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One of the Borrelia burgdorferi virulence determinants, annotated as Lmp1, is a surface‐exposed, conserved, and potential multi‐domain protein involved in various functions in spirochete infectivity. Lmp1 contributes to host–pathogen interactions and evasion of host adaptive immunity by spirochetes. Here, we show that in diverse B. burgdorferi species, Lmp1 exists as distinct, region‐specific, and lower molecular mass polypeptides encompassing 1 or more domains, including independent N‐terminal and middle regions and a combined middle and C‐terminal region. These polypeptides originate from complex posttranslational maturation events, partly supported by a periplasmic serine protease termed as BbHtrA. Although spirochete persistence in mice is independently supported by domain‐specific Lmp1 polypeptides, transmission of B. burgdorferi from ticks to mammals requires essential contributions from both N‐terminal and middle regions. Interference with the functions of Lmp1 domains or their complex posttranslational maturation events may aid in development of novel therapeutic strategies to combat infection and transmission of pathogens.  相似文献   

Jacobs JM  Yang X  Luft BJ  Dunn JJ  Camp DG  Smith RD 《Proteomics》2005,5(5):1446-1453
The Borrelia burgdorferi spirochete is the causative agent of Lyme disease, the most common tick-borne disease in the United States. It has been studied extensively to help understand its pathogenicity of infection and how it can persist in different mammalian hosts. We report the proteomic analysis of the archetype B. burgdorferi B31 strain and two other strains (ND40, and JD-1) having different Borrelia pathotypes using strong cation exchange fractionation of proteolytic peptides followed by high-resolution, reversed phase capillary liquid chromatography coupled with ion trap tandem mass spectrometric analysis. Protein identification was facilitated by the availability of the complete B31 genome sequence. A total of 665 Borrelia proteins were identified representing approximately 38% coverage of the theoretical B31 proteome. A significant overlap was observed between the identified proteins in direct comparisons between any two strains (>72%), but distinct differences were observed among identified hypothetical and outer membrane proteins of the three strains. Such a concurrent proteomic overview of three Borrelia strains based upon only the B31 genome sequence is shown to provide significant insights into the presence or absence of specific proteins and a broad overall comparison among strains.  相似文献   

Borrelia burgdorferi possesses a collagenolytic activity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract Lyme disease is a multisystemic disorder caused by Borrelia burgdorferi , an invasive spirochete. B. burgdorferi has a predilection for collagenous tissue and one major clinical manifestation of the disease is arthritis. We have identified a collagenolytic activity in B. burgdorferi detergent lysates using iodinated gelatin as well as iodinated pepsinized human collagen types II and IV as protein substrates. In addition, we describe several proteolytic activities in B. burgdorferi with molecular masses greater than 200 kDa on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels containing copolymerized gelatin. We propose that the collagenolytic activity of B. burgdorferi has a role in invasion, in the pathogenesis of Lyme arthritis, and perhaps also in other manifestations of Lyme borreliosis.  相似文献   

Borrelia burgdorferi encodes a functional homolog of canonical Lon protease termed Lon-2. To date, the contribution of Lon-2 to B. burgdorferi fitness and infection remains unexplored. Herein, we showed that expression of lon-2 was highly induced during animal infection, suggesting that Lon-2 is important for B. burgdorferi infection. We further generated a lon-2 deletion mutant. Compared with that of wild-type (WT) strain, the infectivity of the mutant was severely attenuated in a murine infection model. Although no growth defect was observed for the mutant in normal BSK-II medium, resistance of the lon-2 mutant to osmotic stress was markedly reduced. In addition, when exposed to tert-Butyl hydroperoxide, survival of the lon-2 mutant was impaired. In addition, we found that the protein levels of RpoS and RpoS-dependent OspC were decreased in the mutant. All these phenotypes were restored to WT or near-WT levels when lon-2 mutation was complemented in cis. Taken together, these results demonstrate that Lon-2 is critical for B. burgdorferi to establish infection and to cope with environmental stresses. This study provides a foundation for further uncovering the direct link between the dual roles of Lon-2 in protein quality control and bacterial pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Abstract The expression of outer surface protein C (OspC) was determined for North American Borrelia burgdorferi isolates HB19, DN127c19-2, 25015 and both low and high culture passage B31. A monoclonal antibody detected the presence of OspC protein in only two isolates, while polyclonal antiserum identified this protein in all five isolates. The ospC gene was cloned and sequenced for isolates HB19, DN127c19-2 and 25015, and compared with the published ospC sequences of other Lyme disease spirochetes. Bothe the nucleotide and amino acid sequences were found to vary as much among isolates from the same geographic area as between isolates of different species.  相似文献   

