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Populations of Bachman's Sparrows (Peucaea aestivalis) have declined range‐wide since the late 1960s. Populations at the periphery of their range have exhibited some of the steepest declines, and these sparrows are now rare or extirpated over much of the northern extent of their historical range. To better understand the spatial ecology of Bachman's Sparrows in this region of decline, we examined microhabitat selection and determined the home range sizes of radio‐tagged male Bachman's Sparrows (= 37) in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina in 2014 and 2015. From April to July, we located males 1–2 times daily for 5–6 d per week. We measured vegetation structure in home ranges using 5‐m‐radius plots centered on a subset of 10 randomly selected telemetry locations as well as in available unused locations 50 m and in a random direction from each telemetry location. Mean size of home ranges (7.9 ha) was larger than estimates reported in most previous studies, with differences among studies possibly due, at least in part, to differences in the characteristics of habitats where studies were conducted. The home ranges of Bachman's Sparrows in our study had greater densities of woody and dead vegetation than unused areas. Although generally considered detrimental to the presence of Bachman's Sparrows, the presence of some woody vegetation in frequently burned (i.e., ≤ 3‐yr return interval) longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) communities like those in our study may be important in providing song perches for males and cover from attacking predators. Bachman's Sparrows in our study showed clear selection for several vegetation characteristics linked to frequent fire. Management strategies that approximate historical fire regimes in longleaf pine ecosystems should continue to be promoted as essential tools for the conservation of Bachman's Sparrows.  相似文献   

Interspecific competition is a dominant force in animal communities that induces niche shifts in ecological and evolutionary time. If competition occurs, niche expansion can be expected when the competitor disappears because resources previously inaccessible due to competitive constraints can then be exploited (i.e., ecological release). Here, we aimed to determine the potential effects of interspecific competition between the little bustard (Tetrax tetrax) and the great bustard (Otis tarda) using a multidimensional niche approach with habitat distribution data. We explored whether the degree of niche overlap between the species was a density‐dependent function of interspecific competition. We then looked for evidences of ecological release by comparing measures of niche breadth and position of the little bustard between allopatric and sympatric situations. Furthermore, we evaluated whether niche shifts could depend not only on the presence of great bustard but also on the density of little and great bustards. The habitat niches of these bustard species partially overlapped when co‐occurring, but we found no relationship between degree of overlap and great bustard density. In the presence of the competitor, little bustard's niche was displaced toward increased use of the species' primary habitat. Little bustard's niche breadth decreased proportionally with great bustard density in sympatric sites, in consistence with theory. Overall, our results suggest that density‐dependent variation in little bustard's niche is the outcome of interspecific competition with the great bustard. The use of computational tools like kernel density estimators to obtain multidimensional niches should bring novel insights on how species' ecological niches behave under the effects of interspecific competition in ecological communities.  相似文献   

Home range (HR) size variation is often linked to resource abundance, with sex differences expected to relate to sex‐specific fitness consequences. However, studies generally fail to disentangle the effects of the two main drivers of HR size variation, food and conspecific density, and rarely consider how their relative influence change over spatiotemporal scales. We used location data from 77 Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) from a 16‐year Scandinavian study to examine HR sizes variation relative to prey and conspecific density at different spatiotemporal scales. By varying the isopleth parameter (intensity of use) defining the HR, we show that sex‐specific effects were conditional on the spatial scale considered. Males had larger HRs than females in all seasons. Females' total HR size declined as prey and conspecific density increased, whereas males' total HR was only affected by conspecific density. However, as the intensity of use within the HR increased (from 90% to 50% isopleth), the relationship between prey density and area showed opposing patterns for females and males; for females, the prey density effect was reduced, while for males, prey became increasingly important. Thus, prey influenced the size of key regions within male HRs, despite total HR size being independent of prey density. Males reduced their HR size during the mating season, likely to remain close to individual females in estrous. Females reduced their HR size postreproduction probably because of movement constrains imposed by dependent young. Our findings highlight the importance of simultaneously considering resources and intraspecific interactions as HR size determinants. We show that sex‐specific demands influence the importance of prey and conspecific density on space use at different spatiotemporal scales. Thus, unless a gradient of space use intensity is examined, factors not related to total HR size might be disregarded despite their importance in determining size of key regions within the HR.  相似文献   

