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Brose U 《Oecologia》2003,135(3):407-413
Two hypotheses of bottom-up control that predict that the species richness of Carabidae will depend either on the taxonomic diversity of plants ("taxonomic diversity hypothesis") or on the structural heterogeneity of the vegetation ("structural heterogeneity hypothesis") were tested. Plant species were classified into nine plant structural groups through cluster analysis of morphological traits (e.g. total height) at 30 early successional temporary wetlands in the east-German agricultural landscape. In a linear regression analysis, the heterogeneity of vegetation structures explained 55% of the variation in carabid beetle diversity. According to a partial correlation analysis, plant taxonomic diversity did not have a significant effect, consistent with the "structural heterogeneity hypothesis," and contradicting previous studies which concluded that plant taxonomic diversity would be the most important factor in early successional habitats. An experimental study was used to test hypotheses on the processes underlying this bottom-up control by vegetation structure: the "hunting efficiency hypothesis," the "enemy-free space hypothesis," and the "microhabitat specialization hypothesis." The composition of plant structural groups in 15 vegetation plots (1 m(2)) was manipulated, creating a gradient from dense vegetation to open plots. Subsequent pitfall catches revealed significant differences in the activity-abundances of the carabid species. Large species preferred dense vegetation plots, consistent with the enemy-free space hypothesis that large species are more vulnerable to predation on the open plots and prefer dense vegetation to escape from natural enemies. The results indicate that bottom-up control is not mediated only by plant taxonomic or functional group diversity and that vegetation structures may be more important than previously suggested.  相似文献   

Forest fragmentation is considered by many to be a primary cause of the current biodiversity crisis. The underlying mechanisms are poorly known, but a potentially important one is associated with altered thermal conditions within the remaining forest patches, especially at forest edges. Yet, large uncertainty remains about the effect of fragmentation on forest temperature, as it is unclear whether temperature decreases from forest edge to forest interior, and whether this local gradient scales up to an effect of fragmentation (landscape attribute) on temperature. We calculated the effect size (correlation coefficient) of distance from forest edge on air temperature, and tested for differences among forest types surrounded by different matrices using meta-analysis techniques. We found a negative edge-interior temperature gradient, but correlation coefficients were highly variable, and significant only for temperate and tropical forests surrounded by a highly contrasting open matrix. Nevertheless, it is unclear if these local-scale changes in temperature can be scaled up to an effect of fragmentation on temperature. Although it may be valid when considering “fragmentation” as forest loss only, the landscape-scale inference is not so clear when we consider the second aspect of fragmentation, where a given amount of forest is divided into a large number of small patches (fragmentation per se). Therefore, care is needed when assuming that fragmentation changes forest temperature, as thermal changes at forest edges depend on forest type and matrix composition, and it is still uncertain if this local gradient can be scaled up to the landscape.  相似文献   

Lianas are important components of forest communities with a considerable impact on overall forest structure and function. Lianas are characterized by extensive clonal reproduction on the forest floor, which is important for their establishment and growth. Previous studies have suggested that clonal reproduction strategies vary substantially among liana species; however, few studies have quantitatively evaluated the clonality strategy in multiple co-occurring liana species. The primary objective of the present study was to evaluate the relative contribution of clonal reproduction and to understand the clonal proliferation processes in co-occurring liana species by assessing both small stems on the forest floor and mature stems that climbed trees. The clonal reproduction strategy in four common liana species (stem twiner: Wisteria floribunda; root climbers: Schizophragma hydrangeoides, Euonymus fortunei and Rhus ambigua) in a 6-ha plot and a belt transect within an old-growth temperate forest in central Japan was evaluated using genetic analysis. The contribution of clonal reproduction was smaller in root climbers than in W. floribunda. All W. floribunda genets with small ramets in the understory had genetically identical ramets that climbed trees, whereas few such ramets were found in root climbers. This indicates that W. floribunda mature ramets laterally produce small ramets via clonal proliferation, whereas seedlings of root climbers grow horizontally to climb trees. The results indicate that the clonal reproduction processes differ greatly among lianas and the clonal growth in lianas plays a contrasting role in their life-history strategy.  相似文献   

