach to treat plants with leachate from pots containing males or hermaphrodites of M. annua, the hypothesis that individuals assess their mating opportunities, and adjust their sex expression accordingly, was tested through an exchange of chemical cues through the soil.

Key Results

For the population under study, from Morocco, no evidence was found for soil-signal-dependent sex expression: neither sex ratios nor sex allocation differed among experimental treatments.


The results imply either that the Moroccan population under study behaves differently from that previously studied in Spain (pointing to potential geographical variation in plasticity for sex expression), or that our method failed to capture the signals used by M. annua for adjustment of sex expression.  相似文献   

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