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基于土地利用格局变化的北京市生境质量时空演变研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
冯舒  孙然好  陈利顶 《生态学报》2018,38(12):4167-4179
城市生境质量对生物多样性保护有至关重要的作用,以北京市为例分析2000—2015年北京市不同土地利用类型的空间分布特征和不同区域之间的差异,并借助In VEST-Habitat Quality模型评估了北京市4个时期(2000年、2005年、2010年和2015年)、4个区域(首都功能核心区、城市发展新区、城市功能拓展区、生态涵养发展区)的生境退化程度和生境质量变化情况。结果表明:(1)从2000年到2015年,建设用地增加了近40%,耕地、湿地是其快速扩张的主要来源,城市发展新区的建设用地增加了60%;(2)主要的生态用地(林地、草地、湿地)所占比例总体增加了5.71%,但是总体景观结构异质性减弱,斑块破碎化程度加大;(3)生境质量总体下降了2%,表现出明显的区域差异,首都功能核心区和生态涵养发展区的生境质量总值逐渐升高;生境退化度逐渐增加,最严重的区域在城市功能拓展区以及平原-山区交界地带。对区域生态服务价值评估的有益探索,为今后进一步城市景观格局的构建和优化提供依据和参考。  相似文献   

Counts on Swainson's spurfowl Pternistis swainsonii were made during 1998–1999 within an intensive, fine‐grained, agricultural landscape to estimate population parameters, seasonal dispersion and habitat preferences. Radio‐transmitters were fitted to four birds to note habitat use and home ranges within the Summer breeding season. During Winter, population densities peaked, and birds exploited agricultural crops extensively. At the onset of Spring, densities dropped as birds paired to establish non‐overlapping breeding territories over a number of habitats with apparently sufficient cover and ‘natural’ food. Expanding grazed grassland appears to be the greatest threat to Swainson's spurfowl due to a lack of cover and food. The matrix of habitats within the landscape plays important roles in the success of this opportunistic spurfowl. Agricultural crops in the Winter sustain the population until the following Summer when natural savanna and ungrazed grasslands provide complementary foraging, nesting and roosting sites.  相似文献   

Fish habitat preferences in large streams of southern France   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1. Relationships between fish and their habitat over whole geographic regions, which are evident from studies of many streams and species, can improve understanding of lotic communities and provide reliable management tools. Nevertheless, most habitat preference studies have been based on single sites, and confined to small streams and to game species.
2. Regional habitat preference models, based on local velocity, depth and roughness, were developed for twenty-four species and their size classes commonly found in large European streams. Fish surveys were conducted in six large streams in southern France over an 8-year period. To limit the influences of habitat variables other than those studied, we estimated fish preferences within each survey and averaged this information across surveys. Preferences were fitted with confidence intervals and their sensitivity to field uncertainty was evaluated.
3. Most species and size classes had significant preferences for local habitat conditions which were consistent across the region. Habitat preferences predominant in the region overall were not always observed at any one site, but habitat conditions preferred on average in the region were never actually avoided locally. These results support the use of regional preference models for fish and the development of similar models for other lotic groups whose sensitivity to local habitat conditions has been reported elsewhere.  相似文献   

1. Tiger sharks Galeocerdo cuvier are important predators in a variety of nearshore communities, including the seagrass ecosystem of Shark Bay, Western Australia. Because tiger sharks are known to influence spatial distributions of multiple prey species, it is important to understand how they use habitats at a variety of spatial scales. We used a combination of catch rates and acoustic tracking to determine tiger shark microhabitat use in Shark Bay. 2. Comparing habitat-use data from tracking against the null hypothesis of no habitat preference is hindered in Shark Bay, as elsewhere, by the difficulty of defining expected habitat use given random movement. We used randomization procedures to generate expected habitat use in the absence of habitat preference and expected habitat use differences among groups (e.g. males and females). We tested the performance of these protocols using simulated data sets with known habitat preferences. 3. The technique correctly classified sets of simulated tracks as displaying a preference or not and was a conservative test for differences in habitat preferences between subgroups of tracks (e.g. males vs. females). 4. Sharks preferred shallow habitats over deep ones, and preferred shallow edge microhabitats over shallow interior ones. The use of shallow edges likely increases encounter rates with potential prey and may have profound consequences for the dynamics of Shark Bay's seagrass ecosystem through indirect effects transmitted by grazers that are common prey of tiger sharks. 5. Females showed a greater tendency to use shallow edge microhabitats than did males; this pattern was not detected by traditional analysis techniques. 6. The randomization procedures presented here are applicable to many field studies that use tracking by allowing researchers both to determine overall habitat preferences and to identify differences in habitat use between groups within their sample.  相似文献   