Abstract A murine monoclonal antibody, designated MA-2G9, directed against outer surface protein A (OspA) of the Lyme disease spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi , has been produced. Antibody MA-2G9, IgG1 subclass, was purified by affinity chromatography on protein G Sepharose column and used for purification of OspA antigen from Borrelia burgdorferi cell lysate. Epitope specificity was studied by Western immunoblotting, using several strains of B. burgdorferi and non-Lyme disease bacteria such as Treponema pallidum and B. hermsii . The MA-2G9 monoclonal antibody reacted specifically with recombinant OspA aas well as with native OspA in sonicated B. burgdorferi strains. No reaction was observed with T. pallidum, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and B. hermsii lysates. The MA-2G9 antibody also recognized the denatured form of OspA indicating that it is directed against sequential epitope and not conformational epitope.  相似文献   

Ixodes ricinus ticks and mice can be infected with both Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto and Borrelia garinii. The effect of coinfection with these two Borrelia species on the development of murine Lyme borreliosis is unknown. Therefore, we investigated whether coinfection with the nonarthritogenic B. garinii strain PBi and the arthritogenic B. burgdorferi sensu stricto strain B31 alters murine Lyme borreliosis. Mice simultaneously infected with PBi and B31 showed significantly more paw swelling and arthritis, long-standing spirochetemia, and higher numbers of B31 spirochetes than did mice infected with B31 alone. However, the number of PBi spirochetes was significantly lower in coinfected mice than in mice infected with PBi alone. In conclusion, simultaneous infection with B. garinii and B. burgdorferi sensu stricto results in more severe Lyme borreliosis. Moreover, we suggest that competition of the two Borrelia species within the reservoir host could have led to preferential maintenance, and a rising prevalence, of B. burgdorferi sensu stricto in European I. ricinus populations.  相似文献   

Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease, shows a great ability to adapt to different environments, including the arthropod vector, and the mammalian host. The success of these microorganisms to survive in nature and complete their enzootic cycle depends on the regulation of genes that are essential to their survival in the different environments. This review describes the current knowledge of gene expression by B. burgdorferi in the tick and the mammalian host. The functions of the differentially regulated gene products as well as the factors that influence their expression are discussed. A thorough understanding of the changes in gene expression and the function of the differentially expressed antigens during the life cycle of the spirochete will allow a better control of this prevalent infection and the design of new, second generation vaccines to prevent infection with the spirochete.  相似文献   

Growth kinetic analyses of Borrelia burgdorferi indicated that this bacterium can utilize a limited number of carbon sources for energy: the monosaccharides glucose, mannose, and N-acetylglucosamine, the disaccharides maltose and chitobiose, and glycerol. All of these carbohydrates are likely to be available to B. burgdorferi during infection of either vertebrate and arthropod hosts, enabling development of a model describing energy sources potentially used by the Lyme borreliosis spirochete during its natural infectious cycle.  相似文献   

Borrelia burgdorferi has an unusual genomic structure containing 21 plasmids. These plasmids carry genes that are essential for infectivity and survival of the spirochetes in vivo. Several plasmids are lost during cultivation in vitro, which might lead to a heterogeneous population after multiple passages and loss of infectivity in laboratory animals. Herein, we present a simple and inexpensive multiplex PCR method that detects the complete plasmid profile of B. burgdorferi B31 in just two PCR tubes.  相似文献   

Abstract The P39 antigen is a specific, highly conserved, and immunogenic protein of Lyne disease spirochetes, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. The nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding this protein was determined and found to be the first of two tandemly arranged open reading frames located on the spirochete's chromosome. These two open reading frames were designated bmpA for the gene encoding P39 and bmpB for the gene encoding the putative protein ORF2 encoded by the second open reading frame. The nucleic acid sequence identity for the two open reading frames was 62% while their deduced amino acid sequences were 52% identical. Comparison to sequence data bases demonstrated that the deduced amino acid sequences of both P39 and ORF2 were homologous to TmpC, a putative outer or cytoplasmic membrane lipoprotein of the syphilis spirochete, Treponema pallidum .  相似文献   

Because of an association of human neuroborreliosis with the development of an antibody response against an antigen in neural tissue that cross-reacts with an epitope on the flagellin protein of Borrelia burgdorferi, C3H transgenic mice were created that expressed the flagellin epitope (amino acids 213–224) as a fusion protein with myelin basic protein. The transgenic mice expressed the flagellin epitope selectively in myelinated regions of the nervous system. Both transgenic and non-transgenic mice developed an antibody response to the flagellin epitope during B. burgdorferi infection and both developed arthritis and carditis. However, no lesions were found in the central nervous system of either type of mouse for up to 8 weeks after infection. The data indicate that expression of the flagellin 213–24 epitope in mice does not result in neurologic disease, suggesting that B. burgdorferi flagellin antibodies may not be directly implicated in neuroborreliosis.  相似文献   

