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Unlike other migratory hummingbirds in North America, the broad‐tailed hummingbird (Selasphorus platycercus) exhibits both long‐distance migratory behaviour in the USA and sedentary behaviour in Mexico and Guatemala. We examined the evolution of migration linked to its northward expansion using a multiperspective approach. We analysed variation in morphology, mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, estimated migration rates between migratory and sedentary populations, compared divergence times with the occurrence of Quaternary climate events and constructed species distribution models to predict where migratory and sedentary populations resided during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and Last Interglacial (LIG) events. Our results are consistent with a recent northward population expansion driven by migration from southern sedentary populations. Phylogeographical analyses and population genetics methods revealed that migratory populations in the USA and sedentary populations in Mexico of the platycercus subspecies form one admixed population, and that sedentary populations from southern Mexico and Guatemala (guatemalae) undertook independent evolutionary trajectories. Species distribution modelling revealed that the species is a niche tracker and that the climate conditions associated with modern obligate migrants in the USA were not present during the LIG, which provides indirect evidence for recent migratory behaviour in broad‐tailed hummingbirds on the temporal scale of glacial cycles. The finding that platycercus hummingbirds form one genetic population and that suitable habitat for migratory populations was observed in eastern Mexico during the LIG also suggests that the conservation of overwintering sites is crucial for obligate migratory populations currently facing climate change effects. 相似文献
AimsComparisons of climate envelopes among species have shown that niche conservatism tends to break down over time. Here, we use the Asian tree genusPlatycarya(Juglandaceae) as a case study to test this tendency at relatively short timescales in a single lineage. This, together with a reanalysis of the extant literature, should help evaluate prospects of using correlations between climate and species occurrence data to infer evolutionary processes. 相似文献
Weiwei Zhou Fang Yan Jinzhong Fu Shifang Wu Robert W. Murphy Jing Che Yaping Zhang 《Molecular ecology》2013,22(1):130-142
Frequently, Pleistocene climatic cycling has been found to be the diver of genetic structuring in populations, even in areas that did not have continental ice sheets, such as on the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau (QTP). Typically, species distributed on the plateau have been hypothesized to re‐treat to south‐eastern refugia, especially during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). We evaluated sequence variation in the mitochondrial DNA gene Cytb and the nuclear DNA gene RAG‐1 in Rana kukunoris, a species endemic to the QTP. Two major lineages, N and S, were identified, and lineage N was further subdivided into N1 and N2. The geographical distribution and genealogical divergences supported the hypothesis of multiple refugia. However, major lineages and sublineages diverged prior to the LGM. Demographical expansion was detected only in lineage S and sublineage N2. Sublineage N1 might have survived several glacial cycles in situ and did not expand after the LGM because of the absence of suitable habitat; it survived in river islands. Genetic analysis and environment modelling suggested that the north‐eastern edge of QTP contained a major refugium for R. kukunoris. From here, lineage S dispersed southwards after the LGM. Two microrefugia in northern Qilian Mountains greatly contributed to current level of intraspecific genetic diversity. These results were found to have important implications for the habitat conservation in Northwest China. 相似文献
Stefano Mammola Axel L. Schnhofer Marco Isaia 《Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research》2019,57(3):548-554
Biogeographic studies often underline the role of glacial dynamism during Pleistocene (1.806–0.011 Mya) in shaping the distribution of subterranean species. Accordingly, it is presumed that present‐day distribution of most specialized cold‐adapted (cryophilic) cave‐dwelling species should bear the signatures of past climatic events. To test this idea, we modelled the distribution of specialized cold‐adapted subterranean alpine harvestmen (Arachnida: Opiliones: Ischyropsalididae: Ischyropsalis). We found that the distance from the glacier margins during Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; about 22,000 years ago) was the most important predictor of their present‐day distribution. In particular, the peak in the probability of occurrence of alpine subterranean Ischyropsalis was found to be in close proximity to the LGM glacier, with a sharp drop at a distance of 30 km from the ice margin. In light of the role played by past climatic events in determining the species current range, we briefly discuss their biogeographic history and the role played by glacial refugia dynamics in determining the current distribution of these species. We argue that low dispersal harvestmen such as our model species can be used as biological indicators for tracking past glaciations and other similar biogeographic events. 相似文献
Recent studies have increasingly implicated deep (pre-Pleistocene) events as key in the vertebrate speciation, downplaying the importance of more recent (Pleistocene) climatic shifts. This work, however, has been based almost exclusively on evidence from molecular clock inferences of splitting dates. We present an independent perspective on this question, using ecological niche model reconstructions of Pleistocene Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) potential distributions for the Thrush-like Mourner (Schiffornis turdina) complex in the neotropics. LGM distributional patterns reconstructed from the niche models relate significantly to phylogroups identified in previous molecular systematic analyses. As such, patterns of differentiation and speciation in this complex are consistent with Pleistocene climate and geography, although further testing will be necessary to establish dates of origin firmly and unambiguously. 相似文献
