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Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) is defined by aggregative adherence (AA) to HEp-2 cells, where bacteria display adherence to cell surfaces and also to the intervening substratum in a stacked-brick configuration. We previously showed that an AraC homologue designated AggR is required for the expression of plasmid-encoded genes that mediate AA of EAEC strain 042. In this study, we hypothesized that AggR also controls the expression of other virulence determinants in EAEC 042. Using proteomic and microarray analysis, we identified for the first time that AggR activates the expression of chromosomal genes, including 25 contiguous genes (aaiA-Y), which are localized to a 117 kb pathogenicity island (PAI) inserted at pheU. Many of these genes have homologues in other Gram-negative bacteria and were recently proposed to constitute a type VI secretion system (T6SS). AaiC was identified as a secreted protein that has no apparent homologues within GenBank. EAEC strains carrying in-frame deletions of aaiB, aaiG, aaiO or aaiP still synthesized AaiC; however, AaiC secretion was abolished. Cloning of aai genes into E. coli HB101 suggested that aaiA-P are sufficient for AaiC secretion. A second T6SS was identified within the pheU PAI that secretes a protein unrelated by sequence identity to AaiC. Distribution studies indicated that aaiA and aaiC are commonly found in EAEC isolates worldwide, particularly in strains defined as typical EAEC. These data support the hypothesis that AggR is a global regulator of EAEC virulence determinants, and builds on the hypothesis that T6SS is an importance mediator of pathogenesis.  相似文献   

AraC Negative Regulators (ANR) suppress virulence genes by directly down‐regulating AraC/XylS members in Gram‐negative bacteria. In this study, we sought to investigate the distribution and molecular mechanisms of regulatory function for ANRs among different bacterial pathogens. We identified more than 200 ANRs distributed in diverse clinically important gram negative pathogens, including Vibrio spp., Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Yersinia spp., Citrobacter spp., enterotoxigenic (ETEC) and enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC), and members of the Pasteurellaceae. By employing a bacterial two hybrid system, pull down assays and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis, we demonstrate that Aar (AggR‐activated regulator), a prototype member of the ANR family in EAEC, binds with high affinity to the central linker domain of AraC‐like member AggR. ANR‐AggR binding disrupted AggR dimerization and prevented AggR‐DNA binding. ANR homologs of Vibrio cholerae, Citrobacter rodentium, Salmonella enterica and ETEC were capable of complementing Aar activity by repressing aggR expression in EAEC strain 042. ANR homologs of ETEC and Vibrio cholerae bound to AggR as well as to other members of the AraC family, including Rns and ToxT. The predicted proteins of all ANR members exhibit three highly conserved predicted α‐helices. Site‐directed mutagenesis studies suggest that at least predicted α‐helices 2 and 3 are required for Aar activity. In sum, our data strongly suggest that members of the novel ANR family act by directly binding to their cognate AraC partners.  相似文献   

The pathogenic mechanisms of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) are not well defined. We investigated the interaction of EAEC strain 236 (serotype O111:H12) with polarised Caco-2 and T84 human intestinal epithelial cells lines, and with human jejunal and colonic mucosa. Strain 236 adhered to both polarised cell lines and to both intestinal tissue types, but caused severe damage and was invasive only in T84 cells and colonic mucosa. In contrast, prototype EAEC strain 042, which also adhered to the cultured intestinal cell lines, did not adhere to or invade jejunal or colonic tissue. These observations suggest a heterogeneity of virulence properties within the EAEC category of diarrhoea-causing E. coli.  相似文献   

Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) is emerging as a significant diarrheal pathogen in multiple population groups. Although most commonly associated with pediatric diarrhea in developing countries, EAEC is also linked to diarrhea in adults including HIV-positive patients and travelers and has been a cause of food-borne outbreaks in the industrialized world. Current data suggest that one set of virulence elements is not associated with all EAEC strains, but that combinations of multiple factors prevail. Pathogenesis is believed to be initiated with adherence to the terminal ileum and colon in an aggregative, stacked-brick-type pattern by means of one of several different hydrophobic aggregative adherence fimbriae. Some strains of EAEC may then elaborate cytotoxins including the plasmid-encoded toxin and the enterotoxins, EAST1 and ShET1. An AraC homolog termed AggR regulates several genes contributing to fimbrial biogenesis in 'typical EAEC strains'. AggR has now also been shown to regulate genes on a chromosomal island. Sequencing of the EAEC type strain 042 completed at the Sanger Center has revealed two other chromosomal islands that are being explored for their pathogenetic potential. This article reviews these virulence elements and presents on-going areas of research in EAEC pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) induces release of pro-inflammatory markers and disruption of intestinal epithelial barriers in vitro, suggesting an inflammatory aspect to EAEC infection. However, the mechanisms underlying EAEC-induced mucosal inflammatory responses and the extent to which these events contribute to pathogenesis is not well characterized. Employing an established in vitro model we demonstrated that EAEC prototype strain 042 induces migration of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) across polarized T84 cell monolayers. This event was mediated through a conserved host cell signalling cascade involving the 12/15-LOX pathway and led to apical secretion of an arachidonic acid-derived lipid PMN chemoattractant, guiding PMNs across the epithelia to the site of infection. Moreover, supporting the hypothesis that inflammatory responses may contribute to EAEC pathogenesis, we found that PMN transepithelial migration promoted enhanced attachment of EAEC 042 to T84 cells. These findings suggest that EAEC-induced PMN infiltration may favour colonization and thus pathogenesis of EAEC.  相似文献   

Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) is an important cause of endemic and epidemic diarrheal disease worldwide. Although not classically considered an inflammatory pathogen in the style of Shigella and Salmonella species, clinical data from patients suggests that inflammatory responses may play an important role during EAEC disease. However, the specific role of inflammation during EAEC pathogenesis has not been investigated in detail. To better understand how EAEC may induce inflammation, we have focused our attention on the intimate interactions between EAEC and the host epithelium and the subsequent induction of host cell signaling events leading to innate immune responses. Here, we discuss our recent findings on the signaling pathway by which EAEC promotes transepithelial migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs), the role of aggregative adherence fimbriae in triggering this event and the implementation of human intestinal xenografts in immunodeficient mice for studying EAEC pathogenesis in vivo. Our findings suggest that EAEC shares conserved mechanisms of inducing PMN recruitment with other intestinal pathogens, providing new insight into the potential pathological consequences of EAEC-induced inflammation.  相似文献   

The interaction of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) strains with the colonic gut mucosa is characterized by the ability of the bacteria to form robust biofilms, to bind mucin, and induce a local inflammatory response. These events are mediated by a repertoire of five different aggregative adherence fimbriae variants (AAF/I-V) typically encoded on virulence plasmids. In this study, we report the production in EAEC strains of a new Y ehD f imbriae (YDF), which is encoded by the chromosomal gene cluster yehABCD, also present in most E. coli strains. Immuno-labelling of EAEC strain 042 with anti-AAF/II and anti-YDF antibodies demonstrated the presence of both AAF/II and YDF on the bacterial surface. We investigated the role of YDF in cell adherence, biofilm formation, colonization of spinach leaves, and induction of pro-inflammatory cytokines release. To this aim, we constructed yehD deletion mutants in different EAEC backgrounds (strains 17-2, 042, 55989, C1010, 278-1, J7) each harbouring one of the five AAFs. The effect of the YDF mutation was strain dependent and AAF independent as the lack of YDF had a different impact on the phenotypes manifested by the different EAECs tested. Expression of the yehABCD operon in a E. coli K12 ORN172 showed that YDF is important for biofilm formation but not for adherence to HeLa cells. Lastly, screening of pro-inflammatory cytokines in supernatants of Caco-2 cells infected with EAEC strains 042 and J7 and their isogenic ΔyehD mutants showed that these mutants were significantly defective in release of IL-8 and TNF-α. This study contributes to the understanding of the complex and diverse mechanisms of adherence of EAEC strains and identifies a new potential target for preventive measures of gastrointestinal illness caused by EAEC and other E. coli pathogroups.  相似文献   

Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) is an important cause of endemic and epidemic diarrheal disease worldwide. Although not classically considered an inflammatory pathogen in the style of Shigella and Salmonella species, clinical data from patients suggests that inflammatory responses may play an important role during EAEC disease. However, the specific role of inflammation during EAEC pathogenesis has not been investigated in detail. To better understand how EAEC may induce inflammation, we have focused our attention on the intimate interactions between EAEC and the host epithelium and the subsequent induction of host cell signaling events leading to innate immune responses. Here, we discuss our recent findings on the signaling pathway by which EAEC promotes transepithelial migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs), the role of aggregative adherence fimbriae in triggering this event and the implementation of human intestinal xenografts in immunodeficient mice for studying EAEC pathogenesis in vivo. Our findings suggest that EAEC shares conserved mechanisms of inducing PMN recruitment with other intestinal pathogens, providing new insight into the potential pathological consequences of EAEC-induced inflammation.  相似文献   

