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Existing ethics guidelines, influential literature and policies on ethical research generally focus on real‐time data collection from humans. They enforce individual rights and liberties, thereby lowering need for aggregate protections. Although dependable, emerging public health research paradigms like research using public health data (RUPD) raise new challenges to their application. Unlike traditional research, RUPD is population‐based, aligned to public health activities, and often reliant on pre‐collected longitudinal data. These characteristics, when considered in relation to the generally lower protective ethico‐legal frameworks of the Global South, including Africa, highlight ethical gaps. Health and demographic surveillance systems are examples of public health programs that accommodate RUPD in these contexts. We set out to explore the perspectives of professionals with a working knowledge of these systems to determine practical ways of appropriating the foundational principles of health research to advance the ever growing opportunities in RUPD. We present their perspectives and in relation to the literature and our ethical analysis, make context relevant recommendations. We further argue for the development of a framework founded on the discussions and recommendations as a minimum base for achieving optimal ethics for optimal RUPD in the Global South.  相似文献   

It has been estimated that more than 80% of people in Africa use traditional medicine (TM). With the HIV/AIDS epidemic claiming many lives in Africa, the majority of people affected rely on TM mainly because it is relatively affordable and available to the poor populations who cannot afford orthodox medicine. Whereas orthodox medicine is practiced under stringent regulations and ethical guidelines emanating from The Nuremburg Code, African TM seems to be exempt from such scrutiny. Although recently there have been calls for TM to be incorporated into the health care system, less emphasis has been placed on ethical and regulatory issues. In this paper, an overview of the use of African TM in general, and for HIV/AIDS in particular, is given, followed by a look at: (i) the relative laxity in the application of ethical standards and regulatory requirements with regards to TM; (ii) the importance of research on TM in order to improve and demystify its therapeutic qualities; (iii) the need to tailor-make intellectual property laws to protect traditional knowledge and biodiversity. A framework of partnerships involving traditional healers' associations, scientists, policy makers, patients, community leaders, members of the communities, and funding organizations is suggested as a possible method to tackle these issues. It is hoped that this paper will stimulate objective and constructive debate that could enhance the protection of patients' welfare.  相似文献   

Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV represents a particularly dramatic aspect of the HIV epidemic with an estimated 600,000 newborns infected yearly, 90% of them living in sub-Saharan Africa. Since the beginning of the HIV epidemic, an estimated 5.1 million children worldwide have been infected with HIV. MTCT is responsible for 90% of these infections. Two-thirds of the MTCT are believed to occur during pregnancy and delivery, and about one-third through breastfeeding. As the number of women of child bearing age infected with HIV rises, so does the number of infected children. It is apparent that voluntary testing in Botswana has made some valuable inroads in decreasing perinatal HIV transmission, but the statistics showing the increased rate of HIV infection among women 15-24 years of age are not very promising. After reviewing all the pertinent scientific data it is clear that mandatory HIV testing of all pregnant women in conjunction with the implementation of a full package of interventions would save thousands of lives -- mothers, newborns and others who could be infected as a result of these women not being aware of their HIV status. If the protection and preservation of human life is a priority in Botswana, then it is time to allow for mandatory HIV testing of all pregnant women, before it is too late for those who are the most vulnerable. To do less would be medically inappropriate and ethically irresponsible.  相似文献   

Derrick Aarons 《Bioethics》2019,33(3):343-346
Guideline 20 of the updated International Ethics Guidelines for Health‐related Research Involving Humans (2016) by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) provides guidance on research in disasters and disease outbreaks against the background of the need to generate knowledge quickly, overcome practical impediments to implementing such research, and the need to maintain public trust. The guideline recommends that research ethics committees could pre‐screen study protocols to expedite ethical reviews in a situation of crisis, that pre‐arrangements be made regarding data sharing and biomedical sample sharing, and that sponsors and research ethics committees seek to minimize risk to researchers conducting research during a disaster. This paper critiques these recommendations against the background of the findings of a survey of public health officials and chairs of research ethics committees in the Caribbean during 2016, which sought to determine the best template for the expeditious ethical review of research proposals in emergency and epidemic situations in the Caribbean, and whose findings can serve as a model for other low‐ and middle‐income countries.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze a model for the HIV-infection transmission in a male homosexual population. In the model we consider two types of infected individuals. Those that are infected but do not know their serological status and/or are not under any sort of clinical /therapeutical treatment, and those who are. The two groups of infectives differ in their incubation time, contact rate with susceptible individuals, and probability of disease transmission. The aim of this article is to study the roles played by detection and changes in sexual behavior in the incidence and prevalence of HIV. The analytical results show that there exists a unique endemic equilibrium which is globally asymptotically stable under a range of parameter values whenever a detection /treatment rate and an indirect measure of the level of infection risk are sufficiently large. However, any level of detection/ treatment rate coupled with a decrease of the transmission probability lowers the incidence rate and prevalence level in the population. In general, only significant reductions in the transmission probability (achieved through, for example, the adoption of safe sexual practices) can contain effectively the spread of the disease.  相似文献   