On the basis of fossil pollen, plant macrofossils and fossil wood, vegetation existing around the Itai-Teragatani Site between
26000 and 20000 yr ago was reconstructed. On the upland, there were mixed forests of conifers and deciduous broad-leaved trees
throughout the studied period. The forests consisted mainly ofPinus subgen.Haploxylon andQuercus subgen.Lepidobalanus, together withTsuga, Cryptomeria andUlmus-Zelkova. In the wetland, there were stands ofBetula andAlnus in grassland consisting of Cyperaceae, Gramineae,Lysichiton, Thalictrum, Sangusiorba, Umbelliferae and Compositae. The vegetation changed three times during the studied period. The first change, which occurred
prior to the fall of the Aira-Tn ash, was characterized by an increase inAbies, Pinus subgen.Haploxylon and hygrophytes, and a decrease inCryptomeria andAlnus. This is considered to reflect a cooler climate, and expansion of grassland. The second change was caused by the fall of
the Aira-Tn ash, which caused serious damage to the vegetation. Many taxa, except forAlnus, Cyperaceae andLysichiton, decreased or vanished after the ash fall. The third change was the process of recovery after the damage. The regenerated
forests differed from those before the ash fall. With the regeneration conifers andArtemisia increased. This seemed to reflect the changes in climate and ground conditions caused by the accumulation of the ash. 相似文献
Ferrero ME Blanco-Aguiar JA Lougheed SC Sánchez-Barbudo I De Nova PJ Villafuerte R Dávila JA 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(12):2628-2642
The Pleistocene climatic oscillations promoted the diversification in avian species during the last glacial period. The red‐legged partridge (Alectoris rufa, Family Phasianidae) has a large natural distribution extending from the Mediterranean to humid temperate zones. However, the genetic structure for this species is unknown. The present study investigates the phylogeography, genetic structure and demographic history of A. rufa across its distribution, employing both mitochondrial DNA control region sequences and nuclear microsatellite loci. Our results propose that this species was greatly affected by Pleistocene glaciations. The mismatch analyses suggest that the current populations resulted from post‐glacial expansion and subsequent differentiation resulting in five diagnosable genetic clusters: Southwestern, Central‐eastern, Northwestern, Balearic and French and Italian. Further, we found evidence of three glacial refugia within the currently recognized Iberian glacial refugium. The intraspecific structure revealed by both maternal and biparental phylogeographic analyses was not resolved in the phylogenetic analyses. Based on all considerations, we recommended that five management units be recognized. 相似文献
Camilla Fløjgaard Signe Normand Flemming Skov Jens-Christian Svenning 《Journal of Biogeography》2009,36(6):1152-1163
Aim In addition to the traditionally recognized Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 21 ka) refuge areas in the Mediterranean region, more northerly LGM distributions for temperate and boreal taxa in central and eastern Europe are increasingly being discussed based on palaeoecological and phylogeographical evidence. Our aim was to investigate the potential refuge locations using species distribution modelling to estimate the geographical distribution of suitable climatic conditions for selected rodent species during the LGM. Location Eurasia. Methods Presence/absence data for seven rodent species with range limits corresponding to the limits of temperate or boreal forest or arctic tundra were used in the analysis. We developed predictive distribution models based on the species present‐day European distributions and validated these against their present‐day Siberian ranges. The models with the best predictors of the species distributions across Siberia were projected onto LGM climate simulations to assess the distribution of climatically suitable areas. Results The best distribution models provided good predictions of the present‐day Siberian ranges of the study species. Their LGM projections showed that areas with a suitable LGM climate for the three temperate species (Apodemus flavicollis, Apodemus sylvaticus and Microtus arvalis) were largely restricted to the traditionally recognized southern refuge areas, i.e. mainly in the Mediterranean region, but also southernmost France and southern parts of the Russian Plain. In contrast, suitable climatic conditions for the two boreal species (Clethrionomys glareous and Microtus agrestis) were predicted as far north as southern England and across southern parts of central and eastern Europe eastwards into the Russian Plain. For the two arctic species (Lemmus lemmus and Microtus oeconomus), suitable climate was predicted from the Atlantic coast eastward across central Europe and into Russia. Main conclusions Our results support the idea of more northerly refuge areas in Europe, indicating that boreal species would have found suitable living conditions over much of southern central and eastern Europe and the Russian Plain. Temperate species would have primarily found suitable conditions in the traditional southern refuge areas, but interestingly also in much of the southern Russian Plain. 相似文献
- Microtus cabrerae is an Iberian endemic vole species with specific adaptations to the subhumid Mediterranean climate. Its living populations are under a regressive trend. The earliest known records of Microtus cabrerae date from the late Middle Pleistocene, and it originated from Microtus brecciensis.
- We describe changes in the geographic distribution of Microtus cabrerae throughout its history based on its palaeontological record, and link them to environmental changes that have taken place since the appearance of Microtus cabrerae.
