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Community‐acquired respiratory distress syndrome (CARDS) toxin from Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a 591‐amino‐acid virulence factor with ADP‐ribosyltransferase (ADPRT) and vacuolating activities. It is expressed at low levels during in vitro growth and at high levels during colonization of the lung. Exposure of experimental animals to purified recombinant CARDS toxin alone is sufficient to recapitulate the cytopathology and inflammatory responses associated with M. pneumoniae infection in humans and animals. Here, by molecular modelling, serial truncations and site‐directed mutagenesis, we show that the N‐terminal region is essential for ADP‐ribosylating activity. Also, by systematic truncation and limited proteolysis experiments we identified a portion of the C‐terminal region that mediates toxin binding to mammalian cell surfaces and subsequent internalization. In addition, the C‐terminal region alone induces vacuolization in a manner similar to full‐length toxin. Together, these data suggest that CARDS toxin has a unique architecture with functionally separable N‐terminal and C‐terminal domains.  相似文献   

Photorhabdus luminescens Tc toxins consist of the cell‐binding component TcA, the linker component TcB, and the enzyme component TcC. TccC3, a specific isoform of TcC, ADP‐ribosylates actin and causes redistribution of the actin cytoskeleton. TccC5, another isoform of TcC, ADP‐ribosylates and activates Rho proteins. Here, we report that the proteasome inhibitor MG132 blocks the intoxication of cells by Tc toxin. The inhibitory effect of MG132 was not observed, when the ADP‐ribosyltransferase domain of the TcC component was introduced into target cells by protective antigen, which is the binding and delivery component of anthrax toxin. Additionally, MG132 affected neither pore formation by TcA in artificial membranes nor binding of the toxin to cells. Furthermore, the in vitro ADP‐ribosylation of actin by the enzyme domain of TccC3 was not affected by MG132. Similar to MG132, several calpain inhibitors blocked the action of the Tc toxin. Proteolytic cleavage of the binding component TcA induced by P. luminescens protease PrtA1 or by collagenase largely increased the toxicity of the Tc toxin. MG132 exhibited no inhibitory effect on the cleaved TcA component. Moreover, binding of TcA to target cells was largely increased after cleavage. The data indicate that Tc toxin is activated by proteolytic processing of the TcA component, resulting in increased receptor binding. Toxin processing is probably inhibited by MG132.  相似文献   

Cholera toxin (Ctx) is an AB‐type protein toxin that acts as an adenosine diphosphate (ADP)‐ribosyltransferase to disrupt intracellular signalling in the target cell. It moves by vesicle carriers from the cell surface to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of an intoxicated cell. The catalytic CtxA1 subunit then dissociates from the rest of the toxin, unfolds, and activates the ER‐associated degradation system for export to the cytosol. Translocation occurs through an unusual ratchet mechanism in which the cytosolic chaperone Hsp90 couples CtxA1 refolding with CtxA1 extraction from the ER. Here, we report that Hsp90 recognises two peptide sequences from CtxA1: an N‐terminal RPPDEI sequence (residues 11–16) and an LDIAPA sequence in the C‐terminal region (residues 153–158) of the 192 amino acid protein. Peptides containing either sequence effectively blocked Hsp90 binding to full‐length CtxA1. Both sequences were necessary for the ER‐to‐cytosol export of CtxA1. Mutagenesis studies further demonstrated that the RPP residues in the RPPDEI motif are required for CtxA1 translocation to the cytosol. The LDIAPA sequence is unique to CtxA1, but we identified an RPPDEI‐like motif at the N‐ or C‐termini of the A chains from four other ER‐translocating toxins that act as ADP‐ribosyltransferases: pertussis toxin, Escherichia coli heat‐labile toxin, Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A, and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium ADP‐ribosylating toxin. Hsp90 plays a functional role in the intoxication process for most, if not all, of these toxins. Our work has established a defined RPPDEI binding motif for Hsp90 that is required for the ER‐to‐cytosol export of CtxA1 and possibly other toxin A chains as well.  相似文献   

The polyproteins of coronaviruses are cleaved by viral proteases into at least 15 nonstructural proteins (Nsps). Consisting of five domains, Nsp3 is the largest of these (180–210 kDa). Among these domains, the so‐called X‐domain is believed to act as ADP‐ribose‐1″‐phosphate phosphatase or to bind poly(ADP‐ribose). However, here we show that the X‐domain of Infectious Bronchitis Virus (strain Beaudette), a Group‐3 coronavirus, fails to bind ADP‐ribose. This is explained on the basis of the crystal structure of the protein, determined at two different pH values. For comparison, we also describe the crystal structure of the homologous X‐domain from Human Coronavirus 229E, a Group‐1 coronavirus, which does bind ADP‐ribose.  相似文献   