Once widespread throughout the tropical forests of the Indian Subcontinent, the sloth bears have suffered a rapid range collapse and local extirpations in the recent decades. A significant portion of their current distribution range is situated outside of the protected areas (PAs). These unprotected sloth bear populations are under tremendous human pressures, but little is known about the patterns and determinants of their occurrence in most of these regions. The situation is more prevalent in Nepal where virtually no systematic information is available for sloth bears living outside of the PAs. We undertook a spatially replicated sign survey‐based single‐season occupancy study intending to overcome this information gap for the sloth bear populations residing in the Trijuga forest of southeast Nepal. Sloth bear sign detection histories and field‐based covariates data were collected between 2 October and 3 December 2020 at the 74 randomly chosen 4‐km2 grid cells. From our results, the model‐averaged site use probability (ψ ± SE) was estimated to be 0.432 ± 0.039, which is a 13% increase from the naïve estimate (0.297) not accounting for imperfect detections of sloth bear signs. The presence of termite mound and the distance to the nearest water source were the most important variables affecting the habitat use probability of sloth bears. The average site‐level detectability (p ± SE) of sloth bear signs was estimated to be 0.195 ± 0.003 and was significantly determined by the index of human disturbances. We recommend considering the importance of fine‐scale ecological and anthropogenic factors in predicting the sloth bear‐habitat relationships across their range in the Churia habitat of Nepal, and more specifically in the unprotected areas.  相似文献   

Radio‐tagged adult grayling Thymallus thymallus ( n  = 22), monitored from mid August to mid December 1999 in the River Kuusinkijoki, Finland, shifted by the end of September (water temperature 10·0–14·5° C) from riffle sites to deeper and slower pool sites 0·7–1·6 km up‐ or downstream. In early winter ( c . 0° C water temperature), eight of 13 fish still under study made a further shift into new pool sites, possibly triggered by ice formation. The summer range of grayling in the riffles was smaller (mean ±  s . d . length: 75 ± 146 m) than the autumn range (99 ± 46 m) in the pools, but gross daily movements were equally short in both the seasons (18 ± 34 m and 15 ± 7 m, respectively). In late summer, adult grayling preferred water depths 80–120 cm and mean velocities >40 cm s−1. In autumn, the preferred ranges were 100–240 cm and <30 cm s−1, respectively. Substratum was mainly boulders in the summer sites, and gravel or pebbles in the autumn sites.  相似文献   

Few studies have assessed how the dynamics of wetland bird movements relate to changing resource availability, particularly at more than one spatial scale. Within western Oregon's Williamette Valley, we examined winter resident Dunlin Calidris alpina movements in relation to a decrease in availability of preferred shorebird foraging habitat from early to late winter of 1999–2000. By tracking movements of 15 (early winter) and 12 (late winter) radiomarked individuals, we calculated home ranges and characterized presence/absence of a preference for shorebird foraging habitat during each winter period. Between periods, we compared: (1) percentage of shorebird habitat in home ranges to its availability in the landscape (regional preference), (2) percentage of radio locations in shorebird habitat to its availability within home ranges (local preference) and (3) relative use of roost sites. Concurrent with a 75% decrease in available shorebird habitat from early to late winter, average home range sizes increased by a factor of 3.8. At a regional scale, home ranges in early winter included a significantly greater percentage of shorebird foraging habitat than was available in the wider landscape. However, by late winter, the percent of shorebird habitat in home ranges did not match availability in the landscape. At the local scale, for both winter periods Dunlin were located in shorebird foraging habitat more often than expected given availability of habitat within home ranges [Correction added after online pub-lication 23 May 2008: sentence amended]. An increase in the number of roosts used from early to late winter implies possible reliance on additional sites in late winter for foraging opportunities. Results suggest that wet, unvegetated habitat is sought by Dunlin throughout winter, but individuals could not select home ranges in late winter that fully compensated for seasonal loss of habitat.  相似文献   