- A series of successive chronological intervals comprising the recorded existence of the species was established, so that the majority of the published fossil records of Microtus cabrerae could be used for analysis. For each interval, a map with the inferred distribution of the species was created. The maps were used to establish variations in the species' distribution through time.
- A first regression in the extent of the distribution of Microtus cabrerae took place in Marine Isotope Stage 2, when the species abandoned south‐eastern France and central Spain, where it had been present since the beginning of the Late Pleistocene. This range contraction was probably due to the global decline in temperatures and rainfall that took place in this period. After a rapid recolonization of most of the previously abandoned areas at the beginning of the Holocene and a remarkable increase in records during the Neolithic, a new gradual decrease of records is observed from the Neolithic to the Roman period, intensifying from c. 2000 years ago onwards and ending with the final disappearance of the species from south‐western France and north‐eastern Iberia. This second decline is linked to the aridification of the Mediterranean entourage that started in the mid‐Holocene and has been enhanced by human modification of the landscape. The species is shown to be sensitive to climate change.
Tanja Kuhnt Gerhard Schmiedl Werner Ehrmann Yvonne Hamann Christoph Hemleben 《Marine Micropaleontology》2007,64(3-4):141-162
Specific responses of the regional deep-sea ecosystems to climatic and oceanographic processes during the last 22 kyr are revealed by benthic foraminiferal faunas from two cores in the northern and southern Aegean Sea. Under glacial boundary conditions, high-diversity benthic foraminiferal faunas and elevated benthic foraminiferal numbers indicate enhanced organic matter availability and well-ventilated deep-water masses in the whole Aegean Sea. The glacial termination is accompanied by significant fluctuations in productivity and deep-water ventilation. In the northern Aegean Sea, meltwater inflow from mountain glaciers during the Bølling/Allerød warm period resulted in a restriction of local deep-water formation, as mirrored by a dominance of bolivinids. During the deposition of sapropel S1, drops in benthic foraminiferal number and diversity are more significant in the southern Aegean Sea when compared to the north. This suggests the persistence of local deep-water formation in the northern Aegean Sea during S1 deposition. In addition, faunal fluctuations within S1 at both sites suggest the repeated influence of short-term cooling events on the re-ventilation and re-colonization of Aegean deep-sea ecosystems. During the middle and late Holocene, benthic foraminiferal faunas document the establishment of oligotrophic and well-ventilated conditions in the southern Aegean Sea. The corresponding faunas from the northern Aegean Sea reflect generally mesotrophic conditions and variable deep-water oxygenation. During the entire Holocene, the deep-sea ecosystems of this region responded very sensitively to short-term changes in humidity and temperature. These abrupt climate changes controlled the inflow of nutrients from rivers and the Black Sea and the formation of local deep-water masses. 相似文献
为了解历史气候变化背景下分布于中国西北干旱沙漠、半干旱沙地和山地地区的孑遗灌木植物长柄扁桃(Amygdalus pedunculata)的分布与演化, 该研究利用长柄扁桃60个自然分布点和8个环境因子, 整合GIS空间分析和最大熵模型(MaxEnt), 分析珍稀濒危保护物种长柄扁桃末次间冰期(LIG)、末次盛冰期(LGM)和当前的历史地理分布格局变化及其环境驱动力。基于各时期长柄扁桃的分布模型模拟数据及自然种群的叶绿体基因测序数据, 利用最小成本路径方法, 模拟LIG时期以来长柄扁桃可能的扩散路径。利用R语言“ggbiplot”程序包对各时期长柄扁桃适生区的历史环境变量进行主成分分析(PCA), 分析影响长柄扁桃历史分布格局变化的关键气候因子。结果表明: (1) LIG时期以来, 长柄扁桃的历史分布经历了显著收缩和末次盛冰期后的扩张, LIG至LGM时期, 分布于库布齐沙漠东部、毛乌素沙地北部、陕西北部、阴山北部、乌兰察布高原南部、浑善达克沙地的适宜分布区明显收缩; LGM时期至今, 长柄扁桃在库布齐沙漠东部、毛乌素沙地中部沿北部阴山向东, 以及浑善达克沙地西部均发生了显著扩张。3个时期长柄扁桃均在内蒙古高原中西部存在高度适宜性分布区, 包括毛乌素沙地北缘、库布齐沙漠东缘以及大青山, 这些地区很可能是长柄扁桃的冰期避难所。北部阴山和毛乌素沙地边缘是长柄扁桃种群迁移过程中重要的扩散廊道; (2) LIG至LGM时期, 气温因子: 最冷月最低气温、平均气温日较差和最热月最高气温均呈显著下降的趋势, 冷干气候对长柄扁桃的冰期分布存在较大限制, 适生区显著收缩。而LGM时期至今, 降水因子最湿月降水量和降水量季节性均显著上升, 长柄扁桃在库布齐沙漠东部、毛乌素沙地中部、阴山以及浑善达克沙地西部发生显著扩张, 降水因子也是影响当前适宜分布区的关键限制性因子。 相似文献