Agricultural practices lead to losses of natural resources and biodiversity. Maintaining forests alongside streams (riparian forest strips) has been used as a mechanism to minimize the impact of clearing for agriculture on biodiversity. To test the contribution of riparian forest strips to conserve biodiversity in production landscapes, we selected bats as a biodiversity model system and examined two dimensions of diversity: taxonomic and functional. We compared bat diversity and composition in forest, with and without stream habitat, and in narrow forest riparian strips surrounded by areas cleared for agriculture. We tested the hypothesis that riparian forest strips provide potential conservation value by providing habitat and serving as movement corridors for forest bat species. Riparian forest strips maintained 75% of the bat species registered in forested habitats. We found assemblage in sites with riparian forest strips were dominated by a few species with high abundance and included several species with low abundance. Bat species assemblage was more similar between sites with streams than between those sites to forests without stream habitat. These results highlight the importance of stream habitat in predicting presence of bat species. We registered similar number of guilds between forest sites and riparian forest strips sites. Relative to matrix habitats, stream and edge habitats in riparian forest strips sites were functionally more diverse, supporting our hypothesis about the potential conservation value of riparian forest strips. Results from this study suggest that maintaining riparian forest strips within cleared areas for agricultural areas helps conserve the taxonomic and functional diversity of bats. Also, it provides basic data to evaluate the efficacy of maintaining these landscape features for mitigating impacts of agricultural development on biodiversity. However, we caution that riparian forest strips alone are not sufficient for biodiversity maintenance; their value depends on maintenance of larger forest areas in their vicinity.  相似文献   

The community structure of testate amoebae inhabiting different microhabitats (soil and tree-moss) within a tropical forest biome in Nameri National Park, northeastern India, was investigated. A total of 33 testate amoebae species belonging to 13 genera were identified. Species belonging to the class Lobosea constituted 73% of total testate amoebae density in the soil habitat, whereas the class Filosea constituted the most dominant forms (58%) in the moist tree-moss habitat. The relative abundance of species was higher in the tree-moss habitat compared to the soil habitats of the forest. Although multivariate analysis suggested a significant difference in assemblage patterns between the habitats, the turnover in species (i.e., beta diversity) was insignificant. Species accumulation curves (SAC) constructed using both parametric and non-parametric species richness estimators revealed that the asymptote of species richness was achieved by a low number of sample replicates in both habitats. The temperature and pH of the substratum on testate amoebae distribution patterns suggest the importance of additional background factors on testate amoebae community structure. Further studies involving more biotopes, seasons, and trophic interactions are recommended to document a complete record of testate amoebae diversity and their interactions with environmental gradients in the tropical forest biomes of northeastern India.  相似文献   

Due to anthropogenic activities, tropical rain forests face many challenges in sustaining biodiversity and maintaining global climates. This study explores how forest successional stage, tree composition, and stratum affect communities of saproxylic cerambycid beetles—concealed feeders that play important roles in forest nutrient cycling. Forty trees in five families (Fabaceae, Lecythidaceae, Malvaceae, Moraceae, and Sapotaceae) were sampled in a mosaic of old‐growth and secondary forest on the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica. Bait branches yielded 3549 cerambycid individuals in 49 species. Species richness was almost identical in old‐growth and secondary forest, and both yielded specialists, but abundance was higher in old‐growth forest. Overall community structure was most strongly influenced by host plant species; within most plant families it was also impacted by forest successional status. Moraceae was the exception, presumably because the focal tree species was abundant in both old‐growth and secondary forest. Several host and old‐growth specialist species reached high densities within patches of old‐growth forest, but seldom colonized apparently suitable trees within secondary forest. This suggests that even small areas of old‐growth forest can act as refuges, but that secondary forest may act as a barrier to dispersal. The vulnerability of specialized saproxylic insects to land use change will be linked to the ability of their preferred hosts to disperse to and persist in successional habitats; rearing studies may provide the most accurate method to monitor community changes over time.  相似文献   

Animal pollination is a vital ecosystem service, and wild bees are essential providers of this service for both crops and wild flowering plants. The early successional stage of a plantation, which can be dominated by grasses and herbaceous plant species, can provide a habitat for various species of wild bees. We sampled bees from 13 early successional plantation patches of different sizes, ranging from 1.3 to 10 ha. We then applied a hierarchical community model to infer species richness/abundance–area relationships. The results showed that estimates of population densities of individual species were unchanged with respect to area, suggesting that smaller patches can have the same value per area as larger patches. Estimated species richness increased rapidly for the small range of patch sizes examined. Total abundance was found to linearly increase with area. The inclusion of random site effects into the model resulted in significant density variations among patches; therefore, patch area was not the only determining factor of species abundance. These outcomes in relation to management operations for forests and plantations suggest that small patches of early successional forest contribute to conserve and restore wild bee diversity.  相似文献   