Bridget Pratt  Bebe Loff 《Bioethics》2014,28(8):387-396
How international research might contribute to justice in global health has not been substantively addressed by bioethics. Theories of justice from political philosophy establish obligations for parties from high‐income countries owed to parties from low and middle‐income countries. We have developed a new framework that is based on Jennifer Ruger's health capability paradigm to strengthen the link between international clinical research and justice in global health. The ‘research for health justice’ framework provides direction on three aspects of international clinical research: the research target, research capacity strengthening, and post‐trial benefits. It identifies the obligations of justice owed by national governments, research funders, research sponsors, and investigators to trial participants and host communities. These obligations vary from those currently articulated in international research ethics guidelines. Ethical requirements of a different kind are needed if international clinical research is to advance global health equity.  相似文献   

Objectives: We investigated how often journal articles reporting on human HIV research in four developing world countries mention any institutional review boards (IRBs) or research ethics committees (RECs), and what factors are involved. Methods: We examined all such articles published in 2007 from India, Nigeria, Thailand and Uganda, and coded these for several ethical and other characteristics. Results: Of 221 articles meeting inclusion criteria, 32.1% did not mention IRB approval. Mention of IRB approval was associated with: biomedical (versus psychosocial) research (P = 0.001), more sponsor‐country authors (P = 0.003), sponsor‐country corresponding author (P = 0.047), mention of funding (P < 0.001), particular host‐country involved (P = 0.002), journals having sponsor‐country editors (P < 0.001), and journal stated compliance with International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines (P = 0.003). Logistic regression identified 3 significant factors: mention of funding, journal having sponsor‐country editors and research being biomedical. Conclusions: One‐third of articles still do not mention IRB approval. Mention varied by country, and was associated with biomedical research, and more sponsor country involvement. Recently, some journals have required mention of IRB approval, but allow authors to do so in cover letters to editors, not in the article itself. Instead, these data suggest, journals should require that articles document adherence to ethical standards.  相似文献   

The principle of providing post‐trial access for research participants to successful products of that research is widely accepted and has been enshrined in various declarations and guidelines. While recent ethical guidelines recognise that the responsibility to provide post‐trial access extends to sponsors, regulators and government bodies as well as to researchers, it is the researchers who have the direct duty of care to participants. Researchers may thus need to act as advocates for trial participants, especially where government bodies, sponsors, and regulatory bodies have complex interests vested in decisions about whether or not new interventions are made available, how, and to whom. This paper provides an empirical account of post‐trial access in the context of HIV prevention research. It describes both access to the successful products of research and the provision antiretroviral drugs for trial participants who acquire HIV. First, we provide evidence that, in the current system, there is considerable variation in the duration and timeliness of access. We then argue that by analysing the difficulties faced by researchers to this point, and their efforts to meet this obligation, much can be learned about how to secure post‐trial access in HIV biomedical preventions trials. While researchers alone have a limited obligation, their advocacy on behalf of trial participants may be necessary to call the other parties to account.  相似文献   

This paper examines the ethical issues that arise when healthcare providers act as gatekeepers to research involving vulnerable populations. Traumatised refugees serve as an example of this subset of research participants. Highlighting the particular vulnerabilities of this group, we argue that specific ethical considerations are required that go beyond the conventional research approaches. While gatekeeping responds to some of those vulnerabilities, it risks wronging through unwarranted paternalism. Instead, we will propose that a relational ethics of justice and care serves as a more appropriate framework for responding to the challenges of research involving traumatised refugees. Specifically, such a framework allows us to reflect more deeply on the role of the gatekeeper. In conclusion, we recommend that clinicians and researchers collaborate with survivors’ advisory groups in the development of specific research ethical guidelines.  相似文献   

