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Large‐scale ecological restoration programs across the world involve a voluminous demand for native seeds of diverse native plant species. In this article, we explore how institutional systems have operated and impacted native seed supply in Brazil. Native seed supply for restoration is essentially a community‐based activity which faces broad barriers to operating within regulations because of requirements for excessive and costly technical documentation, scarcity of seed laboratories, and lack of instructions for native seed quality testing. Although decentralized seed networks have stimulated arrangements for local organizations to promote seed supply, policies constrain the development of local capacities and the ongoing sustainability of these organizations. These conditions have resulted in a vast network of informal collectors and producers who are largely “invisible” and unknown to the regulatory authorities. Policies have decentralized responsibilities from the state without devolving decision‐making power to the multiple stakeholders engaged in policy elaboration. The policies maintain the centralized regulation of native seed supply. After examining Brazilian seed networks' experiences and conducting discussions with stakeholders and experts, we suggest adapting the current regulations to more local level contexts, encompassing the following strategies: (1) ensuring native seed origin and identity; (2) relaxation of the laboratory accreditation process for native seed quality assurance; (3) fostering seed markets for restoration; (4) research to provide technological innovation; (5) supporting local, diverse, and small seed‐based businesses.  相似文献   

Defining the reference system for restoration projects in regions characterized by complex vegetation mosaics is challenging. Here we use the Cerrado region of Brazil as an example of the importance of clearly defining multiple natural and anthropogenically altered states in grassland‐savanna‐forest mosaics. We define three main, natural vegetation types–grassland, savanna, and scleromorphic (cerradão) forest–to (1) distinguish between original and degraded states and (2) set appropriate targets for and guide restoration. We contend that the differences in Cerrado vegetation composition originally were driven by soil conditions and secondarily by fire frequency and precipitation patterns that differ from the core to the edge of the Cerrado region. Grasslands are found on the shallowest, least fertile soils and/or in waterlogged soils; scleromorphic forests are generally located on deeper, more fertile soils; and savannas occupy an intermediate position. In recent decades, this biophysical template has been overlain by a range of human land‐use intensities that strongly affect resilience, resulting in alternative anthropogenic states. For example, areas that were originally scleromorphic forest are likely to regenerate naturally following low‐ or medium‐intensity land use due to extensive resprouting of woody plants, whereas grassland restoration requires reintroduction of grass and forb species that do not tolerate soil disturbance and exotic grass competition. Planting trees into historic grasslands results in inappropriate restoration targets and often restoration failure. Correctly identifying original vegetation types is critical to most effectively allocate scarce restoration funding.  相似文献   


The potential recovery of ground vegetation in a pinewood at Glen Garry, from which introduced tree species had been removed, was studied by sampling the upper soil seed bank and comparing the species composition of germinating seedlings with extant vegetation. Mean numbers and species of seedlings emerging differed between a control site (not under-planted) and two formerly under-planted sites cleared at different times. Germinating seedling numbers also differed with depth (0–10 cm). Calluna vulgaris and Juncus spp. dominated fifteen species germinating from the seed bank, while some other pinewood species were not found. Although seedling pine occurred, their survival will be affected by competition from Betula spp. and Deschampsia flexuosa. Other elements of the vegetation will recover from the seed bank or by migration, their distribution being influenced by topographic variations and the nature of the developing tree stand. Timing of clearance of exotics in relation to pine seed production and soil scarification might accelerate recovery of the pinewood flora generally.  相似文献   

Community‐based conservation models have been widely implemented across Africa to improve wildlife conservation and livelihoods of rural communities. In Tanzania, communities can set aside land and formally register it as Wildlife Management Area (WMA), which allows them to generate revenue via consumptive or nonconsumptive utilization of wildlife. The key, yet often untested, assumption of this model is that economic benefits accrued from wildlife motivate sustainable management of wildlife. To test the ecological effectiveness (here defined as persistence of wildlife populations) of Burunge Wildlife Management Area (BWMA), we employed a participatory monitoring approach involving WMA personnel. At intermittent intervals between 2011 and 2018, we estimated mammal species richness and population densities of ten mammal species (African elephant, giraffe, buffalo, zebra, wildebeest, waterbuck, warthog, impala, Kirk's dik‐dik, and vervet monkey) along line transects. We compared mammal species accumulation curves and density estimates with those of time‐matched road transect surveys conducted in adjacent Tarangire National Park (TNP). Mammal species richness estimates were similar in both areas, yet observed species richness per transect was greater in TNP compared to BWMA. Species‐specific density estimates of time‐matched surveys were mostly not significantly different between BWMA and TNP, but elephants occasionally reached greater densities in TNP compared to BWMA. In BWMA, elephant, wildebeest, and impala populations showed significant increases from 2011 to 2018. These results suggest that community‐based conservation models can support mammal communities and densities that are similar to national park baselines. In light of the ecological success of this case study, we emphasize the need for continued efforts to ensure that the BWMA is effective. This will require adaptive management to counteract potential negative repercussions of wildlife populations on peoples' livelihoods. This study can be used as a model to evaluate the effectiveness of wildlife management areas across Tanzania.  相似文献   