Aim To show that the frequently reported positive trend in the abundance–range‐size relationship does not hold true within a montane bird community of Afrotropical highlands; to test possible explanations of the extraordinary shape of this relationship; and to discuss the influence of island effects on patterns of bird abundance in the Cameroon Mountains. Location Bamenda Highlands, Cameroon, Western Africa. Methods We censused birds during the breeding season in November and December 2003 using a point‐count method and mapped habitat structure at these census points. Local habitat requirements of each species detected by point counts were quantified using canonical correspondence analysis, and the size of geographical ranges of species was measured from their distribution maps for sub‐Saharan Africa. We tested differences in abundance, niche breadth and niche position between three species groups: endemic bird species of the Cameroon Mountains, non‐endemic Afromontane species, and widespread species. Results We detected neither a positive nor negative abundance–range‐size relationship in the bird community studied. This pattern was caused by the similar abundance of widespread, endemic and non‐endemic montane bird species. Moreover, endemic and non‐endemic montane species had broader local niches than widespread species. The widespread species also used more atypical habitats, as indicated by the slightly larger values of their niche positions. Main conclusions The relationship detected between abundance and range size does not correspond with that inferred from contemporary macroecological theory. We suggest that island effects are responsible for the observed pattern. Relatively high abundances of montane species are probably caused by their adaptation to local environmental conditions, which was enabled by climatic stability and the isolation of montane forest in the Cameroon Mountains. Such a unique environment provides a less suitable habitat for widespread species. Montane species, which are abundant at present, may also have had large ranges in glacial periods, but their post‐glacial distribution may have become restricted after the retreat of the montane forest. On the basis of comparison of our results with studies describing the abundance structure of bird communities in other montane areas in the Afrotropics, we suggest that the detected patterns may be universal throughout Afromontane forests.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation results in landscape configuration, which affects the species that inhabit it. As a consequence, natural habitat is replaced by different anthropogenic plantation types (e.g. pasture, agriculture, forestry plantations and urban areas). Anthropogenic plantations are important for biodiversity maintenance because some species or functional groups can use it as a complementary habitat. However, depending on plantation permeability, it can act as a barrier to the movement of organisms between habitat patches, such as forest fragments, reducing functional connectivity for many species. Anthropogenic plantations are becoming the most common land use and cover type in the Anthropocene and biodiversity conservation in fragmented landscapes requires information on how different plantation types affect the capacity of the species to move through the landscape. In this study, we evaluated the influence of the type and structure of plantations on the movement of two forest‐dependent understory bird species – plain antvireo (Dysithamnus mentalis) and flavescent warbler (Myiothlyps flaveola) – within a highly fragmented landscape of Atlantic Forest hotspot. Knowing that forestry plantation is assumed to be more permeable to dependent forest bird species than open ones, we selected six study areas containing a forest fragment and surrounding plantation: three with sugarcane plantation and three with Eucalyptus sp. plantation. We used playback calls to stimulate the birds to leave forest fragments and traverse the plantations. Control trials were also carried out inside the forest fragments to compare the distances crossed. We observed that individuals moved longer distances inside forest than between plantation types, which demonstrate that plantations do constrict the movements of both species. The two plantation types equally impeded the movements of the species, suggesting the opposite of the general assumption that forestry plantations are more permeable. Our results indicate that, for generalist species, plantation type does not matter, but its presence negatively impacts movement of these bird species. We highlight that plantations have negative influences on the movements of common bird species, and discuss why this is important when setting conservation priorities.  相似文献   