Seibold SA  Cukier RI 《Proteins》2007,69(3):551-565
HIV proteases can develop resistance to therapeutic drugs by mutating specific residues, but still maintain activity with their natural substrates. To gain insight into why mutations confer such resistance, long ( approximately 70 ns) Molecular Dynamics simulations in explicit solvent were performed on a multiple drug resistant (MDR) mutant (with Asn25 in the crystal structure mutated in silico back to the catalytically active Asp25) and a wild type (WT) protease. HIV proteases are homodimers, with characteristic flap tips whose conformations and dynamics are known to be important influences of ligand binding to the aspartates that form the catalytic center. The WT protease undergoes a transition between 25 and 35 ns that is absent in the MDR protease. The origin of this distinction is investigated using principal component analysis, and is related to differences in motion mainly in the flap region of each monomer. Trajectory analysis suggests that the WT transition arises from a concerted motion of the flap tip distances to their catalytic aspartate residues, and the distance between the two flap tips. These distances form a triangle that in the WT expands the active site from an initial (semi-open) form to an open form, in a correlated manner. In contrast, the MDR protease remains in a more closed configuration, with uncorrelated fluctuations in the distances defining the triangle. This contrasting behavior suggests that the MDR mutant achieves its resistance to drugs by making its active site less accessible to inhibitors. The migration of water to the active site aspartates is monitored. Water molecules move in and out of the active site and individual waters hydrogen bond to both aspartate carboxylate oxygens, with residence times in the ns time regime.  相似文献   

胡勤学  黄鑫  杜涛 《生命科学》2008,20(6):837-842
法国科学家弗朗索瓦丝·巴尔·西诺西和吕克·蒙塔尼因发现艾滋病毒而获得2008年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。本文简述了艾滋病毒的发现及25年来在HIV起源、致病、治疗和预防领域取得的研究进展。  相似文献   

Summary The influence of water binding on the conformational dynamics of the cyclic decapeptide antamanide dissolved in the model lipophilic environment chloroform is investigated by NMR relaxation measurements. The water-peptide complex has a lifetime of 35 s at 250 K, which is longer than typical lifetimes of water-peptide complexes reported in aqueous solution. In addition, there is a rapid intracomplex mobility that probably involves librational motions of the bound water or water molecules hopping between different binding sites. Water binding restricts the flexibility of antamanide. The experimental findings are compared with GROMOS molecular dynamics simulations of antamanide with up to eight bound water molecules. Within the simulation time of 600 ps, no water molecule leaves the complex. Additionally, the simulations show a reduced flexibility for the complex in comparison with uncomplexed antamanide. Thus, there is a qualitative agreement between the experimental NMR results and the computer simulations.  相似文献   

In 2004, the first ever multi‐sited clinical trials studied the prospect of HIV biomedical prevention (referred to as pre‐exposure prophylaxis—‘PrEP’). The trials were implemented at several international sites, but many officially closed down before they completed. At most sites, both scientists and community AIDS advocates raised concerns over the ethics and scientific rationales of the trial. Focusing on the Nigerian trial site, we detail the controversy that emerged among mostly Nigerian research scientists who scrutinized the research design and protocol. While some of the disputes, especially those pertaining to community engagement mechanisms, were ultimately resolved in international fora and implemented in later PrEP trials, concerns over science rationales and assumptions were never addressed. We argue that scientific rationales should be treated as ethical concerns and suggest that such concerns should be deliberated at host sites before the trial protocol is finalized.  相似文献   

This article examines issues relating to ethics decision‐making in clinical trials. The overriding concern is to ensure that the well being and the interests of human subjects are adequately safeguarded. In this respect, this article will embark on a critical analysis of the ICH‐GCP Guideline. The purpose of such an undertaking is to highlight areas of concern and the shortcomings of the existing ICH‐GCP Guideline. Particular emphasis is made on how ethics committees perform their duties and responsibilities in line with the principles outlined in the ICH‐GCP Guideline. This article will draw attention to the need for a new approach to addressing the weaknesses of the ICH‐GCP Guideline in its present form.  相似文献   

Comparison of interaction energy between an oligonucleotide and a DNA-binding ligand in the minor and major groove modes was made by use of restrained molecular dynamics. Distortion in DNA was found for the major groove mode whereas less significant changes for both ligand and DNA were detected for the minor groove binding after molecular dynamics simulation. The conformation of the ligand obtained from the major groove mode resembles that computed with the ligand soaked in water. The van der Waals contact energy was found to be as significant as electrostatic energy and more important for difference in binding energy between these two binding modes. The importance of van der Waals force in groove binding was supported by computations on the complex formed by the repressor peptide fragment from the bacteriophage 434 and its operator oligonucleotide.  相似文献   