Summary The landscape modification model proposed by McIntyre and Hobbs (1999) was used to assess the modification of Tasmania’s native vegetation and its potential implications for biodiversity conservation. The inclusion of new ‘substates’ in the model allowed the varying degrees of landscape variegation and fragmentation observed in Tasmania to be quantified. The mapped extent of Tasmania’s native vegetation is approximately 5.06 million ha or 74% of the land area. The extent of native vegetation varies across bioregions from a low of around 36% in the Tasmanian Northern Midlands bioregion to a high of 94% in the Tasmanian West bioregion. Overall, the Tasmanian landscape can be described as medium variegated as the State retains 76% cover of native vegetation, by area. Two of Tasmania’s nine bioregions are in an intact state, four are variegated, and three are fragmented. Seven of the State’s 48 catchments are in an intact state, 24 catchments are variegated, and 17 are fragmented. Tasmania was estimated to support 33 760 patches of native vegetation. Fewer than 3% of these patches exceed 50 ha in area. Small and medium patches occur predominantly on freehold land with grazing as a major land use, whereas large patches occur predominantly on crown land with conservation and production forestry as the major land uses. One feature of the State’s native vegetation is the large tract of native vegetation ecosystems in western Tasmania. Opportunities arise to sustain the resilience of these native ecosystems both by consolidating the formal protection of vegetation within catchments such as the Arthur and Pieman and by strengthening environmental management in adjacent areas. Bioregions and catchments where climate change may be of particular concern for biodiversity conservation and management include the Tasmanian Northern Midlands bioregion and Cam catchment in north‐western Tasmania. The maintenance and enhancement of patches of remnant vegetation in these areas will be challenging and appears likely to require strategic, multiscale and coordinated natural resource management over decades. Limiting the loss of native vegetation across the entire range of landscape states in Tasmania appears essential to mitigate the further decline of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Many renaturation projects and compensation areas are based on the use of seeds from regional indigenous wild plants; in the following: native or regional seeds. Despite this, such seeds make up only a small proportion of the total number of seeds used for greening projects; in Germany, for example, it is only around 1% (=200 t per year). Although the market for regional seeds is small, it is highly competitive. High‐priced native seeds compete with flower mixes of unspecified origin and can only be differentiated from them by reliable quality seals. A quality assurance system based on seed legislation (EU Directive 2010/60, preservation mixtures) has been developed in a few European countries. However, quality assurance ends with the sale of the seeds. Thus, seed use remains unmonitored, and often unsuitable material, or material foreign to the region, is planted in restoration areas. Unfortunately, nature conservation has not made seed‐based restoration one of its key issues, neither at the European nor at the national level. Currently there are many different local and regional standards, methods and private certificates that are confusing for users and which provide little continuity and predictability for producers. We recommend the establishment of an EU directive or a broadly agreed recommendation to the EU member states, spearheaded by nature conservation, which would define the standards for producing and using native seeds (e.g. harmonised regions that cross national borders, quality regulations). At the same time, wild plant interest groups should combine existing structures in order to strengthen seed‐based restoration through international cooperation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to report the presence of a three non‐native hybrid long‐whiskered catfishes (family Pimelodidae) in the Upper Paraná River basin, Brazil. Genetic analyses demonstrated that the three presumptive hybrids were a result of the crossbreeding of Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum (central Amazonas River basin and Lower Paraná River) and Leiarius marmoratus (Amazonas, Essequibo and Orinoco rivers), producing a hybrid commonly known in Brazil as cachandiá. The potential threat to biodiversity, due to possible genetic contamination, competition and predation of wild stocks, of such artificially produced hybrid fishes is discussed.  相似文献   

