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Mitochondrial biogenesis: Which part of “NO” do we understand?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A recent paper by Nisoli et al. [1] provides the first evidence that elevated levels of nitric oxide (NO) stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis in a number of cell lines via a soluble guanylate-cyclase-dependent signaling pathway that activates PGC1alpha (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1alpha), a master regulator of mitochondrial content. These results raise intriguing possibilities for a role of NO in modulating mitochondrial content in response to physiological stimuli such as exercise or cold exposure. However, whether this signaling cascade represents a widespread mechanism by which mammalian tissues regulate mitochondrial content, and how it might integrate with other pathways that control PGC1alpha expression, remain unclear.  相似文献   

Precise and deep comprehension of plant responses to herbivorous arthropods requires detailed knowledge of how a plant “notices” the attack. Herbivore attack is not restricted to plant wounding by feeding, but instead different phases of attack that elicit a plant response need to be distinguished: touch, oviposition and feeding. Touch, secretions released with eggs and regurgitate delivered during feeding may act in concert as elicitors of plant defence. Here, we discuss the current knowledge of what a plant “notices” during the different phases of herbivore attack and how it responds at the molecular, physiological and ecological level. Understanding the mechanisms of plant responses to the different phases of herbivore attack will be a key challenge in unravelling the complex communication pathways between plants and herbivores.  相似文献   

Alternative metrics exist for representing variation in plant body size, but the vast majority of previous research for herbaceous plants has focused on dry mass. Dry mass provides a reasonably accurate and easily measured estimate for comparing relative capacity to convert solar energy into stored carbon. However, from a “plant's eye view”, its experience of its local biotic environment of immediate neighbors (especially when crowded) may be more accurately represented by measures of “space occupancy” (S–O) recorded in situ—rather than dry mass measured after storage in a drying oven. This study investigated relationships between dry mass and alternative metrics of S–O body size for resident plants sampled from natural populations of herbaceous species found in Eastern Ontario. Plant height, maximum lateral canopy extent, and estimated canopy area and volume were recorded in situ (in the field)—and both fresh and dry mass were recorded in the laboratory—for 138 species ranging widely in body size and for 20 plants ranging widely in body size within each of 10 focal species. Dry mass and fresh mass were highly correlated (r2 > .95) and isometric, suggesting that for some studies, between‐species (or between‐plant) variation in water content may be unimportant and fresh mass can therefore substitute for dry mass. However, several relationships between dry mass and other S–O body size metrics showed allometry—that is, plants with smaller S–O body size had disproportionately less dry mass. In other words, they have higher “body mass density” (BMD) — more dry mass per unit S–O body size. These results have practical importance for experimental design and methodology as well as implications for the interpretation of “reproductive economy”—the capacity to produce offspring at small body sizes—because fecundity and dry mass (produced in the same growing season) typically have a positive, isometric relationship. Accordingly, the allometry between dry mass and S–O body size reported here suggests that plants with smaller S–O body size—because of higher BMD—may produce fewer offspring, but less than proportionately so; in other words, they may produce more offspring per unit of body size space occupancy.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present paper is to offer a precise definition of the concepts of integration, emergence and complexity in biological networks through the use of the information theory. If two distinct properties of a network are expressed by two discrete variables, the classical subadditivity principle of Shannon's information theory applies when all the nodes of the network are associated with these properties. If not, the subadditivity principle may not apply. This situation is often to be encountered with enzyme and metabolic networks, for some nodes may well not be associated with these two properties. This is precisely what is occurring with an enzyme that binds randomly its two substrates. This situation implies that an enzyme, or a metabolic network, may display a joint entropy equal, smaller, or larger than the corresponding sum of individual entropies of component sub-systems. In the first case, the collective properties of the network can be reduced to the individual properties of its components. Moreover, the network is devoid of any information. In the second case, the system displays integration effects, behaves as a coherent whole, and has positive information. But if the joint entropy of the network is smaller than the sum of the individual entropies of its components, then the system has emergent collective properties and can be considered complex. Moreover, under these conditions, its information is negative. The extent of negative information is enhanced if the enzyme, or the metabolic network, is far away from equilibrium.  相似文献   

Geophagy is well known among some Neotropical parrots. The clay apparently adsorbs dietary toxins and/or provides supplemental nutrients. We used location data and 23 environmental layers to develop a predictive model of claylick distribution using Maxent software. We related species characteristics to claylick use and examined how parrot assemblages using claylicks changed with distance from the centre of claylick distribution. Fifty‐two parrot claylicks were reported from an area of ca 4 million km2 but over 50% were restricted to a 35 000 km2 region of southeast Peru and northern Bolivia. Claylicks were strongly associated with moist forest on younger (<65 millions of yr) geological formations and exposed river banks. The predictive model of claylick distribution matched our reported range well, with precipitation of warmest quarter, land cover, temperature seasonality, and distance from the ocean being most important predictors of claylick presence. Twenty‐six of the region's 46 parrot species visited claylicks. Species differed greatly in their lick use, but body size, dietary breadth, abundance and other traits were poor predictors of lick use. We are confident that our survey identified the distribution of major parrot claylicks in South America, although less conspicuous parrot geophagy may occur elsewhere. We suggest that claylick distribution reflects both underlying geology (allowing claylick formation in only some regions) and the physiological need for geophagy among parrots in different parts of the continent. Data on the latter are inconclusive, but we argue that parrot claylick distribution supports the contention that geophagy is related more to sodium deficiencies than to protection from dietary toxins.  相似文献   