In this article we attempt to answer the question of how the ethical and conceptual framework (ECF) for a learning health‐care system (LHS) affects some of the main controversies in research ethics by addressing five key problems of research ethics: (a) What is the difference between practice and research? (b) What is the relationship between research ethics and clinical ethics? (c) What is the ethical relevance of the principle of clinical equipoise? (d) Does participation in research require a higher standard of informed consent than the practice of medicine? and (e) What ethical principle should take precedence in medicine? These questions allow us to construct two opposite idealized positions on the distinction between research and practice: the integration model and the segregation model of research and practice. We then compare the ECF for an LHS with these two idealized positions. We argue that the ECF for a LHS does not, in fact, solve these problems, but that it is a third, separate position in the relationship between research ethics and clinical ethics. Moreover, we suggest that the ECF for a LHS raises new ethical problems that require additional ethical analysis and justification. Our article contributes to the discussion on the relationship between research ethics and clinical ethics, revealing that although a learning health‐care system may significantly change the landscape of health care, some ethical dilemmas still require resolving on both theoretical and policy‐making levels.  相似文献   

Improving how health care providers respond to medical injury requires an understanding of patients’ experiences. Although many injured patients strongly desire to be heard, research rarely involves them. Institutional review boards worry about harming participants by asking them to revisit traumatic events, and hospital staff worry about provoking lawsuits. Institutions’ reluctance to approve this type of research has slowed progress toward responses to injuries that are better able to meet patients’ needs. In 2015–2016, we were able to surmount these challenges and interview 92 injured patients and families in the USA and New Zealand. This article explores whether the ethical and medico‐legal concerns are, in fact, well‐founded. Consistent with research about trauma‐research‐related distress, our participants’ accounts indicate that the pervasive fears about retraumatization are unfounded. Our experience also suggests that because being heard is an important (but often unmet) need for injured patients, talking provides psychological benefits and may decrease rather than increase the impetus to sue. Our article makes recommendations to institutional review boards and researchers. The benefits to responsibly conducted research with injured patients outweigh the risks to participants and institutions.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease is one of the most common dementia among elderly worldwide. There is no therapeutic drugs until now to treat effectively this disease. One main reason is due to the poorly understood mechanism of Aβ peptide aggregation, which plays a crucial role in the development of Alzheimer's disease. It remains challenging to experimentally or theoretically characterize the secondary and tertiary structures of the Aβ monomer because of its high flexibility and aggregation propensity, and its conformations that lead to the aggregation are not fully identified. In this review, we highlight various structural ensembles of Aβ peptide revealed and characterized by computational approaches in order to find converging structures of Aβ monomer. Understanding how Aβ peptide forms transiently stable structures prior to aggregation will contribute to the design of new therapeutic molecules against the Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

The present article reports long timescale (200 ns) simulations of four beta-D-hexopyranoses (beta-D-glucose, beta-D-mannose, beta-D-galactose and beta-D-talose) using explicit-solvent (water) molecular dynamics and vacuum stochastic dynamics simulations together with the GROMOS 45A4 force field. Free-energy and solvation free-energy differences between the four compounds are also calculated using thermodynamic integration. Along with previous experimental findings, the present results suggest that the formation of intramolecular hydrogen-bonds in water is an 'opportunistic' consequence of the close proximity of hydrogen-bonding groups, rather than a major conformational driving force promoting this proximity. In particular, the conformational preferences of the hydroxymethyl group in aqueous environment appear to be dominated by 1,3-syn-diaxial repulsion, with gauche and solvation effects being secondary, and intramolecular hydrogen-bonding essentially negligible. The rotational dynamics of the exocyclic hydroxyl groups, which cannot be probed experimentally, is found to be rapid (10-100 ps timescale) and correlated (flip-flop hydrogen-bonds interconverting preferentially through an asynchronous disrotatory pathway). Structured solvent environments are observed between the ring and lactol oxygen atoms, as well as between the 4-OH and hydroxymethyl groups. The calculated stability differences between the four compounds are dominated by intramolecular effects, while the corresponding differences in solvation free energies are small. An inversion of the stereochemistry at either C(2) or C(4) from equatorial to axial is associated with a raise in free energy. Finally, the particularly low hydrophilicity of beta-D-talose appears to be caused by the formation of a high-occurrence hydrogen-bonded bridge between the 1,3-syn-diaxial 2-OH and 4-OH groups. Overall, good agreement is found with available experimental and theoretical data on the structural, dynamical, solvation and energetic properties of these compounds. However, this detailed comparison also reveals some discrepancies, suggesting the need (and providing a solid basis) for further refinement.  相似文献   

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