In the Loess Plateau region, soil erosion is a serious problem. Vegetation restoration is an effective approach to control soil erosion and improve ecosystems. The soil seed bank generally plays an important role in vegetation restoration after disturbance. Thus, we reviewed soil seed bank studies to reveal the soil seed bank characteristics and its role in vegetation restoration in three vegetation types (forest, forest‐steppe, and steppe). We selected 38 seed bank studies and analyzed several seed bank characteristics, such as seed density, species composition, and the relationship between seed size and seed bank. We also assessed the role of the soil seed bank in vegetation restoration. The soil seed bank density ranged from 2,331 ± 1,993 to 6,985 ± 4,047 seeds/m2 among the different vegetation types. In the soil seed bank, perennial herbs and grasses accounted for 51.5% of the total species. Native species that were dominant or common in the standing vegetation usually had relatively high seed bank densities. Moreover, species with smaller seeds generally had higher soil seed bank densities. The present study indicates that the soil seed bank plays a significant role in spontaneous vegetation restoration, especially during the early successional stages in abandoned slope farmlands and grazing‐excluded grasslands. However, species with large seeds or transient soil seed banks should be reintroduced through seeding to accelerate target species restoration. More studies on soil seed banks need to be conducted to comprehensively reveal their characteristics.  相似文献   

A variety of ecological systems around the world have been damaged in recent years, either by natural factors such as invasive species, storms and global change or by direct human activities such as overfishing and water pollution. Restoration of these systems to provide ecosystem services entails significant economic benefits. Thus, choosing how and when to restore in an optimal fashion is important, but has not been well studied. Here we examine a general model where population growth can be induced or accelerated by investing in active restoration. We show that the most cost‐effective method to restore an ecosystem dictates investment until the population approaches an ‘economic restoration threshold’, a density above which the ecosystem should be left to recover naturally. Therefore, determining this threshold is a key general approach for guiding efficient restoration management, and we demonstrate how to calculate this threshold for both deterministic and stochastic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Wildlife translocations have been historically plagued by failure. As more species gain endangered status, we must increase the success rate through use of pre‐emptive empirical, evidence‐based research. The main ecological risk is the potential for the relocated individuals to have competitive advantage at the recipient site, acting invasively and, potentially, outcompeting the native fauna for food, shelter or other resources. Here we investigated the ecological risk of increased population density, following a population augmentation of the pygmy bluetongue lizard (Tiliqua adelaidensis) an endangered lizard, endemic to South Australia. We experimentally increased T. adelaidensis density to ascertain if a sudden increase in T. adelaidensis density would negatively affect the abundance or body condition of the resident conspecifics and co‐existing lizard species found at the recipient site. Twenty‐four individuals, from two populations, were relocated into previously built enclosures at a recipient site in grassland habitat, north of Adelaide, South Australia. For one activity‐season pre and post the augmentation, co‐existing lizard species were sampled in an effort to detect any changes inabundance or body condition. Comparisons were also made between experimental enclosures, containing residents and translocated individuals and control enclosures, containing only residents. Using Menetia greyii as a proxy for all of the competing species, our results show there was no reduction in abundance or body condition post augmentation. Our lack of evidence indicating a negative impact of the T. adelaidensis translocation on the body condition and abundance of the resident lizard species is a positive outcome for future conservation of this species. This study provides a new way of approaching wildlife movements, through identification of potential risks using small‐scale translocations in an enclosed area before conducting large‐scale releases into unfenced areas; the results are intended to facilitate higher translocation success rates and limit the negative effects upon the wider ecological community at recipient sites.  相似文献   

Two different approaches currently prevail for predicting spatial patterns of species assemblages. The first approach (macroecological modelling, MEM) focuses directly on realized properties of species assemblages, whereas the second approach (stacked species distribution modelling, S‐SDM) starts with constituent species to approximate the properties of assemblages. Here, we propose to unify the two approaches in a single ‘spatially explicit species assemblage modelling’ (SESAM) framework. This framework uses relevant designations of initial species source pools for modelling, macroecological variables, and ecological assembly rules to constrain predictions of the richness and composition of species assemblages obtained by stacking predictions of individual species distributions. We believe that such a framework could prove useful in many theoretical and applied disciplines of ecology and evolution, both for improving our basic understanding of species assembly across spatio‐temporal scales and for anticipating expected consequences of local, regional or global environmental changes. In this paper, we propose such a framework and call for further developments and testing across a broad range of community types in a variety of environments.  相似文献   