Beta diversity can provide insights into the processes that regulate communities subjected to frequent disturbances, such as flood pulses, which control biodiversity in floodplains. However, little is known about which processes structure beta diversity of amphibians in floodplains. Here, we tested the influence of flood pulses on the richness, composition, and beta diversity of amphibians in Amazonian floodplain environments. We also evaluated indicator species for each environment. We established linear transects in three environments: low várzea, high várzea, and macrophyte rafts. Species richness decreased and beta diversity increased according to the susceptibility of habitats to flood pulses. Indicator species differed among environments according to forest succession promoted by the flood pulse. The decrease in species richness between high and low várzea is due to non‐random extinctions. The higher rates of species turnover between várzeas and macrophyte rafts are driven by the colonization of species adapted to open areas. Our results highlight that the maintenance of complex environments is needed to protect biodiversity in floodplains.  相似文献   

Landscape and Ecological Engineering - One of the most effective means of evaluating the effects of habitat loss and landscape configuration is to assess the response of bioindicators. The present...  相似文献   

Plant–pollinator interactions are critical to ecosystems. However, when artificial nectar feeders are available in an area, they could draw pollinators away from plants. We tested the effects of artificial nectar feeders in an Ecuadorian cloud forest on four aspects of bat–plant interactions: (1) bat relative abundance; (2) bat pollen loads; (3) flower visitation rates, and (4) breeding success of a bat‐pollinated species (Burmeistera glabrata). We divided the study site into areas close to (~30 m) and far from (~500 m) three different feeder sites. At each distance, we captured nectar bats (Anoura caudifer, Anoura cultrata, and Lonchophylla robusta) to estimate their relative abundance and to collect pollen from fur and fecal samples. We also videotaped flowers to estimate bat visitation rates and recorded different breeding success variables of B. glabrata. We found that areas close to feeders have higher relative bat abundance by a factor of 40. In spite of this, the presence of feeders did not affect bat pollen loads, nor the flower visitation rates and breeding success of B. glabrata. Interestingly, there were differences in pollen loads between the three bat species, in that L. robusta individuals rarely carried pollen and were only captured near feeders.  相似文献   

Restoring small-scale habitat heterogeneity in highly diverse systems, like tropical forests, is a conservation challenge and offers an excellent opportunity to test factors affecting community assembly. We investigated whether (1) the applied nucleation restoration strategy (planting tree islands) resulted in higher habitat heterogeneity than more homogeneous forest restoration approaches, (2) increased heterogeneity resulted in more diverse tree recruitment, and (3) the mean or coefficient of variation of habitat variables best explained tree recruitment. We measured soil nutrients, overstory and understory vegetation structure, and tree recruitment at six sites with three 5- to 7-year-old restoration treatments: control (no planting), planted tree islands, and conventional, mixed-species tree plantations. Canopy openness and soil base saturation were more variable in island treatments than in controls and plantations, whereas most soil nutrients had similar coefficients of variation across treatments, and bare ground was more variable in control plots. Seedling and sapling species density were equivalent in plantations and islands, and were substantially higher than in controls. Species spatial turnover, diversity, and richness were similar in island and plantation treatments. Mean canopy openness, rather than heterogeneity, explained the largest proportion of variance in species density. Our results show that, whereas canopy openness and soil base saturation are more heterogeneous with the applied nucleation restoration strategy, this pattern does not translate into greater tree diversity. The lack of a heterogeneity–diversity relationship is likely due to the fact that recruits respond more strongly to mean resource gradients than variability at this early stage in succession, and that seed dispersal limitation likely reduces the available species pool. Results show that planting tree islands facilitates tree recruitment to a similar degree as intensive plantation-style restoration strategies.  相似文献   