Studies of urban wildlife are important because they can give us insight into both how animals adapt to novel environments and how some species survive and prosper in human‐dominated landscapes. Urban zoological institutions provide an ideal setting for research on such species. We report on a study of the behavior and ecology of opossums (Didelphis virginiana) on the grounds of the St. Louis Zoological Park. We used radio tracking to investigate the movement patterns and den site use of opossums on the grounds of the zoo and compared the results to data available for opossums elsewhere. We find that urban opossums in the St. Louis zoo have smaller home ranges and move shorter distances than their rural counterparts. We suggest that increased food availability and decreased risk of predation might explain such differences, and we suspect that conditions are even more favorable to opossums in a zoological setting than in cities in general. Our findings illustrate that there is much to be learned from scientific study of the free‐living animals found on zoological park grounds. Zoo Biol 00:1–17, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Many species are locally adapted to decreased habitat quality at their range margins, and therefore show genetic differences throughout their ranges. Under contemporary climate change, range shifts may affect evolutionary processes at the expanding range margin due to founder events. In addition, populations that are affected by such founder events will, in the course of time, become located in the range centre. Recent studies investigated evolutionary changes at the expanding range margin, but have not assessed eventual effects across the species' range. We explored the possible influence of range shift on the level of adaptation throughout the species' total range. For this we used a spatially explicit, individual‐based simulation model of a woodland bird, parameterized after the middle spotted woodpecker ( Dendrocopos medius) in fragmented habitat. We simulated its range under climate change, and incorporated genetic differences at a single locus that determined the individual's degree of adaptation to optimal temperature conditions. Generalist individuals had a large thermal tolerance, but relatively low overall fitness, whereas climate specialists had high fitness combined with a small thermal tolerance. In equilibrium, the populations in the range centre were comprised of the specialists, whereas the generalists dominated the margins. In contrast, under temperature increase, the generalist numbers increased at the expanding margin and eventually also occupied the centre of the shifting range, whereas the specialists were located in the retracting margins. This was caused by founder events and led to overall maladaptation of the species, which resulted in a reduced metapopulation size and thus impeded the species' persistence. We therefore found no evidence for a complementary effect of local adaptation and range shifts on species' survival. Instead, we showed that founder events can cause local maladaptation which can amplify throughout the species' range, and, as such, hamper the species' persistence under climate change.  相似文献   

Hetero‐and conspecific interactions, nutrient availability, climate, habitat heterogeneity, and disturbances can generate variation and spatial patterns of femaleness in plants. We assessed whether year, site, plant size, plant density, and canopy area of conspecific neighbors influenced the expression and spatial aggregation of femaleness in Croton aff. wagneri, a monoecious shrub from dry shrublands of the inter‐Andean valleys in Ecuador. We georeferenced in two sites (1,700 and 1,400 m.a.s.l) in five 10 × 10 m plots, within each site, the position of each Croton reproductive plant during first part of flowering season in two years, and measured their height, length, and width. The femaleness index of each plant was determined by the number of female and male buds and flowers. Plant density was determined for each plot, along with the number of neighbors and the summed canopy area of conspecific neighbors (at 1.0, 2.0, and 2.5 m radius, and the five closest plants) from each focal plant. Croton´s femaleness at the lower elevation site was greater than at the higher elevation site and increased with plant size and with canopy of the closest five neighbors. Soil at the lower elevation site had higher temperatures and lower water content. Aggregate patterns of femaleness were found in more plots at the lower elevation site. Our results indicate that location, plant size, and canopies of conspecific neighbors of Croton can affect femaleness and its aggregation and support the hypothesis that femaleness can be influenced by facilitative interactions. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

Jaguars (Panthera onca) and pumas (Puma concolor) coexist throughout the Neotropics. Using camera trapping in four Brazilian biomes, we compare the daily activity patterns of the jaguar and puma, and their relationships with their main prey species. We used a kernel density method to quantify daily activity patterns and to investigate overlap between these predators and their main prey. Both cats showed intensive nocturnal and crepuscular activity (0.69 and 0.14 kernel density, respectively, for jaguars; 0.68 and 0.19 kernel density, respectively, for pumas). Only in the Pantanal did we observe a pattern of concentrated diurnal activity for both species. We found little temporal segregation between jaguars and pumas, as they showed similar activity patterns with high coefficients of overlapping (average ?1 = 0.86; SE = 0.15). We also observed a significant overlap between the activity patterns of the predators and their main prey species, suggesting that both predators adjust their activity to reduce their foraging energy expenditure. Our findings suggest that temporal partitioning is probably not a generalized mechanism of coexistence between jaguars and pumas; instead, the partitioning of habitat/space use and food resources may play a larger role in mediating top predator coexistence. Knowledge about these behavior aspects is crucial to elucidating the factors that enable coexistence of jaguars and pumas. Furthermore, an understanding of their respective activity periods is relevant to management and associated research efforts.  相似文献   