生境质量是区域生物多样性维持能力的重要表征,土地利用变化是引起景观格局和生境质量变化的主要原因,揭示土地利用及景观格局变化下生境质量的时空演变规律能为生物多样性保护提供参考依据.以洞庭湖区为研究对象,基于1995、2000、2005、2010、2015、2018年6期遥感解译数据,采用土地利用转移矩阵、景观格局指数及I...  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to investigate the ecological flexibility of Tonkean macaques (Macaca tonkeana) by examining how they respond to human-induced habitat alteration. To do so, I observed movement patterns, forest strata use, microhabitat use, and home range use in two groups that occupied habitats with different levels of human alteration and habitat quality in Lore Lindu National Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia. The group occupying the heavily altered habitat (Anca) spent a significantly greater proportion of time traveling on the ground than the group in minimally altered habitat (CH), and significantly more time than expected in microhabitats within their range that were characterized by greater alteration (e.g., agroforestry areas). There was no significant difference between the two groups in daily path length, despite differences in group size. The Anca group exhibited a greater home range area per individual than the CH group, and utilized a more limited area within their home range with greater intensity, relative to the CH group. Tonkean macaques therefore show considerable flexibility in response to anthropogenic disturbance by adjusting their use of forest strata to facilitate travel and increase foraging opportunities and by intensively using particular areas within their home range where known resources are present and predictably available.  相似文献   

In this study gillnet catches of large roach Rutilus rutilus and their potential predators, large perch Perca fluviatilis , pikeperch Sander lucioperca and pike Esox lucius , in combination with data on food resources and abiotic variables were used to reveal the variables influencing the habitat use of large roach in Lake Großer Vätersee. The occurrence of large roach was negatively coupled with the occurrence of potential predators. Although almost all roach studied were larger than those actually fed on by the predators, high roach catches never coincided with high predator catches. Since the overall habitat-specific distribution of roach and its predators was nevertheless highly similar, this indicated that large roach obviously avoided the immediate vicinity of the predators without being forced to a full habitat shift. The behavioural response to predators of roach in Lake Großer Vätersee was clearly length dependent, since the patterns of diel habitat use differed between large and small roach. For lake-wide estimates of trophic interactions, size groups of prey should be separated, since size-dependent trait changes may impact habitat-specific resources in a contrasting way.  相似文献   

Closely related tropical bird species often occupy mutually exclusive elevational ranges, but the mechanisms generating and maintaining this pattern remain poorly understood. One hypothesis is that replacement species are segregated by interference competition (e.g. territorial aggression), but the extent to which competition combines with other key factors such as specialization to distinct habitats remains little studied. Using vegetation surveys and reciprocal playback experiments, we explored the dynamics of interspecific aggression between two Nightingale-Thrushes Catharus sp. in Central America. We show that lower-elevation Black-headed Nightingale-Thrushes Catharus mexicanus are aggressive towards higher-elevation Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrushes Catharus frantzii where they meet at contact zones. However, interspecific aggressive responses were weak and unidirectional, and the two species were associated with different habitats. We conclude that the contact zone is maintained and located primarily by habitat selection, and is probably reinforced by interspecific aggression. This has important implications for understanding how montane species will respond to climate change because the pace and extent of range shifts will not depend solely on habitat shifts or interspecific competition, but instead on interactions between these two factors.  相似文献   