A humped-back relationship between species richness and community biomass has frequently been observed in plant communities, at both local and regional scales, although often improperly called a productivity-diversity relationship. Explanations for this relationship have emphasized the role of competitive exclusion, probably because at the time when the relationship was first examined, competition was considered to be the significant biotic filter structuring plant communities. However, over the last 15 years there has been a renewed interest in facilitation and this research has shown a clear link between the role of facilitation in structuring communities and both community biomass and the severity of the environment. Although facilitation may enlarge the realized niche of species and increase community richness in stressful environments, there has only been one previous attempt to revisit the humped-back model of species richness and to include facilitative processes. However, to date, no model has explored whether biotic interactions can potentially shape both sides of the humped-back model for species richness commonly detected in plant communities. Here, we propose a revision of Grime's original model that incorporates a new understanding of the role of facilitative interactions in plant communities. In this revised model, facilitation promotes diversity at medium to high environmental severity levels, by expanding the realized niche of stress-intolerant competitive species into harsh physical conditions. However, when environmental conditions become extremely severe the positive effects of the benefactors wane (as supported by recent research on facilitative interactions in extremely severe environments) and diversity is reduced. Conversely, with decreasing stress along the biomass gradient, facilitation decreases because stress-intolerant species become able to exist away from the canopy of the stress-tolerant species (as proposed by facilitation theory). At the same time competition increases for stress-tolerant species, reducing diversity in the most benign conditions (as proposed by models of competition theory). In this way our inclusion of facilitation into the classic model of plant species diversity and community biomass generates a more powerful and richer predictive framework for understanding the role of plant interactions in changing diversity. We then use our revised model to explain both the observed discrepancies between natural patterns of species richness and community biomass and the results of experimental studies of the impact of biodiversity on the productivity of herbaceous communities. It is clear that explicit consideration of concurrent changes in stress-tolerant and competitive species enhances our capacity to explain and interpret patterns in plant community diversity with respect to environmental severity.  相似文献   

Do changes in rainfall patterns affect semiarid annual plant communities?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Question: Climate change models forecast a reduction in annual precipitation and more extreme events (less rainy days and longer drought periods between rainfall events), which may have profound effects on terrestrial ecosystems. Plant growth, population and community dynamics in dry environments are likely to be affected by these changes since productivity is already limited by water availability. We tested the effects of reduced precipitation and fewer rain events on three semiarid plant communities dominated by annual species. Location: Three semiarid plant communities from Almería province (SE Spain). Methods: Rain‐out shelters were set up in each community and watering quantity and frequency were manipulated from autumn to early summer. Plant productivity, cover and diversity were measured at the end of the experimental period. Results: We found that a 50% reduction in watering reduced productivity, plant cover and diversity in all three communities. However, neither the 25% reduction in watering nor changes in the frequency of watering events affected these parameters. Conclusions: The lack of response to small reductions in water could be due to the identity and resistance of the plant communities involved, which are adapted to rainfall variability characteristic of arid environments. Therefore, a rainfall reduction of 25% or less may not affect these plant communities in the short term, although higher reductions or long‐term changes in water availability would probably reduce productivity and diversity in these communities.  相似文献   

Biotic homogenization, the decrease in beta diversity among formerly distinct species assemblages, has been recognized as an important form of biotic impoverishment for more than a decade. Although researchers have stressed the importance of the functional dimension to understand its potential ecological consequences, biotic homogenization has mostly been studied at a taxonomic level. Here, we explore the relationship between taxonomic and functional homogenization using data on temperate forest herb layer communities in NW Germany, for which taxonomic homogenization has recently been demonstrated. We quantified beta diversity by partitioning Rao’s quadratic entropy. We found a general positive relationship between changes in taxonomic and functional beta diversity. This relationship was stronger if multiple functional traits were taken into account. Averaged across sites, however, taxonomic homogenization was not consistently accompanied by functional homogenization. Depending on the traits considered, taxonomic homogenization occurred also together with functional differentiation or no change in functional beta diversity. The species shifts responsible for changes in beta diversity differed substantially between taxonomic and functional beta diversity measures and also among functional beta diversity measures based on different traits. We discuss likely environmental drivers for species shifts. Our study demonstrates that functional homogenization must be explicitly studied as an independent phenomenon that cannot be inferred from taxonomic homogenization.  相似文献   