Reeves’s Pheasant Syrmaticus reevesii is a vulnerable forest bird inhabiting broadleaved habitats dominated by oaks Quercus spp. in central China. Identifying home‐ranges and habitat associations is important for understanding the biology of this species and developing effective management and conservation plans. We used information‐theoretic criteria to evaluate the relative performance of four parametric (exponential power, one‐mode bivariate normal, two‐mode bivariate normal and two‐mode bivariate circle) and two non‐parametric models (adaptive and fixed kernel) for estimating home‐ranges and habitat associations of Reeves’s Pheasants. For parametric models, Akaike’s information criterion (AICc) and the likelihood cross‐validation criterion (CVC) were relatively consistent in ranking the bivariate exponential power model the least acceptable, whereas the two‐mode bivariate models performed better. The CVC suggested that kernel models, particularly the adaptive kernel, performed best among all six models evaluated. The average core area and 95% contour area based on the model with greatest support were 6.1 and 54.9 ha, respectively, and were larger than those estimated from other models. The discrepancy in estimates between models with highest and the lowest support decreased as the contour size increased; however, home‐range shapes differed between models. Minimum convex polygons that removed 5% of extreme data points (MCP95) were roughly half the size of home‐ranges based on kernel models. Estimates of home‐range and model evaluation were not affected by sample size (> 50 observations for each bird). Inference about habitat preference based on composition analysis and home‐range overlap varied between models. That with strongest support suggested that Reeves’s Pheasants selected mature fir and mixed forest, avoided farmland, and had mean among‐individual home‐range overlaps of 20%. We recommend non‐parametric methods, particularly the adaptive kernel method, for estimating home‐ranges and core areas for species with complex multi‐polar habitat preferences in heterogeneous environments with large habitat patches. However, we caution against the traditional convenience of using a single model to estimate home‐ranges and recommend exploration of multiple models for describing and understanding the ecological processes underlying space use and habitat associations.  相似文献   

The superb fairy‐wren, Malurus cyaneus, is one of the most iconic Australian passerine species. This species belongs to an endemic Australasian clade, Meliphagides, which diversified early in the evolution of the oscine passerines. Today, the oscine passerines comprise almost half of all avian species diversity. Despite the rapid increase of available bird genome assemblies, this part of the avian tree has not yet been represented by a high‐quality reference. To rectify that, we present the first high‐quality genome assembly of a Meliphagides representative: the superb fairy‐wren. We combined Illumina shotgun and mate‐pair sequences, PacBio long‐reads, and a genetic linkage map from an intensively sampled pedigree of a wild population to generate this genome assembly. Of the final assembled 1.07‐Gb genome, 975 Mb (90.4%) was anchored onto 25 pseudochromosomes resulting in a final superscaffold N50 of 68.11 Mb. This high‐quality bird genome assembly is one of only a handful which is also accompanied by a genetic map and recombination landscape. In comparison to other pedigree‐based bird genetic maps, we find that the fairy‐wren genetic map more closely resembles those of Taeniopygia guttata and Parus major maps, unlike the Ficedula albicollis map which more closely resembles that of Gallus gallus. Lastly, we also provide a predictive gene and repeat annotation of the genome assembly. This new high‐quality, annotated genome assembly will be an invaluable resource not only regarding the superb fairy‐wren species and relatives but also broadly across the avian tree by providing a novel reference point for comparative genomic analyses.  相似文献   