Size exclusion chromatographic analyses showed that Ca2+‐free VILIP‐1 contained both monomeric and dimeric forms, while no appreciable dimerization was noted with Ca2+‐free VILIP‐3. Swapping of EF‐hands 3 and 4 of VILIP‐1 with those of VILIP‐3 caused the inability of the resulting chimeric protein to form dimeric protein. Nonreducing SDS‐PAGE analyses revealed that most of the dimeric VILIP‐1 was noncovalently bound together. Reduced glutathione (GSH)/oxidized glutathione (GSSG) treatment notably enhanced the formation of disulfide‐linked VILIP‐1 dimer, while Ca2+ and Mg2+ enhanced disulfide dimerization of VILIP‐1 marginally in the presence of thiol compounds. Cys‐187 at the C‐terminus of VILIP‐1 contributed greatly to form S‐S‐crosslinked dimer as revealed by mutagenesis studies. The ability of GSH/GSSG‐treated VILIP‐1 to activate guanylyl cyclase B was reduced by substituting Cys‐187 with Ala. Together with disulfide dimer of VILIP‐1 detected in rat brain extracts, our data may imply the functional contribution of disulfide dimer to the interaction of VILIP‐1 with its physiological target(s). Copyright © 2008 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A toxin with four disulfide bridges from Tityus serrulatus venom was able to compete with 125I‐kaliotoxin on rat brain synaptosomal preparations, with an IC50 of 46 nM . The obtained amino acid sequence and molecular mass are identical to the previously described butantoxin. Enzymatic cleavages in the native peptide followed by mass spectrometry peptide mapping analysis were used to determine the disulfide bridge pattern of α‐KTx12?1. Also, after the cleavage of the first six N‐terminal residues, including the unusual disulfide bridge which forms an N‐terminus ring, the potency of the cleaved peptide was found to decrease about 100 fold compared with the native protein. Copyright © 2003 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The need for molecules with high specificity against noxious insects leads the search towards spider venoms that have evolved highly selective toxins for insect preys. In this respect, spiders as a highly diversified group of almost exclusive insect predators appear to possess infinite potential for the discovery of novel insect‐selective toxins. In 2003, a group of toxins was isolated from the spider Macrothele gigas and the amino acid sequence was reported. We obtained, by molecular biology techniques in a heterologous system, one of these toxins. Purification process was optimized by chromatographic methods to determine the three‐dimensional structure by nuclear magnetic resonance in solution, and, finally, their biological activity was tested. rMagi3 resulted to be a specific insect toxin with no effect on mice.  相似文献   

The formation of a disulfide bond is a critical step in the folding of numerous secretory and membrane proteins and catalyzed in vivo. A variety of mechanisms and protein structures have evolved to catalyze oxidative protein folding. Those enzymes that directly interact with a folding protein to accelerate its oxidative folding are mostly thiol‐disulfide oxidoreductases that belong to the thioredoxin superfamily. The enzymes of this class often use a CXXC active‐site motif embedded in their thioredoxin‐like fold to promote formation, isomerization, and reduction of a disulfide bond in their target proteins. Over the past decade or so, an increasing number of substrates of the thiol‐disulfide oxidoreductases that are present in the ER of mammalian cells have been discovered, revealing that the enzymes play unexpectedly diverse physiological functions. However, functions of some of these enzymes still remain unclear due to the lack of information on their substrates. Here, we review the methods used by researchers to identify the substrates of these enzymes and provide data that show the importance of using trichloroacetic acid in sample preparation for the substrate identification, hoping to aid future studies. We particularly focus on successful studies that have uncovered physiological substrates and functions of the enzymes in the periplasm of Gram‐negative bacteria and the endoplasmic reticulum of mammalian cells. Similar approaches should be applicable to enzymes in other cellular compartments or in other organisms.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we isolated a dsbB mutant of Burkholderia cepacia KF1 and showed that phenotypes of protease production and motility are dependent on DsbB, a membrane-bound disulfide bond oxidoreductase. We have now isolated a dsbA mutant by transposon mutagenesis, cloned the dsbA gene encoding a periplasmic disulfide bond oxidoreductase, and characterized the function of the DsbA-DsbB disulfide bond formation system in B. cepacia. The complementing DNA fragment had an open reading frame for a 212-amino acid polypeptide with a potential redox-active site sequence of Cys-Pro-His-Cys that is homologous to Escherichia coli DsbA. The dsbA mutant, as well as the previously isolated dsbB mutant, was defective in the production of extracellular protease and alkaline phosphatase, as well as in motility. In addition, mutation in the DsbA-DsbB system resulted in an increase in sensitivity to Cd2+ and Zn2+ as well as a variety of antibiotics including beta-lactams, kanamycin, erythromycin, novobiocin, ofloxacin and sodium dodecyl sulfate. These results suggested that the DsbA-DsbB system might be involved in the formation of a metal efflux system as well as a multi-drug resistance system.  相似文献   