Summary In a recent piece in EMR, Burbidge et al. discussed some major impediments to linking research and practice in ecological restoration and management. They identified a lack of collaboration between research and practice, poor communication, inappropriate funding and political timelines, change inertia and a lack of capacity as major barriers to improving restoration praxis. They suggest capacity building, communication, collaboration and involving key stakeholders through an iterative cycle of research to management will improve the translation of research into practice (Ecological Management and Restoration 12, 2011, 54). While we agree with the barriers and recommendations identified, they did not consider how the multifaceted motivations embodied in the practice and social context of restoration shape the research–practice nexus. Given the diversity of actors involved in conservation activities, and the focus on conservation on private land and landscape‐scale connectivity in government policy, this is a significant oversight. We suggest it is vital to draw attention to these multifaceted motivations when discussing implementation challenges. This piece draws on our collective insights from three doctoral research projects examining the science, practice and social dimensions of ecological restoration and management in Australia. Our intention is to outline some of the social and contextual influences shaping restoration practice to demonstrate the importance of dialogue between researchers, practitioners and landholders around the goals and expectations of restoration and management interventions. We suggest this is an important aspect of improving the conversation between the actors involved in restoration research, policy and practice.  相似文献   

Claimants and industry professionals frequently view conflict that arises in the course of a native title claim as a detriment to timely claims resolution. I argue instead that disputation itself may constitute an integrative social process through which participants define, delimit and reproduce community. I show also how ethnographic analysis of disputation can provide useful insights into broader social and cultural practices and normative value systems. Drawing on theoretical and methodological concerns with human agency and the integrative and constitutive role of conflict that challenges consensus models of community, I develop a practice‐centred approach that is attentive to the ways that participants in a dispute articulate and contest the definition of community. The possibility of viewing 'culture' and group cohesion as contingent and emergent through disputation should assist anthropologists working in the native title field to incorporate conflict as a productive aspect of social and cultural practice.  相似文献   

In the face of rapid environmental and cultural change, long‐term ecological research (LTER) and social‐ecological research (LTSER) are more important than ever. LTER contributes disproportionately to ecology and policy, evidenced by the greater proportion of LTER in higher impact journals and the disproportionate representation of LTER in reports informing policymaking. Historical evidence has played a significant role in restoration projects and it will continue to guide restoration into the future, but its use is often hampered by lack of information, leading to considerable uncertainties. By facilitating the storage and retrieval of historical information, LTSER will prove valuable for future restoration.  相似文献   

The European Water Framework Directive requires ecological status classification and monitoring of surface and ground water bodies using biological indicators. To fulfill the demands of the Directive, a macrophyte‐based assessment system was developed for application on four lake site types in Germany. Biological lake site types were established using differences in characteristic macrophyte communities, reflecting ecoregion, Ca2+ content, mixis and morphology. Ecological status classification of lake sites is based on macrophyte abundance along 275 transects in 95 natural German lakes and the calculation of a reference index value, in some cases supplemented by submerged vegetation data. The reference index quantifies the deviation of species composition and abundance from reference conditions and classifies sites to one of the five ecological quality classes specified in the Directive. Based on an example of Lake Chiemsee, Germany, the possibilities for a wholelake assessment are discussed. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

It has been almost 15 years since concerns about the limited capacity of remnant native vegetation to supply the volumes of seed required to meet increasing restoration demands were first raised. Since that time little progress has been made towards addressing this constraint with the ongoing decline of native vegetation communities, especially since 2000, further challenging seed supply. We provide examples of the size of this demand for seed, as well as major issues associated with seed sourcing. We also discuss how invoking the concept of market forces to drive seed supply and demand is inappropriate and highlight the need for an industry body to oversee seed collection and utilisation standards. We further propose key actions that are required to secure the seed supply chain within the next 20 years to meet existing and future restoration targets. We argue that concerted, coordinated action at Commonwealth, State and regional levels are required to underpin effective future restoration outcomes.  相似文献   