The tropical Andes represent one of the world's biodiversity hot spots, but the evolutionary drivers generating their striking species diversity still remain poorly understood. In the treeless high‐elevation Andean environments, Pleistocene glacial oscillations and niche differentiation are frequently hypothesized diversification mechanisms; however, sufficiently densely sampled population genetic data supporting this are still lacking. Here, we reconstruct the evolutionary history of Loricaria (Asteraceae), a plant genus endemic to the Andean treeless alpine zone, based on comprehensive population‐level sampling of 289 individuals from 67 populations across the entire distribution ranges of its northern Andean species. Partly incongruent AFLP and plastid DNA markers reveal that the distinct genetic structure was shaped by a complex interplay of biogeography (spread along and across the cordilleras), history (Pleistocene glacial oscillations) and local ecological conditions. While plastid variation documents an early split or colonization of the northern Andes by at least two lineages, one of which further diversified, a major split in the AFLP data correlate with altitudinal ecological differentiation. This suggests that niche shifts may be important drivers of Andean diversification not only in forest–alpine transitions, but also within the treeless alpine zone itself. The patterns of genetic differentiation at the intraspecific level reject the hypothesized separation in spatially isolated cordilleras and instead suggest extensive gene flow among populations from distinct mountain chains. Our study highlights that leveraging highly variable markers against extensive population‐level sampling is a promising approach to address mechanisms of rapid species diversifications.  相似文献   

Prior to the reintroduction of a species, managers need an understanding of the expected behavior of the species in the new habitat. How a species uses its habitat and how much space individuals require are particularly important when conservation lands are limited. Critically endangered Maui Parrotbills (Kiwikiu, Pseudonestor xanthophrys) once occupied a variety of habitats on the Hawaiian islands of Maui and Moloka‘i, but, due to habitat loss and disease, are now restricted to a fraction of their former range. To prevent their extinction, reintroducing parrotbills to historically occupied native, mesic forest on the leeward slopes of Haleakalā is considered a critical recovery action. Managers have selected Nakula Natural Area Reserve (NAR) as the site of translocation and restoration efforts are currently underway to support this goal. In addition, other species, including endemic Maui ‘Alauahio (Maui Creeper, Paroreomyza montana), may recolonize these forests naturally as the habitat improves. However, estimates of the home range sizes of focal species are needed so that managers can estimate how many individuals might be able to occupy new habitats. Our objective therefore was to estimate the home range sizes of parrotbills and ‘alauahio at three sites within their current ranges to provide estimates of typical habitat and space use patterns. Using resightings of color‐banded birds from 2007 to 2014, we calculated home ranges using minimum convex polygons and kernel density estimators. Depending on estimation technique, parrotbill home ranges were estimated to encompass 9.29 ± 1.29 (SE) ha or 9.63 ± 1.51 ha, and pairs occupied ranges of 11.8 ha or 14.5 ha. ‘Alauahio home ranges were 0.85 ± 0.09 ha or 0.87 ± 0.08 ha in size. Home range sizes varied among study sites for both species, likely reflecting the influence of local habitat attributes and quality on movement patterns and space use. Although we do not know how these species will behave in the new habitat, our estimates of home range size provide guidance for managers planning the reintroduction of parrotbills to Nakula NAR.  相似文献   

This study examined sex‐specific differences in home range size of adult Indo‐Pacific bottlenose dolphins off Bunbury, Western Australia. We applied a new kernel density estimation approach that accounted for physical barriers to movements. A Bayesian mixture model was developed to estimate a sex effect in home range size with latent group partitioning constrained by association data. A post hoc analysis investigated group partitioning relating to the proportion of time spent in open vs. sheltered waters. From 2007 to 2013, photographic‐identification data were collected along boat‐based systematic transect lines (n = 586). Analyses focused on adult dolphins of known sex (sighted ≥ 30 times; n = 22 males and 34 females). The 95% utilization distributions of males varied between 27 and 187 km2 (; 94.8 ± 48.15) and for females between 20 and 133 km2 (65.6 ± 30.9). The mixture model indicated a 99% probability that males had larger home ranges than females. Dolphins mostly sighted in open waters had larger home ranges than those in sheltered waters. Home ranges of dolphins sighted in sheltered waters overlapped with areas of highest human activity. We suggest that sex differences in home ranges are driven by male mating strategies, and home range size differences between habitats may be influenced by prey availability and predation risk.  相似文献   