Adams  Jonathan M.  Zhang  Yangjian  Basri  Md.  Shukor  Noraini 《Ecological Research》2009,24(6):1381-1392
It is generally believed that tropical forests suffer more herbivory, as a proportion of leaf area, than do temperate forests. Reviews so far have compared studies performed by different authors using very different methodologies. Here we carried out studies on 125 samples at 86 localities in eastern North America and on 75 samples taken at five localities in Malaysia and Singapore, including both mature secondary and primary forest. Samples in North America were spread over 3 years. In tropical Asia, the samples were taken at four time slices at least 8 months apart, scattered over a 4-year period. Total herbivore damage during the lifetime of tree leaves was estimated from the percentage area damaged in recently fallen, undecayed leaves from the forest floor, using scanner-linked software. In terms of percentage damage per leaf, the results suggest that lowland tropical forest has significantly higher leaf herbivory (5.82%) than temperate forest (5.48%). This is in accord with the general expectation that aseasonal tropical forests should have more herbivory damage. However, when percentage damage ‘per unit time of growing season’ is calculated based on an estimate of leaf lifetime in the tropics, tropical lowland herbivory damage turns out to be a fraction (about one half) of that in the temperate zone. Thus, these results tend to put in question the widely held view that herbivore damage is markedly more intense in the tropics. Over total leaf lifetime, the intensity of damage in the tropical area is only slightly higher than temperate regions. In terms of intensity of herbivory on leaves per unit of time, the opposite seems to be the case. It is uncertain which index should be taken as more significant in interpreting the selection pressure for anti-herbivore defenses in the tropics.  相似文献   

The aphid–ant mutualistic relationships are not necessarily obligate for neither partners but evidence is that such interactions provide them strong advantages in terms of global fitness. While it is largely assumed that ants actively search for their mutualistic partners namely using volatile cues; whether winged aphids (i.e., aphids’ most mobile form) are able to select ant‐frequented areas had not been investigated so far. Ant‐frequented sites would indeed offer several advantages for these aphids including a lower predation pressure through ant presence and enhanced chances of establishing mutuaslistic interactions with neighbor ant colonies. In the field, aphid colonies are often observed in higher densities around ant nests, which is probably linked to a better survival ensured by ants’ services. Nevertheless, this could also result from a preferential establishment of winged aphids in ant‐frequented areas. We tested this last hypothesis through different ethological assays and show that the facultative myrmecophilous black bean aphid, Aphis fabae L., does not orientate its search for a host plant preferentially toward ant‐frequented plants. However, our results suggest that ants reduce the number of winged aphids leaving the newly colonized plant. Thus, ants involved in facultative myrmecophilous interactions with aphids appear to contribute to structure aphid populations in the field by ensuring a better establishment and survival of newly established colonies rather than by inducing a deliberate plant selection by aphid partners based on the proximity of ant colonies.  相似文献   

Abstract We examined the potential of forest plantations to support communities of forest‐using insects when planted into an area with greatly reduced native forest cover. We surveyed the insect fauna of Eucalyptus globulus (Myrtaceae) plantations and native Eucalyptus marginata dominated remnant woodland in south‐western Australia, comparing edge to interior habitats, and plantations surrounded by a pastoral matrix to plantations adjacent to native remnants. We also surveyed insects in open pasture. Analyses focused on three major insect orders: Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera. Plantations were found to support many forest‐using insect species, but the fauna had an overall composition that was distinct from the remnant forest. The pasture fauna had more in common with plantations than forest remnants. Insect communities of plantations were different from native forest both because fewer insect species were present, and because they had a few more abundant insect species. Some of the dominant species in plantations were known forestry pests. One pest species (Gonipterus scutellatus) was also very abundant in remnant forest, although it was only recently first recorded in Western Australia. It may be that plantation forestry provided an ecological bridge that facilitated invasion of the native forest by this nonendemic pest species. Plantation communities had more leaf‐feeding moths and beetles than remnant forests. Plantations also had fewer ants, bees, evanioid wasps and predatory canopy beetles than remnants, but predatory beetles were more common in the understory of plantations than remnants. Use of broad spectrum insecticides in plantations might limit the ability of these natural enemies to regulate herbivore populations. There were only weak indications of differences in composition of the fauna at habitat edges and no consistent differences between the fauna of plantations adjacent to remnant vegetation and those surrounded by agriculture, suggesting that there is little scope for managing biodiversity outcomes by choosing different edge to interior ratios or by locating plantations near or far from remnants.  相似文献   

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