A survey was carried out on four stands of a chalk grassland (open, intensively grazed, tall and scrub) in order to monitor the permanent soil seed bank under various management regimes responsible for the decline of the ecological interest of this ecosystem. There was no real similarity between the seed banks and the associated vegetation, except in the intensively grazed stand. When vegetation changes, seed banks appear to be quite stable and are mostly dominated by three species (Centaurium erythraea, Origanum vulgare, Hypericum perforatum). The seed bank seems to be quite useless in order to restore a species-rich community after both grazing intensification or abandonment. Because recolonization processes are the critical factor, the management of species-rich grassland has to be designed with a view to preserving a given plant community as well as to improving dispersion processes from a source to target areas.  相似文献   

Deserts shrubs are well known to facilitate vegetation aggregation, mostly through seed trapping, and stress amelioration during and after plant establishment. Because vegetation aggregation effects are a by‐product of shrub presence, beneficiary species may not only be native, but also exotic. However, despite the high risk that exotic invasive species pose to ecosystem services, little is known of the role of desert shrubs on plant invasions. We assessed the influence of two shrub species on the non‐dormant soil seed bank (i.e. the number of seeds that readily germinate with sufficient water availability) of an invasive annual grass (Schismus barbatus) and of coexisting native species in a central‐northern Monte Desert (Argentina). Soil samples were collected beneath the canopies of two dominant shrub species (Bulnesia retama and Larrea divaricata) and in open spaces (i.e. intercanopies) in May 2001. Overall, the density of germinated seedlings of Schismus and that of the native species were negatively associated across microsite types. Schismus density was similar to that of all native species pooled together (mostly annuals), and was highest in Larrea samples (with no significant differences between Bulnesia and intercanopies). On the contrary, the density of all native species pooled together was highest in Bulnesia samples. Our results suggest that shrubs may contribute to plant invasions in our study system but, most importantly, they further illustrate that this influence can be species specific. Further research is needed to assess the relative importance of in situ seed production (and survival) and seed redistribution on soil seed bank spatial patterns.  相似文献   

Prions are suspected as pathogen of the fatal transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Strategies to access homogenous prion protein (PrP) are required to fully comprehend the molecular mechanism of prion diseases. However, the polypeptide fragments from PrP show a high tendency to form aggregates, which is a gigantic obstacle of protein synthesis and purification. In this study, murine prion sequence 90 to 230 that is the core three‐dimensional structure domain was constructed from three segments murine PrP (mPrP)(90–177), mPrP(178–212), and mPrP(213–230) by combining protein expression, chemical synthesis and chemical ligation. The protein sequence 90 to 177 was obtained from expression and finally converted into the polypeptide hydrazide by chemical activation of a cysteine in the tail. The other two polypeptide fragments of the C‐terminal were obtained by chemical synthesis, which utilized the strategies of isopeptide and pseudoproline building blocks to complete the synthesis of such difficult sequences. The three segments were finally assembled by sequentially using native chemical ligation. This strategy will allow more straightforward access to homogeneously modified PrP variants. Copyright © 2017 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We are clarifying how the functional embryo growth occurs in germinating seeds of Solanum lycocarpum A. St.‐Hil., a nurse plant with a central role in forest dynamics in the Cerrado (a biodiversity hotspot). For that, we used classical seed germination measurements (germinability, mean germination time, mean germination rate, coefficient of variation of the germination time, synchronisation index and germination time range) and gene expression of mRNA codifying key proteins/enzymes for the success in the seed–seedling transition (Cyclin, Actin, Small Heat Shock Protein, Glutathione S‐transferase, Malate Dehydrogenase, Alcohol Dehydrogenase). Our findings demonstrate: (a) Although germination kinetics in S. lycocarpum seeds is slower than that in tomato seeds, the fold change of genes codifying key enzymes for the embryo development is similar in germinating seeds of both species. (b) The genes used here are useful, from a technical point of view, for classifying commercial seed samples of the species in relation to physiological quality. More notably, cyclin and malate dehydrogenase genes have a greater expression, both in germination sensu stricto and in immediate post‐germination. (c) A molecular framework for the embryo growth in germinating seeds of S. lycocarpum can be a functional explication for the species to be a nurse plant. Thus, the overlapping of classical and contemporary measurements is especially interesting to those species playing a central role in the environment, such as nurse plants, and may represent a new conservationist paradigm.  相似文献   

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