AA‐NADase from Agkistrodon acutus venom is a unique multicatalytic enzyme with both NADase and AT(D)Pase activities. Among all identified NADases, only AA‐NADase contains Cu(II) and has disulfide‐bond linkages between two peptide chains. The effects of the reduction of the disulfide‐bonds and Cu(II) in AA‐NADase by small‐molecule reductants on its NADase and ADPase activities have been investigated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, high performance liquid chromatography, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and isothermal titration calorimetry. The results show that AA‐NADase has six disulfide‐bonds and fifteen free cysteine residues. L‐ascorbate inhibits AA‐NADase on both NADase and ADPase activities through the reduction of Cu(II) in AA‐NADase to Cu(I), while other reductants, dithiothreitol, glutathione and tris(2‐carboxyethyl)phosphine inhibit both NADase and ADPase activities through the reduction of Cu(II) to Cu(I) and the cleavage of disulfide‐bonds in AA‐NADase. Apo‐AA‐NADase can recover its NADase and ADPase activities in the presence of 1 mM Zn(II). However, apo‐AA‐NADase does not recover any NADase or ADPase activity in the presence of 1 mM Zn(II) and 2 mM TCEP. The multicatalytic activity relies on both disulfide‐bonds and Cu(II), while Cu(I) can not activate the enzyme activities. AA‐NADase is probably only active as a dimer. The inhibition curves for both ADPase and NADase activities by each reductant share a similar trend, suggesting both ADPase and NADase activities probably occur at the same site. In addition, we also find that glutathione and L‐ascorbate are endogenous inhibitors to the multicatalytic activity of AA‐NADase. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 93: 141–149, 2010. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

C‐2 dimethylated/unmethylated thiazolidine‐4‐carboxylic acid and C‐2 dimethylated oxazolidine‐4‐carboxylic acid were introduced into the insect kinin core pentapeptide in place of Pro3, yielding three new analogues. NMR analysis revealed that the peptide bond of Phe2‐pseudoproline (ΨPro)3 is practically 100% in cis conformation in the case of dimethylated pseudoproline‐containing analogues, about 50% cis for the thiazolidine‐4‐carboxylic acid analogue and about 33% cis for the parent Pro3 peptide. The diuretic activities are consistent with the population of cis conformation of the Phe2‐ΨPro3/Pro3 peptide bonds, and the results confirm a cis Phe‐Pro bond as bioactive conformation. Copyright © 2011 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Fc‐III tag is a newly developed fusion tag that can be applied to protein purification and detection. In the present work, we use the Fc‐III‐tagged green fluorescent protein (GFP) and human muscle creatine kinase (CK) as model systems to investigate effects of the Fc‐III tag on activities and stabilities of the expressed multicysteine‐containing proteins. Our results show the Fc‐III tag has no adverse effects on the fluorescence of GFP and reduces the occurrence of GFP misfolding due to incorrect Cys oxidation compared with the His‐tagged protein. The activity and stability of the Fc‐III‐tagged CK is slightly lower than that of the tag‐free CK, but is higher than that of the His‐tagged CK as determined by the ratio of the oxidized versus reduced CK. A major portion of His‐tagged CK is in its oxidized form, while that of the Fc‐III‐tagged CK is in its reduced form. A folding model of CK with different tags was proposed, which may provide insights into the effect of the Fc‐III tag on the conformations of disulfide‐bridged proteins.  相似文献   

Impairment of epithelial barrier integrity caused by environmental triggers is associated with the pathogenesis of airway inflammation. Using human airway epithelial cells, we attempted to identify molecule(s) that promote airway epithelial barrier integrity. Microarray analyses were conducted using the Affimetrix human whole genome gene chip, and we identified the N‐myc downstream‐regulated gene 1 (NDRG1) gene, which was induced during the development of the epithelial cell barrier. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed strong NDRG1 expression in ciliated epithelial cells in nasal tissues sampled from patients with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS), and the low expression of NDRG1 was observed in goblet cells or damaged epithelial cells. NDRG1 gene knockdown with its specific siRNA decreased the transepithelial electrical resistance and increased the dextran permeability. Immunocytochemistry revealed that NDRG1 knockdown disrupted tight junctions of airway epithelial cells. Next, we analyzed the effects of NDRG1 knockdown on the expression of tight and adhesion junction molecules. NDRG1 knockdown significantly decreased only claudin‐9 expression, but did not decrease other claudin family molecules, such as E‐cadherin, and ZO‐1, ‐2, or ‐3. Knockdown of claudin‐9 markedly impaired the barrier function in airway epithelial cells. These results suggest that NDRG1 is important for the barrier integrity in airway epithelial cells.  相似文献   