Abstract Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto strain 297 and B. garinii strains HP1 and 12–92 were serially subcultured for 36–50 passages in vitro for 1 year. All low-passage strains showed abundant expression of outer surface protein C (OspC) in the 22–23-kDa range, but the high-passage strains lost or showed reduced expression of OspC in comparison with the low-passage strains. The low-passage strains efficiently infected outbred ddY mice when inoculated into the hind footpad or peritoneal cavity. In contrast, the incidence of infection with the high-passage strains was low. Isolates from the bladders of mice inoculated with the high-passage strains expressed large amounts of OspC in comparison with those originally inoculated. These results indicate that OspC expression is related to the infectivity of Lyme disease borreliae.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine which rodent species serve as primary reservoirs for the Lyme disease spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi in commonly occurring woodland types in inland areas of northwestern California, and to examine whether chaparral or grassland serve as source habitats for dispersal of B. burgdorferi‐ or B. bissettii‐infected rodents into adjacent woodlands. The western gray squirrel (Sciurus griseus) was commonly infected with B. burgdorferi in oak woodlands, whereas examination of 30 dusky‐footed woodrats (Neotoma fuscipes) and 280 Peromyscus spp. mice from 13 widely‐spaced Mendocino County woodlands during 2002 and 2003 yielded only one infected woodrat and one infected deer mouse (P. maniculatus). These data suggest that western gray squirrels account for the majority of production by rodents of fed Ixodes pacificus larvae infected with B. burgdorferi in the woodlands sampled. Infections with B. burgdorferi also were rare in woodrats (0/47, 0/3) and mice (3/66, 1/6) captured in chaparral and grassland, respectively, and therefore these habitats are unlikely sources for dispersal of this spirochete into adjacent woodlands. On the other hand, B. bissettii was commonly detected in both woodrats (22/47) and mice (15/66) in chaparral. We conclude that the data from this and previous studies in northwestern California are suggestive of a pattern where inland oak‐woodland habitats harbor a B. burgdorferi transmission cycle driven primarily by I. pacificus and western gray squirrels, whereas chaparral habitats contain a B. bissettii transmission cycle perpetuated largely by I. spinipalpis, woodrats, and Peromyscus mice. The dominant role of western gray squirrels as reservoirs of B. burgdorferi in certain woodlands offers intriguing opportunities for preventing Lyme disease by targeting these animals by means of either host‐targeted acaricides or oral vaccination against B. burgdorferi.  相似文献   

Abstract Polyspecific antibodies present in ascitic fluids of mice (pMIAFs) immunized with whole Borrelia burgdorferi cells exerted borreliacidal activity in vitro when tested with complement and homologous antigen but not with heterologous B. hermsii . Similarly, monospecific mouse antibodies obtained by immunizing mice with purified preparations of outer surface protein A and B of B. burgdorferi were borreliacidal. On the contrary, mouse monospecific antibodies raised against the 41-kDa flagellar protein of B. burgdorferi did not kill borreliae in the presence of complement. A complement-mediated, in vitro, borreliacidal activity was observed in human sera from patients with Lyme disease when antibodies against OspA and/or OspB were detectable in sera by the Western blotting technique. The in vitro borreliacidal activity of human sera was evident after 14 h incubation with live B. burgdorferi spirochaetes and complement, whereas antibodies present in mouse immune ascitic fluids killed borreliae after 1 h incubation.  相似文献   

Borrelia burgdorferi Johnson et al. was first isolated from the midgut of Ixodes dammini Spielman et al. in the U.S.A. and from the midgut of I.ricinus (L.) in Europe. I.ricinus was considered to be the only tick vector of this borrelia, in Europe, until I.hexagonus Leach, the hedgehog tick, was found to harbour spirochaetes. This paper reports an evaluation of the vector competence of I.hexagonus for the spirochaete B.burgdorferi. Transovarial and trans-stadial survival were demonstrated and the spirochaete was transmitted to laboratory mice via the bites of trans-stadially infected I.hexagonus females.  相似文献   

Abstract. Many isolates of Borrelia burgdorferi have been obtained from ticks and vertebrate tissues collected in North America and continental Europe but only one established culture of United Kingdom Borrelia burgdorferi has been recorded. In this paper we report the isolation of B.burgdorferi from one of 108 tick pools representing 733 ticks and eighty-four tissue samples from twenty-six rodents collected in the U.K., and the subsequent failure to establish the isolate (from ticks collected in Fordingbridge) in culture. In contrast, using identical techniques and culture medium, B.burgdorferi was isolated from one of seven tick pools collected in Switzerland, and from a single pool of ticks collected in Slovakia, and both isolates were successfully passaged. Analysis of questing I.ricinus collected from Fordingbridge by direct immunofluorescence showed 6/32 (19%) of adults and 8/108 (7%) of nymphs were positive for B. burgdorferi , although only one nymph contained ≥ 1000 spirochaetes. To examine further the problem of isolating U.K. B.burgdorferi , twelve Ixodes ricinus tick samples from Fordingbridge, a recognized focus of Lyme disease, were subjected to isolation and culturing techniques, and the procedures monitored by use of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Whereas 11/12 samples were PCR positive after 2 weeks in culture, only one was PCR positive after 4 weeks. Motile spirochaetes were not visible by dark-field microscopy in any of the cultures. The results indicate that the standard BSK II medium routinely used to isolate and culture B. burgdorferi does not readily support the replication of the Borrelia species endemic to the U.K.  相似文献   

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