A primary means of conserving a species or a habitat in a human‐dominated landscape is through promoting coexistence with humans while minimizing conflict. For this, we should understand how wildlife is impacted by direct and indirect human activities. Such information is rare in areas with high human densities. To investigate how animals respond to altered ecological conditions in human‐dominated landscapes, we focused on a wild herbivore of conservation concern in the Krishnasaar Conservation Area (KrCA) in Nepal. Here, blackbuck Antilope cervicapra, a generalist grazer, lives in refugia located with a growing human population. We studied the impacts of humans on habitat use and behavior of blackbuck. We laid 250 × 250 m grid cells in the entire KrCA and carried out indirect sign surveys with three replications for habitat use assessment. We observed herds of blackbuck for 89 h in different habitat types using scan sampling methods. Our habitat‐use survey showed that habitats under intensive human use were hardly used by blackbuck, even when high‐quality forage was available. Habitat openness was the major predictor of habitat use inside the core area, where levels of human activities were low. We also found a positive correlation between habitat use by blackbuck and livestock. Blackbuck were substantially more vigilant when they were in forest than in grassland, again indicating an influence of risk. Overall, blackbuck appear to be sensitive to the risk associated with both natural and anthropogenic factors. Our findings have direct implications for managing human–wildlife interactions in this landscape, specifically regarding strategies for livestock grazing in habitats highly used by blackbuck and concerning predictions of how changing land use will impact the long‐term persistence of blackbuck. Our work suggests that wild herbivores may be able to persist in landscapes with high human densities so long as there are refuges where human activities are relatively low.  相似文献   

The degree to which non-human primate behavior is lateralized, at either individual or population levels, remains controversial. We investigated the relationship between hand preference and posture during tool use in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) during bipedal tool use. We experimentally induced tool use in a supported bipedal posture, an unsupported bipedal posture, and a seated posture. Neither bipedal tool use nor these supported conditions have been previously evaluated in apes. The hypotheses tested were 1) bipedal posture will increase the strength of hand preference, and 2) a bipedal stance, without the use of one hand for support, will elicit a right hand preference. Results supported the first, but not the second hypothesis: bipedalism induced the subjects to become more lateralized, but not in any particular direction. Instead, it appears that subtle pre-existing lateral biases, to either the right or left, were emphasized with increasing postural demands. This result has interesting implications for theories of the evolution of tool use and bipedalism, as the combination of bipedalism and tool use may have helped drive extreme lateralization in modern humans, but cannot alone account for the preponderance of right-handedness.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the factors that determine the distribution ranges of organisms is necessary to understand their evolutionary and ecological significance and contribution to biodiversity. A very effective mean of studying such factors is to compare the distribution characteristics and genetic structures of closely related species with differing habitat preferences. Freshwater aquatic insects are relatively easy to observe and the basis of their corresponding niche differentiation easier to identify. Freshwater habitats are categorized lotic or lentic water according to flow regime. In Japanese Islands, the genus Anisocentropus of the calamoceratid caddisfly, the target group in this study, was morphologically reconfirmed that three species, that is, Anisocentropus kawamurai, A. pallidus, and A. magnificus. Among these, A. kawamurai prefers lotic environments and A. pallidus is adapted to lentic water habitats. The distribution range of these sister species overlaps within the Japanese Islands. We estimated the phylogeny and the evolutionary history of Anisocentropus caddisflies worldwide. We estimated divergence periods by two methods, a single locus with various specimens and multiple loci with reduced numbers of the specimens. As a result, we elucidated the phylogenetic position of Japanese species within the cosmopolitan genus Anisocentropus, and also revealed their dual origin. In addition, we demonstrated that the contrasting genetic structures between the sister species distributed in widely overlapping areas were due to differentiation in their respective adapted environmental preferences. Although, in general, it is known that species adapted to lentic water have greater dispersal potential and so are associated with wider distribution areas by means of examining their comparative genetic structures, we revealed a new pattern of genetic locality existing in the genetic structures of the species adapted to lentic water. We then present evidence that suggests the ecological preferences of a species are an important factor in understanding the evolutionary history of that species.  相似文献   

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