d ‐β‐aspartyl (Asp) residue has been found in a living body such as aged lens crystallin, although l ‐α‐amino acids are constituents in natural proteins. Isomerization from l ‐α‐ to d ‐β‐Asp probably modulates structures to affect biochemical reactions. At Asp residue, isomerization and peptide bond cleavage compete with each other. To gain insight into how fast each reaction proceeds, the analysis requires the consideration of both pathways simultaneously and independently. No information has been provided, however, about these competitive processes because each reaction has been studied separately. The contribution of Asp isomers to the respective pathways has still been veiled. In this work, the two competitive reactions, isomerization and spontaneous peptide bond cleavage at Asp residue, were simultaneously observed and compared in an αA‐crystallin fragment, S51LFRTVLD58SG60 containing l ‐α‐ and d ‐β‐Asp58 isomers. The kinetics showed that the formation of l ‐ and d ‐succinimide (Suc) intermediate, as a first step of isomerization, was comparable at l ‐α‐ and d ‐β‐Asp. Although l ‐Suc was converted to l ‐β‐Asp, d ‐Suc was liable to return to the original d ‐β‐Asp, the reverse reaction marked enough to consider d ‐β‐Asp as apparently stable. d ‐β‐Asp was also resistant to the peptide bond cleavage. Such apparent less reactivity is probably the reason for gradual and abnormal accumulation of d ‐β‐Asp in a living body under physiological conditions. Copyright © 2016 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We have recently demonstrated that a common phenomenon in evolution of spider venom composition is the emergence of so‐called modular toxins consisting of two domains, each corresponding to a “usual” single‐domain toxin. In this article, we describe the structure of two domains that build up a modular toxin named spiderine or OtTx1a from the venom of Oxyopes takobius. Both domains were investigated by solution NMR in water and detergent micelles used to mimic membrane environment. The N‐terminal spiderine domain OtTx1a‐AMP (41 amino acid residues) contains no cysteines. It is disordered in aqueous solution but in micelles, it assumes a stable amphiphilic structure consisting of two α‐helices separated by a flexible linker. On the contrary, the C‐terminal domain OtTx1a‐ICK (59 residues) is a disulfide‐rich polypeptide reticulated by five S–S bridges. It presents a stable structure in water and its core is the inhibitor cystine knot (ICK) or knottin motif that is common among single‐domain neurotoxins. OtTx1a‐ICK structure is the first knottin with five disulfide bridges and it represents a good reference for the whole oxytoxin family. The affinity of both domains to membranes was measured with NMR using titration by liposome suspensions. In agreement with biological tests, OtTx1a‐AMP was found to show high membrane affinity explaining its potent antimicrobial properties.  相似文献   

Toll‐like receptor 5 recognizes bacterial flagellin, plays a critical role in innate immunity, and contributes to flagellin‐specific humoral immunity. Further, TLR5‐expressing dendritic cells play an important role in IgA synthesis in the intestine; however, the contribution of TLR5 to antigen (Ag)‐specific mucosal immunity remains unclear. Thus, whether TLR5 is essential for the induction of intestinal secretory (S)IgA antibody (Ab) responses against flagellin and bacterial Ags attached to the bacterial surface in response to an oral flagellated bacterium, Salmonella, was explored in this study. Our results indicate that when TLR5 knockout (TLR5?/?) mice are orally immunized with recombinant Salmonella expressing fragment C of tetanus toxin (rSalmonella‐Tox C), tetanus toxoid (TT)‐ and flagellin (FliC)‐specific systemic IgG and intestinal SIgA Abs are elicited. The numbers of TT‐specific IgG Ab‐forming cells (AFCs) in the spleen and IgA AFCs in the lamina propria (LP) of TLR5?/? mice were comparable to those in wild‐type mice. rSalmonella‐Tox C was equally disseminated in TLR5?/? mice, TLR5?/? mice lacking Peyer's patches (PPs), and wild‐type mice. In contrast, TLR5?/? PP‐null mice failed to induce TT‐ and FliC‐specific SIgA Abs in the intestine and showed significantly reduced numbers of TT‐specific IgA AFCs in the LP. These results suggest that TLR5 is dispensable for the induction of flagellin and surface Ag‐specific systemic and mucosal immunity against oral flagellated bacteria. Rather, pathogen recognition, which occurs in PPs, is a prerequisite for the induction of mucosal immunity against flagellated bacteria.

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