Nocturnal animals can be sensitive to powerful light from the environment. Anthropogenically induced perturbation to natural light regimes, including ecological light pollution and flash photography, can have wide‐reaching implications on the ecology and behavior. Ecological ramifications of strong lights were traditionally focused on vertebrates although there is now more focus on invertebrates. Nonetheless, there are still unanswered questions on visual ecology and evolution, particularly on individual‐level effects and of tropical species. Specifically, how invertebrate individuals react to strong light is generally undocumented. Based on opportunistic surveys around Southeast Asia, orthopterans, spotted using concentrated torchlight and exposed to sudden strong light intensity during flash macrophotography, were observed to screen themselves by positioning their foreleg over the dorsum of the compound eye. This resembled the orthopteran “saluting” to the camera. These observations provided empirical evidence of how high intensity light can unsettle orthopterans and other insects and further ecological and evolutionary hypotheses and questions can be raised to understand the effect of light pollution.  相似文献   

The DNA‐based code for protein through messenger and transfer RNA is widely regarded as the code of life. But genomes are littered with other kinds of coding elements as well, and all of them probably came after a supercode for the tRNA system itself.  相似文献   

In contradiction with field observations, theory predicts that the number of coexisting plankton species at equilibrium cannot exceed the number of limiting resources, which is called the "paradox of the plankton". Recently, Huisman & Weissing (1999 , 2000 ) showed, in a model study, that the number of coexisting species may exceed the number of limiting resources when internal system feedback induces oscillations or chaos. In this paper, we use the term "supersaturated coexistence" for this phenomenon. On the basis of these findings, they claimed that the paradox of the plankton is solved. We investigated the prerequisites for supersaturated coexistence in the same model. Our results indicate that supersaturated coexistence is a rare phenomenon in parameter space, requires a very precise parameterization of the community members and is sensitive to the introduction of new species and the removal of the present species. This raises the question of whether supersaturated coexistence is likely to occur in nature. We conclude that the claim by Huisman & Weissing (1999 , 2000 ) is premature.  相似文献   

Survivin study: An update of “What is the next wave?”   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Studies on survivin over the past 2-3 years have shown that survivin possesses multiple subcellular localizations and is a multifunctional molecule involved in many aspects of cellular processes and/or behaviors. The subcellular localization and function of the survivin splice variants, however, have not yet been well elucidated. We have, therefore, provided additional observations on several survivin splice variants for further exploration. This review article will update the role of survivin, and its splice variants in the mitosis/cell cycle, apoptosis, tumorigenesis, chemoprevention, drug/radiation resistance, and cancer therapeutics.  相似文献   

“Life” means “being alive” of special entities, which we call “organisms”. From a physical point of view, living entities are open systems, which exchange matter as well as energy with their surroundings. Against disruptive influences permanently present, they maintain actively and autonomously a steady state far from the thermodynamic equilibrium. This dynamic state of living beings represents a functional order, an internal “organization”. That means that the involved processes one and all must be correlated in such a way that they in sum prevent the breakdown of the living state. Organization implies functionality, which in turn requires structural relationships, and structures require information for their specification. Information in turn presupposes a source, which is constituted in living systems by the nucleic acids. Organisms are unique in having a capacity to use information, which is stored in the nucleic acid and yields the basis for their specific internal organization in its perpetuation: Living beings, and only they, show a self‐maintained organization.  相似文献   

To maintain normal cellular and physiological function, sufficient oxygen is required. Recently, evidence has suggested that hypoxia, either pathological or environmental, may influence bone health. It appears that bone cells are distinctly responsive to hypoxic stimuli; for better or worse, this is still yet to be elucidated. Hypoxia has been shown to offer potentially therapeutic effects for bone by inducing an osteogenic–angiogenic response, although, others have noted excessive osteoclastic bone resorption instead. Much evidence suggests that the hypoxic‐inducible pathway is integral in mediating the changes in bone metabolism. Furthermore, many factors associated with hypoxia including changes in energy metabolism, acid–base balance and the increased generation of reactive oxygen species, are known to influence bone metabolism. This review aims to examine some of the putative mechanisms responsible for hypoxic‐induced alterations of bone metabolism, with regard to osteoclasts and osteoblasts, both positive and negative.  相似文献   

Biochemical evidence is presented for the presence of cyclin in Tetrahymena. Zeuthen previously postulated the existence of a heat-labile “division protein” to explain heat-shock-induced division synchrony in Tetrahymena [(1964) Synchrony in Cell Division and Growth (Zeuthen, E., Ed.), pp. 99–158, Interscience, New York]. We show that cyclin is heat-labile in Tetrahymena and suggest that cyclin may be Zeuthen's division protein. Cyclin and cell cycle control is of interest in Tetrahymena because the division mechanism drives macronuclear amitosis, closed and acentric micronuclear mitosis, and cortical differentiation in this cell type.  相似文献   

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