Keystone species in their native ranges, eucalypts, are ecologically and genetically very diverse, growing naturally along extensive latitudinal and altitudinal ranges and variable environments. Besides their ecological importance, eucalypts are also the most widely planted trees for sustainable forestry in the world. We report the development of a novel collection of 535 microsatellites for species of Eucalyptus, 494 designed from ESTs and 41 from genomic libraries. A selected subset of 223 was evaluated for individual identification, parentage testing, and ancestral information content in the two most extensively studied species, Eucalyptus grandis and Eucalyptus globulus. Microsatellites showed high transferability and overlapping allele size range, suggesting they have arisen still in their common ancestor and confirming the extensive genome conservation between these two species. A consensus linkage map with 437 microsatellites, the most comprehensive microsatellite‐only genetic map for Eucalyptus, was built by assembling segregation data from three mapping populations and anchored to the Eucalyptus genome. An overall colinearity between recombination‐based and physical positioning of 84% of the mapped microsatellites was observed, with some ordering discrepancies and sporadic locus duplications, consistent with the recently described whole genome duplication events in Eucalyptus. The linkage map covered 95.2% of the 605.8‐Mbp assembled genome sequence, placing one microsatellite every 1.55 Mbp on average, and an overall estimate of physical to recombination distance of 618 kbp/cM. The genetic parameters estimates together with linkage and physical position data for this large set of microsatellites should assist marker choice for genome‐wide population genetics and comparative mapping in Eucalyptus.  相似文献   

Alnus acuminata is a keystone tree species in the Yungas forests and host to a wide range of fungal symbionts. While species distribution models (SDMs) are routinely used for plants and animals to study the effects of climate change on montane forest communities, employing SDMs in fungi has been hindered by the lack of data on their geographic distribution. The well‐known host specificity and common biogeographic history of A. acuminata and associated ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi provide an exceptional opportunity to model the potential habitat for this symbiotic assemblage and to predict possible climate‐driven changes in the future. We (1) modeled the present and future distributions of suitable habitats for A. acuminata; (2) characterized fungal communities in different altitudinal zones of the Yungas using DNA metabarcoding of soil and root samples; and (3) selected fungi that were significant indicators of Alnus. Fungal communities were strongly structured according to altitudinal forest types and the presence of Alnus. Fungal indicators of Alnus, particularly ECM and root endophytic fungi, were also detected in Alnus roots. Current and future (year 2050) habitat models developed for A. acuminata predict a 25–50 percent decrease in suitable area and an upslope shift of the suitable habitat by ca. 184–380 m, depending on the climate change scenario. Although A. acuminata is considered to be an effective disperser, recent studies suggest that Andean grasslands are remarkably resistant to forest invasion, and future range contraction for A. acuminata may be even more pronounced than predicted by our models.  相似文献   

Cannibalism (CANN) and intraguild predation (IGP) may provide energy and nutrients to individuals and eliminate potential competitors. These negative competitive interactions could also affect the coexistence of predatory species. The co‐occurrence of aphidophagous ladybird species in crops creates opportunities for CANN and IGP, especially when aphids become scarce. The Lotka–Volterra model predicts the coexistence of two species if intraspecific competition is stronger than interspecific interference interactions. Cycloneda sanguinea L. and Eriopis connexa (Germar) (both Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) coexist in sweet pepper crops in La Plata (Argentina) consuming mainly Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). The present study used laboratory experiments to estimate levels of CANN and IGP by adults and larvae on eggs, and by adults on larvae, in both the presence and absence of prey (i.e., M. persicae), to explain the effect of prey on coexistence of these two predators. Levels of CANN by C. sanguinea and E. connexa were high in the absence of aphids, and decreased when prey was present. Intraguild predation was bidirectional and asymmetric. Adults and larvae of E. connexa were more voracious IG predators of C. sanguinea than vice versa, the former being the stronger IG predator and interference competitor. Eriopis connexa always won when larvae of the same instar were compared, whereas the larger larva always won when larvae were of different instars, regardless of species. In the presence of prey, CANN by both species decreased, but IGP by E. connexa on C. sanguinea remained high, suggesting that E. connexa could displace C. sanguinea via interspecific interference competition. Other factors potentially affecting the coexistence of C. sanguinea and E. connexa in sweet pepper crops are discussed.  相似文献   

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