EAEC is increasingly recognized as an emerging enteric pathogen. Typical EAEC expressing the AggR regulon have been proven to be an important cause of childhood diarrhea in industrialized countries as well as in the developing world, while atypical EAEC without this regulon have not been thoroughly investigated. To investigate the bacteriological characteristics of EAEC, including both typical and atypical strains in Kagoshima, Japan, 2417 E. coli strains from Japanese children with diarrhea were screened by a quantitative biofilm assay to detect possible EAEC strains, resulting in the identification of 102 (4.2%) of these strains by the HEp‐2 cell adherence test. Virulence gene patterns, PFGE analysis and O‐serogrouping demonstrated the heterogeneity of the EAEC. The EAEC strains were classified into two groups: typical EAEC with aggR (74.5%, 76/102) and atypical EAEC without aggR (25.5%, 26/102). There was no significant difference between the typical EAEC strains (median OD570= 0.73) and the atypical strains (median OD570= 0.61) in biofilm formation (P= 0.17). Incidences of resistance against ampicillin, cefotaxime and tetracycline were significantly higher in the typical EAEC strains than the atypical EAEC strains (84.2% vs. 53.8%, 36.8% vs. 7.7% and 93.4% vs. 73.1%, respectively, P < 0.05). The typical EAEC strains showed significantly higher resistance ratios against HCl and lactate than the atypical strains (94.7% vs. 61.5% and 92.1% vs. 57.7%, respectively, P < 0.001). To investigate the pathogenicity of not only typical but also atypical EAEC, further bacteriological and epidemiologic studies including atypical EAEC are needed.  相似文献   

Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) is increasingly recognized as a diarrhoeal pathogen in developing and industrialized countries. Most EAEC virulence factors thus far described are encoded on virulence plasmid pAA, yet recent completion of the EAEC genome has suggested the presence of additional factors encoded on chromosomal islands. Previous reports have recognized the presence of a type III secretion system (T3SS), designated ETT2, at the glyU locus of prototype EAEC strain 042, along with possible T3SS effectors at the selC locus. The selC locus was also noted to harbour homologues of Salmonella enterica regulator HilA and of invasin from Yersinia spp., yet previous publications suggested that these loci may be silent. Here, we show that the genes of the selC locus are present inconsistently among a collection of well-characterized EAEC strains. Notably, however, there was perfect correlation between the presence of hilA-homologue eilA and predicted Yersinia invasin homologue gene eaeX. We hypothesized that if expressed, the putative gene product EilA would contribute to EAEC virulence in part by activation of the T3SS and its effectors. An eilA mutant was constructed in EAEC strain 042, and complementation was achieved by cloning the eilA gene under control of an arabinose-dependent promoter. In this system, we observed expression of at least seven genes to be affected by expression of eilA, either directly or indirectly: selC locus genes eipB, eipC, eipD, eicA and eaeX (renamed here air), as well as glyU ETT2 genes eivF and eivA. Notably, the eilA mutant was shown to be less adherent to epithelial cells in culture and to form less abundant biofilms than the isogenic parent. These effects were recapitulated in the air mutant, suggesting that the predicted outer membrane protein product of the air gene is involved as an accessory adhesin and aggregin of EAEC, coexpressed with the T3SS. Our data suggest that the T3SS of EAEC and presumed effectors located on different chromosomal islands may be coordinately activated by EilA, which also activates the genetically linked high molecular weight bacterial surface protein Air. Contributions of this new putative virulence-related regulon in EAEC may include adherence, aggregation, and as yet uncharacterized roles for the T3SS.  相似文献   

Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) is an important cause of acute and persistent diarrhea. The defining stacked brick adherence pattern of Peruvian EAEC isolate 042 has previously been attributed to aggregative adherence fimbriae II (AAF/II), which confer aggregative adherence on laboratory E. coli strains. EAEC strains also show exceptional autoaggregation and biofilm formation, other phenotypes that have hitherto been ascribed to AAF/II. We report that EAEC 042 carries the heat-resistant agglutinin (hra1) gene, also known as hek, which encodes an outer membrane protein. Like AAF/II, the cloned EAEC 042 hra1 gene product is sufficient to confer autoaggregation, biofilm formation, and aggregative adherence on nonadherent and nonpathogenic laboratory E. coli strains. However, an 042 hra1 deletion mutant is not deficient in these phenotypes compared to the wild type. EAEC strain 042 produces a classic honeycomb or stacked brick pattern of adherence to epithelial cells. Unlike wild-type 042, the hra1 mutant typically does not form a tidy stacked brick pattern on HEp-2 cells in culture, which is definitive for EAEC. Moreover, the hra1 mutant is significantly impaired in the Caenorhabditis elegans slow kill colonization model. Our data suggest that the exceptional colonization of strain 042 is due to multiple factors and that Hra1 is an accessory EAEC colonization factor.Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) was originally identified as the etiologic agent of persistent diarrhea in developing countries but is gaining increasing prominence for its role in a wider spectrum of diarrheal syndromes. EAEC strains have been implicated in acute as well as persistent diarrhea among adults and children (reviewed in references 25 and 40). A recent meta-analysis found that EAEC is significantly associated with disease in every group at high risk for diarrhea, including young children, human immunodeficiency virus-positive individuals, and visitors to developing countries (24). In addition to its association with disease in epidemiological studies in developing countries, EAEC has also been identified as a principal cause of diarrheal disease in Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States (11, 26, 51).Aggregative adherence is the defining characteristic of EAEC (38). EAEC strains adhere to the intestinal epithelium, and to epithelial cells in culture, in a characteristic two-dimensional “stacked brick” fashion. The pattern features bacteria adhering to the eukaryotic surface, other bacteria, and the solid substratum. Four types of fimbriae have so far been documented as conferring aggregative adherence (4, 14, 17, 37). Two noncontiguous plasmid loci containing the complete complement of genes encoding aggregative adherence fimbriae I (AAF/I) or AAF/II are sufficient to confer aggregative adherence on nonadherent E. coli (14, 49). The plasmid bearing type IV pili found in Serbian EAEC outbreak strain C1096 are also sufficient to confer a weak aggregative adherence phenotype on E. coli K-12 (17). AAF additionally play an essential role in production of a superfluous EAEC-associated biofilm, which could account for the association of these strains with persistent diarrhea in epidemiological studies (46).Some categories of diarrheagenic pathogens have a conserved set of adhesins which allow them to overcome flushing across the intestinal epithelium. Typical enteropathogenic E. coli isolates, for example, all possess bundle-forming pili and the outer membrane adhesin intimin, whereas atypical enteropathogenic E. coli isolates possess intimin but not bundle-forming pili (reviewed in reference 10). EAEC strains, by contrast, are considerably heterogeneous. While many EAEC strains carry genes encoding one of the known aggregative adherence fimbriae, some EAEC do not harbor any known AAF even though they do demonstrate aggregative adherence (4, 7, 13, 14). This, and the presence of multiple adhesins in most mucosal colonizers (53), points to the likelihood of other EAEC adhesins. Imuta et al. recently implicated a TolC secreted factor in adherence (27), and Montiero-Neto et al. (33) described a 58-kDa nonstructural adhesin in O111:H12 EAEC. However, the former factor is only a contributor to aggregative adherence and the latter adhesin is not found in other EAEC. Overall, nonstructural EAEC adhesins have received little attention.The outer membrane protein Tia was originally characterized as an invasin and later shown to confer adhesive properties on enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) (20, 21). Fleckenstein et al. (21) observed that a tia gene probe hybridized to DNA from non-ETEC strains, one of which was EAEC strain 042. As the Southern blot data published by Fleckenstein et al. showed bands of different intensities, as well as size, between ETEC strain H10407, which carries tia, and EAEC strain 042, we hypothesized that the probe was recognizing a similar, rather than identical, gene (21).We have determined that EAEC strain 042 harbors a gene encoding the heat-resistant agglutinin 1 (hra1), a hemagglutinin originally reported from an O9:H10:K99 porcine ETEC strain. Hra1 has also been reported from uropathogenic E. coli strains and neonatal meningitis E. coli strain RS218, in which context it is otherwise known as Hek (19, 48). (The hek nomenclature was introduced after hra1, to delineate the form of the gene found in invasive human pathogens from that of a porcine isolate [19].) A role for the outer membrane protein Hra1/Hek in adherence by neonatal meningitis E. coli has recently been defined (19).Although hra1/hek has been reported from multiple pathogens, its role in colonization and virulence has only been conclusively studied in the neonatal meningitis E. coli strain RS218 (19). In this paper, we demonstrate that the EAEC hra1 gene is sufficient to confer colonization-associated phenotypes, including aggregative adherence and biofilm formation, on laboratory E. coli strains. Intriguingly, we find that although it confers these phenotypes on K-12 and is expressed in 042, hra1 is not required for in vitro colonization-associated phenotypes demonstrated by 042. The hra1 gene is, however, essential for the formation of a true stacked brick pattern in EAEC and for optimal in vivo colonization in a Caenorhabditis elegans model.  相似文献   

Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) causes life‐threatening infections in humans as a consequence of the production of Shiga‐like toxins. Lack of a good animal model system currently hinders in vivo study of EHEC virulence by systematic genetic methods. Here we applied the genetically tractable animal, Caenorhabditis elegans, as a surrogate host to study the virulence of EHEC as well as the host immunity to this human pathogen. Our results show that E. coli O157:H7, a serotype of EHEC, infects and kills C. elegans. Bacterial colonization and induction of the characteristic attaching and effacing (A/E) lesions in the intact intestinal epithelium of C. elegans by E. coli O157:H7 were concomitantly demonstrated in vivo. Genetic analysis indicated that the Shiga‐like toxin 1 (Stx1) of E. coli O157:H7 is a virulence factor in C. elegans and is required for full toxicity. Moreover, the C. elegans p38 mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway, anevolutionarily conserved innate immune and stress response signalling pathway, is activated in the regulation of host susceptibility to EHEC infection in a Stx1‐dependent manner. Our results validate the EHEC–C. elegans interaction as suitable for future comprehensive genetic screens for both novel bacterial and host factors involved in the pathogenesis of EHEC infection.  相似文献   

Type VI secretion systems (T6SS) are multi‐component machines encoded within the genomes of most Gram‐negative bacteria that associate with plant, animal and/or human cells, and therefore are considered as potential virulence factors. We recently launched a study on the Sci‐1 T6SS of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC). The Sci‐1 T6SS is composed of all or a subset of the 21 gene products encoded within the cluster, 13 of which are shared by all T6SS identified so far. In the present work, we focussed our attention on the SciZ protein. We first showed that SciZ is required for the release of the Hcp protein in the culture supernatant and for efficient biofilm formation, demonstrating that SciZ is necessary for EAEC T6SS function. Indeed, SciZ forms a complex with SciP, SciS and SciN, three core components of the transport apparatus. Fractionation and topology studies showed that SciZ is a polytopic inner membrane protein with three trans‐membrane segments. Computer analyses identified a motif shared by peptidoglycan binding proteins of the OmpA family in the SciZ periplasmic domain. Using in vivo and in vitro binding assays, we showed that this motif anchors the SciZ protein to the cell wall and is required for T6SS function.  相似文献   

Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) is a major foodborne pathogen and tightly adheres to human colonic epithelium by forming attaching/effacing lesions. To reach the epithelial surface, EHEC must penetrate the thick mucus layer protecting the colonic epithelium. In this study, we investigated how EHEC interacts with the intestinal mucus layer using mucin‐producing LS174T colon carcinoma cells and human colonic mucosal biopsies. The level of EHEC binding and attaching/effacing lesion formation in LS174T cells was higher compared to mucin‐deficient colon carcinoma cell lines, and initial adherence was independent of the presence of flagellin, Escherichia coli common pilus, or long polar fimbriae. Although EHEC infection did not affect gene expression of secreted mucins, it resulted in reduced MUC2 glycoprotein levels. This effect was dependent on the catalytic activity of the secreted metalloprotease StcE, which reduced the inner mucus layer and thereby promoted EHEC access and binding to the epithelium in vitro and ex vivo. Given the lack of efficient therapies against EHEC infection, StcE may represent a suitable target for future treatment and prevention strategies.  相似文献   

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